Why do you want to live alone. Personal experience: what will happen if you live according to folk signs

Katsuzo Nishi is one of the most famous Japanese healers, who formulated, based on personal experience, six rules for good health.

Nishi believed that only he himself could cure a person if he wanted to. And there is irrefutable proof of that. When Nisha was a child, doctors made a disappointing diagnosis, according to which he could not live to be 20 years old. However, contrary to all the conclusions of official medicine, Katsuzo Nishi not only lived much longer than he was predicted, but also surprised those around him with his good health, already at a very advanced age.

Nisha's Six Rules of Health system

The fundamental factor of the Niche system is a good understanding of the characteristics of human physiology. The conclusions that he made literally turned people's established ideas about what a disease is and how to achieve a cure by doing just a few simple manipulations with your body every day.

Nisha's health rules were widely publicized about 80 years ago. In our time, thousands of examples around the world have been witnessed, when seriously ill patients, turning to these rules, were cured of ailments even when doctors were already helplessly shrugging their shoulders.

What you need to know before starting exercises from the Nishi system? As you know, most people today suffer from problems with the spine - scoliosis and various curvatures resulting from poor posture. When a person stoops, his ligaments and muscles weaken and do not hold the vertebrae as tightly as they should, as a result of which the latter are displaced relative to themselves. The golden rules of health of Katsuzo Nishi are aimed at the formation of the correct posture with the help of simple exercises, swimming, proper nutrition to strengthen the spinal systems, alternating wakefulness and sleep in a certain mode, etc.

The first golden rule of health is a firm bed.

It is no coincidence that they say: if you have many diseases, treat your spine. To tidy up the spine, you first need a solid bed.

A person spends one third of his life in a dream, but this time can be used not only for rest, but also for posture correction. If you sleep on a flat and hard bed, then in this case the weight will be evenly distributed throughout the body, and the muscles will be able to completely relax. Only on such a bed is it possible to correct the spinal column, which is in a twisted state during the day during work. A firm bed stimulates the activity of the skin, activates the work of the skin venous vessels, prevents the prolapse of the liver, and accelerates the blood supply to the skin. All this ensures a sound sleep and a vigorous state after it.

The human spine consists of 33 vertebrae, which form 5 sections: cervical (7 vertebrae), thoracic (12 vertebrae), lumbar (5 vertebrae), sacral (5 vertebrae fused into one bone - sacrum) and coccygeal (most often - one bone from 3-4 vertebrae). Between the vertebrae are cartilage and ligaments. Due to such a movable connection of the vertebrae with each other, the spine can elastically bend when moving the body, flexion and extension, tilting to the sides and rotation are possible in it.

The cervical and lumbar regions are the most mobile, the thoracic region is less mobile. Connecting with each other, the vertebrae form a canal in which the spinal cord is located. Thus, one of the main functions of the spine is to protect the spinal cord - the most important control center, without which the skeletal and muscular systems, as well as the main vital organs, would not be able to work. In the middle of each vertebra is a vertebral process, from which, in turn, there are lateral processes. They protect the spinal column from external impacts. From the spinal cord through the holes in the arches of the vertebrae, nerve fibers depart, serving various parts of the body.

In case of violation of the articular and ligamentous apparatus - the most common pathology called subluxation - the vertebrae are slightly displaced, move to the side, compressing the nerves and blood vessels extending from them, and preventing them from functioning normally. This leads to circulatory disorders, numbness of the pinched nerves, resulting in various disorders in those organs to which the pinched nerves are “connected”. This is what causes various diseases.

The structure of the spine
I - cervical; II - thoracic; III - lumbar; IV - sacrum; V - coccyx.

The cervical spine is especially prone to subluxations, since it is the most mobile. And the eyes, face, neck, lungs, diaphragm, abdomen, kidneys, adrenal glands, heart, spleen and intestines suffer from subluxations of the cervical spine. So, if subluxation occurs in the 4th vertebra, the eyes, face, neck, lungs, diaphragm, liver, heart, spleen, adrenal glands, teeth, throat, nose, ears are most likely to be affected.

If you are not all right with your eyesight, your throat or stomach often hurts, your thyroid gland does not function well - this is most likely due to subluxation of the 5th thoracic vertebra. Your heart, intestines, nose, eyesight may suffer due to subluxation of the 10th thoracic vertebrae. Few people know that inflammation of the bladder (cystitis), appendicitis, impotence, pathological changes in the prostate gland in men and gynecological diseases in women occur as a result of subluxation of the 2nd lumbar vertebra. If the 5th lumbar vertebra is subjected to subluxation, diseases such as hemorrhoids, anal fissures, rectal cancer are possible.

Subluxations that do not correct support pathological changes in the body and lead to diseases.

A firm, even bed promotes even distribution of body weight, maximum muscle relaxation and correction of subluxations and curvature of the spine.

It is good to sleep on the floor, but you can make a hard bed by placing a plank or piece of plywood on your bed; you can also recommend a mattress stuffed with cotton wool, hair or sponge rubber. Options can be different, the main thing is to avoid a spring mattress.

In order for sleep to be stronger, in the evening, about an hour before bedtime, you should spend at least 20 minutes in the fresh air.

The second golden rule of health is a firm pillow.

In this case, we are talking not so much about a traditional pillow, but about a roller-shaped lining under the head (preferably wooden). The pillow-roller should be of certain sizes, individually selected for each person. It should fill the depression between the back of the head and the scapular region so that the third and fourth cervical vertebrae lie flat on a hard surface and do not bend.

Large and soft pillows that seem so comfortable actually make our necks contort. In Japan they say: “A crooked neck is a sign short life».

The position of the spine during sleep: a - correct; b - wrong

So, a hard pillow replaces the stimulation of the reflex centers in the nasal cavity, curing any inflammation of the nasal septum; beneficial effect on the cervical spine; adjusting the vertebrae to each other, stimulates cerebral circulation and thus prevents the development of atherosclerosis.

Of course, such a pillow will, out of habit, cause a lot of inconvenience or even painful sensations, but all this is solely due to the fact that people have been accustomed to a different way of life and sleep for a long time, and now everything that is right seems uncomfortable and wild to them. In order to eliminate discomfort, at first, a hard roller can be wrapped with a soft cloth (towel). As time passes, the layers of matter must be removed one by one, gradually getting rid of the unnecessary lining.

The third golden rule of health is the goldfish exercise.

This exercise affects the vertebral nerves, relaxes them and relieves overstrain, and also normalizes blood circulation, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, stabilizes the work of the main systems of the body, including the nervous one, promotes correct work intestines.

Starting position: lie on your back (on a flat and hard surface - it can be a bed or floor), throw your arms behind your head, stretch your legs forward, press your heels down and stretch your socks to your face.

First you need to do a good stretch. Stretch your right heel forward and your hands in the opposite direction, then do the same with your left heel.

Exercise "Goldfish"

Then put your palms under the cervical vertebrae, connect your legs, pull the toes of both feet to the face. In this position, begin to vibrate with your whole body like a fish wriggling in the water. Perform vibrations from right to left for 1-2 minutes. The body vibrates left and right, but not up and down. You can only lift the feet and the back of the head (position a in the figure). For beginners, vibration can be created by a partner, setting the required pace and accustoming the body to new sensations and movements (position b in the figure).

The fourth golden rule of health is capillary exercise.

It has long been believed that the heart is a powerful motor that accelerates blood throughout the body. But modern research has proven that the power of the heart is not so great. It is only enough to push blood through the arteries and bring it to the capillaries. The power of the heart is not enough to move blood through a giant network of capillaries! Nevertheless, the blood passes through the capillaries, and then returns back and enters the veins.

Here's what happens: the blood from the heart enters the arteries, which are something like stretchable, with the ability to expand the suction tubes - they seem to "suck" the blood from the heart. Then the arteries carry blood to the capillaries, and, having passed through the capillaries, the blood is thrown into the veins to return back to the heart. A vein is something like a suction tube that pushes blood to the heart and does not allow it to return back - there is a special valve in the vein for this.

And where is the pump that makes the blood go into the vein? There is only one answer: it is in the capillaries themselves.
The role of capillaries is underestimated by medical and anatomical science. The significance of this gigantic vascular network is still not understood, and this is a huge number of peculiar microhearts! Capillaries contract, pulsate, and act as a blood motor - not only not secondary to the heart, but, perhaps, the main one!

The purpose of this exercise is to stimulate the capillaries in the organs, improve blood circulation throughout the body, movement and renewal of the lymph. This is a good substitute for running, as it allows you to remove the load on the joints and heart, which is important for many health problems. If possible, perform it in light, loose clothing (and best of all, in the nude), then in addition to the above effects, you will get increased skin respiration, which will lead to the cleansing of the body from toxins through the skin.

Exercise "Vibration"
Starting position: lie on your back on a hard surface, put the roller under your neck, which was discussed above.

Raise your legs and arms up, turn your feet parallel to the floor. In this position, do active shaking with your arms and legs for 1-3 minutes.

The fifth golden rule of health is an exercise in closing the palms and feet.

In addition to capillaries, the heart has another indispensable assistant - the diaphragm. The number of movements of the diaphragm in one minute is approximately one quarter of the number of movements of the heart. But its hemodynamic pressure is much stronger than the contraction of the heart, and it pushes the blood more strongly than the heart. The work of the diaphragm will help the exercise "Closing the feet and hands."

The first part of the exercise improves blood circulation in the body, which means it improves its nutrition and cleansing. Exercise is also useful in that it coordinates the functions of the muscles and nerves of the right and left sides of the body, especially internal organs.
This exercise coordinates the functions of muscles, nerves and blood vessels.

In addition, this exercise makes the muscles of the right and left sides of our body actively interact, which, by coordinating their work, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of all internal organs. It is especially useful for women during pregnancy, as it contributes to the proper development of the fetus in the womb.

The exercise consists of two stages: preparatory and main parts.

Preparatory part
Starting position: lie on your back on a hard surface, put a roller under your neck, tightly close your feet and palms of your hands, spread your knees apart.

In this position, you need to perform several different movements, each must be repeated 10 times:

1. Without changing the position of the arms, legs and torso, press each other with the fingertips.
2. Start pressing with your fingertips against each other and continue pressing with the whole palm.
3. Grip the surfaces of your palms tightly.
4. Stretch your closed hands behind your head and “draw a line” from behind your head to your waist. At the same time, the fingers should not change positions, and the palms should be pressed as close to the body as possible.
5. Turn the fingers of both hands so that they "look" at the feet, and move them from the groin to the stomach.
6. Make movements similar to paragraph 4, but now do not bring your hands close to the body, but keep them at the maximum distance from the body so that they seem to cut through the air.
7. Stretch your arms up and back. Try to stretch them as far as possible.
8. Leave your hands closed over the solar plexus, and move your feet back and forth without opening them.
9. Moving the legs as indicated in paragraph 8, add the movements of the palms in the same order.

Main part
Starting position: after completing point 9 of the preparatory part, lie on your back, close your palms over the solar plexus, connect your feet, spread your knees to the sides.

Exercises "Closing feet and hands"
Close your eyes and, without changing the position of your legs and arms, lie quietly for 10-15 minutes.

So, the fifth rule of health helps the forces of the spirit and body to achieve balance.

The sixth golden rule of health is an exercise for the spine and abdomen.

The implementation of this health rule is dedicated to several important tasks. First, it coordinates the functions of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems s. What does it mean?

All our internal organs can be conditionally divided into animals and plants. Animal internal organs include muscles and the external nervous system, while plant organs include the respiratory, digestive and internal nervous systems. Animal nerves are located in the muscles of the arms, face, legs, neck, chest, abdominal cavity, that is, in those muscles that we can contract at will, for example, raise our arm.

Plant nerves are located in the muscles of the internal organs and blood vessels, and we cannot contract these muscles at will, for example, stretch the stomach. They regulate the activity of the organs of blood circulation, respiration, digestion, excretion, reproduction, and metabolism.

The exercise "Movement of the spine and abdomen" is designed specifically for those areas of our body in which the main vital energies and important organs are concentrated. It is useful for restoring the acid-base balance in the body, contributes to the beneficial effects of mental energy. It is divided into the preparatory part and the main part.

Starting position of the preparatory part: sit on the floor on your knees, while lowering the pelvis on your heels (if you wish, or for greater convenience, you can sit “in Turkish”). Remember to keep your back straight. Your hands should rest comfortably on your knees. Perform all elements of the exercise 10 times on each side.

1. Warm up:
- slowly raise and lower your shoulders;
- stretch your arms forward in front of you, then look back sharply, as if trying to see your tailbone, then slowly look from the tailbone to the neck (of course, you will not be able to see the back, so do it mentally). Return your head to its original position and do the same manipulations on the right side.
- follow the same steps, stretching your arms up.

2. Tilt your head to the right and left.
3. Tilt your head back and forth.
4. Combine points 2 and 3 (do not forget that the exercises of the preparatory period should be done 10 times in each direction).

Preparatory exercise for the back and abdomen
5. Tilt your head to one shoulder, then slowly roll it over to the other, touching the back of your head with your back.
6. Raise your hands from your knees, bend them at the elbow joints to a right angle and firmly squeeze your palms, tilt your head back, look at the ceiling and spread your elbows to the sides, trying to connect them behind your back. At this time, stretch your chin up.

Starting position of the main body the same as in the preparatory.

Basic exercise for the back and abdomen

Relax for a while, then tighten your stomach again, straighten your back and make pendulum swings to the right and left, while moving your stomach back and forth. Do these movements for 10 minutes.

* * * * *
Now you know the six rules of health. All of them are effective and easy to do, you just need to start, overcome the very first barrier and make the first efforts. If you are lazy, it means that you do not want to become healthy and happy enough. These rules are a system that allows you to normalize the work of every cell and every organ. They are subordinated to a single task - the awakening of the healing forces of the whole organism. However, the Health System is not limited to these six rules.

Running in place

Many people know the healing properties of running, but in order to become healthy, we do not need to run like athletes and athletes do. Recreational running is completely different. We need running as a way to return the life-giving vibration to the body and force the capillaries to contract.

Easy and relaxed running in place is a great way to make your body “vibrate”, which means how to stimulate blood circulation and make capillaries work. Running is a completely natural phenomenon and condition for every living being on earth, including humans. It is difficult to imagine a more useful method of recovery. Such a run, without exhausting us unnecessarily, ideally warms up the body to each of its cells, which is why the decay products are intensively melted and removed through the pores. This means that not only blood circulation is stimulated, but the blood is also cleansed!

But in order for running to benefit, and not harm, you need to know a few rules.

The body should be completely relaxed so that the arms dangle like whips, the legs are freely bent at the knees and not tense. The feet should only slightly lift off the ground, making light jumps, try to make the whole body vibrate only slightly and pleasantly from such a run, and in no case receive rough shakes.

In addition to vibration exercises and running, special exercises for the legs help to treat and prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Starting position: lie on your stomach on a hard surface.

Bend your knees and remove any tension from your legs, imagining that your legs from knee to toe have turned into reeds, freely surrendering to the will of the wind.

Having completely given freedom of movement to the legs, give them the opportunity, bending and unbending, to try to hit the buttocks. It will not be possible to reach the buttocks immediately and not for everyone. But imagine that your feet are reeds, which the wind attacks with more and more greater strength, and the legs then together, then alternately bend lower and lower, approaching the buttocks. In any case, you should try to make such movements as if you want to hit yourself on the buttocks, even if you can’t reach them.

Do the exercise daily, trying to ensure that the heels still begin to reach the buttocks.

This exercise significantly increases blood flow along the entire length of the legs, improves the nutrition of muscles and tissues, relieves fatigue from the legs from the hip to the feet.

Exercise "Reed in the wind"

Massage with nuts
Many people know the massage of the limbs with the help of nuts. It improves blood supply to the limbs, relieves nervous tension and improves overall well-being.

Take two walnuts, put them between your palms, pressing harder, and start making rotational movements. It is important to make an effort so that the nuts are pressed more tightly into the palms.

Then put a nut under each foot, start rolling them with your feet on a hard surface, making an effort so that the nuts are more tightly pressed into the foot.

Exercise "Leaflet"
Starting position: Lie on your back face up on a hard, flat bed or on the floor.

Relax your body and imagine that it is completely empty inside, and therefore light, not weighty.

Bend your knees without lifting your heels from the surface on which you lie. To do this, slowly pull your heels to the buttocks as close as possible. Then, without lifting the spine from the surface, slowly raise your head forward and at the same time stretch your palms to your knees. Reaching your bent knees with your palms and lifting your head with your spine horizontal, stay in this position for as long as you can. Imagine that a stream of energy is pouring into your body through the top of your head - the healing Energy of Life. Then slowly return to the starting position and relax.

Exercise "Leaflet"
Exercise should be performed every morning and every evening for 1-2 minutes.

This special exercise will allow you to straighten your posture, put the vertebrae in place and release the clamped blood vessels, thus strengthening and correcting the circulation of blood through the vessels. Exercise stimulates blood circulation in the brain.

Exercise "Willow Branch"
Starting position: stand straight, put your legs as wide as possible, feet parallel to each other.

Focus on your body, imagine that it has become light, weightless, as if empty.

Grasp the kidney area with your palms, connecting your fingers at the sacrum, and begin to slowly bend back. Bend your spine slowly, slowly and carefully tilting your head back. When the spine bends to the limit, freely drop your hands back. Now the body begins to sway lightly, like a green willow branch bending over a river. When slight fatigue appears, grasp the kidney area again and straighten the spine to a vertical position.

Exercise "Willow Branch"
This exercise gives a powerful healing effect for back pain, as well as lethargy of cardiac activity.

Exercise "Bowstring"
Starting position: get on your knees.

Bend your back back, and grab the ankles of both legs with your hands. Stay in this position for at least 5 seconds, then straighten up. Do this 3 to 10 times depending on age and how you feel. The blood flow will increase, which will not allow harmful substances to stagnate in the lumbar region and back and will not allow salts to be deposited in the spine.

Do the exercise every day.

Exercise "Bowstring"
This exercise helps to strengthen and normalize blood circulation in the back.

Exercise "Flexible Vine"
Starting position: stand up straight.

With your thumbs, slowly massage the areas of the back in the lumbar region on both sides along the spine, imagining how the body, softening, becomes more flexible. Then vigorously, but smoothly, and not abruptly, lean forward, trying to reach the floor with your hands.

Straighten up and bend back as low as possible - also with smooth, soft movements, not with a jerk. Straighten up again and make a few vigorous, but gentle tilts to the right and left.

Do the exercise every day.

Exercise "Flexible Vine"
This exercise improves blood circulation not only in the back, but also in the legs. Consequently, diseases of the back and legs disappear.

Exercise "Sky by the River"
Starting position: lie on your back on a hard surface. The whole body is relaxed, legs are extended.

Throw your hands behind your head and clasp in a lock at the top of your head. Now begin to slowly raise your torso so that you are in a sitting position. Continue to bend your torso as close to your legs as possible without stopping. When the torso bows to the legs as low as possible (try to touch the knees with your forehead), freeze and imagine that you are near the river.

Your inclination is the inclination towards the river; you look into the water of the river and seem to dissolve in it. Begin to straighten up, gradually unbending the spine and returning first to a sitting position, then to a lying position. At the same time, do not lose the feeling of dissolution in the river, and, raising your eyes, imagine that you see the sky. Turning to the sky, also feel the dissolution in the sky.

Do the exercise every morning and every evening.

Exercise "Sky by the River"
It also allows you to establish the necessary balance of body and spirit, not only favorably influencing the circulatory system and spine, but also allowing you to develop imagination and intuition.

As you do all these exercises, mentally tell yourself that you are feeling better and better every day. If you do the exercises, not believing in success and being pessimistic, then success is not to be expected. If you believe that you will be healthy, that you will overcome the disease, then it will be so.

This effective and simple system of healing and healing was created in the 20th century by the Japanese professor Katsuzo Nishi. The Katsuzo Nishi System quickly helps to restore mental and physical health!

Katsuzo Nishi lived for 59 years, despite the fact that doctors predicted his death before the age of 20 and were sure that he would not live longer than this period.

The Katsuzo Nishi system does not require additional equipment, skills and a lot of time, anyone can do it.

These exercises help to heal the body, restore physical and mental health. The Katsuzo Nishi system itself includes 6 rules, 4 of which are exercises, and 2 rules relate to healthy sleep.

Health rules according to the Katsuzo Nishi system

1 rule - "Solid bed"

Katsuzo Nishi believed that basically health depends on a straight spine¹, so he said that a person should sleep on the floor or boards, that is, on a flat and hard surface.

When we sleep on a featherbed, mattress or sofa, we are not even aware of what our spine is experiencing. The soft bed "adjusts" to the spine, and the whole body presses on it in the places of bends. As a result of such a rest, the spine experiences enormous loads that harm our health.

When we sleep on a solid foundation, the vertebrae are located most favorably, the spine does not "sag" in unnecessary places, on the contrary, it aligns naturally. Sleeping on a hard floor promotes healing and has a good effect on all internal organs.

Rule 2 - "Solid pillow-roller"

A very important role for the favorable position of the vertebrae during sleep is also played by a hard pillow-roller, which is placed under the neck to align the cervical vertebrae.

The pillow-roller is half a cylinder, cut in height, it can be made by yourself, having the right tools.

Exercises on the Katsuzo Nishi system

Exercise "Goldfish"

"Goldfish" is a very effective exercise that helps to normalize many processes in the body, in particular the process of digestion.

The exercise is performed in the supine position.

First you need to put your hands under the neck, the feet should be brought together and perpendicular to the body, the surface should be flat. The exercise consists in the fact that from the middle of the body to the feet you need to make vibrating movements of the body, while you must try to keep your head and arms motionless.

Exercise for capillaries

This is a very simple but effective exercise. It allows you to significantly improve blood circulation, and, thereby, normalize many processes in the body. It is quite simple to perform it: lying on your back, you need to raise your arms and legs up and make vibrating movements.

Clenching hands and feet

This exercise not only improves physical health, but also increases a person's energy².

In the prone position, you need to close your palms and hold them in front of your chest so that the tips of your index fingers rest on your chin. You also need to close your feet, bending your knees. It is advisable to perform the exercise with your eyes closed.

Exercises for the back and abdomen

These exercises are performed in the lotus position³.

1. Raise and lower your shoulders to the limit 10 times.

2. Turn your head back, trying to see the coccyx, hands should be extended forward during the exercise.

3. Sharply tilt your head to the left and right 10 times (only the head should bend, the upper body remains motionless).

4. Tilt your head 10 times to the limit forward, then 10 times back.

5. Tilt your head to the right to the limit, and then slowly return it back. Run 10 times to the right, then 10 times to the left.

6. Raise your hands up with clenched fists. Then sharply bend them so that the elbow and shoulder create a line parallel to the floor. At the same time, you need to throw your head back. In this position, count to seven and sharply take your elbows back, pulling your chin up. Repeat 10 times.

7. In a position with a straight back, begin to slowly sway from side to side, while moving the stomach. During the exercise, you should repeat: "I feel good, but it will be even better." Run 10 minutes.

Petr Andreev

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ With a curvature of the spine, the system of exercises that you will find in the article will be useful:

³ The lotus position is one of the main relaxing asanas in yoga (

Friends, there is such a wonderful book - Golden Rules of Health, by Katsuzo Nishi. I recommend everyone to read it, as this book contains a lot of useful knowledge about maintaining and restoring our health. Well, in this article you will read about the 6 golden rules of health that Nishi brought out in this book. The rules of Katsuzo Nishi are a system of simple exercises, following which will keep you healthy and young. Easy, but amazingly effective gymnastics. Read detailed description+ watch exercise videos online!

The six rules of health are component system of recovery Katsuzo Nishi (1884-1959), which he brought out, including for himself.

However, Katsuzo was able to change everything thanks to work and perseverance. He read a huge amount of literature about health and tested much of what he read in practice. Thereby Nishi has identified the most effective and efficient exercises and healing methods.

Contrary to the verdict of doctors, the author lived to be 75 years old (not 20). Moreover, Katsuzo Nishi died in a car accident, so it remains to be seen how long he would have lived if not for this tragic accident. In other words, the effectiveness of the health system he developed was confirmed by the author himself.

For the first time, Katsuzo Nishi shared his knowledge with the world in 1927, and in 1936 his first book was published.

Despite the fact that Nishi is no longer alive, his golden rules of health are finding more and more followers in our time. Indeed, with many of us leading, such gymnastics is simply necessary.

As they say, everything ingenious is simple. Yes, in fact there is nothing new in Katsuzo Nishi's book. The merit of the author, first of all, is that he chose the most important and necessary, simple and ingenious from a huge amount of information. And not just chose, but combined into a complete system.

The Nishi Golden Rules of Health exercise system can be used by everyone, regardless of gender and age.

The exercises described below are only part of the Nishi system. An extremely effective piece. In other words, before you is a squeeze from the book "Golden Rules of Health". The book itself contains much more useful information. I recommend that you read it in its entirety. In the meantime, let me introduce you to the six exercises of Katsuzo Nishi, which have restored health to many people. Video from Maya Golulan - an amazing woman, author of the popular books "You Can't Get Sick", "Say Goodbye to Disease", "Laws of Health". Read descriptions and watch videos, and you will definitely learn this unique system of exercises to restore health.

1⃣ Hard bed. If a person has many diseases, then the cause is most likely a violation in the functioning of the spine. The spine is the foundation of life. Any, even seemingly insignificant curvature of the spine leads to disruption of the activity of various internal organs, and the rest of the body suffers.

Therefore, for the general improvement of the body according to the Katsuzo Nishi system, it is necessary first of all to cure the spine. About the fact that it is not necessary to slouch, we will not talk. Everyone knows this. But how to sleep, we will analyze in detail.

So, we spend one third of our lives on. Katsuzo Nishi advises at this time to correct posture and normalize the functioning of the spine.

The first rule of health is: the bed should be flat and firm. A firm bed is the perfect way to maintain proper posture throughout the day. It will also correct the violations that have arisen in the spinal column during the period of wakefulness.

Of course, it is very pleasant to fall asleep in a cozy soft bed. But you can’t even imagine how your spine suffers during sleep in this case. Instead of finally straightening up and taking the correct position (at least for a while), he curves more and more. In addition, a soft bed preserves all the disturbances that have arisen during the day. Thus, when sleeping on a soft bed, the spine does not rest, but is in tension and in the wrong position.

To avoid such abuse of your spine, sleep on a firm and even surface. You can sleep on the floor (this is how many Japanese sleep) or put a board or a piece of plywood on the bed. Naturally, you can put something on a hard surface for your comfort.

What will sleep on a hard bed give us? A lot, and this is not an exaggeration. After all, then the vertebrae will be in a very favorable position, which, in turn, has a positive effect on both the spine itself and the organs of your body. Improves the functioning of the digestive and excretory organs. Normalizes blood circulation in the body and the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Eyes, teeth, throat, nose, ears, face, neck, spleen, diaphragm, lungs, adrenal glands, liver, heart - all this to one degree or another depends on the condition of your spine, says Katsuzo Nishi.

It is worth noting that you need to gradually accustom yourself to sleep on a hard bed. At the beginning, it may be uncomfortable or even painful. This indicates that you already have disorders in the spine. But it also means that you have a great opportunity for recovery.

So, friends, sleep on a solid one - this will be a significant contribution to your health.

2⃣ Second Golden Rule health. Hard pillow or cushion. The second rule of health is a continuation of the first. If you mock yourself, then mock yourself to the fullest =) This is called systems approach. Since we decided to sleep on a hard bed, we should also get rid of the usual large down pillow. After all, the neck is an extension of the spine. And this means that we should not allow it to be distorted for the reasons described above.

The Japanese say: "A crooked neck is a sign of a short life." Now, when we sit for a long time at the tables, leaning forward, caring for the neck is more important than ever.

A firm pillow has a beneficial effect on the cervical spine. Symptoms of a disease of the cervical region are sharp and dull pains in the back of the head, eyes and ears, in the area of ​​the shoulder girdle.

What helps to cure a hard pillow? Asthma, diseases of the genital organs, endocrine system, parathyroid and thymus glands, fibroids, tension of the heart artery, urinary incontinence, pain during menstruation, enteritis, constipation, weakening of the diaphragm, hay fever, diseases of the kidneys, liver, stomach, ears, and irritability, restlessness, dizziness. All these deviations and diseases depend on the state of the nasal septum, and sleeping on a hard pillow has a positive effect on this septum, which, in turn, eliminates disturbances in the internal organs. And a solid pillow stimulates cerebral circulation, which prevents the development of atherosclerosis.

Of course, a firm pillow is not a panacea, but it can really help with many diseases, not to mention their prevention.

Katsuzo Nishi warns that pains appear out of habit, the back of the head numbs. But it is very important to continue to use a firm pillow until these negative feelings disappear. In order for these temporary inconveniences to pass sooner, the author of the book recommends performing the third exercise, which is called "Goldfish".

3⃣ Exercise "Goldfish". The third rule of health continues to correct posture and eliminate disorders in the spine. After all, as we have already seen, our health as a whole directly depends on the health of the spine. Now we are starting a full-fledged, but very simple gymnastics according to the Katsuzo Nishi system.

Starting position: lie on your back (required on a flat hard surface). Extend your arms behind your head. Stretch your legs to their full length, let the toes of the legs stretch in the direction of the body. Your heels and hips should be pressed against the surface on which you are lying.

Stretch, as if stretching the spine in different directions. First, stretch your left foot down, and your arms up. Then repeat the same with the right foot. Well, after that, cross your palms behind your neck and vibrate with your whole body. Like a fish wriggling in the water (hence the name of the exercise).

Such vibrations should be performed for 1-2 minutes every day, preferably in the morning and evening.

Watch the video of Katsuzo Nishi "Goldfish":

With this exercise, you correct the curvature of the vertebrae, which has a positive effect on the entire body. Blood circulation improves, the work of the nervous system, intestines, liver, kidneys, skin, brain and heart normalizes.

Friends, observe the behavior of animals, for example, our pets: cats and dogs. After all, they clearly follow all three golden rules of health: they sleep on solid ground, lay their heads on their paws, and when they wake up, they first of all arrange stretch marks. That is, nature itself gives us tips on how to be healthy!

4⃣ Exercise for capillaries. The fourth exercise (like the third) basically has vibration.

You need to lie on your back (on a hard and even surface), raise your arms and legs vertically and shake them. Perform the exercise for 1-3 minutes.

Just? Yes! Effective? Still would!

Judge for yourself: you are pumping blood through the body, which has a beneficial effect on almost all organs. The body is in good shape!

And time and effort is wasted just nothing.

Video Katsuzo Nishi "Exercise for capillaries":

Surprisingly, this exercise completely replaces jogging in terms of efficiency, but at the same time, any load on the heart and joints is excluded.

5⃣ Exercise "Closing the palms and feet." The first part of the exercise will seem a little confusing to you, but in fact there is nothing complicated there. You need to lie on your back on a flat hard surface, put a hard pillow or roller under your neck. Close your palms (as in prayer) and soles of your feet, spreading your knees to the sides.

- Press the fingertips of both hands against each other 10 times.
- Then repeat, but in addition to pressing with the pads of your fingers, press the palms of your hands against each other (10 times).
- And finally, squeeze your closed palms (10 times).
- Stretch your closed hands to full length, throw them behind your head and slowly move them over your face to the waist (10 times). The fingers of the palms should be directed towards the head.
- Turn the fingers of both hands towards the feet and move them from the groin to the navel (10 times).
- Stretch your arms as far as possible with closed palms and draw them over the body (10 times).
- Stretch your arms with closed palms up and down (10 times).
- Place your hands with closed palms over the solar plexus and move your closed feet forward and backward, trying to open them (10 times).
- Simultaneously move your closed palms and feet back and forth, trying to stretch the vertebrae as much as possible (10-60 times).

This was the first part of the fifth exercise of Katsuzo Nishi, and now let's deal with the second part. You can rest, you won't have to move anymore. You just need to close your hands and feet, close your eyes and stay in this position for 10-15 minutes.

Here is a video of Katsuzo Nishi "The Fifth Rule of Health":

The fifth rule of health Katsuzo Nishi is designed to help the forces of the spirit and body to achieve balance. This is a very powerful exercise! Performing the fifth exercise, we coordinate the functions of the muscles, nerves and blood vessels of the right and left sides of the body, as well as in the groin, abdomen and thighs. In other words, this health rule of Katsuzo Nishi has a beneficial effect mainly on our internal organs and limbs.

It is impossible not to note the benefits of this exercise during pregnancy. Its implementation contributes to the normal growth of the child in the womb and is even able to correct its incorrect position there.

6⃣ Exercise for the back and abdomen. The sixth exercise of Katsuzo Nishi leads to the improvement of the whole organism as a whole. Starting position: sit on the floor on your knees, lower your pelvis on your heels, straighten your spine, keeping your balance on your tailbone. Or you can sit in Turkish.

After each exercise, it is recommended to do an intermediate exercise: turn your head back, while your arms should be extended forward, and you should try to see the tailbone. Perform an intermediate exercise 1 time in each direction after each of the six preparatory exercises below.

Preparatory part:
- Raise and lower your shoulders (10 times).
- Tilt your head left and right (10 times).
- Tilt your head back and forth (10 times).
- Tilt your head to the right-back and left-back (10 times in one direction, 10 times in the other).
- Tilt your head to the right, then slowly, stretching your neck, move your head towards the spine. Then the same thing, only to the left (10 times to each shoulder).
Tilt your head back so that your chin is pointing at the ceiling. Bend your arms, clench your hands into a fist and bring them behind your back so that they are also directed upwards. Stretch your chin to the ceiling and try to bring your elbows behind your back, stretching your arms as far back as possible (10 times).

Main part. Relax after doing the preparation part. Return to starting position. Swing to the right and to the left, at the same time making movements of the stomach back and forth. Do this exercise for 10 minutes. about how your health is getting better and better, how every cell of your body is charged with health and happiness.

What is the sixth rule of health for? Katsuzo Nishi believes that this exercise helps to establish an acid-base balance in the body, normalize bowel activity, and also create a spiritual force that directs the body to health and longevity.

Katsuzo Nishi claims that if you believe that you will be healthy, that you will conquer diseases, that you will live happily ever after, then so be it. SIZZH fully agrees with this. Be happy and healthy, friends!

And here is a video with the 6th exercise of Katsuzo Nishi:


The six golden rules of Katsuzo Nishi are a system of exercises that allows you to normalize the state of each of your cells, each organ. The purpose of gymnastics is the awakening of the healing forces of the body, healing and longevity. Daily implementation of the golden rules eliminates disturbances in the body and mobilizes its defenses.

Here is such a gymnastics by Katsuzo Nishi - simple and effective. Perhaps the last two exercises scared you of having to memorize a lot of actions. But don't worry, in practice you will memorize them the first time.

So, now you know the 6 golden rules of Katsuzo Nishi's health. The author writes that his exercises are easy to do, you just need to start, overcome the reluctance to act and make the first efforts, and then everything will go like clockwork. The main thing is your intention to be a healthy and happy person.

“Correct posture is the key to excellent health” - the words of the famous Japanese healer Katsuzo Nishi. He believed that a person, if he himself wants it, is able to cure all diseases. There is a weighty explanation for this statement - he himself created a healing system, thanks to which he lived a long life.

Today there are many methods of treatment of diseases, recovery. One of these is the Nishi system. Some have already practiced it, others have not even heard of it. Let's find out what the essence of the technique is, how it affects the human body.

We all want to live a long, happy life, and most importantly, we don't want to get sick. The famous Japanese healer K. Nishi believed that only through his own efforts a person can overcome all difficulties, always be healthy, which happened to him. As a child, he was given a disappointing diagnosis, the doctors said that he would live at most until he was 20 years old, they shrugged, saying that there was no way to cure.

Nishi was a weak, sickly child. The doctors diagnosed him with intestinal tuberculosis and lymphatic inflammation of the apex of the lung. After the examination, the doctor issued a verdict: “Unfortunately, this child is not allowed to reach the age of 20 years.” As a child, he did not want fancy toys like his peers, he craved health.

Diseases did not leave Nisha either in childhood or in adolescence. They did not allow him to live normally, did not allow him to get the profession of an engineer. Katsuzo realized that he could not achieve anything in life if he did not take care of his health.

He applied various methods of treatment, recovery, followed the recommendations of Fletcher, the author of the nutrition system, thanks to which he managed to lose weight, and then get rich and become famous all over the world, studied Sinclair's works on hunger therapy.

As a result, Nishi managed to develop his own method of healing. She didn't show up right away. The healer gradually improved his methods, selected the best from what was already known to mankind. He called the technique of K. Nishi - Health System. It was made public when he was 44 years old (the average life expectancy of a Japanese of those times).

Many years passed, Nisha, who was predicted to die early, thanks to the desire to live, as well as faith, and then the author's technique, managed to maintain his health.

Description of the wellness system Nishi

The Katsuzo Nishi system is not a simple set of exercises, rules. It is a way of life that develops a habit according to the laws of nature. The author did not accidentally call it a system. Here you can not give preference to one rule, everything is interconnected in the system, just like in the human body.

The technique does not cure diseases, it contributes to the creation of health. The system considers a person as an indivisible whole. The merit of the healer is that from a huge number of materials he was able to choose the most important, and then combined the selected basics into a system that can be applied to absolutely everyone, regardless of gender, age category. The teachings of philosophers, ancient healers, various literature related to health - ancient Greek, Tibetan, Chinese, Philippine - sources, in general, there were more than 70 thousand copies.

Nishi's theory was first published in 1927, and in 1936 the first book was published in English language. Today there is an institute in Tokyo that works on the principles of Nishi's health. The system has been tested by practice and time. Thanks to the technique, many people got rid of terrible diseases, improved their health.

The system contributes to the prolongation of youth, it gives a chance to enjoy life, helps to resist difficult conditions, fight ailments, stress. This is a kind of teaching about the observance of the laws of life and nature. A person who observes these laws, in return receives the most valuable gift - health.

The technique is now available in different languages, there are many books, teachings that are based on the Katsuzo Nishi healing system. There are many followers who, just like Nishi in his time, got rid of incurable diseases with the help of a healing system. Maya Gogulan - Strong woman, which followed in the footsteps of Nishi and, thanks to the technique of a Japanese healer, defeated cancer.

Before getting familiar with the methodology

From childhood, we are taught to keep our posture: at school at the desk, at home at the table. And it's not in vain. When a person slouches, this leads to weakening of the muscles and ligaments. After sitting all day at the computer, by the end of the day there is fatigue, back pain.

The recovery method provides for the formation of the correct posture with the help of special exercises, as well as swimming, a healthy diet, rest, sleeping on a hard bed and pillow. Thanks to gymnastics, the spine will gain flexibility, and thanks to proper nutrition - building material, it will be strengthened, posture will be formed.

The diet should be enriched with food sources of magnesium, phosphorus, calcium. You should also take care that, in addition to these elements, vitamins A, C, D regularly enter the body - they are most important for the spinal column.

K. Nishi's health rules

Compliance with all six rules, regular exercise will help in promoting health, therapy and prevention of various ailments.

Rule 1 - a hard bed

Sleeping on featherbeds, soft mattresses, sofas is a pleasure. Do you know how a person pays for such pleasure? - Health. The spine is the backbone of life. Even its minimal curvature leads to disruption of the functioning of various organs and systems. That is why it is so important to maintain correct posture. You must always pull the crown up. Eradicate the habit of sitting hunched over, remember this causes great damage to the internal organs, and to health in general. Sleep on the right pillow, more in this video:

Correct posture has a number of benefits:

  • exclusion of load on the spine;
  • normalization of the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • , as well as selections.

But this will not be achieved if you continue to sleep on a soft bed. Here is what the healer said about this: “To develop the habit of correct posture, there is no better remedy than to correct the disorders that occur in the spine by sleeping on a hard bed. If a lover of sleeping on a soft mattress allows his nerves to atrophy and then become paralyzed, then ailments will come to him without an invitation.

Rule 2 - rest, sleep on a hard pillow or cushion

Thanks to sleeping on a firm pillow, the vertebrae of the cervical spine are in their natural position. Rest on a downy soft pillow leads to the deflection of the vertebrae. As a result, due to constant comfortable sleep, the work of internal organs deteriorates, and pain in the back and neck is noted.

This rule also affects the nasal septum, and due to its poor condition, various diseases, increased irritability, and dizziness are noted.

In Japan, they say that a crooked neck is a sign of a short life. Katsuzo suggests sleeping on a hard cushion-roller in such a way that the third and fourth cervical vertebrae literally rest on it.

Rule 3 - the goldfish exercise

This exercise helps to cure scoliosis, correct the curvature of the spinal column, eliminate nerve strain, normalize blood circulation, coordinate the sympathetic, parasympathetic NS,.

It is performed simply.

  1. Lie straight on a flat bed
  2. Pull the fingers of the lower extremities towards the body.
  3. Place both hands under your neck, cross your fingers at the 4th or 5th cervical vertebrae.
  4. Wriggle your whole body in this position for one to two minutes twice a day - in the morning, in the evening.

Rule 4 - exercise for capillaries

This exercise helps in stimulating capillaries in organs, normalizing blood circulation, movement, renewing lymphatic fluid, and improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Lie straight on your back, put a roller under your head. Stretch the upper and lower limbs vertically upwards, and then begin to vibrate them. Perform every day - in the morning, in the evening, for two minutes.

Even newborns who are not yet able to roll over on their side can cope with this exercise. At the sight of mom, dad, they rejoice, pull their arms, legs, shake them.

Rule 5 - closing hands, feet

Exercise helps to coordinate the functions of the nerves, muscles of the trunk and limbs, as well as the abdomen, thighs, groin. When carrying a fetus, it contributes to the normal development, growth of the baby, correcting its incorrect position.

  1. Lying on your back, on a hard cushion, place your hands on your chest.
  2. Open your palms, connect the fingertips of both hands.
  3. Press them against each other, then relax (repeat several times).
  4. Move your hands forward, then back (fingertips are still closed).
  5. Close your palms in front of your chest.
  1. In the starting position (lying on your back), lift your legs up above your body, connect your feet, and spread your knees as wide as possible.
  2. At the same time, raise your closed arms and legs, then lower them. Perform 10-60 times.
  3. Rest in the original posture, then meditate for two minutes.
  4. Do the exercise in the morning and in the evening.

Rule 6 - for the abdomen and spinal column

This exercise helps in coordinating the functioning of the sympathetic, parasympathetic NS, regulating the work of the gastrointestinal tract, and has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

  1. Preparatory stage:
  • sit on a chair, raise and then lower your shoulders (do ten times);
  • tilt your head first to the right, then to the left (repeat ten times);
  • do tilts to the right-backward, left-forward (ten times in each direction);
  • stretching your arms in front of you, turn your head to the right, then to the left (once);
  • raising your hands up, turn your head first to the left, then to the right (once);
  • lowering your arms to shoulder level, bend them at the elbows;
  • take your elbows as far as possible, behind your back, while pulling your chin up.
  1. Main part:
  • after preparatory phase relax, put your palms on your knees;
  • swing the torso to the right, then to the left, while engaging the stomach;
  • do the exercise for ten minutes, every day, morning and evening.

While doing the exercise, say "Every day I get better." Self-hypnosis has a beneficial effect on both the mind and the body, it turns bad into good, and good into better.

M. Gogulan - a follower of the healer Nisha

“Health is the greatest capital” - the words of Maya Gogulan, a woman who followed the example of a Japanese healer and got rid of. She wrote a lot of books, works: "Say goodbye to diseases", "Laws of health", "You can not get sick." In his writings, M. Gogulan shares the secrets of his healing.

This man has gone through a lot of hardships. But in the end, she not only defeated cancer, but also improved her health. At 84, she looks energetic and young.

When the diagnosis sounds like a sentence, a person either gives up or begins an active fight against the disease. When Maya Feodorovna faced a malignant tumor, she not only defended her right to life, but also gave hope to thousands of the same doomed. Her writings, especially Say Goodbye to Illness, help in the healing of even incurable ailments.

Once I happened to hear about a certain Nishi system. The person who talked about her spoke confusedly and confusedly. However, despite the presentation of the material, the system interested me.

I started looking for materials about this system. The first thing I discovered in my searches is that Nishi is not a system of exercises at all, but the name of a scientist.

Japanese professor Katsuzo Nishi (1884-1959) suffered from a severe disease (intestinal tuberculosis). Traditional medicine did not help, and doctors predicted an early death for him.

However, Nisha had completely different plans for himself, and he began to develop a system that would help increase his life. He delved into the study of alternative methods of healing. Nishi is said to have researched over seventy thousand books and manuscripts on health. Ancient Egyptian, Ancient Greek, Chinese, Tibetan, Filipino practices, yoga, research by modern specialists, dietetics, bioenergetics, breathing, fasting, hydrotherapy - all this has been studied and summarized by Professor Nishi. What the scientist considered key, he combined into a system. Now a whole institute in Tokyo is working on it. The new healing system has been seriously tested by practice, and thousands of people have been able to prolong youth with its help, get rid of serious illnesses, have the opportunity to enjoy life, cope with stress and illness.

Nishi believed that the main thing is the treatment of a person as a whole, and not a separate organ or a specific disease. The basis of human health - the "tree of life" - the spine, as well as good job peripheral blood supply systems.

Nishi has developed six golden rules of health, following which you can independently restore the youth of the spine, heart, and, consequently, the whole body.

The first two rules are extremely concise: a hard bed and a hard pillow.

Sleep takes up about a third of life. Why not use this time for the benefit of your body? No fluffy feathers! Sleep on a firm, level bed, avoiding any spring mattresses. This will help correct the spine deformed during the day. During such sleep, the muscles relax, the body weight is distributed evenly, and the displaced vertebrae gradually return to their natural position. This contributes to the restoration of the nervous system, improves the functioning of internal organs. And using a hard pillow-roller, you can easily get rid of headaches, diseases of the ears, nose and eyes. The roller should be placed in such a way that the third and fourth cervical vertebrae literally rest on it. At first, out of habit, such a situation can be painful, but, firstly, health is worth it. And secondly, the desire to sleep will soon outweigh, and we will not notice how we get used to such a pillow.

Third rule. Exercise "Goldfish".

This exercise can be called the golden core of the whole complex. If it is systematically performed for just a few minutes a day, the results will be simply stunning. It normalizes blood circulation, improves the coordination of the external and internal nervous systems, improves the functions of the intestines, liver, kidneys, skin, brain, heart, and performing it before bedtime will greatly facilitate the correction of posture.

It is performed as follows: you need to lie on your back, on a flat bed or on the floor, throw your hands behind your head, raise your toes towards the body, and connect the feet in such a way that they resemble a fish tail. And now let's try to vibrate this “tail” so that the vibrations are transmitted to the whole body. Feel like a fish for a few minutes!

Fourth rule. Exercise "The joy of the baby."

This exercise improves blood circulation throughout the body, renews the lymphatic fluid and prevents its stagnation. It is also built on vibration. Even babies who are not yet able to roll over on their own on their side, perfectly perform this exercise ... when they are happy. They pull their arms and legs up, shaking them indefinitely, rejoicing at everything that falls into their field of vision, mom, dad, a sunny bunny ... Of course, an adult can also do this exercise. It is necessary to lie on your back, put a hard roller under your head, raise your arms up (towards the ceiling or to the sky) at chest level and legs at pelvic level at a right angle to the body, and perform vibrating movements with them. It is enough to perform this exercise for just a few minutes a day.

Fifth rule. Closing of feet and hands.

This exercise coordinates the functions of the muscles, nerves, and blood vessels in the groin, abdomen, and thighs. It is performed as follows: Lying on your back, put your hands on your chest. With your palms open, connect the fingertips of both hands, pressing them against each other and relaxing several times. Then, in this position, move back and forth, and finally close your palms over your chest. Continuing to lie on your back, lift your legs, with closed feet. Make ten movements with your legs back and forth at a distance of 1-1.5 foot lengths, then stay at rest for 5-10 minutes.

Sixth rule. Exercises for the back and abdomen.

This is a series of exercises where abdominal breathing and meditation are performed simultaneously with the movements of the spine, which helps to restore the acid-base balance in the body, i.e. metabolism. You need to sit on the floor, on your knees, lower your pelvis on your heels (or sit in Turkish), fully straighten your spine, keeping your balance on your tailbone. In this position, tilt your head to the right and left, then back and forth. Stretch your arms forward, parallel to each other, quickly look back over your left shoulder, trying to see your tailbone. Return to starting position and look over your right shoulder. Do the same with your hands up. And, finally, raising your arms parallel to each other up, bend them at the elbows at a right angle, clench your hands into a fist, tilt your head back so that your chin looks at the ceiling. In this position, slowly pull your elbows back, as if wanting to bring them behind your back, while pulling your chin up. The main part of the exercise consists in swinging the straightened spine to the right and left while simultaneously moving the abdomen back and forth. You need to do this exercise for 10 minutes.

These exercises are very simple and very effective. Their implementation will take for someone everything, but for someone as much as 15 minutes.

Gymnastic exercises can improve your health, and therefore the quality of life. Whether you are healthy or not is the result of what you have done in the past. Whether you will be healthy in the future depends on what you are doing now. These six rules of health are a real opportunity to live in a healthy future.