Types of photo sessions. Top genres of photography 4 different types of shooting artistic photography

Today, photography as an art is at the peak of popularity. With the development of technology, the availability of information, shooting people and objects on the camera is filled with a completely new meaning. Even 2-3 decades ago, the services of a photographer were resorted to only on the most solemn occasions, and this type of photography was in demand as much as possible. And if in those days you allow yourself a real reflex camera only the elite could, today the majority of those who wish have the opportunity to self-realize with the help of photography. Genre photography is also gaining popularity, when the photographer sets himself the task of not only capturing the events taking place, but also making each picture artistically filled. After all, life itself throws up stories that you want to sing in monochrome or color: the touching fragility of the bride, the insecurity of the newborn, the beauty of the native land, the wisdom reflected in the eyes surrounded by wrinkles, the play of sunlight on the plank floor...

It is probably impossible to say exactly how many species there are, and examples of the work of the best photographers often combine several areas, combining techniques inherent in a completely different types shooting. And, nevertheless, among the whole variety of styles, several of the most popular can be distinguished.


With the advent of new trends in the art of photography, the classics do not lose their relevance. This type of photography, like a reportage, will probably always be relevant. Photojournalists have always been and will be where the most fateful events take place, so that the whole planet can learn about them in a timely manner. Reportage photography, like journalism in general, can also be divided into subspecies, depending on the subject.

Here the most common type of photography is news, reflecting current events in the world. Among those who cover the news, military correspondents keep a little apart, because their work is full of dangers and risks, and their camera lens often gets something that not everyone can handle.

One thing unites all subspecies - impartiality, atmosphere, the need to maintain maximum objectivity.


Once upon a time, it was quite possible to attribute to reportage shooting wedding photo session. Today, this type of photography has completely modernized. Modern newlyweds pay special attention to the first - a wedding photo album. Often a whole team of professionals works on it. The task of a wedding photographer is to notice and reflect the depth of feelings that lies in two hearts. Therefore, such trifles as clenched fingers, fluttering eyelashes, excited glances often fall into his frame ... And how eloquent goosebumps on the skin!

A true professional will definitely notice everything important, while not forgetting the main thing. After all, in no case should he miss the unique moments of painting in the registration book, putting on rings, the first marital kiss.

Children in the frame

It is not known exactly how many types and genres of photography exist, but children's photosets can be safely called one of the most popular. It would seem, what could be easier? Brightly dressed models with funny curls do not need the services of make-up artists, dressers and decorators. The charm of childhood just begs to be framed! And the variety of emotions that only kids are capable of can be envied even by professional models. However, this type of photography requires much more skill from the photographer than any other types and genres of photography. With illustrative examples of impudent childish posturing or, conversely, stubborn unwillingness to pose, probably everyone who has tried to capture their own child on camera at least once is familiar. Therefore, professionals often use various means to find a common language with small models: turn on suitable music, allow them to play with props, treat them with sweets, decorate the lens and camera with funny faces and little animals. What can I say, even if the well-known supposedly flying bird was invented many years ago in order to draw children's attention to the lens!

But those who managed to reach an understanding with the kids are well aware of how grateful this audience can be. Children are beautiful in their spontaneity, interesting in themselves, so photographs of them - dirty, overplayed, disheveled, crying and laughing - often look like illustrations for good old fairy tales.

love story

New types of photographs are also gaining popularity. An example of this is Love Story, love stories captured on film. As props, cute trinkets that are important for two lovers are often used: notes, plush toys, seashells picked up on the beach, CDs with special songs ...

Objects that have become common for two help to emphasize the mood, for example, paired jewelry or two straws stuck in one glass.

landscape photography

Such types of photographs as landscapes will never lose their relevance... The subject is given by nature itself, and both the horizon of a tropical island and the familiar view from the balcony can become a source of inspiration. Here, perhaps, as in no other genre, it is important to work with light - so that the sky does not lose depth, so that the bright sun's rays do not give too sharp shadows, so that not a single detail escapes ...

A subspecies of landscape photography can be called shots from travels, which will later take their place in the road album, helping to preserve memories of impregnable mountains, gentle sea, distant shores.

Still life

Once upon a time, this type of photography could almost be called educational. They resorted to it mainly to hone the skill of composing and working with shadows.

Today, this species is extremely popular not only among photographers, but also among those who create man-made masterpieces. Masters strive to present their goods the best way with the help of professionals.

Animal world in the lens of the photographer

The friendship of man and animal has attracted the keen eye of the photographer for a long time. Animals often pose with pleasure.

In addition, cute fluffy faces often penetrate other types and genres of modern photography, such as portraiture. And if a few years ago 99% of the popularity belonged to seals, today at the works of masters one can often see such exotic things as snakes, iguanas, scorpions, owls.

Attract photographers and dogs. For example, northern handsome huskies, samoyeds and malamutes, which have absolutely incredible facial expressions.

Thematic sets

Another the new kind photos - thematic shooting. Here, the photographer can show his talent from all sides. He can not do without scenery and props. The idea is to create a series of shots united by a common theme. Often based on a famous fairy tale, movie, history. Models can try on absolutely incredible roles: the Mad Hatter and Alice, Vakula and Oksana, Snow White and the Dwarfs...

Thematic shooting techniques often penetrate into other types of photographs: children's, wedding, portrait. An indicator of special skill here is your own vision, an unusual interpretation, and not a simple illustration of the plot.


Not so long ago, the types and genres of modern photography have replenished with a completely unusual direction. It's about surrealism. Many fans of this art call it not just photography, but the creation of new worlds. Of the masters working today in Russia, Oleg Oprisko occupies a special place. He managed to create his own kinds of photographs. Examples of Oleg's work allow you to see familiar things in an incredible, magical perspective.

No less famous is the photographer Katya Plotnikova, who also works in this genre. Incredible fairies and outlandish animals look at us from her works.

High and low key

These types of shootings (photographs) are presented mainly in the portrait and subject genres. rather tall and low key can be called photography techniques, not types of photography, but most experts consider them to be a special direction in photography. When working in this genre, the master focuses on working with light and shadow. Shooting in low and high key is carried out in a special studio, equipped not only with lighting devices, but also with special reflective screens.

High key implies a special color scheme of the image. Its main tone is white, and the dark areas, in the language of professionals, are within the second step of the light gray color of the seven-step density scale.

Low key, on the contrary, sings of deep black. Only that part of the image that carries the main semantic load remains highlighted to light gray.

macro world

Such genres of photography (with examples of photos), like macro photography, can mislead the layman with their unusualness. Sometimes it is difficult to understand what is shown in the picture: the delta of a huge river or the circulatory system of a newborn, patches of ripening fields from a bird's eye view, or a pattern on a moth's wing?

For macro photography, special lenses with magnifying lenses are used. The skill of the photographer, who was able to see the smallest, allows a simple man in the street to see what is often hidden from his eyes.


At all times, the starry sky beckoned people! Not surprisingly, it often gets into the lenses of cameras. And unusual celestial phenomena, such as eclipses, arrivals of comets and asteroids, the special color of the moon and the incredible brightness of the Milky Way, certainly do not leave indifferent fans of astrophotography.


Some types of modern photography originate in ancient times. Speaking of shooting in the Nude style, one cannot help but recall the great artists of past centuries who sang the natural beauty of the human body. In a broad sense, the main subject of shooting in this genre is the naked body. However, many masters often cover the nakedness of models with the help of draperies and translucent veils, curtains, screens, thus leaving some kind of understatement and intrigue in the picture.

This genre is special. In it, as in no other, it is necessary to feel the line between art and vulgarity.

street photo

Speaking about what types of photography exist, it is worth mentioning another unusual genre. It's about street photography. This direction appeared quite a long time ago, more than a century ago. Ideologists of street photography call this genre the most sincere and reliable, and the work of a photographer here requires special skill. After all, it is intended only to follow the life of the city, to notice the most interesting and striking moments, to discover unusual images.

Street photography tells us not only about the characters, but also about their life in the environment. Everything is important here - buildings and trees, birds and trash cans, umbrellas over cafe tables, hurrying taxis, street vendors...

Photo art and its prospects

Contemporary art lives a special life, absorbing and reflecting all aspects of life around. Types and genres of photography are replenished every day with new directions and trends, complementing each other. The development of technology allows not only to get acquainted with the work of the best masters of the world, but also to use the achievements of science for their own creative needs. The production of photographic equipment, optics, lighting devices is developing. In the arsenal of a modern photographer, there are many programs for processing and editing images. All this greatly expands human capabilities and allows every photography enthusiast to find their own path in art.

I present to you short description genres

Art photography is always a search. Looking not only for an idea, but also for ways to express it. This is the most unusual and at the same time free genre in photography. There can be staging, and imitation, and abstraction, and collage, and the use of additional technical means. And it does not matter whether the photographer took something from a still life or a portrait as a basis, whether he mixed these two genres or did not use any, the basis and meaning of all work is the concept and emotional content of the picture

1. A special kind of photography that combines a combination of many genres of photography. the main task reportage shooting is to convey the atmosphere of the event. A reportage frame cannot be staged, because its main task is to reflect reality, real events, albeit passed through the prism of the individual vision of the photographer. As a rule, a reportage is a whole series of frames, the development of an event in time, but sometimes the main message can be conveyed in one frame, and this will also be a reportage.

Architecture is the milestones that history places on the path of its development. In order to get a good shot, it is not enough just to capture the result of the architect's work - you need to find a fresh original solution, emphasize the features of the building, convey its essence and mood. The main task of a photographer working in this genre is to convey the poetics of architectural structures, the harmony, rhythm, form inherent in them, to make the viewer see the structures through the eyes of the architect who created them.

Photographing children is not easy: it is almost impossible to make them sit still or take a certain pose. But this is precisely what children's photography is interesting for - excitement, unpredictability of the result and that imprinted immediacy that only children have.

The main task of genre photography is to reflect reality "as it is." But, unlike reportage, genre photography is not tied to any particular place or event: it reflects life in its entirety, in its entirety; the main characters are people. Since each picture has its own author, the reflection of reality is subjective. However, that is why it is even more interesting: it is a look at things through the eyes of an artist. Often the photographer manages to see what others do not notice, although the same surrounds them (and, as a rule, surrounds them in everyday life).

Macro photography is the beauty of the ordinary, the beauty of small forms. In the world of small objects, everything lives according to its own laws; often different from ours. But the beauty of such a world lies not in the maximum increase in objects hidden from the eyes, but in their harmony, rhythm.

"Nude" means "naked" in French. Artistic genre in sculpture, painting and photography depicting a naked human body. Nude is one of the most controversial genres in photography. Disputes about the ethics of nudes, which began in the 19th century, do not subside to this day: where is the line beyond which eroticism ends and pornography begins? There is still no answer: the line is too thin ...

Landscape - a real view of any area (forest, field, mountains, grove, sea, etc.), in which the main subject of the image is natural or, to one degree or another, nature transformed by man, conveying the mood evoked by their contemplation. Despite the seeming simplicity, the ability to make a good landscape is a rarity, a special talent, the result of inner perseverance and search. The ability to see the frame, to choose one of the million variations - the best one, not to be too lazy to come to the chosen place at dawn or even before dark to capture all the magic that will open up to your eyes.

Portraits are different - business, genre, self-portraits. But no matter what type the portrait belongs to, the main thing in it is the appearance of the person being portrayed. And it doesn't matter if he sits frozen under the spotlight in the studio or he was caught unawares in the midst of work in the field. For many years, the portrait remains on the photograph of a person exactly as the photographer saw him. Moreover, it preserves not only external features, but its character, the mood of that moment. Everything is important in a portrait: the light, and what surrounds the person being portrayed, and his clothes, and, of course, his appearance, the emotions reflected on his face. This genre is loved by both beginners and professionals in photography.

wedding photography is The best way capture an event that most couples celebrate once in a lifetime. For a long time, wedding photography was staged - until reportage burst into this genre. A wedding report is one of the most difficult photo genres, because every moment of the ceremony is significant and unique in its own way: much will never happen again, and an encore is impossible here.

Sports photography shows those moments that are often missed by the viewer - they last for a fraction of a second. The key nuance is - understanding the specifics of the competition. Only a true professional who knows the sport from the inside is able to capture the most culminating moments: he always knows where the ball will fly in the next second, from which point to shoot tennis, and from which fencing, who to focus on, which athlete, most likely, will become the star of the current match.

Fashion photography is diverse, but invariably elegant, bright, dizzying, seductive, often scandalous and provocative, it conveys not only the charm of fashion catwalks, the glamor and luxury of famous fashion houses. Fashion photography, like no other direction of art, captures the atmosphere of the time, the style and mood of the era, embodying the ideal that culture invariably strives for at one point or another of the space-time continuum.

Animal photography requires special patience and diligence: wild animals are afraid of humans, and often a good shot takes weeks or even months. Every animal photographer is a bit of a scientist: in order to get the desired result, he has to study a lot of scientific literature, study the nature and habits of his “models”. But the result is worth the cost. Unfortunately, in our turbulent age, there is a great chance that some species of animals will soon be seen only in photographs. culture at one point or another of the space-time continuum invariably strives.

What digital artists want to say in the language of digital art cannot be conveyed to a person with the help of, for example, painting - and cannot be drawn by hand. Everything in the world of technology is developing very quickly, and even those who are “in the know” sometimes find it difficult to keep track of everything. Artistic photomontage is modeling own world, usually attached with philosophical overtones, in our turbulent age, there is a great chance that some species of animals can soon be seen only in photographs

Topographic survey of the area is performed to obtain a topographic plan or map of the area; terrain objects, contours and relief are depicted on a plan or map using conventional signs. There are aerial, ground and combined surveys.

Aerial photography is usually performed using the stereotopographic method, when terrain images are obtained using cameras installed on an aircraft, and image processing and plan drawing are performed in office conditions on stereo devices.

Composite survey is a combination of aerial and ground surveys; the planned situation is drawn from aerial photographs, and the relief is photographed on a photographic map in the field.

Aerial photography and combined photography are the main methods for creating maps and plans for large areas. Terrestrial photography is used when creating large-scale plans of small areas, when the use of aerial photography is either impossible or economically unprofitable.

Ground shooting is performed from the surface of the earth. Depending on the survey methodology and the instruments used, ground surveys can be of several types:



horizontal or theodolite; when shooting horizontally, a plan of a section of the terrain is obtained, on which there is no image of the relief;

vertical; at the same time, a plan is obtained with the image of the relief with practically no planned situation;

phototheodolite; at the same time, images of the area are obtained using a phototheodolite, and their processing and drawing of the plan are performed on stereo devices,

special types of filming.

30. Ways to capture the situation

Shooting the situation - geodetic measurements on the ground for subsequent drawing on the plan of the situation (contours and terrain objects).

The choice of shooting method depends on the nature and type of the object being photographed, the terrain and the scale at which the plan should be drawn up.

Shooting the situation is carried out in the following ways: perpendiculars; polar; corner serifs; linear serifs; alignments (Fig. 60).

Ways to capture the situation:

1) method of perpendiculars;

2) polar method;

3) method of corner serifs;

4) the method of linear serifs;

5) way of alignments.

Rice. 60. Ways to capture the situation:

a - perpendiculars, b - polar, c - angular serifs, d - linear serifs, e - alignments.

Perpendicular method(method of rectangular coordinates) - is usually used when shooting elongated contours located along and near the lines of the theodolite traverse, laid along the border of the surveyed area. From the characteristic point K (Fig. 60, a), a perpendicular is lowered onto the line of travel A - B, the length of which S 2 measured with a tape measure. Distance S 1 from the beginning of the line of travel to the base of the perpendicular is counted along the tape.

polar way(polar coordinate method) - consists in the fact that one of the stations of the theodolite traverse (Fig. 60, b) is taken as a pole, for example, station A, and the position of point K is determined by the distance S from a pole to a given point and a polar angle β between the direction to the point and the line A - B. The polar angle is measured with a theodolite, and the distance with a rangefinder. To simplify obtaining the angles, the theodolite is oriented along the side of the course.

At serif method(bipolar coordinates) the position of the points of the terrain is determined relative to the points of the survey justification by measuring the angles β 1 and β 2 (Fig. 60, c) - corner notch, or distances S 1 and S 2 (Fig. 60, d) - line notch.

Angle serif used to capture distant or hard-to-reach objects.

Linear serif– for surveying objects located near survey substantiation points. In this case, it is necessary that the angle γ, which is obtained between the directions during the notch, be at least 30° and not more than 150°.

Way of alignment(measurements). In this way, the planned position of the points is determined with a tape or tape measure. (Fig. 60, e). The alignment method is used when shooting points located in the alignment of reference lines, or in the alignment of lines based on the sides of the theodolite traverse. The method is used when the extreme points of the line are visible. The result of surveying the contours is entered into outline. An outline is a schematic drawing that is drawn up clearly and accurately.

31. Surface leveling

Produced in order to obtain a more accurate plan depicting the terrain in flat areas. The planned position of the points is determined relative to the highways, cross-sections or theodolite passages, high-altitude-geometric leveling. Surface leveling is divided into the following leveling methods:

by squares;


To an inattentive observer, it may seem that a commercial photographer is very limited in his choice of subjects, but, in fact, professional photography provides a wide field for creativity. In the world of modern digital photography, the only limit is the personal preference of the photographer. Just as an attractive, bright, truly sunny flower grows from rapeseed seed after some time, so to create artistic photography careful selection of the plot, background and other parameters will be required. You can sell everything: a photograph of a beautiful sunset, and a series of shots for wedding album. If you decide that photography can become the basis for additional income, first of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the possible directions of photography.

Popular types of photography

Portrait photography

Portraits are a very popular type of photography, which includes two main areas - reportage and staged portrait photography. To shoot high-quality portraits, you need to know not only technical rules photography and the basics of composition, but also be able to communicate with the model, as well as speak the language of posing in order to show the figure and appearance of the person being portrayed with better side. Portrait photography includes the main trends in modern commercial photography. This includes family photography (group portraits), wedding and children photography, as well as studio photography of models for portfolios. Let's consider these directions in more detail.

family photography

For family photos sessions, the photographer requires not only the ability to choose a pose and a good background, but also observation. Currently, reportage family photo shoots are very popular, when photography is combined with a family trip to a cafe or to nature, and the photographer is left to capture happy moments spending time together with people close to each other. This is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Most often for successful work the photographer needs to meet and get to know clients before shooting so they can get used to it. In addition, in this area it is quite difficult to find your place under the sun due to the abundance of competitors. Only original ideas for photography.

A popular subspecies of family photography is photography of children. For successful career children's photographer you need not only to know technical background photos, but also, oddly enough, to love children and be able to communicate with them. That is why very often women and men who already have their own children become children's photographers.

wedding photography

A wedding celebration is perhaps one of the most difficult types of portrait photography, combining reportage and staging. Photographing weddings requires the photographer not only high speed reactions and ability to adapt to new conditions, but also directing skills. They mistakenly believe that wedding photographer you can become without much experience. However, this is not at all the case - before you start photographing weddings, you need to save up practical experience or at the very least, sign up for photography lessons with a professional in the field and go to weddings with him as a second photographer several times. Starting this work, you should already know about photography modes, lighting techniques, basic poses for a couple, and also be able to shoot a reportage.

Studio photography of models

Photographing a model portfolio requires the photographer to have professional lighting equipment, or at least the ability to rent a photography studio. However, the nice benefit of doing this is that it is much easier to work with a professional model than with an untrained and unaccustomed to the camera average client.

Subject photography

AT recent times photography of objects is very popular and in demand. Customers of such images, as a rule, need to beautifully present the goods to the client. These can be photographs of clothes, dishes in a restaurant, various goods for "showcases" of online stores, etc. For such work, the photographer needs to purchase a set of professional lighting. Of course, one cannot do without the secrets of photography - lighting techniques and composition.

interior photo

Photographing interiors is one of the most difficult, interesting and high-paying species shooting. This type of photography requires special lenses, as well as the ability to correctly place accents in interior design. Success can be achieved with the help of special lighting, as well as the right angle. Collages of interior photos made with the participation of the whole family look attractive. You can read more about creative family photos by visiting Mom's Forum - a women's site.


Thus, as you have already noticed, a photographer can find application for his knowledge in a variety of service areas. A commercial order absolutely does not mean that for a good result you need to forget about the creative approach. Quite the contrary: to survive in today's competitive environment, the photographer needs to develop his own style.

sticking to general rules, the division of photography by type is due to differences in subject matter, as well as methods and approaches to the shooting process itself.

Photographing can be different as usual, for example, and under water, which in itself implies the use of specially prepared photographic equipment.

In many cases, the division of photography occurs according to the plot and themes.

Portrait photography- implies the imprinting of portraits of people. It is characterized by the presence of one clear and large object with a blurred background.

Something similar to a portrait Subject photography, however, is aimed at photographing objects, not people, but adheres to the same principles - having a clear subject in the foreground, and the background is blurred. This method of photography is quite popular in advertising activities. The purpose of which is to demonstrate the advertised object in the best light and visually emphasize it among other components of the composition.

Photographing children deserves special attention, because children have their own unique spontaneity, which can be expressed in completely different emotions (usually most adults, as a rule, simply hide some of their emotions inside themselves, not often showing them to others) and in various photographs they look completely different. The main thing in this approach is not to focus on yourself with your actions. By giving them freedom of behavior, you may be able to capture truly unique shots.

If you need to shoot a portrait of a child, then in such a situation you may have great difficulties. This comes out because children in most cases are very reluctant to specially pose. To take for them such a place in the frame that you exactly need and most importantly, and even more so to be in the right position for the necessary time without movement, believe me, this is really very difficult for a child.

One of the most not simple species Photographing is considered interior photography. It's much easier to just look at the interior than to shoot it, isn't it? This directly depends on the peculiarities of human visual perception, which is absent from the camera. The human eye can perceive objects located at different angles of view. Turning his head in one direction and in the opposite direction - the object, as it was exactly on the table, will remain standing. Human vision is arranged in an interesting way, which automatically aligns the perception of the object. In the case of experimenting with the camera, in the pictures themselves, this object will fall in a certain direction, but it will also not be exactly on the table.

There are many such nuances. It is worth recalling that the camera takes frames only in 2 planes. The camera is unable to see the perspective of an object as our eyes can see it. Thus, in the process of photographing the interior, it is required not only to understand the laws of composition of the frame, but to adhere to them accurately will be part of success.

Reportage photography- in general, a fairly broad concept. This can include photography from various events or events, celebrations or exhibitions, walks under the moon or even hiking in the mountains. Reportage photography may well include elements of photography of interiors, photography of children, objects, flowers, nature in general, etc. The main rule in this type of photography is to stick to one topic that you had planned in advance. Often, reportage photography serves as an addition to an article on your website or blog, newspaper or magazine, or maybe a letter to a friend.

The next type of photography that you absolutely must highlight is wedding photography. characteristic feature, which should highlight the selection of the main subjects of shooting. Of course, those are the bride and groom. Of course, the bride should take the most importance, for it is she who, overshadowing her attire and beauty, not only amazes all the guests, but also the groom himself. Often, as usual, wedding photography adheres to a script prepared in advance and the course of events. Often, the photographer himself puts forward a variety of options for the bride and groom to get more dynamic and colorful shots. Here a lot depends on the professionalism, and of course the flight of the photographer's imagination. A well-trained photographer is able to offer unusual and memorable photography setups.

Studio photography should also be attributed to a special type. This service is most often used by models, dancers, actors and other creative people, for whom it is important to have their own professional portfolio, which occupies a significant place in their career. This type of photography was originally determined not only by the choice of a certain pose of the object, the choice of interior, costume, lighting arrangement and makeup application deserves special attention. According to the rules, only those objects that were destined to be in the frame in advance are in strict order on the set.

And finally, photography of landscapes can also be given a separate place with a separate branch of photographs. For professional landscape photography a specialized wide-format lens is required. With its help, it becomes possible to shoot landscapes as our vision sees them.

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