Find New Year's scripts for adults. Original New Year's script for a fun company

New Year>" url="http://scenario/index1.php?raz=3&prazd=1231&page=1">

17.02.2019 | We looked at the script 22 human

Grandmothers enter, immediately go to the Christmas tree.
Matryona in Snowflake costume, Flower - Squirrel.

Matryona: Well, you see, Flower, the tree is real, and you - deceived, deceived ...
Flower: Yeah! .. She is the most, just like in childhood, wow! I'm just all...

Scenario New Year's corporate party for presenters

14.11.2018 | We looked at the script 14603 human

Well, all the guests at the table!
New Year like a snowball!
It grows every moment!
Joy, happiness brings us!
So let's congratulate each other!
All pleasant leisure!

Eat, drink gentlemen!
Years are not a problem!
There is no reason to...

Cool fun for the New Year "Well, you give!"

13.11.2018 | We looked at the script 115598 human

Phrases of the participating heroes:
New Year - Well, you give!
Santa Claus - Why don't you drink?
Snow Maiden - Both-on!
Old ladies - Well, nevermind yourself!
Goblin - Well, good luck!
Waitress - Where are the empty plates?
Guests - Happy New Year!

On the eve of the New...

Scenario of the New Year's holiday for adults "Two boots - a pair"

12.11.2018 | We looked at the script 21971 human

From behind the scenes, the song “I got drunk is drunk” is heard. Baba Yaga and Kashchei are hiding behind a Christmas tree. Staggering, a battered Snow Maiden enters without a belt, in one mitten. Looks at the guests and joyfully exclaims:

SNOW GIRL: Oh! How many men are there! ...

Comic horoscope for women for the New Year

12.11.2018 | We looked at the script 14556 human

Ladies, that CAPRICORN, you do not be too strict!
You can drink - but not much!

I can assure you that I dare - love will overtake AQUARIUS!

For FISH I will give you the following forecast: Bouquets of scarlet roses are waiting for you!

For ARIES, I will say in verse: there will be no problems with ...

Scenario for celebrating the New Year for adults

11.11.2018 | We looked at the script 20485 human

The Snow Maiden enters after the presentation of the presenter:
We opened the doors to our beautiful hall,
And everyone saw a forest guest!
Tall, beautiful, green, slim,
She glows with different lights!
Isn't she a beauty?
Do we all like the tree?

There are many...

New Year's scene for adults "Snowman"

11.11.2018 | We looked at the script 15680 human

I'm a very strange snowman
I've had a bug!
I slipped on ice
And I forgot where I was going.

I've been on the road for 7 days
My legs rolled back.
Only one carrot sticks out
Know stuck it cleverly!

This head injury
Everything is ruined, alas!
I woke up on...

New Year's musical script for adults for the year of the pig

11.11.2018 | We looked at the script 22519 human

HRYUMEO AND HRYULETTA. New Year's PICK-OPERA for the year of the pig.

Cheerful "pig" parody musical action in verse. New Year's parody of the classics, dedicated to the Year of the Pig and the Boar.

Ovchita (with indignation):
What are you carrying?! Senora...

Scene from a New Year's fairy tale for adults

11.11.2018 | We looked at the script 13332 human

Music. MARIA SERGEEVNA enters the club stage, she is also the Hostess
New Year's ball.

MARIA SERGEEVNA. Dear friends! It's time to call Santa Claus and his granddaughter. Let's go three or four together! Grandfather Frost!.. Once again! Santa Claus!..

To the stage...

Scene. New Year's fairy tale for adults. Koschey and wife.

11.11.2018 | We looked at the script 11911 human

Baba Yaga:
How are you, kitty?
Have not seen you for a long time.
You are out of your mind
There and a pimple on the lip.
Oh, you're wasting your health
On the family trail.

Try rabbit litter
He is vigorous, he will get through,
He is much more vigorous than honey,
Even if it doesn't taste like honey.

There are a lot of good proverbs in our country, for example, prepare a sleigh in summer and a cart in winter. After all, it is natural that it is best to prepare in advance for what will happen next. For this reason, we have already come up with for you new script new year 2017 rooster to hold in the club so that you have the opportunity to change it for yourself, make changes and adapt to new year party. See new cool script with contests, games and let your guests rejoice in the new year.

And so, the beginning new year holiday.

The host enters the stage and reads a New Year's greeting to the guests:

After the greeting, the main celebration begins.

Friends! There is very little time left until the new year, and it's time to see off the old year. let's do it?! Then let's remember what good events happened in 2016. Speak, and I will invite the authors of the best events to the stage.

The guests offer their options, and the presenter calls 4 guests onto the stage.

And so, you remembered the best of the best events of the outgoing year. Tell me, did 2016 leave imprints in your life? Yes?! Then let's play with you.

Competition 1.
The guests who came on stage turn their backs to the guests, and signs with the inscriptions are hung on their backs:
- bath
- striptease
- sobering-up station
- bushes

An important point: the participants on the stage do not see the signs, but the guests see them! When the signs are on the backs, the presenter asks the guests questions. And they answer them.
For example:
- Do you often go there?
- Who do you go with?
- how many times have you been there in 2016?
- Would you like to go there on New Year's Eve?
Which friend would you take with you?
How did you describe this place to your friends? What does it grab?

After the contestants have answered the questions and the other guests have laughed, you can show the signs to all the contestants and give them gifts.

And so, we had a fun year. And now it's time to welcome the new 2017!
Are you ready for it?! Have you written a letter to Santa Claus? Let's write a collective letter!

The game is a letter to Santa Claus.
Everything is simple here. You have this letter in your hand:

As you can see, adjectives are missing. You invite guests to take turns naming adjectives, and write them into the letter. When the letter is completely written, then read it to all the guests and send it to Santa Claus.

Great, what a fun letter we wrote. Now Santa Claus will definitely come to us for the holiday! And to speed up his arrival, let's play.
I invite brave and reckless people to the stage who are not shy and not afraid to play.

To play, you will need empty barrels from Kinder Surprise. You write tasks on paper and put the papers in barrels. Each keg contains one task. You put all the kegs in a bag, and the guests who leave take out one keg in turn, open it and complete the task.
Examples for assignments in fanta:
- to sing a song in the forest, a Christmas tree was born in the power of opera (rock, jazz, and so on)
- crow loudly the phrase - Happy New Year 2017!
- to show how a rooster crows in Germany, China and France.
- show a rooster that got scared.
- show how the ice melts.
- show some New Year's rhyme with gestures.

Fine! And now meet - Santa Claus!

Santa Claus is out.

Santa Claus:
Hello, my dear! Have fun?! Then let's continue. While I was on my way to you, I received new telegrams. But my eyesight is rather weak, so I can’t understand who they are from. Can you help me guess?

Game - New Year's telegrams.
The host or Santa Claus himself reads the telegram, and the guests guess who this telegram is from. Whoever guesses correctly gets a prize from Santa Claus.
Here is the list of telegrams:

Santa Claus:
Do you already know that 2017 will be the year of the rooster? Then let's meet the symbol of the new year!

The rooster comes out.

Crow!!! Finally, I became the symbol of the year! And I just good mood which I will gladly pass on to you. And I will also make gifts for you.

Game - gifts from a rooster.
To play, you need to buy Kinder Surprise chocolate eggs. You can also download and print these templates:

Each kinder surprise is wrapped in one template. Then you put all the chocolate eggs in a bag, and the rooster approaches the guests, who take out one egg at a time from the bag. When the first guest took out one chocolate egg, the rooster reads a verse about him.
Sample verses:

Now we have both Santa Claus and the symbol of the new year. But what is missing? That's right - prizes and gifts!
Now we will do a lottery. And everyone will get their own gift.

Lottery for guests.
For the lottery you need kegs from the game Russian loto. Put them in a bag numbered from 1 to 16. And write poems about gifts on pieces of paper. Guests take turns taking out one keg and show the number. The host or rooster reads a verse to this number, and Santa Claus gives a gift.

And now it's time to dance! Dance with Santa Claus and the cockerel!

With fun text and minimal props. These can be skits or fairy tales with quick dressing (or no costumes at all), their main feature is that they are easy to organize and arrange at any holiday, and with any composition of guests.

Here are collected the best Christmas stories skits - impromptu , the plot of which is connected with this wonderful holiday called New Year .

Some of them with a large number of characters, and some - not, some are designed only for adult company, other New Year's fairy tales and skits can be held in a mixed company and even with children - choose which ones are more suitable for your guests (Fairy tales are written by talented Internet authors - thanks to them for that!)

1. New Year's scene "Chukcha" based on the fable of S. Mikhalkov.

scene moved - watch

2. New Year's scene - impromptu "Herring under a fur coat."

This wonderful New Year's game is always fun and cheers up everyone: participants and spectators. But it is important to present this game well, a lot depends on the presenter, his artistry and comments (if necessary).

Presenter: A festive table on New Year's Eve... for many, this is the most important thing: strong drinks, aromatic snacks, delicious salads... What do you think is the most popular salad in the New Year? Herring under a fur coat? Wonderful! So let's get it ready.

Gives the participant a chef's hat and an apron. Asks him to invite guests to certain roles. Puts 2 chairs at a distance of 2 meters. Next, the guests sit on chairs on their knees to each other, so that those sitting on one chair look at those sitting on the other chair.

1. At the base of this salad is a herring, it should be large, juicy - invite two juicy men. And the eyes of the herring are large and slightly protruding. I said lightly! OK!

Men sit on chairs facing each other

2. We put on the herring, but rather scatter the onion, cut into rings. Invite two blonde ladies, the beam is white! Girls, we scatter over the herring, we are not shy.

The ladies sit on the laps of the men facing each other.

3. Now we take boiled potatoes, and spread them on top. Again we invite men. Potato, well, why are you so boiled, let's be more active!

4. Let's grease everything with fragrant low-calorie mayonnaise. Let's invite the ladies. Mayonnaise, spread, spread!

The ladies sit down again.

5. And again a vegetable. Carrots this time. Men, we are waiting for you. What a beautiful carrot! All smooth, long, strong! And what a beautiful top!

Men sit in the same way.

6. Mayonnaise again, ladies ahead! We sit down, we smear!

The ladies sit down again.

7. Beets, we are waiting for you! Beets, some of you are not red, and not even burgundy, but we hope delicious!

The men sit down.

8. Decorate our salad with herbs. Parsley and dill put you in the middle. You are a sprig of dill, make us a sprig! And you, parsley, make a twig.

Ladies and Gentlemen! Herring under a fur coat is ready! Bon Appetit!

Applause to all participants!

3. Instant New Year's scene: "A movie is being shot!"

Raise your hands, those who dream of becoming an artist, who want to act in films. Now, right here, on the spot, a film will be shot, in which you will be assigned to play the main roles. You see these cameras, you have cards in your hands. The cards indicate which role you have. I will read the script, name the characters who have this role on the card - welcome to the stage! The jury will choose the best artist. So: camera, motor, started!

He reads, calling one participant in the production and forcing them to "enter the image."

So, the artists received cards with the characters of our impromptu performance, which we will shoot on camera. What needs to be done, they learn only on the stage and must immediately perform it.

This is a very fun mobile game. Costumes are not necessary for her, it is enough to prepare 6 cards with words and put 6 chairs in the center of the hall. Each player (6 people) draws a card for himself and sits on one of the chairs. Hearing the name of your character, you need to: say your words, run around six chairs and take your place again. With the words: "Happy New Year!" - everyone stands up and runs around the chairs. It turns out not a scene, but a cheerful "begalka" with words.

Characters and words:

Holiday - "Hurrah"
Santa Claus - “I haven’t drunk with you yet?”
Snow Maiden - "As much as possible!"
Champagne - "Scha, how to hit in the head"
Elka - "I'm on fire"
Gifts - "I'm all yours"
All: Happy New Year!


Once upon a time there was a little girl and she dreamed: when I grow up, I will arrange a big New Year's HOLIDAY, I will decorate a huge Christmas tree, and a real Santa Claus will come to me. And at that time, somewhere in the world, there lived a little boy who dreamed that when he grew up, he would put on a Santa Claus costume, give everyone GIFTS and meet a real SNOW MAIDEN. They grew up and met by chance, and the girl became a SNOW MAIDEN, and the boy FATHER FROST. And soon they began to dream about the New Year's HOLIDAY.

FATHER FROST dreamed of gathering all his friends and drinking them with CHAMPAGNE. In addition, he wanted to shout: "HAPPY NEW YEAR!" kiss with the SNOW MAIDEN. And then came December 31, 20 .... years. They dressed up the Christmas tree. CHAMPAGNE flowed like a river at the HOLIDAY, and the guests gave GIFTS and thought: “This is a HOLIDAY! And FATHER FROST is real, and SNOW MAIDEN is a beauty. And what a wonderful tree! What an excellent CHAMPAGNE!"

The best GIFT for FATHER FROST and SNOW MAIDEN was that the guests shouted: “HAPPY NEW YEAR!”, “HAPPY NEW YEAR!”, “HAPPY NEW YEAR!”


5. New Year's Impromptu "Morning January 1st"













PAPA got out of bed heavily in the morning. I went, looked in the MIRROR and said: “No, this cannot be!” Then PAPA angrily called MOM and demanded to bring BEER. MOMMA opened the REFRIGERATOR with a bang, took out a BEER and brought it to DAD. DAD drank the BEER and said, “Wow, good!” MOM ran up to DAD, snatched the rest of the BEER from him, drank it and threw away the empty bottle.

At this time, THUNDER rumbled outside and it began to RAIN. The ALARM CLOCK rang, the CHILD woke up and ran up to MOM in fear. The CHILD was shaking with fear. DAD invited the CHILD to look at himself in the MIRROR so that he would stop being afraid. The MIRROR reflected all the horror in the eyes of the CHILD. The ALARM CLOCK rang again and, hobbled out of his room, clucking and wailing, an angry GRANDPA came out. He also wanted a BEER, but the BEER was over, so the GRANDFATHER hit the REFRIGERATOR hard, shook his fist at DAD, and hugged the frightened CHILD.

The doorbell rang. It was the MESSENGER who came with the crate of BEER. GRANDFATHER hugged and kissed the MESSENGER, quickly took the crate of BEER and limped off to his room. But PAPA and MAMA saw this and merrily ran after him. And only the MIRROR and the CHILD were dissatisfied, since no one offered them a hangover.


6. New Year's scene in retro style"The Girl and the Thief"


Girl - (to make it funnier, a young man can also play the role of a girl)
Girl's fur coat - (an employee or employee in a fur coat from a grandmother's chest, a sample of the 60-70s of the 20th century)
Thief (necessarily in a black stocking on his head)
Santa Claus

Once upon a frosty winter
New Year's Eve sometimes
Lena went to her house
In a warm fur coat.
(The girl skips, waving her handbag).

Without sadness and anxiety
The girl was walking along the road.
And when I entered the yard,
The thief ran up to the girl.
(A thief with a revolver runs up)

He waved the gun
He ordered to take off his coat.
(The thief is actively gesturing with a revolver)

At this moment and at this very hour!
But it was not there -
Lena thief deftly in the eye
Bang! What was strength!
(The girl demonstrates several tricks).

The thief cried out in pain,
Lena called 02.
(He calls on his mobile. A policeman appears and blows his whistle).

The thief is now in captivity
And the whole head is in bandages.
(The thief, sitting on a chair, holds a grate with his hands in front of his face, and at this time a man in uniform bandages his head).

Dancing outside the window snowflakes
(Snowflakes dance with tinsel)

The thief looks at them with longing,
Licks on the window of ice
Bitter crying all day long.
(The thief sobs, rubs his eyes with his hands)

All swollen already from tears,
And the drooping one walks.
Do not understand that Santa Claus
Don't go to jail!
(Santa Claus shows him a fig).

Lena in a fur coat, like a picture,
Attends parties
Celebrating the New Year
Congratulations to all the people.
(The girl dances incendiary with a bottle of champagne)

Let's say this to the thief today
At the end of our poem
This New Year's Eve:

7. Tale-impromptu for the New Year "The main tree in the lights"

New Year's theatre-impromptu. The text is spoken by the presenter, the selected actors say only their own words and perform any funny actions at their discretion.

Actors and lines:

Santa Claus: "Happy New Year! Fuck you!"
Snow Maiden: "And I'm only from the frost, I'm a May rose"
Ice Palace: "Are you stunned? Close the doors!"
Main Christmas Tree: "And I'm so fucking mysterious"
Staff: "Hold on, make no mistake!!!"
Sani-Mercedes: "Oh, pour it, I'll give it a ride!"
Mobile phone: "Master, pick up the phone, the women are calling!"
Curtain: "I am silent, but I do my job!"

(quiet background music playing) "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree")


THE CURTAIN opens. THE MAIN TREE froze, waiting to be lit? Here appears FATHER FROST on a SLEY-Mercedes. GATHER FROST got down from the MERSEDES SLED and parked them not far from the MAIN FIR-tree. And the MAIN FIR-tree is waiting for decisive action. And at this time, the SNOW MAIDEN appears, in her hands is a STAFF, a MOBILE PHONE hangs around her neck. FATHER FROST joyfully hugs the SNOW MAIDEN, kisses the STAFF and takes the MOBILE PHONE.

And the MAIN Christmas tree feels the approach of the decisive moment. FATHER FROST touches with the STAFF the slender branches of the MAIN FIR-tree. From the magical touches, the YOLKA immediately sparkled with a wonderful light. The SNOW MAIDEN clapped her hands, the SUNNY-MERCEDES began to dance, Ded Moroz shouted joyfully, vigorously waving his STAFF, to the loud jubilation of the MOBILE PHONE. THE CURTAIN closes.

8. New Year's fairy tale - impromptu "In the winter forest"

In this, to enhance the humorous effect, you can give the guest, who will portray Echo, into the hands of ba big bag of sweets and every time it sounds "carries" - let him go to the hall and distribute them.


Forest - everyone at the tables (extras)
Hares - 2
Robbers - 2

Quiet in the winter FOREST. The first SNOW falls softly. The trees in the FOREST sway and creak with their branches. The merry WOODPECKER pecks the mighty OAK with its beak, prepares a hollow for itself. The ECHO rumbles throughout the FOREST. A cold BREED rushes between the trees and tickles the woodpecker's feathers. THE WOODPECKER is shivering from the cold. A CROW sits on an OAK branch and croaks loudly. The ECHO spreads croaks throughout the FOREST. A BEAR wanders sadly through the FOREST, the BEAR has insomnia. SNOW creaks under his paws. ECHO carries the creak throughout the FOREST.

SNOW covered the whole FOREST. The trembling Woodpecker sticks out its long beak from the hollow of the mighty OAK. A CROW sits on an OAK branch and croaks loudly. The ECHO spreads croaks throughout the FOREST. BEAR finally fell asleep. He curled up under a mighty OAK, sucks his paw and smiles in his sleep. TWO FUNNY HARES jump out into the clearing, run, jump, play catch-up.

Suddenly there was a noise. TWO ROBBERS jump out into the clearing screaming and dragging the bound BEAUTY. The ECHO carries the screams throughout the FOREST. THE RABBERS tie BEAUTY to the mighty OAK. BEAUTY screams “Help! Help!". The ECHO spreads screams throughout the FOREST.

At this time, a BEAUTIFUL YOUNG MAN was passing by on his war HORSE. He heard the screams of BEAUTY and galloped to save her. THE BEAUTIFUL shouted: “Surrender, robbers!”, the war HORSE reared up, neighed ferociously, and attacked the ROBBERS. The ECHO sent a ferocious neighing throughout the FOREST. A fight ensued, BEAUTY won. The ROBBERS fled.

The FOREST rustled joyfully, the CROW croaked merrily, the HARES clapped their hands.
BEAUTY freed BEAUTY, knelt down in front of her and confessed his love. He jumped together with BEAUTY on a HORSE and rushed through the FOREST to a brighter future.

9. Impromptu New Year's Tale"Three Bears".





Mikhailo Potapych

Nastasya Potapovna


Santa Claus




A bowl



It was a harsh WINTER. SNOW fell and fell. He fell on TREES, on BUSHES, on a hut standing in the forest. And in this hut sat Mikhail Potapych, Nastasya Potapovna and little Mishutka. MIKHAILO POTAPYCH tested the strength of the newly repaired CHAIR: he got up on it, sat down with all his might, got up again, sat down again, he really liked the CHAIR, he even stroked it. NASTASYA POTAPOVNA admired her reflection in a clean, washed BOWL, holding it all the time in her hand or raising it above her head. MISHUTKA ran around, tossing and catching a PILLOW, sometimes hitting MIKHAILO POTAPYCH, then NASTASYA POTAPOVNA with it, this amused him greatly, and he laughed, holding his stomach.

Everyone was so busy with their own affairs that they even forgot that it was a harsh WINTER outside, SNOW was falling, so much so that TREES and SHRUBS bent to the ground. So, the SNOW kept falling and falling, soon all the TREES lay on the BUSHES, sprinkled with SNOW. Suddenly the hut shook under the weight of the SNOW that had fallen on it. MIKHAILO POTAPYCH ran out of there with huge eyes with his favorite CHAIR, NASTASYA POTAPOVNA put her favorite BOWL on her head and MISHUTKA carried her favorite PILLOW in her hands, tossing it up in her hands. And then, because of the blockage of TREES and BUSHES, FATHER FROST came out, he was dumbfounded by what was happening, and bears should sleep in winter.

And WINTER is standing, it is getting more and more severe, SNOW continues to fall on everything that stands in the forest, on a blockage of TREES and BUSHES, on our BEARS, who stood up, hugging each other, holding their favorite things: a CHAIR, a BOWL and a PILLOW.

Then Santa Claus thought why, after all, BEARS do not sleep? While Ded Moroz was thinking, MIKHAILO POTAPYCH wiped his CHAIR and invited Ded Moroz to sit down. Washed with tears and last time looking at her favorite BOWL, NASTASYA POTAPOVNA handed it to FATHER FROST. And MISHUTKA, seeing that parents are not sorry to part with their favorite things, also stroked his favorite PILLOW and put it on a CHAIR, FATHER FROST sat on the PILLOW.

All the BEARS took turns telling poems about winter, FATHER FROST got emotional and decided to give the BEARS a gift, he waved his hand and the following happened ...... As before, it was a harsh WINTER, SNOW continued to fall on TREES and BUSHES, the hut, MIKHAILO POTAPYCH slept sweetly there on his favorite CHAIR, NASTASYA POTAPOVNA in an embrace with his BOWL, and MISHUTKA sucked his thumb in his sleep, lying on his favorite PILLOW. And FATHER FROST walked around the hut and sang a lullaby to them.

10. Impromptu "New Year's Tale".



Snow Maiden




Baba Yaga


Santa Claus

I'm walking through the forest. SNOWFLAKES flutter, fall to the ground. I look, the SNOW MAIDEN walks, catches and examines the SNOWFLAKES. And behind her, KOSHCHEY sneaks on her heels. The SNOW MAIDEN is tired, she looks - the STUMP is standing, all strewn with SNOWFLAKES.

The SNOW MAIDEN shook them off the STUMP and sat down. And then Koschei grew bolder and came closer. “Come on, he says, SNOW MAIDEN, be friends with you!” The SNOW MAIDEN got angry, jumped up, clapped her hand on the HEMP, and clapped on the SNOWFLAKES with her top leg. "Do not happen to this, insidious KOSHCHEY!". And she went on. KOSHCHEI was so offended that he sat down on PENEK, took out a knife, and began to cut out a bad word on PENEK. And SNOWFLAKES fall on him and fall. The SNOW MAIDEN came out into the clearing and realized that she was lost. Looks, OAK stands young. The SNOW MAIDEN came up to him, hugged him by the trunk and said in a plaintive voice: “The evil KOSHCHEY scared me, they covered the SNOWFLAKES path, I don’t know where to go now.” I decided to stay with OAK.

Then BABA YAGA rushed in, looking, OAK, and under him SNOW MAIDEN. She tore the SNOW MAIDEN from the OAK, put her on a broom behind her and flew off. The wind whistles in my ears, SNOWFLAKES follow them in a whirlwind. They flew to Babkin's hut, and she stands in front of the forest, and behind her back to BABA-YAGA. BABA YAGA and says: "Well, hut, turn to me in front, and back to the forest." And the hut answered something like that…. Ah, thanks for the tip. So she said. But then she turned around, as ordered. BABA YAGA put a SNOW MAIDEN in it, and closed it with seven locks. She stole, then, the SNOW MAIDEN.

We need to release the SNOW MAIDEN. Well, Santa Claus and all sympathizers, let's redeem the SNOW MAIDEN from Baba Yaga (guests redeem either for champagne or showing their talents).

New Year's party for adults. Scenario

“How evil spirits met the New Year 2018”

Under gloomy music, representatives of evil spirits appear in the hall: the goblin, the kikimora, the devil.

They slowly move in a circle, from time to time freezing in bizarre poses. Then the whole procession is dispersed by Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga. Ugh, evil spirit! They set up some bacchanalia here. They told me: do not mess with Western agencies! No, in our opinion, in Russian: they would decorate a Christmas tree in the forest, according to tradition, they would steal gifts from Santa Claus. I would dress up as the Snow Maiden, I would prove to everyone that she is not at all cold ... (Notices the guests.)

Oh, and the guests are already here! Hello, vampires and kikimorki, ghosts and all evil spirits! Thank you for coming to my New Year's party!

kikimora. FAQ? What else is a party?

Baba Yaga. Ah, the village! Party is the American holiday. Now Western showmen will arrive, that is, for you, the dark ones, entertainers-buffoons. They will amuse us, entertain us, arrange a New Year's performance in their own way. Only something they are delayed - but that's okay, we'll warm up for now. Make grandma happy, tell me how terrible and vile I am.

Baba Yaga holds a competition.

Terrible Compliment Auction

Participants take it in turns to name the negative qualities of a grandmother. The one who repeated himself, made a mistake or was late with the answer for more than 3 seconds, is out. Baba Yaga presents her portrait to the winner.

From afar, mournful groans and sounds similar to singing are heard.

Oh you are cute

You hear me.

I'm standing under the window

I'm with a guitar.

To whom am I

Did you leave?

Is it really love

Is ours dead?

Do you remember how you

Have you had mercy?

Every bone

Did you grind?

Oh, you are a darling

You are Yagushechka

You come back to me

On a pillow!

Kashchei the Immortal appears with a stunted bouquet of flowers and a guitar.

Kashchei. Yaga! Why didn't you invite me, your most devoted admirer, to your Sabantuy? Maybe last year see you!

Yaga. Are you crazy, Kashchei? Or your needle is completely rusted, hee hee hee!

Kashchei. It's you, Yagusya, behind the times. Or have you heard nothing about the end of the world? In 2012, we are all finished, so you and I have only a year left.

Yaga. I'd rather live this year as a free self-sufficient woman than endure your endless frills.

Kashchei. What are you talking about, old lady? Have you completely lost your mind?

Yaga. Exactly. “Old, hag, lost her mind” - Vasilisa the Beautiful, I suppose, you will sing other songs! That's it, my feminine patience has run out. I want to be respected and seen in me not only as a woman, but also as a man!

Kashchei. What are you, Yagusenka. You are very personal with us - both as a woman and as a representative of the forest fauna. There will be more terrible than you.

Kashchei holds the "Scarecrow" contest.

The hosts call two teams of 3 people each (1 lady and 2 gentlemen).

The lady stands between the gentlemen, and they must dress her in a minute, but only in the clothes that they themselves have on (watches and rings are also considered). Accordingly, the team with the most clothes on the lady wins. The game goes just fine, especially when such a picture appears: 4 representatives of the stronger sex are in what their mother gave birth, and two beauties resemble garden scarecrows.

Yaga. It doesn't justify you. You are very rigid. Tell me, how did we have fun? Dinner with toadstools by candlelight and riding on a mortar. And the Americans offered me to dance a striptease.

Kashchei. And what is this nonsense?

Yaga. Now I will demonstrate!

To the appropriate music, Baba Yaga begins to slowly undress.

Kashchei. That's horror! Stop it, Yaga, otherwise the blow will be enough for me before the end of the world comes!

Yaga. Okay, look then soft option.

Conducts a contest "Soft striptease".

Several participants are called to the stage. They are given sheets with small slits. On a signal, they throw the sheets over themselves and begin to take off their clothes. A minute later, a second signal sounds, and the presenters count who took off large quantity items. In the final, you can announce that the clothes of the participants will be sold at the auction, which will take place in 15 minutes.

In the hall, sharp sounds are heard - metal on glass.

Kashchei. What's this? Who is it? (Hides behind Yaga)

Yaga. Do not be afraid, dear guests. This is our foreign showman has finally arrived!

Freddy Krueger appears.

For the audience to recognize him, a hat, a striped T-shirt and, of course, the notorious hand is needed (2-3 forks are attached to the fingers with a plaster).

Freddie(with an American accent). Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Good evening, Woman Yaga! (Kisses Yaga's hand.) Sorry for being late, bottles.

Yaga. What other bottles?

Freddie. Well, I don't know how to say it in Russian... Transportation collapse...

Kashchei. Bugs, right?

Freddie. That's it, traffic jams... (Notices Kashchei.) And this, as I understand it, is your national superstar hero. (She holds out her hand with the forks to Kashchei.)

Kashchei. Firstly, I still have a lot of time to grow old, and secondly, I myself could organize a holiday for our forest evil spirits - we would save a lot of money.

Yaga. Yeah, save money with you ... So they would have watched The Irony of Fate all night ...

Freddie. I will now show you one trick, and you will understand what performance is.

Focus Freddy

Freddy takes out the prepared flowers: 3 red and 3 blue. He pushes back

at a distance of 10 steps from each other two chairs and puts a glass on each. Then he gives red flowers to one spectator, blue ones to another and asks them to remember the color of the bouquets.

Blue flowers are placed in one glass, red flowers in another. Both glasses are covered with colorful handkerchiefs and the audience is asked to keep a close eye on the bouquets. Within a few minutes, Freddy lavishes compliments on Yaga and quarrels with Kashchei. He then states that the flowers are magical and were able to switch places unaided. The handkerchiefs are removed, and, to everyone's surprise, it turns out that the blue flowers have turned into red, and the red ones into blue.

Focus secret. It is necessary to make flowers from white matter. Then two strong infusions are prepared - red litmus and blue. Each trio is impregnated with its own solution.

Before the performance, a little vinegar essence is poured into one glass, and the same amount of ammonia is poured into the other. Blue flowers are placed in a glass with essence, and red flowers are placed in a glass with ammonia. From the action of acetic vapor, blue flowers will gradually turn red, and from the vapor of ammonia, the red color will change to blue.

Kashchei. Me too, focus! Now I'll show you, I'll show you!

Focus Kashchei

Kashchei demands a hundred-ruble bill from the audience and, holding it horizontally, folds it in half in length. Then he brings a pencil under her. Viewers will see how the pencil, piercing the paper, appears from the other side. Without pulling out the pencil, Kashchei turns the bill vertically and, holding it with one hand from above, with the other sharply lowers the pencil down. It easily passes through the paper, and the bill is safe and sound.

Focus Secret. In the middle part of the pencil, a cut 4 centimeters long is made. Showing the trick, Kashchei moves the pencil from the opposite side of the bill from the audience so that half of it enters the cut. The second half is bent. Seeing a tongue-like part of a pencil, viewers will mistake it for a whole pencil. After that, it remains only to sharply lower the pencil down and release the bill from the cut.

Yaga. Focus is too easy. I want to dance!

Kashchei and Freddie compete in the performance of rock and roll, Yaga involves everyone present in the dance.

Yaga. Well, dear guests, what do you like more: the Western mentality or the Russian soul?

Goblin. We would, grandmother, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. They will be more pleasant than these monsters!

Yaga. All right! Everyone join the New Year's round dance - we will light the Christmas tree and receive gifts!

The guests form a round dance, sing the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

New Year's performances for adults are usually held in restaurants. On New Year's Eve, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden congratulate guests, hold contests with gifts. It is very important that the script is rich and interesting. The host should not let the guests get bored in new Year's Eve. funny scenario for the new year for adults 2017 is provided as an example for inspiration.

Funny scenario for the new year

So, the action takes place on the stage of a restaurant or cafe.

  • Characters: Santa Claus, granddaughter of the Snow Maiden, presenter.


Well, dear guests, let's remember our youth, let's plunge into childhood. Remember how mother led us by the hand to Kindergarten. In the group, we were met by a teacher, with high hair, high heels, in a pencil dress. This is the kind of teacher we will choose for our younger group.

  • The host selects a woman from the audience and invites her to the stage.


You can imagine a kindergarten without children. Of course not! We need boys and girls. Please on stage!

  • 4 volunteers, 2 women and 2 men, rise to the stage. They sit down on chairs. The teacher's task is to put tights and diapers on the boys, tie bows and put on skirts for the girls.
  • The facilitator distributes the text of the song to the participants. The motif "a Christmas tree was born in the forest."

1 girl's words:

I am a beautiful girl
I came to kindergarten
And full panties
I brought home.

Words 2 girls:

And I wear diapers
After all, I'm still small!
Ooh, I would that boy
She gave a crack (points to the boy).

Text 1 boy:

And I do, because it's him! (points to the second boy)
Broke toys!
Put him in a corner
To be there all day long!

Text 2 boys:

Tamara Nikolaevna,
I'm out of business at all
Sometimes a wolf, an angry wolf
Join our group!

Tamara Nikolaevna:

So how is it, kids?
After all, this is a deficit
And how do we from the head
Hide this move?

All children together

Oh, not the manager
She will show everyone
And with full panties
We'll run home!


Kindergarten behind, school begins, it's time for first love, worries and anxieties. First call last call, high school graduation! Let's remember our graduation. What songs sounded on the most memorable evening in the life of every student. Your task is to guess the tunes that our DJ will play.

  • Intros from songs from the 70s and 80s sound:
  1. Uchkuduk - 3 wells;
  2. Summer was just leaving (Merry guys);
  3. The girl in the machine is crying (Osin);
  4. Granite pebble in the chest (Ladybug);
  5. For a week, until the second;
  6. It was, but passed (Rotaru);
  7. Farmer (Rotaru);
  8. Blue Frost (Gems);
  9. Snow is swirling (Flame).
  • The task of the guests is to guess the song familiar from their youth by the first notes. The winner goes on stage and sings their favorite song in karaoke. If the guest is embarrassed, the host helps along with the guests present.


Dear guests, what is the New Year without Santa Claus. He is already on the way, along the snow-covered road he is in a hurry to join us for the celebration. Let's invite our honored guest!

  • Guests with the host call Santa Claus. The main characters come out

Santa Claus:

I look, they are pouring here,
Didn't you wait for me?
How is that, I don't understand!
I'm cold - but I'm not drinking!
Hello guests,
I hurried to you
Walked, stumbled
A little lost!

But here I come
It's warm and cozy in here!
Just like in a palace
Or in the kingdom as if!
The lanterns are burning
And the garlands sparkle
On the tree - beauty,
The rain is falling!

Well, have you forgotten about your gifts?
Behave well? Did they deserve it?
Okay, let's give you gifts!
Although you don’t need it, everything is on the table!
Who cooked what, a poem, an anecdote?
What, they didn’t learn it - well, who will do!
I will not scold you as a parent,
Well, except that with a staff I can scare!