New Year's greetings for colleagues in the form of a skit. Scene congratulations on the corporate

To have a fun festive event, you need to think in advance, which will help ensure fun and good mood.

Particularly well received new year holiday funny and funny scenes, which do not take much time, so they can be put several in a row, using as many people as possible.

New Year's skits funny and cool for high school students can include characters, both famous and fictional, as long as it is fun and interesting.

Scene for the New Year about grandmothers Yozhek

Characters: 5 grandmas hedgehogs

1 grandma: Yozhki you noticed that we haven't hung out for a long time! Oh look what's going on here
Is everyone gathered?
2 grandmother: Yes, they are probably celebrating something again! send! We must have time to bro kashcheich to the party! By the way, you need to call him, has he changed his mind about hanging out? So let's get a number! Hello, Kascheich! Hi, Well, how is everything ready? oh well then let's go! Well, kascheich said, everything is ready! Send?!
Grandmother 3: Wait, we still don't know what's going on here? Let's ask the guys?
4 grandma: Yes, no problem! Guys, tell me what's going on here?
Guys: We are celebrating the New Year!
Grandmother 5: Wow, does that mean there is going to be a party here too? Cool, let's stay here Your back hurts terribly!
All grandmas, except for 2 grandmas: Agree! Hey, hedgehog, how are you?
2 grandma: what's up?
1 grandma: Well, you're a damn deaf person, you need to fly to Laura!
Grandmother 2: Alas, my electric broom is broken!
1 grandmother: And I have been riding a Merc for a long time! Well, why do you want to stay here for a party?
Grandmother 2: Of course! Well, grannies, let's have a blast!?

the phone rings, at the 4th grandma

Grandmother 4: Hello, hello! Well, I've signed up for tomorrow! Okay, now I have no time! Dosvidos!
5 grandma: Where did you sign up?
4 grandma: Oh, to the makeup artist! Decided to preen before a date with the water man!
Grandmother 3: Okay, enough, let's finally hang out!
1 grandma: Well, DJ, turn on a song for us! Yes, better!

include for example: "a Christmas tree was born in the forest"

3 Grandmother: Hey, DJ, what did you turn on for us? Come on, our beloved!

Plays the song of grandmothers-hedgehogs

Cool New Year's scene about blondes

Participants should speak with expression and intonation, parodying modern fashionistas

1 Blonde: Hello girlfriend, Why are you standing here?
2 Blonde: Waiting for Leshy
1 Blonde: Why wait for him?
2 Blonde: Yes, I met him, I couldn’t leave everything as it is - he looks like a loser .. so no one goes now ...
1 Blonde: And where is he?
2 Blonde: At the hairdresser... at Zverev's
1 Blonde: Is this a famous hairdresser?
2 Blonde: No, namesake ... he is also a stylist, he will do a little image ...
1 Blonde: Ouch
2 Blonde: What?
1 Blonde: Your hair is black!
2 Blonde: Faster pull!
1 Blonde: Yes, I was joking ..
2 Blonde: YES, well, you .. By the way, here is Leshy.

Goblin comes out in super new clothes, to the music

1 Blonde: Listen to the latest fashion...
2 Blonde: Yes, now with him both to the feast and to the world ..
Goblin: Well, I changed my image a bit ... how did it happen?
1 Blonde: Great...
2 Blonde: Now I would like to teach you how to dance...
Goblin: I know how to be a tectonist ...
1 Blonde: Already something, show me ...

You can complete the performance with the dance of Leshy and the blondes.

Blondes and Leshy leave Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson appear on stage, hold Leshy's sock in their hands, approach the microphone and twist it in their hands

Holmes: Watson, I think it's a man's sock..
Watson: How did you guess?
Holmes: Elementary! The size is too big.
Watson: You think it cannot belong to a woman?
Holmes: To be honest, I saw a gentleman who was walking in the second sock.
Watson: Holmes, you are simply a genius. Where was this gentleman going?
Holmes: Elementary, my dear friend, accompanied by two ladies, he was probably in a hurry to the disco…. Oh, I think someone else is going there too...
Watson: Let's go, shall we?
Holmes: For those who are over a hundred years old? Although, let's go .. It doesn't stop us from having fun.

Scene for the New Year about the Snow Queen

Snow Queen: Call Angry and Thorn to me ...

Angry and Thorn come running

Snow Queen: My faithful maids, how long have we been doing nasty things?
Zlyuchka: For a long time...
Prickly: For a long time...
Snow Queen: Do people want to spoil the holiday?
Bitch: I want...
Thorn: Already prickly ...
Snow Queen: Here, keep a catalog of cosmetics, whoever rubs it and smells it will get sick, fall ill
Zlyuchka: Get sick?
Thorn: Will you get sick?
Zlyuchka: And will he miss the holiday?
Prickle: And a holiday!!! Miss...?
Snow Queen: And get sick and miss. You need to offer this catalog to everyone and sneeze at people.
Zlyuchka: And if people take vitamins if?
Kolyuchka: And if you played sports?
Snow Queen: And they will celebrate alone without friends... Go quickly, do my will.

They leave. Ivanushka enters the stage

Ivanushka: Alyonushka? Has anyone seen my sister?
Zlyuchka: Is that Ivanushka?
Thorn: Open the goat flu page faster?
Zlyuchka: Young man - look at some cosmetics, just for your sister.
Thorn: Here, smell it.
Ivanushka: Oh, you really need to buy a present for your sister! (sniffs)
Zlyuchka: Well, how?
Thorn: Good cosmetics?
Ivanushka: Oh, I have a temperature, probably an acute respiratory disease.

Alyonushka is coming

Alyonushka: Ivanushka, what's wrong with you? Oops.. temperature!
Zlyuchka: Infected, will your brother get sick now?
Thorn: And the holiday is ruined for you?

Ivanushka coughs

Alyonushka: We'll see about that. (Picks up the phone) Urgent orderlies.

Orderlies run in the form of snowmen

Orderlies: What happened, where is the infection?
Alyonushka: Yes, there are two people here carrying.
Ivanushka: I was infected with goat flu.
Orderlies: Clearly, disinfect the infection!

Angry and Thorn run away screaming, followed by orderlies with large syringes.

Alyonushka: I told you, Ivanushka, go in for sports, eat vitamins - you didn’t obey me, but nothing ...

The Snow Maiden enters

Snow Maiden: I’ll help your problem, but only more, mind you, don’t get sick ... I’ll wave my magic wand, but the illness will pass by the evening, but for now the milk is warm, and the stove ...
Who arranged all this ... Surely either Baba Yaga or The Snow Queen, you will need to tell Santa Claus ...

25.12.2019 | We looked at the script 2960 Human

It sounds like a painfully familiar New Year's melody
Father Frost. Happy New Year's Eve, dear audience!

Snow Maiden. From the whole magical winter kingdom, a bright New Year's greetings! (referring to grandfather). Santa Claus, something from you...

Scenario of a corporate party for the New Year "New Year's Anniversary of the Year of the Rat"

25.12.2019 | We looked at the script 4384 human

The first toast from the presenter.
Nice calm music sounds.
Moderator: Hello everyone New Year's Eve! These magical days brought us smiles, joy, team unity and love for work!

I hope that all employees who...

Scenario of the Year of the Rat for a corporate party

25.12.2019 | We looked at the script 4206 Human

Host: The year 2020 is knocking at our doors with new opportunities, dreams, new happiness, and with all my heart I wish everyone that what you have planned, on the eve of the most magical holiday, come true! Traditionally, the New Year in Russia is not complete without Christmas trees...

Scenario of the New Year's concert in the House of Culture "Waiting for a miracle"

25.12.2019 | We looked at the script 1637 Human

The music from the film "An Ordinary Miracle" is played, which is the leitmotif of the concert.
Entertainer. Good evening to all, dear viewers! Artists of the House of Culture are happy to talk with you on the eve of the most magical holiday! This New Year's Eve...

The best cultural and interesting scenario of the theatrical New Year's corporate party with the participation of the Snow Queen

13.12.2019 | We looked at the script 5775 Human

Santa Claus enters with the Snow Maiden.
Father Frost:
-Many days and nights
We walked the route difficult, distant.
Our path is like a stream
Curled between the crystal fir trees.
(Coiled between the poplars,
Come on, pour grandfather!)
Together with the Snow Maiden
We hurried to...

Scenario for a good start to the New Year's show program for adults

15.11.2019 | We looked at the script 20674 human

There is a noticeable revival in the hall.
LEADING; On the road with bells
Troikas are flying fast.
In a painted sleigh with carpets
Red girls are sitting.
Come to us for the New Year's holiday

An interesting and theatrical scenario for celebrating the New Year for adults with the participation of fairy-tale characters

14.11.2019 | We looked at the script 11290 Human

Hare Stepashka:

Oh baby, what's wrong with you? Do pigs drink?

What do you think Stepashechka? Where does the proverb come from
"Drunk like a pig." And you drink, everyone talks about you too, oblique,
oblique means drunk...

Piggy sings:

An interesting, fun and new scenario for the New Year, theatrical: "The Hungry Guest" for adults

09.11.2019 | We looked at the script 13208 Human

Philosophy of the table -
So that the snack was here!
It won't even take half an hour.
How will disappear ... (SAUSAGE)!

People like it very much
With red fish ... (SANDWICHES)!

Main snack view
It's in the middle of the table!
We remember at last
About salty...


Scenario of a magical and interesting New Year's fairy tale

21.10.2019 | We looked at the script 13296 Human

It would be great if Grandfather with a gray beard and a red nose would unexpectedly call at our door. He would hug me and whisper softly in my ear:

Although you consider yourself smart and wise, but believe me, you cannot live without faith in a miracle. Beautiful fairy tale, ...

The key to a successful corporate party is a cheerful and relaxed atmosphere in which absolutely all members of the team, regardless of position, feel comfortable. In many ways, it is achieved with the help of good humor, for example, funny scenes and funny musical numbers in the script. Even the most status members of the team can take part in such funny productions. Most often, the readiness to play a comic scene appears in the majority as part of New Year's corporate parties. It is at such festive parties that colleagues are as relaxed as possible and open to amateur performances. If we talk about what scenes for the New Year 2019 for adults at a corporate party are always relevant, then first of all it is worth noting short numbers on modern topics. Also cause a smile and sincere laughter among colleagues, scenes with a cheerful musical accompaniment, redistributed fairy tales, performances in the style of stand-up. You will find great ideas and examples of cool scenes for the New Year 2019 in the following article.

The best New Year's scenes for a corporate party - the coolest ideas and examples, video

Speaking of the most current ideas for cool scenes for a New Year's corporate party, then first of all it is worth noting the options on the theme of the holiday. We are talking about traditional characters, traditions, signs, films that are associated with the New Year. For example, you can humorously play up the situation, how the preparations for the holiday are going on in the average family. Also relevant will be numbers about how the last pre-holiday days at work. In most companies, the end of the year is associated with great stress, when it is important to close all reports and transactions on time. And since corporate events often take place when all the statements are closed, you can safely laugh with colleagues over recent work difficulties.

Examples of cool ideas for the best New Year's scenes for a corporate party

Also on New Year's corporate party you can put on skits with the participation of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. In this case, you can force all members of the team to participate in this number. For example, dance around the Christmas tree, tell Santa Claus poems, help build a snowman, etc. At first glance, adult employees will definitely like such childish fun and help you tune in to the festive atmosphere of the evening. You will find even more examples of cool scenes for a New Year's corporate party in the following videos.

Funny scenes for the New Year 2019 for adults - short musical numbers for a corporate party

One of the most fun numbers for adults at a corporate party in honor of the New Year 2019 can be called short musical skits. As a rule, these are small numbers without words to dynamic music or a song. The main emphasis in such scenes is on the facial expressions and gestures of the participants, who are trying to make everyone present at the celebration laugh. The musical numbers are based on funny and funny situations from life that many have encountered at least once in their lives. For example, using the right tune for each participant, you can show how a particular person reacts in certain circumstances. This can be a number about who comes to work in the morning (one is always late, the second sleeps on the go, the third brews coffee for the whole team). It is desirable that real people present at the corporate party be taken as prototypes for the heroes of the scene. Then the number will turn out even more funny and funny.

Options for short musical scenes for the New Year 2019 for adults at a corporate party

Also instead of music in musical numbers Quite often, cuts of audio tracks from famous films and TV shows are used. With their help, it is easy to compose a whole dialogue for a fun scene, and the participants do not have to learn a lot of text. The main thing is to choose a relevant topic, for example, choosing a New Year's gift for colleagues in mall 5 minutes before closing time. Next, we offer you more fun options for short musical scenes for a corporate party in honor of the New Year 2019 for adults.

Funny scenes for the New Year 2019 for adults - converted fairy tales with jokes for a corporate party

Another relevant topic for funny scenes for the New Year 2019 for a corporate party is remade fairy tales with jokes and jokes for adults. This is a rather simple and at the same time interesting version of a fun number, which can be played in different ways. For example, you can literally rewrite the dialogues of characters from famous children's fairy tales, or you can use cuts from films and songs instead of words. In any case, with a sufficient level of artistry of the participants, such a reworked fairy tale will turn out to be funny and cool.

Funny ideas for fairy tale scenes with jokes for the New Year 2019 for adults at a corporate party

As for the plot for funny fairy tale scenes for a New Year's corporate party, you can take almost any children's work, slightly changing it to suit the interests of adults. Well, if you manage to beat some kind of winter fairy tale with the participation of Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden, the Snowman and other traditional characters. But you can also take very simple children's fairy tales, for example, Gingerbread Man or Turnip. In such cases, you should beat the plot for more modern theme, preferably concerning the working days of the team. For example, instead of a huge turnip Grandfather (director) and Baba ( Chief Accountant) may be trying to pull out the company's annual income. You will find some interesting and funny examples of converted fairy tales for New Year's corporate parties in the following videos.

The coolest scenes for the New Year 2019 - universal options for a fun company, video

It is not at all necessary that the numbers at the corporate party in honor of the New Year 2019 be dedicated to work and the company, cool scenes on universal topics will also do. For example, you can put a funny number about typical family and patterns of behavior of spouses, problems between parents and children, important social problems that worries many. At the same time, it is important to strike a balance between good humor and sharp parody, which can hook the feelings of those present.

Cool options for universal scenes for a fun company for the New Year 2019

As for the format of such a cool scene on a universal theme, you can use any: dance, music, parody, based on pantomime, etc. In the next selection of videos, we tried to collect just such universal options for cool scenes that are perfect for a New Year's corporate party.

Funny and funny scenes for the New Year 2019 of the Yellow Pig - modern options with video

Humor does not stand still and every now and then new interesting formats of numbers and scenes appear, which can also be used for a New Year's corporate party. An example is the increasingly popular recent times standup format. As a rule, only one person participates in this number, but short performances for several people can also be arranged. Distinctive feature stand-up - reading jokes on current topics from the position of the speaker, which leaves its mark on their interpretation. In other words, the author expresses his opinion on popular issues through the prism of jokes and humor. This format will be especially relevant for a New Year's corporate party if there is a person in the team who can joke sharply and is not afraid of the stage.

Funny options for funny modern scenes for the New Year 2019 of the Yellow Pig

Also, among the modern funny scenes for the New Year 2019 of the Yellow Pig, numbers in the “expectation / reality” format can be noted. They can be like working theme, and beat some everyday situations. Some interesting examples cheerful modern scenes for the New Year 2019 of the Yellow Pig will be found in the following selection.

Absolutely all members of the team can play funny scenes at the New Year's corporate party. Especially if you need to take part in a humorous short number with music and dancing, which is always present in every scenario. Also, scenes in the format of converted fairy tales on modern way can be used for this festive format. The main thing is that funny and funny scenes for the New Year 2019 for adults at the corporate party give everyone smiles and a good mood! And then you can not worry about the relaxed and relaxing atmosphere of this holiday!

New Year's corporate party is a time when the whole team gets together, you can relax a little and forget a little about too strict decency and dress code. The hosts of corporate parties will surely come in handy with cool New Year's scenes, which will allow to attract participants “from the audience”. If it turned out that there is no host at the corporate party, the colleagues themselves, with the help of these skits, can play a fun performance and entertain themselves and their comrades.

Scene No. 1 "How snowmen played Santa Claus"

A snowman appears on the wall, on the other side the same one walks with his back to him. They crash into each other.

1 C-to. - Greetings, snow brother!

2 C-to. - And I greet you, where can you take you?

1 C-to. I wanted to ask Santa Claus for something, but I won’t get there!

2 C-to. And we can come up with Santa Claus ourselves, here I am, for example, why am I not frost?

1 C-to. “Why are you and I am not me?”

2 C-to. - So do you!

1 C-to. - Well, yes ... (the second one gets into a pose) - well ... oh, no! Grandpa should sit like this! (shows and looks) - No, I don't like you, let the hall help! So, who organizes the coolest Grandfather?

Several participants are selected.

Snow. - So, our Grandfather has the largest ... (looks at the abdomen with an unambiguous look) - Yes, you didn’t think that, the biggest belly! Well, who has the best? Men should stick out their bellies and measure them. The dispute is settled with applause. We must leave two or three people.

1 S-to - And our grandfather wears a dressing gown, shoes and a cap! (takes out a terry old robe, slippers and a baby's cap). We hope, we hope.

2 Sn. (look closely)- So when do you last time Have you seen Frost?

1 S-k - I haven't seen him yet, I've only heard about him!

1 S. - It is understandable ... And now we still need deer! Grandfather always comes on reindeer, always! So, who's the best deer here? We announce a casting for the best deer! Active men are selected.

The music sounds: “I will take you to the tundra”, to which men must portray the best deer.

2 Sn. - So these are found, it remains to find the sled. Probably for the sleigh we will take those deer that did not pass the casting. (He places the “sledge” on all fours, puts the “deer” forward, puts the grandfather on the “sleigh”. Then there will be a small relay race from one destination to another. The heroes must run around the obstacle and return). - And now let's go, whose team will reach forward to right place and will come back, those heroes will be the only representatives of the New Year's characters!

1 Sn-ik - Well, now such cool grandfathers on reindeer need who?

2 Sn. - Who? Do such cool peppers need someone?

1 Sn. - Certainly! Snow Maiden! Or rather, two Snow Maidens!

2 Sn. - O! Let's do a casting! We are unlikely to put everyone like this and start choosing.

1 Sn. - No no no! They need to be tested! What kind of women do you like?

2 Sn. - Me.. uh. In-o-from such (something shows). A. no, like this (shows again). No, no, I really like these!

1 Sn. “Oh, you won’t understand, let me choose for myself!” I love funny and mobile.

Game "Dance potpourri"

All interested girls and women are invited for them, in turn (or cut into one track), a variety of compositions are included, to which they must dance. For example: "Kamarinskaya", "Gypsy", "Rap", "Techno", "Waltz", "Lambada", "Tango", "Quadrille", "Rock and Roll". Heroes choose a girl for themselves. Which is the most active in the game.

1 Snow. - Well, that's all, Santa Clauses were found, Snegurochka to them too. You can also celebrate!

2 Snow. - You thought of it coolly, and we will pick up gifts for ourselves!

1 Snow. (looking into the hall) - Something tells me that they won't let us out of here alive.

2 Snow. - Let's shoot! He takes out firecrackers and salutes.

1 Snow. - Look, everything is in its place ... oh, you have to give ...

Gifts are being given. Gifts can be comic and for each you can organize an eyeliner according to the nature of the recipient, for example:

  • "Most sneaky" - a mousetrap.
  • "To the hungriest" - a spoon.
  • “To the most freezing” - tea or a check of cognac.
  • "To the youngest" - a rattle. Dummy.
  • "Teetotaler" - a bottle of kefir.
  • "Yazvennik" - festal.
  • "The most beautiful" = the mask of Baba Yaga.
  • “To the most insecure” - a mirror.
  • "Most talkative" - ​​a cork or a gag.

New Year's scene No. 2 "Seeing the Outgoing Year"

The Snow Maiden enters the stage and pulls the Old New Year with her.

Sn-ka - look, what else do you have to do here, you see how many people, and everything is completely not to your liking! It's time for you to leave. Leave!

Art. N. God - Me? And I don't think so! Where will I go? Into non-existence? To eternity? Look at me: Age is in the juice itself, one might say - in color! I can, on the contrary, everything is just beginning! Find more such heroes in the hall!

Snow. - I'll find it! Men, let's prove to this old ... (whatever you want to call it, depending on the company) that he already has the wrong strength.

The game "Let's measure sausages"

It turns out that several men are given sausage balls into their hands, which are very difficult to inflate. The whole joke is that they inflate them to the best of their ability, someone has a very small sausage, someone has a larger one, and someone has a very large one. The hero also participates.

Sn-a - Well, grandpa? Your sausage is very small. There is no strength for anything already!

Art. N.G. - Happiness is not in the size of sausages, but in their number! (pretends to gnaw on a ball, taking the topic in the other direction)

Sn-ka - So you don't want to leave?

S.N.G. No, I'm not going anywhere! I'm staying here! And if you want me to leave, create the best conditions for this for me!

Sn-ka - What conditions will we create for you?

S.N.G. - Well, for example ... I want a chic deck chair!

Sn-ka - So, we need the audience's help! Who among those present is waiting for the New Year? (answer) We don't hear! That's it, it means we must urgently expel the Old One, who is ready! You need to be a sun lounger for a while!

A man comes out better girl, sits on the floor or chair, the old year to his knees.

Sn-ka - Well. Are you happy?

Art. N.G. - No, of course, how can you be satisfied? Want some more champagne? So where's my champagne!

The Snow Maiden calls several girls and chooses a girl who looks like a bottle of champagne by a general vote. "Put" it into the hand of the Old Year.

Art. year - So, what else do I need ... Oh! I want a gift! I want to be like in my youth...

Snow. “Aha, you recognize, then, your old age!”

Art. year (sharply looked at her)“Of course not, that’s just how I put it! I want the poem to be told to me. Would make me happy!

Snow. - Well, that it is necessary to fulfill all the wishes of this old hooligan! Who is ready?

Puts a stool on which people recite poems.

Art. Year - Great, great! Exactly what I wanted! As the doctor ordered ... (grabs his heart, drops a "bottle of champagne"). - Oh, save! Help!

Snguroch. - Oh, what to do, what to do? Is there a doctor in the room? Who knows how to save? Well, maybe the one who does artificial respiration? No Yes? Eh, your grandfather will have to die, there are no people here who want to!

Art. year - If it is a man, then I'd rather lie down here, and if a woman .... (dreams).

sn. - You are deaf, there is no one, even if you pay! Are you ready to pay?

Art. year - Well, I can only brandy!

Called by the girls, they must leave on the face of St. there are as many kisses in the year as they are ready to drink shots of cognac.

Old year - (looking in the mirror) Yeah, what am I going to tell my girlfriend now?

Sn-chka - do you also have a girlfriend?

Art. g. - And then!

sn. Come on, we'll fix everything! Is there a make-up artist in the room? And the one who has a firm hand and who can sketch the whole thing?

Two volunteers are called in to powder and paint over the hero's make-up.

Snegur. - Wow, that's what you are, "reindeer"!

S. God - You yourself ... And which one? (looking for a mirror) Oh, the mirror is gone...

Snegur. - And now we will draw you.

Game "Portrait"

The same or other two heroes are called and, blindfolded, draw a grandfather. The game can be adjusted to your own taste: you can have one portrait, you can have two, or even organize drawing in teams. Each in turn will draw some part of the face and body.

Art. year - So, I understand, you're kidding me, so yes? Everyone pissed off! I'm leaving, I'm not interested already here!

Snow. - Finally! Now you can celebrate! (The chimes strike and crackers explode.)

Scene No. 3 "An adult fairy tale about a turnip"

The grandmother (leader) comes out, as if visiting a fairy tale.

Grandmother -

Hello guests gentlemen, how long did you all come here?
Is it okay in the world, is it bad there? What is there now for a miracle?
There is a computer, I heard, laptops, cell phones are not enough!
How can people surprise me? Is there a story to tell?
I just need help, it will be fine!

Continues - To begin with, I will invite different heroes, For example, I remember the story of two Ivans, the game was like this ... how is it ... the king of the east changed it for a singing bird ... (The hall should guess “the sea worries once”). Let's play.

The game "The sea worries once." The figures should all be outlandish, intricate, but most importantly, they will need to be revived in the end. So to say justify what was shown.

Bab-ka - There are many fairy tales in the world, so I can’t count them,

Here, for example, "Turnip" - ours, there is no tastier and more beautiful!

(Summons two male participants)

Baba says: planted by grandfather... One is planting, the other is planting. The turnip has grown tremendously with greatness! Healthy while healthy! And he began to pull such a miracle ... Tya-yanet will pull ... (to the participant) Pull, let's not hesitate (shows how to pull, by the ear or by the ears), but he cannot pull it out. What to do? Grandpa called his grandmother, call me! (participant calls) - Well, who calls like that, why do you need your grandmother, such a frail! That's how, that's how to call (shows a pack of cons). - Understood? (comments) Look, the grandmother, how delighted she was, came running, almost forgot about the turnip, but grandfather is not a fool: the grandmother is a dick, and pull the turnip! They pull, they pull, they don’t succeed, they lived to old age, you see, they don’t have the same heroic strength! They called their granddaughter ... well, whoever calls that, you offer your granddaughter this! (gives a wallet with money). Look, look, go, go! (depicts) Look at the youth, what has become! And again, they fail. What an unfriendly team! The granddaughter began to call Zhuchka, her girlfriend was like that. Bug came running. Well, you can lure the Beetle with anything, if only she could find adventures on the fifth point, and she is of little interest in the details!

Continues the story- And again, silence, but smooth surface, the turnip has firmly stuck its root! Looks like the root is not small, since it sits like that. She called Zhuchka Murka, that other gang of a watering can, I’ll tell you, they’ll breed a rigmarole here, who is the most beautiful of them, ugh! No point! And, finally, they called the mouse in chorus! (To all participants) We call, we call, in chorus! A mouse came running (calling from the audience, always in a short skirt) - Mouse, and where are you going to pull your turnips al on ... you don’t risk pulling in such transparent clothes. If you pull it out again, it will hook on you with a root ... (hitting his lips) - Oh, I have become completely talkative, we are working. My children are working!

Grandma says more So, all the heroes are in place, pull-pull, nothing happens! Then they started digging, digging, digging, digging (they pretend to dig around a turnip, they move in any dance, for example, you can turn on a waltz or tango). Did they dig up the turnip? But no, they didn’t dig it out, maybe put the mouse forward, huh? Her miniskirt, whoever you like will make you leave your homeland! Come on Mouse, work, work! Dance something like that for him!
Beautiful music turns on, "Mouse" dances for "Turnip" and at the end takes her away from her familiar place.

Oh, I'm glad as friends!
My fairy tale is over!
I congratulate you,
May your wishes come true!