The name of the party for February 23. Scenarios of the holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day for adults


Happy Army Day!

From the holidays of warriors,

Happy brothers day

Fathers and husbands

their aspirations,

Worthy of glory

The world is saved on the planet of people.


The holiday is celebrated on February 23rd. This is our tribute to all generations of Russian soldiers, from ancient times to today who courageously defended their native land from invaders. On this "men's" day, male representatives, from boys to old people, accept congratulations and gifts, and military personnel are necessarily honored. Women have a happy opportunity to say the most affectionate and kind words to their loved ones, to please them with signs of attention.


We have gathered at the festive table, and at this time someone is serving and standing at a military post. We remember you guys!

Cold winds rustle strained,

And in the warm windows the lights shine.

Soldier in the ranks. He is always where he is needed

Be it steppes, mountains or sands.

Soldier on the march. Oath to the motherland

Lives unshakably in his soul,

Like the eternal light of a single banner,

Leading forward, always forward.

Soldier in action. Let not the sugar service.

Above all other senses

fatherland duty,

In addition, in difficult times, male friendship

It will help and come to the rescue.

Learning. Everything must be comprehended

To defend the country, if thunder strikes,

And for him the coveted reward

Be the first in combat.

Serve, soldier! You are the son of the native land;

And, keeping the loyalty to the military oath,

Keep it here too

True, unbreakable

Peace of the earth, and mother, and me.

Let's raise the first toast to those who protect us.


In our team there are men who guarded us before, this is (there is an enumeration with an indication of the ranks). Please accept our congratulations and gifts. (Presenting gifts). And now let's ask our men to tell the most interesting case from military service.

(The stories of men. They can be warned about this in advance).


This story has been in my memory for a long time. Still at school February 23 our class was preparing for KVN. I should have asked my parents about an interesting incident that happened to them in the army. I remember the case told by Sergei Podosinnikov

The enemy of our team.

So, for the first time, recruits try on military uniforms, including an overcoat. It was in autumn. An instruction was given: to adjust everything according to height. After some time, the command to build was given. The commander bypasses the replenishment and examines how everyone coped with the order. And suddenly the commander sees, at the end of the line there is a small soldier, appearance he looks like a scarecrow. He just "drowned" in his overcoat. The commander blushes, then turns pale and shouts:

What's your name?

The soldier is silent from fright, and the commander repeats even more menacingly:

I ask what is your mother's name?!

The soldier came to his senses from such a roar and babbles:


Since then, he has remained a nickname for two years of service.


Sometimes it seems to me that all the jokes come up with our life. And someone remembers them and tells others. Let's listen to a song, but not about such an officer as in my story.

Musical pause. Song by O. Gazmanov "Officers".


Let's go back to history. The Times of Tsarist Russia: Officers, Junkers, Cadets. As the oath at that time sounded: "I swear on my honor." Oh they were men

Generous, noble. Attention, the question is: who should have given a real officer: Soul, heart, life, honor?


The answer can be found in the song "Waltz of the Cadets" (words by Pyotr Sinyavsky, sung by Iosif Kobzon):

God, Heart

Lady, Life

Sovereign, Honor

Nobody. What words! This song is for you. (Recording of the song "Waltz of the Cadets").


Dear ladies! What are you dreaming about these days? What do you want from our men?

(Answers of women).

A woman

The woman will be

As it has always been.

White dance

Ladies invite gentlemen.

Music by Dog for the film "My Sweet and Gentle Beast".


I will ask one couple to stay.

It is desirable that they be a husband and wife or two employees who know each other.

Joke test.

The man and woman take turns answering the test questions, continuing what the facilitator started:

Affectionate like...

Affectionate like...

Strong like...

Sociable, like…

Independent as…

Smiling like...

Careful as...

Amorous, like…

Bold as...

Handsome as...


I appeal to women, who do you think won this competition? (Answers). What do men think? (Answers).


Prizes for both participants! Dear ladies! What qualities do men need when they serve in the military? You're right. Now we will check which of those present can be safely sent to the army.

Shooter Contest.


On the Don, the Cossacks had interesting game"Aidans". Adult Cossacks and children hit the target with an animal bone (aydanchik). Aidanchik could kill a running hare. Now we will test the accuracy of our men

Throwing at beer cans, plastic bottles with a bone or a champagne cork. Winner


It's no secret that men have always been inspired to exploits by beautiful ladies. The competition needs brave knights. There are such?

Two men are called.

Competition "Portrait of a lady".


Now we will find out who is your muse, dear knights. (There are 2 easels in front of the men. Ovals of a woman's face are drawn on them. They blindfold the men and bring them to the easels, giving a felt-tip pen in their hands). Now you will draw portraits of your favorite women as prompted. We draw the eyes of your beloved, now eyebrows, nose, mouth, small tender ears, into which at night you whisper words of love. It remains to draw the curls of the beloved woman. Ready. Submit your painting. You can remove the blindfold. Applause for the artists! For such work, you need to give kisses to these lovely ladies that you portrayed.

Musical pause

Competition "Best Legs".

This contest is not announced by its name.


What work at home men-rankings do not have to do! What can you do for the woman you love. All males are welcome here. (The host sits them on a chair, gives each a children's book). You should read a book to your child before bed. Who had to do it? Perfectly. But in order for the reading to be expressive, it is necessary to put the right foot on the left, wrapping the trouser leg to the knee on this leg. Done? Now open the book and read aloud at the same time. Good. Even louder.

Men read 5 minutes.

Moderator (addressing women):

And now we choose with you the most hairy legs. (Prize for the man with the hairiest legs).

Contest "Siamese twins".

Three men are called in and offered to find partners for themselves. Then these couples turn into "Siamese twins"

They hug each other by the waist. The task for speed is given:

open a bottle of beer;

inflate and tie a balloon;

run a snake between the bottles without knocking them down.

Competition "Who will dress the girl faster".


In the speed of undressing women, men have no equal. But what about dressing up? Who will dress up his beloved faster?

(Attributes for dressing: hair clips, clip-on earrings, bracelet or watch, hats, glasses, shoes, belt).

Competition "Lovelace".

The apple is stuck with matches. A man is called. He must speak words of love to the woman standing next to him. Word

Pull out the match. Do not repeat words. Who will score more matches


Competition "Father's porridge".

Prize announced in advance

A bottle of champagne or cognac. Wishing men are called.


On the Don, the Cossacks had such a custom. If a girl was born in the family, her father prepared her father's porridge. Any porridge was salted, peppered, bitter. And the girl's father had to eat this porridge without grimacing, so that his daughter's fate would be happy. Winner

Who will eat "father's porridge" faster and without grimacing.

Competition "Dance on the newspaper".

The couple are called to dance. Newspapers are handed out to them. Pairs challenge

Dance on the newspaper After each dance, the newspaper is folded in half. Winners

Who will dance in the smallest square of the newspaper.

Feb 23 script. script by February 23. scenario for February 23. February 23 script for corporate party. Scenario - February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day. February 23 celebration script for grades 5-8. script, sketch for students, adults, high school students and schoolchildren holiday script on February 23. script by February 23. scenario for February 23. script February 23 for a corporate party. Scenario - February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day. February 23 celebration script for grades 5-8. script, skit for students, adults, high school students and schoolchildren script for adults skit

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  • Goals:

    1. Familiarization with the history of the holiday, expanding the horizons of students.
    2. Uniting the team of students and teachers in collective creative activity.
    3. Education of patriotism, promotion of military service.

    Equipment: Whatman paper, easel, felt-tip pens or marker, blindfold, gas mask, cap, backpack, cape, machine gun model, mop, basin, bucket, children's toy car (truck), glass, certificates for rewarding teams.

    Guidelines: This event can be held as a general school (all-school) event with the involvement of a team of students and engineering and teaching staff. It takes place in the form of an evening-competition “Knight's Tournament”.

    Event progress

    1 leader. The history of this holiday has its roots in the distant past. It first appeared in 1918 as the birthday of the Red Army and personified the victory near Narva and Pskov over the German conquerors. Since then, every year February 23 has been celebrated as Red Army Day. Since 1946, it has become known as the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. AT new Russia the day of military glory has been preserved, but under a new name - Defender of the Fatherland Day.

    2 leader. Congratulations to all men, defenders of the Motherland on the holiday of February 23. This is our tribute to all generations of Russian soldiers, from ancient times to the present day, who courageously defended their native land from invaders. On this very “masculine” day, male representatives, from boys to elderly men, accept congratulations and gifts, and military personnel deserve the most sincere congratulations - because they have a very important and honorable profession - to defend the Motherland. The representatives of the beautiful half of humanity have a happy opportunity to say the kindest and most pleasant words to their beloved defenders and all men, to please them with signs of attention.

    1 leader.

    In a beautiful name Man
    Gathered courage and become
    Ability to think and dream
    Being inspired for no reason.
    Know how to love, know how to give.
    To leave, then to return.
    To be so fickle
    To seem like such a support.
    guard his destiny
    From lies, betrayal, deceit,
    And always be kind
    Give life full, without flaw.
    And let the words intertwine
    About the only, beloved,
    Whom nature has named
    Beautiful name - man

    2 leader.

    There is no day of men yet in the world,
    Oh, those poor men!
    The entire male half
    Lives without holiday!
    The floor is light, tender and beautiful,
    In a hurry to congratulate men is not in vain,
    Smiles, happiness, giving them joy,
    Even on the twenty-third of February!
    After all, the first lady was born,
    As we remember from Adam's rib,
    That's why the fair half,
    I want to exclaim:
    Long live MEN!

    1 leader. And now we start the “Knight Tournament”

    1st competition

    And the first competition we have to come up with an emblem, motto and team name. ( 2 minutes)

    2 leader. While our teams are preparing, we will play with the audience

    Scrabble quiz

    1. Hercules made 12 of them. (feats)

    2. Loves the Motherland. (Patriot.)

    3. Red fabric. (Kumach.)

    4. The main song of the country. (Hymn.)

    5. A song that is listened to while standing. (Hymn.)

    6. Solemn movement of troops and military. (Parade.)

    7. Military position D.A. Medvedev. (Commander-in-Chief.)

    8. They call into it and mow it down. (Army.)

    9. This revolution, despite the name, took place in March. (February Revolution.)

    10. Both an order bearer and a boyfriend. (Cavalier.)

    11. Postgraduate student in pagons. (Cadet.)

    12. Morning team. (Climb.)

    13. He also has a success in crime. (Motive.)

    14. Bracelets for criminals. (Handcuffs.)

    15. headdress of a real general. (Papakha.)

    16. Chief Cossack. (Ataman.)

    17. On the shoulders of the military. (epaulettes.)

    18. Soldier's house. (Barracks.)

    19. Three platoons. (Company.)

    20. Tank door. (Luke.)

    21. Chief on the ship. (Captain.)

    22. Sea cook. (Cook.)

    23. Aircraft garage. (Hangar.)

    24. Airplane ladder. (Ladder.)

    25. "Banzai" in Russian. (Hooray.)

    26. Petka's girlfriend. (Anka.)

    27. Anka's boyfriend is a machine gunner. (Petka)

    1 leader. Let's move on to the second contest, it's called fun quiz on February 23 . Who will answer our questions faster and more accurately

    2nd competition

    1. Defenders of the Fatherland Day is celebrated:

    • June 23
    • March 23
    • December 23
    • February 23 *

    2. How old is the Defenders of the Fatherland Day as it became a red day of the calendar:

    • 3 years
    • 2 years*
    • 1 year

    3. Who is depicted in Vasnetsov's painting of the same name?

    • three fat men
    • Three heroes *
    • Three tankers
    • Three pigs

    4. Who was the crew of the combat vehicle?

    • Three tankers, three curly guys
    • Three cadets, three enviable suitors
    • Three pilots, three serious comrades
    • Three tankmen, three merry friends*

    5. How does Lermontovskoe Borodino begin?

    • Tell me uncle*
    • Shut up aunt
    • You have the word Comrade Mauser
    • Shut up all of you

    6. Whom did the soldier ask to accompany him to the gate when he had a day off, and he was going to walk around the city, along unfamiliar streets?

    • Major General's Companion
    • Comrade foreman *
    • Comrade lieutenant
    • Nightstand mate

    7. What was the dense forest covered in the song about the border guard?

    • sour cream
    • Snow*
    • Ticks
    • money

    8. How many toothy pikes did the brave pioneers catch in the song about the white peakless cap?

    • 40 pieces*
    • 1 piece
    • 10 pieces
    • 100 pieces

    9. In what clothes did Shelenberg come to the service?

    • Dress uniform*
    • Field overalls
    • civilian suit
    • Home bathrobe

    10. How many times did Ensign Shmatko from the TV series "Soldiers" say his famous "Yo-my"?

    • 389* times
    • 10 times
    • 10 thousand times

    2 leader. Let's move on to the third contest, it's called "Portrait of a lady"

    3rd competition

    Now we will find out who is your muse, dear knights. (There are 2 sheets of paper in front of the men. Ovals of a woman's face are drawn on them. Men are blindfolded and brought to the easel, giving a felt-tip pen in their hands) Now you will draw a portrait of your beloved woman at a prompt. We draw the eyes of your beloved, now the eyebrows, nose, mouth, small ears into which you whisper words of love. It remains to draw the curls of the beloved woman. Ready. Submit your painting.

    The jury is summing up. The floor is given to the jury.

    1 leader. And we are starting the fourth competition and it is called forced march

    4th competition

    Participants put on gas masks, caps, on their shoulders a backpack - a bag, a cape, in their hands a machine gun. Task: run to a certain place (point A), take off the uniform and return to the starting point, pass the baton to the next participant, he runs to point A, puts on all the uniforms, runs back, takes off everything and passes everything to the next participant and. d.

    The floor is given to the jury.

    2 leader. And our fifth contest is called barracks cleaning

    5th competition

    Relay game. A basin, a bucket and a mop are taken. The participant stands with one foot in the basin, the other remains on the ground in one hand, a bucket in the other mop. In this position, it is necessary to go the whole distance and pass the basin, bucket, mop to the next one whose team will go faster and win.

    1 leading. Our sixth contest is called dashing drivers

    6th competition

    Iron glasses are placed on children's cars, small buckets of water are poured near the team. Ropes of the same length are tied to the cars. On command, you must quickly drive the car to point A, pour water from the glass into the provided container and return back. The next player collects water in a mug, puts it on the typewriter and takes it away, etc. The team that brings more and faster water wins.

    2 leading. And our last final competition is called do not have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends

    7th competition

    This contest is the next one minute you need to help the team. Who with a belt, who with a lace, who with a tie, who with a scarf, and whose team gets the longest rope, wins. This competition has 2 minutes.

    Team awards.

    Defenders of the Fatherland Day is a holiday of real men, strong and stern, courageous and reliable. And our women's vocation is to be there and help our beloved men to be just like that. February 23 is a wonderful occasion to show all your care and attention. And, if honoring loved ones at home usually does not cause difficulties, then organizing a holiday for colleagues sometimes raises a lot of questions.

    At all times, boys, youths, men were attracted by the "marine" theme - the splashing of waves overboard and the smell of salt water, amazing horizons that open in the distance and harsh sailor everyday life. It was the “marine” theme that became the basis of our script.

    To decorate the hall, prepare:

    • Tulle in white and blue. Beautiful draperies made of fabric of such shades can depict blue waves, a cloudless sky, and white sails.
    • Fishing nets. Hanging on the walls and "decorated" with figurines of marine inhabitants, they will bring their own flavor to the interior design.
    • Ropes. Carelessly thrown in the corners of an impromptu stage, they will bring additional flavor, and when necessary, they will become necessary props for contests.
    • Steering wheel. What is a ship without a rudder? It can be drawn on thick cardboard and hung in the center of the stage, it will connect all the elements of the scenery together.
    Music: Choose music for the party in accordance with the stated theme. This, of course, does not mean that “Farewell of the Slav” or “Music is playing on the ship” should be heard from the speakers all evening. But if before the start of the holiday and during the key moments of the program, songs with a “ship” theme are played, this will add additional flavor to the atmosphere and help create the right mood.

    Dress code: A strict dress code is not required here. But if you manage to get two caps for the captains and ordinary vests for the rest of the teams, it will be great.

    1. Choose captains. Of course, it's good if you managed to select captains from the leadership team in advance and discuss with them the nuances of the upcoming holiday. But if, for some reason, this was not possible, do not be discouraged, there are many ways to choose captains on the spot. Here is one of them - two caps are let into the hall to the music, while the music is playing, they are passed from hand to hand, but as soon as the melody stops, those who have caps in their hands become the newly-made captains of our "ships" and say the first toast .

    When we are all together with friends,
    That very first, best toast
    We have this: "For those who are at sea!"

    2. The name of the ship. The old truth that "as you call a ship, so it will sail" is known to everyone. A proud and original name is the key to the success of the team. As a first task, our captains will have to give names to their victorious "ships".

    3. Auction of songs on the "marine" theme. Competition for real captains. Remember the old song about the captain who always knew how to cheer himself and his team up with a cheerful song? So, for the beginning of the holiday, it’s better not to come up with a competition! The captains need to take turns naming songs that somehow relate to the "marine" theme and perform a small piece of them. The audience's help is welcome.

    4. Team selection. Team selection is not an easy task. It can be done different ways: the captains themselves will pick up commands for themselves, in turn naming the names of those whom they invite to their “ship”. And it is possible during the dance marathon, when all the representatives of the stronger sex are given cards of red or black suit and the captains must, bypassing everyone and checking their cards, choose the “necessary” suit.

    5. Tug of war. The teams are assembled, it's time to test them in action. That's where our ropes come in handy. The traditional tug-of-war is a great way to evaluate the strength abilities of the recruited teams.

    6. Competition for the longest rope. Even in difficult situations, the team must be able to quickly navigate and cope with the difficulties that have arisen. If during the struggle with the elements the ropes were lost, the team must be able to restore necessary inventory. In a short amount of time, teams need, with the help of fans, to score as much as possible large quantity all kinds of clothes and weave the longest rope out of it.

    7. Marine knot. For sure, everyone has heard about strong sea knots. But we will weave them not from their ropes and not from ropes. Team captains are invited in turn to leave the hall for a while. The team stands in a circle and firmly holds hands. The captain of the opposite team should thoroughly “confuse” this circle by turning someone around him, asking someone to step over closed hands, etc. The main condition of the competition is that you cannot separate the fastened hands. When " knot"will be ready - you can invite the team captain, who has a difficult task to unravel this" knot. Then the same thing happens with the opposing team.

    8. Woman on the ship. A well-known sign that a woman on a ship is in trouble, to put it mildly, is nothing more than ordinary superstition. A woman is a joy always and everywhere! And on our holiday, of course, too. It will be wonderful if your friendly women's team will prepare a bright interesting congratulation for your beloved colleagues. What could it be? A touching song with a guitar or poems specially written for this day about each man from your team. And maybe it will funny scene or an incendiary dance - everything is in your hands, the main thing is that the prepared performance should be sincere and spontaneous.

    9. "Apple". And the competition program ends with the most marine and cheerful dance "Apple". At the same time, it is not at all necessary to follow the canons, the more interesting and cheerful its execution will be, the better!

    The competitions are over, but there is still a lot of interesting things ahead - dances and songs, entertainment and gifts, and, of course, rivers of champagne and the most interesting and kind toasts dedicated to beloved men. Happy holiday!

    When snacks are placed on the tables,
    We gathered with friends, as always,
    Our glasses are full of Russian vodka,
    Laughter at the table, but then ...
    I will say this toast is not new,
    And let the God of the seas hear him:
    May fate take away its harsh face
    From all ships going to sea!

    Before calling everyone to the holiday, an assembly hall or office is drawn up. Decorated with balloons, flags, military caps. Posters are drawn depicting heroes, military men, where photographs of male employees are pasted as faces.

    Men are invited to the hall. Team leader or head of department:
    - Equalize! Attention! Dear women, the men of our team are built and ready to accept congratulations!

    To cheerful music (preferably a march), men go into the hall.

    Presenter No. 1:
    Once a year, at the end of February
    All men are an object of admiration.
    The girls are in a hurry to congratulate them,
    In this festive moment!

    Once a year, at the end of February,
    All men call us
    Range of feelings and of course fire!
    And our hearts are slowly melting.

    Once a year, at the end of winter,
    Both military men and civilians,
    From Moscow to Kolyma
    Waiting for flowers, gifts, applause.

    We must now congratulate you,
    Open your arms soon
    We must give you gifts
    Colleagues in the workshop are brothers!

    Presenter No. 1:
    Our Nikolai is very solid,
    Blooms and smells - obviously!
    Every day Kolya is on the limit -
    He is in the know, for sure, he is in business!
    Broad male shoulders
    Winds and adversity towards,
    It flies like a bullet,
    And he won't turn back!

    Presenter No. 1:
    Oleg, you give moments,
    For the female life of inspiration,
    You are a god, so they said
    You have conquered all hearts!
    Above all praise your appearance,
    So many girls look with hope
    If only you gave them a look,
    Or passing by, turned back!

    Presenter No. 1:
    Maxim, you strive for dreams,
    Goals, peaks, efforts!
    Strive for convenience, influence,
    But do not be afraid of desire!
    Girls like boldly
    You are doing a good job!
    And we can't find a better friend
    Than Max - you know that!

    Presenter No. 1:
    Vasily, all your toys are
    Fishing, racing or guns,
    Our computer is all clogged,
    But you conquered with skill!
    When you get into your car,
    You also drive forward
    Like a top in a computer
    You conquer the takeoff!

    Presenter No. 1:
    Andrew is a wonderful man
    Successful, humble, wise,
    Smiling, sociable!
    Andrei is always intelligent,
    Competent in his work
    And even Boss he forgives,
    When he does not understand!

    Presenter No. 1:
    Alexander walks without looking
    Through, just for the sake of the goal,
    Knows the price of everyone and everyone
    Never has a problem!
    He is serious and practical
    Plus, it's energetic!
    Every hour and every moment -
    Wonderful man!

    Presenter No. 1:
    Forget everything in the world
    In his company you always rest,
    After all, this is Styopa - our joker and rogue,
    Everyone loves it and everyone cherishes it!
    He charges everyone with his energy,
    Where Styopa is, there laughter is heard,
    He just gives joy to everyone and everything,
    He is our working "family"!

    Presenter No. 1:
    We have Arkady in the company,
    He's just a miracle - good news,
    He is a groovy and very nice fellow,
    And never, never tired!
    He is a charm, he gives support,
    And not afraid of ridicule
    He's just as beautiful as day
    He drives laziness with his appearance!

    Presenter No. 1:
    Big boss - Alexey ours
    He has great experience
    He looks at everyone with love
    And where necessary - scream!
    Being the boss is not easy at all -
    He would use milk for harm,
    But he is not harmful, thank God,
    Unfortunately, there are few like him!

    After all the men have been named, everyone is waiting at attention for the presentation of gifts. The second host takes the stage.

    Presenter number 1: And now everyone is free! Take a seat at the festive table!

    Presenter number 2:
    Happy Defender of the Fatherland,
    Congratulations now!
    Happiness, endless peace
    In this idle hour!

    Presenter No. 1: We meet the female ensemble of our enterprise "Beauties"

    Song to the music "It's time to rejoice" from the film "Three Musketeers"

    February is another great month!
    And the Day of the Defender is again according to plan!
    So, we were brought to the stage,
    While we can't afford to hire stars!

    Men need women - ce la vie!
    Like all of us - even more so!
    But most importantly, we need love!
    And may good luck accompany us!

    Chorus: It's time, it's time, let's rejoice in our lifetime,
    Money, love, luck, dreams and a man,
    Bye-bye-bye we have defenders at hand
    We whisper to fate more than once: “Merci, to the side!”

    Presenter No. 1:
    Today is a special day!
    We celebrate men!
    After all, each of you is cool
    Motherland's faithful son!

    Presenter No. 2: Today, on this day of the Defender of the Fatherland, each of the men of our team is honored with an Oscar for special personal achievements! Let's get started! (It is worth preparing commemorative diplomas and Oscar gift figurines or any other figurines containing the company's label in advance)

    Presenter No. 1: In the nomination "Fighter of the invisible front" "Oscar" is awarded to Maxim for his modesty, purity of thoughts, beautiful appearance and perseverance beyond anyone else's strength!

    Presenter No. 2: The second Golden Voice nomination involves the presentation of an Oscar to Arkady for his ability to amuse even the saddest ladies with his excellent stories, which subsequently leads to good results in the work process.

    Presenter No. 1: In the nomination "Charming Simulator", Oleg undeniably receives the Oscar. He collected throughout the year the largest number women's views of various directions, but for some reason he actively assures everyone that he did not notice them.

    Presenter No. 2: The "Awesome Aura" nomination provides for the award of an "Oscar" to Alexander for his fire in the eyes, inciting hundreds of ladies' boredom and sentencing them to fruitful work!

    Presenter No. 1: The nomination "Robotics in the Flesh" implies the presentation of the "Oscar" to Vasily for his extraordinary look at computer life and off-grid energy flow!

    Presenter No. 2: "Oscar" in the nomination "Punctuality - the rule of kings" is awarded to Nikolai for his solid attitude to business, an excellent serious approach to each task and the ability to solve tricky questions.

    Presenter No. 1: The Encyclopedia Nearby nomination awards an Oscar to Andrey. Thanks to his inexhaustible knowledge, anyone in our team can get rich with his mind and wisdom!

    Presenter No. 2: In the nomination "The Sun for the Whole Day", Stepan receives the Oscar for his ability to always give others not only warmth, but also good mood all day!

    Presenter No. 1: In the nomination "Mr. Kindness", Alexey becomes the undisputed winner. "Oscar" is awarded for his stamina and sensitivity in relation to the endless raids on his office, as well as the hardness and softness of character at the same time!

    Presenter No. 2: All Oscar nominees will be congratulated again by the Beauty Ensemble

    Song to the music "Let them run awkwardly" from the cartoon "Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka"

    Let run clumsily
    Kolya, Vasya in the puddles,
    And Oleg is barefoot on the asphalt!
    After all, it is not clear to passers-by
    On this bad day
    That they rush to the office in a crowd!

    To congratulate the men

    Everyone is cooler than lions today!

    Suddenly Arkasha will come running,
    Sasha will make us all laugh,
    And Andrey will think about everyone,
    Only our boss Alyosha,
    Better than every boss
    This joyful laughter pours into the day!

    Chorus: We sing here on this holiday,
    To congratulate the men
    Genius - Max il Styopa - a prankster!
    Everyone is cooler than lions today!

    Presenter No. 1:
    So let's start dancing
    Let's laugh
    We won't say goodbye
    And we will celebrate!

    Presenter number 2:
    Happy men's day
    Congratulations, squad!
    Eat oranges
    Drink everything!

    The celebration continues with dancing and feasting!

    Moderator - Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen!
    - We are glad to welcome you to the celebration of the Defender of the Fatherland Day.

    Vedas. - Whatever name this holiday bears in different periods of the history of our country, the common people on February 23 have always been a holiday of men. The non-military, but no less courageous population of the country felt to some extent disadvantaged by the factor that, with the presence of the International women's day, there is a complete absence of a similar male.

    Vedas. - It turned out that, giving gifts on March 8, the men had no chance of getting any consolation prizes back. Such unidirectional offerings could not but offend the strong half of the population: after all, men are no less (or even more) fond of all kinds of gifts and praise addressed to them.

    Vedas. - To smooth over the misunderstanding, wise women recognized February 23 as International Men's Day.

    Vedas. - And today we congratulate all men, regardless of their affiliation to military service, on the holiday!

    Ved.- And this is true, because not only a military man can be the Defender of the Fatherland: every man has always been, is and will be the defender of his family, home, city, and, consequently, the country!

    Vedas. – As a result, the first congratulations on this wonderful holiday, of course, will sound from……


    Vedas - There are many reasons in life
    For a feminine trembling person
    Sing the dignity of men.
    And on this wonderful day - especially!

    We have this holiday every year
    Welcome again and again

    After all, where was our female gender
    When would there be no male?

    And in our world let, friends,
    The star of harmony shines on us.
    It is impossible to live without women in the world.

    But you can't live without men
    Today is a holiday, we congratulate you,
    Men in military uniform

    - Congratulations to those who have already retired,
    Who will grow up, congratulations by all means.

    His oath of military loyalty,
    Their faith is strong, their destiny is beautiful.
    They stand guard over the whole country,
    A big country named Russia!

    Dear friends! What qualities do you think a real man should have?

    Vedas - Strength. Some representatives of the strong half of humanity mistakenly believe that if they have ever pulled themselves up 15 times in the Army or in the school gym, then they have already set a world record and it is simply pointless to do anything further. Now that they have realized that they are strong and rightfully belong to the "strong" half of the planet's population, you can safely lie on the couch and build up your belly for solidity. And dumbbells ... dumbbells will not be lost - they will be inherited.

    Vedas - Well, what other qualities should a A real man?

    Vedas. - Mind! The smarter the man, the better. Moreover, the intellect of a man is not measured by completed classes, institutes and read books on the philosophy of Kant and Hegel. They value above all the so-called "worldly mind", which begins with the science of driving a nail into the wall so that the plaster does not crumble in the adjacent room and ends with the same philosophy of Kant's own interpretation. The main thing is that the scientific activity of a man does not replace his communication with a woman, then, even if he is James Bond, it will be difficult to call him a real man.

    He - What else?

    She also has a sense of humor. A real man should be able to make a woman laugh. Or at least laugh when she jokes. The main thing is that these should not be bearded anecdotes of vulgar content, heard from friends or jokes from Laughing Panorama, the authorship of which is easily proven.

    She - And finally, beauty. Although beauty is not a masculine noun, the adjectives “pretty”, “charming” can completely replace it. However, if the above qualities are already present in a man, the latter will not play a big role so that you deservedly receive the honorary title of “Real Man”.

    She - There are many reasons in life
    For a feminine trembling person
    Sing the dignity of men.
    And on this day - especially!

    Number ________________________________ ________

    Vedas - V recent times people somehow stopped talking about ideals. Either they think that they no longer exist, or for some other reason. If a woman is somehow extolled in poetry, then a man has long been given up. But the man has always been an ideal.
    And in honor of our international holiday, I will now tell you everything.
    - Here you need to keep your eyes open, I understood this to myself since childhood.
    - The less we love a woman, the more we watch TV.
    - Women always have something to talk about when there is something to be silent about.
    - A woman's creed is to let it be worse, but in my opinion.
    - If it wasn't for mascara, women would cry more often.
    - A woman knows how to keep a secret, only her age.
    - And they specifically came up with real men to make it easier to ride the rest.

    Vedas. “Ah, what do you think of us?” Well, okay, now I'll show you where the crayfish hibernate and I won't see that you have a holiday! Men! Our support! Knights! Fathers of our children! Get up! Make way for a woman! Don't push her off at the door of the bus as she rushes towards you with two bags and three kids, with a menu planned for tonight's dinner on the way. Throw open the door and stand to attention at the threshold as she stalks through the kitchen, turning on the stove and vacuum as she goes. You are our helpers! Look how many children are around! These are your children. Wipe your child's nose and change your pants. Finally go to school and you will find out that your baby has already moved to the 5th grade and is not yet registered with the police. Men! Knights! Our defenders! Let the weaker sex lean on your strong shoulder. And support.... Support. So why are you falling? Our support!
    We do not demand anything from you, because we love, but how we want to see your admiring glance and hear the mysterious words, long buried in the corners of memory.

    Vedas. - To become a man, it is not enough for them to be born.
    To become iron, it is not enough to be ore!
    You must melt. shatter
    And how ore to sacrifice yourself.

    Number ____________________________

    Vedas - They have a debt that was bequeathed by their ancestors,
    A man - he commands everything:
    Risking yourself to protect women
    As in the duels of Pushkin's times ...

    Vedas. There are few such men these days. Here, for example, is mine ... What kind of protection can we talk about ?! He comes, at me - not with one eye, in his hands - a newspaper, before his eyes there is always a TV. He sits down and ... His sophisticated mind came up with dozens of poses for a sofa or chair:
    in Turkish
    with a pillow under your head
    on the side,
    Hands behind your head
    along the body
    under cheek...
    legs stretched out,
    little ball,
    With bent legs, he most often likes to sit in a chair. You should have seen this pose! Especially when one hand lies on the knee, bent at the elbow and propping up the chin ... Well, just Rodin's "Thinker"! He is obviously tormented by the eternal question: “To be or not to be? To drink or not to drink?

    Vedas - Everything, everything, everything, stop! No need for sad things. Today is a holiday!

    Vedas - So at the holiday you need to say everything and when there is another reason to get together.

    Vedas - You completely confused my head! Let's see the next number!

    Number ___________________________________

    Vedas - you always say: “a real man”, “a real man” ... But what is a Real man, in honor of which one day of a harsh winter has become a real holiday?

    Vedas - For me it is: Protector.

    Vedas - Well, who should a modern man protect?

    Vedas - modern woman, (that is, me ...)

    Vedas - And why should a modern man protect a modern woman from?
    Oh, well, it’s quite simple: - From an empty wallet ...
    From steep stairs
    From street hooligans (if he himself is not one)
    From heavy doors
    From dirty dishes
    From bad dogs
    From other men

    Vedas - Have you ever held a Kalashnikov assault rifle in your hands?

    Veda - No. I just saw it in the museum. What were you holding?

    Veda - Yes. I had to.

    Vedas - Then you probably know how many shots a Kalashnikov assault rifle fires per hour?

    Ved - He fires 600 shots per minute.

    Veda - Yes? So many ... And you know that women can shoot without a machine gun

    Vedas - How is it?

    Vedas - Eyes

    Vedas - And yourself - then you know how to shoot with your eyes?

    Vedas - Is it necessary?

    Vedas - let's

    Vedas - Of course. There is even a formula for shooting eyes.

    Vedas - Come on, come on! ..

    Vedas - So so ... You look into the corner (shows). On the tip of the nose (shows). And on the object (shows).

    Vedas - Great! (Gesture towards the audience.) Show everyone!

    Vedas - (Turns to face the audience.) So so! You look in the corner (shows). On the tip of the nose (shows) And on the object (shows).

    Vedas - You look in the corner ...

    Vedas - Look into the corner, look into the corner ... Listen, as much as you can look into the corner, let's better look behind the scenes, who is next.

    Vedas - And the next one in our concert ....

    Number ____________________________________ _____

    Vedas - You know that being a soldier at the present time is a difficult job ... Getting up at dawn, all sorts of jogging, exercises ... As they say: follow orders, but forget about your personal life! Once and just dream! Solid drill and cramming!

    Vedas - Well, you're wrong! Even the great Russian commander Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov highly valued in a simple soldier the desire to understand, learn, and navigate the situation. The soldier's answer "I can't know" could have infuriated Suvorov! “There is a lot of trouble from the Nemoguznaika!” - So the commander thought.

    Vedas - Well, well ... You keep saying: “A soldier is always a soldier” ... But what about the saying: “One man is not a warrior”? So, one soldier has nothing to do in a difficult situation? And who can you hope for?

    Vedas - And the military has long remade this proverb in their own way: "If you are tailored in Russian, then there is only one warrior in the field." It means that the soldier's spirit lives in us and the fighting ingenuity! And if so, then we will consider that the work of a soldier is not easy, but important and necessary!

    Vedas - I agree! I will tell you that in the army, as well as in the “civilian”, a soldier lives an ordinary earthly life ...

    Vedas - Something you are not saying! Life is earthly, but not simple ... Military! And these are completely different things! And you mean to say that you understand the military service? You didn't serve in the army!

    Vedas - But I have many acquaintances - the military! I congratulate them from the bottom of my heart!

    There are many reasons in the world
    We can do without men.
    Today the woman is strong
    Self-confident, smart.
    Career growth and feminism…
    We have almost capitalism -
    Money can buy everything.
    Why should we live with men?
    But we look into your eyes,
    And we have to say...
    No matter how many reasons...
    It is impossible to live without men...
    They embrace warmly
    Give a strong shoulder
    They'll give you a salary
    They will not let you down in trouble.
    Behind them we are like behind a wall.
    Love, hope and peace
    They give us every time
    Men, it's all about you...

    Number ___________________________

    We continue our holiday concert.

    And we will continue with simple questions to you dear viewers. But there will only be one condition, men answer my questions, and women answer the questions of my co-host, agreed? So, let's start the game "War of the Sexes"

    QUESTION TO WOMEN - Integral part what is a carburetor? (motor)

    QUESTION TO MEN - Why do women drip nail polish on torn tights? (So ​​that the arrow does not go on torn tights)

    QUESTION TO WOMEN - What can you hit with a "pyrom"? (On the ball)

    QUESTION TO MEN - When threading a needle, what should be motionless: a needle or a thread? (Needle)

    QUESTION TO WOMEN - Is the hood on the car in front or in the back? (Front)

    QUESTION TO MEN - What is highlighting? (Coloring individual strands of hair)

    QUESTION TO WOMEN - What is a bullet? (Penalty in ice hockey)

    QUESTION TO MEN - Why would a woman need acetone? (Wash old nail polish off)

    QUESTION TO WOMEN - In what direction is the force applied when working with a saw: towards you or away from you? (Push)

    QUESTION TO MEN - What is the name of a small purse that stores items needed to do makeup? (Cosmetic bag)

    QUESTION TO WOMEN - Do the Bure brothers play football or hockey? (in hockey)

    QUESTION TO MEN - Do they put yeast in shortcrust pastry? (Not)

    QUESTION FOR WOMEN - Which company's products have a checkmark logo? (Nike)

    QUESTION TO MEN - Wax, cream, mechanical devices, laser devices can be used for this process. What is this process? (Depilation)

    Well done! Everyone tried! Friendship won!

    Vedas - Why do we love men?
    There are many good reasons:
    for the clear light of radiant eyes,
    for a sharp mind and tenderness of phrases,
    for the captivity of the warmth of the heart,
    for honesty, strength, for deeds,
    for feelings, a heady wave,
    for the sun, the stars, for the moon,
    for subtle humor, light laughter,
    for life, support, for success,
    for the rise of dreams, for the sweetness of dreams,
    for meetings, friendship, for love,
    for the song of spring in the midst of winter,
    for "you and me", more precisely "we" -
    for the soul, hands and eyes -
    for hundreds of thousands of the best pros!
    It's high time for men - To strike a friendly “Hurrah!”

    Number ____________________________________

    Vedas - I found some information on the Internet, and I realized that we should not judge our men strictly. Well, I've told you about this more than once. And what is the information there?

    “So listen, “Darwin’s theory of the origin of species says that man evolved from the great ape. Accepting this theory, it is not possible to explain why a man and a woman are so different from each other. Apparently they came not only from different primates, but from individuals living on different planets.
    And the Biblical interpretation of the origin of the sexes is closer to the truth. According to the "Old Testament", the man was created from clay, i.e. from the material is not expensive, literally lying underfoot: sculpt - I don’t want to. The woman was skillfully carved from bone (the material is expensive and time-consuming). To put it in modern language, a man is the first, trial version of a person, and a woman is the second - improved.
    If we conduct a linguistic analysis, the word "man" is hopelessly corrupted by the first two letters. Like it or not, but in a serious way they do not set up. And the word “woman” coquettishly caresses the ear with a soft French “yes”, and no less gentle English “Sh”

    So… we need to think about it…

    – In the meantime, he thinks, I suggest you watch our next issue.
    Number _____________________

    Vedas - Well, that I have digested my information, do not be upset, I think my cleverness did not upset you much, and just in case, I found 10 reasons in favor of being a better man.

    Vedas - It would be interesting to know what?

    Vedas - On average, you earn 1.5 times more than we do.
    - Every day, the average man devotes 28 minutes to cooking, and a woman 68.
    - If a friend has something against you, he will directly tell you, and will not spread dirty gossip.
    - Men are on average 13.5 cm taller than women.
    - With age, you do not become less attractive to the opposite sex.
    - To prepare for a date, you just need to shave and take a shower.
    - The female body is more prone to accumulate fat than the male.
    - Among vegetarians, men are 25% less than women.
    You don't need to carry your purse with you everywhere. It is perfectly replaced by pockets.
    - When applying for a job, no one looks at the length of your legs and the volume of your chest. I hope I've reassured you a little.

    Vedas - But you didn't mention one more argument.

    Vedas - What else have I forgotten?

    Vedas - You know ... men love it when women are silent ... and look with their mouths closed at our next number.

    Number ______________________________

    Vedas - It is believed that service in the army is certainly only for young men. But I know many girls who wished to devote their lives to the military profession.

    Vedas - They work in a soldier's canteen, or at a computer at headquarters ...

    Vedas - You are wrong. There are many heroic examples in the history of the Russian State when women took up arms and stood up to defend their Motherland. Courageous women have always been in Russia.

    Vedas - And to your surprise, I even know some examples from history. Cavalier - girl Nadezhda Durova - heroine patriotic war In 1912, everyone watched the film "The Hussar Ballad", the Cossack Alexandra Kudashova - the heroine of the Russian-Japanese war of 1905, who traveled 10 thousand miles in 13 months. During the Civil War, in the division of Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev, a woman named Anna was a machine gunner. In the Great Patriotic War, a Russian woman appealed with the appeal “Motherland is calling”

    Vedas - maybe it's enough to talk about other women in front of me, even if they are military heroines? I believe that in a peaceful life a woman in uniform has a place for a feat! For a beautiful female feat.

    Vedas - here - here "He will stop the horse on the move", "He will enter the burning hut." In a word, he will do everything - just so as not to stand in the kitchen at the stove and not do housework, even the kokoshnik is called "the protective headdress of Russian women, protecting the head from falling burning logs and hitting with horse hooves."

    Vedas - Well, you know! ... though I'm not in uniform ..

    Vedas - Thank you Lord!

    Vedas - but I can stand up for myself!

    Number ___________________________________________

    Vedas - Lord, how we get from you and lazy people, we are loafers and drunkards. Well, imagine for a moment that all the men disappeared at one fine moment! All! What? Startled? Well, what's the big picture? I said - just imagine, but do not implement. I understand that women have long mastered everything men's professions are serving in the army. They just don't have time to watch TV. Except for the masterpieces Just Maria and Santa Barbara. But you can look at life from the other side. Well, who generously, to the detriment of their health, lying on the sofa, allows them to cook dinner, wash, sweep? Who, not sparing his stomach, absorbs kilograms of insipid, lean, meat and thereby takes the brunt of it, allowing them to maintain harmony and beauty? And you all know who this generous knight is.

    Vedas - We know! Of course - a man!

    Vedas - That's right man!

    Together - and it sounds proud!

    Vedas - I fully agree with you, we joked today, laughed. And that's not bad at all. After all, laughter strengthens health, pleases, inspires and gives a great charge of vivacity. And in general, laughter is a serious matter! And today we are on the verge of a very serious holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day! From time immemorial, strong, noble, courageous men have been the defenders of the fatherland. And women, of course, did not stand aside.

    Vedas - Of course, we are not akin to angels.
    And we also have flaws.

    Vedas - but no matter how you turn and look
    Without women, life in the world is much worse.

    Vedas - it happens that family affairs
    Protest and grumbling are caused in the husband.

    Vedas - saws, - he whispers softly, - exhausted.

    Vedas - let the saw, but without a saw - it's worse.
    Well, who will support your authority?
    Who will tie your clumsy tie?
    Who will generously give you love and dinner?

    Vedas - that's it,
    Much worse without you!
    Not for nothing women
    Sincerely under the hour
    The beautiful floor is called magnificently
    No doubt it would be worse.
    We are without you.

    Vedas - Without you, it’s useless at all!
    See you soon!