Is it profitable to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse. Tomato business

The Village continues to talk about how people different professions plan your budget. In the new issue - a business coach who conducts public speaking classes. Now various trainers and coaches offer to learn how to properly manage your time, effectively sell goods and services, run a company or speak in front of any audience. In addition to the skills needed for running a business, trainings can teach, for example, how to get married successfully or make wishes correctly. There is no certification in this area, so almost anyone can declare themselves a coach. We learned from a young man who teaches politicians and entrepreneurs how to speak in public how to spot a charlatan, not be afraid to go on stage and save money on travel.


Public speaking and public speaking coach


300,000 rubles on average


50 000 rubles

Rental of property

40,000–50,000 rubles

1 000 rubles

1,000–7,000 rubles

10,000–50,000 rubles

2,000–3,000 rubles


50 000 rubles

Help for parents

10,000–30,000 rubles

1,000–2,000 rubles

Personal care

20,000–30,000 rubles


How to become a business coach

I have been performing on stage since childhood. In my school and student years, I played in KVN, after studying for some time I worked on the radio, and then I was involved in organizing and holding events. When I had a need for personal development, I began to study psychology and sometimes give free trainings. It was my social work, I taught classes for volunteers, shared knowledge on student forums. Once I was asked to conduct a training on public speaking, already for money. I collected theoretical information and realized that I know it all - how to grab the attention of the audience, how to speak correctly, how to make people hear you. But no one taught me this, I mastered it all in practice.

For the first training I was paid nine thousand rubles. It was nothing compared to how much I was earning doing events. I could receive several times more, but I did not experience strong job satisfaction. Then I began to study the market, I saw that there is a demand for the services of business coaches. I once worked with a man who produces artists and he became my business partner. I needed his investment and opportunities to reach out to people who are potentially interested in my services, including those from show business. I don't do documentation myself. All paperwork - the conclusion of contracts, the payment of taxes - was taken over by the partner.

Proper Marketing

When I started working, I watched trainings and realized that my competencies were higher than those of recognized and practicing business coaches. At the same time, the range of prices for their services was very large. For one coach, the service costs two thousand, and for another - a hundred. At first I thought that it depends on the level of knowledge, skills, efficiency. But the money you earn depends more on the marketing you build: how often you appear in the media, whether you work with media personalities, how many subscribers you have.

It is already known that customers do not go for content, no matter how unique and working it may be, but for a person. Information can be found on the Internet and books, often for free. But few people go to read and understand on their own, it is better to turn to a business coach. You can give a simple analogy: everyone knows how to properly pump up the body, what exercises to do, but in the gym they turn to professionals in the same way.

I'm lucky that my partner works in show business. He has employees who are engaged in the promotion of artists, maintaining their social networks. If I myself knocked on television or radio, then there would be much less confidence in me.

Submission of information

I have several formats of classes: personal consultation, corporate training and online course. I also post a lot of information in in social networks and on the site. A common mistake novice coaches make is not to post anything for free. There is such a rule: if two people went to a restaurant, and one treats the other, then the second subconsciously feels that he owes the first. On the total account of the relationship, one put a little more than the other. It works the same way in coaching. A person has already received something from you for free, he begins to trust you more.

Now I blog on YouTube, where I talk about my technique. On Instagram, you can just write posts, but video content comes in better, so we decided to make humorous vines on our subject. I still played so much in KVN and I know how to joke. Even now we will try the formats of training-performance and training-stand-up, because it is easier to convey something through humor.

At one time, clients often asked why I shouldn't write a book. I outlined the main theses, my partner and I hired an agent who communicated with the publisher. If I was known throughout the country, then they would offer me a fee, and so we paid half, and the publishing house paid half. We spent about 250 thousand rubles on the book - editing, cover design, illustrations, agent fees, proofreading, layout, printing and distribution to bookstores.

Trusted Clients

I don't like the word "client", that's why I usually call the people with whom I work wards. Mostly entrepreneurs, top managers of companies, politicians and people who are just going to go into politics come to me. There are also quite famous personalities - governors, businessmen, athletes, people from show business. They usually take private lessons, and very different people enroll in an online course, not always rich and famous. After classes, my students and I remain on friendly terms, you can always call me and ask a question.

I thought I was lucky that I deal with cool entrepreneurs with the right values. Then at some point a girl turned to me, she herself conducts trainings, but on a completely different topic - the relationship between a man and a woman. I began to communicate with her and realized that she herself was divorced, that is, she was teaching others what she herself had not succeeded in. We are generally at different poles. I just didn't know what to do with her. I considered it wrong to refuse, because it is still my job. In the end, the girl herself left.

I have not yet been in situations where my ethical standards they would be offended, for example, if a politician whose program I do not support applied to me. But I am not such a moralist as to assure that honor is dearer than life. I would not want to work with a large state structure, but there are very worthy individuals there, and I am ready to train them. They write reports well, can collect data and prepare material, but they do not know how to speak.

Professionals and charlatans

The profession of a business coach is heavily criticized, and rightly so. A person comes and sees that you can take a lot of money for trainings, while you just need to chat. It seems to people: “I’ll read a couple of books on the topic, but I know how to talk like that. So I'm now a business coach." I wrote in social networks that you are holding seminars and classes - and let's hit the road! In this profession, there is no entry threshold at all. Some courses of trainers have already appeared, but they are created only on the basis of the ideas of some individuals. So the market turned out a large number of incompetent people. They know how to talk, but do not put the skills into practice. Sales coaching is done by mid-level salespeople with a good tongue, but they can't build and manage a 100-person sales force. I am ready to prove my skills at any moment. If I need to go on stage in front of hundreds of people, in front of adults and children, no problem.

When choosing a coach, you need to look at what he posts on social networks in the public domain. You can find real reviews, contact people who attended his classes, what he writes, with whom he worked, are there any results. So far, I have only one guarantee that I am not cheating people for money: if someone bought my online course or paid for individual sessions, and he just didn’t like it - I will return the money to him, and we will say goodbye.

How to beat stage fright

I have been exclusively coaching for about three years, but before any performance I still get worried. Fear of the stage and the public is normal. Actor Oleg Menshikov said that he played the same performance thousands of times and every time he was nervous before going on stage. People tend to be afraid of the unknown. You can’t be ready for absolutely everything, a lot of factors can affect the performance - in what mood people came, how many of them, how they will react to your words. But when you are not nervous, most likely you do not care, and this is very bad.

If an athlete begins to lift a barbell weighing 100 kilograms without preparation, then most likely he will damage the muscles. Therefore, before physical exercise, a warm-up is a must. Same thing with public speaking, you need to prepare, tune in to relieve excitement. This is important, first of all, because any fears give rise to bodily blocks - sudden movements, tight postures, trembling in the voice. This is immediately noticeable on stage and the audience does not like it. I advise you to create your own preparatory ritual. It can be physical, breathing or mental exercises, for example, visualization of a performance.


My personal consultation costs 15 thousand rubles, Skype consultation - 10 thousand, one-day training - 100 thousand, two-day - 150 thousand, performance at the event - 50 thousand, online course from 9,900 to 30 thousand.

The work of a business coach is seasonal. For example, January falls in full, and in summer period fewer orders. My partner and I share the profit: I get 60%, and he gets 40%. Costs are deducted from the earned, and the net profit is already divided. My partner has managers, they also take care of me, but I don’t pay them anything out of my own pocket - I don’t even know how much they get. My monthly income ceiling was about half a million rubles, in not very productive months I get 150 thousand. The average is about 300 thousand.


For renting an apartment in the center of Moscow, I pay about 50 thousand. This is not an elite, but an ordinary house, and I managed to find a good deal. I move around the city either by taxi or take a car sharing, and in the summer I generally ride a bike. Another thousand rubles a month I put on the phone. I have breakfast at home, lunch at the office, and dinner usually in a cafe or restaurant. In the store, I buy products for a couple of days: fruits, yogurts, water, something for tea - I spend a thousand and a half. Recently we went to the cinema with a company, then we all had dinner together, and I paid most of the bill, especially since there were girls with us. I do not eat meat, and I often go to the vegetarian cafes "Juice", "Moscow-Delhi" on the Patriarchs. I can spend 40-50 thousand on food.

When you train specific audience, you need to come in a suit, but I don't dress like that in Everyday life. I already have suits and shirts, and I don’t spend money on them now. Recently I spent 30 thousand on clothes, bought sneakers, t-shirts, polo shirts, shorts. These are not the most expensive brands - Massimo Dutti, US Polo Assn, Henderson, Converse. I can spend about a thousand to two thousand on a haircut, sometimes I do a manicure, although many do not understand this. I have expenses for filming and social media promotion. You can spend 50 thousand on a video for YouTube. For Instagram, we shoot a video for 3 thousand, we release one a week. But spending on video and social networks depends on the needs, it can be 10 or 50 thousand.

I do triathlon, for this I now need few things: running shoes, T-shirt, shorts, swimwear. So I spend a little on sports - from a thousand to seven. In August, we are going to Lake Baikal with friends, air tickets cost me around 30 thousand. I will also spend 25 thousand on everything else. Back in September, my friends are flying to Spain, I am going to come to them for a few days. I regularly travel to my native St. Petersburg. And if I go to conduct a training or an event in another city, then they pay for my travel and accommodation. We can say that I want to stay for a couple more days and relax in a new place. I'm saving money, but now I'm not investing anywhere. A month usually comes out about 20-30 thousand. I invest almost all free money in the development of my brand: it is more promising. I also help my parents: I spend about 50 thousand rubles a month to help my family.

According to statistics, Russians spend at least 30% of their budget on food. The conclusion is obvious: the production and sale of food products is one of the most promising businesses. Let's talk about strawberries, for example, in winter this sweet product in supermarkets costs from 600 rubles per 1 kg., while it is grown in a greenhouse and the cost of 1 kg. within 200 rubles. As you can see, the "margin" is pretty decent.

But you won’t eat strawberries every day, it’s still a dessert, and you can earn money from an abundance of sweet diathesis, today we’ll talk about growing tomatoes, they are no less profitable in terms of earnings. Let's look into the details why this business is so profitable?

Why is it profitable to grow tomatoes?
The cost of vegetables and fruits directly depends on the season. If in summer tomatoes cost from 40 rubles per 1 kg, then in winter the price of “red ones” reaches 140 rubles. Another example: in winter, watermelons cost 150-200 rubles per kilogram. Out of season, imported from Africa. At the same time, by autumn, the cost of a striped berry drops to 5 rubles / kg, that is, by 30-50 times! But today we are talking about tomatoes.

And the main nuance in taste. If in winter the price of tomatoes goes up rapidly, while the taste of a tomato drops, we think everyone noticed it. In winter, both tomatoes and cucumbers have a specific taste and smell.

Why does a tomato taste different in winter than in summer?
The problem is that manufacturers are primarily busy increasing volumes and do not care about taste. In winter, tomatoes are literally stuffed with all kinds of nitrates. These chemicals, of course, lose with real fertilizers (vermicompost), which gives the vegetables a pleasant taste. Nitrates are obtained in the process of interaction of nitric acid into salts, oxides, metals and hydroxides, such is the palette. Due to their ability to dissolve in water, these substances (nitrate) are used to fertilize vegetables in garden beds and greenhouses. For this reason, the taste of such tomatoes does not please buyers.

This is of course a minus. But there is a plus - there is a good opportunity for honest producers who can and want to grow delicious vegetables. Agree: having bought a tomato in a store in the winter and having tasted them, the buyer will buy them again in the store, provided that the taste is at its best, and the price is no longer so important.

How to open your own business growing tomatoes in greenhouses?
For starters, you need territory. Great if you live in a rural area in a private house, there will be no problems with the land. If you are a city dweller but you have a garden or a house in the village, you are also lucky. Otherwise, you will have to buy or lease land.

We do not recommend buying land from agencies or private realtors, the best option is to contact the owners of the land. In this case, it will be possible to take a garden at an affordable price. There are options for renting out land for free or for a nominal fee, as long as the tenant cultivates the land. Or as an option for repairing the house or for part of the future harvest. There are many options.

Next comes the construction of greenhouses. In the summer it is possible without greenhouses, but still it is worth making sure. Sometimes even in summer the weather surprises us with surprises. In the middle latitudes of Russia, there is also hail in the summer, it is capable of destroying the entire crop in 30 minutes. If you are a craftsman, then you can make a greenhouse yourself, or order from specialists. The cost of greenhouses made of polycarbonate sheets (we do not recommend polyethylene film) starts at 15 thousand rubles. For this amount, you can purchase a structure measuring 4x2.5x1.6 m (this is the length, width, height). A large greenhouse with parameters of 10x4x2.2 m will cost 90-100 thousand rubles. But in such a greenhouse (40 sq. M.) You can take a big harvest.

For year-round tomato cultivation, it is necessary to install electric heaters, it is desirable to conduct water, install an air conditioner. In a word, to preserve the microclimate.

Fertilizer is also needed. It is from him that the yield and taste of tomatoes are curled. The best option is biohumus. The cost, depending on the region, is 10-30 rubles per kilogram. If you are building a greenhouse in a closed area, you also need good quality soil. On this, we will not go into details on the forums of gardeners, there is a lot of information about the soil, it is different in each region and it is difficult to give general advice.

Technology of growing tomatoes in closed greenhouses.
As soon as the tomato sprouts reach 20 cm in height, they are carefully planted in pots in the greenhouse in this way: recesses are made with a peg to a depth of ten centimeters, and the recesses for the pot with seedlings expand in them. Seedlings in a peat pot are inserted into this created hole and covered with soil. So that the tomatoes are not crowded, the seedlings are planted at a distance of 50 cm from each other.

Also, a trellis up to 2 meters high is placed above the plants for tying the plants; under the weight of the fruits, the plants can break. Please note that after planting seedlings, the first two weeks do not water the tomatoes so that the plants grow.

1.5-2 months after planting the seedlings, the lowest leaves are removed gradually (3 leaves once a week) so that the plant does not have diseases. As soon as the first flowers appear, they are pollinated. No, bees are not needed, this is done easily by gently shaking the plant. After shaking, the plants are watered from above, including flowers, you do not need to pour a lot of water, otherwise you will wash off the pollen.

The first tomatoes will appear 2-2.5 months after planting seedlings. The norm is considered to be a fee from 1 square meter 10-25 kg of tomatoes (this variation depends on the variety of tomatoes and the climate).

How to sell tomatoes.
As soon as the crop is harvested, it's time to think about selling them. There are several options. Lease for sale in supermarkets and shops of the city. This is the easiest but not always the most profitable way. Most stores (especially discounters) buy goods at low wholesale prices, and even ask for payment in installments. And you will be forced to lower the price or look for other ways to sell.

Opening your store. And we are not talking about the store, but about the usual point of sale on the market. This way, you can interest a larger number of potential buyers. Everyone knows that, as a rule, natural vegetables and fruits are sold in grocery markets than in hypermarkets (where everything is beautiful, but does not taste very good).

Sale of tomatoes through the Internet. This is serious! See if there are competitors in your city? This is the same store, only virtual. Delivery to the client's apartment after ordering through your website.

Another unusual way (it has long taken root in the West) is the delivery of tomatoes by subscription. You sign a certain number of applicants (for example, 80 people) who want to receive 1-2 boxes of tomatoes once a month or more often. They pay a fixed subscription price at an affordable price (for the tomato harvest period). And you deliver the paid amount of tomatoes by courier every month. This is convenient for both clients and you. You know for sure that all tomatoes will be sold. And the client will know that there will always be fresh and tasty tomatoes on his table.

In Moscow, this way (by subscription) they sell socks and household chemicals. There is also a company that sells honey by subscription. Why not try the same variation with tomatoes?

The most important thing is to strictly follow the tactics you have chosen, do not give in to emotions and stuff tomatoes with pesticides in pursuit of super-yields. Of course, you can save on fertilizer and switch to nitrates, but it’s not clear who can be cheated in this way. After all, the client, having bought rubber tomatoes for the second time, will not go to buy them at the same point. Think about your customers, and they will thank you in cash. Good luck!

With regular visits to supermarkets, it is easy to notice the constant fluctuations in prices for fruits and vegetables from season to season. However, if in season the products have excellent taste when low prices, then in the off-season, the quality of their taste and smell drops, while the price of products, surprisingly, grows. Why does this paradox, unpleasant for the consumer, occur? The reason is that large producers are usually more concerned with the quantity of products grown for sale, rather than their quality. Therefore, for the cultivation of the same tomatoes (tomatoes), nitrates are often used, and not genuine fertilizer. Which, of course, has the worst effect on the consumer performance of tomatoes.

However, there is a plus in this - conscientious manufacturers who do not want to deal with chemical additives have the opportunity to sell their natural and tasty goods quite successfully - even out of season.

Organization of growing tomatoes in a greenhouse

Let's make a reservation that growing tomatoes is impossible without a land plot. On it, you first need to build a greenhouse. It will come in handy even in summer, because without being protected from strong hail, the crop may die. If you can’t make a greenhouse for tomatoes on your own, you can order a ready-made one - from polycarbonate it will cost 15 (or more - depending on the size) thousand rubles. For year-round cultivation of tomatoes in a greenhouse, stable maintenance of optimal conditions for them is necessary. Those. you can not do without the air conditioning, heating and water supply system inside the greenhouse.

Be sure to purchase exclusively natural, high-quality fertilizer, having calculated the required amount for the area of ​​\u200b\u200byour greenhouse.

Tomato seedlings can be considered ready for planting when the sprouts reach 20 cm in height. Make wide, 10-centimeter deep holes in the soil in which to place seedlings of tomatoes grown in pots. Tomatoes should be planted at a distance of 50 cm from each other.

A two-meter trellis is installed along the beds, to which plants will be tied that need support due to their high growth rate and the severity of the tomato fruits. For the first two weeks, you should not water the tomatoes, so that they do not grow. 1.5 months after planting, the lowest leaves are removed (3 leaves per week) to avoid infections. Expect the first harvest of tomatoes in more than 2 months. 10-20 tomatoes are usually harvested per square meter.

Sales of tomatoes

When you have hundreds of healthy, ripe tomatoes in your hands, get down to implementation. You can sell them to supermarkets and vegetable outlets in the city, however, these establishments will buy your product at small, wholesale prices - keep this in mind. It’s better to sell tomatoes at your own rented point on the market, because people know that it is most likely that goods grown by themselves are sold here. Another option is to sell tomatoes by subscription. Those. you recruit a number of "tomato subscribers" who subscribe to one box of tomatoes, say, in 2 weeks and pay in advance. As a result, you will send 2 boxes to subscribers every month, being sure that your tomatoes are on sale. Well, subscribers will know: from now on, tomatoes will be regularly on their table!

In a previous publication, we told you about profitable and. In this article, we will touch on the topic of growing tomatoes as a business. What are the pros and cons of this way of earning? How to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse and profitably sell products?

Fresh vegetables and fruits are very useful, because they contain a lot of vitamins. People who take care of their health certainly include them in their daily ration. Therefore, it can become quite a profitable way of earning money for rural residents throughout the year.

Tomatoes are in special demand, this vegetable has a lot of advantages, these are taste qualities, low calorie content, high content of useful vitamins.

Benefits of a tomato growing business

  • High price. AT summer time years, tomatoes cost about 40 rubles per kilogram, but in winter the price for this vegetable rises significantly. You will need to pay at least 150 rubles for fresh tomatoes in the supermarket. Thus, we can conclude that selling vegetables in winter is quite a profitable business;
  • High demand. Fresh vegetables are always in demand among the population. Therefore, you will not have problems with the implementation. The main thing is to find a profitable sales channel for finished products;
  • Little competition. If in the summer season there are a lot of tomatoes on the market and buyers choose where it is cheaper, then in winter it is quite difficult to find high-quality vegetables. The problem is that manufacturers are too busy increasing the volume of products supplied, and few think about the taste. Because of this, you can often find tasteless vegetables on the shelves of supermarkets. If you pay due attention to taste characteristics, then the demand for your products will be high even despite the competition.

Before starting a business in this area, you need to draw up a competent business plan for growing tomatoes for sale. It is very important to determine the profitability of the idea, the amount of investment and the payback period of the business.

Business registration

Any type of activity is subject to mandatory registration. So before doing industrial cultivation vegetables, it is worth legalizing your activities.

Choose the appropriate substantive form of activity: sole proprietorship or LLC. If the property has a land plot, then it is easier to register as individual entrepreneur. But when there are plans to open a large vegetable farm, then you should register as entity.

If you are going to additionally engage in the storage of vegetables, then you need to obtain the appropriate permits from the sanitary-epidemiological and fire services.

Land lease

In order to engage in vegetable growing, you need to own or rent land. To do this, choose a suitable place. A great option is the countryside or a square outside the city, closer to nature and clean air. In addition, there should not be similar farms nearby, you do not need competition.

Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse

For growing vegetables all year round you need to equip a greenhouse. You can do this with your own hands or use professionals who will equip the greenhouse in accordance with all norms and standards.

Tomatoes are heat-loving plants, so you should take into account the air temperature suitable for growing them in a greenhouse. High humidity is contraindicated, this will lead to the destruction of all seedlings. In the warm season, when the temperature reaches 20 degrees, the greenhouse does not need to be closed, but in winter, on the contrary, it is required to maintain a high temperature for proper ripening of the tomato crop.


Growing tomatoes as a business is not too expensive. At the initial stage big investments is not required, so anyone can try their hand at this business.

As for the equipment, first of all, you need to build a greenhouse, install water, light and heating. In the greenhouse, a positive temperature should be maintained during the cold season for the full ripening of the tomato crop. In addition, tomatoes need constant watering, so you need to carry out water and provide proper lighting to the room where vegetables will be grown.

In addition, you will need containers for harvesting and storing crops.

That's basically all the equipment that you will need.

Rules for caring for tomatoes

Proper plant care will ensure you a good, generous harvest. Tomatoes should be watered no more than once or twice a week. It is also required to protect the seedlings from pests, for this you need to use a variety of drugs that will cope with this problem. In addition, observe the conditions for growing tomatoes: temperature, air humidity, lightening.


Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse greatly simplifies not only care, but also the method of harvesting. When the tomatoes begin to ripen, people are required to harvest and transport them. This type of vegetable is perishable, so it is necessary to sell products in a short time.

Depending on the area of ​​your farm, hire workers to harvest tomatoes. As a rule, payment is made daily and depends on the number of tomatoes harvested per day. Thus, each employee will receive a well-deserved salary.

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Business expenses and profits

The main expenses are the lease of land and the arrangement of the greenhouse. You can significantly reduce costs if you build a greenhouse with your own hands.

As for profit, everything will depend on a well-established distribution channel. Therefore, even at the initial stage, it is worth thinking about the sale of products.

Fresh vegetables are always in price and are in great demand among the population. In winter, the price of tomatoes is much higher, the competition is lower, and the demand is quite high, so do not lose the opportunity to conclude profitable contracts for the supply of products.

You can sell tomatoes in bulk, supplying them to supermarkets, restaurants, health resorts. You can also open a point in the market selling homemade vegetables.

It can be concluded that growing tomatoes in a greenhouse as a business is a profitable business. The big advantage of this area of ​​activity are small investment and fast payback.

I wish you success and business prosperity.

Business growing tomatoes in a greenhouse - a good idea for those familiar with the basics Agriculture and wants to receive by producing quality products. Tomatoes are in demand all year round, so profits will come in regularly: heated greenhouses allow you to harvest several crops a year.

General characteristics of the business, advantages and disadvantages

Tomatoes are vegetables that are in demand all year round. The price for them increases in the winter-spring period. Tomatoes are sold in retail retail chains, enterprises Catering, supply to retail outlets of vegetable markets.

It is especially convenient to start growing tomatoes if you have your own personal plot: this eliminates such an expense item as renting land.

The benefits of this type of business include:

  • high year-round demand for tomatoes;
  • high profitability;
  • the ability to grow any, even the most demanding varieties of tomatoes in a greenhouse;
  • the ability to harvest several crops of vegetables per year;
  • high yield.

Among the shortcomings of the business for growing tomatoes in a greenhouse, the following should be highlighted:

  • high initial investments of finance;
  • high cost of vegetables in regions with a cold climate;
  • increased competition in the summer from farms that grow vegetables in the open field;
  • high heating costs for the greenhouse;
  • the need for agricultural skills.

It should also be noted that tomatoes grown in greenhouses cannot compete in taste with vegetables grown in the open field. This happens if the entrepreneur uses various fertilizers and means to stimulate the growth of vegetables. That is why in the summer-autumn period, buyers try to purchase tomatoes grown in natural conditions.

Necessary investments, payback, profit and profitability

If an entrepreneur decides to grow tomatoes in greenhouses, he needs to develop. First, it is important to calculate the amount that will be required to organize the process.

To organize a business, the following investments will be required:

  • Land lease. The cost of land is different: the owners offer agricultural land at a price of 2,000 to 10,000 rubles per hectare. If the entrepreneur has his own land plot, then this item can be excluded from the list of expenses.
  • Construction of greenhouses. Their price depends on the material from which they are made. Today, polycarbonate greenhouses are especially popular. The price of one such structure with an area of ​​250 sq. m is about 150,000 rubles. To cut costs, many entrepreneurs build greenhouses with their own hands.
  • Organization of the ventilation system - about 45,000 rubles.
  • Creation of a heating system - about 60,000 rubles.
  • Organization of the irrigation system - about 20,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of raw materials. Its cost depends on the selected variety of tomatoes.

The average profitability of a business for growing tomatoes in greenhouse conditions ranges from 50 to 70%. The indicator depends on the yield of tomatoes that are grown on open ground. In this case, competition can either increase or decrease.

The profit from this type of activity directly depends on the scale of production, as well as the ability to find distribution channels. If you have one medium-sized greenhouse, you can get 100,000 rubles of net profit for the winter season.

An effective way to increase profits is to prepare tomato paste or juices from "substandard". This option works only if you have the necessary equipment and permission to manufacture products.

Greenhouse equipment

The first thing to do to establish activities is to build and equip a greenhouse. To begin with, one structure with an area of ​​\u200b\u200babout 80-100 square meters is enough. m. Subsequently, as profits are made, the scope of activities can be expanded.

The best option for year-round growing vegetables is a greenhouse on a metal frame, covered with cellular polycarbonate. Its minimum height is 2.5 m. A high cinder block foundation must be installed for the greenhouse.

It must have a ventilation system and automatic drip irrigation. As for the heating system, depending on the size of the greenhouse, it can be heated by built-in boilers and pipes laid underground. If we are talking about small farm greenhouses, then heating can be provided using stoves or stoves.

The best varieties of tomatoes for growing in a greenhouse

For growing tomatoes in closed ground The following varieties are best suited:

  • Bourgeois. These tomatoes are the least susceptible to disease. They have big sizes, bright red color and flesh with a slightly sweet aftertaste.
  • Doll. This variety belongs to the group of pink tomatoes. Their skin and structure are quite dense, so that tomatoes are stored longer and easier to transport.
  • Honey drop. Bulk tomatoes, very sweet. The variety is unpretentious in care, but requires mandatory fertilizing in the ground.
  • Samara. This tomato variety was specially bred for indoor cultivation. The fruits are large and sweet. Tomatoes are suitable not only for eating, but also for conservation.
  • Miracle of the Earth. Such tomatoes are especially popular, as they bring a high yield. During the season, up to 4 kilograms of delicious sweet tomatoes can be harvested from one bush. They are large and heavy: one tomato can reach 500 g.
  • Bull heart. The weight of one ripe fruit can reach 700 g. Tomatoes of this variety taste sweet, with a slight sourness. The variety is suitable for making salads and tomato juice. Variety Bull's heart requires special care.

An entrepreneur can choose several varieties at once and grow them in parallel.

Necessary equipment

In greenhouses in which tomatoes for sale will be grown, there must be equipment for the systematic watering of vegetables, containers for harvesting and storing crops. You will also need seedling boxes, spray containers.

Features of growing tomatoes for sale in a greenhouse

The process begins with the preparation of seed. Selected tomato seeds are first treated with Fitosporin solution to prevent diseases in the plant. After that, the seeds are planted in the ground, which must also be pre-prepared.

The soil must be saturated with useful substances. To enrich it, the same amount of sand and peat is added to one part of the earth, mixed, and then a liquid solution is added. The latter is prepared by mixing 25 g of potassium sulfate and superphosphate, as well as 10 g of Carbamide and diluting the resulting liquid with 10 liters of water.

After that, seeds are sown for seedlings. The prepared seeds are sown in boxes 5-8 cm high. Enriched soil is poured into the container, lightly tamped and small furrows of 1.5 cm are made, watered. After that, you can sow the seeds. They are sprinkled with soil and placed in a lighted place. The temperature should be room temperature.

A week after germination, seedlings are transplanted. The need for such an event is associated with the strengthening and growth of the roots, which become cramped in a small box. By the time of transplantation, the seedlings should have at least 2 leaves. Each plant needs to be transplanted into a larger box. When taking out a sprout, you need to make sure that a lump of soil remains on the root. After transplanting, do not forget about regular watering.

Planting seedlings should be as follows:

  • remove the lower leaves from the seedlings if they are stretched out more than others;
  • water the plants abundantly;
  • dig holes of 10-15 cm, put a little humus in each and pour a little weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • take tomato bushes along with an earthen clod and transplant into a hole;
  • compact the soil, sprinkle with soil;
  • within 5-6 days after planting, seedlings should not be disturbed: they must adapt to new conditions.

When planting tomatoes, you should follow the planting scheme:

  • for low-growing or fast-maturing varieties, a staggered two-row order should be chosen, the distance between rows is 40 cm;
  • for tomato varieties that are formed into one stem, you need to choose an inter-row distance of 50 cm, while the step between plants does not exceed 30 cm;
  • for tall plants, a planting scheme is used in two rows in a checkerboard pattern, the row spacing is 80 cm, the distance between plants is 70 cm.

When growing tomatoes for sale, you need to carry out the following procedures for caring for them:

  • Watering. The first watering is carried out approximately 5-7 days after landing in the ground, but it is best to do this on the tenth day. Plants should be watered with water heated to 20 degrees. Watering is done under the root, in the morning, every 4-5 days. Calculation - 5 liters of water per 1 sq. m. When the tomatoes bloom, the amount of liquid should be increased by 2 times. Do not be zealous and water the vegetables more often than necessary: ​​with an abundant intake of liquid, the tomatoes become watery, sour in taste and crack.
  • Top dressing. During the season, 3-4 procedures should be carried out. The first top dressing is carried out 1.5-2 weeks after planting in the ground. Then top dressing is carried out every 10 days, alternating organic fertilizers and minerals.
  • Garter. Tomatoes are tied up for 3-4 days from the moment of disembarkation. Thanks to this, the bushes will not break under their own weight and the load of fruits. The garter can be made using sticks stuck into the ground and fabric strips tied to them.

In order for plants to fully develop, it is important to observe temperature regime. During the day, the temperature should reach + 20-25 degrees (when watering - from + 24-26 degrees), at night - + 16-18 degrees. Humidity should be 60%.

Legal registration of business

Before you start growing tomatoes in a greenhouse for sale, you need to legalize the business.

If a businessman has his own land plot, then it is easier for him to register as. If you plan to open a large vegetable farm, then you need to register as a legal entity.

If you plan to store vegetables, then you should obtain the necessary permits from the sanitary-epidemiological and fire services.

Sales markets, sales of tomatoes

Find ways to market vegetables should be even before the harvest. Large batches of tomatoes can be sold in the following ways:

  • sell wholesale in large supermarkets and shops: this is one of the most simple ways sales, but not too profitable, since you have to sell vegetables at low wholesale prices;
  • opening own point on the vegetable market: in this case, you can sell vegetables at a retail price, which will increase profits;
  • sales of products to processing plants, where juices, pasta, and preservation are prepared from tomatoes.

You can also distribute information about the sale of tomatoes through the Internet. Many people who live in urban areas want to eat fresh tomatoes and cook them for the winter. You can offer a lower price for these vegetables.

A tomato growing business is a way to make a profit year-round. This type of activity has its own advantages and disadvantages. To grow tomatoes, you need to have an understanding of agricultural activities.