The most unusual birds in the world. The most beautiful birds in the world: photos and names

Nature never ceases to amaze with its beauty and uniqueness. This applies not only to landscapes, rivers, forests and lakes, but also to living beings. It is impossible to imagine our planet without birds, the most amazing and positive creatures on Earth. what are the most beautiful birds in the world, photos and names are presented for each description. In total, these winged creatures live on all continents and number almost 11 thousand copies.

A selection of the most amazing birds from around the world

If you ask a child which bird is the most beautiful, most likely the answer will be: a parrot or a peacock. But is it really so, let's figure it out together.

  1. Peacock . It lives in the jungle, wild forests of India, Sri Lanka and Pakestane at 2000 meters above sea level. In these areas, the animal can live in the bushy thickets of nearby villages and arable land. The peacock has been domesticated by man since ancient times. This monotypic bird species has a diverse range of colors. A distinctive feature of the peacock is the large developed feathers taken for the tail.

  2. Ara parrot . Its homeland is the tropical forests of Mexico, Ecuador, the shores of the Amazon. Parrots spend their lives high in the crowns of trees, eat plant foods, are tied to a hollow in which they nest for many years in a row. The body length of the parrot reaches 90 cm, the tail is up to 60 cm. The external color of the parrot is motley and bright: the head, neck, chest and upper back are red, then there is a small strip of yellow feathers, and the tips of the wings and tail are bright blue.

  3. duck mandarin duck . A heat-loving animal common in East Asia. In summer, it can also be found in Russia: in the Far East, in the Amur region and the Sakhalin region. The bird flies to China for the winter. A small duck, not exceeding 600 grams in weight, swims well, dives well and can take off vertically. The color is very bright: mirrored golden wings, a red beak and a brown back. Males are distinguished by a high crest. They feed on aquatic plants, mollusks, fish caviar. Tangerines are a rare species of birds and are listed in the Red Book.

  4. golden pheasant . You can meet a bird in China, Tibet and Central Europe at an altitude not exceeding 2000 meters. During the day, in search of food, pheasants often descend from high mountains to low-lying places, and spend the night high in the trees, guarding themselves from predatory animals. The diet of the pheasant has not been fully studied, but it is known that the basis of its nutrition is bamboo leaves and young shoots. The very bright color of the bird attracts hunters: they are engaged in catching decorative birds for sale in zoos.

  5. Paradise Bird . Belongs to the order of passeriformes. It lives only in New Guinea and nearby islands. Birds live high in the mountains on the tops of trees. They are characterized by a fantastic color with blue, red and yellow flowers of different shades. In males, the sides and tail are decorated with large feathers, which they demonstrate during the mating season. Their food is varied: fruits, berries, insects, small frogs and lizards. Females nest in trees, lay and incubate only 2 eggs each.

  6. Crowned Crane . This large bird from the family of common cranes living in Africa is listed in the Red Book. She got her name due to the golden tuft on her head in the form of a fan. Lives in swamps with fresh water, river banks and water meadows. The crowned crane is not afraid of man and often settles near his activities. The bird feeds on young shoots, seeds, nuts, insects and invertebrates.

  7. hummingbird . It belongs to the species of the smallest birds of the globe. Lives in the tropics of South America. During the day, a hummingbird eats food 120 times its weight in excess of its own body weight (2.5 grams). She finds food on flowers: small insects, nectar, dew. This bird is very mobile, energetic, especially during the feeding of chicks. The hummingbird is the only specimen that can fly backwards.

  8. Pink flamingo . The largest birds from the flamingo order reach up to 1.5 m in height and weigh up to 4 kg. They live in Asia Minor, Africa and India. Both females and males have pale pink plumage. Massive pink beak is bent to the bottom. Flamingos feed on algae, molluscs, and small crustaceans. They are often seen in the water standing on one leg. This behavior of birds is not fully understood.

  9. Swan . One of the most large birds order of geese. An unusually long neck distinguishes swans from relatives, the plumage color ranges from pure white to black. Birds live in warm regions. The developed musculature of the wings allows the swans to fly great distances during seasonal cooling. These are the only birds that, after the birth of the cubs, take care of them up to 1.5-2 years.

This is a list of the most famous birds in nature, which are distinguished by an unusual appearance. If you look closely, then everyone can note for themselves which bird is the most beautiful. Today, everyone has the opportunity to visit different climatic zones. But do not forget that many species are classified as protected, and some have already disappeared from the face of the Earth.

With many unusual birds. The most beautiful birds of the world are available to everyone, whose photos and names can be seen when visiting photo exhibitions dedicated to the living and plant world.

On our planet, there are many species of birds that differ from each other both externally, and in habits, and in lifestyle. We will tell you about the interesting features of some representatives of the world of birds that distinguish them from other birds ...

We will not list encyclopedic information about the size of these birds and other facts about their "everyday" life, we'd rather try to find some "zest" in each of them ...

Kiwis are New Zealand's centenarians, having appeared here over thirty million years ago.

Kiwis still have wings, although they are practically invisible. Their size does not exceed 5 cm. Kiwi eyes are also small, but very powerful legs with huge claws.

Kiwi has an excellent "scent". At the tip of her long beak there are special antennae. Having put his “nose” into the ground, the kiwi, in the literal sense of the word, sniffs out worm-bugs there.

At one time, kiwis were on the verge of extermination, and all because of their feathers - the natives made durable protective raincoats from them. Now the kiwi population is not very large (about 70 thousand individuals), and this time it is all the fault of the predators brought into the kiwi habitat, as well as uncontrolled deforestation.

Kiwi is a symbol of New Zealand, its image can be seen on stamps and coins.

The name of these birds is translated from Greek as "bull horn". Their distinctive feature is a huge beak. And this is with a rather modest size of other parts of the body.

When the hornbill flies, its wings make sounds similar to the hum of an approaching train. This is due to the special structure of their wings - the intervals between the flight feathers are not covered with small feathers. When you flap your wings, the air noisily passes through them, making such loud sounds.

Hornbills are extremely noisy creatures, making very non-melodious sounds. And if they are in danger, the "rhinos" begin to screech heart-rendingly, and they can be heard for several kilometers.

Interesting fact. Female hornbills incubate their chicks in tree cavities. To protect themselves and their offspring from uninvited guests, in particular, snakes, they immure themselves in a hollow with a mixture of saliva, droppings and other “improvised materials”. They leave only a small hole through which the male will bring them food. I must say, the males do this very diligently, as a result, they themselves lose a lot of weight, and the females gain weight extremely during their voluntary imprisonment in the hollow.

Hornbills love to hunt snakes, and collectively. If some one especially notices a reptile, she will call her relatives with her cries, who, protecting their bodies from snake bites with dense wings, begin to tear it to pieces.

The California Condor is one of the largest flying birds.

Their wingspan is over 3.5 meters. And many thousands of years ago, a condor lived in California, whose wingspan exceeded five meters!

These are very powerful birds of prey, capable of soaring in the air for a long time, have a very unsympathetic "face". They have a small head, and besides, they are completely bald. Why did nature treat them so badly? Everything is absolutely justified. While eating, and condors feed on large prey, they do not tear off pieces of meat from the edge with their powerful beaks, and often climb inside the carcass with their heads and, naturally, get very dirty in the bloody insides of the “food”. Therefore, with such "sloppy" meals, feathers on the head become absolutely superfluous. Below the bald head, on the neck, the condor has a collar of feathers, which serves as a barrier to the flowing blood of the victim, so that it does not stain the feathers on the body.

Condors are scavengers, often devouring decaying food. To neutralize cadaveric poison, their stomachs produce special juices.

Condors love to sunbathe with their huge wings spread. This is done to get rid of bacteria on the feathers.

Now, unfortunately, Californian condors are listed in the Red Book.

Velvet weaver - the bird with the largest tail

Of course, in relation to the body of the bird itself. I must say that males have beautiful long black tails, and females are inconspicuous, like sparrows. These birds are often referred to as "widows" and it's all about their tail.

Why are these birds called "weavers"? For the fact that they skillfully weave them vegetable fibers their nests, and this is always done by males. Females "decorate" the dwelling from the inside.

"Gannet" in Spanish means "stupid" or "clown". So these birds were named not for stupid behavior, but for their clumsy gait on land. And also for their absolute credulity. Gannets are not at all afraid of people, which often ends badly for them.

The males of these funny birds seem to be shod in blue boots. The color of the paws varies depending on the age, health status and nutrition of the male. The older and more sickly the male, the lighter the legs. Considering all this, the female chooses for herself the most suitable and capable male for procreation.

The sage grouse is a bird whose males boast bright colors (compared to females) and organs that resemble a female bust. In fact, these are throat pouches hidden in feathers. During courtship, males inflate them to their maximum size, and hide their heads, as if they didn’t exist at all. Black grouse often fight for the female, angrily sticking out their red eyebrows and hitting each other with their swollen breasts.

Puffins are sea birds that spend a lot of time in the ocean. On land, in fact, they only hatch offspring.

Puffins are good anglers and excellent divers. They can stay underwater for more than two minutes.

Birds have to travel long distances from the nest with chicks to the place of "fishing", so the birds try to bring as many fish as possible at a time. The largest human recorded record is 29 fish.

These birds form bird markets, settling on steep coastal cliffs.

Beauties! The bright appearance of such chickens can be envied by ordinary chickens. And their feathers are beautiful, and become, and the “hairstyle” is such, as if a cool stylist worked with them!

Padua chickens have a pampered disposition. They do not like rain and snow - their hair and beard get very wet and the chickens catch a cold.

Many centuries ago, paduan chickens were kept as decoration. In the Vatican, there are two small sculptures of padua hens dated to the second century AD.

For the sake of eggs and meat, they began to breed only in the 18th century.

The birthplace of these beautiful chickens is Italy.

Cassowary is the most dangerous and aggressive flightless bird.

Cassowary means "horned head" in Indonesian. This is a huge bird, whose height can reach two meters, and weight 85 kg.

The cassowary is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most dangerous bird in the world. He is extremely irritable. No one knows what will enter his bird's head in next moment, so anyone in the range of a cassowary should be extremely careful. The cassowary does not wait for an attack from outside, it always attacks first. Considering its dimensions, twelve-centimeter claws, a developed speed on land of 50 km / h and excellent swimming abilities, it becomes clear that the victim of a cassowary has practically no chance of escaping. Cassowaries are also good high jumpers: it is not difficult for them to jump over a meter-long obstacle!

Even with their brethren, cassowaries fight not for life, but for death!

In past centuries, daggers and needles were made from the claws and bones of cassowaries.

Now some people are trying to raise cassowaries for later sale. One bird costs about 1.5 thousand dollars.

Hummingbird is the smallest bird

Hummingbird is perhaps the smallest and most delightful creation of our mother nature. The smallest hummingbird is called "bee hummingbird", this bird is only 7 centimeters long and weighs 2 grams; the largest representative of the hummingbird is called the "giant hummingbird", its length is 21 centimeters and its weight is about 20 grams.

Nature researchers also awarded other representatives of this family with very beautiful names: “angel hummingbird”, “snow-capped hummingbird”, “coquette hummingbird”, “emerald neck”, “fiery topaz”, “flying amethyst”.

1. There are over 300 varieties of hummingbirds in the world. At first glance, these birds are very delicate and fragile, however, they are the hardiest in the entire animal world. There are hummingbirds in a variety of climatic conditions: Arizona, the coast of Nova Scotia, Argentina, even Alaska. An interesting fact: hummingbirds live only in the New World.

2. On average, the length of a hummingbird is 5.7 centimeters, and most of the body is occupied by the tail and beak. The hummingbird weighs approximately 1.5 grams. The length of the largest representative of this family is 20 centimeters. Hummingbirds live for about 9 years.

3. The hummingbird has an incredibly developed heart, its volume is three times the stomach and takes up half of the already tiny body. This is due to the fact that these birds lead a very mobile lifestyle, and also have a very fast metabolism. We also note that hummingbirds have several times more red blood cells than other representatives of birds.

4. The heart of a hummingbird beats at an incredibly high frequency, 500 beats per minute (and this is at rest, but in certain types can reach 1000), and during the life of this crumb, the heart contracts 4.5 billion times, which is almost twice as many beats as the human heart beats in 70 years.

5. Hummingbirds need a lot of food. The daily norm of food exceeds the weight of a hummingbird twice. It is clear that this is the only way they can maintain such a fast metabolism and a stable temperature of their bodies. The diet of a hummingbird is flower nectar and small insects.

6. The flight speed of a hummingbird reaches 80 kilometers per hour, while they make 8-10 flaps of wings in one second. The wings move so fast that they are almost invisible. They hover motionlessly over the flower only due to the incredible speed of their wings.

7. Using a camera that can capture brief moments, an interesting moment was captured when the hummingbird entered the peak. As a result, stunning data were obtained: the speed of the bird is 400 of its bodies per second. If we compare the speed and body length of a hummingbird, it turns out that their ratio is much higher than that of a fighter with afterburner turned on and that of a space shuttle when passing through the earth's atmosphere. At the moment of exit from the peak, the hummingbird shows such instant braking, which is beyond the control of other living organisms conquering the airspace.

8. These little birds never pair up. Responsibilities for family affairs fall entirely on the "shoulders" of the female. She herself builds a nest and later raises the chicks. A female hummingbird usually lays two eggs and very rarely one.

9. The only time a hummingbird was found on the territory Russian Federation. The ocher hummingbird was discovered in 1976 on Ratmanov Island (Bering Strait).

10. Hummingbird is not only a small bird. A similar name is: a musical group from St. Petersburg; in 2004, a publishing house for the book industry was founded in Russia; pistol, the creator of which is the designer Franz Pfannlem; hybrid balloons; German kayak with a unique frame.

If you are an aesthete and love beautiful, rare and bright things, you will definitely like these birds! Some of these beauties are proud of their colorful feathers, while others will surprise you with their extraordinary size. Perhaps a few birds will seem familiar to you, but here you will definitely meet completely unique species that not everyone knows about.

25. Royal Crowned Flycatcher

This bird is famous for its bright tuft and surprisingly modest size. The males of the crowned flycatcher are proud of their bright scarlet crowns, and the females of yellow combs with black and silver-blue spots. By the way, flycatchers demonstrate their bizarre tufts not only during the mating season, but also to demonstrate militancy during skirmishes with competitors.

24. Macau Lira

Photo: Charlesjsharp

Also known as indigo macao, this rather large and almost entirely blue Brazilian parrot lives sometimes even longer than 50 years. Unfortunately, the species is endangered, and there are only about 1,300 adults left in the world of such birds. Habitat destruction, hunting and trade are the main reasons why the blue macau is now in great danger. It is good that there are initiative groups that have taken on the mission of saving and increasing the population of this species. Their efforts are already paying off!

23. Indian Hornbill

Photo: Shutterstock

These birds are most commonly found in Sri Lanka and India. The hornbill is easily identified by its unusual horn growing straight out of its massive beak. Indians believe that amulets from the horn of a strange bird bring good luck and can enrich their owner. The population of this species is not yet known to anyone, but the Indian hornbill supposedly may also be on the verge of extinction due to local superstitions and environmental problems.

22. Atlantic puffin

Photo: Shutterstock

Typical inhabitants of the ocean coasts, puffins are the only representatives of the auk family living in the Atlantic region. The Atlantic puffin spends most of its life at sea, resting right on the waves when it is not flying in search of food. In spring and summer, puffins return to land to join the large colony and find a mate. Surprisingly, this bird flies very well - the most active puffins can accelerate to a speed of 88.5 kilometers per hour.

21. Scaled bird of paradise

Photo: Stavenn

Most likely you have never seen or heard of such a bird. The scaly bird of paradise is unusual in that incredibly long feathers grow from its head, resembling either cockroach antennae or horns. When it was first brought to Europe, people even thought that these were not real feathers, and that someone had glued them on for fun. During the mating season, scaly birds of paradise make such unusual sounds that someone even compared such singing to a composition of machine noise, a working chainsaw, dubstep and chirping.

20. Curly arasari

Photo: Shutterstock

Curly arasari are amazingly beautiful and bizarre creatures. In addition, they are the brightest and one of the largest representatives of the toucan family. It is obvious that the bird got its name for the black curly feathers on the crown, which seem to be smeared with hair styling wax. Incredibly, this exotic bird is still not on the verge of extinction, although its habitat For some time now, habitats have often suffered from the spread of mines for the extraction of minerals.

19. Bali bird of paradise

Photo: Andrea Lawardi

This bird of paradise lives on the island of New Guinea, and is known for the fact that it is almost never found by local residents. The whole point is that feathered beauty prefers the most remote and uninhabited corners of the land, where it is not disturbed by careless tourists or poachers. These creatures are incredibly attractive, and they also have very strange (sometimes even comical) behavior - for example, they like to hang upside down from branches.

18. Common or blue kingfisher

Photo: Shutterstock

These birds are excellent hunters, and all thanks to their long and sharp beaks. They catch fish right out of the water, take them to their nests, where they beat them unconscious to eat them in peace. And they always start from the head of their victim. It is not surprising that bright birds live mainly near waterfalls and ponds, rivers and lakes, and sometimes even in the area of ​​​​rocky coasts.

17. African crowned crane

Photo: Shutterstock

The African Crowned Crane is a very graceful bird, easily recognizable by its gray body and white wings. The plumage of this species is white, brown and gold, and thin golden feathers flaunt on the head of southern cranes. crowned cranes love African swamps, savannas, and are often found south of the Sahara.

16. Hoopoe

Photo: Shutterstock

The hoopoe is the national bird of Israel, but it is also found in Africa and Eurasia. The exotic bird is easily identified by its prominent crown of feathers and unusual singing.

15. South American night heron

Photo: Francesco Veronesi

This amazing creature does not like outsiders at all, so few people have seen South American night herons. The heron representative differs from most of her relatives in her yellow neck, black cap and blue face. South American night herons are not often found in the wild, but they are not yet classified as endangered species.

14 California Condor

Photo: Shutterstock

If you compare the condor with other exotic birds from this list, it is unlikely to seem so colorful and attractive to you. But this feathered one nevertheless got into our rating for a reason, because the Californian condor is an unusually large and powerful creature. The bird lives in North America, and there it is considered the largest of its kind. The vulture has a wingspan of up to 2.8 meters and is unfortunately listed as an endangered species. In the 20th century, the Californian condor almost disappeared from the face of the Earth, but thanks to the efforts of conservation services, the species still survived. As of 2013, 435 individuals were recorded in the world, 237 of which lived in the wild.

13. Peacock

Photo: pixabay

Peacocks are probably one of the most famous birds on our list. As you know, only males of this species can boast of bright plumage, and females look much more modest. But this is not surprising, because peahens are the ones who choose their mate when it comes to the mating season, and these days males have to try hard to impress future partners with their magnificent and colorful tails.

12. Quetzal

Photo: Shutterstock

Quetzals live in the mountains of Central America and are incredibly beautiful creatures. They are easily distinguished by their iridescent green plumage, red chest and unusual double tail, which sometimes reaches almost a meter in length. The Aztecs and Mayans once considered quetzals to be sacred animals, and they called these birds nothing more than "rare pearl birds of the world."

11. Spotted-eared trachyphonus

Photo: Shutterstock

Spotted-eared trachyphonus is one of 42 species of African beards, and this whole family lives in the Sahara region. Unlike most known birds that build their nests in trees, spotted trachyphonuses nest in vertical underground tunnels 60 to 90 centimeters long.

10. Red Cardinal

Photo: Shutterstock

These birds do not change their bright red color depending on the season, and they do not migrate to warm countries for the winter. Therefore, Americans living in states where it snows in winter are the real lucky ones, because scarlet feathers on a white background are just a great sight. Red cardinals are quite common in America, they are not afraid of crowded areas and love seeds, so many lovers of these creatures arrange feeders and admire their feeding right in their backyard without any problems.

9. Red-bearded bee-eater

Photo: Shutterstock

The red-bearded bee-eater loves bees, but also eats other insects, including wasps and hornets. Most often, it is found in the northeast of Asia in the region of Myanmar, Thailand, on the islands of Sumatra and Borneo. It is very easy to identify these birds by their bright green plumage, red chest and long, arched beak.

8 Golden Pheasant

Photo: pixabay

Also known as the Chinese pheasant, the golden pheasant lives mainly in western China, but wild populations can be found even in the UK and a few other countries around the world. Male and female golden pheasants look completely different. Males are extremely colorful - they have fiery plumage, golden backs and crests, wings are decorated with blue or green feathers, the tail is usually very long and striped, and eyes are bright yellow with very small pupils. Females look very different - they are gray or brown.

7. Lilac-breasted Roller or Swallow-tailed Roller

Photo: Shutterstock

The lilac-breasted roller is the national bird of Kenya and Botswana, and is primarily famous for its incredibly colorful plumage. The juicy palette includes white, purple, turquoise, blue, green, black and copper colors. In addition, the swallow-tailed roller is a skilled aeronaut, and in flight it is capable of a whole bunch of impressive tricks.

6. Inca tern (Inca tern)

Photo: Shutterstock

As you can see, these Peruvian birds have gorgeous white whiskers! And we are talking not only about males, but also about females. Of course, these are not the same mustaches that people have, but these feathers look exactly like that. Inca terns live only in the cold waters of the Pacific Humboldt Current, where they form colonies of several thousand individuals.

5. Brilliant painted paint

Photo: Shutterstock

The brilliant painted malor is probably the most unusual Australian bird when it comes to breeding. At rest, both females and males usually look almost the same - their plumage is brown, and both sexes have long blue tails. However, when the period of courtship and mating comes, the males transform and begin to show their bright blue plumage in order to attract the attention of beautiful ladies.

4. Multicolor lorikeet

Photo: Dick Daniels (

Multicolored lorikeets live in the rainforests of Australia and Papua New Guinea. Sometimes these colorful parrots are found right in Perth (a large Australian city), which periodically creates problems, since this species of birds behaves quite aggressively in areas where their nests are located. What's more, multicolored lorikeets even interfere with other native birds, including Australian ringnecks, by constantly ravaging and destroying their nests.

3. Long-tailed velvet weaver

Photo: Shutterstock

There are currently 3 isolated populations of long-tailed velvet weavers. One of them is located in Kenya, the second - in the region of Angola and Zambia, and the third - in the southern regions of Africa. The bird got its name due to the fact that during the mating season, the males of African weavers demonstrate an unusually beautiful long black tail (up to 15 centimeters in length) to attract females.

2. Horned Hummingbird (Heliactin bilophus)

Photo: Shutterstock

This bird species is most commonly found in the forests and grasslands of central and western Brazil. The tiny bird grows no more than 9-11 centimeters in length, and is easily recognized by its very colorful plumage - in

Ecuadorian umbrella bird

A rare bird of the Coting family, native to Ecuador and western Colombia. This unusual feathered creature has a huge cylindrical process that looks like a large beard, which certainly makes it unique. Due to its large size, the bird, unfortunately, often becomes the prey of poachers.

Vulture parrot

Did you expect to see a bright handsome man? However, the vulture parrot can be called a real ugly duckling among other members of his group. The bird has black and red plumage and a formidable appearance, so it would make a good company for any pirate. The bird lives in the forests of New Guinea. The pride of the feathered one is its massive beak, about 46 cm long and weighing up to 795 g.

Incredibly, this bird has claws not only on its paws, but also on the tips of its wings, can you imagine? Young birds use these appendages to climb to safety and take to the air safely. As soon as the hoatzin grows, the claws on the wings fall off. The bird is native to the Amazon and Orinoco swamps.

Helmet-billed kalao

This bird looks like it came out of some foreign action movie. A massive beak, a helmet-like head, a shiny neck - I can’t even believe that such monsters are found on Earth! For the first time, the helmet-billed kalao was found on the Malaysian Peninsula, Borneo and Sumatra. The locals consider the strange bird to be the guardian of the waterway between life and death.

gigantic nightjar

I'll tell you this: don't walk the forests of South and Central America alone, especially at night. As soon as it gets dark, among the dense forest jungle you can meet the "evil elf" - a terrible gigantic nightjar. The huge, frightening eyes of the bird resemble buttons, and the giant, wide-open mouth evokes fear.

During the day, the bird sleeps on old stumps, broken branches. You may not even notice the sleeping "handsome" - so well his gray feathers merge with the environment. But at night, the nightjar sits quietly in its place and waits for its favorite prey - insects.

Frigate magnificent

Frigates are real sea robbers. Walking on dry land, they squawk at sea ​​birds, forcing the latter to drop their prey. Frigates cannot land on the water on their own - they do not have membranes on their paws. Interestingly, the magnificent frigate can sleep in the air, flying over the Pacific or Atlantic oceans for many days and nights at an altitude of 2400 m.

The pride of male frigatebirds is a large red pouch at the throat that swells up during the mating season and resembles a ball. The wingspan of the bird is 220 cm, length is 1 m.

African pennant nightjar

The home of this amazing feathered is the Sahara, and hallmark- two long feathers up to 60 cm long, growing in males during mating games. The bird itself reaches only 23 cm in length. As soon as the mating season ends, the bird loses its feather wings and becomes inconspicuously feathered.

That's so healthy! The maximum wingspan of the bearded man is 304 cm, the largest weight is 8 kg. You can meet a giant bird along the mountain ranges of Southern Europe, Africa, Tibet and India.

The bird is quite difficult. The bearded man feeds on 90% of the bone marrow. To feast on his favorite delicacy, he drives sheep to the edge of cliffs so that they fall, breaking their heads, or throws turtles from a height, breaking their shells.

There is a legend that the Greek playwright Aeschylus died when big bird threw a turtle on his head, apparently confusing her husband with a stone. If this is true, then the bearded man was certainly the culprit.

vulture guinea fowl

This unusual bird definitely flew to Earth from another planet! Just look at her strange plumage! The vulture guinea fowl is part of the guinea fowl family and is the only representative of its kind. The eyes of a strange bird are similar to the eyes of a reptile. The homeland of the vulture guinea fowl is Northeast Africa, so the bird is well adapted to a dry climate.

rose spoonbill

It lives in warm parts of South and North America and is very similar to flamingos. Grows up to 92 cm in length. Bright pink plumage and a green bald head turn the spoonbill into a fantastic bird from some fictional country.

Favorite treats are crustaceans, insects and small fish, which give the bird such a cute, delicate plumage.