Festive scenario for February 23 for men. Scenarios of the holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day for adults

There are three chairs in front of the audience. The leaders enter and take their positions on the chairs.

Presenter 1:
We have gathered today, gentlemen, on one delicate occasion - the men's holiday is coming on February 23rd.

Presenter 2:
How male?!

Presenter 3:
How male?!

Presenter 1:
Here is such an opportunity. Even on the day of the defenders of the Fatherland, it is required to give gifts.

Presenter 2:
Here are those on!

Presenter 3:
There was no trouble, so give it up!

Presenter 2:
Shower more gifts! Strange, I dreamed that I fed the chickens, and this was for gifts, but for me, and not like someone else!

Presenter 3:
No, come on, it's called a party! For the sake of which I slept all night on curlers (it would be great if a girl with a short haircut like “hedgehog”).

Presenter 1:
And yesterday, for the sake of this, I went on a strict diet according to the “Air” system. Three sips in the morning, a sip in the afternoon and half a sip in the evening.

Presenter 2:
Yah! How is the effect?

Presenter 3:
Are you full?

Presenter 1:
You can live.

Presenter 2:

Presenter 3:
Girls, we are distracted, what are we going to do with these very, as they are called something ... men!

Presenter 1:
A holiday is a responsible business. Still, Defender of the Fatherland Day. You won't let anyone in here.

Presenter 2:
Correctly! You need to check them for professional suitability!

Presenter 3:
Let's get down to business!

The presenters put on white hats, on which a red cross is drawn or sewn, bandages are put on their hands.

Presenter 1:
Candidates for defenders of the Fatherland, get ready to pass the medical commission!

Presenter 1 takes out a centimeter, Presenter 2 scales, Presenter 3 an enema.

Presenter 1:
Helpers needed!

Presenter 2:
Take out one by one!

Two women from the audience (they have been warned in advance and must volunteer to help themselves). Women take one man at a time and take them to the medical commission.

First, a man is weighed, then he is brought to the leader with a centimeter (it depends on age, looseness and other similar things - you can play that the value of the measurement applies only to the male detail below the waist), which measures height, chest, hips.

After weighing and measuring Presenter 3 with enema:
Enema lightness of the body!
Every patient knows, whether he is a schoolboy, an assistant professor,
That slags harm the body, but I drive these kaki!
If you suffer from a migraine, an enema of five liters a day will help!

The fate with an enema can be avoided by fulfilling the sports and physical culture standard. In order to make an indulgence for the stronger sex in honor of the holiday, men are given a choice: do push-ups a certain number of times, leave the weight (you will have to get this prop), sit down so many times, etc. One of the men (somewhere after passing through the inspection of half of the men) will be warned in advance, he will agree to an enema (he will not want to pass the sports and physical education standard), Leading 1 and Leading 2 take him by the hands, and Leading 3 defiantly ends the procession with an enema in hands. The procession leaves, the door closes, men's cries are heard: "Oh, ah!". Some time passes, the procession returns. The man is a little undressed (as if he had to dress quickly, his shirt is not quite tucked in, the collar is unbuttoned, etc.), his whole face is in kisses, if possible on the neck and further to taste. Then the remaining men are called one by one. It’s up to them to decide whether they want an enema or not in favor of push-ups and squats.

After inspection Presenter 1:
Lists all men by name. Recognized fit for service in spare parts at the festive table (named the location of the ceremony) companies (Company name).

The men take their positions. The hosts take off their medical elements. The music begins to play. White dance.

Presenter 1:
Like it or not, you can’t turn away from gifts.

Presenter 2:
And where is it written that just lay it out and lay it down?

Presenter 3:
Correctly! Gifts are given only to the strong!

Presenter 1:
Comrade women! You have a big responsibility! So far, three sets of gifts have been prepared. So let's do a draw.

Women are given blank sheets of paper. Each must write one name and surname of the man whom she considers worthy of receiving the first batch of gifts.
Then the presenters collect the leaves and sort them. Three men for whom more votes were cast are called to the hall (if it turns out that someone has the same number of votes, then the winner is chosen by drawing, for example, who will do 10 push-ups faster or otherwise).

The selected candidates are dressed in scarves (if possible, in dresses or a skirt and a jacket), they are given two shopping bags in their hands. At the finish line there are gifts (everything that the company can afford: from chewing gum to elite cognac, you can traditional gifts - shaving foam, socks). Let's say it costs three things (in any case there will be 3 things): socks, a bottle of beer, chewing gum. The task of the men is to take a step (the style of which the host will set) to the finish line, take one thing, return to the start, go to the finish line again in a different style, which the host will also set, take the second thing, return to the start and one more run. The first time they have to walk with the step of a cheerful grandmother, the second - with a fashionable flirtatious woman, the third - with the gait of a business woman going to work, as if hammering piles. Collected things men remain as a keepsake. You can play a super prize by voting, which will determine the demonstrator of the best gaits.

Musical pause. You can dance again or women can perform a comic congratulation song for men.

Presenter 1:
What defender of the Fatherland does not dream of a harem?

Presenter 2:
A secret ballot was held.

Presenter 3:
The winners of which were (names two men).

The winners are given rubber bands of different colors, for example, one is green, the other is blue. While the melody sounds, they must walk (run) around the hall and put this elastic band on the hand of the “wife” in their harem (if someone has already chosen a “wife”, the other does not have the right to take it). When the harems are created (at the end of the melody), a "family photo" is taken. Then the harems must strip their husband down to his underwear. The first harem to cope with this task receives a super prize (each “wife” gets a large chocolate bar), and the harem that loses a prize (each “wife” gets a small chocolate bar). " Family photo with a naked husband.

Presenter 1:

Presenter 2:

Presenter 3:
And don't say you haven't heard!

Presenter 1:
Love the one and only!

Presenter 2:
Look what the harems are up to!

Presenter 3:
Women in chocolate, and men in shorts!

Harems carry their husbands out of the door in their arms, after a while they return. Kisses on the entire bare area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body (they can be drawn with lipstick). The song "If I was a Sultan" is included. The harem dances to her near her husband.

"Husbands" announce a toast. Raising glasses.

Presenter 1:
Well, my dears. We also have a valuable prize.

Presenter 2:
And, most importantly, rare!

This time women are called to the stage (the number of women in the team depends on the number of women in the team, but at least 2). How many teams will also be possible. Minimum 2. Chairs are needed (you can just use the ones on which the presenters sat). Each team is given socks, barbecue skewers, thread, scissors, satin ribbon and, if possible, decorative paper, mesh or organza for wrapping paper. Women should make a bouquet of roses out of socks (the sock is wound around a skewer in a spiral and fastened with a thread, then all the skewers are connected and wrapped in paper or decorated with satin ribbons). Then all the men are invited to the hall, they stand in a row or in several rows (depending on the space), and the women turn their backs and throw their bouquets. The one who caught the bouquet takes it for himself.

Now you can eat, dance, and the celebration in honor of February 23 ends with the presentation of gifts to men.

A few words about the design of the hall. It's no secret that the stronger sex is breathing unevenly towards mouth-watering pops and prominent busts. You can print these attractive body parts and write wishes for men on them. Post such posters around the hall, let them read and enjoy the view.

It is not difficult to give colleagues at work an original holiday for Defender of the Fatherland Day if it is correctly scripted. It must include and funny scenes, and speeches with poetry, prose. It is beautiful to wish the representatives of the stronger sex good health, success and real happiness and congratulations in your own words will help. To write an unusual event program, readers only need to study the examples and ideas we have selected. Recommendations will help you understand how to congratulate male colleagues at work from February 23, 2018 in an original and modern way. Simple tips will tell you how to organize a memorable corporate party for all the men in the office.

How to originally congratulate men on February 23, 2018 at work, if there are more of them - examples of scenes

It is recommended to select skits for performances in front of male colleagues according to their number in the team. For several representatives of the stronger sex, women can perform separate productions. But if there are more of them, it is recommended to make a couple of long numbers. To learn more about how to originally congratulate men at work on February 23, 2018 with skits, the examples and ideas of productions that we have selected will help.

An example of the scene "Ideal man" for the original congratulations of men at work from February 23

Women talk about the ideal male colleague they meet daily at work. Then, add new facts about him. But so that it is not clear which of the colleagues fits this description. To the music, they bring each of the men to the center of the hall, talk about his merits and then sit him down. After everyone present hears the praise, the female colleagues will tell you that each of these men is perfect in their own way.

Video examples of original scenes for congratulations at work men on February 23

The production for Defender of the Fatherland Day can be made general. In it, women working in a team can perform dialogues, songs and dances. You can see examples of such scenes in the videos we have selected:

How to congratulate men on February 23 at work - scripts with a video example

Properly drafted script of the corporate party is a guarantee of its interesting holding. That is why, on Defender of the Fatherland Day, women colleagues need to think over every number and performance for the event. About how beautiful it is to congratulate men at work on February 23 with original script, will tell our recommendations and advice.

An example of writing a script for congratulating male colleagues on Defender of the Fatherland Day 2018

Preparations for the original holiday on February 23, 2018 must necessarily take place according to the scenario. This option is optimal for both a large team of colleagues and a small team. At the same time, girls should take care of all the nuances: decorating the office, ordering food for a feast, buying tableware. This will help to avoid any problems in holding a corporate party. But compose good script The following list will help them:

  1. Subject (it is desirable to use military or maritime direction).
  2. Numbers and their order (how skits, contests, reading poetry, prose, presenting gifts, feast) will go.
  3. Costumes and necessary accessories for competitions (for the holiday of Defender of the Fatherland Day, women can pick up special costumes, props).

Particular attention should be paid to gifts that will be given to male colleagues. These can be gifts purchased or sets formed by women. Presentations can be held at the beginning of the feast or after the end of the event.

Video example of a script congratulating all men at work on February 23

The easiest way to write a script and choose the theme of the corporate party, you can use a visual example. Therefore, for our readers, we have selected a corporate video with a very interesting scenario. It can be used as a basis or partially repeated on Defender of the Fatherland Day.

How original and cool to congratulate men on February 23 at work - scenes and numbers

The selection of scenes for a corporate party on February 23 is best done based on the realities of life. Drawing real cases will help cheer up everyone present. Therefore, a funny, but not offensive, play on your colleagues can be a great idea for a performance. To learn how fun and original it is to congratulate men at work on February 23 with sketches, the examples we have selected will tell.

Cool number "Well, what's the job?" on February 23 to congratulate male colleagues

To conduct a skit, the girls need to make a list of the most ridiculous cases that took place in the office. Then they should distribute the roles of the men and women who participated in them. Playing and adding jokes everyday situations, you can create a fun pun that will appeal to all guests of the corporate party.

Video example of a scene for Defender of the Fatherland Day for work colleagues

Another idea for an entertaining scene at a corporate party in honor of February 23 can be gleaned from the following video. Such a hint will be useful for all the women of the team. It will help you easily choose a simple role in new scene or use the selected number as a basis. The original production will certainly be appreciated by all men.

How to originally congratulate men in verse from February 23 at work - a selection of texts

Funny poems are an appropriate addition to any corporate party. Even if the men's holiday of Defender of the Fatherland Day is celebrated. They can be included in any part of the program or read instead of toasts. Our next selection of poems will help to congratulate men at work from February 23 in an original and beautiful way.

A selection of congratulations in verse for the holiday of February 23 for male colleagues

The following selection of beautiful poems will help our readers to maintain the atmosphere of a cool and provocative holiday on February 23, 2018. Comic and restrained texts can be included in any celebration scenario. In addition, they can be read out immediately to all male colleagues if there are more of them than women.

We congratulate you, colleagues

And, of course, we wish

On this day of the calendar

Strength, courage, health,

So that henceforth, as now,

You went to the heights without blood,

And to victories - without losses.

So that a stable salary

Brought you joy

To not be afraid of spending

On trips to the islands.

Let work inspire

For progress and personal growth.

Let the authorities do not scold

You are not a joke, not seriously!

Today is a holiday for men

And we want to congratulate our colleagues,

We have a thousand reasons

To exalt and glorify you!

Delon, Schwarzenegger - nonsense,

You are not suitable for soles,

You are always so excellent

What a straight fall and cry!

We want to glorify everyone

And the title "Superman" will give!

Congratulations, defenders of the Fatherland,

From the female half of the team.

Thanks for everything! Our humanity

You must live peacefully and beautifully.

Real be you protection and support,

May peace reign in your destinies.

We wish you the courage with which

Some men can join the fight.

Colleagues, we sincerely congratulate you!

We applaud, honor and praise.

You have a spirit and we respect you!

Let's go for a walk today, colleagues -

We want to congratulate you on the 23rd!

After all, courage, valor, courage and honor

You are fully in character.

May women love and protect you

They will give you affection, warmth and comfort.

For them, you are support, shoulder and support,

Let there be no contention in your personal life.

We wish you health and a peaceful sky,

Always on the tables of fragrant bread,

Prosperity, friends and a stable homeland.

And a friend of your hand is reliable and strong.

We congratulate today

Our valiant men.

We make wishes

For special reasons.

And here's the reason -

And so colleagues

Let's shout a resounding "Hurrah".

We wish you good luck

Good, fair women.

So that everyone without "distribution"

Was surrounded by care.

For you to always strive

They wanted and they could.

To fight defending

Only until you win.

How beautiful it is to congratulate men at work in your own words on February 23 - examples of texts

Make up a whole holiday program it is quite difficult for male colleagues if there is only one woman in the team. In this case, it is better to limit ourselves to a long sincere congratulation to all those present. It is easy to write wishes in your own words. To do this, you can use ready-made prose as a basis. For readers working in a male team, we have selected excellent examples. With them, every woman will be able to congratulate men at work on February 23 in her own words both beautifully and in an original way.

Examples of congratulations in honor of February 23 in your own words for male colleagues

If there are not so many men in a team with one woman, then she can write personal congratulations for each of them in a couple of sentences. If there are a lot of them, then it is better to stop the choice on general wishes. Compose different variants congratulations for male colleagues at work will help the following examples of prose:

Dear men! On behalf of the female half of our team, I congratulate you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish good spirits, excellent health, warmth and comfort in families! You are our reliable rear: brave, selfless, loyal! I wish that fighting qualities never come in handy in your life, and we women will be proud of you in peacetime!

Happy holiday, dear men! On this truly masculine day, I would like to wish you a lot of energy and strength to achieve your goals, wisdom and patience, both in work and in your personal life. Let nothing threaten your family, and let the butts of guns not touch your hands. Let tanks appear only at the parade, and only civilian planes fly. Let the volleys of cannons be heard in honor of the holidays, and let mothers cry only for joy. Live with faith in the future and do not regret the past.

Dear colleagues, I congratulate you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish you to be surrounded by peace and tranquility. Prosperity, development, achievements, prospects and growth! May there always be strength and desire, opportunities and goals. Best wishes to you!

I want to congratulate our men on the valiant holiday - February 23. Always be a support and protection for us, succeed in business and climb up the career ladder. We wish you human happiness, goodness and peace, a warm home and the realization of your ideas.

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day, colleague. You are all our defenders, regardless of whether you served or not, because the main thing is that you are real men. Bold, strong, self-confident. And you are the same, my dear colleague. Stay like this always and you will achieve success in work, in love, and in your hobbies.

How to congratulate colleagues in the office on February 23 in prose - a selection of texts for 2018

Congratulating colleagues in the office, if there are many of them, is much more convenient with small speeches from each woman of the team. For this, short and beautiful prose is perfect. It can be both official and supplemented with various cool wishes. Unusually, original examples of prose will help our readers to congratulate colleagues in the office from February 23.

Examples of texts in prose for congratulating colleagues on Defender of the Fatherland Day in the office

You can read congratulatory prose for male colleagues at any time during the celebration of February 23. She can beautifully start a corporate party or insert women's performances between different stages of a feast. Without fail, an original congratulation in prose should also complete the holiday. You can choose beautiful prose to wish success, health and happiness to all colleagues from the following examples:

Dear colleagues, Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish you strength of spirit, courage and perseverance. Victories on all fronts: both at work and willows Everyday life. I wish you to take a firm step towards the achievement of your goals. And let all obstacles surrender at your approach. May luck always accompany you, fortune smiles and everything works out!

Dear men, colleagues, from February 23! Be invincible, strong, lucky, healthy. Let any obstacles submit to you, difficulties recede, and things are solved easily. Energy to you, patience, family well-being and financial heights.

Dear colleagues, we are happy that our friendly team is represented by really real men. May courage, strong will, and the ability to find the right solutions always remain with you. We wish you happiness, mental and material well-being.

Dear Colleagues! This holiday is truly our professional, so I boldly and wholeheartedly congratulate you on it. You are the defenders of your Fatherland, society and your family, who, along with me, thank you and congratulate you. Thank you for your honest work, which you proudly carry as a banner of happiness and integrity. Low bow to you for your love for your profession and quality work.

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day to you colleagues! On this day, I want to once again congratulate all the men who are defending our homeland, and thank our grandfathers from the bottom of my heart for giving us this opportunity! May peace and prosperity always reign in your homes, our great fatherland will always be under your reliable protection!

Making a good script for the holiday of Defender of the Fatherland Day at work is as easy as shelling pears. To do this, you need to select the types of numbers, scenes that will be included in the program. For example, women can perform at a corporate party in the office with songs or dances, or they can recite poetry, read prose. For a small team, you can write beautiful congratulations in your own words. Sincere wishes will certainly please each of those present. Using our tips and examples, you can easily learn how to congratulate male colleagues at work on February 23, 2018. Readers just need to follow our recommendations and use the suggested ideas.

Scenario of the game program for February 23"Beauty Contest" is ideal for a party dedicated to February 23rd. The script is a mixture of good entertainer and interesting competitions. If you add a small banquet program, several concert numbers and an incendiary dance to it, you get cool holiday for all. (Thanks to the author of the idea)

The introductory part of the script "Beauty Contest"

For the program you will need: 5 self-tie ties, 4 banknotes of 1000 rubles, 3 chairs, 2 boxes of matches, 2 potatoes, 2 ropes, 2 clothespins.
Four chocolates are needed as gifts, a bottle of champagne.

Leading: Good evening, dear guests! We have an unforgettable evening tonight, because, without a moment's delay, I'm going to arrange a beauty contest among the men present. I hope we have some daredevils! I warn you right away that, unlike the banal and familiar beauty contests between charming ladies, the strong half of our tonight will not need to flaunt in swimsuits, demonstrating pumped-up torsos and athletic figures - in no case. After all, true masculine qualities are not only in the charms of the exterior, but, on the contrary, all the value is in the inner content! I hear not all ladies agree with me!? Of course good appearance welcome: an elegantly dressed man is very pleasant to look at. But what is this elegance worth if the descendant of Adam does not know how to keep his word, is rude and even vulgar? Is his strength in his brutal appearance when he does not know how to make money? In reliability and constancy lies the main attractiveness of a man, if only the secret of attractiveness can be put into a universal formula!

Leading: However, we will postpone the disputes about attractiveness for later. And let's remember one simple folk truth that they are still met by clothes. Remember how it was with Pushkin, who himself was not one of the last dandies: "Like a London dandy dressed ... Onegin goes to a masquerade"! Let's discuss what should be worn on a person who claims to be a "dandy" and a secular lion?

(there will be many options, among which the leader should grab the answer “tie”).

Leading: Undoubtedly! You can’t do without a tie, because this is perhaps one of the most elegant accessories! Please get on stage! Your name? Very nice! I'll ask you to wait a bit - and I will certainly get you companions for the future competition! So every a real man- according to popular female opinion - should be able to count money. So we will check how many of our honest company are such men who, without visiting their own pocket, can accurately name the amount of cash in it?

(Among the respondents, there will definitely be one who will say “not at all!” or “zero!”, We invite this person to take the stage).

Leading: Bravo! A frugal man is not one who does not buy anything, but one who keeps his money in a bank account! Please introduce yourself! Very nice! Join the waiting, and we will take care of further selection of players. And I need the guests to name something now that from time immemorial has been valued more than money and other material values!

(be sure someone and the guests will say “time!”).

Leading: Absolutely right! Gray time, which can be calculated only by hours. So let's check our clocks! Who has how much? Oh, I see there are those whose clocks are a little behind! However, your young man is in a hurry. Apparently, you are in a hurry to live and feel? Or are you in a hurry to become the third contestant? Get on stage, please! And get acquainted: these are your rivals! Take a look, you can't take your eyes off - like Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich and Ilya Muromets! And tell me, dear guests, who else in the world history of culture and literature were there three?

(the last player who gave the final answer wins and rises to the stage).

Leading: And now, my friends, choose for yourself the fifth comrade, with whom in the near future you will have to measure your strength. We greet you! Introduce yourself! So, we meet the participants of the beauty contest!

Competitive and gaming part of the program for February 23:

1 contest.

Leading: As they say, we are starting KVN, that is! Well, there is no better decoration for real men than an elegant, properly laid collar around the neck ... uh, tie! So get, gentlemen, one tie. Your task is to race to tie a tie, of course, on your neck with any knot you wish. When the player is ready, he must quickly raise his hand, marking the end of the process! So let's get started! (you need to keep a close eye on who will be the last in this race, he will be eliminated, having receivedconsolation prize - chocolate). What to do! You just missed a few moments! But, as the French say, this is "se la vie"! Dear friend, you will have to return to the hall to this thunderous applause!

2 competition.

Leading: When the tie is tied, it's time to talk about money. As I already mentioned, a true man should be able to earn money. But why work hard if you can't spend money?! And even lower them into the wind! Now we will check who is into what: here's a bill for each of you. You need to quickly figuratively fold it and put the money on the table. The wind, of course, will be your own lungs. Attention, your task is to blow on the money figurine so that it flies as far as possible! We blow! So who did it the best? And here is the loser, because your bill landed too close to you. Well, don't be discouraged: you're just the most frugal of them all. Get a consolation prize. And there are three players left! You are just beautiful!

3 competition.

Leading: So, let's continue! Bring us three chairs, please! On these chairs, gentlemen, I suggest you lay out your future catch. What I mean? And remember, we talked about what is more expensive than money? And the time was called. And we measure it by the hour. And here is another saying about time “Seven do not wait for one”! what is it for? And besides, in the next competition you go down to the hall and collect seven wrist watch. Quickly return to the stage and lay out your catch on the chair. Ready? Started! (someone will definitely be the last one). Oh no no no! Well, what to do - you were a little slower! Or a little happier? After all happy hour not watching! And here's the consolation prize!

4 competition.

Leading: Don't worry, generous donors of your watches - although for a while - everything will be returned to you! And we have the most interesting ahead - this is the last competition, which will give us the opportunity to name the winner! And this competition will reveal the most charming and attractive among the candidates! Do not worry! You don't have to color your lips or curl your lashes! But let's remember what measures to attract persons of the opposite sex provides for mother nature? Correctly! This is the marriage dance! So the most charming will be revealed through dance gestures. Some accessories will come in handy: a simple string with a potato on one end and a clothespin on the other end. The task is elementary: by attaching a rope to your belt with a clothespin, you need to swing the potato with your hips to bring the box of matches to the finish line. The boxes need to be pushed by a swinging root crop. Approximately like this! (demonstrate!).

Attention! Only the hips are used, whose oscillatory movements should become the main source of shocks! So, bring the main gun to a calm position! Gentlemen, you should not compare who is shorter and whose is longer - believe me, in this dance the size does not matter! One, two, start! (of course, the winner is determined). Hooray! Here he is - our handsome man! sex symbolN-ska andNdistrict! I'm sorry to have to part with you! But you fought to the end, but turned out to be a little calmer. But we know that you go quieter - you will continue! Here's your consolation prize, and the winner gets a bottle of champagne! Now your name will be entered into the tablets, but you will definitely confirm my words that you, like all other men, do all this and all the poems in the world for the sake of your beloved women!

The holiday continues, it is worth including in its program, such as

5. Musical entertainment "REP at the corporate party".

Leading: Which of the guests will tell me how long we are already resting? (guests offer answers) Wonderful, but let's find out how we relax? I need a girl and a young man to come out to me. There are no volunteers, then I choose myself. Here you are please. What's your name - reward with applause. How you drank - fine, excellent. We will rap with you.

(Turns to girl) Your words:

"And the sun rises-oo-dit and sets-oo-dit,
And we rest well
Purlim-pumpo E!"
Let's rehearse!
(Male): And what's your name - wonderful,

how do you feel - great!
Your Party:
"And labor, but oink, and tirli-tirli-don
And labor, but oink, and tirli-tirli-don
Rest well E!"
Let's rehearse!
Dear ladies and gentlemen

for the first time combined choir of rappers:
my words:
"We were going somewhere
we were on the tram
we read rap sacredly - we don’t need another!

Then the rappers take turns reading. This contest hostit is better to carry out without "wallets-tips" -

know everything by heart - then there will be an effect!

By the day of the Defender of the Fatherland, we offer you a scenario with competitions for holding a holiday in high school.

There is a bench on the stage (or three chairs in a row), three girls are sitting on it, resting their chins on their hands, and sighing heavily. On the head there can be kokoshniks made of colored cardboard, or each girl is woven with an artificial braid lying on her shoulder, in this case, it is appropriate to make a blonde, brunette and redhead. If possible, throw Russian scarves over your shoulders. Girls can dress as they like, the main thing is to indicate that they are almost Pushkin's "three girls".

1 girl (yawns):

Girls are boring...

2 girl (sighs):

Very boring…

3 Maiden:

People say the truth

Choosing a future husband

Difficult if there are no guys!

1 girl (sarcastically):

You are logical dear

Amazingly smart

But while we're talking to you,

You would wove canvases!

2 Maiden:

Well, for you, friend

Feast mountain then merit!

3 Maid(jumps up indignantly):

That is, to put it simply,

Should I give birth to a hero???

No, girls, you really are something! Maybe we will first choose suitors, such good fellows, so that they have blood and milk, and the mind chamber, and a heroic horse to boot ...

1 girl (sarcastically):

Yes, yes, and half the kingdom, how did you forget!

2 Maiden:

Enough already teasing all the time, let's better and really come up with something. February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day, so it's worth finding out who we have here is the very best defender. I propose to introduce four nominations: "Tsar", "Tsarevich", "King", "King" ..

3 Maiden:

You are constructive!

1 Maiden:

And now I’ll come up with such tasks that even Vasilisa the Wise can’t cope! Here, for example: let our candidates for defenders write - how to cook pasta and fry scrambled eggs! And while our kings are trying, he will speak ...

While the guys are doing the tasks, amateur art can perform - dance, song, tricks. It is desirable that this be a gift from girls to boys.

Competition "Culinary"

Young people must write down the process of making pasta and scrambled eggs on paper within five minutes, and for the correct answer, you should take the exact recipe - for sure, the boys will make a mistake somewhere in the technology, so it can turn out to be quite fun. Leading girls collect leaflets, and read out in turn, commenting. The winner is the one with the recipe closest to reality.

1 Maiden:

Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, we should have made them cook and eat it!

2 Maiden:

Are you starting again? It's normal when a man does not know how to cook, the main thing is that he has potential! Good thing they even know what a scrambled egg is!

3 Maiden:

Girls, do you know what else to check? Thinker! Let's give them puzzles, let them figure it out in five minutes!

Contest "Puzzle"

For the next competition, popular puzzles are needed - it can even be "Rubik's cubes" or rings with ropes that need to be untangled. If all the guys cope with the task, then it is worth evaluating the result by time - who did it faster. By the way, then, after the end of the competition, you can give such puzzles to all the boys as a gift, there are a lot of similar toys at quite affordable prices, so how small souvenir This is a very good choice for the holidays.

1 Maiden:

Well, I must admit, our princes are smart. But I would certainly come up with some other trick.

2 Maiden:

Yes, who would doubt something ... But I also feel that something is missing.

3 Maiden:

I know! You have heard the expression: "Men love with their eyes, and women with their ears." We need to give them a task so that they read with expression a poem dedicated to women, and whoever does it best wins!

Competition "Poetic"

It will be necessary to prepare in advance four different poems of great poets about love. Preferably about the same size. You can take Shakespeare's sonnets, because they are just written in one way of versification. Or vice versa - poetry radically different in style. For example, Mayakovsky has very beautiful lyrics, and it can be read very expressively. It will be enough for the children to read the poem to themselves once or twice, and already begin to improvise. Of course, it is very difficult to determine who reads better, but you can ask a teacher of literature or a class teacher to judge.

1 Maiden:

What are they all the same ... fickle !!! (turns away, pretends to sob)

2 Maiden:

What are you?

3 Maiden:

Don't pay attention, she's moved. But I'm impartial, so I think it's time to determine the winner.

Voting in three competitions can be made unified, or you can let one teacher judge each competition, or let the audience judge with applause, or the hosts themselves. The main thing to remember is that all contests are comic, so it’s quite possible to “play the fool”.

For the 1st place "King" you can make a crown, and, if you suddenly succeed, get a sham gray beard. If there is no beard, then it is quite possible to make it from an ordinary washcloth, to which an elastic band is sewn. These "regalia" should be left to the participants of the competition as a keepsake.

"King" - 2nd place. The Russian tsar, as a character, is, of course, more important in Russia. Therefore, the title of king is awarded to the runner-up. He can also put a crown on his head, only narrow and wide, and throw a “royal mantle” on his shoulders, made from a piece of fabric gathered on an elastic band or ribbon around the neck.

"Tsarevich" - 3rd place. Here you can misbehave, and present to a young man, for example, a Frog Princess drawn on a Whatman paper with an arrow in her mouth or in her paw, write a funny phrase, such as: “You are lucky, I am yours!” or “The prince did not look for a ford, he wandered into a swamp behind an arrow. I was always waiting for you, I was impregnable!

"King" - 4th place. For this young man, you need to prepare a ribbon over his shoulder, with medals sewn to it, and to it an epaulette - a cardboard oval, sheathed with blue fabric, yellow fringe. Must be attached to clothes double sided tape, but in any case - it's not for long.

One of the presenters or all three, reading from a quatrain, congratulate all young people on the holiday:

Guys, we have confidence in you

Although you are not all tested,

We look at you with confidence

And we do not dream of titles.

Even now we are sure

That you will protect the Motherland,

We look at you with confidence -

True, not "seemingly".

This is how humanity is designed

That everything can be in the world.

And defending the Fatherland

Remember - you are his children!

After that, the girls can give young people souvenirs as a keepsake.

Great contests for February 23 for boys

"Italian" weaving

Weaving as a kind folk art appeared in ancient times, because even primitive people guessed that in objects woven from twigs, you can store all kinds of things or food. A variety of materials were used for weaving - birch bark, and willow twigs, creepers, fishing lines, twine, ropes (by the way, we owe the last type of weaving to sailors, and maritime knots). But so far no one has tried to weave from ... spaghetti! Therefore, the participants of the competition can be invited to weave all kinds of knots, which have specific names for weaving masters.

Congratulating native men on their main holiday in an original and fun way is not such an easy task. And if this is a corporate event for men on February 23, women colleagues have to take into account dozens of nuances, from the nature of the company to the tastes of each guest invited to the holiday.

Place, time

Start by choosing a room - this will help determine all further questions. Of course, it is ideal to book a cafe/restaurant where there is enough space for a stage, dances, banquet tables. Sufficient space will make it possible to implement all the ideas of decorating the hall and any theme of a corporate party on February 23: a military registration and enlistment office, a barracks, exercises, a military operation to combat despondency.

It is not always possible to move furniture in the office, office equipment interferes, there is little space for active competitions. And in general, a corporate party at work is not a very good idea if there is no separate room for such events. But decorating the hall in a military style will create a festive atmosphere, even if there is not enough space for wild fun with dancing and funny scenes.


  • Hang a congratulatory banner over your entrance or stage. Print themed posters, cartoons, funny pictures in army style. It is easy to supplement them with short anecdotes, jokes, chants for February 23 - interactive decor attracts attention and remains in the memory of guests;

  • make a "cool" stand for men with congratulations on February 23 in verse(short quatrains with humor). You can print a large thematic poster, where instead of the faces of the characters there are photos of colleagues. It is not necessary to be a master of FS, the main thing is the message.

A joke on competitors - a poster where one army drives another. On the helmets/caps of the winners is your company logo, on the uniform of the vanquished - the competitor's logo. But this point is better to discuss with the management.

  • take a camouflage net for a corporate party(summer residents, hunters, fishermen). It can be thrown over furniture, hung on the wall in the photo zone. Folding chairs, backpacks, accessories and khaki-colored clothes will come in handy - to decorate the hall on February 23, these are the most atmospheric decorations;
  • cut triangles from khaki paper, assemble into garlands. Inside some, paste your logo, photos of the heroes of the occasion in helmets, caps (Photoshop). Hang balloons in themed colors, shaped military equipment. Use toys to decorate the hall - soldiers, weapons, binoculars and compasses, tank cars.

In every man, even the most serious, lives a boy who has not played enough. If the room allows, arrange a race of radio-controlled jeeps at the corporate party - the stronger sex will be delighted!

  • buy napkins, tablecloths, disposable tableware, khaki straws for cocktails. You can make toppers from pictures on toothpicks (company logo against the background of the country's flag, helmet, red star), replace bottle labels with themed pictures.

Make an invitation to a corporate party for all colleagues, not just for men. Ideas for an original invitation for February 23: postcard in military style (tank, grenade, good soldier), a comic summons to the military registration and enlistment office, a dispatch from the general with an order to appear at the gathering place;

In addition to funny skits and congratulatory rework songs, prepare thematic jokes, toasts, and jokes. They will not let guests get bored in between performances and competitions. Distribute short texts in advance to ladies who are not embarrassed by the crowd.

There is no need to include ditties, chants, etc. in the corporate party script - these are rather arbitrary blanks that “pop up” during the event. So the atmosphere at the holiday will be more relaxed.

Script, entertainment

We offer universal scenario corporate party on February 23 in the style of the army. Suitable for a relaxed company, gathered in an informal setting. It is advisable to arrange a military enlistment office or barracks in the office - hang instructions, posters, stands.

If the corporate party on February 23 is not at work, you need to agree in advance with the cafe / restaurant staff on decorating the hall (not everywhere they allow their own decor, keep this in mind when choosing an institution).

The main presenter appears as a sexy commander/military commissar with a folder and/or even a whip, dressed in military style, speaking in a commanding voice. She greets guests, invites them to sit down at the tables.

Introductory part

Two fifa girls appear on the stage, very slender typical "blondes". Guests watch a funny scene as if from the middle of a conversation:

First girl(P): ...and Babovism flourishes there, and for some reason you have to stand on the bedside table.

Second girl(B): Some nonsense. I do not believe!

P: true true! And just imagine - no cosmetics. We'll have to go AWOL for lipstick. And also hand wash footcloths and even clean boots yourself!

AT(horrified): And all by hand? What about a manicure?

P: Honey, what a manicure! All day in the hands of either a machine gun or a shovel - Khan's manicure. And makeup, by the way. Estimate, you’ve been putting on beauty all morning, and the commander bangs like that and says: “Well, everyone put on gas masks!”.

AT: No, I won't join the army, a gas mask doesn't suit me at all. Although there are so many beautiful men there ... But I'm in a gas mask ... Eh!

P: Men? It's true! This, by the way, is the most terrible (in a terrible whisper) - after all, everyone you meet will have to salute!

The second girl makes big eyes, covers the most precious thing with her hands, then grabs her head: And then who will need me so dishonest? Starts to howl in a voice: How can you cut it off? I won't go!

Two new persons appear on the stage, approach fifa. Portly, with forms. One is dressed as a nurse, the second is a cook, with a large ladle:

Honey: why burst, painful? To whom did you surrender? Just scare away all the men!

pov: honor they do not want to give! Yes, there would be something to give (twists two figs and shows the modest size of the “honor” of skinny fashionistas). Well, shast otsedova (swings at the fif with a ladle, they run away from the stage).

Mommy's children, for nothing in the world
Don't go to ar-mi-yu to serve
In the army, shovels, parade ground and machine guns
Two years in the army without pay.
We will bite, hurt and beat you
Do not go, whiners, to serve in the army.
Robber in the army, vampire in the army
The army has a terrible commander!

They continue, making cute faces, dancing seductively during the loss:

But if you're a man, there's no reason to be afraid
We will live by you
Yes, in the army there are shovels, a parade ground and machine guns
Commander with a hangover creepy-ko-va-ty
But we will feed you, groom and love you
Come to ar-mi-yu to serve!
In the army they will show and teach everything,
They will teach you to defend your honor and your homeland!
We will feed, groom and love you
Come, men, serve in the army!

When choosing funny musical scenes, ditties, alteration songs for February 23, use the x-minus.me program or its equivalent. The service allows you to process a minus in two clicks, changing the key and tempo so that your words fit perfectly on the music familiar to everyone.

Body check

Presenter (hereinafter B): And after such a speech, how not to run to the military registration and enlistment office? However, you have no choice! Listen to my command - the whole squad line up for a medical examination and roll call. Get up in alphabetical order so that I don’t have to run through the list of surnames with my eyes. Why are we sitting? There will be no deferrals from the army today!

All the men invited to the corporate party line up by the first letter of the last name. Medical examination on February 23, of course, with humor - no need to undress and feel anyone. V. moves from the first to the last in the line and comments.

A person who is well acquainted with everyone should come up with “cool” characteristics for colleagues on February 23. Phrases should be funny, but not offensive.

  • so, Private Antonov ... Wow, what hands! With such a shovel is not needed - a valuable shot;

  • Dubov, why did you grow patly, like a mammoth's armpit? Look at Ivanov - his skull is already shining, and your head will sweat under your helmet. Shave what? Okay, we'll figure it out later.

AT: Yes, medical examination is over. Now we line up in height (men are rebuilt). How slow you are, like pregnant turtles! We need to drive you ... Well, quickly lined up according to the size of manhood. Stop laughing! Now they will give out the form - compare the bellies, and not what you thought. Vulgarities!

For our corporate party script for February 23, prepare caps, caps, tunics, badges or other accessories for men in military style. V. distributes them after the "platoon" is reorganized according to the size of the abdomen.

AT., looking around the "soldiers": But nothing happened, quite a decent platoon. But the appearance is zilch, the main thing is physical fitness! To defend your homeland is not for you to shave off your beard with a Gillette - there is always a risk.

Active contests

Next on the script are contests in the style of the army. How many of them there will be and which ones to choose depends on many factors - the physical fitness and average age of colleagues, the time allotted for the entertainment part, the venue for the corporate party.

On February 23, darts or throwing paper balls into a basket, arm wrestling, competitions for reaction speed, endurance are suitable in the office. For young people in nature, you can arrange sports games (conduct "exercises"). Examples of active competitions for a corporate party on February 23 at work, in a restaurant (in a limited space):

  • who will hold the young lady in her arms longer, following the commands of the presenter(jump, sit down, spin around yourself, stand on one leg);
  • who will inflate faster Balloon, jumping booty on a foot drift to the song "Esaul, why did you leave your horse". You need to put the ball on a hose, borrow pumps from friends (they come with air mattresses, gymnastic balls, etc.);

  • two participants are hung in front of dangling packages with two raw eggs inside. Swinging the package, you need to break the opponent's eggs. Lead to the competition: "Now let's check which of you has the strongest balls!". Of course, if the manners of the company allow such jokes;
  • use a soft ball to knock down tin cans standing one on one in a column. The difficulty is that the banks need to be knocked down one at a time, starting from the top. If the whole tower falls down, drink a free kick and try again or pass the ball to the next one;

  • wrap footcloths(pick strips of cheap fabric) for a certain time. There are two winners - the fastest and the one who completes the task as correctly as possible.

table break

AT: “Service is service, and lunch is scheduled. I invite everyone to the table! So that the corporate party does not turn into a banal booze, prepare short funny scenes, congratulations on February 23 in verse, alteration songs, etc. Board games and military-style contests will fit perfectly:

  • an exam for men on knowledge of slang, abbreviations;

  • take turns telling thematic jokes or making toasts. Who can not remember/think up, drinks a free kick or performs a phantom;
  • guess theme songs by the first line/music fragment;
  • if a corporate party on February 23 is held in the company of a large number of women, let the “soldiers” guess by the part of the body which of the beautiful half of the team is shown in the photo. It will be cool if a series of eyes, hands and backs of the head are diluted with a couple of shots of appetizing necklines and female pops(and even men's - let them rack their brains, listing all the young ladies).

  • guess how much the backpack / duffel bag shown by the leader weighs (name the weight closest to the actual one).

Oath, collective congratulations

AT A: So, set aside to relax! Platoon, line up to take the oath! In order to avoid a burden, so be it, I read it out, and you in a friendly chorus bawl "I swear!" after each clause of the oath.

  • sacredly observe the company's charter, provide all possible assistance to colleagues and work for the idea, even if they did not give a salary (in unison - I swear!)

  • diligently pretend that I am exactly following all the orders of my superiors
  • come up with virtuoso excuses for absenteeism and being late
  • to the intrigues of the enemy element - a vigilant competitor - to respond with shock work

  • always protect the honor and dignity of the beautiful half of the team, beloved women and the Motherland.

Today we are not just relaxing -
Congratulations to the reliable defenders
With their main holiday - cheers! (all women in chorus - from February 23!)
Let everything be beautiful in life
Enough money for the South and beer
The health of the heroic and women of the stack (in chorus: from February 23!)
So that your wives appreciate you - give affection and warmth,
So that the fish always peck, so that every choice is easy
Was on the path of life. Well, and rhymes for the sake of "for" - from February 23!

The final part of the script is the presentation of gifts in military style. You can order souvenirs with template or your own inscriptions through the network - key rings, medals, fake military tickets, mugs, T-shirts, etc. Awarding with humor - "cool" nominations:

  • mr savior, smile, stay-at-home, hard worker, charm, punctuality;
  • "real colonel" to the most senior or chief

  • "fighter of the invisible front" to those who do inconspicuous but important work
  • "peacemaker" for the ability to resolve conflict situations
  • "think tank" idea generator

  • "operational headquarters" to someone who always finds himself in the right place in right time, does not refuse to replace a colleague, helps out if necessary;
  • Field Marshal Nalivaiko, General Ulybaiko, Colonel Trudolyubov, Major KreatIvin, etc.

Give the winner a personalized medal, cup or certificate. If there are a lot of people at the corporate party, include anonymous voting in the script. If the company is close, come up with and distribute nominations for February 23 in advance, according to the individual qualities of colleagues.

Other thematic ideas for decorating the hall, scripts and competitions have been collected and.