Types of sea knots and how to tie. How to knit sea knots

Every day we tie something without even thinking about it - on laces, on ribbons and bows, on a tie, at home and on vacation. One way or another, nodules are present almost everywhere. We will figure out which of the special techniques for tying a marine knot on a rope can be useful to us in extreme and hiking situations, which will be the strongest and most reliable.

How to tie a marine knot on a rope, diagram

We all know the simple knot needed to connect the two ends of one ribbon. But its version, used by sailors, is a little more complicated.

Figure 1. An example of connecting two ropes different nodes

What is good about a marine knot on a rope:

  1. It connects elements of the same diameter (Figure 1);
  2. Well withstands sharp jerks;
  3. Does not untie on its own and does not slip;
  4. Retains its properties even after getting wet.

But, like all connecting structures with large quantity weave severely damages and weakens the rope.

How to tie a water knot

There is a clear sequence on how to properly tie a water sea knot (Figure 2):

  1. Arrange the running pieces for knitting in parallel;
  2. Form a closed loop with their ends by passing them under the root ends;
  3. Make three turns of running segments around the root ends;
  4. Make sure that the ropes remain parallel during the tying process;
  5. Fix the structure by tightening all its ends at the same time.

Figure 2. Scheme of the water marine node

It can be easily untied if:

  1. Know the components, there are only two of them - running and root;
  2. Loosen the tension - the loops will be clearly visible and the task will not be difficult.

A variety of sea knots

There are an infinite number of types of marine weaving (Figure 3).

Among them, the most commonly used are:

  • eight;
  • Butterfly or bee;
  • Arbor;
  • Straight or simple bayonet;
  • Anchor.

Figure 3. Examples of different maritime knots

In addition, they are all classified according to their intended purpose or the material used for them:

  • For tying rope and cable parts - dagger, woman, oak or water;
  • To strengthen the base of cables or ropes - lufer, oyster or bloody;
  • Cap with free not tightened loops - vein, perfect, burlatsky;
  • Classic puff - figure eight and noose;
  • Decorative and special with original names - Turkish, cat's paw, amphora and royal, etc.


Universal weaving, known since the times ancient egypt(Figure 4). A straight knot consists of two half-knots that are sequentially tied in opposite directions, one above the other. At the same time, it can be strongly tightened under heavy load and very wet, which does not prevent it from being quickly untied within a couple of seconds.

Figure 4. Straight knot


You can easily say about this element that anyone who has tied a bow on laces can handle it.

At sea, with its help, winches and other gear are attached to the open deck, and tarpaulin covers are fixed on lifeboats. Below is a knot knitting pattern (Figure 5).
Figure 5. Reef knot


The most common weaving (Figure 6), it:

flat knot

Its main purpose is to tie ropes of various thicknesses.

If there are four intersection points, it:

  1. Guarantees reliable connection and does not tighten tightly;
  2. Evenly distributes the load, as it does not have strong kinks.

All these qualities are highly dependent on correct execution, so the knitting principle does not accept any deviations (Figure 7).

Figure 7. Flat sea knot

simple bayonet

The light weave of the element allows you to hold the load in any of the directions and untie it under it without much effort.

How to tie a marine knot on a rope, diagram - you can learn from this easy way(Figure 8):

clew knot

It is also recommended to be used for tying fishing lines and fasteners of different thicknesses. A material of a larger diameter is used for a conventional hinge, but also on parts of the same diameter, the mount holds just as well.

The step by step guide will tell you how to properly tie a clew knot on a rope (Figure 9):


This type is used on sailing and Russian ships. It has long been used for naval purposes and is suitable for temporarily tying ships in port and horse-drawn carts to a pole.

Follow the instructions to learn how to tie Kalmyk rope knots (Figure 10):

Arbor knot

Due to its simplicity and reliability, bowline is used in tourism and mountaineering, maritime affairs. It is knitted at the edge of the rope and is a beautiful loop that does not tighten (Figure 11). A useful skill - the ability to knit it with one hand will come in handy in a number of extreme situations.

Any maritime knot must be tied tightly and securely, because security largely depends on this, and at the same time so that it can be easily untied at any time if necessary.

Things to consider for beginners before learning

It is often difficult for beginners to understand the terminology that is used when explaining the basics of knitting marine knots, so initially it is worth learning a few basic definitions:

1) the root end - the fixed end of the cable;
2) the running end is free, i.e. loose end, from which all movements begin when knitting any of the knots.

In English terminology for marine knots, there is such a classification:

1) knot - knots that are characterized as interlacing or linking the running end with the root;
2) bend - knots, which are characterized as an interlacing of the running ends of two cables to be combined into one;
3) hitch - nodes that are characterized as attaching the running end to some object.

It is important for beginners in maritime affairs to master the main types of nodes that are most often used in practice, and on the basis of which it is already easy to understand the principle of formation of other varieties.

Major maritime knots

Gazebo/Bowline- one of the most important maritime knots, which should be mastered first of all by every sailor. It contains elements of various marine knots, which makes it almost universal knot, which is used for insurance, and for mooring, and for attaching the cable to the hook. Tying two cables with this marine knot is considered the most reliable. A significant plus is the possibility of its use for cables of any diameter and from any material. It knits easily, does not slip along the cable, it is easy to untie it, but at the same time it never unties itself and is especially reliable. Due to such versatility gazebo knot often called the king of sea knots.

How to tie a gazebo knot:

1) create a loop from top to bottom;
2) stretch the running end through the loop formed;
3) then skip the running end behind the main one and thread it into the loop again, after which the running end should be in another loop;
4) tighten tightly.

Although the gazebo knot is strong enough, it will not be a problem to untie it either, it is only necessary to slightly move the loop of the running end in relation to the root end, which is slightly weakened at the same time.

Eight- a typical classic marine knot, so named for its shape. It underlies the knitting of many knots and is usually used as a stop knot and a fastening knot. The main advantage of the figure eight is the ease of tying and untying, even when the cable gets wet.

How to tie a figure eight knot:

1) encircle the running end around the main end, and then pull it over it, thereby forming a loop;
2) skip the running end into the loop formed, before that leading it behind itself;
3) tighten firmly.

straight knot- one of the oldest sea knots, which the ancient Greeks called Hercules. Its main purpose is to connect two cables of the same diameter. A direct knot is often used, but far from the most reliable maritime knot. Its main drawback is slipping along the cable and strong tightening under heavy loads or when wet, so in such cases it is better not to use it.

Tie a straight knot quite simple: one running end in one direction, the second in the other (if in one direction, then you get an unreliable so-called "woman's" knot), and for a decoupling, you just need to pull the running and root ends in different directions.

A simple half-bayonet and its more complex variations

Simple half bayonet- a widespread simple non-tightening maritime knot, which underlies more complex variations of this kind. To obtain it, it is necessary to circle the running end around the object to which the cable will be attached, and then circle it around the root end, and pass it through the loop formed. Then the running end is attached to the root. Such a knot is highly reliable and perfectly withstands strong traction.

- a more complex version of a simple half-bayonet, which is formed from two such identical knots. Its main purpose is to secure the mooring ends on the berths and towing. Such a knot is formed by no more than three half-bayonets. A larger number will not affect the strength and reliability of the knot in any way, as the English proverb eloquently testifies, stating that three half-bayonets are enough even for a royal yacht.

A simple bayonet with a hose- a marine knot, similar to a simple bayonet, with only one additional hose around the object for which the cable is attached. It is also used for mooring, especially during long stays, as it is more reliable than simple.

Fishing bayonet/anchor knot one of the oldest and most reliable nodes, which is used for attaching the cable to the anchor, as well as for all work with cables under the influence of strong traction. It is in many ways similar to a simple bayonet with a hose, only the first half-bayonet passes inside the hose, covering the attachment.

It is important to develop such good skills in knitting sea knots that even with your eyes closed you can easily tie the knot required in a particular situation, and practice in this matter is one of the main conditions for the successful development of this art.

It is almost impossible to imagine a hunter, traveler or even a gardener who does not use a rope in the course of his activities. Yes and in Everyday life often the skill of knitting various knots can come in handy. However, most often the skill of a person is limited to a very meager idea of ​​\u200b\u200bknitting methods.

In order to learn how to knit sea knots, you will need quite a bit - a rope and patience. The rope should be made of natural material, be soft enough and not too thick. Carefully consider the proposed scheme and try to tie a knot step by step. Do not think that by tying several times, you will become a master. Beginners very quickly forget the patterns of weaving new knots. Therefore, practice constantly, try to bring your actions to automatism. The main thing is to remember the sequence of operations, and not the name of the node, since only small part has established names, the rest vary depending on the source. To date, about five hundred various ways knitting knots. The most common is called "simple". Before you start knitting, remember that the free end of the rope (the one you will tie) is called the running end, and the long part is called the root end. To make a simple knot, twist a loop at the end of the rope and thread the running end through it. Tighten. You will get a small knot that is difficult to remove. Despite its simplicity, it almost halves the strength of the rope. If a simple knot is accidentally tied on fishing tackle, then it should be cut off and the fishing line replaced or the ends tied with another suitable knot.

In everyday life, it is easy to tie two ropes in this way, with the exception of synthetic ones, since it crawls on such materials. Therefore, instead of a simple knot, it is better to use the so-called "eight". Despite a slight difference in execution, the figure eight does not have a destructive effect on the twine and is relatively easy to untie. It is used to limit the movement of the rope, and is also often used as an element of some more complex knots. For connecting two ropes in everyday life or in professional activity it is worth choosing a direct node. It is also known as "reef". This knot has good characteristics regarding strength and also does not damage the rope. To add reliability to the knot, before its execution, tie a simple knot at each running end, or better, a figure-eight knot. Unfortunately, a straight knot also has a number of disadvantages: it is almost impossible to untie it when water gets in, but at the same time it has low reliability on non-natural ropes. It is easily untied, which can be both an advantage and a disadvantage. To do this, you need to pull on any running end towards the root. To strengthen the reef knot, it is enough to increase the number of turns of the cord with its running ends. After such manipulations, a strong knot is obtained, called a surgical one. The main trick when doing this is to follow the direction of each turn. On the proposed scheme: the first point - the run-outs are carried out counterclockwise (relative to the root end of the rope, which is on the left). The second point - we change the direction, and the run-outs are already carried out clockwise. If you lose sight of this subtlety, as a result of your efforts, you will not get a surgical knot, but a slightly improved woman, which is much inferior in reliability. The surgical knot is recommended to be used on tight ropes. The reason is very simple: after completing the first paragraph of the scheme, you fix the running ends, which means that it becomes much easier to perform all subsequent actions.

Learning how to tie elementary sea knots is very simple, the main thing is to remember exactly the step-by-step diagram of each.

The ability to knit knots is very important in many areas of activity. In particular, travelers and climbers cannot do without knowledge of this skill when hiking. But in everyday life, this skill can come to your aid more than once. To learn how to tie sea knots, you just need a little patience and a bit of perseverance.

How to tie a sea knot?

To date, there are many different options for marine knots (about five hundred). In this article, we will tell you how to tie a simple figure eight knot. Use a rope made from natural materials, it should be soft enough and not too thick. This instruction uses a thick rope with a key at the end for clarity. When tying, always watch the end of this double rope. Having memorized the sequence of actions, you can quickly learn how to tie this sea knot.

So let's get started!

1. First of all, double the rope.

2. Then take the double end, make a circle and bend it under the longest part of the rope.

3 . Now take the two ends of the rope from the opposite side and bend them under the double end.

5. Insert them into the opening of the first bend and tighten the knot.

Our sea knot is ready! Practice tying the figure-eight knot a few more times, without instructions, until you memorize all the steps.

The history of the use of knots goes back many millennia. According to scientists, even cavemen used simple knots in their everyday life. Sailors are the ancestors of complex types of knots. With the advent of sailing ships, there was a need for convenient and reliable knots to secure the mast, sails and other gear. Not only the speed of the ship, but also the life of the entire crew depended on the quality of the knot. Therefore, sea nodes are very different from ordinary ones. They are not only reliable, they are easy to tie and just as easy to untie, which cannot be done with ordinary knots.

The classification of nodes came to us from England. Usually the British divide sea knots into 3 types:

  1. Knot - needed to increase the diameter of the rope or weave something.
  2. Hitch - fasten the rope to various subjects(masts, yards, anchors).
  3. Bend - connect ropes of different diameters into one.

There are about five hundred descriptions of sea knots, but only a few dozen are currently used, as motor ships are replacing sail ones. The ability to knit sea knots will be useful not only for yachtsmen, but also for tourists and fishermen. Step by step mastering the schemes with pictures below, you will quickly learn how to do it.

Although this knot is one of the most ancient, it does not differ in reliability. Its disadvantages are frequent displacements on the rope, it is not easy to untie it after heavy loads and getting wet, and also with such a knot, the strength of the rope decreases. It is used for light tacking on light pulls and splicing the two ends of the cable. On its basis, more complex knots are knitted. Despite the fact that the knot is very simple, it has its own nuances. The free ends should be on one side of the rope. If they are located on different sides, then such a knot is considered incorrect and is called not simple, but thieves.

How to knit a straight knot:

  1. A regular knot is tied.
  2. From one fixed end of the end rope we make a loop.
  3. With the free end we encircle the outside of the loop and wind it inward.
  4. We tighten. It turns out the correct node. For greater reliability, another regular knot is tied on top.

Arbor knot (Bowline)

In yachting, this knot is used more often than others. Initially, it was used to tie a gazebo - a device with which sailors climbed onto the ship's mast. For this he got his name. This knot has no drawbacks, it is easy to tie and untie. They can tie ropes of different diameters, materials and not be afraid that it will untie. Most often it is used when mooring a ship or in cases where you need to make a loop or tie something.

How to knit a gazebo knot:

  1. We make a regular loop.
  2. We put the free end inside the loop and braid it diagonally around the fixed end.
  3. We skip back inside the loop.
  4. We tighten the ends of the rope. In order for the knot to be strong, it is very important to tightly tighten the ends.

figure eight knot

By appearance similar to the number 8, so the name speaks for itself. The knot is simple, but very important. On its basis, more complex knots are knitted. The advantage of the figure-eight knot is that it will never move or unravel under load. Also, when the cable gets wet, it is easily tied and untied. It is used as a stopper at the end of the cable and as a fixing knot. With it, you can make handles for a wooden bucket or fix strings on musical instruments.

How to knit a figure eight:

  1. We make a regular loop.
  2. We turn our loop 360 degrees and thread the free end inside the loop.
  3. We tighten.

How to knit a loop-eight:

  1. Fold the loose end in half to form a loop.
  2. We make a second loop near the double end.
  3. Rotate the second loop 360 degrees.
  4. We pass the first loop inside the second.
  5. We tighten.

knot knot

This knot is a self-tightening loop. Its advantages are simplicity and speed of knitting, reliability and easy untying. Suitable for tying to objects with a flat surface.

How to knit a noose:

  1. Make a loop at the end of the rope.
  2. We make a second loop to make a bow.
  3. We wrap the free end of the rope 3-4 times around.
  4. We push the end from the back into the second loop.
  5. We tighten.

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blood knot

In ancient times, such knots were knitted on a cat - whips with nine or more ends. The cat was used as an instrument of torture and discipline on the ship - the blow was very painful, lacerations did not heal for a long time. For this knot and got its bloody name.

How to knit a bloody knot:

  1. The free end of the rope is wrapped around the fixed end twice.
  2. We tighten.

flat knot

It is used when you need to tie the ends of a rope of different diameters or from different materials. Well withstands heavy loads and getting wet. But this is not the easiest knot, it is easy to tie it wrong. The most important nuance when knitting a flat knot is that the ends of the ropes should be parallel to each other.

How to knit a flat knot:

  1. From the thick end of the rope we make a loop.
  2. The thin end goes inside the thick one.
  3. Two turns are made over the thick end.
  4. We tighten.

Clove hitch

Initially, this knot was used to fasten vyblenok - thin ropes, from which stairs for the guys were made. It is one of the most reliable tightening fasteners. Its peculiarity is that greater reliability is possible only under load. Also, its reliability is affected by the surface on which it is tied. A big plus of the faded knot is the ability to tie it with one hand. It is used to fasten the rope to objects with a smooth and even surface - logs, masts. On objects with edges, the faded knot will not be as effective.

How to knit a tie knot:

  1. The free end of the rope is wrapped around the object.
  2. An overlap is made.
  3. We pass the end into the formed loop.
  4. We tighten.

The second way (knitting with half bayonets):

  1. We make a loop. The long end of the rope is on top.
  2. We throw a loop on the object.
  3. At the lower end of the rope we make a loop and throw it on top of the object.
  4. We tighten.

Anchor knot or fishing bayonet

For more than one millennium, it has been used to attach a rope to an anchor. Also, with this knot, the ends of the cable are tied to any mounting hole. It is a reliable and easily untied knot.

How to knit an anchor knot:

  1. We pass the end of the rope twice through the loop of the anchor or other mounting hole.
  2. We throw the free end of the rope over the fixed end and pass it through the loop formed.
  3. We tighten both loops.
  4. From above we make a regular knot for reliability.

Stop knot

It is used in cases where it is necessary to increase the diameter of the cable.

How to knit a stop knot:

  1. Fold the rope in half.
  2. We apply it to the main.
  3. With the free end of the locking rope, wrap the main and second end of the locking rope 5-7 times.
  4. The fixed end that we wrapped is returned to the loop of the locking rope.
  5. We tighten both ends.

clew knot

Sheets were previously tied with such a knot - tackle for controlling the sail. Currently, it is used to tie ropes of different diameters. Not suitable for knitting synthetic ropes as they are slippery.

How to knit a clew knot:

  1. From a thick rope we make a loop.
  2. We wind a thin rope inward, bend around the loop and wind it under itself.
  3. We tighten.