How to care for a parrot - the basic principles of arranging a cage and nutrition. Songbirds Bird Care

Parrots enliven our home, filling it with melodious and joyful sounds. According to Darwin, by their presence, birds improve the mood and well-being of a person, give emotional pleasure. Budgerigars are less demanding on the conditions of care and feeding than their large counterparts (zhako, cockatoo).

The undoubted advantage is the lack of smell in the apartment from the pet, which cannot be said about a dog or a cat. Birds live long (15-20 years) and rarely get sick, have a tenacious mind and a pronounced personality. How to care for a parrot: tips for caring for a new family member and interesting everyday activities.

The diversity and colorful plumage make it possible to classify the budgerigar as one of the most beautiful parrots, and there are more than 300 species of them. In nature, a wild parrot is grassy green - for high-quality disguise from numerous enemies. The domestication of parrots has led to the successful breeding of birds of various colors. Bright yellow, all shades of blue, rich green, ash gray, pale pink - all this beauty against the background of transverse wavy lines.

Joke: The sparrow ended up in a cage with a parrot. “No, I can’t do that,” said the parrot. Give her a light makeover!

In a new house

We will guide you on how to care for a parrot in the first days of adaptation to a new home, after a purchase or a move. In a pre-prepared and equipped cage, with food and fresh water, bring a shipping box (often transported in cans cut plastic bottles). Open the door and wait for the parrot to cross on its own.

Attention! You can not get a fragile bird by hand, you can seriously injure it.

The first few days the parrot will get used to the new environment. Provide him with decent living conditions, safety, silence. It is not necessary to show interest violently and rush to him to teach him to talk, so you will scare an already frightened bird. Look after budgerigar with trembling complicity and a desire to help. Any move is a stressful situation for him, he may not eat, be sad about his former numerous feathered friends, sit in a corner, ruffled. The adaptation period largely depends on the owner, his powers of observation and desire.

During daily cleaning and feeding procedures, talk to the parrot calmly and affectionately. Usually in the evening, when family members calm down, the wavy begins to slowly look around, explore his home, toys. You should not turn on the light abruptly, come close and closely monitor it. Let, at such moments, the calmed bird be alone, make it easier for her to get used to your orders and regime. Soon, the accustomed parrot will make contact and amuse you with cheerful chirping.

To create and maintain an eternal spring in your home, read the following sections of the Budgerigar Owner's ABC.

Instructions - how to care for a parrot

  1. It is necessary to choose a cage for parrots with all responsibility and knowledge of the matter. It should be spacious enough, and the shape (semicircular, rectangular, square) does not matter. It must have a door with a secure latch so that the parrot cannot open it on its own and fly away. Avoid guillotine doors. The pallet should be easy to slide out and slide in - it will facilitate everyday cleaning. A drinker without sharp edges, preferably made of porcelain, plexiglass. Because plastic drinkers contain dyes, processing aids that get into drinking water and poison your parrot.
  2. Place the cage in a bright room, not far from the window, but not on the windowsill (due to drafts), approximately at eye level. It simplifies caring for him at home and the superiority of the owner, in the eyes of the daddy, is undeniable. Place the parrot's apartment away from the TV, speakers, computer - in order to avoid the influence of electromagnetic radiation.
  3. Add toys to the house - swings, ladders, mirrors (great lovers, they really think that the reflection in the mirror is a specific parrot), bells.
  4. We recommend fixing mineral stones, chalk, sepia (part of the cuttlefish skeleton) between the rods - sources of calcium and trace elements necessary for the formation of a strong skeleton and bones, also help to sharpen the beak.
  5. Provide regular water treatments for daddy - especially in summer, every day, because the body temperature is from 40 ° C to 43.
  6. Take care of the nails of the mischievous - there should be wooden perches in the cage (thicker than a pencil), and not plastic ones, then they will grind off on their own. If the regrown claws are very long, cut them with wire cutters, after looking at the light where the blood vessels end
  7. Let him go for a walk and play with him - an excellent companion in noisy games, and sometimes an interlocutor.
  8. Clean the cage constantly - fleas can start in fallen feathers.
  9. Keep the water in the drinker clean - change it daily.
  10. For a good rest, the parrot needs at least 10 hours - at night it is advisable to cover the cage with a dense cloth, but not the frontal part, so that it can breathe normally. He will rest himself and will not wake you up with the first ray of the sun.

If you follow all the points of the instructions, then you definitely properly care for the parrot.

World of fun and carelessness

Parrot lovers willingly give birth to not one bird, but several, they try to buy young ones. This is true because young animals are easier to tame and instill good manners and your lifestyle. Bringing home chicks that have recently left the nest, the owners are faced with the problem of determining the sex of the parrot. Up to 3 months, the cere has the same pinkish color. As the parrot matures, the cere either turns blue (male) or brown (female).

Wanted a couple, but became the owners of two boys? It doesn't matter, caring for a boy's budgerigar is easier and more joyful than a couple of lovers. Nobody manages in a cage, but it's in the girls' blood - they throw out twigs, sweets, toys. The parrot boy will put on a real water splash show when he bathes. He is more talented in onomatopoeia than the female and learns human speech faster.

Keshka is a golden bird, take care of the parrot! - insert the name of your priest and you get an easy phrase to replenish your vocabulary.

But how to care for a talking parrot? - Yes, just talk with him purposefully, repeat the words that you want to teach the smart wavy. Perseverance and patience will achieve a funny result and earn a sea positive emotions.

The bird-talker takes the mirror image for a representative of the opposite sex and begins to show sexual interest in her, gets excited, chirps nervously. He does not remember that this is just a picture, he is angry that he is being ignored. Okay, give a budgie a girlfriend, you can’t replace a real relationship with a surrogate and you will witness a fascinating story of how a budgerigar takes care of a female.

Your wavy has a cheerful disposition, then it will not be difficult to let him into a playful dance. How to care for a parrot at home to teach him to dance. First of all, pick up music - rhythmic, but not loud (deafening will scare the bird, since the hearing of parrots is very sharp). Watch, suddenly he began to move his head to the beat of the music, luck is on your side.

If the parrot does not understand what they want from him, take the initiative in your own hands. Put it on your finger, turn on the music and move it in strict accordance with the rhythm, not forgetting to shake your head and convey a cheerful mood to the bird. Handsome may start to bite, it's okay, pull him back and continue moving again. If he flew away, let him take a walk, return later (the curiosity of parrots knows no bounds) and resume training. Do not forget to treat your pet with something tasty (apple, bread) at the end of the lesson, and a grateful student will soon please you with a kind of hip-hop.

Freedom for parrots!

Flying for a bird is vital, and losing the ability to soar upwards radically changes the nature of a parrot. If you do not let him out of the cage, you will get a dull bird with an extinct look and a dystrophic appearance. Please! Release the parrot into the wild, despite the scattered husks from food and feathers, do not keep the bird in prison.

Safety measures during flights and during the warm-up of the wings:

  • Windows - it may not notice the glass and crash from all overclocking, a tragic ending is possible. During the first walks, curtain the windows so that you get used to it. Mosquito nets are a must. It flies out and doesn't come back.
  • Doors - likes to sit on top open door(interroom, closet). Check for the presence of a mischievous person when you close the doors. The front door is dangerous because it can slip into the entrance or into the street.
  • The kitchen - a hot stove, open pots of borscht - are insidious components of a serious threat to the life of your parrot.
  • Bathroom - raised toilet lid, air fresheners (contain aromatic oils that are deadly to birds), household chemicals - close, hide, to avoid trouble.
  • Living room - bookshelves, books, decorative figurines, photo frames - it’s great if it has glass doors, and suddenly a book falls on a spoiler, which has a low weight (about 50 grams) and you won’t get grief.
  • Wires - an inquisitive bird, armed with a beak, begins to bite them, play with them. Your task is to follow the careless actions of the parrot.
  • Air conditioning, fan - can catch a cold or fall into the blades.

With endless love and care, take care of your budgerigar and you will find a true friend and fan, because he considers you the leader of the pack.

decorative birds pleasing to the eye, chirping funny songs, always ready to chat with the owner, and most importantly - they do not need to be walked. It is not surprising that this is why birds are so popular. But like any pets they need care and attention. Let's remember Basic Rules that everyone who plans to acquire a bird or has already done so needs to know.

1. When choosing a bird attention should be paid to cage neighbors: they should all be healthy and frisky. If one of the birds sits, ruffled, it is possible that the disease is nearby. You should also carefully consider the beak and paws of the bird. They should not have fungal growths and exfoliation of the skin. If the bird is too lethargic - there is reason to think.

2. The basis of nutrition feathered is a grain feed. It must be in abundance. As a rule, it is a mixture of different varieties of millet, oats, wheat, canary seed, sunflower, corn. Nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, pine nuts) are added to the mixture. Besides, parrots they love fresh cottage cheese, they are happy to eat a white roll, especially soaked in milk or tea.

Also birdies not averse to eating slices of carrots, pumpkins and raw potatoes. Flowers (marigolds, dandelions, wild roses, marigolds, etc.) help preserve the color of the plumage. The bird will not refuse greens either: lettuce leaves, dandelion and cabbage will do. But sweets beloved by birds should be given very limitedly, using them as a reward for learning.

Sand and eggshells serve as mineral supplements, keep the pet healthy and promote digestion. And don't forget about drinking water which should be at room temperature. It is poured into a small glass dish (3-4 cm high) and placed on the bottom of the cage.

3. The activity of singing, reproduction and longevity of the bird depend on the correct maintenance and care. That's why as a dwelling for a pet, it is better to choose a metal cage, which will be easier for the owner to wash. Sometimes glass cages are bought, in which the bird is clearly visible from all sides.

By shape Rectangular cells are the most convenient. They can be placed one on top of the other so that, when keeping several birds, they will not be irritated. The dimensions of the cages should be such that the bird can move freely, and sufficient so that a pair of perches can be installed in it in one tier. The dimensions of the house will fit the following: length about 30 cm, width - 20 cm, height - from 27-29 cm. The distance between the twigs is no more than 1.2-1.4 cm. The door in the cage should be located on the side, and the bottom should be double and retractable to make it easier to clean the cage and disinfect it.

4. feeders there are open and closed (with a canopy so that litter does not get in), ordinary and automatic. Automatic feeders are a thick glass flask that is upside down with the mouth down. Feed is poured into the flask, and, as necessary, new grains come from the tube. Automatic feeders are most convenient when you have to go away for a while and leave your pet alone: ​​the bird will receive enough food. But ordinary feeders, which are placed on the bottom, most often lead to an unsanitary state of the feed.

5. drinkers There are also open and closed. In drinking bowls of the first type, water quickly becomes contaminated and becomes unacceptable for drinking. The most optimal choice is an automatic drinker, with a small spout where the bird's beak barely fits. The water in it stays fresh for a long time. Meanwhile, an ordinary drinker (cup, bowl) should be placed away from the perches so that the water is not contaminated with droppings.

6. Bathing cleanses the skin and strengthens the plumage. The bathing suit is attached to the outside of the door so that water does not get into the cage itself. It should be washed daily. Despite the fact that many birds love to swim, nevertheless, they need to be taught to this process from an early age: from the moment of jigging from the female - after 30 days of age.

7. And more consider, what:
- people who suffer from allergies are not recommended to have birds. When cleaning the cage, dust is released into the air, which can cause a skin rash, runny nose, headache, and even fever.

Feeding pets "from mouth to beak" is dangerous to health!

Adult birds that have been ill with various diseases, even after recovery, can carry bacteria in the body for a long time, so it is better to buy young birds - chicks up to 3 months old.

By following these simple rules, you can find a reliable feathered friend who will delight you with his sonorous trills! Good luck!

It is not recommended to settle many birds in cages and aviaries, as this leads to rapid contamination of the premises, and the infectious disease that has arisen quickly spreads among numerous inhabitants. In general, many years of experience in keeping birds has shown that you will get the greatest effect from communicating with birds by owning a small collection. And this is natural, because each bird will be in your sight, they will pay more attention to it, feeding will be more varied and complete, and you will have much more time to observe the life of your pets. With this content, the birds look clean, well-feathered, active, they sing a lot and loudly.

Settle the birds in the premises prepared for them better in the morning , because during the day they will get used to the new conditions of detention and spend the night calmly. With a mixed content, it is necessary to take into account the characters of the birds. Among them there are calm individuals, coexisting both in cages and in aviaries with other birds. But there are aggressive ones, the joint keeping of which with other birds is undesirable, especially in small cages, where their aggressiveness is more pronounced. Such bullies can be adult males of many songbirds - goldfinches, buntings, cardinals, sparrows, some finches, widows and weavers. They become especially active during the mating season. It is better to keep them separately. There are birds that are only aggressive towards their own kind. These include the robin, which cannot stand nearby birds with red plumage, at least somewhat reminiscent of the robin.

Yellow-crested cockatoo

Clean the cages at least once a week, and with a crowded content - much more often. The retractable tray is covered with a layer of clean river sand 1.5 - 2 cm thick. It is better to pre-ignite the sand in the oven or rinse with a solution of potassium permanganate and dry. If it is not possible to frequently replace the sand, then the bottom of the cage can be covered with paper, but in this case the sand should be in a special feeder. It is used by granivorous birds as a gastrolith - for grinding roughage in the stomach. You can not use fine sand, as it only clogs the stomach without fulfilling its main function. It is better to use hygroscopic paper, such as newsprint, but you need to change it at least 2-3 times a week. Otherwise, gamasid mites or. blood-sucking insects. It is also necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the perches, which are quickly contaminated with a layer of litter or food (many birds clean their beaks on the perch after eating). Water in kupalki and drinking bowls, as well as soft food is replaced 1-2 times a day, in the hot season - more often. This is done to prevent gastrointestinal problems that can result from dirty water and sour food.

During general cleaning, which is carried out at least 1 - 2 times a year, the birds are transplanted into another, clean cage, and the contaminated one is scalded with boiling water, rubbed with a brush or washcloth with soap or washing powder and washed well with hot water. Cages and equipment must not only be washed regularly, but also disinfected. For this, 1 - 2% solutions of lysol, cresol, chloramine, denatured alcohol and other means are used. After using them, the cage should be thoroughly rinsed with running water. After drying and equipping the cage, it is repopulated with birds. General cleaning should not be carried out during the breeding season of birds. But after the chicks leave the nests, the latter are removed and disinfected.