How to get a digital signature for ip. Electronic signature for IP - principle of operation, validity period and registration procedure

Good afternoon, dear IP!

Now everyone is frantically buying, and then agonizingly waiting for online checkout from their suppliers. Many entrepreneurs are surprised to learn that they will still have to buy the so-called Qualified Electronic Signature (QES), and spend time solving this issue as well.

Moreover, some individual entrepreneurs overpay for digital signature or buy not what you really need.

I myself was puzzled by this question a month ago, since I had no need to use it before. I had to buy a CEP and at the same time found out a few nuances, which I will discuss in this short article.

For a better understanding, I will build an article in the format “Question / Answer”

1. Why do I need a digital signature for IP?

In fact, an ordinary individual entrepreneur without employees does not really need it. And most entrepreneurs work without it for years, like me, for example. I have never needed it since 2009, when I became an individual entrepreneur ... But if you are forced to set up an online cash register, then it is better to buy it.

With a QES (Qualified Electronic Signature) in hand, you can quickly do the following:

  • Carry out registration of an online cash register on the website of the Federal Tax Service in personal account IP (however, in this account you first need to register on the website of the Federal Tax Service).
  • Quickly conclude an agreement with OFD (fiscal data operator).
  • Send reports via the Internet to the Federal Tax Service.
  • And interact with many other services. For example, with the website of “Gosuslug”, “Rosreestr” and so on.

In short, a Qualified Electronic Signature is an analogue of a handwritten signature in cases provided by law for the performance of legally significant actions.

In theory, you can do without a digital signature when buying an online cash register, but then get ready for a protracted expedition to the Federal Tax Service, as there is now a rush with registering new cash registers. I preferred to do everything remotely, without standing in line.

2. Where to buy CEP?

In any more or less large city, you can find many companies that sell them. Search the Internet, you will surely find a lot of offers. But personally, I was faced with the fact that all the companies that I called through advertising immediately asked me for a horse price tag of 5-7 thousand for opportunities that I simply do not need. Why do you need this signature for 7,000 rubles, which costs almost a third of the cost of the cash register itself?

I think most IPs will agree with me.

Apparently, some companies take advantage of the hype with online cash registers and try to sell CEP as expensive as possible. And most entrepreneurs only need to register an online cash register through the personal account of the individual entrepreneur on the website of the Federal Tax Service.

Here it is worth noting that electronic signatures differ among themselves in terms of the possibilities of working with a particular service. For example, if you do not work with the MICEX or property sales sites, then there is no point in overpaying for these opportunities.

They also imposed on me some miracle flash drives worth more than 1000 rubles, although I knew for sure that any more or less reliable flash drive would work for my purposes.

In short, I advise you to immediately go to the website of the Ministry of Communications using this link and find a certification center in your city:

In the very first company from the list of “MinComSvyaz” they explained to me in a popular way what is better to buy.

3. How much does the minimum set of CEP for online cash register cost?

Where, I bought a digital signature, the minimum set cost the following amount:

  1. Digital certificate = 1500 rubles for one year. If you buy from another certification authority, be sure to discuss the point that you need a signature to work with the personal account of the IP on the website of the Federal Tax Service + registering an online cash desk.
  2. A regular USB flash drive for a computer, on which a certificate with a signature will be written to you. Well, don't use a really bad flash drive =) Otherwise, if the flash drive is damaged, the electronic signature will have to be reissued, which again costs money.
  3. CryptoPro program = 600 rubles per year.

What is the “CryptoPro” program? Why is she needed?

I will not go into the wilds of data encryption issues, but I will only say one thing - without the CryptoPro program, you will not be able to enter the personal account of the IP on the website of the Federal Tax Service using a digital signature. This means that you will not be able to register the online cash register.

You will have to buy the CryptoPro program and install it on your computer (I will give a couple of tips about this program below).

What is the final cost?

1500+ 600 = 2100 rubles + my reliable flash drive. But this is the price for one year, and then the renewal of both the CEP and the CryptoPro license. It seems that the renewal for the second year and beyond will be cheaper, but I no longer remember the order of prices.

I repeat that the flash drive must still be from a trusted manufacturer, and not an unnamed Chinese craft that can “burn out” at any time.

4. How to install an electronic signature on a computer?

If you are with the computer on “You” (sorry for the tautology), then ask the specialist to install the certificate + “CryptoPro” on the computer. If you are sure that you will figure it out yourself, then demand installation instructions from the CEP seller, since this task is not trivial.

Personally, I was faced with the fact that I categorically could not enter the Personal Account of the IP on the website of the Federal Tax Service, since one of the intermediate certificates did not pass the security check. After an hour of litigation and reading techie forums, it turned out that the entrance to the office was blocked by this setting in “Kaspersky Internet Security”:

While working with the Federal Tax Service website, it is better to remove this setting in KIS, and then turn it on again for greater security.

  1. Carefully read the documents that you sign at the certification center when purchasing a CEP. For example, in my case they made a mistake in writing my address. Fortunately, the error was noticed in time and corrected. Any mistake in personal data makes your electronic signature incorrect.
  2. The CryptoPro program is sold with a license for ONE computer. If you work with two or more computers, then you need to buy a separate license for each of them. Therefore, I put it on my camping laptop.
  3. But there is one trick. On the manufacturer's website, you can download a trial version for a period of three months, which is enough for the first time, if you need to use it on another computer: It can be downloaded after a quick registration.
  4. If you are not friends with computers, then immediately ask the seller to install “CryptoPro” + certificate on the computer. Believe me, for most ordinary people it won't be easy. Especially if normal operation cunning antivirus settings or other security tools will interfere.
  5. You can also buy an electronic signature on almost any OFD website (fiscal data operator), where they are sold for about 1,500 rubles. But I preferred to buy from a specialized company that is near me.
  6. If you set up with the help of a specialist, then be sure to check that with the help of the CEP you can go to your personal account on the website of the Federal Tax Service.
  7. Use a separate flash drive for electronic signature. While I was getting a signature, I was told a couple of instructive stories when entrepreneurs use a flash drive not only to store a certificate, but also for personal files. And then accidentally all this is erased or formatted when the flash drive is infected. And the story of obtaining a CEP is repeated from paragraph 1 of this article.

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about the author

I created this site for everyone who wants to start their own business as an individual entrepreneur, but does not know where to start. And I will try to tell about complex things in the most simple and understandable language.


    Good afternoon. Thanks for the clarification, very clear and understandable. It just doesn't fit detailed information for remote areas. I understand that Online cash desks you still need to purchase, only information will not be transmitted online to the tax office. It will be recorded on the fiscal drive, and then (how, they will decide) it will be transferred to the Federal Tax Service. So the question is, it turns out that such IP agreements with OFD are not needed?

Electronic signature- this is such a phenomenon in modern life, which is easier to tell how it works than to describe it. At least, the legislator's attempt to give the concept of an electronic signature can hardly be called successful.

"Electronic signature - information in electronic form, which is attached to other information in electronic form (signed information) or is otherwise associated with such information and which is used to determine the person signing the information ”(Article 2 of the Law of 06.04.2011 N 63-FZ).

And yet, from this description, we can conclude that an electronic signature, like a regular one, identifies the person to whom it belongs and expresses his agreement with the content of the signed document.

To be widely adopted, an electronic signature must have advantages that a personal signature on paper documents does not have. EP does have such advantages, and we will consider them below.

Legal regulation of electronic signature

The first law on electronic signature was adopted in January 2002 (No. 1-FZ of 10.01.02). True, the signature was called not just an electronic, but an electronic digital signature or EDS. Such an abbreviation is still found, although it is correct to use another combination - ES (electronic signature).

Now the use of electronic signature regulates new law- dated 06.04.2011 No. 63-FZ. ES is also mentioned in other regulatory legal acts, for example, in the law of July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ, where it is called an analogue of the handwritten signature of an individual.

Concerned about the regulation of electronic signature and federal Service security, which, by Order No. 796 dated December 27, 2011, approved the Requirements for Electronic Signature Tools and Certification Center Tools.

Everyone can get acquainted with the primary sources (frankly, not easy to understand) via the links, and in this article we will answer practical questions: why do we need an electronic signature, and how to get it.

Why do you need an electronic signature?

First of all, such a signature to a much greater extent confirms the fact of signing a document (in this case, only an electronic document) by a certain person. The usual personal signature on paper, with the current development of technology, is quite easy to fake.

The tax authorities also like to announce that documents have been signed by an unidentified person, and this often entails an increase in the tax base, fines and other sanctions. An independent examination of a personal signature under significant documents cannot always help, because. not in all situations allows you to confirm or deny the fact of authenticity due to the small number of characters in the signature. If the document is signed with an electronic signature, then there is no longer any doubt about its authorship.

Please note that only handwritten signatures are recognized as equivalent enhanced qualified electronic signature.

The second advantage of using ES is the protection of an electronic document from unauthorized changes. Paper documents, even if they have a genuine signature, can be forged or supplemented. In addition, they can be accidentally damaged, lost, stolen, etc., and the absence of paper documents will not allow you to confirm any significant fact, because you can’t sew a word into action.

The third reason why the use of electronic signatures will continue to develop is the ability to perform actions or receive information without leaving home. EP allows:

  • apply for or;
  • make civil law transactions;
  • receive government and municipal services;
  • maintain a secure document flow;
  • hand over;
  • work with bank documents and manage funds on the current account;
  • participate in, bidding and;
  • carry out other legally significant actions.

Finally, while leading entrepreneurial activity in some cases, an electronic signature is no longer enough. So, reporting on and on employees (if there are more than 25 people) is now accepted only in in electronic format.

Submission of reports in electronic form will only continue to develop, because this method reduces the labor and time costs of those who accept and submit reports; reduces the number of technical errors when filling out forms; protects reporting from unauthorized editing or viewing.

Where can I get an electronic signature?

It is impossible to invent and create an electronic signature yourself, specialized organizations are engaged in its issuance - certification centers. The requirements for them are established by Article 16 of Law No. 63-FZ, and among them:

  • the value of the net assets of the organization must be at least one million rubles;
  • financial security for liability for losses caused to third parties must be at least one and a half million rubles;
  • number in the state skilled workers, directly carrying out activities for the creation and issuance of certificates of keys for verifying electronic signatures, there must be at least two.

Certification centers must be accredited by the Ministry of Communications. You can find a suitable regional certification authority or check its accreditation here:

By clicking on the name of the selected certification authority, you will be taken to a page with brief information about him, and from there - to the website of the organization itself.

For some time, it was possible to obtain an electronic signature in some branches of Rostelecom, but now its certification center reports that for technical reasons it has temporarily suspended the provision of this service.

Types of electronic signatures

Article 5 of Law N 63-FZ distinguishes three types of electronic signature: simple, enhanced unqualified and enhanced qualified.

A simple signature is a combination of characters, codes and passwords that allow you to establish the fact of the formation of an electronic signature by a certain person. Such a signature is quite easy to crack.

An enhanced signature (unqualified and qualified) is generated using an external medium - a flash drive or a floppy disk. Additional protection of the enhanced qualified signature is the ES verification key specified in the qualified certificate. Reporting and legally significant documents must be signed only with an enhanced qualified signature.

Certification centers offer different electronic signatures depending on the ability to access various resources. So, an ES for an ordinary individual for only 450 rubles allows you to maintain a secure legally significant document flow, receive state and municipal services online, and pay taxes through your personal account.

Universal electronic signatures provide maximum opportunities, including participation in and.

How to get an electronic signature?

Usually, all certification centers provide detailed advice on their websites to everyone who wants to receive an electronic signature. We briefly describe this process here:

1. Select a certification authority from organizations accredited by the Ministry of Communications.

2.Submit along with the application required package documents, which will differ depending on the type of ES owner - an ordinary individual, individual entrepreneur or organization. The minimum package of documents will be for an ordinary individual - a copy of the passport, SNILS and a certificate of TIN. You should familiarize yourself with the requirements for paperwork in the center itself, because some of them only accept notarized copies, while others request original documents for verification.

3. To identify the identity of the applicant - by appearing in person at the certification center or by sending a certified telegram through the Russian Post.

4. At the agreed time, come to the point of issue of the ES to obtain a qualified certificate and electronic signature keys.

How to check the authenticity of an electronic signature?

A special service has been created on the State Services portal that allows you to verify the authenticity of the ES. Download to check electronic document, the authenticity of the signature of which must be confirmed, and the file of the electronic signature itself.

If the signature is authentic and the document remains unchanged, the service will issue a message about the verification, as well as information about the owner and publisher of the ES and its validity period.

Any citizen registered as an individual entrepreneur can conduct commercial activity on a par with legal entities. This is especially true in the field of electronic interaction - Information Technology provide equal opportunities for all participants. And the security and protection of your interests are guaranteed by means of electronic digital signature.
EDS is one of key instruments an entrepreneur that opens access to new areas of activity, saving time and making work easier. Thanks to the digital signature, the IP receives:

  • Access to government tenders and commercial purchases;
  • Organization of convenient and safe document flow;
  • Submission of reports in electronic form;
  • Access to public services of interest.
There are many options for the use of digital signatures, and with the introduction of technology, this area is constantly expanding. To get the maximum benefit, an entrepreneur should use all available opportunities.

EDS for trading - participate and win

Electronic trading one of the main earning opportunities for individual entrepreneur. Today, optimal conditions have been created for individual entrepreneurs to develop their business, enter into new contracts, and make a profit by participating in the procurement of state and commercial structures.
Access to trading systems requires an electronic digital signature of the appropriate sample. Obtaining an EDS is the first step to winning the tender!
There are 3 main procurement systems in our country:

  • State order (public procurement carried out by state and municipal authorities at the expense of the budget);
  • Purchases of state corporations (companies with state participation);
  • Commercial auctions carried out by business entities not associated with the state.

Work in each of the presented procurement systems is possible only if there is an electronic digital signature. EDS is used in in large numbers procedures:

  • Accreditation on the trading platform;
  • Signing applications and documents;
  • Registration of participation in tenders;
  • Application submission and withdrawal;
  • Sending a request for clarification of the provisions of the documentation and the results of the auction;
  • Submission of complaints to the authorized bodies;
  • Contract signing.

Draw your attention to!
Separate sets of EDS are issued, providing access to different systems electronic trading:

  • Federal platforms for state orders;
  • Federal sites and procurement systems public corporations;
  • Commercial bidding systems;
  • All types of purchases.

To choose the right type of electronic signature, find out which trading platforms(purchasing systems) You are interested.

EDS for efficient workflow

Digital signature tools allow the entrepreneur to organize a convenient and secure document flow in electronic form. With the help of EDS, you can greatly facilitate the process of exchanging documents with customers, clients and partners. At the same time, completely protect yourself from possible data loss or leakage.

Electronic document management with EDS is:

  • Ensuring legal force equivalent to documents with a signature and seal;
  • Guarantees authenticity of electronic documentation;
  • Security and privacy, absolute protection against forgery;
  • Organization of simple and economical processing and storage;
  • Possibility of implementation in international systems workflow.
Thanks to the electronic signature, you can speed up and facilitate the work with documents, guarantee their protection and minimize costs. These benefits are appreciated modern business. Use effective means cryptography to speak the same language with him!

EDS selection: you can order a separate electronic signature for document flow or choose a more functional set that provides not only the signing of documents, but also access to bidding. There are many more options for completing the EDS. Contact us and we will find the best solution for you.

EDS for reporting - minimum risks, maximum comfort

Submission of reports to regulatory authorities (FTS, PFR, FSS) - the responsibility of each individual entrepreneur. The law defines the conditions that must be observed when reporting to the state. One of them is matching deadlines to which the report must be submitted. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in administrative penalties.

Therefore, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to the process of preparing reporting documents and their timely delivery to the relevant departments. And it is possible to organize the process as efficiently as possible through the digital signature, which is the key to specialized electronic services.

There are 2 ways to submit reports electronically:

  1. 1. The official websites of the Federal Tax Service, PFR, FSS are the most accessible solution, but do not protect users from possible technical failures.
  2. 2. Software (Kontur-Extern, SBiS++, Taxcom-Sprinter and other programs) is a more convenient and safer way.

In each case, when reporting, you must use electronic digital signature. Moreover, each department has separate view EDS.

Choosing a suitable electronic signature kit should be based on your objective needs. Having determined the range of authorities to which you will report in the coming year, you will be able to order the optimal configuration of the EDS.

EDS for public services - even more opportunities

Public services for individual entrepreneurs are an opportunity to take advantage of the benefits provided by the state. Currently, individual entrepreneurs have access to a wide range of public services, some of which are provided free of charge. Among the most requested services: tax return, as well as an extract from the USRIP.

Most services are available in electronic form - you can use them by registering on the and portals. When registering as an individual entrepreneur, you must use an electronic signature.

Public services that can be obtained on electronic portals:

  • Issuance of an entry permit freight transport within the Moscow Ring Road, Third Ring Road, Garden Ring;
  • Obtaining a building permit;
  • Obtaining a private security company license;
  • Rent of the area during the Weekend Fair;
  • Others.

22 / 11 / 2018

How to get an EDS for an individual entrepreneur, what package of papers you need to prepare for the operation. How does a signature for entrepreneurs differ from the same for organizations.

To obtain electronic signature for IP, you need to collect a package of documents - only in the volume of papers it differs from a signature for enterprises. ES (or, as it used to be called, EDS) will allow an entrepreneur to expand the scope of activities, participate in tenders, including for public procurement, and also optimize document flow.

  • Why you may need an electronic signature for IP
  • Popular electronic signatures for individual entrepreneurs (reporting, cash register, government order and others)
  • Electronic signature for IP EGAIS
  • What documents need to be submitted
  • What are the advantages of electronic signature for IP
  • Where to apply for an electronic signature for individual entrepreneurs

What might be required

EDS provides individual entrepreneurs with the following opportunities:

  • all tax will be submitted via the Internet;
  • work with online state systems (for example, public services);
  • the ability to sign electronic contracts;
  • participate in public procurement;
  • negotiate contracts;
  • file complaints online;
  • submit bids at auctions;
  • work with ;
  • participation in any commercial auctions;
  • obtain accreditation for the ETP.

There are two types of electronic signature for individual entrepreneurs - qualified and for bidding which require a different package of documents. As a rule, it is recommended to receive both: a qualified one will be required to optimize accounting and workflow, the second one - to participate in auctions of all levels.

Popular electronic signatures for individual entrepreneurs

Electronic signature for IP EGAIS

What documents do you need to submit when applying?

To obtain a qualified signature, you will need the following package of papers:

  • original passport or its notarized copy (first page and page about the place of registration);
  • written statement;
  • consent to join the regulations of the certification center;
  • TIN number.

If the signature is opened not by the entrepreneur himself, but by his authorized representative, you will additionally need to submit a power of attorney.

To open a signature for trading, you need:

  • all documents for the previous version;
  • extract from the USRIP (printed version or electronic).

Often, documents may contain errors (which happens in 80% of cases). If you use the services of an operator, he will help eliminate all inaccuracies and certify the signature on the day of the request.

It is worth noting that the certificate for individual entrepreneurs differs from the option for enterprises in only one thing - the number of documents submitted. For organizations, it is somewhat more voluminous. At the same time, if hired employees work for an entrepreneur, he has the right to issue an EDS for each of them. However, in this regard, care must be taken - an employee who has the signature of an individual entrepreneur will officially represent the interests of the entrepreneur with all the ensuing consequences.

What are the advantages of an electronic signature for individual entrepreneurs?

The main benefits are:

  • reducing the time and money spent on office work;
  • you cannot unauthorizedly copy or forge a signature;
  • data protection and privacy;
  • the ability to quickly track appeals to individual entrepreneurs from inspection bodies and changes in legislation;
  • Entrepreneurs with such a signature receive the first line of service in the tax authorities;
  • can seriously expand the scope of activities and enter new markets.

Many of the benefits will depend on the type of signature that will be issued by the entrepreneur. It is worth noting that a legally qualified signature corresponds to a printed document with a handwritten signature and seal and has the same legal status.

How to get an electronic signature for IP

Taxnet helps individual entrepreneurs quickly obtain an electronic signature. Thanks to well-established work and more than 15 years of experience, we can guarantee the minimum time for registration, assistance in preparing documents and support at all stages of registration. 100% of clients who contact us receive required license in the shortest possible time.

Contact us - we really know how to facilitate your business and optimize office work!

An individual entrepreneur is obliged to report to regulatory authorities along with legal entities. The volume of reporting duties, of course, is somewhat different, often less than that of companies, however, it is much more pleasant and efficient to perform them without tedious visits to inspections and funds, but using the method of remote data transfer. The advantages of electronic document management are obvious. But to use them, you need a special electronic signature. How to get an electronic signature for an individual entrepreneur and how does an electronic signature for an individual entrepreneur differ from the electronic signature of legal entities and the usual electronic signature of an individual? Let's consider these questions in more detail.

Types of electronic signatures

Recall that the law distinguishes three types of electronic signatures: simple, which is a well-known bundle of codes or passwords, with a phone number or login in a particular system, enhanced unqualified, used, for example, in document management with counterparties, as well as enhanced qualified ES, which allows you to interact in full with regulatory authorities. Read more here.

Electronic digital signatures are used for individuals, individual entrepreneurs and companies, that is, the choice of a specific option does not depend on who exactly draws up the signature, but is related to what the EDS will be used for. For individuals, it is perhaps not so important to have the most reliable enhanced qualified signature, they may well get by with an unqualified one, including when interacting with the Federal Tax Service.

Where to get an electronic signature for individuals

You can get an electronic signature for an individual in the taxpayer's personal account on the website of the Federal Tax Service. We are talking specifically about the EDS for individuals, that is, such a signature is suitable for resolving only those issues that do not relate to the activities of its owner in the form of an individual entrepreneur or head of a company.

To issue such a signature, an individual needs, first of all, access to the taxpayer's personal account, and he, in turn, will connect through the login - the citizen's TIN, and a special password issued when visiting the IFTS. In your personal account, using the link “Obtaining a certificate of the electronic signature verification key”, you can issue EDS to physical face.

Both on the website of the Federal Tax Service itself and in many open sources, information is provided in detail on how to obtain an EDS for an individual in the taxpayer's office. At the same time, you can solve the issue of how to make an electronic signature, if we are talking about an unqualified ES, by yourself by creating a program code for a certificate using special software. This is another difference between an unqualified signature and a qualified one.

How to get an EDS for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities

If an electronic signature for individuals that allows interaction with the IFTS may be unqualified, then an EDS for individual entrepreneurs and companies serving for the same purposes must be qualified, that is, issued by a special certification center with appropriate accreditation. It is impossible to release the CEP on its own. It is with the help of such an electronic signature that individual entrepreneurs and firms are required to certify the reports they submit to the Federal Tax Service and funds. A qualified signature is useful for many other actions, electronic document management within the framework of which it has legal force without additional agreements, including for working with government information systems, for example, EDS for Rosreestr. Individual is the owner of such a signature, however, there is always a link: either the documents are signed by an individual entrepreneur, or a representative of a company - a director or other person authorized for certain actions.

The registration of an electronic signature is carried out by a special certification center on the basis of an application from an individual entrepreneur or the head of a legal entity. Such a statement indicates the main details of the company or individual entrepreneur, as well as the TIN, SNILS and passport data of the representative - this is an individual for whom an electronic signature is being issued.

After submitting an application, and this usually happens in electronic form, the certification center considers the application, the future owner of the certificate is invited to the office directly to verify his identity. And here it is necessary to take into account important point. The certification center can independently request information about the registration of an LLC or an individual entrepreneur in a single state register. Simply put, confirm the registration of the company by providing certificates or constituent documents usually not required. But the passport data of an individual is protected by the law on personal data. The certification center will not be able to verify them without providing the original or a notarized copy of the passport. Actually, this requires a personal visit of the future owner of the electronic signature, who, in addition to the passport, must also provide the original TIN and SNILS. it general rule for all certifying centers issuing enhanced qualified electronic signatures. However, of course, each of them may have its own slightly different specifics of interaction with customers.

Another moment that unites all accredited centers is the issuance of EDS exclusively on a paid basis. On the this moment there are no opportunities to issue a qualified electronic signature for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities for free in Russia.