Creative competitions for high school students for the new year. New Year games for high school students

The next academic year is coming to an end, and very soon the Yellow Dog, symbolizing the outgoing year, will be replaced by the Yellow Earth Pig - 2019. All school brethren are looking forward to the offensive new year holidays. Still, after all, as many as 2 weeks of winter holidays await the children ahead. Finally, it will be possible to take a break from endless lessons and homework. Traditionally, each school holds a New Year's party for grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and on the eve of the holiday, teachers develop interesting scenario festive event. It can be a traditional masquerade with original costumes, and a matinee full of all sorts of competitions, games, quizzes. We bring to your attention 13 ideas of interesting and fun competitions at school for the New Year 2019, which will seem funny, cool and quite energetic for children. And remember that such classes will not go unnoticed for the children, they will definitely affect their self-realization in later life.

Types of New Year's competitions for schoolchildren

In order to mark the end of the winter school period and welcome the New Year 2019, teachers strive to bring as much joy and fun as possible to each class, fill them with an atmosphere of kindness and anticipation of the New Year's magic and miracle. During this period, the entire school staff, both children and teachers, should feel the full force of the strong and inseparable friendship of this educational institution, its unity. To do this, you have to create entire scenarios that contain a list of fun activities for children of different ages. The most interesting and famous are selected, which, of course, will appeal to all the guys without exception. After all, children, first of all, should relax as much as possible, recharge with positive emotions, liberate themselves, and only then show off their intellectual abilities. To do this, we give you as an example the following good and humorous competitions, which are simply necessary to interest and entertain all students in primary and secondary schools.

Sports competitions:

  • "Centipede";
  • "Who will jump further";
  • "Snake";
  • "Strongmen";
  • "Gymnastics on a chair";
  • "Circus";
  • "Drunken Caterpillar" and much more.

Dance competitions:

  • "Dance Sport";
  • "Dancing with Fruit";
  • "Dancing with balls";
  • "Ice Dancing";
  • "The island is shrinking";
  • "Primitive Dance";
  • "Choose a couple", etc.

Creative contests:

  • "Ah, the dress,";
  • "Frog Race";
  • "Table setting";
  • "Flower growers";
  • "Word is a code";
  • "Animals from the forest";
  • "Mysteries at the bottom" and more.

Joke contests:

  • "Surprise";
  • "Chairs on stage";
  • "Let's think for three";
  • "fast walkers";
  • "The most attentive";
  • "Button and loop";
  • "Dress each other" and much more.

Intellectual contests:

  • "Drawing by concepts";
  • "Remember the details";
  • "Companion poem";
  • "Detectives";
  • "Pun";
  • "Situations";
  • Broken fax, etc.

These and many other competitions would be great to hold at school for the New Year 2019, so that children do not have to be bored and wait for the New Year's event to end soon.

Competition "Open the castle"

The rules of this competition are quite simple, the host gives each participant one padlock and a bunch of keys. The task of the contestant is to find the key that fits the lock as quickly as possible and open it. The first one to complete the task becomes the winner and receives a gift. The lock can be hung on the cabinet in which the prize will lie.

Video about New Year's competitions for children and parents

Competition "Abracadabra"

To participate in this competition for the New Year 2019, you need to form 2-3 teams, come up with an original New Year's name and choose a captain. While the children are busy with this, the leader needs to write several columns of different words on the blackboard (the number of columns depends on the number of teams formed) with rearranged syllables and letters. You can capitalize the letter with which the word begins to make the task a little easier. The task of each team is to write the correct word next to each hidden word. Whoever completes the task faster receives a reward from the host.

Try to choose words that will correspond to the New Year theme, for example:

  • egsnurkaoch (snow maiden);
  • elak (tree);
  • darokpo (gift);
  • knakuils (holidays);
  • azprnikd (holiday);
  • ginsenak (snowflake);
  • jefervekr (fireworks), etc.

Competition "Walk"

Skittles and blindfolds are required for this game at school. Skittles must be arranged with a snake. Children are divided into two teams and each player is blindfolded. Holding hands, they need to go a given distance and hit as few pins as possible. Each pin knocked down is one penalty point. At the end of the competition, the number of penalty points for each team is calculated, whoever has fewer of them is the winner.

Competition "Artists"

In the center of the circle or stage are two easels with paper. The facilitator calls two groups of five people. At the leader’s signal, the first from the group take coal and draw the beginning of the drawing, at the signal they pass the coal to the next one. The task is for all five competitors to draw a given drawing faster than their opponents. Everyone should be involved in drawing. The assignments are simple, often draw this:

  • locomotive;
  • a bike;
  • steamer;
  • truck;
  • tram;
  • aircraft, etc.

Such an exciting competition for the New Year 2019, held at school by teachers, will be remembered by children for a long time.

Competition "Festive Menu"

Competition "Turnip"

Two teams of 6 children participate in this performance. This is a grandfather, grandmother, Bug, granddaughter, cat and mouse. There are 2 chairs on the opposite wall of the hall. A turnip sits on each chair - a child in a hat with a picture of a turnip.
The grandfather starts the game. On a signal, he runs to the turnip, runs around it and returns, the grandmother clings to him (takes him by the waist), and they continue to run together, go around the turnip again and run back, then the granddaughter joins them, etc. At the end of the game for a turnip clings to a mouse. This competition is won by the team that pulled the turnip faster. New Year 2019 with such funny games will be a real holiday for schoolchildren.

Competition “Who? Where? When?"

All participants in the competition, which is held at the school, sit at the table. Each of them has a sheet of paper and a pen. The facilitator asks everyone the question: “Who?” At the very top of the sheet, the contestants write their answer - what came to mind (friend, parrot, teacher, starling, etc.), after which they fold the paper so that the word they wrote was impossible for others to read and passes it on to their neighbor on the right . The leader then asks next question: “Where?”, and the participants write their answer again, fold the edge of the sheet and pass it to a friend sitting on the right.

Thus, it is necessary to ask about 10 questions:

  • "when?"
  • "with whom?"
  • "to whom?"
  • "at what time?"
  • "why?"
  • "why?"

The host collects all the notes and begins to read the resulting "stories". It happens that quite funny and humorous offers are obtained that will make anyone laugh for the New Year 2019.

Competition "Musical Reliefs"

To entertain children for the New Year 2019, you can also spend a funny dance competition entitled "Musical Reliefs". The host turns on the music for 10 - 20 seconds. At this time, all participants in the game can dance, jump, jump, in short, perform any active physical actions until the music stops. Immediately after the host has turned off the music, the players should sit or lie down on the floor as quickly as possible. Whoever does it last is out of the game. Thus, the game continues until one player remains - the winner.

Competition "Prize in riddles"

This competition is as follows: a prize is taken, wrapped in paper, and the content of any riddle is glued onto the wrapper. Turns around again. And the riddle is stuck again. And so ten times. The players sit in a circle. The host gives a prize wrapped in ten wrappers into the hands of one. The player removes one wrapper, sees the riddle, reads to himself. If he guessed it, he says a riddle, if not, he reads the riddle aloud, whoever guessed it, gets the right to further expand the prize and everything continues according to the same scheme. The winner is the one who, guessing the riddle, gets to the very end.

Thus, the child will not only take part in this event, which is held at the school for the New Year 2019, but, if lucky, will win the coveted prize.

Competition "Snowballs"

An equally exciting competition that will interest all children for the New Year 2019 and help to relax after a busy study period. To do this, the children are divided into two teams and choose a captain, to whom the leader hands an empty bag. The rest of the paper players must make 3-4 snowballs for themselves. At the signal of the leader, the contestants begin to throw their snowballs into the bag held by the captain. The captain can help with this, but catching snowballs with your hands and putting them in your bag is prohibited. The team with the most snowballs in their bag wins.

Competition "Christmas Trees"

This is - funny contest, recommended for school, as it will allow children to have some fun. Participants become in a circle. The host announces the terms. Christmas trees are different: high, low, wide and thin. When the leader says the word “high” - the children should raise their hands up, “low” - sit down, “wide” - make the circle wider, “thin” - make the circle narrower. Turns on musical accompaniment and the game starts. The facilitator tries to confuse the children by saying the words in different sequences and repeating. The participant who does not perform the required action is eliminated from the game, which then continues according to the same scenario. For the New Year 2019, such a game will give Have a good mood to all participants and spectators.

Video: artist competition

Competition "Who am I?"

The guys are divided into two teams and choose one person each who will guess their character. This player receives a piece of paper on which a word will be written: a cartoon character, a movie character, a fairy tale character, some animal, etc. He is forbidden to look at this sheet. The contestant stands facing his team and shows them what is written on the piece of paper. The task is for the player to be able to guess which character was indicated on the paper by the host. At the same time, it is allowed to ask only questions to which members of his team can only answer “yes” or “no”.

Possible questions:

The one who wins in this New Year's competition held at school, who quickly guesses the hidden character.

For high school students, they make up the main and most fun part New Year's program. They are always awaited with great impatience, everyone wants to participate in them. Usually, by the end of the evening, almost all the guests present at it are involved. for high school students are dedicated not only to the theme of this holiday. They always amaze with their originality and diversity.

You can hold an exciting competition called "Learning the ABC". The facilitator proclaims an opening speech that everyone is an educated person, but do they know the alphabet? The rules of the game are that for each letter of the alphabet, players must in turn say a congratulatory phrase, according to the current holiday. The first letter is A. An approximate text will sound like this: “Aibolit wishes everyone a Happy New Year!” The next letter is B. The phrase may be: “Be vigilant, the New Year is already on the threshold!” The letter B can correspond to such a phrase: "Let's drink to the ladies!". The most fun begins when the turn comes to the letters G, P, Zh, Y, b, b. Whoever comes up with the funniest or most original phrase wins a prize.

Another fun competition called "The Mummy". It will require four people, of which two teams of two players are formed. One member from each team will be the mummy, the other will be the mummy. The game consists in the fact that the latter must quickly wrap the “mummy” with bandages. Toilet paper can be used as a material. Fun will be provided for those present. After the winding is completed, you can perform the reverse steps of winding the paper into a roll.

New Year's contests for high school students, they can’t do without competitions for Santa Clauses. The Frosty Breath contest consists in placing a paper snowflake on the table in front of each Santa Claus. The snowflake must be blown away so that it flies off the opposite end of the table. When the last of them leaves the table, the presenter announces that the winner was not the one who first blew off his snowflake, but the one who did it last. This means that he has the strongest frosty breath, his snowflake froze to the table, respectively, this Santa Claus receives a prize.

In order to make New Year's competitions for high school students even more exciting, a competition for the best Snow Maiden is held. Each of them prepares their own festive dish, for example, an original sandwich or a composition of various fruits (products can be taken from the festive table). The design style should be New Year's. Then young people sit opposite the Snow Maidens, all of them are blindfolded. The winner is the girl who can be the first to feed her guest.

New Year's contests for high school students with the use of banknotes are of even greater interest. The Tomato Contest will require two volunteers to stand facing each other with a stool between them. The host puts a banknote on it and counts to three, after which the participants must quickly put their hand on it. Whoever does it first wins (for greater interest, you can give money to the winner). But this is not the end of the competition. The task is complicated by the fact that a new bill is placed on the stool, and the participants in the game are blindfolded. In this form, they must check whether it is in place. Then, on the count of "three", both players quickly clap on the tomato, which the leader quietly put down during the count. The onlookers laugh.

Many competitions for high school students have already gained some popularity. Among them is the contest “Dress up the Snow Maiden”. Each Santa Claus chooses a pair for himself, and dresses her up so that his Snow Maiden looks the most modern. You can use any items: cosmetics, Christmas decorations, extra clothes. The winner is that Santa Claus, whose partner will look the most original.

A little more, and matinees will begin, and with them, and. This collection is dedicated to them.

Team competition

How many groups the kids will be divided into, they decide and the teacher.

  • jumbled letters

A task to cope 4th grade . Words on the New Year theme are written on the board, in the words all the letters are not in their places.

Whoever puts the letters first and reads all the words wins!

  • Mixing words again

Now the words are not written. They are spoken by one of the members of the opposing team. Kids by ear should determine where the mistake is, and what the word is.

  • Guess!

Santa Claus makes riddles. The task is simple: solve riddles faster than the other team.

  • "Cities"

The game is reminiscent of the famous "Cities", when you need to say a word for the letter that the word ended with, what the rivals said. That's just the theme is not the city, but the New Year and everything connected with it! This is a task for the little ones that go to 5th grade .

  • Don't back!

For babies, mobile is very important. games . The conditions of one of them are simple: the participants of both teams see how the skittles are placed. Then all the children are blindfolded, and the relay begins. The task includes not only running the distance without hitting the skittles, but also going back and passing the baton.

  • Free the Snow Maiden

Fifth graders are given locks. And very, very many keys. Whoever finds the right key first and opens the lock, he freed the Snow Maiden.

  • figurines

12-year-old schoolchildren ( 6th grade ) in class can participate in exciting fun. All the guys are divided into 3-4 teams. They are given a pump, threads and long air balloons for construction. Children should:

  • Blow up balloons;
  • Tie ponytails;
  • Model figurines of any New Year's heroes or objects.

The award deserves those who not only quickly know how to model, but also who will turn out more believable figures.

  • New Year

The task is to remember more the names of the films (or the films themselves, the content), songs, interesting literary works on the theme of New Year or winter.

  • Pantomime "Crocodile"

Guessed? Yes! Everything is the same as in the usual "Crocodile". Only the topic… YES! Winter and NG!

  • What did Santa Claus give

We continue the topic! This competition should be funny for high school students . Now the guys have to guess what gift the DM brought them (to each of them!). The opposing team must not only show, but also come up with original surprises for everyone!

  • Holiday menu

Schoolchildren who go to 6- 7th grade easily cope with this task. True, a share of fantasy is allowed.

So there are cards on the table. Children take them apart. Each card has a letter on it. The guys should remember (and maybe come up with) dishes for the festive table for this letter.

  • What? Where? When? Why?

The DM asks these 4 questions in turn. Each participant of both groups must write an answer (of course, adhering to the topic of NG) to all questions. Then it's time to read. One student reads the answer to the question "What?", the other (in turn) reads the answer to the question "Where?", the third - "When?", the fourth - "Why?".

Then the other group does the same. Whoever gets the funniest wins.

  • Who am I?

Interesting and relevant for grade 7 . One of the participants is put on a crown (hat, Santa's cap). On the crown it is written who it is (the theme of NG!).

To guess who I am, you can only ask questions that the answer is “yes” or “no”.

  • New sayings

The teacher prepares cards with sayings in advance, the beginning of which is written on one sheet, and the end on the other. The DM distributes cards, no matter who gets what.

Standing in front of the children creative tasks! If no one in the group has a continuation of any saying, they must connect the beginning and end of different sayings in such a way that there is a meaning.

  • spells

We know New Year's Eve is a time of magic. Therefore, each team should try to come up with funny and beautiful spells: “Let it be…!”

  • Wishes

And again, the role of DM will have to be fulfilled. 8th grade - these are already adult children, and therefore the task is complicated by the fact that schoolchildren will not only have to invent wishes, but inflate balloons and stick papers with wishes into them.

  • Numbers

Each team writes any numbers in a column, from 0 to 100. And gives this paper to rivals.

The DM reads the questions: How old are you? How many fingers do you have? How many kilos of ice cream do you eat at a time? What time do you go to bed?..

  • Ball

Each group is given a lot of different things: pens, scarves, a ruler, napkins, scarves…

From all this you need to make a Christmas ball! Whoever does it the fastest wins!

If involved Grade 11 , the winning ball can symbolically stay at school, as a decoration and a keepsake.

  • New Year news!

Frost hands both groups cards containing an incoherent set of words. From these words you need to come up with news (adding other words).

  • Karaoke

The song is the place for the holiday. And who will sing the songs better? DM decides!

Fun for our kids

  • Christmas trees

DM "walks through the forest." And then he notices a Christmas tree. He says what kind of tree is this:

  • high,
  • clumsy,
  • low,
  • rotten,
  • beautiful,
  • green,
  • thin, etc.

And the kids should show THIS Christmas tree!

  • Photoprobes

Someone will be the photographer (but it can also be the presenter). And the rest should become models. But! Unusual! The whole class must decide who it will be. For example, "The most smiling Snow Maiden", "The most hungry Santa Claus" ...

  • All Santas and Snow Maidens!

Everyone should give the one who is standing next to a gift. Any thing that is right now found in your pocket!

  • Where are we

And again, each in turn is put on a hat with the name of an institution:

  • Hospital;
  • Detention center;
  • Sport Club;
  • bath;
  • State Duma…

The task is not to guess, but to answer more funny.

Everyone takes turns asking any question:

  • How often are you there?
  • Who accompanies?
  • What are you taking with you?
  • What do you have for this?…

This is not to win, but for the sake of fun fun.

  • What for..?

The DM has a lot of papers in the header, where the answers are written. He asks any question that starts with "why". He holds out his hat to the student. He takes out a piece of paper and reads the answer.

  • Portrait

The guys try to draw someone more or less believably. There must be something remarkable about the portrait so that others can guess who is drawn.

  • Antonyms

You need to find the opposite word. The host starts, the one who first said the antonym continues.

  • Dictionary NG

Circle game. Anyone who does not find the right word is out. It is necessary to say a word on the topic of NG.

  • Chinese calendar

You need to sequentially name 12 animals of this calendar. Whoever gives the most correct answers wins!

  • Drawing with both hands

It is necessary to draw different shapes on a piece of paper at the same time. The leader says: “circle and square”, or “triangle and rhombus”.

I was looking for fun for the kids different ages, mobile and desktop. Which ones did you like best? Tell your friends about them! Share the link to our site in social networks.

save the balloon
Balloons are sewn onto the vest (any old sweater with a zipper or buttons) by threads (the thread tail from the ball is threaded into the needle and sewn to the vest with a few stitches). In a chaotic manner, firs made of cardboard are placed on the floor, into which pushpins are stuck (in such a way that the needles are outside, just buttons are stuck from the back and front of the cardboard - the tip will stick out from the opposite side). Spruces should be neck-high, you can fix the Christmas trees (so that they do not fall) in a wooden beam. Players are brought to the start, they are put on vests with balls, they are blindfolded. They must make 6 circles around their axis and go through the spruce forest, keeping as many balls as possible. For safety, participants wear gloves (so that the buttons do not injure their hands). So the players go with their eyes closed - during their passage, you can change the location of the trees on their way (so that they do not rely on their memory - the location of the trees that they saw initially). The player who knocked down the trees less and burst the balls is declared the winner, he is awarded an air flower.

Tangerine for the Snow Maiden
Game for 2 participants. At the finish line there are chests locked with a padlock (these can be ordinary carton boxes, decorated with paints and papier-mache technique under the chest, fasteners are glued for the lock - one on the lid, the other on the side). Each chest contains a tangerine. Two bunches of keys are also prepared in advance. For one chest with the key to his castle and for another chest with the key to his castle (in order not to confuse - make the chests of different colors, for example one green, then tie a green ribbon to his bunch of keys). The start must be 4-5 medium steps from the finish. The task of the players: each participant stands at the start. And speaking in turn characteristic adjectives about the Snow Maiden (preferably really about the Snow Maiden, and not about women in general). That is, the player said: “Snow”, took a step. Players must not repeat themselves and repeat adjectives said by an opponent. The size of the steps is in principle not specified, so a smart player can reach the finish line using seven-league steps. At the finish line, players are given a bunch of keys. By sorting keys or using their sixth sense, players open chests. The first tangerine to get out of the chest is the winner. He hands it to the Snow Maiden. Approximate adjectives: fabulous, fragile, frosty, New Year's, melting in the sun, etc.

Three tangerines for Santa Claus
Preliminary preparation: make a beard and mustache for 2 Santa Clauses on an elastic band, and also prepare a headdress for them, get 2 pairs of mittens and felt boots, 6 tangerines, 2 blindfolds and 2 ropes.
6 people are called to the competition, of which 2 teams of 3 players are created. Two participants become, clinging to each other. The left hand of one player is tied to the right hand of another player. The third member of the team sits down on a chair. On command, the tied players, using their free hands, dress their third teammate in a Santa Claus costume, using the provided equipment, folded on a chair next to them (eye patches for tied players are used if you want to complicate this process in order to players had to not only experience difficulties with the use of one hand, but also put on by touch). After Santa Clauses are equipped. Connected participants take one tangerine each, clean it and feed Santa Claus with it, then they clean the second one, they feed it to the third tangerine as well. During the competition "Santa Claus" it is forbidden to help your comrades with your hands. The winner in this competition is the team that quickly managed to dress and feed Santa Claus, regardless of his appearance.

New Year's Cinderella
Leading: the unfortunate Cinderella needed our help, she wants to get to the fabulous New Year's ball, but the evil stepmother again loaded the girl with work. Part of the work was taken over by school No. ..., and part by us.
3 people can play at the same time. A table is prepared for each player, on which there is one large dish and four small plates. Fruits (tangerines, kiwi, dates and dried figs) are mixed on a large dish. Empty plates are placed on two sides of a large dish. Each player is given Chinese sticks. The players approach the tables, turn their backs to them, put their hands behind their backs and sort the fruits in this position. The facilitator and spectators can turn a blind eye to the fact if the players help themselves to secure the fruit with Chinese chopsticks with their hands (when hands behind the back are not so easy to wield with chopsticks alone).

Symbol of the year
Only the most dexterous and strong man is worthy of presenting the symbol of the year to the audience. The right to bring in and place a horse in a place of honor is awarded to the winner of the next competition. The leader and 4 assistants participate in the competition.
5 guys are called for the competition.
Stage 1.
On the floor in a chaotic manner are exhibited in in large numbers artificial Christmas trees, just a spruce branch fixed in a bar. Under the bottom of the Christmas tree, a number is attached to a transparent adhesive tape - 1,2,3,4. At the whistle, the participants raise the Christmas trees and look for the number. The one who found it takes the Christmas tree and leaves. The player who does not get the numbered spruce is out of the game.
Stage 2.
Participants are given a blue deflated balloon with the image of a snowflake (you can draw it on the balloon yourself in advance). On a signal, the players inflate the balloons - on this stage helpers are needed to tie the balloons. Then, following the commands of the leader, the players toss the ball. The host commands: "Head." They toss their heads. Further "hand", "foot", "nose", etc. Teams must go quite often so that the ball does not have time to fall to the floor. The player whose ball touches the floor first is out of the game.
Stage 3.
Cheerful music is turned on (minutes 2-3). Players begin push-ups from the floor. Assistants keep score. The player with the least push-ups during the musical break is eliminated from the game. As a result, 2 players remain by the 4th stage.
Stage 4.
Leading: For the last competition, you need to roll up the legs as high as possible, otherwise you can get them dirty in the competition.
Assistants pump up the legs as high as possible and fix them with clothespins.
Moderator: Sorry, I messed something up. Now there is another competition. Although the preparation for the competition is correct. So! A beauty contest is announced ... legs!
Players show the beauty of their legs to a cheerful musical collage (3-4 minutes) - they dance, squat, just defile.
The winner is chosen by voting. Friendship can win and both participants bring the symbol of the year into the festive hall (the horse can be made of balloons - which is fashionable and beautiful).

Collection of citrus fruits
You need a rope on which lemons and tangerines are attached with the help of threads. And two tall strong guys. Two players are called, they are blindfolded and given a basket and scissors each. Players are untwisted and allowed to harvest. Tall and strong guys stretch the rope and constantly manipulate the height, as well as step aside. For example, when the players are not yet blindfolded, the rope is at chest level. And when the harvesters are untwisted, the rope falls to the level of the knees. The location of the rope must be changed during the folding of fruits by the players. Players, having felt the fruit, cut it off with scissors. The participant who has collected the richest harvest is declared the winner.


The driver asks any questions, and the rest should answer only with the word "herringbone". If someone confused the words or laughed, then he becomes the leader or they take a forfeit from him, which will then come in handy for playing forfeits.

Snow fantasies.
It will be good if, after playing with the guests at home and treating them, you go out into the fresh air with them. It is possible for everyone to make a snowman instead, but it is better if everyone fashions a small figure out of the snow: who is a gnome, who is a robot, who is a snow maiden. You can arrange the figures in a circle, and then tell each other small fairy tales, and for this, "disenchant" your heroes: tear them off the ground and make them move. Or you can compose a general fairy tale so that all the fashioned heroes participate in it. You can even come up with musical accompaniment: play a saw with a stick, a tin box with cereals, nuts, a small tambourine, a tin drum and all sorts of other toys. musical instruments.

Snow walkers.
You can draw footprints in the snow. If you take long steps back and forth, to the side, you get one drawing, and if you draw in small steps, when the toes and heels go close to each other, look in one direction, and then in different directions, this is a different picture. If you put your palm without a mitten on the snow, you get a bear's footprint - and a fairy tale can turn out to be either funny or scary.

Who can guess?
The facilitator asks the participants to guess how many pages are in the book? What is the name of the doll? How many nuts (sweets, etc.) are in a transparent bag? What is in the box? (Or a bag - to the touch). The answerer receives this thing as a prize.

Father Frost.
Santa Claus, chosen according to the counting rhyme, stands in the center of the circle outlined in the snow. The rest of the players, holding hands, dance around him, saying:
Santa Claus, Santa Claus
Overgrown through the oak
Overgrown through the oak
Rolled up a cart of gifts.
Frosts crackling,
snow loose,
blizzard winds,
Blizzards are friendly.
Cold-cold let loose,
He built a bridge on the river.
After these words, the players scatter, and Santa Claus catches them. Whom he touches, he is considered "frozen": he stands motionless in the center of the circle. Players can "freeze" him by throwing a snowball. Frostbite must catch a snowball and try to hit Santa Claus with it. Got - free. And when Santa Claus manages to "freeze" three of them, they prepare a "payback" for him - they make a snowman. Around this woman, all participants in the game dance in a round dance with the words:
Santa Claus, Santa Claus,
He brought a snow woman
Baba, baba, hare,
Get a snowball!
And, throwing snowballs in turn, they destroy it. And the game ends like this: under the hill, two branches are stuck into the snow. This is the gate. Players slide down on a sled, trying to pass through the gate. The one who did not hit them or knocked down a branch becomes the new Santa Claus.

White bears.
An ice floe is indicated in the corner of the site. On it are two drivers - polar bears. The rest on the site are bear cubs. On a signal, the drivers, holding hands, run out to the site and catch the cubs: they catch up with the player and take him into their chain. They catch other cubs already together. The game continues until all the cubs are in the chain. Players are not allowed to sever the polar bears' arms and break free when they are caught.

From several empty tin cans it is necessary to build a pyramid. Then, from a certain distance, you need to throw snowballs at this target. The winner will be the one who knocks down more cans in three throws.

Who will bring down the giant?
This game is based on the traditional tug of war. Only the rope is passed through a giant snowman made of snow. The players are divided into two teams (preferably equal in strength) and, at the signal of the judge, begin to pull the rope. The game continues until one of the teams knocks down the giant (this team is considered the loser). The game can be made more difficult if the giant is placed on an ice platform.

Cockfight on ice.
A circle with a diameter of 2 meters is indicated on an icy or packed snow site. Two opponents, with their hands behind their backs, try to push each other out of this circle. Not only the one who was pushed out loses, but also the one who removed his hands from behind his back. You can hold a real "rooster tournament" according to the Olympic system with the elimination of the losers and the determination of the absolute winner.

Ice slalom on a broomstick.
This game is played on an ice hockey rink. Participants may be on skates, but this is not required. The task of the players is to ride on a broomstick between the pins (maces, towns) placed on the ice and not knock them down.

Luge all-around.
In order to arrange such competitions, you need to learn how to manage the sled well. And the tasks for all-rounders can be as follows:
- when driving down the mountain, pick up on the go 2-3 flags placed on the slope;
- drive through the gates formed by ski poles or branches stuck into the snow;
- on the move to throw a snowball in advance at the target;
- Throw a ring on a ski pole.

The game is played on a well-trodden snow field or on ice. For the game you need a small ice floe, called "yule". The players form a circle, standing two meters apart. A leader is chosen, who stands in the middle of the circle. He gets ice. With a kick on the ice-floe - "yulya" tries to knock it out of the circle. The players prevent this, hold the "yula" with their feet and send it back to the leader. The player who missed the "yule" on the right side of himself changes roles with the driver. They play indefinitely, ending the game at will.
The game is more interesting with the advancement of the players in a lateral step in a circle to the right or left. If they move to the right, then they protect the right side from themselves, if they move to the left, then the left side. It is possible to complicate the game by introducing a rule according to which those standing in a circle, having taken possession of the “top”, can pass it to each other without giving the “top” to the driver, but at the same time they must remain in their places in a circle.
You can only hold the Yulu with your feet. Whoever tries to hold her with his hand becomes the leader; "Yula" is considered to have flown out of the circle if it flies past the player below his knees.

Under fire.
This game is played on a snowy ground when the snow is well molded. In advance, the guys prepare as many snowballs as possible. The players are divided into two teams. The playing area is marked with lines or flags. Its approximate size is 10x20 meters. One team stands behind the long sideline of the court. The other is placed behind one of the short lines of the site (in the "city"). The team located in the "city" is considered to be the leader, and the team behind the touchline is considered to be the attacker. The attacking team places prepared snowballs nearby. On a signal, the driving team runs from their "city" to the other side of the site. The attacking team, without crossing the boundaries of the site, tries to get into the running snowballs. Whoever gets hit by a snowball is out of the game.
You can play like this - getting hit by a snowball brings the attacking team a test point, and the driver, who was hit by the snowball, continues the game. You can only cross on a signal. If two players are hit with one snowball, the attacking team is given two points.
The players run across the set number of times, after which it is reported how many snowball hits, that is, how many points the team won. Then the teams switch roles. At the end of the game, the total hit score of both teams is announced. The team with the most points wins.

12 sticks.
For the game you need a board and 12 sticks. The plank is placed on a pebble or on a thick stick, bar, so that one end of it is on the ground, and the other is raised. 12 sticks are placed on the end of the plank lying on the ground. The leader is selected, he stands at the plank and hits its free end, and all the sticks scatter in different directions. The driver begins to collect them, and the rest of the players quickly hide in different places. When the sticks are collected and laid on a plank, the driver goes to look for those who have hidden. Finding someone, he calls him by name, and he must come out of hiding. If the player noticed by the driver is named incorrectly, then he remains in place until the driver calls his name correctly.
Hidden, but not yet found, the player can run up to the board unnoticed by the driver, kick it with the words "twelve sticks are flying!". The sticks scatter, and the driver must collect them again, and all the players previously found by him hide again. The driver leads until he finds everyone. In the next game, the one who was found last becomes the driver. If the driver cannot find all the players for a long time, you can choose another one.

Squat fight.
A circle of about 1x1 m is drawn on the snow. The opponents squat down, stretch their arms forward and, striking the opponent's palms with their palms, try to push him out of the circle or force him to touch the snow with his hand. Whoever manages to do this is declared the winner.

To play, you need a flat stick, A-5 cm wide, 2-3 cm thick, 50-60 cm long. At one end, the stick must be trimmed so that it is easy to hold it with your hand. This stick is called a bat. In addition, prepare a small stick - 1.5-2 cm thick and no more than 10 cm long. Its ends are sharpened like a pencil. This wand is a chizhik.
A square is drawn on the side of the site, approximately 1x1 m, the rest of the space in front of it is a field. At the front line to the field of the square is a small plank or stone. A siskin is placed on the plank so that one end of it is raised, and the other lies on the ground. The players choose a driver who receives a bat and becomes square with it. All the rest diverge randomly across the field.
The driver hits the free end of the siskin with a bat and, when he jumps up, hits him with a bat so that he flies as far as possible into the field. The players try to catch the chizhik in the air. If someone manages to catch him, he changes roles with the driver. If no one managed to catch the siskin, the nearest player takes it from the ground and tries to throw it so that it hits the square from which the driver sent him into the field. If it hits, then it changes role with the driver. If it doesn’t hit, then the driver from the landing site of the chizhik again, in the same way as before, kicks him into the field. And so the game continues all the time with a changing driver.
When playing chizhik, the following conditions must be observed. If the driver missed the first time and could not beat off the chizhik, he is given the right to one or two more attempts. If he cannot beat off the chizhik even three times, then he changes with any player of the field of his choice or according to the order.
You can also introduce the following rule into the game: when a field player throws a chizhik into a square, the driver, defending this square, can beat off the chizhik flying towards him with a bat. If the driver misses, and the chizhik still gets into the square, the driver changes roles with the field player who succeeded in this throw.

Round dances.
The traditional New Year's round dance can be complicated, made more entertaining. The leader sets the tone for the round dance, changes the pace of movement, direction. After one or two circles, a round dance can be led by a snake, maneuvering between guests and furniture. The steeper the loops of the snake, the more fun. The leader along the way can come up with various options: include in the chain those who are not participating in the round dance, slow down sharply, etc.

Decorate the tree.
There are two artificial Christmas trees in the hall.
- There are only a few minutes left before the New Year, - says the Snow Maiden, - and these Christmas trees have not yet been decorated. Perhaps there are two dexterous people in the hall who will quickly do this.
Cardboard toys, papier-mache and other unbreakable toys are laid out on tables 5-6 steps from the Christmas tree. But to complete the task of the Snow Maiden is not so easy. The Snow Maiden reports that a short circuit has occurred, and the Christmas trees will have to be decorated in the dark (blindfolded). Perhaps someone will hang their toys on a neighbor's tree, but the one whose tree is more elegant will win.

Circle toy.
Santa Claus invites the participants to stand facing each other. Music begins to play, and a toy, for example, a doll with the image of the Snow Maiden, passing from hand to hand, moves in a circle. The music stops, the transfer of the toy stops. Whoever has the doll left is out of the game. The game continues until one person remains. If there are a lot of players, you can put several dolls in a circle.

In a suspended (or standing on the floor) basket, you need to throw 6 "snowballs" - white tennis balls from a distance of 6-7 steps. The one who will cope with this task most accurately will win.

The Snow Maiden invites several guests to take light cotton snowflakes from the tray. Each player tosses his snowflake and, blowing on it, tries to keep it in the air as long as possible. The one who dropped his fluff can approach a friend and help him complete the task of the Snow Maiden.

Magic words.
The game is led by the Snow Maiden, she invites two teams of 10 people each, gives them a set of large letters that make up the word "Snow Maiden". Each participant receives one letter. The task is as follows: in the story read by the Snow Maiden, there will be words made up of these letters. As soon as such a word is uttered, the owners of the letters that make it up must come forward and, rebuilding, form this word. The team ahead of the opponents gets a point.
Sample story.
There was a fast river. Snow fell on the fields. The mountain behind the village became white. And the bark on the birches sparkled with hoarfrost. Somewhere the sleigh runners creak. Where are they heading?

Centipede racing.
In a fairly spacious room, you can hold centipede races. The players are divided into two teams and line up at the back of each other's head, taking the belt in front of them with their hands. A chair is placed at the opposite wall, which the chain of players must go around, and then return back. If the chain is broken, the leader can count the team as a loser. The task can be made more difficult and more ridiculous if the teams move half-crouched, if both teams perform the task at the same time.
A variant of this game is "Snake". The "head" - the first in the column - must catch the "tail" that eludes it. Having caught it, the "head" goes to the end of the column, the game is repeated again. The "torn off" links of the chain are considered losers and are out of the game.

Two Frosts.
A group of guys is located at one end of the hall (room) beyond the conditional line. Drivers - Frosts - are in the middle of the hall. They turn to the guys with the words:
We are two young brothers! (Together): Two frosts are distant.
- I am Frost-red nose.
- I am Frost-blue nose.
Which one of you decides
To go on a path?
Everyone answers:
- We are not afraid of threats, and we are not afraid of frost!
The players run to the other side of the hall behind the "home" line. Both Frosts catch and "freeze" those who run across. Those immediately stop at the place where they were "frozen". Then the Frosts again turn to the players, and they, having answered, run across the hall, helping out the "frozen" ones: they touch them with their hands, and they join the others.

Santa Claus says:
- There is a wonderful Christmas tree in our hall. And what toys on it! What do you know about Christmas decorations? This magnificent prize will be given to the person with the last answer.
Players take turns saying words. During the pauses, the presenter begins to slowly count: "Clapperboard - one, cracker - two ..." The auction continues.

Play game.
Santa Claus announces to the audience that none of those present will be able to repeat after him the three short phrases that he will say. Of course, no one will agree with him. Then Santa Claus, as if looking for words, utters a short phrase. For example: "Today is a wonderful evening." Everyone confidently repeats this phrase. Santa Claus, embarrassed, looks for and uncertainly says the second phrase. It is also easily repeated by everyone. Then he quickly and joyfully says: "Here you are wrong!" The crowd is protesting. And Santa Claus explains that his third phrase, which had to be repeated, was: "So you made a mistake!"

Two are better than one.
Any three toys are placed on the floor: a ball, a cube, a skittle. Two players come out and start dancing around them (the game can be played to music). As soon as the music stops or Santa Claus gives the command "Stop!", each player should try to grab two toys. Whoever gets one loses. The game can be complicated: increase the number of participants and, accordingly, the number of toys or objects. Whoever grabs wins large quantity toys.

Under a lucky star
The winner of this game will be the one who first finds a star hanging from the ceiling with a number announced by the host. Stars with a large number written on both sides are pre-hung on threads from the ceiling of the room (or hall) where the dances will take place. During the dance, the music stops for a minute, and Santa Claus proclaims: "Lucky Star - 15!" The dancers try to quickly find a star with this number. The winner is awarded a prize.

Watch your back.
Santa Claus or the Snow Maiden gives various commands to those standing in a circle, and they must be carried out only if the word “please” is added to the command, for example, “Please put your hands up”, “Lower your right hand!”, “Please clap your hands” and etc. The game is fun, at a fast pace. Those who make a mistake are out of the game. The remaining one is awarded the title of "Most Attentive Guest" and a prize is awarded.

Invisible hat.
To do this, you just need to look into the mysterious box. You open it, and inside there is a large inscription: "You try in vain, you still won't see it. That's why it's invisible."

Photo booth for instant shooting.
On the box is a wooden lid with the inscription: "Lift the lid - you will get your photo portrait." Under the lid there is a mirror, on the mirror there is an inscription:
No bad pictures here
Our initiative is famous everywhere.
Still: here, whatever the portrait -
Handsome or beautiful.

Classic rides.
It is necessary, blindfolded, to put the nose of the drawn clown in place or to attach the tail to the drawn donkey.

What page is the bookmark on.
A thick book is taken, in which a bright bookmark is inserted. It is not allowed to look into the book or touch it with hands. You need to guess which page the bookmark is on. It is unlikely that someone will give an exact answer, rather, close to the true one, but this is enough to reward the ingenious with a prize.

Holiday surprise.
A large, beautifully decorated box stands on a raised platform or is suspended from the ceiling. Everyone participating in the attraction writes down on pieces of paper what they think is in the box. Touching the box, trying it by weight, looking inside is not allowed. When everyone has written options, the answers are read out. It is very difficult to become a winner, because there are no guidelines for determining the contents of the box, but you can guess by chance. In extreme cases, you can accept an answer that is at least approximately suitable for the subject. Such an answer will be counted, and the winner will be awarded. You can put several items in the box, this will only make the game more interesting, as there will be several winners. If there are several correct answers, the contents of the box (nuts, sweets, etc.) can be divided among all the winners. What is put in the box can only be known by the organizer of the attraction, who must himself, without witnesses, choose a "surprise" and personally seal the box.

What is my name?
A large beautiful doll sits on a dais. Under her arm is a sealed envelope with her name on it. It is necessary to guess this name, then the winner will receive a prize. If several people guess the name of the doll at the same time, then a lot is thrown between them to present the prize. If no one guesses the name, the leader continues the game until the correct answer. To help the players, you can suggest what letter the name begins with - with a vowel or consonant. If this name is found in the literature, you can give the author's last name and the work and thus lead to the correct answer.

Push the core (comic competition).
Two teams compete in the shot put. True, the core here replaces balloon, but it is not so easy to "push" it. Who will become the champion? The places where the ball fell can be marked on the floor with colored crayons, which will indicate the name of the "pusher".