Digital signature of the public service. Electronic signature for public services

12/04/2018, Sasha Bukashka

An electronic signature is a digital analogue of a handwritten signature of a document, confirming its authenticity. In the article, we will consider why an electronic signature is needed for public services, how many types of electronic signatures exist, what each of them is used for, and how to create electronic signature for public services.

The portal has been very popular for a long time. No queues, at any time of the day you can contact the right authority ... But what about the legal force of the application? After all, it must be signed, regardless of how it was submitted: during a personal visit to the department or via the Internet. And if in the first case you only need to put your scribble on paper, then what about the second? And like this: it exists for public services, which will be discussed later.

By the way, you can often find abbreviations: ES - electronic signature and EDS - electronic digital signature.

There are several types

EDS for public services happens:

  • simple;
  • reinforced unskilled;
  • reinforced qualified.

Simple electronic signature- this is, in fact, the login and password familiar to us, which allow us to identify the user. Through public services, an electronic signature of this type is issued, one might say, by default when registering on the portal and receiving a confirmation code. With it, you can send messages to officials, to authorities state power and local government.

Reinforced unqualified EDS used for more serious purposes. She, for example, can be assured, financial statements, documents that do not require a seal. The authenticity of this signature is confirmed by a certificate from a certification authority (even an unaccredited one).

Enhanced qualified EDS- the likeness of a "live" autograph. A document signed by her has exactly the same legal force as a paper signed by a person with his own hand. This electronic signature is required to participate in online auctions, submit reports to public authorities. Its authenticity is guaranteed by a certificate from an accredited certification authority.

We have collected all three types in one convenient picture.

We create a simple EDS

As we already understood, one cannot do without an ES on the portal. Then there is next question: how to get an electronic signature for public services for free? Simple ES does not require any payment. First you need to register on the portal by clicking on this link.

Click "Register" and a link to create a password will be sent to your email address. At the second stage of registration, you enter your passport number, and. Further, these data are sent for verification, the results of which will also be reported by e-mail. If you successfully pass the verification, you will need to verify your identity. This can be done in several ways:

  • come to the Service Center (the list of addresses can be found);
  • receive the code from the site by regular mail.

The latter will take longer, so we advise you to contact the Service Center.

After you enter the received code on the site, you will have a verified account or, in other words, a simple ES. Now all the possibilities of the site "Gosuslugi" are open to you. And not only him, but also some other sites of government agencies (for example, on the site pension fund can be logged in through the account "Gosuslugi").

We get an enhanced EDS

This type is necessary for sending documents to the fiscal authorities. It is created using cryptographic means, confirmed Federal Service RF security. As we said above, a qualified EDS can only be obtained at an accredited certification center. You can see the list of centers.

Such an electronic signature for the Gosuslugi website can be obtained by both individuals and legal entities, but more often it is used, of course, by the latter. For individuals, as a rule, a simple electronic signature is sufficient. However, if there is a need to obtain a qualified ES by an individual, then he must personally appear at the Service Center. Do not forget to take your passport and SNILS with you.

Legal entities will need to collect a more extensive package of documents:

  • founding documents;
  • a document confirming the fact of making an entry about a legal entity in the Unified State Register legal entities;
  • certificate of registration with the tax authority of the applicant.

The amount of the fee for obtaining a certificate and electronic keys defines directly the certifying authority. Now you know how to make an electronic signature for public services. It remains to choose desired view and start working with government authorities on the Internet.

What gives a simple signature on

This option is often used in Everyday life. If to speak in simple words, then this is a combination of login-password, confirmation code (by email, SMS) and so on. Most often, this is enough to confirm that a message or document was sent by a specific person.

It is used, as a rule, to confirm payments, receive public services, certification of documents in the internal document flow of the organization. However, it cannot be used for signing. electronic documents containing state secrets.

Obtaining a simple electronic signature on the State Services portal is quite simple. To do this, you just need to register on the site. After checking your data, you can use the personal account of the site. But a simple ES gives limited access to services, that is, you will only have the opportunity to get acquainted with the services offered by the portal.

To expand the functionality, you need an enhanced signature.

Why do we need and what gives enhanced EDS on

Enhanced EDS can be unskilled and qualified.

An enhanced unqualified electronic signature can be obtained by expanding a simple ES. To do this, just contact the MFC. You need to have a passport and SNILS with you. The employees of the MFC will check your data and their compliance with those specified during registration on the portal. If everything matches, you will be given a one-time code, which is entered in your personal account in your profile settings. After that, you can use the advanced functionality of the portal.

After receiving an enhanced signature on public services, you will have access to almost all the functions of the site:

  • replacement of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • obtaining a new passport;
  • obtaining references and various information;
  • notification of the status of the personal account in the FIU;
  • recovery of lost documents;
  • vehicle registration;
  • making an appointment with a doctor;
  • payment of taxes, state duties, housing and communal services and other services.

You can also monitor the progress of applications, the status of payments and order other services.

It is not so easy to get an enhanced qualified signature. As a rule, it is issued on a USB flash drive in certification centers. Together with a flash drive, you will be given software for installation on a computer, a license and a certificate.

It must be said that obtaining such a key is paid service. To work with, the minimum tariff is sufficient. You can check the cost in the certification center where the ES will be ordered.

An enhanced qualified signature is already an analogue of a handwritten signature and can be used everywhere. It also gives the right to participate as a supplier or customer in electronic auction, exchange documents with the Federal Tax Service, government organizations, maintain document flow with external counterparties, and so on.

How to install a digital signature for public services on a computer

To work with a qualified electronic signature, you will need to install software. Usually, the CryptoPro CSP program is used for these purposes.

We will show step by step how to install a signing certificate through CryptoPro.

Step 1. Run the CryptoPro CSP program on your computer.

Step 2. Open "Properties" and click "Install Personal Certificate".

Step 3. Select a certificate file. It must be on removable media, which will be given to you when you receive an enhanced qualified signature. After that click "Next".

Step 4. Select the key container, that is, specify the path to it on your computer, then select "Personal" from the suggested storages. Click next.

After that, the installation of the certificate will be completed.

To check the electronic signature for public services, you need to use the old version of the portal. After entering into Personal Area at the bottom right we find the item "Help".

At the very bottom of the opened page - "Electronic signature".

In the list "Confirmation of the authenticity of the ES" click "Certificate". Then, below, select the file that we want to check, enter the code from the picture and click "Check".

If the signature is authentic, we will receive as a result data on its owner, validity periods and the organization that issued the ES. And also the line "The authenticity of the document is confirmed" will appear.

This procedure is free.

What EDS is needed for regional websites of public services

The portal is divided into parts by regions of the country. The principle of their work is similar to the all-Russian one. That is, registration on them is identical to the main portal.

To access the personal account of a site of any region, any certificate of electronic signature is suitable.

An electronic signature (ES) is information in electronic digital form that can be used to identify an individual or legal entity without his personal presence.

There are two types of electronic signature used in electronic document management:

  • simple electronic signature;
  • enhanced electronic signature (can be qualified and unqualified).

They differ in the degree of protection and scope.

2. What is a simple electronic signature?

A simple electronic signature is, in fact, a combination of login and password, confirmation code by email, SMS, USSD and the like.

Any document signed in this way is not, by default, equivalent to a paper document signed by one's own hand. This is a kind of statement of intent, which means that the party agrees to the terms of the transaction, but does not participate in it.

But if the parties conclude an agreement on the recognition of an electronic signature as an analogue of a handwritten one at a personal meeting, then such documents may acquire legal significance. So, for example, it happens when you connect an online bank to a credit or debit card. A bank employee identifies you by your passport, and you sign an agreement to connect an online bank. In the future, you use a simple electronic signature, but it has the same legal force as a handwritten one.

3. What is an enhanced unqualified electronic signature?

An enhanced unqualified electronic signature is two unique sequences of characters that are uniquely related to each other: an electronic signature key and an electronic signature verification key. To form this bundle, cryptographic information protection tools are used ( Information cryptographic protection tools (CIPF) are tools that allow you to sign digital documents electronic signature, as well as to encrypt the data contained in them, thereby facilitating their reliable protection from interference by third parties. CIPF are implemented in the form software products and technical solutions.

"> CIPF). That is, it is more secure than a simple electronic signature.

By itself, an enhanced unqualified signature is not an analogue of a handwritten signature. It means that the document was signed by a specific person and has not changed since then. But such a signature is usually valid only in conjunction with an agreement on recognizing it as handwritten. True, not everywhere, but only in the document flow with the department (organization) with which such an agreement was signed.

4. What is an enhanced qualified electronic signature?

An enhanced qualified electronic signature differs from an enhanced unqualified one in that cryptographic information protection tools (CIPF) certified by the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation are used for its formation. And only a certification center accredited by the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation can issue such a signature. In this case, the qualified certificate of the electronic signature verification key, which is provided by such a center, becomes the guarantor of authenticity. The certificate is issued on a USB stick. In some cases, you may need to install additional software to use it.

An enhanced qualified signature is an analogue of a handwritten signature. It can be used everywhere, but for use in work with a number of organizations, you need to make additional information into a qualified electronic signature certificate.

How to get an enhanced qualified electronic signature

To obtain an enhanced qualified electronic signature, you will need:

  • identity document;
  • insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (SNILS);
  • individual taxpayer number (TIN);
  • main state registration number records of state registration individual as an individual entrepreneur (if you are an individual entrepreneur);
  • an additional set of documents confirming your authority to act on behalf of the legal entity (if you receive the signature of a representative of the legal entity).

Documents must be submitted to an accredited certification center (you can find them in the list or on the map), whose employee, after identifying you and checking the documents, will write the certificate and electronic signature keys to a certified electronic medium - an electronic card or flash drive. You can also purchase cryptographic protection tools there.

The cost of the service for providing a certificate and keys of an electronic signature is determined by the regulations of an accredited certification center and depends, in particular, on the scope of the electronic signature.

5. Does an e-signature have an expiration date?

The validity period of the certificate of the electronic signature verification key (both qualified and unqualified) depends on the cryptographic information protection tool (CIPF) used and the certification center where the certificate was received.

Typically, the validity period is one year.

The signed documents are valid even after the expiration of the certificate of the electronic signature verification key.

6. What is ESIA and why is it needed?

Federal State Information System " one system Identification and Authorization (ESIA) is a system that allows citizens to interact with authorities online.

Its advantage lies in the fact that a user who has registered in the system once (on the portal) does not need to go through the registration procedure on state and other resources each time to gain access to any information or service. Also, to use resources that interact with the ESIA, you do not need to additionally identify your identity and equate a simple electronic signature with a handwritten one - this has already been done.

As the e-government and electronic document management in general, the number of resources interacting with ESIA is growing. So, private organizations can already use the ESIA.

Since 2018, a system for remote identification of clients of Russian banks and users begins to operate information systems subject to registration in the ESIA and the provision by a citizen of his biometric data (face image and voice sample) to a single biometric system. That is, banking services can be received without leaving home.

There are several account levels on the portal. Using the simplified and standard levels, you sign applications with a simple electronic signature. But in order to access all services, you need a verified account - for this you need to verify your identity, that is, equate a simple electronic signature with a handwritten one.

On the website of the Federal Tax Service

Individuals, receiving services through a personal account on the website of the Federal Tax Service, use an enhanced unqualified signature, equivalent to a handwritten one. The verification key certificate can be obtained in the personal account itself, but the identification of the person and equating the electronic signature with the handwritten one occurs at the level of entering the personal account: you can enter either using the login and password that are issued during a personal visit to tax office, or using a verified account on the portal, or even using an enhanced qualified electronic signature.

But individual entrepreneurs and legal entities to receive services (for example, to register an online cash register), an enhanced qualified signature may be required.

On the website of Rosreestr

Part of Rosreestr's services (for example, apply, make an appointment) can be obtained using a simple electronic signature. But most services are provided to those who have an enhanced qualified electronic signature.

To participate in electronic trading

In order to participate in electronic trading, an enhanced qualified electronic signature is required.

The public services portal provides users with ample opportunities for remote interaction with various structures. This is obtaining a permit for the transportation of heavy cargo, licensing pharmaceutical activities, interaction with Rospotrebnadzor and much more. But for this it is necessary to obtain an electronic signature for public services to a legal entity. You can order the issue of an EDS at the accredited Certification Center of the Kaluga Astral CA by leaving a request on the website or simply by calling.

Products by direction:

How to get an electronic signature for public services for a legal entity

To work with the portal, a simple and qualified digital signature(EDS, EP, CPU). A simple one is a one-time code that is generated to perform a certain action: registration, login to the site, confirmation of sending a message. It is easiest to understand what a simple signature is when you remember online payment. bank card, when to confirm the transaction you need to enter the code that came in SMS to your mobile phone.

Qualified is an equivalent analogue of the handwritten signature of the head and the seal of the organization. EDS-certified documents can be sent via the Internet to any authority. It confirms the identity of the sender and guarantees the invariance of the data after signing. A qualified electronic signature of public services for legal entities can be issued in a certification center (CA) accredited by the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation.

The method of obtaining EP directly depends on its type. A simple one is created at the stage of user registration on the portal. It requires entering certain data into the database remotely, it is formed within a few seconds. Assigned to all users of the public services website immediately after registration. Such an account has a restriction on the use of services. The truncated functionality of the portal can be extended by issuing a qualified electronic signature.

You can buy an EDS for public services for legal entities in our control center by providing the following package of documents for registration:

application for a signature

manager appointment document

OGRN and TIN of the organization

founding documents

passport, SNILS and TIN of the head

You can send your application and documents to e-mail. To obtain an EDS, you will have to appear in person at the office of the CA. After confirming the identity of the owner and checking the original documents, a certificate, physical media (usually a USB flash drive) and software for installation on a computer will be issued. On average, an electronic signature is produced 1-3 days after the customer pays the invoice.

If the head cannot personally come to the center, a third party can receive the ES. In this case, the following documents must be attached to the main package:

passport, TIN and SNILS of a trustee

power of attorney for the right to obtain an EDS, certified by the seal and signature of the head

AT individual situations other documents may be required. An employee of the center will inform about this in advance. When issuing an EDS for a public service legal entity, the owner also chooses the tariff at which the EDS is created. To work with the portal, a minimum tariff plan. Depending on the type of tariff, the subscriber (CA client) can receive technical support(personal and remote), setting up a workplace, installing and updating software, finding and fixing problems, a reminder of the need to renew the certificate. Its validity period is limited to 12-15 months, then it must be renewed.

Remember! In accordance with Law No. 63-FZ, the digital signature is assigned to the head by default. Transferred to other employees of the organization by internal order. The number of EDS issued for one legal entity is unlimited.

Before starting work on the public services portal, configure workplace. The article describes step-by-step instruction to set up a workplace.

Step 1. Installing CIPF

CIPF (means of cryptographic protection of information) is a program for encrypting information. Without CIPF, the electronic signature will not work.

Download the distribution kit on the CryptoPro website in the "Support" -> "Download Center" section. The section is available after registration. Which distribution to download depends on the version and bitness of the operating system.

CryptoPro is divided by operating system versions (Windows XP, Windows 7, etc.) and their bit depth (x64/x86).

Determine the version of your operating system to download the appropriate version of "CryptoPro CSP".

AT latest versions CryptoPro distribution automatically determines the bitness and installs the necessary packages.

This manual covers the most popular Windows 8 operating system.

How to determine the version and bitness of the OS?

Right-click on the "Computer" icon (on different operating systems - "My Computer" or "This Computer") and select the context menu item "Properties".

A window with information about the operating system appeared on the screen.

Please note that the computer has operating system Windows 8 Professional. Suitable distribution kit CryptoPro CSP 3.9.

Accept the license agreement. Download the distribution.

Pay attention to the correspondence between the version of the distribution kit "CryptoPro CSP" and OS Windows.



CryptoPro CSP 3.6

CryptoPro CSP 3.6

CryptoPro CSP 3.6

CryptoPro CSP 3.9

CryptoPro 3.9 (4.0)

How to install a distribution?

Run the distribution and click "Install".

Install all software as a user with administrator rights.

The necessary packages and modules will be unpacked automatically. After installing the packages and modules, a window about successful installation will appear.

In earlier versions of CryptoPro CSP, installation took place in several successive steps, in which additional settings are selected and a serial number is entered. Now the installation procedure has been simplified to a minimum of actions.

The encryption tool has been installed. Trial mode for 3 months was activated automatically. To extend the term, enter the serial number.

Order a means of cryptographic protection of information

Step 2. Entering the serial number / Activating the license

To enter the serial number, enter the "Control Panel", select the "System and Security" category, and then the "CryptoPro CSP" program.

The CryptoPro CSP workspace will appear on the screen.

Click the "Enter License..." button in the "License" section.

Enter your full name the user who plans to work on the computer, the name of the organization, the serial number. It is indicated on the form of the purchased license.

Finish activating the license, click on the "OK" button.

On the General tab, the license validity period will change to the one specified in the license.

Work with "CryptoPro CSP" is over, next time CIPF will be needed to set up an electronic signature and install root certificates.

Step 3. Installing a personal certificate

Go to the "Service" tab and in the "Certificates in the private key container" section, click the "View certificates in the container ..." button.

A window with a key container selection will appear on the screen.

Click the "Browse" button to see the electronic signatures that are recorded on a secure medium.

A window will appear with a choice of key container.

If there is only one electronic signature on the carrier, there will be no problems with the choice.

If there are several entries, and you do not know which electronic signature is needed, select the first entry in order and click "OK". Then - the "Next" button.

Information about the selected electronic signature will open.

Have you determined that you need a different signature? Click the back button and choose a different signature.

Continue to open information about signatures until you find the right one.

Found desired signature? Click the "Install" button.

After successfully installing the personal certificate, a notification will appear on the screen. Click the OK button. The personal certificate is installed.

Purchase an electronic signature for the portal "Gosuslugi"

Step 4Installing the Root CA Certificate

To install the root certificate of the Certification Authority, click the "Properties" button. An electronic signature certificate will open

"ASP Electronic Services" issues qualified electronic signatures from the certification center "Kaluga Astral"

On the General tab, you will see a message: "This certificate could not be verified by tracing it to a trusted certificate authority." To fix this, go to the "Certification Path" tab.

In the "Certification Path" section, a chain is indicated from the full name. manager to the publisher (certifying authority).

To install the CA root certificate, double-click on it with the left mouse button. An electronic signature certificate window will open.

Click the "Install Certificate" button.

The Certificate Import Wizard will open, click Next.

Place the cursor in the item "Place all certificates in the following store", click the "Browse" button.

A list of repositories for installing certificates will open.

You are now building a chain of trusted certificates, so select the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store with the OK button. Then click Next.

At the final stage, click the "Finish" button.

The installation of the certificate will begin.

The operating system will warn you about the installation of the certificate and ask you to confirm that you are the one installing the certificate.

A security warning will appear on the screen.

The security system cannot check the Certification Center of Kaluga Astral CJSC, because Microsoft (the creators of the Windows OS line) is not aware of Kaluga Astral CJSC. Do not worry and agree with the installation.

After installing the root certificate, a window will appear on the screen with a notification of successful installation. Close it by clicking OK.

Step 5Setting upinternet browser

Most government portals work exclusively in Internet Explorer version 8.0 or higher. This is due to two reasons:

  1. Internet Explorer is built into every OS of the Windows family.
  2. Not all Internet browsers support the ActiveX controls required to perform cryptographic tasks on the Internet.

Internet Explorer Icon

Step 6: Set up trusted hosts

Add addresses electronic platforms to trusted, so that the Internet browser can run all the necessary "scripts" and modules for working with cryptography.

Launch the Internet Explorer browser and press the "Alt" button on your keyboard.

An action bar will appear at the top of the browser. Click the "Tools" -> "Internet Options" button on the panel.

The Internet Options window will open. Go to the "Security" tab.

Select the Trusted Sites zone and click the Sites button.

In the "Trusted sites" window (at the bottom), uncheck the box "Require server verification (https:) for all sites in the zone".

In the line "Add the following host to the zone:" enter the address of the portal https://* . Click Add.

Step 6Configuring ActiveX Components

After adding the nodes, enable the ActiveX components.

In Internet Options, on the "Security" tab, select the "Trusted Sites" zone.

At the bottom of the window, in the "Security level for this zone" section, click the "Custom" button. A window will open with security settings for trusted sites.

In the "Access to data sources outside the domain" option in the "Miscellaneous" section, set the cursor to "Enable".

In the "Block pop-ups" option in the "Miscellaneous" section, set the cursor to "Enable".

At the bottom of the parameter table there is a section "ActiveX controls and plug-ins". Place the cursors in the "Enable" items for all parameters of this section. Click OK and close all open windows. Browser setup completed.

Try to enter the public services portal. You will receive an error notification.

How to install the plugin?

To download the plugin distribution kit, follow the link: plugin.

Download and install the plugin following the installation wizard.

Restart your internet browser. Your workplace has been set up, proceed to registration and / or work on the State Services portal.

An electronic signature (ES) is information in electronic digital form that can be used to identify an individual or legal entity without his personal presence.

There are two types of electronic signature used in electronic document management:

  • simple electronic signature;
  • enhanced electronic signature (can be qualified and unqualified).

They differ in the degree of protection and scope.

2. What is a simple electronic signature?

A simple electronic signature is, in fact, a combination of login and password, confirmation code by email, SMS, USSD and the like.

Any document signed in this way is not, by default, equivalent to a paper document signed by one's own hand. This is a kind of statement of intent, which means that the party agrees to the terms of the transaction, but does not participate in it.

But if the parties conclude an agreement on the recognition of an electronic signature as an analogue of a handwritten one at a personal meeting, then such documents may acquire legal significance. So, for example, it happens when you connect an online bank to a credit or debit card. A bank employee identifies you by your passport, and you sign an agreement to connect an online bank. In the future, you use a simple electronic signature, but it has the same legal force as a handwritten one.

3. What is an enhanced unqualified electronic signature?

An enhanced unqualified electronic signature is two unique sequences of characters that are uniquely related to each other: an electronic signature key and an electronic signature verification key. To form this bundle, cryptographic information protection tools are used ( Information cryptographic protection tools (CIPF) are tools that allow you to sign digital documents with an electronic signature, as well as encrypt the data contained in them, thereby contributing to their reliable protection from third-party interference. CIPF are implemented in the form of software products and technical solutions.

"> CIPF). That is, it is more secure than a simple electronic signature.

By itself, an enhanced unqualified signature is not an analogue of a handwritten signature. It means that the document was signed by a specific person and has not changed since then. But such a signature is usually valid only in conjunction with an agreement on recognizing it as handwritten. True, not everywhere, but only in the document flow with the department (organization) with which such an agreement was signed.

4. What is an enhanced qualified electronic signature?

An enhanced qualified electronic signature differs from an enhanced unqualified one in that cryptographic information protection tools (CIPF) certified by the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation are used for its formation. And only a certification center accredited by the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation can issue such a signature. In this case, the qualified certificate of the electronic signature verification key, which is provided by such a center, becomes the guarantor of authenticity. The certificate is issued on a USB stick. In some cases, you may need to install additional software to use it.

An enhanced qualified signature is an analogue of a handwritten signature. It can be used everywhere, but for use in working with a number of organizations, additional information must be entered into a qualified electronic signature certificate.

How to get an enhanced qualified electronic signature

To obtain an enhanced qualified electronic signature, you will need:

  • identity document;
  • insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (SNILS);
  • individual taxpayer number (TIN);
  • the main state registration number of the entry on the state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur (if you are an individual entrepreneur);
  • an additional set of documents confirming your authority to act on behalf of the legal entity (if you receive the signature of a representative of the legal entity).

Documents must be submitted to an accredited certification center (you can find them in the list or on the map), whose employee, after identifying you and checking the documents, will write the certificate and electronic signature keys to a certified electronic medium - an electronic card or flash drive. You can also purchase cryptographic protection tools there.

The cost of the service for providing a certificate and keys of an electronic signature is determined by the regulations of an accredited certification center and depends, in particular, on the scope of the electronic signature.

5. Does an e-signature have an expiration date?

The validity period of the certificate of the electronic signature verification key (both qualified and unqualified) depends on the cryptographic information protection tool (CIPF) used and the certification center where the certificate was received.

Typically, the validity period is one year.

The signed documents are valid even after the expiration of the certificate of the electronic signature verification key.

6. What is ESIA and why is it needed?

The Federal State Information System "Unified Identification and Authorization System" (ESIA) is a system that allows citizens to interact with authorities online.

Its advantage lies in the fact that a user who has registered in the system once (on the portal) does not need to go through the registration procedure on state and other resources each time to gain access to any information or service. Also, to use resources that interact with the ESIA, you do not need to additionally identify your identity and equate a simple electronic signature with a handwritten one - this has already been done.

With the development of e-government and electronic document management in general, the number of resources interacting with the ESIA is growing. So, private organizations can already use the ESIA.

From 2018, a system for remote identification of clients of Russian banks and users of information systems begins to operate, subject to registration with the ESIA and the provision by a citizen of his biometric data (face image and voice sample) into a single biometric system. That is, banking services can be received without leaving home.

There are several account levels on the portal. Using the simplified and standard levels, you sign applications with a simple electronic signature. But in order to access all services, you need a verified account - for this you need to verify your identity, that is, equate a simple electronic signature with a handwritten one.

On the website of the Federal Tax Service

Individuals, receiving services through a personal account on the website of the Federal Tax Service, use an enhanced unqualified signature, equivalent to a handwritten one. The verification key certificate can be obtained in the personal account itself, but personal identification and equating the electronic signature with a handwritten one occur at the level of entering the personal account: you can enter either using the login and password that are issued during a personal visit to the tax office, or using a confirmed account records on the portal, or even with an enhanced qualified electronic signature.

But individual entrepreneurs and legal entities may need an enhanced qualified signature to receive services (for example, to register an online cash register).

On the website of Rosreestr

Part of Rosreestr's services (for example, apply, make an appointment) can be obtained using a simple electronic signature. But most services are provided to those who have an enhanced qualified electronic signature.

To participate in electronic trading

In order to participate in electronic trading, an enhanced qualified electronic signature is required.