Entertainment scenario for victory day for older preschoolers. The scenario of the holiday Victory Day in kindergarten on May 9 in kindergarten

Victory Day

Senior group

Eternal flame, fireworks, flowers on the central wall

To the marching music “Farewell of the Slav”, children enter the hall, march and rebuild from column to circle, facing the audience

Children: Bright day in the morning, wonderful,

It bloomed all over with flowers,

I hear the sound of songs

The holiday has come to my city!

Today is a holiday - Victory Day!

Happy holiday - spring day,

All the streets are dressed in flowers,

And ringing songs are heard.

I know from dad, I know from grandfather -

On the ninth of May Victory came to us,

All the people were waiting for that day,

That day was the happiest!

Let the Victory salute thunder

This light warms the world.

Our great-grandfathers and grandfathers...

Everything: We wish you all many more years!

Song Great Grandfather

  1. I recently live in the world
    And I know the story from books,
    But about the big war
    I hear live stories.

    There is one person in the world
    He always tells me the truth.
    And a trace remains in the soul, -
    My great-grandfather stays with me!

    From the Volga to Berlin itself.

    He protected his wife and son


    And so that I could be born into the world!

    2. He went to war so early,
    He was like me during the war years,
    Had a chance to be in captivity
    And go through fire and water.

    He became the defender of the Motherland,

    And won the victory
    And with a victory went home!


sit down

Leading: Summer night, dawn

When the children were sleeping peacefully

Hitler ordered the troops

And sent German soldiers

Against the Russians, against us!

Children: "Get up, people!" - Hearing the call of the Earth,

Soldiers-heroes went to the front,

Courageously and boldly they rushed into battle,

Fought for the Motherland, for you and me!

Wanted to take revenge on the enemy as soon as possible

For the elderly, for women, for children!

Leading: During the war, the whole country stood up to defend their homeland! And young girls aspired to the front - many were nurses, scouts, even pilots. And the artists and musicians helped the fighters to maintain morale.

Boy: Not to the face of a fighter kruchina,

Don't let the place burn

Even if there is a reason - never lose heart,

Play with spoons!

Spoon Orchestra, under. r.s.m. "In the forge"

Girls: My great-grandmother didn't fight

She brought Victory closer in the rear,

Factories worked in our rear,

For the front, tanks, planes were made there ...

Shells were made and bullets were cast,

Clothes, boots were made,

Bombs for airplanes, guns for soldiers,

And guns, and, of course, provisions.

Today we have a break

Tomorrow we fight again

My fighting friend

Waltz dance with me!

Dance of girls with scarves "Blue handkerchief"

Leading: Our soldiers were distinguished not only by their daring, cheerful character, but also by their immense courage, heroism and ingenuity. What were their grandchildren like? The same dexterous and savvy?

Games "Carry the ammo", "Drag the rope", "Line up"

And how brave and fearless the nurses were, carrying the wounded right from the battlefield, when explosions rumbled and bullets whistled overhead. They were bold and courageous.

Game "Help the Wounded"

Children: Soldiers! Thank you

For childhood, for spring, for life,

For silence, for a peaceful home,

For the world we live in!

And though many years have passed

But we will never forget

Those hard-to-give victories

Heroes will always be remembered!

Leading: We honor the memory of the heroes who died for the Motherland with a moment of silence.

A minute of silence, then a slide show about the war to the music “Let's bow to those great years”

Children: May there never be a war!

Let the cities sleep peacefully

Let the sirens howl

Doesn't sound over my head.

Let not a single shell burst,

None of them scribbles an automatic.

Let our forests announce

May the years pass in peace.

Together: May there never be a war!

Dance "White Birds"

Child: Victory Day! Long-awaited holiday!
Peaceful blue skies.

Peoples, countries remember on Earth -

On this day the war ended!

In honor of the Victory Day

We'll sing a song

And we congratulate everyone

Happy spring day!

Song "Big Holiday", N. Solomykina

  1. May blooms green again
    And the trees rustle with leaves.
    Lighting up the sky solemnly,

He became dear to me and to you.

Our grandfathers defended in battles

  1. And the kids are always laughing.


Children: Then we were not yet in the world,

When fireworks rumbled from end to end.

Soldiers, you gave the planet

Great May, victorious May.

Then we were not yet in the world,

When you come home with a victory.

Soldiers of May, glory to you forever

From the whole earth, from the whole earth.

"Salute" (with ribbons)

In honor of our army

In honor of our army

Leading: On a joyful, spring and wonderful day

About the Motherland, about the world were our songs.

May there never be another war!

And let the flowers bloom for the joy of people!
Thanks! Happy holiday!

Exit the hall to the song "Victory Day"

Dear parents, let's learn songs together)))

Song "Grandfather"

  1. I recently live in the world
    And I know the story from books,
    But about the big war
    I hear live stories.

    There is one person in the world
    He always tells me the truth.
    And a trace remains in the soul, -
    My great-grandfather stays with me!

    Chorus: Great-grandfather, great-grandfather, he went through the whole war,
    From the Volga to Berlin itself.
    Great-grandfather, great-grandfather, he defended the country,
    He protected his wife and son


    Great-grandfather, great-grandfather, he risked his life,
    So that the birds sing in the sky again,
    And the sky turned blue, and the laughter did not fade away,
    And so that I can be born into the world,
    And so that I could be born into the world!

  1. He left for the war so early.
    He was like me, he was in the war years.
    Had a chance to be in captivity
    And go through fire and water.

    He became the defender of the Motherland,
    Even though he was just a boy,
    And won the victory
    And with a victory went home!


Song "Big Holiday"

  1. May blooms green again
    And the trees rustle with leaves.
    Lighting up the sky solemnly,
    In honor of the Victory salutes thunder.

Chorus: This is a big holiday - Victory Day.

He became dear to me and to you.

Our grandfathers defended in battles

Peace and happiness in our land.

  1. Let there be peace on our planet,
    And the kids are always laughing.
    So let's get together and loud
    In honor of the Victory, we all shout: "Hurrah!"


"Salute" (with ribbons)

  1. Above Red Square, Under the sky of the Kremlin

Flowers bloom like the dawn.

Above Red Square - Colored lights,

They fly to the shoulder straps of the military ... (2 times)

Chorus: On the square of the Red gun they beat:

Salute in honor of our army today!

In honor of our army

In honor of our army

Today, today fireworks! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

  1. A blue flower descends from the sky.

For our pilots, he is the most dear.

Green petals are burning in the sky,

They are close to our border guards. (2 times)

A blue flower descends from the clouds,

Like the waves of the sea for all sailors.

Descends yellow, crimson color ...

Above the homeland of a peaceful spring bouquet. (2 times)

Tatyana Porozova
Scenario of May 9 in kindergarten“Victory Day is our salute!”

The song sounds"Day victories» children of the eldest and preparatory group perform rebuilds with flags and colors.

Vedas: Dear children, dear guests! Very soon, on May 9, our whole country will celebrate a glorious holiday - Day victories. 69 years have passed since the day when our Army and our people defeated Nazi Germany. Every year we celebrate this great holiday. While you are still small, but we really want you to grow up brave, strong people worthy citizens of our country, who love their Motherland and are able to defend it in difficult times.

Child: We celebrate many holidays,

We all dance, play, sing.

And we meet the beauty of autumn.

And we are waiting for an elegant Christmas tree.

But there is one holiday - the most important.

And spring brings it to us.

Day victories- solemn glorious,

The whole country celebrates it.

Vedas: Almost seventy years ago, a mortal danger hung over our Motherland. Fascist Germany decided to seize foreign lands, foreign wealth. She managed to conquer many countries, the turn came to our country. Here's how it was...

June! The sunset was fading into the evening,

And the sea overflowed during the white night,

And the sonorous laughter of the guys was heard,

Not knowing, not knowing grief.

(Children play with toys)

Voice on record: Citizens and citizens of the Soviet Union! Today at four o'clock in the morning, without a declaration of war, the German armed forces attacked the borders of the Soviet Union. The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet people against the Nazi invaders began. Our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated. Victory will be ours.

Children scatter, a song sounds "Holy war".

Against the background of music.

Vedas: War broke out over the Motherland,

Bomb explosions interrupted childish dreams.

Soldiers gave their lives for us

In the fight against enemies on the fronts of the war.

This memory - believe people! -

All the earth needs.

If we forget the war -

War will come again.

Men went to the front to fight, while women continued to work day and night in factories and factories: they sewed overcoats, knitted warm mittens, socks, baked bread ... And they also wrote letters to soldiers in which they talked about their home, about how they wait victories and the return home of their sons, brothers, husbands.

The song sounds "Oh dear", several boys in caps come out, with guns they sit down in the center at "bonfire". Someone cleans a gun with a rag, someone "writes a letter", someone is lying on his side.

Vedas: On cold autumn evenings, in moments of calm between battles, the soldiers rested, sitting by the fire, mending their clothes, cleaning their guns, remembering peaceful days.

1reb: Do not be sad, soldier, believe in victory and she will definitely come.

2reb: Come on, soldier, where is your fighting girlfriend - an accordion? Play for our soul! (takes the harmonica, pretends to play)

3reb: The soldier stretched out his accordion, and the sounds of a sincere song poured out. The soldiers heard...

"Scarf Dance"

Vedas: Our soldiers were distinguished by great courage and courage, they were ready to give their lives for their native Motherland. And what should be a soldier, guys? (children's answers)

1reb: To protect the Fatherland,

You have to be strong and agile.

And always be only the first - I want to become a soldier.

2reb: Difficult in learning - easy in battle.

We will fight any enemy.

Now we will show you our courage,

And we are not afraid of difficulties.

Vedas: Thanks boys! And let's listen to a song about what kind of soldiers our guys dream of becoming.

Song "Good Soldiers"

Vedas: The soldiers tried not to lose heart, and high poetry and amazing songs were born in the fire of this terrible war.

Dance - dramatization"Darkie"

Vedas: The shells whistled, the rest ended, and again the soldiers went to defend their Motherland and their home. Intelligence was a difficult and dangerous business in the war. How many tanks, planes are in the enemy division, where are they heading? Carefully and imperceptibly, a scout must make his way through a forest, a swamp, a minefield ... He needs, by all means, to get an envelope with important information and urgently deliver it to headquarters

Competition: "Dangerous Intelligence"

Vedas: Our soldiers fought fearlessly, endured the exhausting summer heat, winter blizzards, autumn slush and drizzling rain. Forward, only forward. After all, soldiers protect their home, their mothers, sisters who believed in them, in their courage, courage.

Girls come out with headscarves (in order)

Katyusha went out to the high bank of the river,

I looked into the distance and sang my favorite song ...

I thought and wondered if the soldier had received her letter ...

With all my heart I wished him to be brave and bold ...

I dreamed that her song would soon reach him ...

Song is dance "Katyusha"

Vedas: Nurses showed considerable courage in the war. They had to take out the wounded right from the battlefield, when explosions rumbled around and bullets whistled overhead.

Competition "Help the Wounded"

Vedas: This bloody war went on for four long years. Our troops liberated their cities and villages. Our veterans were very young then, but many of them boldly helped adults, and some fearlessly fought the enemy on land, at sea, and in the air. But the war took a lot of lives. War has died down, peace has come to earth. Grateful people erected monuments to the soldiers-liberators. Many cities and towns have memorials called "Obelisks of Glory". (Leader holds a candle)

A flickering candle burns

Don't blow on the flame in a rush.

And you, magic light,

What could you tell us?

Look at the burning candle. See the flame of fire? Where else could you look at the flame and think about something mysterious, important?

But there is a fire that evokes special feelings in people. This is the fire on the grave of the unknown soldier. In honor of victories the Eternal Flame burns over fascism so that people do not forget about the exploits of our heroes.

1reb: People come to the Eternal Flame.

Come to bow low

To those who died in a cruel war,

The Motherland is proud of their exploits.

The fire burns in the rain, and in the snow, and in the hail,

The blizzard and the wind will not notice him.

2reb: Immortal feat of valiant soldiers

Both adults and children carry flowers.

Those who stood for their homeland,

So that the war could not happen again.

People come to the Eternal Flame

They come to bow low.

Song "Eternal flame"

3reb: Let's remember the feat of our people.

A soldier who died in a fiery battle.

FROM victory they brought freedom

Saving the world in a brutal war.

Vedas: Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten…

moment of silence

Sounds like a song "Cranes"

Vedas: Through the centuries, through the years, never forget the terrible years of the war.

1Reb: Not! We declare war

To all evil and black forces,

The grass must be green

And the sky is blue.

2reb: We need a colorful world

And we'll all be happy

When they disappear to earth

All bullets and shells.

Song "Big celebration" (club members and adults)

1reb: We can never forget

We are talking about the exploits of soldiers.

"Peace is dearest to us" -

That's what the guys say.

2reb: The sun shines on the Day victories

And we will always shine.

In fierce battles, our grandfathers,

Enemy managed win.

3reb: We will be brave like grandfathers,

We will protect our native land.

And the sun is bright victories

We won't give it to anyone.

4reb: Bright Holiday Day victories

The whole country celebrates

Our grandparents

They put on orders.

Vedas: Victory is a peaceful sky, peaceful life. For the fact that we now rejoice together with you, rejoice, laugh, we owe these living and dead soldiers to whom we dedicated this holiday.

What a spring May sun

Today is spring victory parade.

We will shout all together, let them hear everywhere ...

Children: (in chorus) Long live the friendship of Russian guys.

Vedas: May there never be a war,

No more trouble will touch us!

In a day Victory all songs sing,

In honor of Victory sparkles fireworks.

Song « Salute»

day Victory glory!

Children: Glory.

Vedas: Glory to veterans

Children: Glory.

Vedas: Happiness, peace on earth

Children: Glory, glory, glory.

To the song "Day victories» The children walk around the room and leave.

Those terrible years when the war was going on are farther away from us. But Victory Day still remains the most important holiday for our country. There are events that should not be forgotten. And even in 2016, the memory of the years of the Great Patriotic War alive. This is a great merit of teachers who are trying to convey to the younger generation the importance of this day. Therefore, May 9 is celebrated annually in kindergarten. Educators try to make the holiday interesting and understandable for children.

Features of the celebration of Victory Day in kindergarten

From early childhood, it is important to cultivate a sense of respect for the ancestors. The scenario of the holiday must be built so that Victory Day is solemn, but joyful.

In kindergarten, this should be a celebration of the peace and heroism of Soviet soldiers. Kids should not be told about the horrors of war, about death and suffering, bloody battles. This can hurt the souls of children. Therefore, cruel details must be avoided. More attention should be paid to the happy moments of the Victory and to note that everything ended well, the fighters returned home.

When preparing events, it is very important to take into account age characteristics so that the holiday is a success:

  • the matinee should not last longer than an hour in the senior and preparatory group, and more than 40 minutes for younger children;
  • it is important to use as much visual material as possible and less conversation: slides, newsreels, music and sounds of the war years are required;
  • for such young children, you should not use the traditional literary and musical script, it is advisable to include games and competitions in it.

The purpose of the celebrations

Now it is very important to pay much attention to the patriotic feelings of the younger generation. Teachers should be able to convey to children the memory of the years of the war and the Victory. We must not let the horrors of fascism and the heroism of our ancestors be forgotten. This is very important in preschool age, because modern children often do not understand the meaning of the celebration of May 9th. Therefore, teachers need to make a lot of efforts to properly organize events for Victory Day.

The holiday should be solemn, imbued with patriotism, but accessible to children. It must perform the following tasks:

  • convey to the kids the importance of Victory Day;
  • instill a sense of respect and gratitude for the heroes of the war;
  • to give children an idea of ​​the difficulties of the life of their peers in these difficult years;
  • to form patriotic feelings: love for the motherland, pride in its people;
  • to teach children to show compassion for their neighbor, to come to the rescue in difficult times;
  • form a positive emotional mood;
  • not to let the new generation forget about the horrors of fascism and the significance of the victory over it.

What to pay attention to

At preschool age, it is important not to load the child with dry information, not to talk about bloody battles, death and suffering. This is still incomprehensible to children, but the idea of ​​Victory is close to them. From folk tales they understood what the struggle between good and evil is. And for them it is important that good always wins in the end. This helps to strengthen children's sense of justice.

So that the holiday does not remain just a formal concert for children, but fulfills its purpose, it is important to follow several rules when holding it:

  • educators must themselves experience such feelings that they want to awaken in children;
  • parents should be involved in the preparation of the holiday;
  • a solemn atmosphere should be created in the group;
  • all materials - poems and songs - should be accessible to the understanding of children.

How to celebrate a holiday in kindergarten

In all preschool institutions events are held annually before May 9, dedicated to the Day Victory. It is very important not to treat their preparation formally and not to make them the same.

Matinees and concerts are mainly held in middle, senior and preparatory groups. For children under 4 years old, such activities are not yet interesting and incomprehensible. Such kids can participate in the manufacture of crafts, drawings and gifts for great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers. In cognitive classes, you need to tell children about what is celebrated in our country on May 9, without focusing on the details and horrors of the war.

From the age of 4, events for Victory Day are more diverse. It can be:

  • cognitive classes and conversations with the obligatory use of illustrations, slides and photographs;
  • matinees and concerts where children recite learned poems, sing songs about the Victory and dance;
  • thematic events in the form of a performance or a literary and musical composition;
  • sports holidays for children of the senior and preparatory groups with military games and competitions;
  • the holiday can be held in the form of a poetry or song contest;
  • for children of the preparatory group, it is possible to participate in a military-patriotic quiz;
  • in every family there are those who died in this war, so the release of balloons with paper doves, on the wings of which the names of the dead are written, will have a good educational effect.

Preparation for the holiday

The final matinee is held the day before holiday- May 7 or 8. But it is very important to start preparing for it in advance. Every child should be connected to this. Already from winter, in a form accessible to children, in the classroom it is necessary to talk about the war, about the heroism of soldiers, about the importance of the Victory.

You can show a short documentary or read books about children who fought against the Nazis. It is necessary to explain to children the meaning of important, but often incomprehensible phrases for them: “No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten”, “The glory will not cease these days” and others. In conversations, you need to draw the attention of children to the meaning of the St. George ribbon - a symbol of memory and respect for the feat of their ancestors.

It is necessary to focus on how people rejoiced at the victory, how they eradicated fascism and survived. What else can be used to prepare for the holiday?

  • Together with older children, you can design a wall newspaper or an album with photographs and clippings from newspapers and magazines. It is good if each child cooks something, at least draws an illustration.
  • Be sure to hold an exhibition of drawings and crafts in each group. military theme. And you should not choose only the best. It is important that every child feel their involvement in the holiday.
  • With children of younger groups, instead of a matinee, you can make a collective craft dedicated to peace on Earth.
  • If there is such an opportunity, on the eve of the holiday, you need to visit with the children the places of military glory, the nearest monument to the heroes of the war or the local history museum.

How to arrange a holiday

A festive morning performance in kindergarten most often takes place in a music or assembly hall. It is very important to arrange this room correctly. Jewelry should be strict and restrained:

  • These can be paper flowers and flags made by children, drawings and crafts on the theme of Victory.
  • An image of the St. George ribbon is required. Small ribbons should be pinned to each child's chest.
  • You can make a thematic selection of photographs of the heroes of your native city or village.
  • Each teacher must take care of the correct design of the group room:
    1. To do this, you can use the drawings of children, flags.
    2. Well, if you can find the Soviet flag.
    3. You can use balloons of three colors: red, white and blue, placing them in the form of a Russian flag.

It is very important to use as much visual material as possible: photographs, slides, film excerpts, as well as music. For musical accompaniment you can take both famous songs - “Victory Day” and “Katyusha”, as well as modern songs about the war written for children.

Crafts for Victory Day

Young children experience the world differently than adults. In order for them to feel the importance of the holiday, they need to create something with their own hands. Children of any age should participate in the manufacture of crafts and drawings. Educators need to choose creative work so that it is accessible to the child and reflects the solemnity of this day.

  • Collective work "Peace on Earth" in junior group introduces children to the symbol of the world, with the meaning of this word. On a large sheet of drawing paper with the image of the Earth in the center, children stick pre-prepared flowers and figurines of white doves. Each child can also put their handprint on the poster. To do this, you need to use special finger paints.
  • All together, children can design a festive poster "Happy Victory Day." To do this, everyone sticks a flower on it, made with their own hands from red corrugated paper or napkins.
  • Toddlers can also make the application "Salute". Salute can also be done by drawing with plasticine or using paint.
  • Older children can be taught to make crafts using the origami technique. For Victory Day it is good to make a tank, a plane or white doves - a symbol of peace.
  • Good crafts are made from salt dough. It can be the star of the Eternal Flame, a tank, a flower, or a layout of the St. George ribbon.
  • Greeting cards can be made in the traditional shape or in the form of a triangular letter. Postcards are decorated with a St. George ribbon, red carnations or stars.

Holiday script

It is important that educators do not approach the preparation of the holiday formally and do not use the same scenarios every year. The event should be prepared taking into account age features children. But at the same time, it is important to make the holiday informative and solemn. It is necessary to focus the attention of children on the fact that May 9 is Victory Day. Therefore, all poems, songs, dances and competitions must correspond to the theme of the holiday. What can a matinee script include?

  • It is better if the children are dressed in costumes close to the form of the 40s. You need to use at least homemade caps, caps and toy rifles. For girls, you can create nurses' clothes.
  • Children should enter the hall to the music of the war years. It is better if it is a well-known march or waltz, for example, "Farewell of the Slav".
  • In the solemn part of the holiday, you can show slides, talk about the importance of Victory Day. Children can read short poems or act out a small skit.
  • For a matinee in kindergarten you need entertainment in the spirit of the holiday. It can be competitions, sports, a quiz or war games.
  • The song "Victory Day" is necessarily performed, and the children give the guests gifts made by themselves. It is advisable to invite grandparents to the holiday, many of whom remember the difficult years of post-war childhood.
  • It is desirable to end the holiday on a joyful, bright note. Show the children how important Victory is to save the world. You can perform the songs "Solar Circle", "Stork on the Roof", "Children of the Earth" and others.
  • It’s good if porridge is prepared for lunch according to a front-line recipe, so that the children join the everyday life of fighters and feel like heroes.

Interesting ideas for Victory Day in kindergarten

  1. Theatrical performance about the heroism of Russian soldiers based on fairy tales. Children are close and understandable. Using the example of the struggle of the heroes with the Nightingale the Robber or the Serpent Gorynych, it is easier for them to convey the idea of ​​the importance of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. At the end of the performance, a song about peace or a happy childhood is performed.
  2. Several boys can act out the song “We will serve in the army”, the poem “On the border” or “We are military”.
  3. Even congratulating a veteran and giving him a gift can be beaten. For this, a sports competition "Package" is held. Children of two teams overcome various obstacles: they climb into a hoop, jump over a stick, walk along a bench, etc. The winning team presents a package with a gift to the veteran.
  4. In the program of the matinee, you can include the game "Salute". For her, children need to distribute bunches of ribbons. Each child has salutiki of the same color: red, yellow, green or blue. There are as many adults in the game as there are colors of ribbons. They stand in different places of the hall, raising their hands with ribbons. To the music, the children move around the room. At the signal of the leader “Salute, light up!”, They gather around an adult, in whose hands are ribbons of the same color as theirs. Everyone raises salutiki up and shouts: "Hurrah!".
  5. With children of older groups, before the holiday, you can recreate a military photo chronicle. Using improvised means, homemade costumes and toys, children represent participants in the war. The teacher takes pictures of them, and then a collage is created from the pictures. What photo subjects can be used? The nurse drags the wounded, the girl says goodbye to the soldier, the soldiers at rest and others.
  6. It is good to use outdoor games on a military theme. They can be included in the program of the matinee or make a sports competition. These are the games "Help the wounded", "Hit the target", "Line up", "Transfer cartridges" and others.
  7. The music director must prepare a dance with the children to military music. Boys can dance "Apple", a sailor dance, girls can depict a salute in the form of a dance with ribbons.

Educators should understand the importance of preserving the memory of the war years. It is necessary to raise children as true patriots who are proud of the history of their Motherland and respect the heroism of their ancestors. Such a feeling does not arise by itself. Patriotism must be nurtured from childhood. How adults tell children about Victory Day depends on how they will perceive this holiday in the future.

The guests invited to the celebration take their places in the festively decorated hall. The leader enters.

Faces light up with joy.
On this bright May morning!
Birds are pouring outside the window
Sheds the leaves with mother-of-pearl.
We give carnations to veterans,
We remember the brave fighters
We will not forget the great feat,
Our grandfathers and our fathers!

(Solemn music plays.)

Dear Guys! Today we celebrate a wonderful, joyful holiday - the day of the Victory of our people in the Great Patriotic War over Nazi Germany. The path to victory was difficult and long.
Attack on Soviet Union was unexpected. These days children graduated from school, schools held graduation balls. Young men and girls in elegant clothes danced, sang, met the dawn. They made plans for the future, dreamed of happiness and love. But the war severely destroyed these plans!

The school windows were open
Lilacs bloomed.
Joyful laughter rang over the garden,
Glowing haze.
Already turned pink
And the surface of the river
And joyfully met the dawn
Smiles, bright clothes,
Around the flowers.
Beautiful youth of hope
Love, dreams!
It seemed that the wave is pouring
graduation ball,
But who could know
That the world will explode
That night of war?
On June 22, fascist Germany treacherously attacked our country, violating its borders. (the voice of Levitan sounds - notification of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War)
Young people took off their school uniforms, put on overcoats and went straight from school to the war, became soldiers of the Red Army.

(Soundtrack of the song “Holy War” - a video about the beginning of the war)

1st girl:
Ah, the war, what have you done vile,
Our yards have become quiet,
Our boys raised their heads
They have matured for the time being.

2nd girl:
On the threshold barely loomed
And the soldiers went after the soldier.
Goodbye boys

3rd girl:
Don't bend, stay tall
Spare neither bullets nor grenades.
And do not spare yourself, but still
Try to go back.

The boys leave under the march “Farewell of the Slav”.

All the guys - yesterday's schoolchildren almost immediately went to the front. Many girls became not only nurses in the field hospital and many soldiers were saved from death. But they also stood up as ordinary fighters.
Our entire vast country has risen to fight the enemy. Every day the echelons took the fighters to the front. Children met the war in different ages. Some are tiny, some are teenagers. Some were on the verge of adolescence. The war found them in capital cities and small villages, at home and visiting their grandmothers, in a country camp, at the forefront and in the rear.

(to the melody "Get up a huge country" - showing clips)
But in the war, the soldiers not only fought, but they had time for songs and jokes. Distinguished soldiers went on leave, met girls. And, of course, the fighters missed their relatives and friends who remained in the rear. In moments of calm, they wrote letters to their loved ones.

(the poem is read to the soundtrack of the song "Dugout")
My dear relatives! Night. The flame of a candle flickers.
I remember not for the first time
How do you sleep on a warm stove.
In our little old hut,
What is lost in the deaf forests,
I remember the field, the river,
Again and again I remember you.
My brothers and sisters!
Tomorrow I'm going to fight again
For their Fatherland, for Russia,
That got into a dashing misfortune.
Gather my courage, strength,
I will beat the Germans without pity.
So that nothing threatens you,
So that you can learn and live!

Such letters were necessary for the soldier. It is no coincidence that the girl Katyusha from the song that everyone now knows - both adults and children - has become a symbol of loyalty and hope.
Children come out to the song Katyusha. THE VIDEO OF KATYUSHA IS ON, volleys. Children sing the song "Katyusha"
The Russians drove the German soldier all the way to Berlin. And they were followed by front-line brigades of artists who raised the morale of the soldiers, arranged concerts for them.

1. My dear beats the Nazis, and I also want to
Give me, give me a machine gun, I'll be a machine gunner.

2. I will sign up for the partisans, I won’t disappear there either,
I'm a young girl, I'll get into the nurses!

3. Girls-girls, where are our little girls,
And ours, tomilyonochki, in the trenches, at the rifle!

4. Water flows from the well, water is pure candy.
Our army is fighting, so Hitler is finished.

5. The Germans came with tanks, the partisans burned the bridge.
The tanks stood by the water, neither here nor there!

6. Oh, once again, let happiness be with you!
Oh, once, again and health in reserve!

Many lives were taken away by hunger and cold. The only food was rye bread, but there was not enough of that. The daily norm was 125 grams.
(The facilitator shows the children on a tray a piece of bread weighing 125 grams - this is the norm of bread per day for one person.)
Seventy years have passed since our valiant warriors defeated the enemy. The war claimed many lives, And every year on this day we remember all those who died in the battles for the Motherland, we bow low to those who defended a peaceful life and freedom for us. Nobody is forgotten! Nothing is forgotten!
(The poem is read to the soundtrack of the song "On the Heroes of Bygone Times")

Even then we were not in the world
When fireworks thundered from end to end,
Soldiers, you gave the planet
Great May, victorious May.
Thank you soldiers!
For life, for childhood, for spring,
For silence, for a peaceful home,
For the world we live in.
For everything we have now
For each of our happy hour
Because the sun shines on us
Thank you brave soldiers
Our grandfathers and fathers.

Every year, a moment of silence is held in our country in memory of the fallen soldiers. A moment of silence is our promise to keep a grateful memory.
Let's remember everyone by name
We will remember our grief.
It's not for the dead
It needs to be alive!

Victory in war is jubilation and sorrow. Time does not muffle them. And we must pass on this memory of the most terrible war that touched every family from generation to generation. Victory Day was, is and must remain the most holy holiday. After all, those who paid for it with their lives gave us the opportunity to live now. We must always remember this. The memory of the fallen and those who did not live to see today Let's have a moment of silence... (metronome)
People did not lose faith in victory, even in the most difficult times. "The enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours" - these words sounded everywhere. And then the day came when the end of the war was announced on the radio. The country rejoiced! (phonogram recording) People sang and danced in the streets, strangers hugged each other, many cried for joy.
A waltz is performed to the song "Oh, these clouds in blue ..."

For happiness and life in the world,
For the sake of the soldiers who fell then,
Let there be no war on the planet!
All (in chorus)
Leading. Let the sun drown the whole earth in its rays!
All (in chorus). Let be!
Leading. May the peaceful stars shine upon her!
All (in chorus). Let be!
Leading. Let you breathe deeper, calmer, more freely!
Guys (in chorus). Let be! Let be! Let be!

In every kindergarten for kids by the day Great Victory they are certainly preparing over fascism different scenarios. And we also decided not to lag behind, to offer you our interesting scenario on May 9 in kindergarten.

To the solemn sounds of the legendary song "Victory Day", girls smartly dressed in white dresses enter the hall, boys dressed in military uniforms - sailors, soldiers, flags in the hands of children - escort them by the hand. Guests of the holiday - parents, grandparents, educators applaud, meeting the main characters of the holiday.

Educator: For 70 years now, our native Russia the peaceful sun shines, 70 years ago, the Great War ended. Our people defeated fascist Germany. How many books, how many poems and songs have been written about the great feat of the Soviet people! Many films tell us about the difficult post-war period. And in our kindergarten this holiday is one of the most favorite holidays of the year. Why, guys?

BOY: Victory came to us with spring -
Festival of Light, Festival of Kindness
And every boy knows it
How many tragedies the war has brought.

GIRL: From year to year newspapers move away
Their descendants further from those years
And May again reminds everyone
What price did the world get for everyone.

BOY 2: Flowers bloom peacefully on the graves,
Moths fly to the red sun
And those whose wings were broken by the war,
They sleep in sacred eternal sleep in the graves.

GIRL 2: The obelisks froze in anguish,
in a granite fireplace
Soviet soldiers write to the lists
Those who died in a righteous battle.

Educator: Today we pay tribute to the memory of those who died on the fronts of the Second World War, who gave their lives so that we could live happily. Let's remember all the fallen and the living, who sanctified every letter in the word Victory with wounds and losses and the lives of their own or brothers... Let's remember everyone who was taken away from us by such a distant Second World War...
Years pass. Unfortunately, there are few soldiers left who chose Victory in World War II for us. But today, our veterans meet this bright holiday with us. Let's welcome veteran of the Great Patriotic War Ivan Sidorovich Metlenkov to our hall!

GIRL: We believe that to remember
Your feat will always be
And we will save peace in the world,
In honor of the dead, let the years run!

BOY: And near the Eternal Flame
Let's lay red flowers
And we will keep the memory of the Victory forever,
So that you and I live in a peaceful world!

GIRL 2: We all came to the party today,
Where is the joy and sadness in the hearts.
Do not count the lives of all the soldiers,
What the damned war took.

GIRL 3: How many years did their mother mourn,
His sons, dear ones.
I didn't believe I wouldn't see it again
Hope to see them alive.

GIRL 4: Every day I looked out the window,
I lay down and got up in the darkness
The sons did not return from the path,
Mom could only dream.

BOY 2: Attacks were not for rewards
They suffered from wounds in medical battalions ...
For the right to live thanks people
Fallen and gray-haired soldiers

Educator: How many years have passed,
How the shots ended.
And in memory today
Terrible, sad pictures.

BOY: We are great grandchildren - warriors - heroes,
We learn about the war from books,
Or from movies about a terrible fight,
How all the enemy bombed day after day

The song "Solar circle".

Video clips about the Second World War are broadcast on the multimedia board.

Educator: On the twenty-third of June 1941.
This day and year will forever live in the memory of people. Our people paid a heavy price for participation in the most terrible war. At dawn, fascist bombs fell on our peaceful homes, on boundless wheat fields. The radio brought bad news. The black wings of war covered the sun. With blood and fires she rolled over our native land.
Forty-first. The most difficult. Bitter paths of retreat. Conflagrations on the site of villages, black ruins where a happy life was seething just recently.

SOLDIER 1: We were attacked in the middle of the night
And they started killing everyone
trample our fields,
With fire and blood, our land is happy to be watered.

SOLDIER 2: At the dawn of that summer, the children of the country slept peacefully
Hitler vile gave the order
Our peaceful land to kill
All people, which means us

SOLDIER 3: To freedom! To victory!
With machine guns in hand
Arise, brave and proud,
Our enemies do not know our fear.
Get up my people
To the victorious, right fight!

SOLDIER 4: Get up people - we heard the cry of the earth
soldiers, warriors, adults and children,
and one after another went parents, sons
the roads of that holy war

The phonogram "Holy War" sounds. An ensemble of educators sings.

Educator: In honor of all the fallen, in honor of all those who did not return, in honor of ordinary soldiers, commanders, women, children, let's light a candle and honor their memory with a moment of silence.

moment of silence

Educator: Together with adults, children also defended our land. You probably know the names of the heroes who fought in our city? They were scouts. These guys helped the soldiers, they were very brave and smart.

Now let's try to imagine ourselves as smart and play a game.

Game "Smart scouts"
TEACHER: You need to quickly answer questions.
1. What is the name of the shoulder signs of the military?
2. Without which there is no aircraft?
3. What are the colors of our flag?
4. Without what there is no ship?
5. What is the name of our country?
6. What did the soldiers shout when they went into battle?
7. Who helped the wounded?
8. What were the heroes awarded with?

Game "Be Careful"
Educator: Well done, you are smart children. Now show your skill.
(Children are given 4 multi-colored flags, blue - be silent, yellow - applaud, green - stomp, red - shout "Hurrah"

The educator reads the text, and the children must give answers and react accordingly with the help of flags.
“Spring came, the sun warmed up, friends went to the forest. Birds sang in the forest, but in order to hear them, you need to stand quietly by the tree and ... (SILENT, blue flag)
And when the birds sing their spring song, can they be together ... (APPLAUSE, yellow flag)
After listening to the birds, you need to quickly go home ... (STOMP, green flag)
Because you need to have time to put on beautiful clothes, go to central square the city where the Victory Parade will take place, and everyone should shout together (Hurrah, red flag)

Educator: Well done guys, they did the job.
There were many difficult battles on the way to the bright and joyful Victory Day. But our soldiers did not lose their spirit, because after the battle the soldiers knew how to rest. They sang songs and danced. They were also supported by artists who came to the front and gave concerts.

Dance "Apple"

Educator: We have been living in a peaceful country for 70 years now. What do people do to make peace? (children's answers)
Our army also stands guard over peace. She is equipped with new technology. And I think that our guys during their military service will learn how to manage it.

BOY: To become a real soldier,
It takes a lot to know and
You have to be brave and smart
run, jump and swim fast.

Educator: Hard to learn - easy to fight -
That's what Suvorov said.
Show their connections their courage -
Pass through rivers and mountains.

Educator: Reliable communications are always important for the military in order to constantly have information and transmit commands in a timely manner. Now our boys, future soldiers, will compete. We invite you!

Relay race "Communicators"
Participants overcome unusual obstacles: task 1 - climb under an arc, task 2 - go along the board, task 3 - climb through the tunnel, then, finally, run to the cube on which there is a telephone or a walkie-talkie and make a phone call, saying: "Order completed !"

TEACHER: The next competition is for girls. Nurses should take care of the soldiers. And in order to be ready for anything, we will teach how to bandage wounded soldiers.

Each girl approaches the boy, at the sign of the leading girl, they should bandage the boys hand with a small bandage. Whoever does it first is the winner.

Educator: And now, our scouts need to deliver a package with a message to the headquarters.

Relay race "Deliver the package to headquarters"
Participants in turn must crawl around the bench, run around the skittles, jump from hoop to hoop, run to the cube on which the packages lie and return to the teacher.

Educator: Well done, both boys and girls! You have learned in kindergarten to be hardy and dexterous, always ready to help. Keep it up!

Game "Alarm"
Children are divided into two teams, they are given flags in their hands. The task of the team members is to run to the other end of the hall at the whistle of the teacher, put the flags in large "alarm suitcases", go back to the team, pass the baton to the next participant. The team that first puts all the flags into the "alarm suitcase" wins.

Educator: Well done, very dexterous. You will grow up to be real defenders.
GIRL: we love our land -
beautiful and majestic
which in a fierce battle
veterans saved us forever

BOY: let the memory guide us again
in the distant and terrible years
Thank you for everything from the children
we speak to the Motherland

Song "Children of the Sun"

Educator: The white dove is a symbol of peace
Slowly spinning above the earth
So circles for many years
So that the earth lives in peace!
To not hear the crying of children,
So that the war does not spin a whirlpool,
Everyone be ready to close
Row after row. All for peace! All for work.

Song "I'll draw a dove of peace"

GIRL: The native land is blooming all around
And we grow with her in this joyful hour
Soon we will sit at the desk at school
We will delight you with excellent training

BOY: To not know war, to live in peace,
Our army is standing by.
planes in the sky, ships in the sea
They protect the expanses of their native land.

GIRL: It's good to wake up at dawn.
It's good that we have peaceful dreams.
It's good that the planet is spinning,
It's good that there is no war.

BOY: How good it is for us that the starlings sing,
It's good for us to love everyone in the world
How good it is for us to laugh, to love.
How good it is for everyone in the world to live!

Educator: Dear friends, dear veterans! Today is a bright spring morning. The holiday is felt everywhere: in bright colors of flowers, talkative flocks of birds and bright sincere open smiles. This is because we live well, we have a famous city, we are cheerful and happy children in a beautiful country where peace, happiness and harmony reign. We wish everyone 100 years to live without tears, without grief, without grief, without war. Glory to peace on earth!

For a holiday like this