Risks in the business of growing greenhouse vegetables. Summary and conclusions


The opportunity to constantly expand your business and receive a stable year-round income from it gives you the opportunity to create a business growing vegetables in a greenhouse. At any time of the year, you can provide the buyer with fresh herbs and ripe products. The business of growing and selling vegetables is quite popular in the country, it does not require large-scale investments, it brings a stable profit, the entrepreneur always has the opportunity to further expand the business related to the sale of vegetables.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of a vegetable seedling business include the following:

  • constant demand for goods, regardless of the time of year;
  • low costs at the start, you can start growing vegetables even with a minimum supply of funds;
  • growing products in a greenhouse, it can be both sold and consumed, due to confidence in the quality of the product;
  • with proper implementation of the product, all initial costs will pay off in just one year.

Vegetable growing also has some pitfalls that you need to consider when starting your own seedling business. It is worth considering that in the cold season the greenhouse needs to be heated, in addition, plants require a constant source of light. All these costs for electricity and heating for seedlings must be calculated in advance. In warm seasons, finding permanent outlets for seedlings and vegetables will be much more difficult than in winter.

Looking for customers, delivering vegetables, keeping accounts - all this needs to be done independently and with maximum thoughtfulness.

What is best to grow in a greenhouse

It is not recommended to independently monitor what is best to grow from vegetable crops in a greenhouse. In this matter, agronomic experience is needed. The best option is to consult with an agronomist technologist about getting the maximum benefit from a particular vegetable, including its variety. If a businessman initially plans to cooperate with large wholesalers, then the best solution would be to grow tomatoes that have a long shelf life.

For retail sales, it is best to deal with herbs, including dill, parsley, various types of lettuce and celery. In addition, it is beneficial to grow strawberries and radishes in a greenhouse. In the spring season, you can make good money on seedlings. Many entrepreneurs advise concluding a contract for the supply of salad with the owners of catering establishments.

Registering your own business

According to Russian legislation, on an area not exceeding 2 hectares, it is possible to grow crops without formalizing a business. This significantly reduces the financial costs at the start, since the entrepreneur is not required to certify his products and collect all the necessary documentation. It is worth considering the fact that without being registered as an individual entrepreneur, it will be impossible to conclude a sales agreement with grocery stores and large wholesale buyers.

The only option without registering a business is selling vegetables to private traders. Therefore, growing them indoors as your own profitable business, it is best to start with tax registration. Only in this case, the entrepreneur will have the opportunity to cooperate with legal entities and receive a large income from sales.

In addition, with the right business organization, there is a chance of receiving a subsidy from the state for your own farm, based on growing vegetables in a greenhouse.

Place to grow

Choosing the right location to grow your vegetables all year round is one of the first steps in setting up a business, and the most important one. For many plant crops, special soil composition and climatic conditions are not important. Moreover, the whole process will be carried out in artificial conditions - in a greenhouse.

The best place to start a business is your own land, for example, a summer cottage. This is the most suitable option for those who want to save money at the start. If this is not possible, then it is recommended to look for profitable offers for leasing land. It is best if this place is located at a distance from the city.

Growing crops in an ecologically clean area can become an advantage over competitors, so there should not be industrial enterprises nearby either. In the future, if the site is really conveniently located and meets all the requirements, you can buy the land from the owner. An area of ​​1 hectare will cost approximately 100,000 rubles.

Greenhouse arrangement

Experienced entrepreneurs advise before planting seeds in a greenhouse to carry out engineering soil preparation, to purchase standard sections of industrial-type structures. The most common coating for it is polycarbonate, you can also purchase a glass version. The cost of the prefabricated structure will be about 90,000 rubles. with parameters 6 by 4 and 3 meters. Greenhouse sections should be installed in rows, from east to west.

Conditions for good growth

The greenhouse must have heating. The most rational system is considered to be air, which implies the supply of heated air from a heat generator through openings in the air ducts. In addition, it is important to observe the temperature regime in the greenhouse when growing them. For a crop such as cucumbers, the ideal temperature is 25 degrees above zero. In this case, the vegetable will grow 3-4 days after planting. At lower temperatures, growth slows down significantly. It is imperative to equip the greenhouse with control and measuring equipment that gives a signal about a decrease in the temperature regime in the room.

Some entrepreneurs install special stoves for greenhouses of a simple design. Features - continuous operation for 20 hours and lack of sensitivity to the type of fuel. It is best to use sawdust or peat chips. The design of the furnace should include: an ash box, a chimney, a door and a gas lock.

Their cultivation provides for the presence of lighting systems, a drip irrigation system, a separate room for storing garden tools.

Realization of vegetables

Growing vegetables is a responsible business that requires the search for regular customers at any time of the year. There are several ways to sell products:

  • wholesale deliveries of vegetables to large hypermarkets and supermarkets;
  • sale of goods to private customers;
  • deliveries to the vegetable markets of the settlement.

In order to gain a permanent client base, you can distribute information through acquaintances, advertise online, or order a well-thought-out advertising campaign from professionals. It all depends on the purposefulness of the businessman and his financial capabilities.

The financial side of the business

Vegetable growing is considered to be quite a profitable business with the right organization. Initially, the entrepreneur will need about 600,000 rubles. This money will be enough for the purchase of plants, the construction and complete arrangement of the greenhouse, as well as for the payment of wages to employees, if hiring personnel is included in the business plan.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that a certain amount is required for monthly expenses, including the purchase of fertilizers, necessary equipment, as well as payment for electricity and heating. In general, about 30,000–40,000 rubles will come out.

Growing vegetables brings in a lot of income, depending on the way the products are sold and the business is developed. The average monthly profit is 100,000–200,000 rubles. A business on these products, organized on a personal plot and with minimal investment, will pay off in less than a year. Large greenhouse farms will bring stable profits and return impressive start-up investments to the businessman in 3 years.

  • Marketing plan
  • Recruitment
  • Financial plan
        • Similar business ideas:

A brief business plan for growing vegetables indoors (greenhouse) with an area of ​​1000 square meters.

Marketing plan

The supply of high-quality fresh vegetables in our country is much lower than the demand for them. In Russia, only 25% of the total consumption of vegetables is produced under greenhouse conditions, and even less in the winter months - only 15%. The same vegetables that are imported from abroad cannot retain their freshness without additives, due to which the vegetable becomes hard and stored for a long time. This primarily applies to tomatoes, which as a result are delivered to the counter of our stores almost tasteless. This suggests that the sale of products grown in the greenhouse in our country will be found by 100%. Local products will have at least four advantages: freshness, taste (no additives), price (lower transport costs) and speed of delivery. The planned production volume should be about 200 kg of vegetables per square meter per year. This is the average yield shown by greenhouse farms in Russia, without the use of artificial lighting. Main crops: cucumbers, tomatoes and lettuce. Sales of vegetables are planned to be carried out at public catering points, food markets, local grocery chains and processing industries.

How much money do you need to start growing vegetables indoors (greenhouse)

For the construction of a greenhouse, the property already has a land plot with an area of ​​​​3000 square meters. meters. Therefore, the cost of starting a business will be somewhat lower. To start a greenhouse for growing vegetables, you will need:

  • Purchase a turnkey greenhouse (1000 sq. m.) + installation + delivery - 3,000,000 rubles. (frame from a profile pipe, coating - from a film).
  • Purchase the necessary equipment and inventory (racks, gas boilers for heating, etc.) - 500,000 rubles.
  • Purchase fertilizers and planting material - 200,000 rubles.
  • Bring communications (electricity, water supply) - 100,000 rubles.
  • Register a business (peat farm, tax regime - ESHN) and create a reserve capital - 300,000 rubles.

Total total costs for the opening of the project will be: 4,100,000 rubles.


It is planned to attract 4 hired workers to service the greenhouse. Their responsibilities will include planting and caring for the crop, harvesting, packaging products, and maintaining the greenhouse area in good condition. Wages will be piece-bonus and will average 25 thousand rubles per month (per person).

Financial plan

Fixed monthly expenses:

  • Salary + insurance contributions - 160 thousand rubles
  • Utilities (electricity, water) - 100 thousand rubles.
  • Planting material, packaging - 100 thousand rubles.
  • Plant protection products - 10 thousand rubles.
  • Depreciation - 10 thousand rubles.
  • Other organizational expenses - 70 thousand rubles.

Total - 450 thousand rubles.

How much can you earn growing vegetables indoors (greenhouse)

Profit from the sale of vegetables depends on the season of sale. Traditionally, the maximum price for vegetables is observed in the spring-winter period. Tomatoes and cucumbers in this period of time can be sold at a price of 80 to 120 rubles per kilogram.

From a 1000 sq. m. monthly you can get about 16,000 kg of fresh vegetables. Even if we take the minimum price of 60 rubles per kg, then, provided that all products are sold 100%, the monthly revenue of the farm will be 1.2 million rubles. Net income in this case will be: 960,000 - 450,000 (fixed costs) = 510,000 rubles. Naturally, we will be able to receive such income only within 5-6 months. The rest of the time (summer-autumn) prices for vegetables are 2-3 times lower. Nevertheless, the project pays off, with proper organization, in just 8-12 months.

Farming is a very useful and profitable field of activity. In this area, many pay attention to the business project for growing vegetables. The degree of profitability of such a business is determined by various approaches to its organization.

The modern world offers many options, however, not all entrepreneurs imagine how to implement everything. By resorting to the help of specialists, you can significantly reduce the risks of a future project, take into account all the shortcomings and develop the strengths of your business. Profit will depend on many components. But it is important to understand that the time and effort spent will not be in vain.

Business plan for growing vegetables in a greenhouse

The creators of such a business can be land owners, amateur gardeners, experienced agronomists. The main thing is the knowledge in the field of growing vegetables or berries.

There are 2 ways of doing agricultural business:

  • Conditions of private lands;
  • Growing vegetable crops in large volumes on an industrial scale.

The collection of ripe fruits begins with the onset of summer and until the end of autumn, but the modern equipment of greenhouses with technological designs allows you to get a full harvest all year round.

You can grow fresh herbs, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, eggplant, potatoes, sweet peppers, melons. It should be noted that organizing a business for growing strawberries in artificial conditions is a rather promising enterprise.

The profitability of the greenhouse business is a major issue. It should be realized that the income from the greenhouse is determined by the choice of grown plants, the demand for fruits, experience, skill of the worker himself. However, if there is no experience in caring for greens, berries, vegetables, you can plant flowers, coniferous trees, and other types of plants.

You can start a gardening business with small volumes. This will allow us to give a real assessment of our capabilities, as well as to determine consumer demand for certain types of vegetables and berries.

Is the greenhouse business profitable?

To determine the size of future vegetable production, one should decide on their type. The direction of the business project itself will depend on this.

If the "warm garden" will produce a small amount of fruit, then the idea can be carried out on your own garden plot. If the scale is much wider, then the best solution would be to rent a land plot. The soil must be given special attention, since the quality of the soil itself determines the quality of the grown product. The soil requires proper annual fertilization, then it will remain fertile for a long time. If the quality indicators of the soil are far from ideal, you can start it immediately after the construction of the greenhouse structure.

We draw up a business plan for vegetables ourselves

Any type of commercial activity implies the existence of a business plan. It will allow to take into account all aspects even before implementation, which will avoid waste of funds along with possible errors.

Main aspects:

1. Seasonality of use. Determining this point will allow you to choose the right materials for organizing a greenhouse economy, its dimensions, design, and technical equipment. A well-known fact remains that the profit from growing berries, herbs and vegetables increases sharply in winter, reaching 200%.

2. Watering, heating systems. The final expenditure figures depend on the definition of their type.

3. Workers. When running a small farm, cultivating the land on your own is not difficult. Large greenhouses require approximately 1 person per staff for 2-3 sections. Wages are usually set based on output.

4. Quality, volume of production is proportional to the cost of seedlings and seed material.

5. Type of lighting. The equipment is a fluorescent lamp with economical power consumption.

6. Fertilizers, treatments for pests and diseases.

Everyone wants to save on employees, electricity, equipment, if they rely on their own strength. It just isn't for everyone.

Plan your expenses. Calculate how much investment you will need. You can compare several options. For example, heating with gas, electricity or household waste. Watering can be drip, manual sprinkling or special nozzles. Lighting, of course, is mandatory in winter and during the demi-season, here you will have to adhere to general recommendations.

To determine the average income in the future, it is enough to take into account the average cost of the fruit market, the cost of its growth. Here it is important to establish a line of permanent sales.

Drawing up a high-quality business project in order to organize a greenhouse business can be entrusted to a specialist. However, an independent study of all the nuances of the event will bring results, because every entrepreneur is interested in saving money and prospects for the development of his business.

Making a greenhouse: materials, types

The greenhouse is a frame with various coatings: film, polycarbonate, glass. The main materials for the manufacture of the frame are wood, metal. A greenhouse can bring year-round profit if more durable materials are used instead of a film. These include frames made of metal with a polycarbonate coating. But it is best to use glass that can withstand wind loads, snow pressure in winter and retain heat even in severe frost. The cost of a greenhouse made of glass and metal is much higher, and many aspiring entrepreneurs simply cannot afford it.

Greenhouses made of wood and film

Wooden structures have been known to gardeners since before our era, and many still use them to this day. The undoubted advantages of such a greenhouse are high strength along with reliability, low price, availability of film, ease of construction, ease of use, but fragility is considered a significant disadvantage, the possibility of use only in the summer.

If the wooden surface is not treated, then it quickly succumbs to the negative effects of temperature, water, and dryness. A film material is stretched over a wooden frame, which allows the air to heat up from solar radiation and retain heat. The film is produced in different thicknesses and even with UV protection.

With frosts of about 10 degrees, this design will not work. But already with the established spring warmth or early autumn, when night frosts do not exceed 5-6 degrees, you can safely start work (though you will need a double film coating with an air gap).

Polycarbonate greenhouses

Polycarbonate has high technical characteristics that can provide a quality crop. It is known that direct sunlight, falling on the unprotected surface of the plant, can cause irreparable harm to it. The structural feature of this material is honeycombs that evenly scatter direct sunlight. At the same time, its strength is so high that it can withstand a weight of about 100 kg / 1 m².

Polycarbonate greenhouses are successfully used in winter, when heavy snowfalls are observed, they keep the air warm well, which is the main condition for the proper growth of vegetable and berry species. Other advantages of polycarbonate structures include fire resistance, resistance to sudden changes in temperature conditions.

If you choose the desired shade, then it becomes possible to regulate the amount of sunlight entering the greenhouse. This is suitable for some plants that grow only in low light. The market offers a wide range of polycarbonate with different shades. Availability is justified by unusually high demand. But here it is important to take care of a solid frame so that in winter it does not bend under the pressure of snow.

Metal greenhouse structures

The metal itself is durable, its service life is quite high. With proper installation of the frame, compliance with the rules of use, the service life of the greenhouse will increase significantly. In addition, the metal is able to withstand heavy loads, and the structure of the metal frame with polycarbonate sheets will generally last more than 10 years.

Technical equipment and communications

To obtain a high-quality harvest, the agricultural technology of the selected crop should be carried out. The intensity and time of lighting, the amount and abundance of irrigation, the type of fertilizers and fungicides, and pest control will depend on this.

Technical convenience is very important when caring for plants. Modern facilities allow you to use scientific achievements, avoiding manual labor, which is suitable for large agricultural enterprises. Greenhouse business is impossible without special devices and systems. Their installation is considered the main component in the total amount of all costs.

These include:

  • heating system;
  • irrigation equipment;
  • lighting, lamps.

Basic moments:

Electrical wiring should be connected in compliance with safety measures. After all, it is a competent approach to complex matters that will ensure a regular supply of electricity all year round. The site must have the necessary facilities to install the equipment. Make sure that the rented area is connected to the power supply line.

The greenhouse heating system can be different:

  • gas;
  • electric;
  • solid fuel (manufacturing is carried out independently or has a factory origin).

Small greenhouses can be equipped with an electric heating system. Medium-sized greenhouses are best heated with gas. Before building greenhouse equipment, it is better to immediately find out about the possibility of gas and electric supply.

Boilers heated with solid fuels were especially popular. Such heating began to be used a long time ago, then it was replaced by gas, electrical systems. Boilers require small investments, and are used when financial resources are limited. Profitability, all-weather availability of solid fuel are the main advantages. It is really possible to design such a heating system in a handicraft way. Many summer residents who know the basics of construction will be able to install it on their own and heat the greenhouse with firewood or ordinary garbage.

Summing up

There is no exact structured recommendation in the organization of greenhouse production of horticultural crops. It is possible to make only approximate forecasts of the development of the project. It is important to take into account the opinion of professionals, the experience of other gardeners, summer residents, amateur gardeners. A properly organized event, a rational approach, the desire to be realized, the development of skills and experience can give success to your business.

The current economic situation is forcing more and more people to become entrepreneurs. Trying to find a suitable niche, they try different options. The Internet is replete with ideas and business plans. But for people living in rural areas or the private sector of a small city, most projects for megacities are not suitable. It is worth switching to the available options. When choosing a vegetable growing business, you should minimize the seasonality factor in order to get stable income.

Advantages and disadvantages of growing vegetables in a greenhouse

Using greenhouses, you can completely turn the seasonality of your business. The main advantage of greenhouses is the ability to supply fresh vegetables to the market in cold weather. By choosing adherents of proper nutrition as the target audience, high profit margins are achieved. In summer it is not difficult to find cucumbers or tomatoes, and in winter prices rise significantly, but consumers are ready to purchase products.

Growing any plants in a greenhouse all year round is not expensive. The main costs are for renting land. The construction of the building does not require special knowledge and expensive materials. Due to this, the project will quickly pay off and begin to bring good profits. As a rule, the first income comes a year after the opening of the business. Farmers also use the products themselves, guaranteeing the quality and safety of food.

As for the possible disadvantages, a lot of expenses go to the constant payment of electricity bills. Greenhouses should be well lit almost all day long. In the summer months, you will have to work hard to find a free market with a good price. Often, buyers cannot pick up vegetables and fruits on their own, so they often have to take delivery on themselves.

The financial component of the greenhouse business

It is worth understanding how much you need to invest and how quickly it will pay off before starting any work. Keep in mind that the ratio of income and expenses is highly dependent on the area that the greenhouse occupies. As an example, consider the option of 300 m 2.

Initially, the question arises of the need to rent or purchase a territory for a greenhouse. The cheapest option is to look for a place outside the city, because it is cheaper there, and delivery costs must be taken into account. It is important to find the "golden mean" in terms of distance from the city. Further spending on building materials and construction. Initial purchase of soil and seedlings. This includes legal costs as well. On average, this comes out to 500,000 rubles.

When the building is ready, you can hire employees who will guard the premises and take care of the vegetables. The salary fund varies depending on the qualifications of the workers. For a construction of 300 m 2, 3 people are enough, about 70 thousand rubles per month. Related expenses require about 40,000 rubles. And income is obtained starting from 400,000 rubles. per month. Depending on the season, the figure may increase or decrease.

How to choose what to grow in a greenhouse

Having gone through the first steps, a reasonable question arises as to which plants bring more profit. It is also important to understand what is easier to start with and what requires the least maintenance. It is important to consider the shelf life of the product.

The opportunity to choose forces you to consider in detail all the options, as well as third-party factors, in order to run your business as efficiently as possible. We study the level of competition in the market you are going to enter. It is important to understand what entrepreneurs are offering now. Not only competitors who own greenhouses are taken into account, but also the number of plants that are offered from ordinary fields.

You can not discount the wishes of customers. At the beginning of work, crops are selected that attract consumers all year round. The fundamental law of entrepreneurship says: "Demand creates supply." Therefore, at the start, it is better to dwell on popular plants.

Evaluate your options wisely. Investing in a year-round greenhouse vegetable growing business is essential to the choice of end product. You can build a small greenhouse for unpretentious greenery. At the same time, flowers will require a much larger area, better conditions and careful care.

It is important to take into account the climatic features of the area. In cold areas, greenhouses are more expensive, because the costs of maintaining a suitable temperature increase. In the southern regions, it is easier to deal with business.

Analysis of possible options

The most suitable candidates are:

In the flower business, hybrid roses are popular. These flowers are constantly in price, while requiring minimal care. They need good soil, adequate watering and fertilizer. With good care, one bush gives about 250 units of goods. Also, indoor flowers and chrysanthemums are often grown in greenhouses.

If we consider working with greenery, then the cultures here are diverse and unpretentious. At the same time, greens in peat pots are excellently sold. They are sold with soil, so you can store products longer. The advantage of this option is a high margin and a stable interest of the end user, regardless of seasonality.

Growing vegetables in a greenhouse all year round as a business is more complex from a technological point of view, and income also varies depending on the season. The cheapest way is to grow vegetables in a greenhouse all year round using hydroponics. In this case, the final product has a specific watery taste. For this reason, most businessmen refuse such technology in favor of improving the quality of goods.

Most farmers choose cucumbers. They can be easily grown from seedlings, which will reduce the ripening time. For them, a high percentage of humidity is important, it should be above 80%. Cucumbers are not whimsical to the ground. Therefore, they can be placed, both by the classical method directly in the soil, and in mats on special racks. The second option is preferable, as this saves space, which means that the usable area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room increases.

Tomatoes can also be grown in soil and in hydroponic setups. The second option brings more profit, but the color, taste and aroma of vegetables suffer. For this reason, soil cultivation in a greenhouse is most often chosen as a business. This option is more expensive, while the product is easier to sell and it is valued higher. It is important to choose the right varieties of tomatoes. It is necessary to pay attention that the seedlings were intended specifically for greenhouses. At the same time, large yields are obtained from varieties that were bred in Russia, Holland or Poland.

Another vegetable suitable for greenhouses is cabbage. Like cucumbers, it requires high indoor humidity to produce good yields. The advantage of cabbage is that it can bear fruit several times a year, when grown in closed soil. You can choose almost any variety of cabbage: Beijing, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts or ordinary white cabbage.

To speed up the cultivation of vegetables in a greenhouse as a business, it is recommended to grow seedlings in advance using the cassette method. Early hybrid varieties that do not require pollination are best suited. In addition to sufficient humidity, you need to pay attention to the temperature in the room. It should not be higher than +20 degrees Celsius. Thus, the release of flower stalks slows down.

Sweet peppers are a good choice. It does not require special pollination, it sings quickly. It is important to focus on special greenhouse varieties. When growing them, it is necessary to constantly add minerals and fertilizers to the soil, as well as monitor the high level of humidity.

If desired and there is a request from the market, other vegetables can be grown. The most profitable can be:


  • Hot peppers.

The most difficult thing is to grow and implement a business in a greenhouse, growing berries. They are more demanding than other plants, are more difficult to transport and store less. At the same time, such farms are often found, due to high demand throughout the year. Special greenhouse varieties are purchased. They are characterized by a pronounced taste, beautiful shape and less juiciness, which simplifies the process of transportation.

Growing plants on ordinary soil, gardeners acquire ready-made seedlings. At the same time, a more profitable option for growing vegetables in a greenhouse all year round is to prepare seedlings with your own hands. It is convenient that you can start in another room. It is also possible to produce seedlings in the main room, but then you need to install a section with it as close to the light as possible. Seeds can be sown once every two weeks, thus obtaining seedlings of different ages and a continuous supply of vegetables for the customer.

When it comes to soil selection, many crops require a combination of pitch, peat and garden soil. The finished mixture must be disinfected. The best option is to use copper sulfate. Then fertilizer minerals are added to the soil and loosening occurs. Watering seedlings is done as the earth dries. Indeed, due to lack of water, the yield will decrease significantly. Another important factor is the temperature regime.

There are three ways to grow vegetables. Hydroponic systems are almost never used due to the low demand for such products. The soil method is used for most vegetables. Shelving option is good for small plants. Once every 1.5-2 weeks, it is important to till the soil and clean the weeds.

Caring for some vegetables

To increase profits and yields, it is necessary to understand that one crop is grown in a greenhouse. This is due to different needs for watering and the state of the environment. Therefore, each greenhouse has a specific purpose or is divided into sectors at the construction stage.

To get a big harvest, you need to take care of the right conditions. If you want cucumbers to bear a lot of fruit, then you need them to trudge up. For this, racks are built and threads are pulled. They act as guides.

Tomatoes and peppers need a more rigid support. After all, their fruits are heavier and there is a danger of damage to the plant itself under their weight. Please note that sweet and bitter peppers must be separated into separate compartments. If you grow them in the same garden, then sweet peppers can get bitter. Cabbage does not require additional adaptations and gets along well with other crops. It also bears fruit all year round.

Construction of a greenhouse for business

When all the nuances of choosing and growing different crops have become clear, the question arises of how to build a greenhouse. In order for the greenhouse to function throughout the year, it is necessary to choose a capital type of construction. The frame is chosen either from wood or from galvanized metal. A winter greenhouse is always built on a foundation. The thickness is determined by the climatic conditions of the area.

The cheapest and fastest construction option is polyethylene coating. At the same time, the film is not durable and poorly passes the sun's rays. As a rule, its replacement is necessary every season. Due to this, the payback is significantly reduced. This type of building can be chosen for crops that prefer a humid environment:

  • Tomatoes;

In such greenhouses, greens, flowers and strawberries give a poor harvest.

An expensive, but more reliable option is glazed greenhouses. It should be borne in mind that ordinary glass for a greenhouse is not suitable. It is necessary to purchase specially industrial glass. It tolerates temperature fluctuations and bad weather conditions well. In addition to the cost, glass has another disadvantage: an increase in the amount of ultraviolet light. On summer days it will be necessary to provide shade to prevent overburning.

The most suitable choice would be an acrylic or polycarbonate greenhouse to use all year round as a business. Such materials have high strength, while it can be easily bent into the desired shape and cut. Polycarbonate has an excellent light transmission coefficient and performs well even in the northern regions.

For large businesses, you can choose a shed design. It will allow you to evenly distribute the light, and the snow will roll off the roof faster. Engineers recommend making the north side out of wood or cinder block. An opaque surface will imitate a solar battery, due to which there will be savings on heating. It is important that good air ventilation, climate control and irrigation devices are installed in the greenhouse.

To avoid disturbing the microclimate, it is necessary to equip a double door or vestibule. Due to this, there is no heat loss. To increase heating savings, the best option is to use a combination of different types of fuel. use:

  • Electric boilers;

    Infrared cables.

For industrial purposes, larger sizes are used, most often the area is in the range from 500 to 1000 m 2. To ensure the reliability of the structure, load-bearing columns are located in it. For beginner farmers, you can choose more modest sizes. To work with vegetables and flowers, you can stay on an area of ​​​​up to 200 m 2, and there is enough space for greenery in a greenhouse measuring 100 m 2.

Search for consumers for products from the greenhouse

It is necessary to look for a sales market even at the construction stage. This will avoid downtime and ensure a stable income from plants throughout the year. Due to the short shelf life for most vegetables, it is better to look for several options at once. As a rule, farmers refuse to sell all goods to the final consumer.

Most often, the goods are sent to wholesale depots. Due to cooperation with wholesale centers, there is a significant reduction in the time when ripe vegetables are stored in the warehouses of the greenhouse. In this case, the price is reduced and you need to take care of the delivery.

Another option is to work with resellers. The advantage is that such entrepreneurs have personal transport and you are relieved of the need to deliver products. You can also work with processing companies. Since they are regularly engaged in the production of canned products, they are constantly in need of fresh raw materials. This makes it possible to supply them with large quantities at good prices.

The most difficult, but also the most profitable option is to sell to retail stores. In this case, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort communicating with the owners of outlets and following all the recommendations of retail chains for object certification. As in the case of wholesale depots, delivery is carried out by the farmer, so a forwarder and company transport will be required here.

Thus, greenhouses for growing vegetables all year round bring a good income. Although this business requires investments at the start, it quickly pays off. With the right approach, you can reach big profits without repeated investments.

Within the framework of the current economic situation, it is more profitable to start your own business than to depend on external circumstances. It will not be difficult to draw up a business plan for a greenhouse for growing vegetables if you decide in advance on the parameters of the greenhouse, products for cultivation, the sales market and the amount of cash investments.

This document makes it possible to take a loan or obtain from the state a gratuitous investment of money in your business. Having a detailed plan saves time and increases productivity. Business planning will protect against mistakes that can be made when organizing a business.

Video - Greenhouse business plan

For a competent drawing up of a plan, you need to know its structure, familiarize yourself with the features of growing vegetables in a greenhouse. Only then can you count on profit. The choice of products is carried out taking into account the following criteria:

Important! Decide how you will do business - all year round or only in season, buy ready-made seedlings or grow it yourself. But the key point will still be the amount of money you want to invest in your business.

Goals are clearly defined before the project is drawn up. When planning a greenhouse business, they may sound like this:

The business plan must contain information about the owner, the direction of activity and the location of the object.

Advantages and disadvantages of greenhouse management

Before planning a business, it is advisable to weigh the pros and cons of growing vegetables for sale. This will help to draw a conclusion about its profitability.

Table 1. Pros and cons of the greenhouse business.

Ability to harvest 2-3 cropsTough competition
Quick income and paybackSales are seasonal
Continuous DemandShort shelf life
Wholesale and retail tradeFor growing vegetables all year round you will need additional equipment
Uncomplicated OrganizationTo sell products to stores, you need a special permit
There is an option to do business at homeLow prices for vegetables in the summer

If you focus on vegetarians and adherents of a healthy diet, the demand for products is guaranteed at any time of the year. In winter, the interest in vegetables among this audience remains unchanged, and their prices increase significantly.

What products to choose?

You can grow different vegetables - exotic or traditional for your region. The most popular options among local cultures include:

  • beets, carrots, potatoes;
  • cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers;
  • cabbage.

You can read more about growing tomatoes in a greenhouse here.

Cabbage is the most unpretentious vegetable

These vegetables do not need special storage and cultivation conditions. Caring for them does not cause much trouble.

Important! The degree of exotic vegetables directly affects their cost. If the culture is not typical for the area, care will have to be taken to create the proper conditions for it. This will require additional costs, and due to low demand, there may be a problem of loss of presentation.

When choosing products, do not ignore customer requests. In the early stages of work, it is better to focus on vegetables that are in demand among consumers throughout the year.

The financial side of the issue

A financial plan is a forecast of current investments. Without them, the vegetable growing business is doomed to fail. You will need the ability to calculate the expected and actual profit. All expenses are divided into three categories - one-time, variable and permanent.

Investment accounting is a mandatory component of a business plan

This will take 2-3 months. The total amount of one-time investments will be 15-18 million rubles. If you have your own land plot, you will need 4-5 million rubles to open a business.

Important! Decide how many greenhouses you plan to build. If you sell products in small batches, it is enough to register as the owner of a personal subsidiary plot. If you are not a self-employed person, you do not need to pay taxes.

Table 2. Monthly expenses.

The total amount is 350 thousand rubles.

Variable costs include investments of different sizes. They are periodic. This may be the repair of greenhouses and equipment, the purchase of fuel for the delivery of vegetables. Based on the data provided, it is recommended to calculate the amount of monthly costs and for the year as a whole.

One of the costs is the repair of greenhouses

Competition analysis

Accounting for its level is necessary in order to comprehensively approach the preparation of a business plan. In general, competition in the field of greenhouses is low. To analyze it, you need to collect data on everyone involved in growing vegetables for sale in your area.

How to analyze competitors' business

The activities of entrepreneurs are considered according to the following criteria:

After the analysis, you can conclude how profitable your greenhouse business will be. After all, taking into account competition, no one guarantees that cooperation with large wholesale customers will last for a long time, and the vegetables chosen for cultivation will be in demand.

How to face the competition

After analyzing the competitive environment, it's time to start developing your advantages. These could be the following measures:

  • reduction in product prices;
  • quality assurance;
  • issuance of a catalog indicating favorable conditions and assortment;
  • compiling a list of potential customers with the subsequent distribution of your commercial offers to them;
  • loyal system of discounts.

Competition is a continuous process, so it will not be superfluous to involve a specialist. His duty will be to search for customers, analyze the activities of competitors, promotional activities.

Attracting a marketer is a guarantee of your success

What profit can be made from growing vegetables

The income level is affected by the seasonality factor. Most often, prices for agricultural products reach their maximum in spring and winter. If grown tomatoes or cucumbers are sold during this period, their cost will be in the range of 80-120 rubles. for 1 kg.

If you focus on a greenhouse with an area of ​​​​1000 sq.m. with a harvest of 16 tons per month and a price of 80 rubles. for 1 kg to hope for 100% of its implementation, the monthly income will be 1.28 million rubles.

To calculate net profit, you need to subtract fixed investments from this amount - 350 thousand rubles. It will turn out 930 thousand rubles. Income in this amount can only be had for six months. In the warm season of the year, the cost of production decreases several times. But even taking this into account, the project will pay for itself in 9-12 months, if everything is organized correctly.

risk probability

In the process of growing products in closed ground, you can be at risk. When doing business, certain circumstances may arise that entail financial damage:

Important! If there is a possibility of risk, do not be afraid of this and stop trying to organize your business. Trial and error is also a valuable experience on the way to success.

Video - Greenhouse business of the Hertz family

Given the risks and likely changes, the business plan will be more in line with reality.


The business plan should contain detailed information about the staff. This applies to positions, the number of employees, their duties, salary. In the future, the plan indicates the adopted work schedule, expected vacation dates.

To serve a medium-sized greenhouse, 3-4 employees are enough. Their list of responsibilities will include:

Staff salaries can be piece-bonus or fixed. In the first case, it will be approximately 25 thousand rubles. for one person. Examples of fixed wages are presented in the table.

Table 3. Examples of fixed wages for employees.

If the entrepreneur himself copes with the duties of a manager and a technologist, he will not have to spend extra money on wages and time to find people for these positions.

Features of consumer search

Establishing sales channels begins with the construction of greenhouses or long before that. So you can avoid downtime, guarantee a stable profit throughout the year. Vegetables have a short shelf life, so it is recommended to find 2-3 options at the same time.

Wholesale bases

The less ripe vegetables are stored in greenhouse warehouses, the more chances they have for sale. Otherwise, the price falls, you have to take care of the delivery of products to the points of sale. Selling goods to a wholesale base is the most profitable way to achieve 100% sales of vegetables.


Their priority is to have their own transport. You do not have to spend time and money on the delivery of goods. The only negative is that some of them significantly underestimate the price. Therefore, it is better to deal with several resellers so that there is a choice.

Processing enterprises

The regular focus on canned products requires a continuous supply of new raw materials. The benefit of cooperation with processing enterprises is that they can be supplied with large quantities at decent prices.

Retail Stores

This option is more difficult, but it is worth the effort to establish contacts with the owners and their representatives. Here you will have to take into account their recommendations. Delivery is carried out at the expense of the farmer.

Cafes and restaurants

This is where the ability to build trusting relationships with people comes into play. But your advantage is that restaurants can be supplied with exotic products, the cost of which is higher than traditional crops.