Funny autumn scenes for preschoolers for the autumn holiday in kindergarten. Autumn Festival in kindergarten: script for junior, senior and preparatory groups

The script of the autumn holiday

"Autumn is wandering at the gate"

in a mixed age group

Children to the music with leaves enter the hall

and perform the Dance with the Leaves


Here the summer is over,
Resounded and turned green
The warm days are gone
And the moths don't fly anymore.

1st. Sad autumn has come
There were no leaves on the bushes,
And all the trees
They are also naked.

2nd. The strong wind blows off your feet,
The storm is coming
Dirt and puddles everywhere -
I won't walk...

3rd. It's raining, they're not too lazy to pour,
We stay at home all day.
This rain... why is it
I am sick, I have a cold.

4th. Autumn is knocking at our door
And after autumn, winter.
We do not expect it, we do not ask,
And she goes by herself!

The song "Autumn knocked on our door"

Children sit down

The girls come out
5th. No, I won't let Autumn in for anything!
Have I ever dressed so warmly in the summer?

6th. Would I sunbathe in autumn,
Or swim in the river, pick flowers?

7th. No, we don't need a dull autumn.
We won't let her in, let her go!


Oh, and sad Autumn at the door:
She was hurt to tears, to tears.
And Autumn is crying with rain at the entrance.
And the weather is getting rainier.

Girls perform "Umbrella Dance"

8th. The day goes by so fast
The night comes on so quickly.
I'm sad, so bored!
Autumn - it's just flour!

Leading . Stop, friends, this is not good,
Boredom can be contagious!
No you don't, no doubt
We are in such a mood!
You look - the forest is all painted,
Only in autumn you can see this.
Its leaves burn with golden fire
And they lie down on the ground with a multi-colored carpet!

Song "Autumn, sweet rustle"

Leading . Autumn, warm and bright,
She brought so many gifts!
So many colors, so much light!
Have you already forgotten it?

9th . But, it’s true, we can’t live without Autumn.
We need to bring Autumn here as soon as possible!


We are waiting for the holiday
Miraculous autumn
She has come to us now!

Autumn comes to the music.

Autumn : Hello, friends,
Here I am!
The summer was hot -
For a long time I was not inferior!
But everything has its time
I arrived at the threshold.
I came to your holiday
Sing and have fun
I want with everyone here
Make strong friends.

Round dance "Autumn in a golden scarf"

Autumn: And now guys
I'll tell you riddles
Say it in order
What grows in the garden?

1. Drop a little under the bush -
Look out into the light ……………….. POTATO.

2. A bush grew in the garden there.
Heard only: crunch yes crunch!
In cabbage soup, hodgepodge is thick.
This is ………………………….. CABBAGE

3. For tops, like for a rope,
You can pull out …………….. CARROT

4. Mi and la, fa and salt -
Musical beans.
Why am I bad for songs?
Also a relative …………… PEA

5. Do not be afraid if suddenly
Will make you shed tears…………. ONION

6. Well done grow in the garden -
Green ……………………….. CUCUMBERS

Autumn: For vegetables to grow
It needs to rain.

Presenter: Suddenly it got dark
There was a lot of noise in the sky
The rain fell a little,
The paths got wet.

Dance "Rain"

Presenter: Thanks rain! He watered the beds well. Guys, look what a rich harvest has grown. Come on, vegetables, tell us about yourself!

Potato: Many dishes from potatoes
You can cook
Both simple and complex:
It is boiled, fried, rubbed.
What is tastier in the whole world,
Than a potato in uniform.

Zucchini: Zucchini, zucchini
Lie down on the bed on the barrel,
He looks like a pig
Tail with a thin curl,
But where is the piglet?

Beet: Aunt Fekla,
Red beetroot!
I am salads, vinaigrettes
Decorate with scarlet.
There is nothing tastier
And make borscht.

I am the ray of all diseases.
I'm the best guys.
Even though I'm bitter, it doesn't matter.
Need to eat me always

Green pea:
Everyone knows how good
I am a green pea.
I decorate all dishes
And they respect it.

I'm fresh and crispy.
I am a real cucumber.
I was green in the garden,
I will become salty in a jar.

I am a very important signor,
Ripe, sweet tomato.
Red, juicy and smooth.
I treat everyone, guys,
Who drinks my tomato juice
Doesn't get sick whole year.

And I, juicy cabbage,
Proud of vitamins.
In cabbage rolls, borscht, salads
I'll be nice, of course.
And how delicious
Shchi my cabbage soup!

All: We are all from the garden bed,
Remember us guys.
Rich in vitamins
And we need all the guys!

Autumn: Well done boys!
And now we're going to play interesting game.

And it is called "".

1.Game "Vegetables and fruits"

2. The game "Collect mushrooms (cones)" (Blindfolded)

3. The game "Run the puddles under the umbrella"


Like ours, honey mushrooms
A whole kindergarten grew up.
All sons and daughters
Hiding in leaves.

Dance "Mushrooms" (boys)

Song "Autumn, Autumn one, two, three"

Autumn: Thank you dancers, thank you singers
We had fun, today we are from the heart!

I have been visiting you
Here is the scarf I found.
colorful, painted,
Unusual, difficult!
I offer you friends
Play with a handkerchief!
Want to? Children: Yes!

The game "Magic Scarf" is being held:
Cheerful music sounds, children are freely located around the hall, perform various dance movements. The music suddenly changes to a calmer melody, the children sit down and cover their eyes with their hands. Autumn, straightening out a large scarf, bypasses the guys and covers someone with a scarf.

Autumn: One two Three!
Who is hiding inside?
Don't yawn, don't yawn
Answer quickly!

Children call the name of the child hidden under the scarf. If you guessed it, then they raise the handkerchief. The child, who was under the scarf, jumps to the cheerful music, and all the children clap for him.
playing, last time, Autumn covers with a handkerchief, a basket of apples, imperceptibly brought into the hall. Autumn speaks again. The children say the name of the child.

Presenter: Not! All the guys are here!
What then is under the scarf?

Autumn: We raise the handkerchief
What do we find out under it now!
What is this? ………………
And in the basket?
Children: Apples!

Autumn: I harvested - hard work.
Take a treat - apples without an account.
Eat, yes, be healthy!

Autumn distributes apples to children

Presenter: Thank you Autumn for apples

Autumn: Well guys, I had fun with you. But, it's time to say goodbye. Next year, I will come to you with a new harvest! Goodbye, guys!

Presenter: Goodbye!

(Autumn is leaving)

Presenter: It seemed to us autumn boring and not friendly. And how much beauty and joy in it, especially for those who love to work. Guys, our autumn holiday has come to an end.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 16 "Golden Fish"

The script of the autumn holiday

"Autumn is wandering at the gate"

in a mixed age group


Sad time! Oh charm!
Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -
I love the magnificent nature of wilting,
Forests clad in crimson and gold,
In their canopy of the wind noise and fresh breath,
And the heavens are covered with mist,
And a rare ray of sun, and the first frosts,
And distant gray winter threats.




The script of the holiday in the younger group "Autumn Tale"

To the music, children flock into the hall, examine its decoration, go to their chairs and sit down.

caregiver : Look, guys, how beautiful it is in our hall!

Autumn roams the forest paths.

Walks majestically near slender pines.

We are all consoled: "Summer has flown by,

But don't be discouraged, kids! It's not scary after all!"

Autumn walks along the paths slowly,

Can you hear the leaves rustling around us?

Guys, let's take a walk and collect colorful leaves!

Children move to the music with a calm step around the hall and pick up two leaves from the carpet.

presenter What beautiful leaves you have collected! Let's dance with them. Performing "DANCE WITH AUTUMN LEAVES"


While we were playing with leaves, clouds ran across the sky and the rain will come to us soon

Gloomy weather and rain in the yard, It became very cold in (October).

Leading: (listens). Someone is running to us here, Someone is in a hurry to us here ... We will slam, we will stomp together, Let him find us soon!Music sounds, the children clap their hands, stomp, and a cloud runs into the hall, in her hands she has two sultans. Cloud. I am an autumn cloud, blue-blue, Let it be small, but very strong! If I just want to - I'll wet all of you with rain!Music sounds, a cloud runs around the guys and "splashes" them with a rain-sultan. Leading. Cloud, Cloud, wait, Take away your rains! We know the song about the rain And we'll give it to you! Performing song "Behind the window who is naughty"words by N. Solovieva, music by M. Partskhaladze.

Cloud. What a beautiful and interesting song! Thank you guys! In autumn, it really rains a lot!

cloud : Guys, let's play the game "rain"

The game "Rain" is being played.

Rain, rain is more fun, pour, pour, don't be sorry!

Cap-cap on flowers, on trees and bushes. (they run around the hall scattered with the sultans, lift them up, swing)

Rain, the rain fell silent, the rain stopped pouring.

Drip-drip rain sleeps, does not knock on the paths. (sultans hide behind their backs, squat down)

Drip-drip-drip, drip-drip-drip, the rain wakes up. Drip-drip-drip, it's starting to rain! (they rise, wave their sultans and scatter around the hall)

Cloud: Rain dripped on the grass

On trees and foliage.

Didn't catch up with your kids

Angry…. stopped.

You are wonderful guys, I'll tell you honestly

It was fun to have fun with you!

At the end of the dance, the cloud runs away from the hall.

Educator: By the autumn holiday, the children learned poems:

1 child: Yellow leaf on the palm

I'll put it on my cheek.

It's a sunny summer

I hold in my hand.

2 child : How quiet the autumn garden,

Leaves fly from the branches

Quietly whispering, rustling,

They want to lull you.

3 child: The leaves suddenly turned yellow - it's autumn,

Look around, it's autumn

A mushroom climbed under the Christmas tree - it's autumn,

He calls you and me to the forest - it's autumn!

4 child : Nice autumn in the forest,

Leaves are falling.

In the meadow by the river

Mushrooms have grown...

5 child : The sun is radiant

Laughs affectionately,

fluffy cloud

Smiling from the sky.

Music sounds, autumn appears


Are you talking about me? How glad I am!

Bow to the ground, friends.

Well hello! Did you call me?

And I came to you for a holiday,

Although the case did not let go,

But I still found the time.

And my animal friends promised the same to come to you for the holiday.

Educator: Autumn, the guys and I were waiting for you and prepared a song.

Song "Autumn"

A sad hedgehog comes out to the music:

Hello guys! Hello, autumn!

Autumn: Hello hedgehog! And why are you so sad?

Hedgehog: I've been walking in the forest since morning,

And I was looking for mushrooms.

Only there are no mushrooms in the forest,

Oh, I'll be lost in the winter.

Autumn: Don't be upset, hedgehog! I know that you love mushrooms more than anything in the world, and I have prepared a gift for you!

Hey mushrooms, come out

Yes, hurry up to dance for us!

mushroom dance (boys put on mushroom caps, dance)

Hedgehog: Oh, so many mushrooms! How can I collect them all!

Presenter: Don't be afraid, hedgehog, the guys will help you!

Game "Collect mushrooms"

Autumn (gives a basket of mushrooms to a hedgehog) Here is a Hedgehog, look how many mushrooms the guys have collected for you.

Hedgehog: Thanks a lot! Now I'm going to go hang all the mushrooms in my hole to dry! Goodbye, guys!

Autumn . Someone is still in a hurry to us,

Someone is flying over here!

And flies to us

little bird,

And her (children's) name is titmouse!

Music sounds, a titmouse flies

Titmouse . Chiv, chiv, hello guys, hello Autumn!

Autumn . You did not fly here in vain,

Rushed to me in time

I've been waiting for you for a long time

And saved a gift ...

Like red peas

Lit up behind the window

Not viburnum, not raspberry,

This is a berry - rowan!

You, mountain ash, go out,

And dance for us soon!

Dance of the mountain ash (performed by girls).

Titmouse. Very tasty, very bright,

Sweet gifts!

We won't be lost now

And we'll live through the winter!

Thank you very much, Autumn!

Too bad, kids

It's time for me to fly

Have fun, don't be bored

And meet more guests!

Goodbye! (titmouse flies away)

Bear : Hello, guys! I was in such a hurry for the holiday.

I have toys for you - These are rattles.

The bear distributes tools to children.

Rattle game

Hare: And now it's time

Dance to us, kids!

Let's threaten with a finger

Hit very hard with the foot.

Let's not forget to spin

And, of course, bow!

The dance "Fingers-handles" is performed.


I'll tell you from the bottom of my heart -

All guys are good!

But I'm interested to know

do you like to play?

Then I invite you to play an interesting game!

The game "Magic Shawl" is held.

Fun, upbeat music sounds. Children move freely around the hall, perform various dance movements. During the dance, Autumn covers one of the children with a large transparent scarf.

Autumn: One! Two! Three!

Who is hiding inside?

Don't yawn, don't yawn!

Answer quickly!

Children call the name of the child hidden under the scarf. If you guessed it, then they raise the handkerchief. (The child under the handkerchief jumps to cheerful music, and everyone else clap for him). The game is played several times.

During the game, the teacher imperceptibly covers the basket with apples with a handkerchief. The children say the name of the child who, in their opinion, hid under the scarf.

Educator: Not! All the guys are here! Who then hid under the handkerchief?

We raise the handkerchief

What's under it, now we'll find out!

What is this? Basket!

(Pushes back the leaves covering the apples.)

And in the basket...

Children: Apples!

Autumn : I had a lot of fun!

I loved all the guys.

But it's time for us to say goodbye.

What to do? Waiting for business!


Everyone leaves to the music. The teacher invites the children to the group to eat apples.


Scenario of the holiday "How the children looked for autumn" (middle group)

Children run into the hall and stand in a semicircle.

Vedas: Mom dad attention

Please hold your breath.

Let's start the show

Surprise for kids.

Have fun with us

Come back to childhood together.

Clap and sing along.

Meet the autumn festival.

Comes in to the music Autumn

I'm golden autumn, it's been here for a long time.

Magical, golden, always my name.

We haven't seen each other for a whole year

Summer is my turn again.

I worked so hard, I drew,

Decorated with bright colors.

My dear friends, tell me about me.

1 child What a beautiful autumn

What a golden carpet.

And visit guys today

The holiday has come to us today.

2 children Yellow leaves in the garden

The wind is sweeping.

It's only once a year

It happens in autumn.

Song "Autumn Holiday"

Autumn : Look how beautiful it is around.

At the edge of the forest is dense

We will open doors.

Here we will meet different trees.

Guys, listen, it seems to us someone is coming. Cheerful dwarf, little man. Let's play it, hide behind the leaves.(Children pick up leaves from the floor and hide behind them)

(Gnome enters, looking for something)

Dwarf : How much work has become.

How many leaves have fallen.

I hasten to sweep them

I'll put things in order.

I'll take a broom

I'll put the leaves in a pile.

(Sweeps, children run into a small circle and wave their hands, turning to face the audience)

Gnome: That's the order.

Autumn : A cheerful breeze,

His path is not close, not far.

Flying around the world

And blows up the leaves.

(Children sit down and again hide behind the leaves)

Dwarf : What, are you the wind, really?

All the leaves are scattered.

I'll take a broom

I will collect the leaves again.(Sweeps)

Oh, you mischievous leaves,

Bright and colorful.

To not dare to fly away.

I have to catch up with you all.(Children run away)

Dwarf : And these are not leaves at all, but these are children, girls and boys. They decided to play a trick on the old grandfather. Well, hello, nerds. Tell me, why did you come to the autumn forest?

Vedas. Dear gnome, we came to your wonderful forest to look for mushrooms, berries and, of course, admire the wonderful autumn nature.

Dwarf : Welcome.

Autumn : I'll tell you a secret

And I love poetry.

Guys, tell me poems.

1 child The leaves are falling, falling, falling. And the clouds float in the sky

Again with bright colors pleases

This time is long overdue.

2 children The leaves are dancing

And befriend me.

Dance with leaves

(thunder rumbles, children get scared)

Vedas. What is it, what happened?

Everything around has changed.

The autumn cloud has come to us,

I wanted to ruin the holiday for my friends.

A cloud enters, beats the drum

Cloud: I am an evil cloud, a thundercloud.

I don't like to have fun.

All the guys cold rain

I'm watering now.

(Children are hiding, a cloud is watering them (touches with a blue plume))

Here's some rain.

What are you playing with Autumn?

If you don't know my rules.

Everyone is bored, afraid of me.

And do not sing or laugh. (bends fingers)

I take the golden autumn from you,

And I leave the cold rain for you.

Autumn : No, no, we don't need rain or clouds,

Better, don't torture me. You let me go to the guys

Why do we need rain during the holiday?

Cloud: How is this why?

Autumn : We don't need rain.

Vedas. If the sky frowns and threatens to rain, who will guys hide us from the rain?

Children: Umbrella.

1 child Not afraid of pouring rain

After all, we have an umbrella with you.

We will have fun walking.

Slap and jump through the puddles.

2 children If it's pouring rain

I take an umbrella with me.

Very bright and big

Red, yellow, blue.

One, two, three, four, five,

We will drive the cloud away.

Dance "Cloud"

Vedas. And let's guys drive away the evil cloud. Let's say it loud

Children : Cloud, cloud, run away,

And don't scare the kids.

Vedas. Apparently, someone was silent.

Let the whole room help us.

Dads, moms, help.

Speak with us.

Cloud: Oh, you are. Then I'm definitely taking Autumn,

And I leave you cold rain.

(Thunder rumbles, the cloud grumbles)Izh, what are they here. Ah, cheer up. Let's see how it rains. I'll give you more thunder. Pulls out autumn.

Dwarf : Guys, what do we do now? What is a holiday without golden autumn?

I know what we will do. Together we will go to the autumn forest and, of course, we will find the beautiful autumn. And a magic pipe will help us in this, a pipe - a horn. As soon as we play the pipe, we immediately get to the forest clearing.

The dwarf plays the pipe, wild berries appear.

Berry: We are girls - laughter,

We are mischievous girlfriends.

We are sitting under a leaf

And we look at the sun.

Dwarf : You funny sisters

Give us a quick answer.

Where can we find our autumn?

Do you know or not?

Berries: No, no, no,

From the berries you have the answer.

Dwarf : Play the pipe again

Who will come to us, guess.

Squirrels appear Vedas. We welcome our forest guests together. Proteins: We are frisky squirrels,

Girls are lunatics.

We are not lazy to work

We ride all day long.

Squirrels love russula

With a paw, nuts are torn from a branch.

All stocks in the pantry

Good for us in winter.

We also have a request.

Very much needed for the winter

We have salted mushrooms.

Dwarf : In my forest there are no mushrooms,

There are different types of mushrooms.

And you guys play the game,

And collect mushrooms.

Squirrel : Guys, let's go for a walk in the forest,

And collect mushrooms.

But remember, he lives in the forest,

Angry and scary gray wolf.

Vedas: Guys, in order for us to get more mushrooms, we need to sing together a fun song about mushrooms

"Mushroom song"(children collect mushrooms to lose)

The children walked through the woods and picked mushrooms. Here is a fungus, there is a fungus, That's a full box.

Vedas. Suddenly, out of nowhere, an angry and terrible wolf appeared. Wolf : I'm a hungry, feisty wolf, Clicking teeth all day long. I haven't eaten at all for a long time, I'll eat you guys.(chases children)

Dwarf : What, squirrel, we played a game with you,

And they gave you mushrooms.

You jumped on the branches, jumped,

Have you seen golden autumn there?

Squirrel : No, no, no, the answer is from the squirrel.

Gnome: Too bad.

Play my pipe

Guess who will come to us.

Lesovik: (laughs) Hee hee hee! Ha ha ha!

Vedas: Who's laughing so hard? Hear guys?

Dwarf : And this is my friend, the old man Lesovichok. Oh, and he's funny.

Lesovik. (stretches) Hello kiddos! Oh, and he made me laugh!

Gnome: Who?

Lesovik. Yes, old Lesovichok!

Gnome: So it's you!

Lesovik. So I made myself laugh, do you want me to make you laugh too?

Gnome: Of course we do!

Lesovichok. Let's play with you"Edible - inedible".

If edible, you say: “Yum, yum, yum”, and if inedible: “Fu, fu, fu.”

1) Crispy buns(Yum Yum Yum)

2) Slippers overwhelmed(Fu Fu Fu)

3) Puff pies(Yum Yum Yum)

4) Boiled boots(Fu Fu Fu)

5) Cheese balls (Yum, yum, yum)

6) Napkins are greasy(Fu Fu Fu)

7) Gingerbread delicious(Yum Yum Yum)

8) Crispy apples(Yum Yum Yum)

What are you guys attentive!

Vedas: Thank you, Lesovichok, you really amused us with your game. Tell us, have you seen autumn?

Lesovichok: No, no, no, the answer is from the woodman.(Lesovichok leaves)

Dwarf : What are we guys to do? No one met autumn, did not see it. We will never find her. We need to come up with something else. Let's sing Tuchkin's favorite song. When she hears, she will come to us. And the golden autumn will bring with it.

Song "Autumn cap cap cap"

The Cloud Leads Autumn

Cloud: Thank you friends

I heard my favorite song.

After all, without clouds and without rain

There is no autumn.

Just like there is no autumn without sunny days.

Vedas. Kohl for the holiday you came

You must make friends.

Right, guys?

Children: Yes.

Autumn : For the sake of our friendship,

Let's dance.

Dance "Girls and boys"

Vedas: Well done guys, sit down and rest.

Autumn : How can I thank you guys?

You walked through the forest with a gnome

And they found golden autumn.

I will perform a miracle

And, of course, I will feed you.

1,2,3,4.5, I start to conjure.

The Gnome comes out and carries a basket

Autumn : We raise the handkerchief, what is under it, now we will find out. Prepared gifts

For beloved children. ( treats children)

Autumn : Well, it's time for us to say goodbye, Goodbye, kids!

Dwarf, Cloud and Autumn say goodbye and leave.


Scenario of the autumn holiday "The Magic Tassel of Autumn"

Senior group

Children's entrance to the music

Vedas: How loud the music sounded!

A wonderful holiday awaits us today,

And secretly I knew

That Autumn will come to visit us.

It's time for her to be here.

Let's go, kids. We will praise autumn with verses. Come here as soon as possible.

1. Looked today holiday in every house

Because autumn wanders outside the window

Looked autumn holiday in kindergarten

To please both adults and children.

2. Ah, you are an artist Autumn. Teach me to draw like this. Then I will help you in your work.

3. The foolish cloud did not know that Autumn had already come here The fire forest outfit It extinguishes with rain for an hour in a row.

4. Oh, the trees turned yellow, they sway in the wind

Sorry summer days

End so fast

5. Autumn again! Birds again

They are in a hurry to fly to a warm land.

And again the autumn holiday

Comes to us in kindergarten.

6. There are clear days in autumn:

Leaves flutter like moths

The threads of the cobwebs on the bushes shine,

Falling yellow leaves are pouring onto the path.

SONG "Leaves are falling"

Vedas: Well, here, inaudibly, Autumn has come

And quietly stood at the gate:

At the entrance Autumn silently waits,

But no one opens the door for her.

Let's call together:

Autumn, come in, we are waiting for you!

Children : Autumn, come in, we are waiting!

Autumn enters - ugly, dull, in faded clothes.(Sounds of nature)

Autumn: How beautiful this room is!

A world of comfort and warmth.

You called me poems?

Finally I came to you!

Vedas: How are you, Autumn? I don't understand

Why are you like this?

Not bright, dull

And not nice to anyone.

Where is your golden outfit?

Autumn: That's the problem, and I don't know what to do.

I don't know where the golden brush went.

The magic brush that I repaint with

All autumn nature, and trees, and fields.

Vedas: Is your golden brush gone?

What to do, dear Autumn?

Autumn: Do not be sad, dear, I know the answer.

There is a miracle in the world that will give color!

This miracle is called friendship.

Are you friendly guys?(Yes)

Are you guys good? (Yes)

So there is a brush!

"Dance of Kindness"

Autumn: What are you guys good fellows!

Dozhdinka runs in jumps to the music(with rain sultans)


Hello guys, both girls and boys.

I am a rainy laugher, I am an autumn girlfriend,

How wonderful my outfit is, droplets hang everywhere.

Because the rain and I are bosom friends!

Vedas: Well, raindrop, stay, have fun with us.

The rain is also friendly with us, we all know

Children: (in chorus) rain is needed!

raindrop: Need? Well now we'll see!

Whoever gets caught in the rain will go home now!

(Catches up with everyone "wet" sultan) the children scatter into chairs.

(For the raindrop)

Vedas: Rain dripping on the roof

Here I see droplets!

But we are not afraid of the rain, because we know the song about umbrellas

"Song of Umbrellas"

Vedas: You see the rain, what friendly guys we have, we are not afraid of any rain.

raindrop: Well, hold on now, since I've come, I'll take up my wet business!

Vedas: What are you, what are you, Rain, wait! Autumn has not yet been golden!

raindrop: Here and hello! Where were you? Know you overslept your time?

Vedas: Rain, listen, wait.

Autumn had a terrible trouble :

The magic brush disappeared without a trace.

How to paint forests in gold?

How to create miracles without a brush?

raindrop: Is the brush missing? Why suffer in vain?

We need to take urgent action.

Okay, I'll help you, so be it!

It is necessary to wash off the green color from the leaves.

I have familiar umbrellas, they will help us call for rain so that we can better wash the leaves.

Dance "5 umbrellas"

Autumn: No, you washed the trees in vain,

Leaves are green!(shows where the green leaves are)

Vedas: Don't be sad Autumn, we know"Song of the Rain"can he help us?

"Song of the Sad Rain"

Autumn: Again nothing happened...

raindrop: Okay, okay, Autumn, don't be sad

Rain consoles Autumn and they leave.

Vedas: The rain has passed, and under the stump

Mushrooms are growing fast!

Mushrooms have grown

In a small forest.

Their hats are big.

And they themselves are different.

Presenter: A mouse ran past

And I saw mushrooms.

Mouse : These are beautiful mushrooms

I'll take them to my daughter.

Leading: What are you a mouse

What are you a mouse.

You ask the kids

All the guys are talking.

Children : Mice don't eat mushrooms.

Presenter: The kitty ran past,

And I saw mushrooms.

Kisa: That's how many mushrooms are here

I will take them to my daughters.

Leading : Oh, you don't need kitty

Don't feed your kittens.

All the guys are talking.

Children : Kittens don't eat mushrooms.

Presenter: The bear passed by

Almost crushed the mushrooms.

Bear : Well, there are a lot of mushrooms here

Eat them and let them warm the blood.

Presenter: You are funny, lazy bear

You ask the kids.

All the guys are talking.

Children : Bears don't eat mushrooms.

Presenter: Hedgehog with a squirrel ran through

And we saw mushrooms.

Let's ask our guys

Do hedgehogs eat mushrooms?

Children: Yes.

Presenter: Do squirrels eat mushrooms?

Children: Yes.

Squirrel : Dry my mushrooms

I'm on a sharp bitch.

Hedgehog : I'll take my mushrooms

Straight to the hedgehogs in the bushes.

Gathering mushrooms in baskets(Lemonade rain)

Hedgehog : I roll on my way, looking for yellow leaves.

I want to warm the mink for the winter with leaves.

Only I do not see them, there are no golden leaves.

Why didn't autumn come? Forgot about things?

Squirrel: If yellow is looking for a leaf,

You don't seem to know

Lost Autumn brush.

She has nothing to paint the leaves with!

Hedgehog :

I need to help her ASAP.

After all, she can’t do without leaves.


Hedgehog hedgehog wait!

You are one, but there are many of us.

The guys will help us find.

Child: Let's go to the garden

We will harvest

And I hope autumn

We'll find a brush there.

Round dance:"Harvest"

Presenter: Guys... well... you didn't happen to meet the magic brush that Autumn lost.

Child : There is no brush in the garden, but listen to the advice

Hurry along the path, ask the forest dwellers!

Maybe someone saw the brush, maybe he took it for himself?

Children sit on chairs.

Vedas: Here's the story guys

The brush has really disappeared somewhere.

Autumn is somewhere sad walking,

The golden brush is nowhere to be found.

Music sounds . Baba Yaga enters with a golden brush, paints the hut

Vedas: So there it is, the magic brush. Come on, Baba Yaga, give her here!

Baba Yaga: Well, I do not! What came to me is gone.

Presenter: But Autumn has lost this brush. She knows what beauty will bring! He will give golden dresses to the trees, he will cover the earth with a golden carpet.

Baba Yaga:

Oh, you are cunning! They themselves will bring beauty, but what do you order me to live in such a shabby hut for centuries? No, now I will bring beauty to myself, but I will live in clover. And I won't let anyone in!

Vedas :( refers to children)What to do? How can we lure a magic brush from Baba Yaga? Invented!

Baba Yaga, you must be bored of living alone.

Baba Yaga: Is it boring for me? Yes, I will arrange such fun, I want to sing, I want to dance!

(Baba Yaga starts dancing,(Dance of Baba Yaga) while Baba Yaga is dancing, Squirrel changes her brush for a broom).

Baba Yaga: Oh, what am I, dancing? I have no time! Look, the hut is not worth painting.(Takes a broom, starts painting).

Baba Yaga:

What is it, I don't understand? The brush does not paint why?

Presenter: Don't you understand yet? It's your broom!

Baba Yaga. How's the broom? Where is the brush?

Leading. Look, do not be lazy (B. Ya. walks around the hall,"looking for a brush")

Baba Yaga: It can be seen that I can’t find a brush, I’ll have to finish painting the hut with my broom!

Vedas: And you play with our guys, and they will help you paint the hut.

GAME "Gate"

During the game, the presenter turns the hut over (beautiful side to the audience)

Vedas: Baba Yaga, look how beautiful your hut has become!

Baba Yaga: Wow, what a beauty! I'll go and heat the oven, and warm my bones!(Baba Yaga goes into the hut).

Beautiful music is heard and Autumn enters in autumn attire

(2 Fall Out)

Vedas: Here comes Golden Autumn!

Autumn: I don't know how to thank you.

I will do so many miracles!

I'm going to gild the whole forest,

Autumn approaches the music, touches each leaf with its magic brush, the leaves turn into autumn ones.

(Autumn recolors the leaves)

1. Autumn, we are happy for you!

Spinning motley leaf fall.

Leaves near the trees

They lie like a golden carpet.

2. It's autumn like a queen

Comes to us slowly.

And fly, circling the leaves,

Quiet rustling song.


Autumn: For this holiday, bright, bright, accept gifts from me.

Here are my autumn gifts for the kids(shows children a basket of apples).

1. Thank you Autumn

Thanks a lot!

For generous gifts -

For a patterned, bright sheet,

2 .For a forest treat -

For nuts and roots

For cranberries, for viburnum

And for the ripe rowan

All children: (in chorus) We say thank you, we thank Autumn!

Please come here soon.


And autumn is knocking on our windows

Gloomy cloud, cold rain.

And it won't come back

Summer sunshine warm beam.

The wind will spin to the song of rain, Leaves will be thrown under our feet. Our city is beautiful, the grass is golden: A miracle has come to us again - autumn!

Presenter: Guys, let's sing about our autumn city! I think autumn will definitely hear us and come to visit.

Song "Autumn City"

Autumn comes to the music

Storyteller - Autumn:

Hello dear guys!

I am a golden autumn, Today I rule the ball. Queen of the harvest, Anyone would recognize me! I am generous and beautiful, And I shine with gold. And now to everyone's wonder, I will treat the guests!

Children : A hot summer fled into the distance, Warm days dissolve somewhere. Somewhere there were rays of gold, Warm waves remained of the sea!

It is impossible for us to live in the world without miracles, They meet us everywhere. Wizard, autumn and fabulous forest, invites us to visit him.

Trees get wet, cars get wet, Houses and shops get wet! Autumn sings its song with rain, We will sing it softly to you! Song: "Autumn, dear, rustle!"


Autumn is a glorious time

The kids love autumn. Plums, pears, grapes - Everything is ripe for the guys.

In the garden - harvest, Anything you want, collect! Cucumbers and tomatoes, There are carrots and lettuce, Onions in the garden, sweet peppers And a whole range of cabbages.

Storyteller-Autumn- Here, in my garden and garden, various vegetables and fruits have ripened: strawberries have ripened, apples have reddened, pears have poured honey, watermelon has sugared and carrots have ripened, radishes have ripened. The good-natured zucchini warmed up their barrels, the tomatoes turned red, and even the naughty cucumbers were already ripe in the sunny garden.

Girl: If watered in summer

Garden as it should

Here are some goodies

Grow as a reward.

"Dance of fruits and vegetables"

Cucumbers remain in the background of the scene (the rest of the vegetables scatter to the chairs). Mama pickle walks behind, stroking their heads.

Mom - Cucumber: On the beds, as on chairs,My Cucumbers are sitting.My boys are growing upGreen pants.cucumbers: We are mother's sons -Funny brothers.(together)

summer in the gardenWe are fresh and green.

And in the winter in a barrel - Strong, salty.

We have young barrels, We are mischievous brothers.

Fill us with some water, Let the family grow!

"Song of the Cucumbers"

Storyteller - Autumn:

And there was one very naughty prankster in the cucumber family. He could not sit in the garden, he kept spinning, jumping and wanted to run away, and his mother had to calm him down.

"Lullaby to the Cucumber"

Storyteller - Autumn:But then one day Cucumber did not obey, looked out from under the leaf, turned on its side and rolled from the garden. And then suddenly a strong wind came up.


I break everything, I tear everything down, I obscure the white light. Nobody has mercy!

Storyteller - Autumn:And everything started spinning, spinning, rushing ...Leading:Far carried away by the Wind of Cucumber. The kid began to look for his house, his garden.

cucumber "rolls" to the music

Storyteller-Autumn -And he met the Cucumber of an important Tomato.


In the splashes of the sun it ripens soon And is called a tomato. Fat, important, red-faced, And he is not afraid of the heat!

Tomato:(Important)-dance with a drum

I grow up in the garden, And when I ripen, They cook a tomato out of me, They put it in cabbage soup and eat it like that.

Storyteller - Autumn:And teaches Cucumber Tomato.

"Lullaby to Cucumber"

Storyteller-Autumn- The cucumber and tomato said goodbye, ran on. He met a beautiful radish on the path.


I am a ruddy radish

I bow down low

Why praise yourself?

I am already known to everyone.

(dance of radish and cucumber)


And she began to teach Radish Cucumber.

"Lullaby to the Cucumber"

Storyteller - Autumn:Cucumber Radish listened, but did not obey and ran further to look for his mother. Suddenly, a cheerful Carrot runs out to meet him.

Carrot:In carrots, except for braids,There is also a long nose.I hide it in the garden!And I'll play hide and seek with you.

Dance of Carrot and Cucumber "Polka"

"Lullaby to Cucumber"

Storyteller - Autumn:But Carrot Cucumber did not listen, ran further and met someone very large.

Watermelon:I'm as big as a soccer ball!When ripe, everyone is happyI taste so good.Who am I? What's my name?

All vegetables and fruits: Watermelon!

"Gopak Waterbuza!"

Watermelon:Now listen to me carefully!

"Lullaby to Cucumber!"

Storyteller - Autumn:

I didn’t listen to the watermelon cucumber and ran on ... suddenly I got into the garden, where I saw an Apple fall from a branch.

apple: I am a ruddy apple, filled with juice. Look at me, delicious.

Storyteller - Autumn:And then the Pear came up to the Apple.


I am a ripe pearApple girlfriend.akimbo threesomeAnd let's go to a fun dance.

"Dance of Apple, Pear and Cucumber"

Storyteller - Autumn:And the apples and pears began to teach the cucumber ..

"Lullaby of the Cucumber"

Storyteller - Autumn:Cucumber did not listen to either Apple or pear and ran further to look for his garden bed. He met lazy marrows on the path.

Girl:Zucchini lie in the sun

Good-natured people love to warm up

They are ripe in summer

And you like the color.

(Dance of the zucchini)

Storyteller - Autumn:And the zucchini began to teach Cucumber.

"Lullaby to the Cucumber"

Autumn -The cucumber and zucchini said goodbye, ran on. He met small strawberries on the path.

(Dance of strawberries)

Look, look:

We are strawberry beauties!

Our parish children

Oh how they are waiting.

Fall asleep with the sun

There will be a beam of gold for us

Scarlet cheeks glow

We wash ourselves with dew

fudge bells

Our best friends

Can't find sweeter girls

Than a strawberry family.

Storyteller - Autumn:And the strawberries began to teach Cucumber.

"Lullaby to the Cucumber"

Storyteller-Autumn -Cucumber stared at the beauties of strawberries and did not even notice how he wandered onto that terrible path, to that end of the garden where the Gray Mouse lived.

The mouse is chasing the Cucumber.

Storyteller - Autumn:

This is how it works in nature

The mouse lived in the garden.

Didn't like lollipops

Loved cucumbers!


That's how I'll grab this stupid Cucumber by the barrel now! He must be so tasty, so crispy - delicious!

Storyteller - Autumn:

The gray mouse wanted to eat a cucumber, but out of nowhere a red cat appeared.


Oh, gray mouse! Go away kindly - greet you in your hole! Otherwise, I'll grab you and trample you.


Oh, oh, oh, don't trample me red cat, I won't eat your cucumbers anymore, I'll eat candy.

Storyteller - Autumn:

And then the mother of Cucumber came running, she was glad that she had found her son.

Mom - Cucumber:

Finally, my son

You naughty friend!

How I've been looking for you

She suffered all night long.

She said:"Do not go!",

She said:"Sit!"

You won't be like this anymore

Disobedient, mischievous.

Storyteller - Autumn:

Everything ended well. Cucumber has found its home, its mother. The gray mouse did not eat it. To celebrate, the cucumbers called their friends withkitchen gardenand from the orchard to visit and everyone began to dance.

"Dance of Friendship"


A fairy tale is fiction, a hint!

A big lesson for all the kids:

Fruits, children, eat,

Always listen to mom.

Storyteller -Autumnbrings out a tray of fruit and treats the children.

Autumn holiday for children senior group kindergarten. Scenario "Autumn meetings"

A fascinating journey to the autumn forest, to the garden and the garden will give children the sea positive emotions and plunge into the world of autumn colors.
Target: To consolidate and expand children's ideas about autumn natural phenomena through their expressive performance of songs, dances, poems and skits.
- to develop in children the ability to expressively perform songs, dances, poems
- develop communication skills
- cultivate respect for nature

The course of the holiday

Music sounds, presenters come out, the curtain is closed.
1st Lead: Look around, foliage flies around.
The birds flew south like a wedge yesterday.
2nd Lead: Autumn will soon leave, everything will fall asleep until spring.
But you won't forget our autumn concert!
The hosts open the curtain, music sounds, the children run out in pairs and stand on their points.
Dance composition "LEAVES FLY".
1. Today I looked at a holiday in every house,
Because autumn wanders outside the window.
I looked at the autumn holiday in kindergarten,
To please both adults and children!
2. How the whole street burns with fire,
Leaves argue with the wind.
I even want to squint
So beautiful all around!
3. Birds fly away to warm lands,
Quietly I wave my hand after them.
The sky scatters beads of rain,
For me, there is no better time!
4. Autumn will say goodbye soon,
Giving a colored outfit
It's not for nothing that her beauty
They call it golden!
Children sit on chairs to the music.
The cry of cranes sounds.
1st Lead: Listen, there, in the distance, cranes fly by.
Let them wave their wings and call our autumn to us.
Music sounds, Autumn enters.
Autumn: Hello my guys!
You invited me to visit.
But something bad happened
I've been crying all day today.
2nd Lead: We, Autumn, will not let you be sad,
We can cheer you up with a cheerful song!
Autumn: So thank you guys.
For your song, preschoolers.
But it wasn't easy for me to come,
I brought you gifts.
I put them in a chest
Spoke magical words.
I wrote down those words on three maple leaves,
Yes, bad weather scattered all the leaves around the world.
Without magic words, I can't open the chest,
How can I get maple leaves?
1st Lead: We will go looking for maple leaves together.
Along the paths, along the paths, we will return the leaves of Autumn!
2nd Lead: Let's get on the fast train
He will take us with you!
The train whistle sounds, the children get up, imitating the movement of the train, moving in a circle.
A voice announces: “Attention! Station "Forest".
Music sounds, Mushroom-Borovik enters.
Mushroom-Borovik: I am Borovik mushroom!
And beautiful and great!
In a thick hat on one side,
The leg is thick as a stump.
Sit down, take a rest
Autumn: We are looking for magic leaves,
They scattered somewhere.
Maybe you saw them?
Tell us then!
Mushroom-Borovik: I'll look for the leaves
And then I'll give it to you.
Although the task is not easy...
And while you stay with me.
Take a walk in the autumn forest
You will learn a lot.
Music sounds, take out the Christmas trees.
1st Lead: In the morning on the forest edge,
For a stump on a bump.
Not the animals gathered
Gathered mushrooms.
Mushrooms come out to the music, stopping arbitrarily facing the audience.
Mushroom-Borovik: Did you recognize the boletus?
I'm hit with a strong foot.
Well, why should I brag?
I know everyone, of course.
Russula: Russula is known to everyone,
Of course, I'm a pretty mushroom.
Know all I'm in the pickle -
It's just a meal!
boletus: I am neither small nor tall

Boletus is a fungus.
Eat who finds me
I don't feel sorry for myself.
I will be for the mushroom picker
Delicious gift!
Chanterelles: 1. We, chanterelles, are respected,
Girls and boys.
2. If they only roast us,
You will lick your fingers!
fly agaric(steps forward):
What nonsense is this!
All the more beautiful - fly agaric!
You wanted to go to the pot
To be boiled and eaten?
I'm not afraid of mushroom pickers
And I'll laugh at you! (laughs)
Mushrooms turn to Amanita
Russula: Oh, you stupid braggart!
What's the use of standing like that?
The boy will kick you,
Doesn't want to take it!
boletus: And you will get snails
Holes will be drilled in the hat,
If you save yourself from them,
The worms will eat you!
Chanterelles: 1. Well, we won't be sad.
We bring joy to people.
2. Let them dry and salt us,
Pickle and eat!
2nd Lead: Until we get bored
We invite everyone to play!
Grib-Borovik was amused.
Here is your leaflet, friends,
Get it from me.
Autumn: Thank you, Borovik!
You are used to helping everyone!
Mushroom-Borovik: Well, now it's time for you
Goodbye, kids!
Music sounds, Borovik leaves. Rain sounds.
1st Lead: What is it? The sky darkened,
As if she wanted to cry.
Two children come out under an umbrella.
1. This cloud got angry
The cloud was loudly indignant:
"It's autumn, not summer,
There will be no more bright light!”
I took the gray paint
It rained from the sky.
2. We play hide-and-seek with rain-rain.
He is looking for me, and I am hiding under an umbrella!
2nd Lead: Umbrella does not save us from the rain,
Large puddles of rain pours.
Which one of you, brothers,
Does he want to run in galoshes?
1st Lead: We board the fast train
Let's get to the right station!
A whistle sounds, the sound of a train. A voice announces: “Attention! Station "Garden - berry-fruit".
Music sounds, Uncle Grapes comes out.
Grape: How many guests do I see
Adults, small children!
I am Uncle Grape
Come on, I'm very happy!
Sit down, take a rest
Why complain, tell me.
Autumn: We are looking for magic leaves,
They scattered somewhere.
Maybe you saw them?
Tell us then!
Grape: I'll look for the leaves
And then I'll give it to you.
Although the task is not easy...
And while you stay with me.
Let's go for a walk in the garden,
Invite everyone to dance.
Grape: The apples in my garden are green and red
Look at them, how beautiful they all are.
Help me guys
Take these apples apart.
Grape: Thanks for hosting me
Uncle Vinograd was amused.
Here is your leaflet, friends,
Get it from me.
Your train is ready to go on
Fast road! Good luck on the road!
Music sounds, Vinograd says goodbye and leaves.
Autumn: I already have two leaves
We are looking for the last one, go ahead, friends!
2nd Lead: We get on the train again
Let's get to the right station!
The whistle sounds, the noise of the train. A voice announces: “Attention! Station "Vegetable".
The music sounds, the Scarecrow comes out.
1st Lead: Who is this and where is it from?
What is another miracle Yudo?
Scarecrow: I am a Scarecrow, I live in the garden,
And even though I'm harmless,
Rags, I put on rags,
I scare everyone with a terrible look. (Reluctantly waves his hands)
2nd Lead: Garden Scarecrow?! Very nice!
Why are you sad, we do not understand?
Scarecrow: Harvest one,
He led the birds south.
Drops from the sky, winds blow,
And my nose smells winter.
1st Lead: Guys won't let you get bored
Get in the middle - let's play!
GAME "Scarecrow".
Scarecrow: So I would play all day
What happened to you, do you know?
Autumn: We are looking for magic leaves,
They scattered somewhere.
Maybe you saw them?
Tell us then!
Scarecrow: I'll look for the leaves
And then I'll give it to you.
Although the task is not easy...
And while you stay with me.
All spring and summer we worked in the garden,
Guess, friends, difficult riddles.
1. To dig the earth,
I need guys
New and strong
Iron ... (Shovel)
2. So as not to dry out under the sun,
All plants need
clean, transparent,
Cool ... (Water)
3. How to spud potatoes,
Grandfather and grandmother know.
Mom knows, dad knows
Useful ... (Chopper)
4. Cucumber and tomato, everyone knows
I'm used to the heat.
And of course they need
Warm film ... (Greenhouse)
Scarecrow: You guessed it, beauty!
Then there's another game for you.
Who is brave here? Don't be shy!
Find a vegetable in the bag as soon as possible!
Autumn: A lot of vitamins in the garden bed,
We have a rich harvest, look, guys!
Vegetables, honest people,
Start a round dance!
Scarecrow: Thanks for hosting me
Scarecrow garden amused.
Here is your leaflet, friends,
Get it from me.
And I will new job wait,
When the harvest will have to be protected!
The scarecrow says goodbye and leaves.
Autumn: What a beauty, all the leaves I have!
You guys don't yawn
Repeat the magic words after me!
“One-two-three, chest, give magic!”
The chest does not open, Autumn repeats the words several times, at the last he says:
Autumn: The children shouted in unison
Why were the parents silent?
Now all together “One-two-three, chest, give magic!”
Magical music sounds, Autumn opens the chest.
Autumn: Here is the chest opened
He doesn't need a castle!
And in it is a treat from me,
Sweet delight!
Autumn gives treats to the host.
2nd Lead: Thank you Autumn for the treat,
For the holiday and good mood!
Autumn: The autumn holiday is over
A leaf flew off the trees.
Snow fell on the fields
I don't have any more business here.
Well, next year
I will visit you again!
Music sounds, Autumn leaves.
1st Lead: We are ending our holiday
We invite everyone to join the group!
The children leave the room to the music.

In September-October 2019, the Autumn Festival is held in kindergartens. We offer a matinee scenario for the older group, including skits at the autumn holiday in kindergarten.

In a hall decorated balloons and autumn leaves, the children enter.

- Look, guys, how beautiful it is today with us! How many colorful leaves are around! What holiday are we celebrating? Of course, the festival of autumn!

Knocked again at the door Autumn -
Golden, generous time.
With a harvest of colorful leaves
She came to our kindergarten for a holiday.

The song "Where are you, where are you, dear autumn?"

The scene for preschoolers on the autumn holiday continues with the reading of poetry.

The leaves were flooded with sunshine
Leaves soaked in the sun
Poured, weighed down
And flew in the wind...

Rustled through the bushes...
You can see them here and there.
The wind turns gold
Sounds like golden rain!

Then, at the autumn holiday in kindergarten, you can put funny scene, in which Autumn and Lesovichok participate.

- My dear children, I am glad to stay with you. (Sits on a stump.)

However, it turns out that the stump is alive. This is the Old Man-Lesovichok. Autumn tells him that she and the guys are in a hurry to celebrate the holiday.

Old Man-Lesovichok:
- Hurry up - you will make people laugh! Come on, I'll help you, just do something fun for me.

A musical scene begins for the autumn holiday in kindergarten.

Autumn reads the following lines:

Leaves all autumn day
Such beautiful
Let's sing a song
About golden leaves!

The guys perform the song “Golden Leaves” (words by N. Naydenova, music by T. Popatenko).

Old Man-Lesovichok:
Thanks, you made me laugh. Here is a ball for you, you will follow this ball - you will have fun meeting the autumn holiday with songs, dances, jokes.

In the next scene at the autumn holiday in kindergarten, Autumn is walking through fields and forests.

Hello birches,
Hello donkeys!
Hello girls,
Hello boys!
Hello lawns,
Hello fields!
Golden Autumn has come to visit you!

Children sing the song "Autumn-Beauty" (words and music by G. Azamatova).

In the following scene for preschoolers on the autumn holiday, the host says:
- It's autumn mushroom season. Going for mushrooms with friends in the morning.

The children recite together:

Running barefoot on the path
In the hands of a box and a basket.
Let's take a basket together
Let's go to the forest for mushrooms.

The holiday ends with a musical scene for the autumn holiday in the kindergarten, in which the song "For Mushrooms" (words and music by L. Abelyan) and the dance "Agaric mushrooms" are performed.

Traditionally, the first matinee in kindergarten, in which the kids are directly involved, is dedicated to the Autumn Festival. This is a very bright and memorable holiday in kindergarten, with an original scenario, many interesting numbers and useful knowledge for children. Often, the scenario for the Autumn Festival in kindergarten is prepared within the framework of the autumn theme, consecrating the main changes taking place in the world around us and the characteristics of this time of year. With this scenario of the Autumn Festival for the younger and older groups of preschool educational institutions, they differ from each other in some key points. The same applies to the scenario of the autumn holiday for children from preparatory groups s kindergarten. In our today's article, you are waiting for some original and interesting ideas for the Autumn Festival script for kindergarten, which will definitely make your matinee memorable and colorful.

Script Ideas for the Autumn Festival in Kindergarten

At first glance, the Autumn Festival script ideas for kindergarten may seem rather limited in subject matter. In fact the name of this children's matinee already speaks for itself: the holiday is dedicated to the arrival of autumn and therefore should be exclusively on the autumn theme. But besides the traditional kindergarten options with coverage of changes in the weather, harvesting fruits and vegetables, major natural transformations, there are a number of other topics that can be touched upon during the Autumn Festival. For example, mention that in the fall children go to school and kindergarten and a new school year begins. In addition, in the scenario of the Autumn Festival for kindergarten, you can replace the traditional presentation of numbers with songs and rhymes with a more interesting option. For example, put on a children's performance with the participation of invited animators or talented parents. Particular attention should be paid to the design of the venue for the celebration in kindergarten, creating the right atmosphere, colorful costumes. Otherwise, even the most original script The autumn festival in kindergarten will remain only interesting idea, for the implementation of which there was not enough appropriate surroundings. We will talk in more detail about the ideas for the script for the Autumn Festival in kindergarten later.

Scenario of the Autumn Festival for the younger group of the preschool educational institution

Let's start with the scenario options for the Autumn Festival for the little pupils of the preschool educational institution - junior group. As a rule, for them, the Autumn Festival in kindergarten is the very first matinee in their lives, and therefore the most exciting. Therefore, it is very important to make sure that the kids feel as comfortable and at ease as possible, and the matinee in kindergarten itself becomes a real holiday for them. The easiest way to achieve this is to put on a colorful performance with a fairy tale motif. At the same time, it is important that children directly take part in the holiday: they play the simplest roles, read short poems, and dance simple dances. As an option for such an Autumn Festival for the younger group of preschool educational institutions, you can take a scenario in which the villain Koschei (the treacherous Amanita, the cunning Leshy) stole all her bright colors from the beautiful Autumn and turned this season into a gloomy storm. Children come to the aid of Autumn, some of whom play the roles of forest animals, and some remain ordinary children from kindergarten. During the holiday, children return to Autumn all its colors, performing dances and reading poems about each individual shade.

The original scenario of the Autumn Festival for the younger group of kindergarten

Another interesting version of the script for the Autumn Festival in kindergarten for the younger group can be built around the changes in nature that occur with the advent of this season. It is good to involve several artistic children from older groups or invite professional animators to implement the scenario in kindergarten. They will get the main roles: Autumn, Wind, Rain, Fog, Old Man-Borovichka, etc. The meaning of the script for the kindergarten is to beat natural metamorphoses in the form of an impromptu meeting in the forest, at which Autumn checks the readiness of all her assistants for the new season. Each of the main characters will have their own "retinue" of children. For example, Rain will have a group of children symbolizing drops, and Old Man-Borovichka will have children playing the roles of helper forest animals. All groups must demonstrate their readiness to Autumn and the guests of the holiday: dance the rain dance, sing a song about the wind, read poems about forest animals and autumn. At the end of the matinee, Autumn declares its full readiness and announces the start of a new season in kindergarten.

Scenario of the Autumn Festival for the senior group of the preschool educational institution

In the senior groups of the preschool educational institution, the Autumn Festival also takes place according to a fun scenario. But unlike kids, older children take a more active part in the holiday. They not only dance and read poetry, but also play big roles in an impromptu performance dedicated to the holiday autumn in kindergarten. If we talk about ideas for the Autumn Festival scenario for the senior group of the preschool educational institution, then the choice in this case is not limited to simple options. With the help of kindergarten students, you can make a theatrical performance or hold a real amateur concert. At the same time, children themselves can act as leading, main positive or negative characters.

An interesting scenario for the Autumn Festival for the senior group of kindergarten

The main theme for the scenario of this holiday is autumn and everything connected with it. For example, you can prepare a script for the Autumn Festival in kindergarten, consisting of small thematic scenes: morning in the autumn forest, dance autumn leaves, the arrival of autumn in the city, etc. Between the scenes, you can insert reading beautiful poems and singing songs dedicated to the golden age. In addition, a small video presentation of autumn-themed crafts performed by pupils of the older group can be inserted into the script for kindergarten.

Idea for a script for the Autumn Festival in a sports style (senior group)

An excellent version of the autumn holiday scenario for seniors DOW groups there will also be a matinee with sports elements. For example, you can make several active competitions related to the autumn theme: picking apples for speed, a relay race with different fruits, jumping in bags, etc. Such small active retreats will help diversify the scenario in kindergarten and children will definitely like it.

The scenario of the Autumn Festival in the preparatory group of the preschool educational institution

The preparatory group of the kindergarten is attended by the oldest children, who are preparing to become first graders soon. Therefore, for them, the Autumn Festival in kindergarten should become not just another matinee, but also a kind of preparation for the beginning of school life. To do this, you can build a script for the autumn holiday in kindergarten for the preparatory group in the form of an acquaintance with the school and its rules. To this end, you can invite the beautiful Autumn herself, who will try to assess how ready the children are to leave their native kindergarten and join the ranks of first graders. Evaluation can take place in the form of special competitions or amateur performances. For example, Autumn may ask children to list hibernating animals, or to name the main signs of their arrival (reduction of daylight hours, cold snap, change in foliage color, etc.).

Original script for the Autumn Festival for the preparatory group

An interesting script for the Autumn Festival in kindergarten can also be written in the form of a fantasy journey. For example, you can imagine that according to the scenario, Autumn has disappeared and in order to return it to the children, you need to go on an adventure trip to the Land of the Seasons. Along the way, the kids will meet many funny characters who, in exchange for challenges and riddles, will give clues on how to find Autumn. For example, children can meet the Flower Fairy, who will ask them to dance a beautiful autumn dance. Also, the kids will get acquainted with other seasons - Spring, Summer and Winter. Each of these characters will hold a quiz on the knowledge of the main characteristics of their season. Questions should be simple, but at the same time smart. For example, you can ask children to name all the months of summer that begin with the letter "I". At the end of the scenario, having clearly demonstrated all their knowledge and talents, the children find Autumn, which, as it turned out, disappeared due to resentment towards them. Children ask for forgiveness and promise Autumn to love and respect her no less than Summer and other seasons.