Wedding salon business planning presentation. How to write a competent business plan for opening a wedding salon? How much money do you need to open a bridal salon

A wedding salon is a place that every girl dreams of visiting. However, few people think about how to open their own business and start developing in this direction.

There are many great articles, books, and other tutorials out there to help you figure this out. But, as you know, without a business plan, no idea can become a reality.

Project Summary

A resume should explain why the establishment will be good decision for one city or another. It mentions that other salons are not good enough and professional, so many brides have a hard time being in the pre-wedding hustle and bustle. The new point must fully meet expectations and be better than existing competitors. She must work with brides of different faiths.

When girls turn to you for help in choosing wedding attire and accessories, they should receive maximum attention and know that this is where they can create a truly chic look for the most important day.

Market and competitor analysis

Writing a business plan begins with a thorough market survey. It is necessary to take into account the approximate number of marriages that takes place in a particular city and region. Specifically, you need to study the region in which you plan to open your project. This information is available from the Federal Service. state statistics.

In addition to the client base, you also need to analyze competing firms. To find out if there are enough firms in your city that compete with your business, you can search them on the Internet and call them yourself. So you will find out if there are queues in other companies. If they are still there, it means that you have every chance to win a part of the market.

In order to conduct an analysis, it is worth considering all the advantages and disadvantages of your competitors, namely:

  • Study them strengths . Think about how convenient their location is, and how large a range of products they have. Consider advertising policy and approach to customer service. Prices and personal touch must also be fully appreciated.
  • Take into account weak sides . It is worth understanding why some establishments have not developed a good image, as well as why its consumers belong to the same proletarian population.
  • Acquainted with opportunities. You need to clearly know how to improve the quality of service, as well as expand the range of services to attract customers. The right approach to advertising is also very important, because it is the engine of your success. The creation of a large staff of employees will provide an individual approach to each visitor.
  • Consider possible threats and risks. Keep in mind that consumer preferences can change over time. Demographics can also change, with demand falling depending on the season as well as the income of young couples. In addition, over time, the number of salons will grow, and you will have more and more competitors, which is why you cannot relax and you must always keep the brand.

You can watch an interesting interview with a business owner about organizing activities in the following video:

Financial plan

The various costs of the project are indicated here, as well as the calculation of indicators of commercial activity.

Below is a table that reflects the costs at the initial level of the salon. They are presented in rubles for one year:

When calculating the average cost per month, you should take into account the price of renting a room. Some landlords require the full amount for the year, while others prefer to receive the money monthly. A significant part of the costs comes down to rent, so you need to be prepared for the fact that this item will be the most expensive and important in the process of building a business.

You should not forget about the salaries of employees, oh utilities ah, taxes and ad spend.

In order for everything to go according to plan and without unpleasant surprises, you need to have approximately 180-200 thousand rubles a month in reserve, which will be spent on supporting the institution at the stage of its development.

Need to develop revenue plan, since this stage is one of the most important in running any business. Revenue is the money that comes from your customers for the services you provide to them. Most marriages are fixed between April and September, so it's worth considering additional resources that will serve your client flow.

For wedding dresses, many companies keep the markup in the range of 80-200%, and as for costume jewelry and accessories, the markup here is 500%. Thus, you can calculate the approximate amount that you will receive from the purchase of one outfit or accessory.

organizational plan

Since dresses and suits are the main asset of any salon, you should give clients the opportunity to examine each outfit. To do this, you need to take care of the purchase of special equipment. The minimum set will be hangers, mannequins, stained-glass windows and shop windows, fitting rooms, comfortable furniture, mirrors and a cash register.

As optional equipment, you can use a projector and Personal Computer, which will allow you to present new collections and present a new range. The more amenities in the choice of outfit, the more likely that the client will want to use your services.

No need to stuff the salon large quantity dresses and suits, as this can confuse the buyer. We need to make sure that everyone can find something special and create their ideal image.

Consultants and other working staff is the face of your institution. All of them must be appropriately dressed, as well as have to communicate. Responsiveness and willingness to listen to each client - these qualities will always be worth their weight in gold.

To create a pleasant and conducive to the choice of atmosphere, you should find an intelligent designer and decorator. Photographer in the bridal salon also testifies to its high level. Do not forget about cleanliness - cleaning woman must perform its work carefully and precisely on schedule, so that even the most demanding clients have a desire to spend more time here.

Opening schedule

To make it easier for you to deal with organizational matters, you can make yourself a schedule of tasks that you need to do before the official opening. It might look like this:

Preparatory stageFebruaryMarchAprilMay
Activity registration
Signing a lease agreement
Order technical project establishments
Payment or deposit for customer service equipment
Repair and preparation of the premises
Full payment for inventory
Equipment installation
Arrangement of furniture and other decorations
Receive notification of the start of activity
Start of activity

Marketing plan and advertising

Every young couple understands how responsible the process of preparing for a wedding is. You can attract a large number of customers by being different from your competitors. You can establish cooperation with ateliers, hairdressers, makeup artists and other specialists, without which it is unrealistic to prepare for the wedding. Many clients like to solve all their cases in one place, so such a marketing move will be very successful.

To keep interest in the institution from falling, you need to support it in every possible way. Original signs and inscriptions throughout the city are a great way to attract attention. Using advertising on the Internet and the media will also help you make yourself known and gain good popularity.

If advertising is also creative, this will be another step towards success. Come up with your own slogan and logo that will remain in the memory of many people. Do not be afraid to use non-standard approaches to presenting information, and people will never forget about you.

Risk Analysis

Building your own wedding business is no easy task. It requires not only great knowledge and investment, but also the ability to present yourself, stand out from the crowd of competitors. Like any other activity, it has its risks.

You need to always be alert and never relax. After all, tomorrow a new salon may appear that will push your point into the background.

But the most important risk is to properly manage money and have a prepared amount of money for a rainy day. If an unforeseen situation happens to your business and you are forced to close, you will need to pay all staff, as well as pay rent. Only in this way can you be sure that you will not make enemies for yourself and will be able to move on.

  • Project Summary
  • Starting investments
  • Assortment, pricing policy
  • Current expenses
  • Payback period

A wedding salon under certain conditions can become a profitable investment of savings, a business that brings good dividends. Count initial investment and the payback period below economically justifies the feasibility of a business idea, so we recommend that you study our bridal salon business plan with 2020 calculations.

Project Summary

Studies show that the bridal salon is most in demand in cities with a population of 100,000–500,000 inhabitants. Here the owner will face a small level of competition, it will be easier to implement a business plan, and shorten the payback period.

Ideal for organizing this type of business will be a settlement with the largest number marriage registrations per 1000 citizens per year. Here target audience are girls and women aged 18–35. This audience, according to statistics, brings up to 80% of the profits of wedding salons.

The business plan provides for the sale of dresses, shoes and accessories, as well as the provision of additional services associated with the storage and care of the goods sold.

The business itself is focused on a simplified taxation system - deductions of 6% of income, which implies registration of IP. Bridal salon OKVED - 47.71 Clothing retail trade services in specialized stores.

Starting investments

It is best to open a wedding salon in close proximity to the registry office. This is due to the psychological factor. After submitting an application, the newlyweds (especially a girl, a woman) immediately begin to prepare for the organization of the celebration, look for a suitable dress, accessories, as well as the cost of these goods. It is natural that the first place they visit will be the one located near the registry office. This is already an advantage over other salons.

The recommended area of ​​the room is 50–60 m2, where at least 40 m2 should be occupied by a showroom. The rest of the area is reserved for utility rooms and amenities. At the same time, the cost of renting a room for 2020 will average 500-1000 rubles per 1 m 2, but you can find it cheaper, it all depends on the location and condition of the room. It is advisable to create a deposit, make an advance payment at least 6 months in advance. It turns out that you need to pay 180,000–360,000 immediately for rent. In addition, there will be such initial investments:

  1. Repair 450,000 rubles plus designer services 40,000. The wedding salon should be decorated professionally, there is no need to save on this.
  2. Equipment: showcases, mannequins, furniture, Appliances for staff up to 150,000 rubles.
  3. Creating a high-quality website from scratch - 300,000.
  4. Advertising company in local media plus outdoor advertising - 300,000.
  5. The initial purchase of goods is 1,500,000 rubles.
  6. Creation of a fund working capital, which includes the cost of wages personnel in the first months of work - 900,000.

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In total, 3,640,000 rubles are needed to open a salon to start. But it is quite realistic to reduce this amount to 2,500,000. ready business costs in the range of 400,000–7,500,000. There is a high risk of buying a loss-making project that will require unreasonably large financial injections.

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Assortment, pricing policy

The assortment must be formed before opening. It will be based on wedding dresses from different manufacturers. Ideally, there should be at least 6 of them, and more can be. It is desirable that these be brands from different countries. The collection can be diluted with dresses of your own tailoring. Exclusive things are a trend and are in demand. The main thing here is non-standard design, quality of materials and workmanship. At the same time, the cost of such products will be significantly lower than the purchase price.

The business plan provides for work in price range 10,000–50,000 rubles, where the optimal cost of a dress is 30,000. It is understood that up to 70% of purchases will be made in this price niche. The remaining 30% will be distributed as follows:

  • 20% – 10 000–30 000;
  • 10% – 30 000–50 000.

Optimal margin up to 200% of the purchase price. No more twisting. In a crisis, it is necessary to bet on accessibility, you should not position your salon as an elite one. This will turn a lot of people off. potential clients.

As for accessories, the more, the better. Our example business plan provides for a minimum of 100 items from photo albums to wedding coats. The price range of accessories is 50–3500 rubles. This product gives a good increase in profits. Often the cost of purchased trinkets is 50% of the price of the dress.

Current expenses

In addition to start-up costs, a bridal salon business plan takes into account running costs. The sample calculation looks like this:

  1. Salary - 120,000, taking into account deductions for employees. The amount is taken based on 3 sellers working in shifts, 1 cleaner. The owner is an administrator. Bookkeeping is done remotely.
  2. Utility bills - 10,000.
  3. Advertising, which implies keeping afloat an informational occasion after a powerful start - 15,000.
  4. The cost of updating and administering the site - 8000.
  5. Renewal of the assortment, collection - 200,000.

May be of interest: flower shop business plan

With calculations, it turns out that the salon will take about 353,000 rubles a month.

Payback period

The business plan gives the average payback for a wedding elephant - this is 21 months. With considering possible difficulties and risk period increases to 31 months. Depending on the specific conditions, this figure may increase or decrease.

The weighted average annual profit is about 1,600,000 rubles. Monthly number of clients - 30 people. With such indicators, the profitability is 18%.

The above business plan for a wedding salon with calculations for 2020 is launch pad to organize your own business, answers the question: “How to open a business from scratch?”, points to important points. At the same time, the costs are indicated taking into account average statistical indicators for cities with a population of 100,000 to 500,000–600,000 people.

  • Organization of weddings as a business
  • Instructions for drawing up a business plan
  • How to choose a good company name

In this material:

A bridal salon can be a profitable investment. Such a business not only brings high profits, but also gives a sense of satisfaction to its owner. The project is best suited for implementation in large cities where the standard of living of the population is above average. The presented business plan for a wedding salon contains calculations proving its effectiveness.

The relevance of the idea

The opening of a wedding salon is relevant in large cities where the solvent population lives. In small settlements no conditions for development similar business. According to statistics, in Russia for every thousand people annually 8-9 marriages take place. Approximately 75% of couples turn to bridal salons to buy dresses and accessories. The remaining 25% of newlyweds prefer not to spend money on a luxurious wedding.

Advantages and disadvantages of the project

The business of selling goods for a wedding is very specific. It is important for a future entrepreneur to study its pitfalls and shortcomings in advance, for example:

  1. Influence of the seasonal factor. The salon receives its main income from April to September inclusive. In late autumn and spring, the level of sales is greatly reduced.
  2. The item wears out quickly. After several fittings, you have to take the dresses to dry cleaning, which involves additional costs.
  3. Large amount of investment in the project. The bulk of the investment is spent on the formation of the salon assortment.
  4. High competition.

The benefits of the project include:

  • high markup on goods - 100–250%;
  • the demand for wedding dresses and jewelry;
  • payback period of investments - 12 months.

Brief description of the wedding salon

The investor's goal is to open a bridal salon in a city with a population of 500,000 people. The business is aimed at girls and women aged 18 to 35 who are planning to get married. The business plan provides for the sale of bridesmaid dresses, men's suits, accessories and evening dresses.

The salon will be located in the central part of the city on a leased square. Source of financing - own funds investor.

Service list

The main activity of the wedding salon is the sale of dresses and accessories for brides. Additional services are as follows:

  • sale of suits for men;
  • trade in evening dresses;
  • sale of children's holiday dresses;
  • steaming clothes;
  • dresses for rent.

In the future, the option of individual tailoring of dresses and suits for weddings and other festive events is being considered. This will require additional equipment and the creation of jobs for two seamstresses.

Product range

In the bridal salon wide range of clothing and accessories for the bride and groom:

  • wedding dresses of various brands;
  • evening dresses;
  • men's suits;
  • jewelry sets;
  • buttonholes;
  • diadems;
  • combs with rhinestones;
  • necklace;
  • hairpins with pearls and rhinestones;
  • gloves;
  • leg garters;
  • tiaras with crystals;
  • veil in assortment;
  • fur capes.

Attention! The average markup on jewelry and accessories is 200-300%. On such a product, you can earn up to 40% of total profit salon.

Project risks

Negative factors that can affect business development include:

  • increase in purchase prices for goods;
  • decrease in the purchasing power of the population;
  • termination of the lease;
  • the emergence of new competitors in the city;
  • storage of goods;
  • seasonal decline in sales.

Competent will help to minimize the risks marketing strategy, providing discounts on goods, organizing sales and regularly updating collections. In the event of fluctuations in the dollar, you will have to look for suppliers from Russia. So that the goods do not stale, it is better to buy it in small batches. To increase sales during the period from autumn to spring, it is recommended to expand the range of evening dresses.

organizational plan

The organization of business occurs in several stages. The first step on the way to the goal is paperwork. Entrepreneur's next steps - search for premises for a salon, purchase of equipment and arrangement trading floor, recruitment and conclusion of contracts with suppliers of goods.

Registration of entrepreneurial activity

The wedding salon will serve private individuals, so it is enough to open an individual entrepreneur to run a business. To do this, you need to come to the tax office at the place of registration (registration) and submit documents:

  • passport with copies of pages;
  • a receipt confirming the fact of payment of the state duty in the amount of 800 rubles;
  • application form P21001.

The recommended taxation regime is the STS. In order for it to be applied to an entrepreneur, you need to notify the tax inspector about this by writing an application. A convenient deduction rate for a wedding salon is 6% of income.

During registration, the business organizer must indicate OKVED codes permitting the sale and rental of clothing:

  • 47.71 Retail sale of clothing in specialized stores is the main group;
  • 77.2 "Hire and lease of items for personal use and household purposes";
  • 77.29 "Hire and lease of other personal and household items."

Renting premises and requirements for the location of the object

The choice of premises should be approached seriously, because it is its location that can greatly affect the level of sales. The requirements for it are:

  • location on the 1st floor of a building in a place with high pedestrian and car traffic, preferably near one of the city registry offices;
  • the presence of viewing windows;
  • recommended area - from 60 m2;
  • availability of parking;
  • separate entrance.

The premises should be divided into 2 zones - a trading floor with an area of ​​40 m2 and a warehouse. It is desirable to have a video surveillance system. We will have to make cosmetic repairs inside - paint the walls and update the floor, take care of good lighting. The last point is especially important - the white color has many shades, which are quite difficult to distinguish with a lack of light.

Attention! After concluding a lease agreement, you need to obtain permission to operate the premises from the fire service and SES.

Purchase of equipment

To place samples of goods and design the hall, you will need commercial equipment:

  • dress mannequins;
  • shoe racks;
  • glass showcases for accessories and jewelry;
  • fitting rooms;
  • table;
  • chairs;
  • armchairs for visitors;
  • mirrors;
  • floor hanger for customers' outerwear;
  • covers for dresses;
  • cash register;
  • admin laptop.

In total, 300,000 rubles will be spent on the purchase of equipment for the wedding salon.

Attention! The most expensive and beautiful models of dresses for brides are located in the central part of the trading floor. Several products are used for window dressing. It will attract the attention of potential customers from the street.

Supplier search

The product presented on the showcase of the wedding salon is one of the most important components of the business. In this regard, the search and selection of suppliers should be given much attention. The business owner will have to constantly monitor fashion trends and replenish the range.

Attention! Do not forget that brides can not always boast of an ideal figure. In the assortment of the salon there should be several models for women with curvaceous and non-standard physique.

We welcome cooperation with both foreign and domestic manufacturers of wedding dresses and accessories. When concluding a contract, it is important to get a guarantee that the goods will be delivered within a clearly defined time frame.

Recruitment, requirements for candidates

The owner of the business will be in charge. His duties are to search for suppliers and partners, promote the salon, monitor new trends in the fashion world, control the retail facility.

He has 2 administrators and 2 sales assistants under his supervision. The staff works on schedule 2/2. Candidates for the vacancy of the seller must be polite, sociable, interested in fashion news, have good taste. The desired age is 23-33 years. You will need a cleaner to keep the room clean.

Marketing and advertising of the wedding salon

To ensure an influx of customers, you will have to actively promote the wedding salon using the following advertising methods:

  • distribution of leaflets and flyers;
  • cooperation with event agencies;
  • website creation and promotion;
  • promotion of a group in a popular social network;
  • outdoor advertising - development of a logo, name of the salon, ordering a sign.

On the opening day, it is worth organizing a festive event with contests and gifts, decorating the salon with balloons. This will help grab the attention of potential customers. In the future, you need to periodically arrange sales and promotions.

Financial part of the business plan

With the help of financial calculations reflected in the business plan, you can determine the size of the expected profit of the wedding salon, profitability of sales and the payback period of the project.

Investment size

Opening costs include:

  • registration costs - 800;
  • renovation of the premises - 150,000;
  • purchase commercial equipment – 300 000;
  • purchase of the first batch of goods - 500,000;
  • advertising - 50,000.

Total: 1,000,800 rubles.

Current expenses

Every month, the entrepreneur spends money to support the project. This includes expenses.

  • Capital investment: 7 500 000 rubles,
  • Average monthly revenue: 3,000,000 rubles,
  • Net profit: 306,458 rubles,
  • Payback: 24 months!

Studying the market capacity for a bridal salon

Population in Russian Federation in 2010 was 141.9 million people. The number of marriages in Russia as a whole in 11 months of 2011 increased by 3.5% compared to 2010 and amounted to 1,083,806 couples, which is 3% of the total population annually (according to the Federal State Statistics Service). But since our salon will specialize in the female half, we take the value of 1.5% of the population of the region.

Information on the number of registered marriages for January-December 2011
Brakov Divorces
2011 2011
the Russian Federation 1316109 669421
Central Federal District 338464 174079
Northwestern District 132872 69871
Southern Federal District 125775 65495
North Caucasian District 76753 24433
Volga Federal District 272432 132639
Ural federal district 122790 67078
Siberian Federal District 185289 99608
Far Eastern District 61734 36218

average cost wedding attire (dress, gloves, shoes, jewelry) is from 10,000 to 30,000 rubles. Based on these data, you can calculate the market capacity of your region.

Calculation example for the city of Moscow:

  • Population of Moscow 11,500,000 people
  • 1.5% get married annually
  • The average cost of an outfit for Moscow is 25,000 rubles.

So, the market capacity for Moscow is: 11,500,000 * 1.5% * 25,000 rubles. = 4,312,500,000 rubles per year.

The business plan describes a bridal shop with a 0.8% share. Thus, there can be up to 125 similar outlets in Moscow.

1. Organization of a wedding fashion salon

1.1. Room requirements.

To open a wedding salon, you will need to find a room with an area of ​​50 to 150 sq.m. We recommend opening a salon in a shopping center on the ground floor, or on the main street of the city with high traffic and pedestrian traffic. There must certainly be an opportunity beautiful design shop windows and shop floor.

For example, a room with a large number of external glass showcases that can be beautifully decorated and attract the attention of potential customers.

The room will require repairs so that the interior as a whole sets in a romantic mood. It is advisable to use pastel shades of colors.

It is rather difficult to determine the cost of repairs, it all depends on the quality of finishing materials, subject to application building materials in the middle price category, the cost of repair and decoration of the premises will cost you from 3,000 rubles per square meter.

When preparing a wedding salon, it is necessary to provide good lighting - after all, white color about 20 shades, and the difference between them should be distinguishable. At the same time, the lighting should be soft, even intimate. This will be one of the most costly items of expenditure. The cost of work (including materials) starts from 5,000 rubles per square meter.

1.2. Trading equipment

Of the equipment you will need:

1.3. Staff.

The selection of personnel must be approached with all responsibility. Sellers must have a number of qualities, such as communication skills, good looks, good taste, as well as excellent self-control and calmness, because. brides are often capricious, and you still need to take into account the comments of the accompanying relatives.

To organize the smooth operation of a wedding fashion salon, you need: a manager, 2 senior sales assistants, 4 sales assistants. Staff work in shifts, two after two (1 senior salesperson, 2 salespeople).

All issues related to the purchase of products, the solution of administrative issues are the responsibility of the manager and owner of the business.

1.4. bridal salon assortment

The following categories of goods should be presented in the bridal salon:

  1. Dresses
  2. Shoes
  3. Gloves
  4. wedding coats
  5. Capes
  6. Jewelry and accessories

Dresses in the price range of 10,000 - 15,000 rubles are in the greatest demand, their share should be 70% of the entire range. Dresses in the more expensive category are bought less often, but they can transform shop windows and attract the attention of visitors.

1.5. Key Points of Doing Business

In order for your bridal fashion salon to become successful, you must follow the following rules:

  • Right choice store locations (see point 1.1.)
  • Control over the activities of sellers. Must appear daily point of sale to control salespeople. At the same time, special attention should be paid to the work of the store on weekends, since at this time there is a large influx of customers.
  • When the point reaches self-sufficiency, it is necessary to think over a program for further expansion trading network(For example, the provision of additional services for organizing weddings, renting wedding dresses, etc.)

2. Financial model of the wedding salon

  • Kind of activity: Retail clothing, jewelry retail
  • Location: Moscow (population 11.5 million), located in a class B shopping and entertainment center on the ground floor and on the main street of the city.
  • Trading area shop: 100 sq.m.

2.1. Capital cost of opening a salon

2.2. Revenue

Bridal fashion sales activities are subject to seasonality, with revenue peaking in spring, summer and autumn

So the revenue of one point located on the first floor shopping center, in Moscow (population 11.5 million), the following:

The average monthly revenue is 3,000 thousand rubles. per month

2.3. Cost price

The margin for wedding dresses is about 80-200%, depending on the product, for jewelry and accessories 100-500%, for calculations we took a weighted average margin of 95%.

2.4. Calculation of profit and profitability

2.6. Payback calculation

According to the business plan, the payback of the wedding salon is 24.5 months.

3. Formal legal organization

  • Organizational form. most acceptable organizational form reference this business is an individual entrepreneur
  • Taxation system. According to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the activities of a wedding fashion salon are eligible for a preferential taxation system: UTII. In those regions where UTII is not applied, the Simplified taxation system, income minus expenses, will be the optimal form.
  • Doing accounting. To reduce costs, it would be optimal to outsource tax and accounting management (to specialized accounting firms).