Numerology: what kind of person are you? For her, Russia is her mother, and America is her sister. How Nizhnevartovsk residents live in the USA It is important what kind of person you are

It doesn’t matter what nationality you are, what country you live in… We are all people of the same planet Earth. And in America, Nizhnevartovsk residents preserve Russian culture and traditions.

At the age of 45, Lyudmila, a Vartovite, changed her life dramatically. The husband, with whom he lived for more than 20 years, asked for a vacation, for two or three years, in order to “rest” from each other ...

The year 2002 is not easy. There is unemployment in the country. The decision was not born immediately and not simply. But it was accepted: "I'm moving to America." And this, mind you, without knowledge of English.

Meet: our guest is Mila R. Now she introduces herself that way.

Without language but with ambition

Those who dream of a high standard of living often aspire to America.

At the same time, a considerable number of Russians, having lived in America, come back and tell how difficult it is for a person with a Slavic mentality to fit into the local way of life. And what about the attitude of the Americans towards the Russians who arrived? Someone claims that Americans are very friendly, affable and there are no problems in communicating with them. Others experience real suffering from, as they think, fake American smiles or from the fact that it is impossible to talk heart to heart with residents. What determines the different perceptions of American reality and why such different opinions? How do our compatriots in the USA really live?

Starting from scratch is always difficult, especially at my age, - Mila honestly admits. - Before that, I was already in America visiting friends. But then there was no complete picture of the life of Americans. Therefore, in the first years of my stay in this country, I had many discoveries. Different - pleasant and not very. First of all, I had to learn the language. It took two years. There were no problems with work. Contrary to popular belief, Russians are treated very well in America. Do you know why? We know how not only to work, but to work hard. As a rule, many of our compatriots quickly climb up career ladder if they really came to work, and did not chase a fairy tale about a beautiful life.

The main indicator of the standard of living of an American is the annual family income. According to Russian concepts, these are large sums, and we believe that all Americans are rich. Indeed, the standard of living of Americans is quite high for a country with such a large population, and they are accustomed to all the amenities, take them for granted. How can you not have a garage in your house or a parking lot next to your apartment? Is it really possible to live in a communal apartment with one kitchen and a shared bathroom?

From the first day of my arrival in America, I admired the little things that surround their life. The entire huge American industry works for a person, for the convenience of his life, since the first condition for business is to sell, return the money spent and make a profit.

Middle class: them and us

Many Russians say that the middle class in America lives, as they say, in "chocolate". And we are vegetating. What is real?

I would not say that our life is radically different, - says Mila. - Yes, Americans get many times more, but they also spend more. First, most of the income is eaten by taxes. Secondly, communal payments. Every family has a car, usually two. Americans, with rare exceptions, buy them on credit. What can we say about medical insurance! For many, it is simply not available. Do you know how the average middle class is sometimes treated? He goes to the pharmacy, consults with a pharmacist about which medicine is better to buy. That's all treatment. If you call an ambulance, then firefighters and police will come with it. And everyone will have to pay for the challenge. I have seen people who have own house and cars, but no teeth because there is no money for a dentist.

My conclusion is that average Americans live on credit, but they live quite well, though with a headache all the time. Why on credit? Yes, because in the USA there is a perfect, well-established credit system, and if you manage your finances rationally, pay your loan obligations on time, then by your pension you have a paid house, of course, cars, some kind of inheritance from your parents and often small bank savings. So I would say that from a financial point of view, we are very similar, but in relation to life - no.

Are you talking about that same permanent, glued smile that Mikhail Zadornov talks about so much?

Well, let's talk about the smile. An American trait that cannot be overlooked is goodwill and ubiquitous smiles. At first, they often seem unreal to people from the post-Soviet space, and a person who is able to smile like that is insincere, but after living for some time in the United States, people accept this habit. new habit smiling is accompanied by a feeling of openness to the world and new country, new people, a sense of security, security. True, when I came home on vacation, to my native Nizhnevartovsk, my daughter asked me not to smile at everyone I met, they say, they would consider it inadequate.

Old age can be spent in different ways

Many, once in America, begin to travel, - continues our heroine. - Firstly, almost 100 percent of the population has a car in the USA, which means complete freedom of movement. Secondly, excellent roads. Thirdly, a mobile, dynamic lifestyle implies the ability to spend a lot of time on wheels. I also love to drive a car. I even travel by truck. Once I drove through five states at once.

By the way, American pensioners are much more active than Russians. They often lead a lifestyle that is not much different from youth. Grandparents wear jeans and sneakers, ride bicycles and roller skates, learn languages, attend a lot of different circles, courses, sections, run in parks. At first, this is very surprising, but I would like to grow old this way.

What are you interested in?

I do a lot volunteering. Every state probably has its own Russian community. For example, we even celebrated Victory Day in California. For this holiday, tunics were specially sewn for themselves. The governor of the state also came to this meeting. The Americans willingly put on St. George ribbons with us.

We also have our own ensemble "Golden Domes of Russia". We know him well. Russian songs with a soul, that's why they are popular. We perform a lot, and at different venues.

There are many Russian churches in California. One of them is now being raised from scratch. Yes, it takes a lot of time. But this is our culture and traditions that the Russian people want to preserve.

Big politics and people

Americans always clearly plan their expenses and work hard, just like we Russians, Mila continues. - As in all countries, there are very poor people here, the homeless. They have social benefits, food stamps, many charities.

But the Americans do not have our Soviet worldview about the responsibility of the state for your life, well-being. They understand that the most important thing is to finish school and get a good education, so that later they can achieve everything themselves.

And what does American television say and show about Russians?

Almost nothing. If any party buys time, then we are talking about big politics. Well, maybe someone will casually mention Russia once or twice, and that's it. Ordinary Americans, like us, are much more interested in the affairs of their own family, their state. I have never encountered a negative attitude towards Russians in 14 years of my life in America.

One woman, two countries

Of course, we could not help but ask our heroine the main question: "Which country is still yours?".

Russia is mine own mother America has become a sister, says Mila. - While I live in two countries. I forgot to say: I lived in Hawaii for two years. In recent years, I came to the conclusion: it doesn’t matter what nationality you are, what country you live in ... We are all people of the same planet Earth. In any country in the world, if you wish, you can preserve your culture and traditions. But we must remember the main thing: do not go into a strange monastery with your charter. All developed countries have Russian communities. What does it say? Yes, sometimes we have a different mentality, different historical roots and tradition, but we can all live in peace. I don't want to guess in which country I will live in a year or two. Let everything take its course. Life, as practice has shown, is unpredictable. And who knows where the next twist of fate will take me...

At the beginning of the twenty-first century, we are returning to the old methods of determining personality and future events. After astrology, it was the turn of ... numberology. This is the "science" that interprets the numbers that you coded for your first and last name, as well as those that add up from your date of birth. We will deal only with the first and last names here. The method is simple. It is enough to use the table below to decipher the identity of your own or your friends. All characteristics apply to both women and men.

The study of personality

Numberology relies on numbers from 1 to 9, each of which is under a certain influence (zero is a symbol of emptiness and is not taken into account ). Three numbers allow you to describe, determine the character:

BUT) an intimate number shows those features that you hide from others;
B) the inherited number reveals what was passed down by the family;
IN) an expressive number reveals your nature and mode of action.
An intimate number allows you to establish hidden aspirations, interests and hidden dreams.

It is calculated using the table:
A-1 B-2 C-3 D-4 E-5 E-6 F-7 D-8 I-9 Y
K-1 L-2 M-3 N-4 O-5 P-6 R-7 S-8 T-9
U-1 F-2 Kh-3 C-4 Ch-5 Sh-6 Shch-7 B-8 Y-9
b-1 e-2 u-3 i-4

Example: ANNA
1+4+4+1 = 10 10 (1+0) = 1

Here is the decoding of individual intimate numbers:

1 - Others say that you are somewhat tyrannical and hate hesitation. You are an impulsive, enthusiastic person. You either love it or you don't and act accordingly.

2- You surrender to the will of fate. Being a person with a strong imagination, love beauty and art. Harmony of feelings plays an important role in your development.

3 — You are distinguished by intelligence and mobility. You use every opportunity for action. Your charm connects people. Meetings, friendships and travel play a significant role in your life.

4 — Based on a solid foundation, you give strength to earn wealth for your family and home. You go your way systematically and methodically. You are a wonderful worker, you are characterized by caution, caused by self-doubt, multiplied by your delicacy.

5 - You are an enthusiast who wants to always be on stage and does not like to remain in the shadows. In life, you always look for a chance and try to use it, not really caring about tomorrow. Living so intensively, you do not tolerate the lazy and petty.

6 - You are very sensitive to others. You know how to work and observe. You are attracted to activities that bring relief to others. Selflessness and indulgence allow you to develop and succeed.

7 — You are a person full of fire, sociable, attract people like a real magnet. Happiness and failure matter most in your life. Hate inertia, you are attracted to travel and everything that allows you to change your lifestyle.

8 - You are gifted with the ability to be constantly active, ask a lot of questions and answer bluntly. You like unknown, unexpected problems that your mind can solve.

9 - You know how to dispassionately evaluate loved ones and easily adapt to any conditions. By nature, you are an idealist, but your character is influenced by the sense of distance that you keep between yourself and other people. However, you are not a lover of loneliness, on the contrary, you love to share joys.

Inherited number

Calculated using the same table by last name (married women should take their maiden name). Add all the numbers until you get a result that fits in the range from 1 to 9.

And here is the decoding of the inherited numbers:
1 “You boldly face all dangers. Being a very active person, you do not like to push your tasks to others. You quickly get bored with dullness, but focusing on "great goals" causes stress.

2 - Possess such character traits that have traditionally been considered useful for the family, namely: patience, tirelessness, constancy. Comfort attracts you. You find pleasure in the material world and in dealing with people.

3 - You are distinguished by the speed of mind. Dexterity, curiosity and resourcefulness help you find your place among people. A small drawback is distraction. But you always come back to earth.

4 - You have many positive traits inherited from your ancestors. It is partly thanks to them that you know how to live and know how to properly use this inheritance.

5 - Love the game and surprises, the opportunity to decorate yourself, attract attention. You feel at ease among children and have a great gift for teaching.

6 You have a strict and penetrating spirit. You do not know how to lead an aimless lifestyle, you like to help others, which have a great influence on your mood and reactions.

7 — Love refined art. Your character is characterized by impatience. Don't like to resist others. You suppress your feelings. Therefore, some argue that you are impulsive and capricious.

8 - You have great moral courage and a great ability to deal with life's difficulties. Understand the meaning of secrets and dramas. Attracted and repelled by the material world, you always surprise the people around you.

9 - Love big spaces. You are an altruist, an idealist, you feel the need to give something close, or knowledge, or something material.

expressive number

It determines how you deal with the challenges of your life. This is the sum of the intimate number of the first name and the inherited number of the surname, reduced to a result from 1 to 9.

Deciphering expressive numbers:
1 — Your will, ambition and self-confidence determine your authority. Your plans are sentimental, you are capable of generosity and passion, but all the time you remain the head of the family. In work, you are distinguished by the desire to lead. The performance of subordinate functions is a punishment for you.

2 You are a diplomatic and emotional person. Your character, above all, is submissive, maternal and sensitive. There is a void in your heart that you willingly fill with love. In your work, you enjoy collaborating with others and giving advice.

3 - You are a great optimist and at the same time feel the need to be noticed by others. Always admire witty people. IN professional field you need intense activity. Thus, success comes - or not?

4 - Reasonable and unstable, with a stable character. Your feelings are deep, and loyalty is not an empty word for you. Work? Do you like her. Your method and efforts will gradually but surely lead you to success.

5 - Full of energy, always on the move, you need travel. For you, freedom is a value that cannot be replaced. You put love adventures above great love as more exciting. Routine “kills” you at work, but you easily adapt to a new profession.

6 - Your personality can be briefly described - you are looking for harmony. You are sensitive to beauty and art, and your overall balance depends on the balance of the senses. Home, family, love - these are the values ​​that you value above all. At work, you take on many responsibilities. Often those that others must perform.

7 “Everything plays out within you. Reflections and memories help you search for the truth. Unions and partings arise unexpectedly. You only associate with partners who respect your independence. You are the original.

8 - Power? Money? Words that you know very well. Energetic and ambitious, you love to push yourself against others, to pit yourself against others. Work does not cause you fear, it allows you to realize yourself, make decisions, it is the key to your material achievements. In love, you know what you want, but you only show feelings when the two of you are together. It is difficult for you to find a partner.

9 You are militant, passionate. Are you an egoist? No, on the contrary: an idealist, a devotee, you know how to value others, and this is your dignity. You are gentle and loyal, but not afraid to break up and start over. For you, the line between love and friendship is not always clearly defined.

Quotes about communication, quotes about the opinions of others.

Take it easy. Breathe deeply. Life is Beautiful and amazing. Just be kind and considerate to others. Give people love.

In a proud world, holiness, or the life of love, evokes indignation and hatred, for the world cannot bear light, just as a diseased eye cannot bear the rays of the sun.

Hieromartyr Alexander Miropolsky - Love is the essence of Christianity

People around - this is me, only in other incarnations. Elchin Safarli- Tell me about the sea

Every day I try to treat people the way they treat me. And every day I understand that kindness in me is stronger than pride.

Do not argue with each other on any subject, do not speak badly about anyone, do not judge anyone, do not condemn or humiliate anyone by word or in your heart, do not grumble against anyone, do not suspect anyone of any evil.

Reverend Abba Isaiah

The more I think about it, the more I become convinced that there is no higher art than the art of loving people. Vincent Van Gogh

It doesn't matter what world you live in...

It is important what kind of world lives in you...

Before you worry about someone else's opinion or because someone is disappointed in you, just ask yourself: is the meaning of your life is to live up to other people's expectations ?!

There were different people in my life, some disappointed me, some, maybe me. But each of these people taught me something. Someone taught me not to trust, someone taught me to love, someone to hate... But most of all I thank those people who taught me to forgive.

If you wish for another, you will receive it for yourself.

Venerable Cornelius Krypetsky

Help flowers bloom in the heart of your neighbor. Elchin Safarli - Tell me about the sea

Do not judge others because it often happens

that without knowing a person, they talk badly about him, but he is like angels in mind.

Saint Silouan of Athos

We don't know what will happen tomorrow...

Let it just be!... And let it contain all those who are dear to us!...

Don't look at what others have... take care of what you have

People are generally ashamed of good things, for example, humanity, love, their tears, longing, everything that is not gray.

K. Paustovsky.

There are people with whom you waste time

and there are those with whom you lose the sense of time ...

The greatest gift you can give to a person is the quality of your attention.

Virginia Satir

If a person hesitates, step back, let him come into balance. Otherwise, you will have to vacillate with him. In general, hesitate ... Both ...

There are no chance encounters...

we need each other for something...

one is like an angel helping us,

we sincerely support the other ...

Always try to be compassionate towards unkind people - they really need it so much, they just haven't learned it yet.

One person has the right to look down on another only when he helps him up.

The mood is Sunny even in cloudy weather, if there are people with whom you want to go through life!

Love me when I least deserve it, because that's when I really need love.

Swedish proverb

When we look for the best in others, we reveal the light in ourselves.

William Arthur Ward

The right word spoken at the right time can do wonders.

Alexander Green

Every person has a sun. Just let it shine.

Strong is not the one who can put on the shoulder blades with one glance, but the one who is able to lift from his knees with one smile.

All the people sent to us are our reflection. And they were sent so that we, looking at these people, correct our mistakes, and when we correct them, these people either change too or leave our lives.

We meet no other than a part of the big Self. Therefore, each meeting is always a meeting with the unrecognized self.