"Consultant Plus": training to work with the system. Everything about the proper organization of trainings or seminars on your own

Seminars at the university, along with lectures, are the most important form of conducting classes. Historically, the seminar as a form of education arose and was widely used in ancient Greek and Roman schools. The essence of these seminars was that the trainees made reports that were discussed and commented on by other students, and then the teacher made a generalizing conclusion. The word seminar (seminarium) is of Latin origin and means, translated into Russian, a greenhouse, a nursery. This translation means that the ancient Greeks and Romans considered training seminar as a condition for growing literate and creative people, and the teacher acted as a sower of knowledge in the minds of his students.

In the modern sense training seminar- this is a form of educational and practical classes in which students, under the guidance of a teacher, consolidate and develop their theoretical knowledge, acquire practical skills in the process of discussing issues provided for by the plan of the seminar. Today seminars at the university when preparing a specialist, they make up 30-40 percent of classroom hours. However, undergraduate standards are changing things dramatically, and under these standards, up to 60 percent of class time will be dedicated to seminars. Moreover, a significant part of them will have to be carried out using interactive methods.

This indicates that the emphasis in teaching is on independent work of students and seminars.

The duration of each seminar is determined by the curriculum. Usually, it is one pair (80-90 min.) or two pairs (160-180 min.).

The topic of the seminar is determined by the curriculum or the teacher in advance. It is often tied to lecture topics. The seminar can be held on one or more lecture topics covered. Although training seminar may not be tied to lecture topics, and is designed for independent study of materials by students. The questions of the seminar are contained in the curriculum or are given by the teacher. They build on them preparation for the seminar.

The purpose of this form of conducting classes is to consolidate the material covered, gain practical skills, and develop the skills of conducting a professional discussion. At the seminar, students discuss their reports, abstracts, speeches, and work out the issues indicated in the plan of the seminar. At the same time, the use of illustrative material, slides, films is welcome. During the seminar, practical problems can be solved, life situations can be considered, business games can be held, etc.

For student seminars at the university are a special tool for training a professional. In the course of these classes, cognitive, educational and control-evaluative functions are realized. If lectures develop the ability to perceive information by ear, quickly analyze it, select the most important and essential, then seminars teach to independent work, self-improvement, work with scientific literature, the ability to verbally bring one's thoughts to others, to defend one's position. The seminars develop the skills of oral presentation, logical thinking, free operation of scientific and professional terminology.

Seminar preparation

What is the preparation for the seminar? Where to begin? First of all, plan in your schedule the time you are going to use to study scientific sources. This usually takes two to three hours. But if you are planning to presentation at the seminar, it will take much more time. Determine the place where you will prepare: at home, in the institute library, etc. For serious preparation for a seminar, it is absolutely not enough to use only your own or someone else's lecture notes. It is necessary to refer to the scientific literature, which is indicated in the plan of the seminar. Of course, it would be commendable if you cover a wider range of sources. And here's how to work with scientific literature- this is a topic for a separate discussion. Therefore, make a selection of literature, if possible, you can use materials from the Internet for preparation.

Read carefully and think about the topic of the seminar, understand it. Then go back to the seminar plan. Think about the logic of building a seminar and the essence of the main issues of the plan. And only after that proceed to the study of the questions of the seminar. You need to deal not with individual questions of interest to you, but with all the questions indicated in the plan of the seminar.

When working on each question, make, at least mentally, your plan for answering it. Then it will be clearer for yourself what to focus on. First of all, refer to the key concepts and definitions. Having dealt with them, it will be much easier to move on. Pay special attention to debatable problems, i.e. problems for which there is no unambiguous answer in science. Try to give your answer to such a question, but think carefully about your argument.

Of course, in the course of preparing for the seminar, you may also encounter issues that you will not be able to deal with on your own. Don't despair, there's nothing to worry about. The main thing is that you yourself want to get answers to these questions. Be sure to write them down. On these questions, you can consult with the teacher before the seminar or ask them during the seminar.

Similar information.

a form of lesson organization in which an enlarged or limited didactic unit is transmitted in an interactive information mode to achieve local educational goals and global development goals (V. V. Guzeev).

Great Definition

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one of the main types of practical Uch classes Specificity C - in a collective discussion by students (listeners). messages, reports, abstracts made by them independently under the guidance of a teacher Intended for an in-depth study of a topic or section of the course and t i). One of the main conditions for conducting C is the availability of book and other sources of literature, reference materials, etc., available to each listener. The leader C conducts conversations with the audience, in which he explains the purpose, subject and content of the upcoming C, gives the necessary instructions for preparing messages, reports, etc., bearing Ch. arr. methodological character.

In a Russian school, C usually begins at the final stage of the basic school. education Independent search for a student during pre-training C is carried out with a mean. corrective help of the teacher. In addition, the course of the discussion in C should also be planned by the teacher in the interests of developing students' seminar work skills. to-rykh prepares his question, the volume of the recommended liter is reduced to a minimum and clear search guidelines are given to it (up to the indication of specific pages of the source, on which you should look for material to answer the question), independent study of sources by students is still small , while mean. the role belongs to the instruction of the teacher, etc.

Efficiency C means. increases significantly if the teacher thinks through the desired course of the discussion in advance, incl. "unexpected" questions, etc., which will force schoolchildren to independently look for ways to solve the problem that has arisen, help to abandon the usual clichés and stereotypes of thinking and create conditions for identifying the student's personal position. and educate. purposes Students of grade 8 should acquire the following skills of working with primary sources on issues pre-set by the teacher and in a form determined by him (summary, theses, oral presentation plan, etc.), summarizing, compiling a short report, reporting, self-study, supplement literature on the topic, compiling tables, diagrams, graphs, etc., participating in a collective discussion.

At the senior level, cf. schools, the number of teaching subjects is expanding, in which the organization is practiced C Gradually, the instructive role of the teacher decreases and the possibilities of independent search and creativity of students deepen With the expansion of the number of teaching subjects, it becomes relevant to coordinate the efforts of subject teachers in developing common positions and approaches to organizing C Interested teachers for this purpose, they gather at operational meetings within the framework of the method of associations, etc.

In high school, it is possible to use not only C of the iterative-generalizing type, but also C-search, educate. the purpose of which is to promote the formation of a creatively thinking personality This trend becomes predominant in C in the graduating classes Students are able to master work with a variety of primary sources, learn to analyze different points of view on a problem in the course of summarizing and preparing for C, be able to independently generalize, draw conclusions, give reasoned assessments, review literature on the topic, speeches of classmates, while it is especially important to master the skills of conducting a discussion, defending one's point of view while respecting the opponent's opinion

In the final classes in C, students can acquire the skills to research work in a number of academic subjects, while the conscious use of general scientific is important. categories (in the scope of the school course), the ability to make generalizations and conclusions based on broad interdisciplinary connections. By this time, the teacher may not predetermine the tasks of working with primary sources and the forms of S. themselves, but only formulate its general goal and, as intermediate steps to it, separate. Issues for discussion.

The transition to creative S. is necessary as a measure that prepares students to continue their education; on Wednesday. specialist. and higher uch. institutions, it is the latter type of S. that prevails in the account. process. Besides, it means. the number of repetition seminars (especially in grade 9). can lead to an overload of students with monotonous work on a number of accounts. subjects, since the repetition of most topics usually coincides in time - ch. arr. at the end of quarters.

Great Definition

Incomplete definition ↓

The seminar as a form of education in universities has a rich history. In the Charter of the Russian University in 1804, "scientific conversations" between the teacher and students were established. It says: “It is desirable that professors of certain sciences, especially verbal, philosophical and legal, establish conversations with students in which, offering them an explanation of the subject by heart, they would correct their judgments and the very way of expression, accustoming them to thoroughly and freely explain their thoughts. ".

Until 1918, the seminars were episodic in nature, they did not know the uniform methods of conducting. In 1923, at the IV All-Russian Congress of Heads of Provincial Departments of Public Education, it was proclaimed that group and seminar classes were the main methods of teaching in higher education. It was only in the 1930s that the concept of "seminar" entered the lexicon, denoting a form of studying theoretical issues.

The modern form of the seminary has come a long way, which was accompanied by many disputes in the university environment about its goals, objectives, functions and methods. Some teachers reduced the task of the seminars to only consolidating the knowledge gained in lectures. Others drew attention to the need for students to use both lecture materials and other specialized literature in preparation for seminars, they saw in the seminar an important form of monitoring the student's independent work, testing his knowledge. It is this approach that seems to be correct, contributing to the formation of the student as a person and as a practicing lawyer 1 .

The seminar is an important, complex, multi-purpose form of education. Consolidation of the lecture material, control over the course of the student's independent work are subordinated to the main thing - to deepen, concretize the knowledge gained, teach to think creatively, reason, debate, express and defend one's own position, participate in discussions based on scientific arguments. From each seminar, the student must leave with new knowledge - whether it be memorable examples or a logical form of reasoning. And this new thing is introduced into the seminar not only by the teacher, but also by the students themselves.

The process of mastering knowledge, practical skills and abilities cannot take place without classroom and extracurricular independent work. Classroom work is the ability of the student to actively participate in the seminar: speak, supplement, ask questions of interest, both to the teacher and the student who answered. Independent Job outside the audience involves not only preparation on the basis of a lecture, but also the study of special literature on the topic of seminars, where the ability to analyze, highlight the main thing, and take notes is important.

Classroom work. At the first seminar lesson, the teacher sets out the requirements for students: 1) systematic attendance at seminars; 2) careful preparation for each seminar; 3) active classroom work; 4) mastering the language of science (expressing the material in an accessible and understandable way, avoiding simplifications); 5) criteria for assessing student knowledge; 6) a report for missing a lesson or debt (the latter is put if the student does not have elementary knowledge on the topic of the seminar).

Each subsequent practical lesson in its structure can be divided into four parts: the teacher's introductory speech, the students' discussion of the seminar topic, the seminar leader's closing remarks, and the task for the students for the next lesson.

I. With the help of a short introductory remarks teacher: 1) arouses interest in the topic of the seminar, shows its scientific and practical significance; 2) establishes contact with students, motivating their active participation in the discussion of the topic of the seminar. But the main thing is that the teacher explains to the students the purpose of the lesson, i.e. highlights the leading idea that students should discuss, analyze and assimilate, and also shows that the topic under study is a logical continuation of the topic of the last seminar.

II. The main part of the seminar discussion by students of the topic. As a rule, it takes place according to the lesson plan approved by the department, and is available to students. The plan is in the nature of a general orientation, recommendations. During the discussion of the topic, deviations from the plan are possible, which are most often inevitable and may be appropriate. Here are some options for developing the discussion of the topic of the seminar.

1. If in the course of the lesson students became interested in some big scientific issue of this topic, then the remaining questions of the plan may remain out of discussion (they can be considered at the consultation).

2. Discussion by students of the issues of the topic, going beyond the plan. So, exploring the issues of the topic of seminar No. 8 "Norms of Law", the teacher can offer students to additionally analyze their properties: truth, effectiveness, etc.

3. The seminar can be held simultaneously as a study of the issues of the topic, and as a practical solution of tasks on them. This allows you to consolidate the studied material, as well as instill and develop the ability and skills of students to use the knowledge gained.

The essence of the proposed task is as follows: correctly answer the question posed, arguing your opinion.

There are three types of discussion that are common in the practice of law schools: a free conversation of students, a discussion of a pre-prepared abstract, and a mixed type of discussion of questions at a seminar.

An active discussion of the abstract on a relatively narrow issue of the topic of the lesson is preceded by a thorough preparation of the student speaker, which involves the study of special literature, legislation, materials of law enforcement practice, attending consultations in order to understand the problem and raise really controversial issues in his speech that require discussion at the seminar and determine the main ways to solve them.

A mixed type of discussion is preferable, because it uses the strengths of the conversation and the abstract, allows you to eliminate their shortcomings: 1) only active students speak; 2) imaginary activity (a student chooses one question from the seminar plan and limits his preparation to this); 3) disclosure of the subject matter within the textbook; 4) a superficial abstract; 5) poor preparation of the speaker for the seminar.

Students positively evaluate the seminar at which they have the opportunity to actively apply their knowledge (argue, express their opinions, raise questions and discuss them). Undoubtedly, educational material is better absorbed in the course of scientific discussion. But it is important to distinguish between spontaneous, artificial and organized discussion 1 .

Spontaneous discussion. Sometimes in the course of a seminar a dispute on the merits arises spontaneously, which is not foreseen in advance, but it must be stimulated, the scientific positions of the two sides should be clearly defined and students should be asked to give reasoned opinions on the subject of discussion.

But if artificial discussion, not in essence, sometimes deliberately provoked by students, it is advisable to stop it, explaining at the same time that the subject of the dispute is not the right one. In addition, it is necessary to argue based on evidence, and not emotions, as is sometimes the case with students. Having stated the position, it is necessary to prove it, give an example from life, a scientific position or an article (s) of a normative act.

For a deeper assimilation of educational material by students, it is very useful discussion organized teacher. The subject of discussion can be a really scientific problem, which is covered in the literature very ambiguously (for example, the modern understanding of law, the system of law, legal responsibility). In the process of polemics, students are invited to defend scientific positions that seem to them more correct, to substantiate their views.

The presentations of students at the seminar can be organized in different ways - either the student speaks at will, or is called by the teacher. The combination of these two techniques allows you to give the floor to those who wish and stimulate the activity of those students who have never spoken at the seminar by the 3-4th lesson (the teacher fixes each speech in his notebook). Such a general survey of students who avoid speaking is practiced, as a rule, at the end of each seminar for 10-15 minutes.

The teacher listens attentively and monitors the student's performance. If his speech satisfies the teacher in terms of content and reasoning, then it lasts up to 5-7 minutes. Limiting the time of the speech excludes reading the abstract, teaches the student to speak independently and to the point, without repeating the contents of the textbook verbatim, and when preparing, it is better to think over the material, studying special literature and legal acts.

If a student finds it difficult to answer and reads a textbook or lecture notes aloud, then it is obvious that he did not prepare for the lesson. The teacher puts him in debt, which must be liquidated at the consultation.

Further, specifying the first question of the seminar plan, the teacher repeatedly addresses it to another student or to the whole group, etc., until all the questions provided by the lesson plan are discussed and learned. After that, the teacher asks the group if there are any questions, additions, clarifications on the essence of the seminar as a whole, and if there is such a question (or questions), he gives a brief explanation (it should be noted that sometimes an interesting, problematic question of a student can be equated to a speech).

Based on the results of the work of students at the seminar, the teacher evaluates their knowledge. At the same time, attention should be paid to the specifics of knowledge assessment at the seminar and at the exam. If in the first case the level of assimilation of knowledge is assessed, then in the second case - their quality and depth.

III. In brief closing remarks the teacher: a) notes the best performances, their strengths, points out the shortcomings of the weak ones; b) if fundamental errors were made during the lesson, the teacher notes them and gives the correct answer; c) if necessary, explains to students the questions that caused difficulties in considering the topic. As a result, at the end of the lesson, students should not have gaps in their understanding of the topic of the seminar.

IV. Finally, the teacher creates task for the next seminary class: focuses on the main issues of the plan, recommends new literature that has not had time to be reflected in the teaching aid.

The confusion between the concepts of "seminar" and "training" is caused by the desire to sell the seminar as a training. Training - and more fashionable, and higher paid. But making a quality training is much more difficult than a seminar.


(from lat. seminarium- nursery). This is a type of group session in which participants discuss pre-prepared messages, reports. It has a fairly large resemblance to a lecture, but there is always a discussion at the seminar. A seminar is needed in order to gain new knowledge or put it in order. The seminar allows you to sort out the knowledge of the participants on the shelves.

Leading seminar is, as it were, above the group of trainees. He speaks the ultimate truth.

Number of participants seminar is not limited by anything, except for the size of the room.

Seminars can last up to several days.

Efficiency seminar is measured by the size of what its participants remembered.

Minus: workshop participants receive some knowledge, but they still do not know how to do what they learned. To successfully sell or manage people, theoretical knowledge alone is not enough. It is not enough to know how to sell this or that service, how to correctly set a task for a subordinate, or how to increase his motivation. You need to be able to do it.

The main thing: the seminar is a theory.


Translated from English means "training". Training is understood as systematic exercises for acquiring or improving any skill or ability. The main goal of any training is to hone the acquired knowledge and skills in practice, that is, any training is aimed at developing skills. It is desirable during the training to bring the necessary skills to automatism. This training is 10% theory and 90% practical.

High-quality training is an active way of learning. It includes independent work, group work, solution
cases, discussions, etc. In practical classes, techniques are worked out for solving difficult situations. Each participant trains in a variety of games, exercises, repeatedly replaying his behavior in a difficult situation. He receives feedback: the other participants and the coach say how well the exercise was performed. All the pluses and minuses shown by the participant are analyzed. He can adjust his actions based on this "view from the outside", and train the skill again. Very often, during the training, video filming is carried out to visually demonstrate to the participants the level of exercise performance.

Leading the training tries to make the participants of the training work. After good trainings, people even get indignant: why do we pay such money and at the same time plow at the training ourselves?!

Number of participants

If you ask the trainer: “How many group members are allowed for the training?” And they answer you: "The number of participants can be any." This is a sure sign - this is not training. To conduct a quality training, a group of at least six, but no more than twelve to fifteen people is needed. You can work out the skill several times, get feedback only in a group of no more than 15 people. The lower limit is 6 people, due to the fact that the exercises for working out are carried out as work in pairs or in a group.

Efficiency training is measured by real behavioral changes. There are developed skills that were not there before the training, and the feeling of “yes, now I can”.

Minus: training is not suitable for working with untrained personnel.

Most importantly, training is practice.


More than half of the training programs currently on the market and called "trainings" are actually training seminars. Most of all, they resemble a lecture session combined with a workshop. Participants are told about various theoretical schemes and algorithms for solving the problem. Then, they apply the proposed schemes in short practical exercises. The ratio of theory and practice at the training seminar is approximately 90% to 10%.

Leading of the training-seminar quite often tries to tell the participants about the main topic of the training in as much detail and colorful as possible. To do this, they use many methods, case studies, video sketches, useful articles in handouts. But for quality learning, it is essential that participants ACT. If for the entire “training” the participants did nothing but listen, then there is no need to talk about the results. We can only talk about the coach's ability to tell stories in an interesting way and about the pleasant impression he makes. But this cannot be called training. This is a lecture.

This form of training is not bad as the first step in a large targeted program or an intermediate, preparing link for passing a quality training. The best option is to conduct a training seminar on the first day, and the training itself on the second.

Efficiency: The training seminar gives the participants awareness, a feeling of “yes, I know how”, an insight “now I know how it really happens” or “everything turns out to be not so difficult (so simple)!”.

Minus: Do not expect that the training seminar will solve all problems.

The main thing: the training seminar is good only as an initial stage. The more practice, the more effective the training.

Alena Udovenko, coach since 1997.

We recommend unique coaching manuals for the best exercises for training:

  • Super warm-up "Throw the ball faster!"

    An excellent exercise that significantly increases the energy, activity and involvement of the participants in the training, helps to quickly build trust in the group. It's bright at the same time warm-up, and the exercise call, which increases the motivation of participants to learn and leads the group to the topic of the next mini-lecture in a beautiful and memorable way.

    The beauty of this exercise is that it universal, it can be successfully used for most popular training topics: team building, sales, negotiation, management training, leadership training, influence training, goal setting…

    The exercise usually takes place cheerfully, energetically, actively, and in a powerful way involves all participants in the training. It is well remembered by the group, and the coach can return to its results more than once in the following days of the training ...

  • Success

    Bright and lively
    warm-up exercise aimed at increasing the energy, activity and involvement of the training participants. Through close contact and physical interaction, it promotes rapid creating trust and a positive atmosphere in the group.

    What is important, the exercise is already in preparation starts active role distribution in a group, highlighting leaders. Intentional limitation in time enhances the external and internal dynamics. The creative task is conducive to the launch of creativity and imaginative thinking.

    Exercise is perfect for almost all types of training. By changing only the topic of the task, the trainer can use it as a warm-up and introduction to the main topic of the training, a mini-lecture or the main exercise. However, most often this exercise is used in leadership training, confidence training, personal growth training, success training, and relationship training.

    The exercise also carries a small semantic load. As a result of its implementation, the participants clearly see the difference in the perception of the same concepts by different people, which gives them great motivation to figure out what it means personally for them, and the trainer - the ability to lead the group to the desired topic.

Seminars at the university, along with lectures, are the most important form of conducting classes. Historically, the seminar as a form of education arose and was widely used in ancient Greek and Roman schools. The essence of these seminars was that the trainees made reports that were discussed and commented on by other students, and then the teacher made a generalizing conclusion. The word seminar (seminarium) is of Latin origin and means, translated into Russian, a greenhouse, a nursery. This translation means that the ancient Greeks and Romans considered training seminar as a condition for growing literate and creative people, and the teacher acted as a sower of knowledge in the minds of his students.
In the modern sensetraining seminar - this is a form of educational and practical classes in which students, under the guidance of a teacher, consolidate and develop their theoretical knowledge, acquire practical skills in the process of discussing issues provided for by the plan of the seminar. Today seminars at the university when preparing a specialist, they make up 30-40 percent of classroom hours. However, undergraduate standards are changing things dramatically, and under these standards, up to 60 percent of class time will be dedicated to seminars. Moreover, a significant part of them will have to be carried out using interactive methods. This indicates that the emphasis in teaching is on independent work of students and seminars.
The duration of each seminar is determined by the curriculum. Usually, it is one pair (80-90 min.) or two pairs (160-180 min.).
The topic of the seminar is determined by the curriculum or the teacher in advance. It is often tied to lecture topics. The seminar can be held on one or more lecture topics covered. Although training seminar may not be tied to lecture topics, and is designed for independent study of materials by students. The questions of the seminar are contained in the curriculum or are given by the teacher. They build on them preparation for the seminar.

The purpose of this form of conducting classes is to consolidate the material covered, gain practical skills, and develop the skills of conducting a professional discussion. At the seminar, students discuss their reports, abstracts, speeches, and work out the issues indicated in the plan of the seminar. At the same time, the use of illustrative material, slides, films is welcome. During the seminar, practical problems can be solved, life situations can be considered, business games can be held, etc.
For student seminars at the university are a special tool for training a professional. In the course of these classes, cognitive, educational and control-evaluative functions are realized. If lectures develop the ability to perceive information by ear, quickly analyze it, select the most important and essential, then seminars teach to independent work, self-improvement, work with scientific literature, the ability to verbally bring one's thoughts to others, to defend one's position. The seminars develop the skills of oral presentation, logical thinking, free operation of scientific and professional terminology.

Seminar preparation

Do not forget that a seminar is often the way to get a machine gun in a test or exam. And that in itself is a good incentive to take it seriously. in preparation for the seminar.
What is the preparation for the seminar? Where to begin? First of all, plan in your schedule the time you are going to use to study scientific sources. This usually takes two to three hours. But if you are planning to presentation at the seminar, it will take much more time. Determine the place where you will prepare: at home, in the institute library, etc. For serious preparation for a seminar, it is absolutely not enough to use only your own or someone else's
lecture notes . It is necessary to refer to the scientific literature, which is indicated in the plan of the seminar. Of course, it would be commendable if you cover a wider range of sources. And here's how to work withscientific literature - this is a topic for a separate discussion. Therefore, make a selection of lettersIf possible, you can use materials from the Internet for preparation.
Read carefully and think about the topic of the seminar, understand it. Then go back to the seminar plan. Think about the logic of building a seminar and the essence of the main issues of the plan. And only after that proceed to the study of the questions of the seminar. You need to deal not with individual questions of interest to you, but with all the questions indicated in the plan of the seminar.
When working on each question, make, at least mentally, your plan for answering it. Then it will be clearer for yourself what to focus on. First of all, refer to the key concepts and definitions. Having dealt with them, it will be much easier to move on. Pay special attention to debatable problems, i.e. problems for which there is no unambiguous answer in science. Try to give your answer to such a question, but think carefully about your argument.
Of course, during
preparation for the seminarYou may also encounter issues that you will not be able to deal with on your own. Don't despair, there's nothing to worry about. The main thing is that you yourself want to get answers to these questions. Be sure to write them down. On these questions, you can consult with the teacher before the seminar or ask them during the seminar.

How to prepare a presentation at a seminar?

Seminar preparation may include your desire to prepare presentation at the seminar. If you plan to make a presentation, abstract or just a speech at a seminar, then you will have to prepare more thoroughly. Those students who discuss in advance with the teacher the topic and content of their speech, abstract or report at the seminar are also doing the right thing. Teachers appreciate these speeches at the seminar in which any discussion questions are considered. Moreover, the student is required not only to name these problems, but to analyze them, to express his point of view.
The report is given 15-18 minutes, and the remaining messages within 5-10 minutes. Therefore, when preparing for a message, consider the time parameters. A message that is too long will bore the listeners. When choosing the questions that you are going to consider in your report, imagine what it would be interesting to know about the topic of your speech to fellow students. The presentation at the seminar should be informative and interesting for others, so that it encourages reflection and discussion.
The content of the speech must strictly correspond to the topic. It should be aimed at revealing the essence of the issue under consideration, be logical. Each position you prove must be well substantiated with appropriate arguments, so that it looks convincing both for the teacher and for the students.
Try to feed your presentation at the seminar not stencil, for a long time all known materials. Do not retell what is already in the lecture notes. Look in the literature for interesting but little-known facts. They are always of interest. It is good if your presentation will be based on real life examples. If you skillfully beat them and express your point of view, then it will look very impressive and cause increased interest.
Now it has become fashionable to use multimedia tools in speeches and reports that increase the information content and clarity of the material presented. Therefore, if there is such an opportunity (the class allows, there are such tools), you can actively use these tools, having carefully thought through and prepared the necessary illustrative materials in advance.

What to do at the seminar?

Sleep, sit silently, chat with friends or show your activity? Or maybe not go to it at all? I think the answer to these questionsunderstandable to everyone. Training Seminar- this is not just a means of testing the assimilation of knowledge, but also a powerful means of developing public speaking skills, the ability to express one's thoughts aloud and defend one's position. Life shows that it is difficult for someone who does not develop these skills and abilities to count on career or business success. Start developing them at the university. For this:
try to make small, but early prepared speeches at each seminar;

complement the speeches of your comrades;
express and justify your point of view on the issues under consideration;
feel free to contact the teacher for unclear questions
Some students, having thoroughly prepared for the seminar, are shy and afraid of public speaking. How to overcome this disease? Very simple. Get over yourself a few times and perform. Not only fear will pass, but a taste and interest in public speaking will also appear.
Training Seminar It also acts as a means of objective assessment of how you have mastered the material covered. Some students are offended by the teacher, believing that their activity at the seminar was underestimated. No need to be offended by the severity of your knowledge assessment by the teacher. If you are not satisfied with your assessment at the seminar, it is better to look at yourself again and try to evaluate yourself by putting yourself in the teacher's place. I think that in most cases, you will come to the conclusion that the assessment was objective. But you need to take into account the teacher's comments for more successful participation in seminars.