Beautiful congratulations on the day of the personnel worker. Congratulations to personnel workers in verse How to congratulate a personnel officer on their professional holiday

October 12 is considered to be the professional holiday of a personnel worker. On this day, it was decided to organize the Soviet workers' and peasants' militia, where the personnel apparatus of the internal affairs bodies appeared for the first time. Over time, the holiday was successfully recognized by many other enterprises where personnel officers worked. Due to the fact that in Russia this is an unofficially approved professional holiday, in different parts of our country it has other dates for holiday greetings. So, some workers celebrate it on May 24th. What kind of profession is a personnel officer? The activities of this service are multifaceted: recruitment, organization of their work, progressive development of systems of remuneration and motivation, implementation of social guarantees and benefits. Employees of the personnel service daily and scrupulously perform their duties. Employees of personnel services celebrate their professional day with congratulations, gifts, holding various competitive events, solemn presentation of certificates of honor for a job well done. On this day, it is especially important to hear the words of the chief that the company's personnel, thanks to their competence, is a close, close-knit, effective team.

I hasten to congratulate you on the Personnel Day
And wish you inspiration in your work,
And even though sometimes the work is not easy,
I wish to do everything with special zeal.

May success always await in your career,
And let there be no grief in life,
I wish you to be always happy
And do everything in a good mood!

In life, everything is decided by frames.
Everything will be recorded, everything will be taken into account:
Who is on maternity leave, who is at the desk,
All sick-lists will read
All vacations will count
Vacations will be written so-and-so ...
Frames! My congratulations!
We can't do without you!

Dear staff members! Congratulations on your professional holiday! Let your staff be grateful, programs do not hang, and work will always be appreciated. We wish you always good health, strong nerves, inexhaustible strength, inspiring energy! New victories, good luck and simple boundless human happiness!

Today is Personnel Day.
His work is not easy
Write orders, remember the Labor Code,
And things are always busy.
But let you at home
Love will certainly warm.
Let the work be forgotten
So that it was not at all up to the Labor Code,
So that the heart bathes in happiness.
And everything came true, what was dreamed of!

In the works, in the worries of the personnel officer,
He was not used to hitting bucks.
After all, the main resource is personnel.
Here you need to "sweat" fairly,
To take everything into account and remember everything
In the flow of affairs, always huge.
And even on a holiday - an honorable day -
You have a little light full of work.
So that labor does not seem like a torment,
Let's break it for congratulations.

Let the money rustle in your pockets:
Big, worthy of your salary -
For the sea, cottages, for the car!
Let the vacation be frequent, long.
Let there be time for dreams
For entertainment, for festivities.
And even on a gloomy day and gray
You - warmth, love without measure,
Smiles bright, radiant!
Thank you very much for everything.

Congratulations on a glorious date
Happy Human Resources Day!
Let luck be clear
And the profession is easy.

And the smile will get wider
And the fire burns in the eyes
The sky will be clear, peaceful,
Happiness falls into the palm.

Let the working success
Not bypassed
And income without interference
Grow up soon!

Happy HR Day!
Happiness, growth and success,
Let them stay behind the scenes
All annoying interference.

Easier, brighter everyday life will become
And longer weekends
The frames will be - just a miracle:
Volitional, fighting.

All paper work
Happens with a bang
There will be joy - without an account
And full of goodness!

Today you can postpone
Orders, folders and deeds,
After all, outside the window is a wonderful day,
Your holiday is Personnel Day.

And that's why today you
We congratulate the whole crowd.
Health, strength, success to you,
Great salary and bonuses.

Let the boss praise more often
Work only brings joy
And let a happy moment more than once
Fortune will give you.

Our HR department is just brilliant -
Cheerful, kind, young.
With all my heart I hasten to congratulate
You on this freak holiday!

Success in life and work
Childish love, with a spark,
Conditions like in a resort
You in the office labor!

So that everything comes true and everything works out,
There was order in affairs,
And a twinkle in the eyes of the happy,
So that it does not fade for a moment!

I wish on the day of the personnel officer
Good luck in everyday work,
Let the work be easy
From difficult situations
I just want to go out
Step forward confidently
Well, and as a reward to receive
Great income for honest work!
BB-code to insert into the forum:

Congratulations on the day of the personnel officer in verse

Cadres do not solve everything, cadres decide a lot.
Cadres always and in everything follow your path.
You are like a shepherd, a guide leading a career path,
You will support the cadres always and in everything with a strong hand.
Let me congratulate you on the holiday - the day of the personnel officer.
Let your merits be appreciated by a salary under the clouds!

Well, what would I give you, personnel officer,
After all, you are used to different gifts in life:
To flattering words, incendiary glances,
To replicas of languid, open outfits ...

You have seen everything in this century,
So what to give - I do not understand!
Perhaps you will take cognac, chocolate?
I only ask - enroll me in the state!

Lords of personal affairs,
Our spirit guides!
You have not seen the light
Digging in folders!
Truth is obedient to you;
You are with us - not in vain;
And I scream sincerely
Shout to you
Not from a herd feeling -
From the love of the people:
Leading personnel -
Happy holiday today!

Eh, it would have died a long time ago
Enterprise without you
She came and smiled
"New" employee:
He asks, asks: "Well, take
Get me to work!",
Yes, and under the auspices
Old Rockefeller.
But we've known you for a long time
You only take the best
Who has a lot of knowledge!
You bring good to the team!
Congratulations very much
You are our dear personnel officer!
By the way, a professional
Brainy man you are!

The HR department is always busy.
Decrees, holidays and clearances…
But you were appointed here for a reason:
TC armed to solve…

Stress-resistant, like a big boa constrictor,
Responsible for those hired.
I wish that all weekdays you were right
And happy - from Sunday to Saturday!

personnel workers
They celebrate their day.
Who is accepted, fired,
Everyone knows best.
And in the Code of Editing, the personnel officer will take into account,
And he walks in circles - he's used to it over the years.
I wish you a fun date
And mentally I celebrate the holiday with you.

Entrepreneurial as a lawyer
And talented as an artist!
That's a bit of a diplomat
Either a psychologist or a battalion commander!
This is our staff!
He is a real man!
We know his word well,
He knows everything about work!

A cup of coffee professionally, drinking, fiddling with the dossier,
Having talked confidentially with himself, without fear of anything:
Employ someone, or maybe not?
Maybe listen to advice? - open, we came to congratulate!
We wish you, as the head of personnel,
Do not accept what does not sink, do not take from those who "drive badly",
Do not take from those who do not give, do not believe those who lie badly,
And to accept friends with "fuel", to celebrate with them today,
After all, you are alone, and there are few personnel you can trust!

When is this holiday held? Day of the personnel worker in our country is celebrated on May 24 and October 12.

History and traditions of HR Day

We will talk about how this holiday appeared, about the traditions of celebrating it and why the Day of the HR worker is celebrated twice in our country.

The history of personnel service in Russia began in the 19th century. On May 24, 1835, the tsar issued a decree "On the relationship between the owners of factory establishments and working people."

This document, which regulated relations between employers and employees, defined such concepts as “employment contract”, “compensation upon dismissal”, “compensation for loss of working capacity” and others, and also established the minimum wage.

Therefore, the Day of the personnel worker is celebrated on this day. The holiday was established in 2005 at the initiative of the All-Russian Personnel Congress. Today, the date of May 24 is an unofficial holiday for employees of personnel departments.

Why is HR Day celebrated twice in Russia?

Another date of celebration is connected with the traditions that developed in the Soviet years. During this period, the personnel service in our country has undergone significant changes.

On October 12, 1918, the People's Commissariat of Justice approved the "Instruction on the organization of the Soviet workers' and peasants' militia." In the RSFSR, the first personnel apparatuses (personnel departments) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were created.

At all enterprises of the country, certain rules for hiring and firing workers were introduced, and job descriptions were developed for each position. And personnel officers began to celebrate their official professional holiday on October 12.

How is HR Day celebrated?

How is the celebration going? On the Day of the personnel officer, the management of enterprises and colleagues congratulate employees of the personnel departments on the holiday. The best employees are awarded with diplomas and valuable gifts.

The quality of the work of personnel officers depends on how the organization is able to achieve its goals. Personnel departments employ people with special education. They must have knowledge in many areas - such as law, economics, management, psychology, etc.

In recent years, we have begun to call personnel officers HR-specialists, as in the West. They are not only engaged in the selection and hiring of personnel, but also build effective relationships between various departments at enterprises, distribute the areas of responsibility of employees.

Personnel officers develop job descriptions and evaluate the performance of employees. The work of these specialists is very important, and it is not surprising that in Russia the Day of Personnel Department workers is celebrated twice.

Day of the personnel worker is celebrated every year in Russia on October 12. We did not forget about this important event in 2018. At this time, you should definitely congratulate all professionals on the holiday. They can send poems, pictures and SMS.

I hasten to congratulate you on the Personnel Day
And wish you inspiration in your work,
And even though sometimes the work is not easy,
I wish to do everything with special zeal.

May success always await in your career,
And let there be no grief in life,
I wish you to be always happy
And do everything in a good mood!

Today is Personnel Day.
His work is not easy
Write orders, remember the Labor Code,
And things are always busy.
But let you at home
Love will certainly warm.
Let the work be forgotten
So that it was not at all up to the Labor Code,
So that the heart bathes in happiness.
And everything came true, what was dreamed of

In the works, in the worries of the personnel officer,
He was not used to hitting bucks.
After all, the main resource is personnel.
Here you need to "sweat" fairly,
To take everything into account and remember everything
In the flow of affairs, always huge.
And even on a holiday - an honorable day -
You have a little light full of work.
So that labor does not seem like a torment,
Let's break it for congratulations.

Let the money rustle in your pockets:
Big, worthy of your salary -
For the sea, cottages, for the car!
Let the vacation be frequent, long.
Let there be time for dreams
For entertainment, for festivities.
And even on a gloomy day and gray
You - warmth, love without measure,
Smiles bright, radiant!
Thank you very much for everything.

Pictures and congratulations on the Day of the personnel worker in prose

The kindest holiday in the world, the International Day of the Girl, struck at the very heart of October. And with all my heart on this day I want to congratulate our little sorceresses. Let your fairy godmothers give you a fairy tale of childhood and decorate your life with colorful balloons. Enjoy your fairy tale, I hope it never ends for you.

I congratulate you on the Day of the personnel worker and sincerely wish tireless work, calm and prosperous activities, confident success and the right decisions, good choices in life and sincere happiness, high incomes and good health, understanding of loved ones and love.

Dear staff members! Congratulations on your professional holiday! Let your staff be grateful, programs do not hang, and work will always be appreciated. We wish you always good health, strong nerves, inexhaustible strength, inspired energy! New victories, good luck and simple crazy human happiness!

On the day of the personnel worker, accept congratulations and warm wishes for good health, vitality, prosperity and success. Let good luck, prosperity, purposefulness always accompany you in your personal life and at work. I wish you the respect of colleagues, the love of loved ones and understanding of others

Pictures and congratulations on the Day of the personnel worker in SMS

In life, everything is decided by frames.
Everything will be recorded, everything will be taken into account:
Who is on maternity leave, who is at the desk,
All sick-lists will read
All vacations will count
Vacations will be written so-and-ak ...
Frames! My congratulations!
We can't do without you!

Who, when and where studied,
How much, by whom, when did you work,
And when we get a vacation,
Only a recruiter will answer!

And today, without fail,
Everyone should congratulate them
After all, to keep the answer for the frames,
This, brothers, is not a trifle.

Happy Worker's Day to all personnel,
class specialist,
Laughter, joy, gifts,
Have a wonderful day.

Let them be to you
suitable frames,
Surround let everywhere
Real people!

History of HR Day

Personnel Day is celebrated on October 12. On this day in 1918 in Soviet Russia, the People's Commissariat of Justice approved a document with the title: "Instructions on the organization of the Soviet workers' and peasants' militia." According to another option, HR Day is celebrated on May 24th.

If we delve into history, we will see that the problems with the selection of people for the implementation of certain works arose many centuries ago. Initially, the shortage of workers was solved with the help of military operations. The captured people became slaves, who raised the well-being of their masters with their labor. Time has passed, the slave-owning practice has sunk into centuries and it has been replaced by labor for remuneration.

Even in the slave-owning states of the Ancient East (Egypt, Sumer, Arcada) they were engaged in the selection of personnel. In Egypt, a school of officials successfully functioned, in which civil servants were trained. When selecting a school, physical development, mental abilities, cultural level and other characteristics of applicants were taken into account. A strong school of selection existed in ancient China. But the highest achievements in the selection of specialists come at the time of the dawn of Ancient Greece.

Since the 18th century, the practice of "employment for wages" has spread very widely. Chronicle evidence that has survived to this day says that the first employment service was created in the 14th century in Germany.

The first recruiter in Russia was Peter I. During the period of large-scale financial and administrative reforms, our country needed well-trained, competent specialists, so Peter the Great began to invite such people from abroad. At various times, up to a thousand shipbuilders, engineers, financiers "written out" from abroad served in Russia.

The problem of recruitment existed in those distant times, it is still relevant today.

For staff members
We'll buy cakes
And congratulations from all of us
Wish hundreds of times
Get them an award
For faithful work
Detailed, attentive
And very entertaining
valuable employees,
HR staff!

Personnel officer - you are an indispensable and valuable employee, the success of the entire campaign depends on your choice. On the day of a personnel worker, I would like to wish that your professional ability to understand people will help you in life. Let only kind smiling faces surround you, and work will not be a burden. May all your dreams come true! Happy holiday!

Personnel is your responsibility
What a year
And despite the mistakes
Your service is on.
Your hard work
Helps us to live
And congratulations to us hunting
To lay on your table today.

Without you, any work is a mess,
You can't do without good staff.
They need to be selected wisely from the crowd,
And you are doing it successfully!
Let each employee give a flower,
Today is your day - congratulations!

You select frames skillfully,
Find jobs for everyone.
And even if a timid one approaches,
Always provide work.

And we want to wish you today
Good luck and patience on your holiday.
Without you, we are just people in this world,
And with you - there is a dream and a chance in life.

So open windows, doors quickly,
After all, congratulations are rushing to you.
Brings you joy, excellent fireworks,
And be happy on your wonderful day.

Be you a cook, be you a carpenter
(All professions honor).
Only staff member
You will be processed and submitted.

Congratulations on your birthday
Will send on vacation on time
And send me into retirement
And all merit will be taken into account.

Let's congratulate him on the holiday
We wish you many more years.
Praise for his patience
We send him a big hello.

Today we congratulate you
Happy personnel day
I'll tell you guys
The work is not easy.

You have a talent for psychology
There is a feeling for people
See at a glance
You are drunkards, loafers.

We wish you at work
We do not know mistakes
And the shots are only the best
We want to pick.

He chooses the best
He's recruiting
Fills the ranks of workers
Always all-rounder.

Who is on vacation, who is still sick -
The personnel officer knows about it,
And we congratulate you soon
You on this holiday, at this moment!

You are always used to working with people,
And it's so responsible is not easy,
We wish you good luck, personnel officer,
We wish you prospects and growth!

Everyone celebrates your holiday
Today we give you congratulations,
Good luck at work, friend
And we wish you happiness at home!

A simple ordinary person
But he is important in life,
He sits in the personnel department,
He is, in general, "paper" ...

I've been a little late
In the personnel department was
And they gave me a subtle hint:
Like, don't be late, son!