Contract for lifting a young specialist. What payments are due to a young specialist

After graduating from higher educational institution former students are faced with the problem of employment in their specialty. Nobody needs even graduates with red diplomas. Most employers do not want to hire young professionals without work experience. This problem became larger. In order to solve it and attract young cadres to enterprises, plants, factories and companies, the state has created special programs for young graduates.

The payment of lifting to a young specialist, as well as who has the right to material assistance, will be discussed in this article.

Who is considered a young professional

Young professionals are students who have graduated full course secondary special or higher education. They must be trained at a day hospital and at the expense of the state budget. This status is assigned for a year from the date of graduation.

A graduate is sent to work by distribution, that is, in accordance with the law. It is accepted immediately permanent job without internship. All conditions must be met to obtain the status of "young specialist". This is the Labor Code, lifting payments Art. 70 of the Law of the Russian Federation regulates the relationship between the employer and the young employee.

Responsibilities of the employer and young worker

When employing a young specialist, the employer must pay an allowance in the amount of 3 tariff rates of the 1st category, as well as pay wages in the amount of at least 80% of the average monthly salary. If the employee does not have a place of residence, then the employer is obliged to provide housing from the fund of corporate temporary housing. An employee without experience has the right to ask the employer for financial assistance at the birth of a child, marriage, and child care allowance is also due.

Graduate after conclusion employment contract must work for the company for 2 years. If he decides to quit, he will have to return to the state compensation for his education and training on the job. It is possible to dismiss a specialist without experience in the TC only if the organization is liquidated, or due to the health of the specialist, which does not allow him to perform work duties.

But in most cases, companies cannot provide a specialist without experience with full social package. Graduates themselves, upon graduation, try to get a job on their own, therefore they do not receive the status of "Young Specialist".

What payments can a young specialist receive?

Such employees are financially supported by the state. Social payments of the state are divided into two categories:

  1. The lump sum is legally required to be paid at the end of the term. labor contract. If the employee himself writes a letter of resignation, then he will have to return the social money to the state budget.
  2. Starting from 2012, the young specialist's lifting allowance is accrued to those employees who graduated from an educational institution in 2011 and in the following years.

Elevation payment to a young specialist

On June 22, 2012, the state adopted Decree No. 821 on incentive payments for material support of young and inexperienced employees. The payment of lifting to a young specialist should be accrued within the first month from the date of signing the employment contract. Dimensions financial assistance depend on the specialty and position. If a graduate moves to another city or village, payments will be cancelled.

The purpose of such a project is to attract young, energetic and full of ideas graduates to work in their specialty. Also, an additional benefit and social assistance is a social program for the purchase of housing. To obtain housing, you must work in one organization for more than 5 years and need an apartment.

How should an order for the payment of lifting to a young specialist be drawn up (sample)

The accrual of lifting payments is carried out on the basis of an order. The employer must independently draw it up and warn the employee. The employee needs to sign the order only after familiarization. Application, copy of diploma and copy work book(it indicates the date of registration for work), certified by a notary, is attached to the order. Documents for accrual financial assistance:

  1. Order issued by the employer. It approves Appendix 1 “On the procedure and conditions for additional payments to an employee without work experience”, as well as Appendix 2. At the end of the order, the date and signature of the head of the department are put.
  2. Appendix 1 “On the procedure and conditions for additional payments to an employee without work experience” is attached to the order. Contains general position, order of appointment and amount of payments.
  3. Appendix 2 to the order is an application for financial assistance written by a young employee.

Cash payment for teachers

The payment of lifting to a young specialist - teachers, is carried out on certain conditions. Criteria for receiving financial assistance:

  • the teacher must be no older than 35 years;
  • immediately after graduation, the graduate is obliged to get a job;
  • an employment contract must be signed for 3 years or more;
  • Experience in the specialty is required to obtain a preferential mortgage.

The size of the lift depends on the city and on the size of the scholarship that the student received during his studies. Teachers without experience can pay three types social assistance:

  1. One time payment. Its amount is from 20 thousand to 100 thousand rubles.
  2. Addition to wages. In the capital, the increase is 40% of the basic rate, and for graduates with honors - 50%.
  3. Mortgages on preferential terms. A certain part of the mortgage is paid by the state.

All benefits that accrue for support are tax-free. To obtain housing on preferential terms, it is necessary to add a certificate to the general set of documents, which confirms the need for an apartment. The only disadvantage of preferential housing is the payment of the first installment in the amount of 30% of the total price of housing.

Cash payments to doctors

Elevation payments to young medical professionals can vary. This category of specialists has federal support. Lifting payments to young specialists-doctors reach 1 million rubles. subject to a number of conditions:

  • higher medical education;
  • age up to 50 years;
  • moving to the village with employment for 5 years or more.

A one-time payment is due only to doctors who have completed their internship. Lifting payments to young specialists-nurses, paramedics are not paid. They are not eligible to participate in the Zemsky Doctor program. The main goal of the Zemsky Doctor program is an incentive payment for medical professionals who work in rural areas.

Financial assistance is paid by the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (MHIF). Within 3 days, the MHIF forms the payment. In 2016, 60% was paid by the federal budget and 40% by the regional budget.

To receive financial assistance, a physician must send the necessary set of documents to the MHIF. List of required documents:

  • the passport;
  • certificate of higher education;
  • certificate confirming the completion of residency;
  • a certificate confirming work in a medical institution;
  • statement, which was concluded with the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

It is necessary to have not only original documents, but also copies certified by a notary.

Cash assistance to agricultural workers

Due to the low standard of living, today there are few specialists who want to work in the villages. Lifting payments to young professionals Agriculture is the encouragement and attraction of young workers in the agricultural sector. The amount of payments is determined by the specialty and district.

From 2002 to 2020 there is a program to improve the living standards of the inhabitants of villages and villages. In accordance with it, citizens will receive subsidies.

A program has been created for young professionals that provides assistance in acquiring housing in the village. You can use this program only once. Young professionals are given a subsidy in the form of a soft loan, where the interest rate is 5% per year. The employee needs to contribute about 30% of his funding, since the amount of the subsidy is no more than 70%.

Participants must meet certain eligibility criteria to be eligible for the Young Professional Housing Program. Program conditions:

  • not older than 35 years;
  • live permanently in the village;
  • have a document that confirms the need for an apartment or house;
  • you need to have a certificate confirming the existence of Money in the amount of 30% of the cost of housing;
  • diploma of completion of secondary or higher education;
  • have a document that confirms employment upon completion of training within 3 months;
  • work in the organization for more than 3 years.

Lump sum payments in 2017

Changes in 2017 on lifting payments for budget workers no. The amounts of all material benefits are set at the federal or regional level and are not subject to indexation. They can increase only because of the growth of the wages of the worker.

Payments to young workers are accrued once a year for 3 years. Novosibirsk, Ufa and Nizhny Novgorod the first payment is 40 thousand rubles, the second - 35 thousand rubles, and the third - 30 thousand rubles. In large cities, St. Petersburg and Moscow, the amount of accruals is much higher, as the standard of living and average earnings are higher.

After graduating from an educational institution, graduates face the problem of finding suitable job according to the received specialty. Usually large companies, enterprises and firms prefer to hire specialists with experience. Because of this, young specialists look for other jobs and get jobs that are not in their specialty.

To motivate graduates to work in their specialty, they need help in finding employment. To help and stimulate the state began to accrue lifting to young professionals. Who is entitled to receive additional funds (lifting), what are the amounts of benefits, and how state assistance can be issued - all this and much more is described in this article.

Who is considered a young specialist

In Russia, at the federal level, the rights of a young specialist are regulated only by the normative legal act of Art. 70 TK. According to this act, the employer cannot accept graduates for internships. A young specialist is immediately enrolled in the state without a probationary period.

The definition of "young specialist" is not defined in the Labor Code, nor is it in other laws. Only a normative legal act helps to identify the criteria for this status:

  • the age of the candidate must be no more than thirty-five years;
  • higher or middle professional education, which was received at a day hospital in an institution with accreditation;
  • employment within three months after graduation.

Benefits for young professionals and lump-sum payments are established and regulated by industry agreements by the relevant departments. At non-state enterprises, social support occurs on the basis of the regulatory legal acts of this institution. Therefore, during employment for work and signing the contract, you must carefully read collective agreement enterprises. It prescribes all the conditions for obtaining benefits for young professionals.

young specialist

Up to what age can you apply for lifting young professionals? Depending on the region, the age of an employee without work experience should be up to 30 - 35 years. This status is issued once and is fixed for three years after the signing of the employment contract. There are cases when the status can be increased to six years:

  • if the employee is on maternity leave;
  • when there was an urgent call for service;
  • if the employee is a full-time postgraduate student.

Conditions for receiving social assistance for teachers

Assistance to young professionals and the payment of lifting in the field of education depends on the place of work and position. Lump sum payments throughout the country are the same. The main conditions for obtaining it:

  • the age of the applicant is not more than 30-35 years;
  • the presence of a diploma that was obtained by an institution with state accreditation;
  • signing an employment contract within three months after receiving a diploma.

Payment types

How much lifting can be accrued to young professionals, and what types of material assistance are there? Cash amounts can be paid in the following forms:

  1. One-time payment. Issued once during the device in the state. Its size is from 20,000 to 100,000. For teachers in the capital, assistance is set at a rate of one hundred thousand rubles, and for teachers from St. Petersburg, this assistance is 50,000 rubles.
  2. Added surcharge to This assistance is calculated as a percentage of salary. In the capital, the percentage coefficient is 40%, and for specialists with a red diploma - 50%.
  3. Issuance of preferential mortgages. Assistance to young professionals in the purchase of housing is thirty percent of the total.

To receive it, you must write an application and take it to territorial body social protection of the population at the place of employment.

Young specialist in education. Its benefits and payments on the example of two cities

A young specialist in education receives social money, the amount is different in each city. For example, the situation with accruals in two cities will be considered:

1. Moscow. In addition to a one-time cash payment, the teacher is given an allowance of 40% of the working rate or 50% - for a specialist with a red diploma, for 3 years labor work. Also in the capital, a young teacher is charged 15% compensation of the amount of the fare. If the teacher works for one and a half rates, then he will receive only one additional payment.

2. St. Petersburg. Salary supplements are not provided here, but teachers are entitled to a lump sum payment. The amount of payments in basic units (for 2015, 1 basic unit equals 8 thousand 432 rubles):

  • specialists who have a state diploma receive 6 basic units;
  • graduates who graduate with honors receive 8 basic units.

Also, for 3 years, they give monthly compensation for travel in the amount of 50% of the costs. To receive social assistance, you must write an application and take it to the social protection authority of St. Petersburg.

Types of material assistance in the countryside

A young specialist in the countryside can count on material assistance under a special program. In 2017, the “Young Specialist in the Village” program continued its work. Its main goals are to attract graduates of educational institutions to the agrarian sector. For an incentive, lifting money is charged to young professionals. There are certain conditions for candidates:

  • age must not exceed thirty-five years;
  • higher education or getting it in the near future;
  • lack of housing;
  • if housing does not meet housing standards;
  • the candidate must live in the village or be ready to move there.

They accrue lifting to young professionals if they meet all the criteria. The amount of financial assistance depends on the region. For getting sum of money the employee undertakes to work in a rural institution for at least 5 years. If an employee has worked for less than 5 years and wrote a letter of resignation, then he must return the financial assistance to the state for the unworked years.

In addition to lifting, a young specialist in the countryside can receive mortgage benefits. Also, in some regions, additional payments are charged.

Mortgage benefits in 2017

After graduation, young doctors, teachers and other professionals cannot afford to take a bank or buy a house with their own money. To motivate the state, it gives out not only lifting allowances to young professionals, but also offers mortgage benefits. This program is called "Mortgage for young professionals." In 2017, the state issues money to provide housing for former students. Mortgage benefits can be issued:

  • according to the federal program "Housing";
  • according to regional program for which the municipality is responsible;
  • on corporate program which attracts employees to long-term work.

Within the framework of the programs, a special certificate is issued. It allows you to receive certain types of support:

  • during the purchase of housing, thirty percent of the total cost is paid;
  • the candidate receives a low mortgage rate;
  • makes it possible to make an initial contribution of 10% from the subsidy funds.

If an employee moves to a rural area, they are provided with housing and a building plot.

Who can take advantage of the mortgage

Only employees who have recently completed training can participate in the program. Candidate's main criteria:

  • age not more than thirty-five years, for a researcher - not more than forty years;
  • no more than 12 months have passed since the receipt of the diploma;
  • the applicant studied at a day hospital;
  • primary employment in a specialty in a budgetary organization.

There are also special conditions for each position. A teacher must have at least 1 year of work experience to qualify for the housing allowance. The research assistant needs at least 5 years of work experience in scientific institution. Doctors are given benefits when moving to a rural area and signing an employment contract for 5 years.

Young professionals- These are people who have completed a full course of higher, as well as secondary special education. The young specialist remains so for the next year from the moment he received his diploma. To obtain this status, it is necessary to study exclusively on a full-time basis and at the expense of the regional and federal budget.

Graduate in without fail passes the final certification, after which he is awarded a state diploma. To obtain the status of “young specialist”, a graduate will have to go to work by distribution in the manner prescribed by law. If even one of these conditions has not been met, then the granting of this status may be denied. Relationships arise between the head of the organization and the young specialist, which are regulated. At the same time, a young specialist is immediately accepted for a permanent job, a probationary period is not applied to him.

Payments for young professionals

What payments can a young specialist expect?

  1. One-time payment for young professionals can be done in different ways. The educator and teacher usually receives a monthly salary increase for three years. According to Russian law, the cash payment can be made differently: upon the expiration of the employment contract with the young specialist.
  2. Lifting payouts began to be implemented in 2012 for those specialists who graduated from higher and secondary specialized educational institutions in 2011 and subsequent years.

Lifting for young professionals

Decree of the government of the state of June 22, 2012 No. 821 recommended that a bill be drafted, according to which or compensation payment , aimed at supporting a young specialist, must be carried out within the first month after signing the employment contract - these are the so-called lifting, the amount of which depends on the specialty and place of work of the employee. At the same time, the number of days of rest that the employee was able to use is not taken into account. This law was adopted by the lower house of parliament, a month after the release of the resolution. The main goal of the project is to attract young professionals who have received a certain education to start working in their specialty.

It should be noted that in case of relocation, compensation is not provided. If an expert is involved in target program distribution, then the city or village where the student lived before entering the educational institution is taken as a permanent place of residence.

As additional benefits provided to young professionals, there is a special program for the purchase of housing. To use it, a graduate of a higher educational institution must work in the same organization for five years, and also need to improve their living conditions. It is even easier to apply this program to rural residents who intend to purchase housing in the village, since after five years they only need to apply to the social protection authorities with a statement about their desire to permanently reside in the countryside.

To receive housing under a preferential program, you will have to attach to the rest of the documents a confirmation of the absence of housing or a paper that will indicate the need to improve housing conditions. The disadvantage of this program is the high an initial fee, which is 30% of the total cost of the house, apartment or room, however, this contribution can be made by the employer, who will then deduct part of this debt from the salary of his employee, or another method of return of funds will be discussed and documented.

Local authorities are also obliged to do everything possible to support young professionals, especially those who are going to work in the village, most often this is done through the introduction and implementation of various social programs financed from district, city or regional budgets.

List of documents

To apply for a lifting permit, it is enough for a young specialist to write an appropriate application when applying for a job. The employer draws up an order for payments, and notifies his employee about this. Having familiarized himself with the order, the latter signs it.

The employer must comply with the following procedure for registration: a copy of his diploma and a certified copy of the work book, which indicates how long he has been working in this organization, is attached to the employee's application. This list of documents is the basis for payments to young medical professionals were made in accordance with the law. Payments to young professionals teachers, as well as other professions participating in this program, are assigned according to a similar scheme.


  1. The status of a young specialist is maintained for a year after graduation.
  2. Prerequisite- Direction to work on distribution.
  3. In this case, compensation is paid to specialists.
  4. The size of the lift is determined in the region of residence.
  5. Payments are made by submitting an application to the employer.

Lifting for young professionals is one of the ways to motivate graduates of professional educational institutions to work in their specialty. How to get a young man to prefer a low-prestige job as a school teacher with all the hassle that accompanies it to quiet work in some office center as an assistant to an important boss? That's right: offer money!

How right it is to choose a place of employment, based on purely material motives and putting aside ambitious thoughts about life's purpose "on the back burner" - a question for lengthy reasoning. If we work with the facts, we can state that now young specialists are entitled to more than worthy financial support at the start of their careers.

Young specialist - who is it?

The term "young specialist" in federal legislation occurs only once - in Art. 70 Labor Code, which prohibits employers from appointing internships to professionals who graduated from a university / college less than a year ago (provided they work in the profession). At the same time, the Labor Code does not specify who should be classified as a “young specialist” and who should not.

Privileges for young professionals are fixed by regional laws - based on their postulates, one can judge the conditions for obtaining preferential status. Here are the conditions we are talking about.

Age - up to 35 years. In some regions and for some professions, a stricter limit is set - up to 30 years.

Completion of the full-time department of the university / secondary educational institution with state accreditation and the presence of a diploma of the established sample. Only “state employees” students can count on privileges - “payers” for “bonuses” after graduation have nothing to rely on.

The graduate found a job within 12 months from the moment of receiving a diploma in a budgetary organization.

If a graduate went to work in a private company, then he receives only those privileges that are described in the regulatory legal acts of this company. Neither the state nor the region will help him.

The status of a young specialist is assigned to a citizen only once for a period of up to 3 years. The term can be extended to 6 years if a citizen, for example, was drafted into the Russian army or went on maternity leave.

What payments are due?

Young professionals can count on such privileges.

Lifting for young professionals. This is the amount that is paid to a new employee at a time when joining the state. How much lifting for young professionals, you can find out by reading the regional regulations- the amount depends on the region and on the profession.

Salary supplement. The allowance is paid monthly for the entire period while the status of a young specialist is relevant. The actual size of the allowance depends on the size of the salary; its relative size is, as a rule, 40% - for ordinary specialists, 50% - for graduates who have bothered to get a red diploma.

Mortgages on preferential terms. A young specialist has the right to expect that 30% of the cost of housing that he takes on a mortgage will be paid by the municipality.

A graduate who finds a job not in the region where he lived receives other compensations.

For moving.

For the transportation of furniture and personal belongings.

Daily allowance for each day spent on the road.

Benefits for young teachers

About 100,000 rubles are provided to young teachers from the capital as lifting allowances. Also, Moscow teachers receive a monthly allowance of 40-50%. The exact amount of the allowance depends on the color of the diploma.

Petersburg, the size of the diploma depends on the color lump sum payment. Excellent students will immediately receive more than 67 thousand rubles, and specialists who have completed their studies with blue diplomas will receive 50 thousand rubles. Teachers from the northern capital are not entitled to a monthly allowance, but they are entitled to claim compensation for half of the cost of travel in public transport.

The issuance of lifting is also practiced in provincial towns, but there we are talking about much less significant amounts - from 10 to 20 thousand rubles. The most favorable conditions are offered in Irkutsk. In this city, young teachers are paid a lump sum of 50,000 rubles plus an allowance of 60% of their salary during the first year. In the second and third years of work, the teacher is also paid extra, but less - 36% and 24%, respectively.

Benefits for young doctors

The amount of lifting for young medical professionals is approximately 3 salaries. Young doctors also receive a monthly supplement of 30-40% of their salary. Some regions are starting to pay allowances to young doctors before they successfully complete their diploma. This is customary, in particular, in the Rostov region - on the Don, beginner doctors are given an additional scholarship from the 4th to the 6th year of the university. Interns in Rostov receive 5,000 rubles in addition to their basic salary.

The biggest bonuses are given to young doctors who agree to move to the countryside as part of the Zemsky Doctor program. They are given a one-time payment of 1 million rubles! However, a newly-made rural doctor will not be able to squander his million in online roulette - lifting young professionals in rural areas are strictly targeted. The money can be spent solely on improving their own living conditions. For a million, for example, you can build a house on a plot that will be provided to the zemstvo doctor for construction completely free of charge.

A prerequisite for receiving a lump-sum payment for work in the village is the signing of a 5-year contract by the doctor. If a young specialist decides to quit without completing the “five-year plan”, he will have to return part of the lifting.

How to get lift?

The procedure for getting a lift for a young specialist is quite standard and does not require a lot of effort from the applicant - just collect a package of documents, transfer it to a responsible organization and wait for the money. Teachers need to contact the regional department of the Ministry of Education, doctors - to the local MHIF. The required documents for obtaining a lift include:

The original diploma plus a copy.

Copy of work book.

Labor contract.

Payment application.

The application form will be provided to the young specialist in the organization where he applied.

The status of young professionals in Russia entitles them to certain benefits and concessions. Elevating means - a measure of encouragement and support used by the authorities to encourage the applicant to work in the field of specialization. Physicians' pay for young professionals helps to attract graduates of primary secondary schools to low-prestige and not well-paid jobs in rural and other types of areas where there is a shortage of doctors.

Who is the young specialist?

Art. 7 of the Labor Code defines the concept of "young specialist". An article of the law defines that this is a professional who graduated from a secondary educational institution / university less than 1 year ago. They should not be assigned an internship by the employer. But the legal norm does not specify who can claim special status.

Conditions for admission to the category of young specialist:

  • age limit up to 35 years;
  • full-time education;
  • budget department;
  • the presence of a diploma of the established sample;
  • employment in the specialty within one year after receiving a diploma;
  • first employment in the specialty.

Attention! Students of the contract form of education cannot claim compensation due to young medical professionals of the budgetary department.

Features of assigning status

The status of "young specialist" can be assigned once and only for a three-year period. The maximum by which the period for granting benefits is extended is 6 months. Extension of the term is provided only if there are good reasons:

  • maternity leave;
  • Military service;
  • academic leave due to illness, care for a disabled relative.

On a note! Employed in private firm, a specialist can only count on benefits that are guaranteed by this enterprise. Their list should be provided for by the regulations of this employer. Regional and state concessions will not be provided to such an applicant.

What can young professionals expect?

Obtaining young specialist status entitles the applicant to certain benefits. Let's see what advantages doctors get over students of other specializations. So, let's define the list of privileges that are due:

  1. Lifting allowance. This is a category of one-time payments that is assigned at the start of a career when employed in the state state enterprise. The amount and conditions for granting benefits are determined at the regional level. Consequently, such indicators depend on the size of the budget and the policy of the subject of the federation.
  2. Salary supplement. This privilege is regular. The duration of its provision depends on the period of validity of the status, it is assigned for the entire period. The amount of the allowance is determined by factors such as salary. In percentage terms, its size is 30-40% and 50%. The second indicator is set for students with a red diploma, the first is valid for all other applicants.
  3. Easy mortgage. Program participants can count on assistance in the amount of 30% of the cost of a residential property. Compensation is provided at the expense of the municipality.

Attention! Applicants who got a job in a foreign region are offered additional concessions in the form of payment for travel and transportation of things, daily allowance for the time of moving and salary for the same period.

Payouts in different regions

One-time payments for a young specialist are allocated by regional authorities. On average, three salaries are assigned. With regard to regular supplements, the nurse and doctor can apply for an allowance of 30-40% of the rate. An increase in the interest rate can be assigned for an applicant with a red diploma, but such a relief does not apply in all subjects.

In Rostov, benefits are provided to future doctors already at the university, they are given an increased scholarship from the 4th-6th year of the university. Practicing interns are given + 5 thousand rubles. to the base rate.

To receive a lump-sum allowance, the condition must be met - working out in the area under the contract for at least 5 years. If a specialist leaves before the established period, then he will be obliged to return part of the lifting funds for unworked time.

What is the Zemsky Doctor program

As part of the Zemsky Doctor program, the state will pay the highest bonuses to young professionals. Their size reaches 1 million rubles. Only those persons who have come to a permanent job can apply for state assistance in rural areas.

The payment has a specific purpose. You can spend money only on improving living conditions.

Their direction for other purposes or early dismissal will result in the applicant being obliged to return the money received.

On a note! You can build a house with the funds received from the housing program. The village council should provide a building plot free of charge.

The age of the participant of the program should not be more than 50 years.

Registration procedure

An agreement or a civil law contract is an agreement without which it is impossible to receive any of the above benefits. The age of the young specialist also matters; applicants in the age group under 35 are encouraged. If all the criteria that a young specialist must meet, the person receives all the privileges due.

But it is important to remember that no benefit is granted automatically. To obtain lifting funds or preferential mortgages, you will need to collect certain documents. The standard package includes the following papers:

  • diploma in original + copy;
  • payment application;
  • work book with copies of the page with entries;
  • labor contract.

On a note! An application form for one-time and regular additional payments is issued to a young employee at the enterprise where he is employed.

Features of the provision of payments

In which time periods lifting and surcharges will be paid, you need to check directly with the enterprise. The maximum period established at the legislative level is 1 month. But the money can be paid within a few days, it all depends on the organization of the process by the employer.

One-time payments are provided to the employee by the employer. These allowances are not taxed.

Lifting allowances are paid in one lump sum or can be converted into annual payments. The frequency and amount of repayments depends on the policy of the company / subject of the federation. You can clarify the conditions for a particular enterprise directly from the employer or the local administration.

Registration procedure

A detailed plan for obtaining benefits is determined at the regional level, however, an indicative scenario of actions is provided. So, you can get a payout if all the required conditions are met. You need to act according to this plan:

  1. Graduation and job placement.
  2. Search for a vacancy within one year from the date of graduation from full-time studies.
  3. Conclusion of an employment contract, but only for diploma specialization.
  4. The publication by the head of the enterprise of the order for admission to the agreed position. After familiarizing the employee with the document and his signature, employment will take place.
  5. Initiation of payments. This is done by submitting an appropriate application. It is written in any form, according to the model approved by the enterprise.
  6. Providing a package of supporting documents. Those papers that the employer has do not require additional certification. For example, the personnel department has an employee's work book, copies made from it will be attached to the case without the participation of the applicant.
  7. Order on the appointment of assistance to a young specialist after consideration of the application by the employer. The document is provided to the employee for review and signature.
  8. Transfer of funds in the way that the company practices.

Reader questions

  • Question one If I have a medical degree, but I work in a pharmacy, can I apply for lifting for a young specialist?
    Answer. An applicant with a specialization in nursing who has taken a job as a pharmacist is not eligible for benefits for young doctors. If a year has not passed since graduation from the university, then you can find a job in your specialty and arrange payments.
  • Question two I was denied lifting payments, arguing that this is not my first job. Is such a waiver legal?
    Answer. One of the main conditions for granting benefits to young professionals is their registration at the first place of employment in their specialty. You will not be able to receive a lift if you have changed employers.
  • Question three.I have a medical education, are I entitled to benefits other than lifting payments?
    Answer. If you are employed in a budget structure, then a one-time cash payment is not the only relief. You are also entitled to a salary supplement and a housing loan on favorable terms. The list of additional benefits can be clarified with the local administration.