Competition "Come on Mom!" on "Mother's Day" in kindergarten with a presentation. Senior - preparatory group

Trap Mom

The mother is blindfolded, her child is given a bell. We need to catch the baby.

Get to know your child

Mom is blindfolded, several kids are brought to her. A mother needs to know her child.

Whose mom is this?

Mom is put on a chair, covered with a blanket or other cape, and the kids determine whose mother it is.


Carlson's assistant

Carlson blindfolds the child and offers to try several types of jam. The child must recognize it by taste.

Game variant: find out by taste what kind of sweetness Carlson put in his mouth (pieces of toffee, marmalade, chocolate, marshmallows, etc. are used).

Tie a scarf to the girl

Two or three boys compete. In front of each boy, a girl sits on a chair, headscarves hang on the backs of the chairs. On a signal, the boys tie scarves for the girls. Who quickly?

Dress up son

The game is played by two girls. A table is set up, two diapers, two bonnets, two sliders for the doll and two shirts are placed on it. On a signal, the girls begin to dress the dolls. The one who completes the task faster wins.

Cook soup and compote

Children are divided into two teams: one will “cook” soup (name vegetables), and the other will “compote” (name fruit). The children take turns speaking. The team with the most words wins.

Option: not teams play, but two people.

Transfer purchases

There are two chairs on one side of the room. They are laid out: by skittle - a bottle of milk, a cube - a loaf of bread, a bag of sand - a bag of sugar. The players stand on the other side of the room. On a signal, they take the baskets and run to the chairs, put the “products” in the basket and come back. The winner is the one who completes the task faster.


On two tables are a handbag, beads, clip-on earrings, lipstick and a mirror. Two players. On a signal, you need to put on beads, clip-on earrings, make up your lips, take a purse and run to the opposite wall of the hall. The winner is the one who completed the task faster.

Tender words

Children invite their parents, and everyone stands in a circle. The host says a tender word about mom and conveys balloon standing nearby. He says his tender word and passes the ball on. Whoever did not name the word is out of the game. The remaining 2-3 people win, they are awarded with balloons.

I am the most beautiful!

For the game you will need four chairs, on which there are 4 long skirts, 4 scarves. There are two teams for a boy and a mother. At first, mothers run, put on a scarf, a skirt, sit on a chair, say: “I am the most beautiful!”. Then they undress, run to the children, they do the same actions. The team that finishes the relay first wins.


Colored hoops are laid out on the floor - these are “flower beds”. In each "flower bed" a child squats down - a "flower". To the music (for example, “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​by P. I. Tchaikovsky), children imitate the growth of flowers, run out of hoops and dance. As soon as the music stops, you need to return to your flower bed and not mix it up!

Who will drink from the bottle faster?

Mother and daughter participate in the game. It is necessary to drink juice from a bottle with a nipple.

Variant of the game, two or three children participate.

Scooter racing

The relay race consists of two teams, each with three children. On a signal, two children ride scooters in a race to a certain mark and come back, pass the scooters to other team members, etc. Which team will complete the task faster?

Collect a flower for mom

Two large cardboard flowers, poppy and cornflower, are prepared in advance, with the same number of petals. Flowers are cut into petals and cores. Lay out on the table or on the floor in a mess. Two players, on a signal, collect a flower, each his own. The winner is the one who completed the task faster.

Politeness check

This contest is a trick and is only held once. Before the start of the boys' competition, a girl passes in front of them and, as if by chance, drops her handkerchief. The winner is the boy who guessed to pick up the handkerchief and politely return it to the girl. After that, it is announced that this was the first competition. Option: if the competition is between two teams, then the point is awarded to the one from which the most polite boy was.

Compliment Contest

A girl is invited to the middle of the hall. The teams take turns complimenting the girl, it is impossible to repeat. The team that does large quantity compliments.

Grandma's tangle

The rope is tied into a ring. One person driving leaves the room or turns away. The rest, holding the rope with both hands, get tangled, forming a living "grandmother's ball". The driver must unravel it so that the circle forms again.

gift for mom

2-3 children compete. Everyone comes up with a gift they would like to give their mother, and then pantomimes this gift. Who made it clearer?

Scenario of the holiday for Mother's Day in the senior and preparatory group "Come on Mom"

Goals and objectives:
Cultivate a sense of respect and love for loved ones.
To promote the development of the abilities of each child, the formation of a children's team.
Involve parents in the activities of the preschool educational institution.
Equipment: computer, presentation, hall decoration.
Holiday progress:
Leading: Mom is the first word a person says. Mom has kind and gentle hands, they can do everything. Mom has the kindest and most faithful heart, she does not remain indifferent to anything. And no matter how old a person is, we always need a mother, her affection, her look. And the more our love for mother, the more joyful and brighter life.
Today we celebrate the most important, the most important day for every person - Mother's Day! After all, it was my mother who gave us life, surrounded us with care and affection, attention and warmth. It is mother who supports us in difficult times of life and rejoices with us in our successes.
Roll call of children:
1. Mother's Day is a worthy good holiday,
Which is the sun in the family.
And it’s not pleasant for every mother, isn’t it,
When she is rightfully honored!
2. We have a solemn day today,
Day of joy and beauty
All over the country he gives women
Your smiles and flowers!!!
3. The sun is brighter for me-Mom!
Peace and happiness for me: mom!
The noise of the branches, the flowers of the fields: mother!
Leading: Children are the most precious thing for a mother. Happy is the one who knows mother's love, affection and care from childhood. And children should respond to her in the same way: love, attention, care.
The song "Most of all I love my mommy ..."
Leading: Mom teaches us to be wise, gives advice, takes care of us, protects us. Our mothers are very brave, because for your sake they decided to participate in very difficult competitions. And now we invite you to competitive program our mothers of the senior and preparatory groups.
To the music, mothers come out and become two teams. Moderator: You know your child well. Now, for our first competition, we invite four mothers from each team. Children stand in a circle, blindfolded mothers try to recognize their child by the palm of their hand. The team that recognizes the children the most wins. Host: Mothers try to recognize themselves in the portraits that the children painted. The team that was most accurate wins.
Leading: And now for our mothers, for ours, we will dance a little.

Dance performance "Zavalinka"

Leading: And now our mothers will tell how they affectionately call their children.
And of course they will treat them with candy. Moms in boxing gloves unwrap the candy and treat their child to it.
Roll call of children:
1. My mother's hands -
Pair of white swans:
So tender and so beautiful
How much love and strength they have!
2. All day they fly,
It's like they don't know.
Bring comfort to the house
A new dress will be sewn,
Caress, warm -
Mom's hands can do everything!
3. Mom's hair is golden,
And my mother has a good laugh.
Ministers also have mothers,
But mine is the best!
4. I put forward an idea
Support me all
In a seven day week
Three days off for moms! Host: Children, what can mothers do?
Children list…………. Now we will check which mothers are hostesses. With the help of brooms, mothers guide a balloon through obstacles. The team that completes the task the fastest wins.
Presenter: And now, dear mothers, your children have prepared a small scene for you, let's see it.

mother's day scene

Denis: Once the kids gathered in the yard.
Years 6, 7, girls and boys.
They ran, got tired and sat down to rest.
Timur: - My mother is the best in the world!
Denis: Timur speaks softly.
Matthew: - And where did you get it from?
Denis: Suddenly Matvey told him.
Timur: - Mom always helps me in everything.
Denis: Timur answers Matvey.
Timur: - She cooks breakfast for me, dresses me in the kindergarten,
And then he takes it back home from the kindergarten.
Stesha: - No! my mommy is the best!
Denis: Here Stesha says frowning.
Stesha: She braids me beautifully,
And reads bedtime stories to me
Buying beautiful clothes
And not when my mom doesn't scold me.
Matthew: - No, none of you are right.
Denis: Again Matvey told his friends.
Matvey: I want to tell all of you now that I consider my mother to be the best of all!
She cooks, cleans, washes, And knows everything-everything-everything in the world!
Tanya and Igor (together): No, Matvey, you are wrong!
Denis: Tanya and Igor were outraged.
Tanya and Igor (together): Our mother is the best in the world.
Tanya: We have two mothers, and we have one.
And yet she manages both of us.
Igor: She has to wash twice as many clothes.
And twice as many rooms need to be cleaned.
Tanya: Cooking, and ironing too, She needs twice as much.
Igor: So don't argue with us,
Tanya and Igor (together): Otherwise, we'll tell mom everything!
Denis: Wait, don't swear, friends!
I want to reveal one secret to you.
All mothers are different.
And for each of you, mom is the best!
Leading: After all, everyone needs moms!
So, dear children,
All girls and boys!
You take care of your mothers
And always appreciate your mothers!
And you love your mom
And for everything, everything, everything Thank her!
All together: Thank you, mom!!! Teams of moms, using colored paper and scissors, make a collective work "Autumn Still Life"
Leading: Let the songs ring everywhere
About our beloved mothers.
We are for everything, for everything, dear,
We say (all children): “Thank you!” Teams of mothers in turn, answering the questions of the presenter, move forward to the signal mark. They go around it, pass the baton to the next team members. The team that completes the task faster and more accurately wins. Blindfolded, four mothers from each team collect fruit on cubes. The team that collected the fruit the fastest wins. Music from cartoons sounds. Moms have to guess the cartoon and the name of the song from it. The team with the most correct answers wins.
Leading: I would like to take away all adversity from you in autumn days,
Cup of sunny moodTo present to lovely women.
So that the eyes are filled with joy, New freshness for many years
And so that your life is brighter than a rainbow Blazing for the whole world. A joint competition of mothers and children. Mothers, paired with a child, take turns passing through the hoop to the table, on which there are glasses of water and two straws. They drink water and return, passing the baton and the hoop to the next participants. The team that completes the task the fastest wins.
The jury sums up the results of the competition. Participants are being rewarded.
Pasha We are finishing our holiday,
We wish dear mothers.
So that mothers do not grow old,
Younger, better.
Andrey We wish our mothers
Never lose heart.
Every year to be more beautiful
And scold us less.
Together we want for no reason
They would give you flowers.
All the men smiled
From your wonderful beauty.
Leading: Our holiday is over
What else can we say?
Let me say goodbye - I wish you good health!
Be cheerful, healthy. Give good light to everyone!
Come visit again and live to a hundred years!
At the end of the holiday, the song “Mom” sounds, the children leave the hall.

Presentation on the topic: Mother's Day in senior and preparatory groups

Sirunik Chobanyan
Competitive and entertaining game for Mother's Day "Mom + Me"

Scenario competitively- entertainment program dedicated to the Day mothers


Vedas. 1. Good evening, dear friends!

It's no secret, whether it's a small child or an already gray-haired adult, that mother is the dearest the most precious person in the world. Mom has the sweetest hands. Mom has the most sensitive and faithful heart - love never goes out in it, it does not remain indifferent to anything. And today we once again congratulate our mothers on the holiday and wish them health, youth, peace of mind and caring attitude from relatives and friends. But as you know mothers are not born, become mothers. Once our mothers were restless cheerful girls who loved play different games. Therefore, today we offer mothers remember your childhood and feel like little girls again and take part in our competitively- entertainment program " MOM+ME". And my daughter Alexandra will help me to spend it!

Vedas. 2. Hello! Mum, and who are we waiting for a visit?

Vedas. 1. Today is a wonderful holiday - Day mothers. And even though frosts have come on the street, this holiday breathes with such warmth that warms everyone sitting in this hall. And mothers and their children will come to visit us.

We invite the first wonderful couple to the stage.

These are Gayane and Maria Babiyany.

Mum Gayane - in childhood she was a mischievous and restless girl, she was fond of sambo. Now he works as an accountant in a car dealership.

Daughter Maria is fond of dancing, singing, attends the Children's House of Creativity.

Vedas. 1. The next ideal union of mother and daughter is Alla and Anna Khachikyan.

Mum Alla went swimming as a child. After graduation, she worked in the tax service. At the moment she is raising children.

Daughter Anna - loves to dance, is engaged in the choreographic studio of the Children's School of Arts.

Vedas. 1. And now, we invite another charming couple:

they are Nadezhda and Margarita Babakhyan. Mum Hope is working nurse in the hospital waiting room, fond of flowers.

Daughter Margarita is fond of dancing.

Ved1. We invite Maria and Ivan Varava to the stage.

Mum Maria loved to draw since childhood, she graduated from the art department of the Pedagogical Institute. She does floristry.

Son Vanya - just like mom loves to draw and also dances well.

Vedas. 1. Our next participants are Susanna and Andrey Bugayan.

Mum Susanna - works as a teacher at SFedU, loves sports, attends a fitness club.

Son Andrei - visits Orphanage creativity, loves stories about dinosaurs, enjoys swimming.

Vedas. 1. We ask our participants to prepare for the first task.

Vedas. 2. In my opinion, it's time to start our holiday!

Vedas. 1. Darling, take your time, we still have to introduce our distinguished jury.

Please welcome: ___

Vedas. 2. Mommy, can I tell you one secret? Our guests did not come to us empty-handed. Yesterday girls and boys together with mothers cooked something delicious for our holiday. And today they want to treat us with their sweets.

Vedas. 1. It's just wonderful! I think it will be the most "tasty" our evening's contest, and we will call it - "Yummy".

All participants must demonstrate their pastries to the jury members and spectators in an original way.

(baking presentation)

Vedas. 2. In the meantime, our jury is evaluating competition, for all the mothers in this hall there is a song « Mom dear» performed by Veronika Movsesyan.

Music number.

Vedas. 1. We give the floor to our jury.

Jury word.

Vedas. 1. All children love fairy tales. And all mothers know fairy tales, as they read them to their children.

Vedas. 2. Fairy tale, fairy tale! World of colors!

A world where good reigns

Where by pike command

Magic happens!

Vedas. 1. Today we will see how well our participants know fairy tales. I invite mothers and their children to take the stage. Our next competition"Fairy tale quiz". Your task is to answer question asked. can answer or mother or child. If a team does not answer a question, the question goes to the next team.

1. A fabulous creature that can mint gold coins with a blow of a hoof. (Antelope)

2. Chip and Dale - what kind of animals are they. (Chipmunks)

3. He visited the land of midgets and giants. (Gulliver)

4. He used a heater as a vehicle. (Emelya)

5. Epic hero from the city of Murom. (Ilya)

6. The bird that became the wife of Prince Guidon. (Swan)

7. What title did Puss in Boots give to his master. (Marquis)

8. The scientist cat told tales, heading in this direction. (Right)

9. Shrub with beautiful white flowers, which gave the name to this heroine. (Jasmine)

10. In fairy tales, it is pronounced so that a miracle happens. (Spell)

(jury members announce the results of the fabulous competition)

Vedas. 1. Each mother Since childhood, she has been stroking her child many times, her hands are so warm and tender. Our next the contest is called"Mom's Hands".

Children need to touch their mother's hands and stand next to her. Request mothers and the audience - do not tell!

(Alexandra leads the children out blindfolded in turn)

Vedas. 1. In the meantime, the jury sums up this competition, a musical gift performed by Laura Movsesyan sounds for you.

musical number

Vedas. 1. To the next competition, which is called "Young Artist" our little contestants prepared with great care. They drew portraits of their mothers in advance. Mom it remains only to guess on which of the drawings she herself is drawn and stand next to her portrait.

Mothers guess their portrait.

Vedas. 2. For you, a musical gift performed by Elizabeth Kirakosyan.

musical number

Vedas. 1. You all know how many lessons our children are given. Sometimes the mother does not have the strength to collect the child in a kindergarten or school. But today it will be the other way around! Today the children will collect their mothers for work. And what will come of it, we will see.

The contest is called"Beauty will save the world". Children need to collect their mother for work in 5 minutes. Request mothers: just stand still.

Vedas. 2. For you musical number performed by Yulia Tkodyan.

Vedas. 1. We all love to sing, dance and have fun. Our last competition"Light the star in you". During the musical break, a lottery was held. As a result, each participant received a task - to dance a certain dance with her child. Let's support the participants with applause, because they are very worried.

Vedas. 1. In the meantime, the jury is summing up, Karolina Kharagezyan sings for you.

Vedas. 1. Ensemble "Lux" - "We are your children Russia".

Vedas. 1. And now the word to our jury.


Vedas. 1. Well, now, dear mothers, we have one more gift for you as parting! Take a look at the screen. We want to give you a few minutes of bright memories of the most happy moments your his motherhood!

Video display.

Extracurricular activity - Mother's Day,

competitive game program "Daughters-mothers"


1) fostering love and gratitude for the mother;

2) creation of friendly relations between mothers and students;

3) moral and aesthetic education of students.


1) education of a respectful attitude towards mothers, desire

To help them;

2) help children through the game to enter into real life,

And mothers take a break from her for a while;

3) creation of a warm moral climate between mothers and children.

Equipment:1) newspapers "My mother is the best!"

(with photos of mothers)

2) portraits "Our mothers" - drawings of children

3) posters with the words:

  • “A mother's heart is an abyss, in the depths of which there will always be forgiveness” (O. Balzac);
  • “Everything beautiful in a person comes from the rays of the sun and from mother’s milk” (A.M. Gorky);
  • “Love for the motherland begins with love for the mother. A person begins with his relationship to his mother. And all the best that is in a person is given to him from his mother ”(Yu.A. Yakovlev);
  • “We will forever glorify the woman whose name is Mother” (Musa Jalil).

4) multimedia projector

Event progress.

Sounds like a song from the movie "Mom"

Teacher:-Good afternoon! For 4 years now, on the last Sunday of November, Russia has been celebrating new holiday- Mothers Day.

Many countries around the world celebrate Mother's Day, however, in different time. However, unlike the International women's day March 8, on Mother's Day, only mothers and pregnant women are honored, and not all representatives of the weaker sex

Presenter 1:The most beautiful word on earth mother. It is the first word a person utters. In all languages ​​of the world, it sounds equally gentle.

Host 2:Today we have gathered to say to our mothers: thank you very much! Thanks for your hard work! For sleepless nights at our cribs! For patience during our training!

Presenter 1:On behalf of all children we say: Low bow to you, our dear mothers!

Host 2:

You, dear women, kind, real, today your children want to congratulate you. We give them the floor.

-Students of the 9th grade Ter-Sogomonova Alexandra and Aksenov Ilya are performing. They will read a poem about mother.

You only know your mother at home

Native hands protect

Home, affectionate comfort,

So familiar and familiar.

And you don't always see your mom

In her labor worries ...

You do not send a telegram with her,

Do not treat patients with her.

Do not rush with her on a steam locomotive,

You don't see her at the machine

And her glorious deeds at work

You don't share yet.

But if mom sometimes

Will come tired from work -

Warm her with your care

Help her with everything.

Make in the light

We can do a lot

In the depths of the sea and space, too.

Affairs and roads

There will be a lot in life ...

Let's ask ourselves:

Well, where do they start?

Here is our answer

The correct one:

Everything we live


From mom!

Presenter 1:

Children are the most precious thing for a mother.

The happiness of a mother is in the happiness of her children. There is nothing in the world more disinterested than her love. Mom is the first teacher and friend, and the closest. She will always understand, console, help in difficult times, protect from trouble. There is no person in the world dearer and closer than mother.

Teacher : Mom's hands rocked the children in the cradle when they were small.

It was their mother who warmed them with her breath and lulled them to sleep.

With your song.

Presenter 1:

The pupil of the 9th grade Nikolai Cherkasov is performing. He will read a poem about his mother.

The morning starts

Mom wakes up.

And mother's smile

Morning begins.

warm palms

Mom will keep us warm

kind words

Sadness dispels.

Hosts 1 and 2 (in order):

Our mothers caring for two children and a husband during the year:

Wash out 18,000 knives, forks and spoons,

13000 plates,

8000 cups.

The total weight of the dishes that our mothers carry from the kitchen cabinet to the dining table and back reaches 5 tons per year.

And they also wash mountains of linen, if you add up all the washed linen, you get a mountain as high as Elbrus;

During the year, our mothers go shopping 2000km.

What if moms work?

And if mothers work, we must help them!

It seems that after such work, my mother has no strength left. Yes, mothers are very tired. And yet they still have time for us. Mom is the closest person to us.

Presenter 1:
Yes, indeed, for each of us, whether it is a small child or an already gray-haired adult, mother is the dearest, dearest person in the world. And today we once again congratulate our mothers on the holiday and wish them health, youth, peace of mind and caring attitude from relatives and relatives. But as you know, mothers are not born, they become mothers. Once upon a time, our mothers were restless, cheerful girls who loved to play different games.

Therefore, even today we invite mothers to remember their childhood and feel like little girls again and participate in our competitive game program "Mothers and Daughters".
So, get acquainted - the Mommy team.

Enter under the song "Talk to me, mother" by V. Tolkunova

Host 2: The second team is represented by their daughters, girls who will become mothers in the future and cope with all the work and worries that will fall on their shoulders. Meet the "Daughters" team.

They enter the song "Daughter" by A. Pugacheva

Presenter1: Well, we got acquainted with the teams, let's get acquainted with the jury, which will evaluate the performance of our participants.
Today on the jury:

- Siluyanova M.V. - head teacher

Kurbatskaya T.V. - Deputy director for educational work

Zakharova M.A. - Deputy security director

Trubkin P.V. - teacher - organizer of sports work.

Teacher: And now Competition No. 1 "Acquaintance".

The homework that the teams have prepared is baking. And now the teams had to prepare a story about themselves, about their team.

Host #1:

Competition No. 2 “Warm-up” .

Participants need to answer joke questions. The team that gives more answers in a minute is considered the winner of the competition.

Questions for contest number 2: Warm up

  • How to write "mousetrap" in five letters? (Cat)
  • Who plunges headlong into work? (Diver)
  • What is a "glue business"? (Fishing)
  • What fields do not drive or pass? (Along the fields of the hat)
  • What has a head but no brains? (Onion garlic)
  • How to write "dry grass" in four letters? (Hay)
  • Who sits with his back to the king? (Coachman)
  • Who is grasping at straws? (The one who drinks the cocktail)

Teacher: And now it's time to hold the next competition.

Contest #3: Define the grain.

Blindfolded, identify cereals (flour, beans, rice, buckwheat, peas, noodles, oatmeal, millet).

Presenter No. 2: Competition No. 4: Understand without words.

Mothers and daughters participate in the competition. "Mum" must use facial expressions, gestures to say a phrase, and "Daughter" understand it and vice versa.

Sample phrases:

  • wash the floor,
  • read a book
  • go to the grocery store (for moms),
  • sign in the diary, I got a deuce,
  • Today we have a disco at school (for daughters).

Teacher: It's time for the next competition.

Competition No. 5: The game "Shifters" (names of TV shows).

You can write on pieces of paper, quickly discuss and answer.

1. “Bad night” (“Good afternoon”)

2. “Absolutely publicly” (“Top Secret”)

3. “Bar of the Sad and Confused” (“KVN”)

4. “Looking for you” (“Wait for me”)

5. “Cold Twenty” (“Hot Ten”)

6.“Goodnight, world" (" Good morning, the country")

7. “Your garden” (“Our garden”)

8. “Village” (“Town”)

9. “Evening parcel” (“Morning mail”)

10. “Put it on later” (“Take it off immediately”)

11. “Hi! Alone outside!” (“While everyone is at home”)

12. “From the war of people” (“In the world of animals”)

13. “Good morning, old lady” (“Good night, kids”)

14. “Death 03” (“Salvation 911”)

Teacher: And now we will hold the next competition.

Competition No. 6 “Dance”.

You need to dance “Gypsy Girl” and “Lambada”. During the dance, music is turned on that does not correspond to the dance at all. The task of the participants is not to stray.

Presenter 1: Let's move on to the next competition.

Competition No. 7 "Culinary".

Before each team on the table is a certain list of products. These are: boiled potatoes, boiled eggs, carrots, beets, white bread, mayonnaise, cheese, tomatoes, cucumbers.
Of these products, in 7 minutes it is necessary to prepare one or several dishes that could be fed to an unexpected guest. The whole team is involved in the cooking process. The originality, quantity and decoration of the dishes will be judged.
(A competition is held, the results are summed up).

Teacher: Guys, you gradually grew up and have already begun to learn the first children's poems with your mothers. And when you confused the lines, mothers tried to tell you. How did they do it?

Competition No. 8 "Pantomime"

So, the teams receive a note with the beginning of the poem and a hint-pantomime, show the movements of the characters in the poem, you need to guess and tell the poem to the end.


  • “A bull is walking, swinging...”
  • “They dropped Mishka on the floor...”
  • “The hostess abandoned the bunny...”
  • “Our Tanya is crying loudly...”
  • “Bear clubfoot...”
  • "I love my horse..."

Teacher: Competition number 9. "Guess the melody"

Teacher: Have you forgotten children's cartoon songs yet? A fragment of a song sounds for a few seconds, you need to guess the name of the song or cartoon. You can sing a little.

The choir of students in grades 3-6 performs with a song about mom.

Host #2: Competition No. 10 “In the world of musical works”

Teacher: In the title of well-known musical works, all words were replaced with opposite ones in meaning. Restore

"Encrypted" in this way are the true names.

2. "Father Frost" ("The Snow Maiden", opera by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov)

3. “Waking Scarecrow” (“Sleeping Beauty”, ballet by P.I. Tchaikovsky)

4. “The Sad Bride” (“The Merry Widow”, operetta by F. Legar)

5. The King of Diamonds (The Queen of Spades, opera by P.I. Tchaikovsky)

6. "The Tale of the Iron Hen" ("The Tale of the Golden Cockerel", opera by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov)

The jury sums up the results of the competition

Teacher: And now guys, we will praise our mother (the word "Mom" is pronounced together)


1. The sun is brighter for me - mother!

2. Peace and happiness for me - mother!

3. Noise of branches, flowers of fields - mother!

4. Call of flying cranes - mother!

5. The water is clear in the spring - mother!

6. There is a bright star in the sky - mother!

7. Let the songs ring everywhere

About our beloved mothers.

We are for everything, for all relatives

We speak "Thank you!

Teacher :

Dear women! Let your faces get tired only from smiles, and your hands from bouquets of flowers. May your children be obedient and your husbands attentive! May your hearth always be decorated with comfort, prosperity, love, happiness!

Presenter 1:

Among the many holidays celebrated in our country, Mother's Day occupies a special place. This holiday leaves no one indifferent. That is why we want to say today words of gratitude to all mothers who give love, kindness, tenderness and affection to children. Thank you!

Host 2:

- Be always beautiful and loved! May your children give you strength and happiness! Life goes on because you are on Earth!

Presenter 1: On this, our competitive game program "Daughters-Mothers" is over. Many thanks to all participants, fans, assistants. Let this charge of vivacity and Have a good mood will be with you for a whole week. And we say goodbye to you. Goodbye!

Host 2:

See you soon!

Song "Mama" (from the movie "Mama").

Festive program for Mother's Day

the formation of respectful respect for the family, love for the mother;

fostering a sense of responsibility for the assigned work;

creating a festive atmosphere;

development of communication skills.

Given extracurricular activity aimed at educating humanistic principles, love for parents, mothers

Preparatory work:

Collect photographic material about the mothers of the children of the class (for presentation).

Choice of leaders of the holiday.

Prepare a game presentation.

Setting up the venue.

Invite your parents to the party.

Vedas:Dear mothers and grandmothers! We invited you to a holiday dedicated to you, and we want to express our deep gratitude, respect and great gratitude.

We welcome all mothers and grandmothers who came to our holiday, which we dedicated to the kindest, most sensitive, most gentle, caring, hardworking, and, of course, the most beautiful, our mothers.

Children are the most precious thing for a mother. The happiness of a mother is in the happiness of her children. The mother is the child's first teacher and friend. She will always understand him, console him, help him in difficult times, protect him, protect him from trouble. There is no person in the world dearer and closer than a mother.

And let this holiday be really kind, because today we celebrate a wonderful holiday - Mother's Day. Who is the most beloved in the world? The children will immediately say this, but we still prepared riddles for order:

Who in the world of all relatives?

Children: Mom

Who loves you the most?

Children: Mom

Who accompanied you to school?

Children: Mom

Who read a fairy tale at night?

Children: Mom

Who is the smartest in the world?

Children: Mom

All prettier and kinder?

Children: Mom

Vedas: Well, of course, this is the most beloved, dearest mother for every person. Each of us has our own mother, mother. When you were just born and didn’t know how to speak yet, your mother understood you without words, guessed what you wanted, where it hurts. You can't confuse your mother's voice with any other voice. He is so familiar, so familiar. Mom is a giver of warmth, love and beauty. Everything that surrounds you in this world begins with your mother. At the end of November, Russia celebrates Mother's Day. And today we have gathered in our hall to congratulate the most beloved, kind, gentle, most wonderful mothers on this holiday.

1st grade students - editing

Vedas: All Mothers' Day is an international holiday, although it is celebrated in different countries on different days.

American Anna Yarvis annually honored the memory of her mother on the day of her death (in early May). The American Congress in 1914 declared Mother's Day an official holiday. This holiday has been celebrated in Germany since 1922. In France, it is celebrated on the last Sunday of May. In America, on Mother's Day, all children, wherever they are, return home to be with their mothers and express their love to them. As a sign of love, American girls and boys give their mothers red carnations.

On this day, it is a tradition to free mothers from all household chores. Children draw funny pictures, come up with simple congratulations, girls bake holiday pies, boys clean up the house.

In Russia, All Mothers' Day is celebrated on the last Sunday of November. In the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the holiday is celebrated on October 18.

Vedas: From the heart, in simple words
Let's talk friends about mom.
We love her like a good friend
For the fact that we have everything in common with her.
For the fact that when we have a hard time,
We can cry at our native shoulder.
We love her and for the fact that sometimes.

Eyes become stricter in wrinkles.
But it’s worth coming with a confession with your head -
Wrinkles will disappear, a thunderstorm will rush.
For what is always, without concealment and directly
We can trust her with our hearts.
And just because she is our mother,
We love her deeply and dearly.

We are in eternal, unrequited debt to the mother, whose love accompanies us all our lives. Let's show more care, attention, sympathy for mothers. Let's help them around the house. After all, our mothers take on double work to provide us with the opportunity to study well and relax.

Today our holiday is unusual: our mothers are not just spectators, they will take an active part in the holiday. We are waiting funny Games and interesting contests. Probably, there are no such mothers and grandmothers who would not like to have fun. Today we change places with mothers: mothers play, and you and I cheer for them.

1."Venichki" - Walk between the pins, leading a balloon with a broom, return, pass the broom to another member of the team. (2 brooms, 2 balloons).

2. "Mamalevichi" - A felt-tip pen is tied to a long stick. Every mother should write the name of her child on a sheet of drawing paper, holding a stick with a felt-tip pen in the air. (2 sheets of drawing paper, 2 felt-tip pens on a stick)

2nd grade students - installation

3. "Riding on" mamokata "- In each team, two drivers are selected who take turns transporting team members on blankets on the floor around the specified landmark. (2 blankets)

4."Mamada"(instead of toastmaster) - Teams get a set of rhymes. Mothers must compose a poem.

(Cards with rhymes).

5. "Mom is an intellectual" - mothers write their child's lesson schedule for Tuesday. (sheets of paper, pens).

Pupils of grades 3-4 - installation

6. "Mom-Guess"

Guess important words!

    She loves children. Always buys what you want. She is caring and never scolds. She has a favorite person - grandfather. Who is she? (Grandmother.)

    She is big and small. When photographed, she is also needed. She appears when they tell a joke or something funny, and then disappears. What is it? (Smile.)

    It is very cold and smooth. When it gets warm, it turns from big to small. This happens different shapes, but more like a carrot. Hanging upside down. When spring comes it drips. (Icicle.)

    It happens and it doesn't. When mom buys something tasty, it immediately appears. I start jumping, running and having fun. It happens when you dance. When guests come, it appears. This happens when they are not allowed to go out, when the lessons have to be done. It is funny and sad, good and bad. What is it? (Mood.)

    This is uncle. He is strong, he knows how to cook, he can drive a car, a motorcycle. He is not afraid of anyone, he never cries. He loves women, he has children. He is good, kind and caring. He promised to carry his mother in his arms for the rest of his life. (Husband.)

    The most expensive person on earth for you? (mother)

    Every one has this quality. loving mother? (kindness)

    Ability to make intelligent decisions difficult questions, to give advice? (wisdom)

    Can this property of the soul be seen in the look of the mother, heard in her voice? (tenderness)

    Such an amazing word denotes quality. Is it always in my mother's soul? (care)

    Does this quality appear when mom jokes, makes everyone laugh? (humor)

7. " Mom-Knower"

Mothers are given the opportunity, without seeing the child, to recognize him by his voice. A replica is pronounced: “Mom, I love you.”

8."Mom-zakidulechka "- (as an option, we threw plastic vegetables into the basket for mom)The team that manages to catch the most vegetables wins. (2 baskets and vegetables).

9."Mama-atelier" - The presenter's assistants lay out on the chairs of each team packs of newspapers and magazines, scissors, paper clips, pins, needles and threads, ropes, adhesive tape(adhesive tape), glue.

Dear mothers! Surely you have more than once found yourself in unexpected situations when a decision must be made immediately and an issue must be urgently resolved. Imagine that your forgetful child tells you that in 10 minutes he has to go on stage, and that he needs some kind of unusual costume for this, he forgot to tell you in advance. It is necessary to somehow get out of the situation, that is, urgently make a costume for the child. And from what? From what you have at your fingertips! In this case, you have packs of newspapers and magazines, glue, scissors, paper clips and ... your imagination! And 10 more minutes at your disposal! Get to work, friends!

Beautiful mothers, there are many of you in the world

In the eyes you look openly and directly ..,

No matter how far the road calls us,

We are all accompanied by beautiful mothers.

We rarely bring bouquets to mom,

But everyone upsets her so often...

And kind mother forgives it all

Beautiful mama all this forgives.

Under the weight of worries without bending stubbornly,

She does her duty patiently...

Each one is beautiful mother,

She is beautiful with her mother's love.

10. "Sportomam" - Moms make an airplane out of paper and throw it. Whose plane flies further, that team wins.

Final part

Vedas:- And now the weather forecast for the 2nd quarter. So what can we say about the weather? Of course, there will be snow for homework. Of course, there will be a blizzard of tests. But under the November frost of knowledge, the deuces will gradually freeze out. Smiles will freeze on the face, and the fields of the diaries will be covered with fours and fives. But, despite any weather at the end of December, you are waiting for the winter holidays and the long-awaited New Year!

- Well, our festive evening has come to an end, dedicated to the day mom. Thank you all for responding to the invitation to participate in today's competition. Thank you for your love and attention to children. And we will end our holiday with the guys with a circle of compliments.

We wish you only happiness!
To have a cloudless life!
More sun, less storm
More joy and warmth!

May the sky be peaceful above you!
Let the nightingales pour only for you!
Live surrounded by friends!

Health, happiness, joy, love!

Vedas:- Dear mothers, now we invite you to the Smile cafe for tea.

Tea drinking in the cafe "Smile"

We are finishing our holiday, we wish dear mothers,

So that mothers do not grow old, younger, prettier.

We wish our mothers never to lose heart,

Every year to be more beautiful and scold us less.

Let adversity and sorrow bypass you,

So that every day of the week is like a day off for you.

To the music, children give gifts to their mothers.

Additional material.

Rhymes for the contest "Mamada":

1 team 2 team

…………..sun ……………mom

…………..window ……………straight

…………..lady ……………sing

…………..mother ……………my

Between competitions, the game "Gifts" is held:

One person takes out a piece of paper from the hat with the name of the item, which is considered a gift. Another player takes out a piece of paper from another hat, which says what can be done with this gift. The result is a very funny leapfrog.


Names of gifts


Boiled chicken

green onion

Portrait (own)


Soap and washcloth

Record player

What to do with them

I'll put it on the table and enjoy.

I will chew and eat.

I'll take it in my arms and stroke it.

I'll sit down and ride.

I will cut and treat my friends.

I'll tie it to the fence - it won't run away

I iron with a hot iron.

Good for salad.

I bathe in the bath, put to bed.

I'll throw it up and catch it.

Roast and eat.

Kiss and hug to my heart.

I'll blow it and put it in my pocket.

I'll take it to the bath with me.

I'll put it on my dress and stand in front of the mirror.

I'll put it on my head and be proud.

I'll call my friends and give each lady a piece.

I'll hook it up to a mop and mop the floor.

I will carry it with me everywhere, especially in the rain.

I'll quickly crumble the salad on the festive table.

I'll put my head under my head and fall asleep sweetly.

Ice cream Admire and hang on the wall.

I'll put it in the fridge.

I'll plug it in, I'll sing and dance

Decorate my finger.