Anti-crisis measures in beauty salons. Did not survive the crisis: beauty salons go bankrupt or go into the shadows

Natalia Veluga

Commercial Director of the network of business class salons "May"

  • She graduated from the MBA course, has a master's degree in business administration, specialty - human resource management
  • Opened and made successful 13 beauty salons
  • Teaches the course "Beauty Salon Management" at the Business School of the Academy "May"

According to analysts' forecasts, 2015 will be a difficult year for business in general and, in particular, for the service sector.

The crisis knocked on our door along with the new year 2015: with sanctions that only the lazy have not yet imposed on our country. With the growth of the dollar and the euro. With a reduction in the price of oil already by 2 times and with a further drop in its cost. With pressure on our country from the US and EU countries. With an increase in the key rate of the Central Bank and lending rates. And inflation, which in March-April will reach 15-17 percent.

Need to continue?

And it seems that this has not affected you and your business yet. And there is hope that the crisis will pass by and everything will subside by itself. And everything will be fine again.

Remember one most important rule:

Hope is the worst business strategy.

This is not even a strategy, but a blind denial of facts and reality. And, as a rule, it ends in failure.

We need to prepare for the crisis now. Faster than your competitors.

First and most useful
what you can do is face the truth and accept the facts that we have to work with:

- The population will have less money

Demand for beauty salon services will fall

Your customers will start saving money on their appearance

- The competition will increase, and the real struggle for customers will begin

- The cost of purchasing equipment and consumables will increase, and consequently the cost of your business will increase

After you stop sticking your head in the sand and honestly assess the situation in your business, you can move on.

I am sure that in New Year under the chiming clock, you did not set yourself the goal: “in 2015, I want to close my business and stay in debt.” Therefore, let's figure out what you need to do in order to successfully live through difficult times.

The second thing you need to understand
: Every crisis is an opportunity for growth. This is an opportunity to become number one in your niche. Opportunity for explosive growth of your business and increase its profitability.

You are lucky that you live in such a time. You are lucky that you have the opportunity to become more efficient and make your business more successful.

Accept it with gratitude. And then all of a sudden you start seeing possibilities.

in difficult times, you want to work less, because it is difficult and scary. The truth is, more work needs to be done. Do more and better than usual. To do better and more than everyone else. Even when you don’t feel like it, even when you don’t get much, even when everything goes wrong.

Now about specific techniques and tools.

Understand that a beauty salon is a business.
This is a business like any other.

And this business works (or does not work) according to standard laws. The time has passed when it was enough just to open a salon with the right repair, and a queue was already lining up for it. Now there is a beauty salon in every quarter, and when purchasing power falls, some salons suddenly begin to experience difficulties with clients. And sales and money are the blood of any business.

We, in our network of beauty salons "May", make this beautiful business profitable. With the right innovative marketing, efficient business processes and one of the best salon management programs in Russia.

Please note that before implementing any tools, you need to learn how to test and measure the impact of your actions on the business.

Control and management of any process begins with its measurements.
In other words, in order to control something, you must first measure it.

Questions for you:

What metrics do you measure in your business?

And do you freeze at all?

And if you don't measure it, how do you generally run your business?

The first area of ​​work for a beauty salon in a crisis that requires close attention is to attract potential clients.

How often do we speak in its network of salons "May"- building a queue of potential customers. Yes Yes. You heard right. There is really a queue in our salons and we almost always have a full record.

What's the secret? Let's figure it out.

Step-by-step instructions for proper marketing in times of crisis:

3) If you've made the decision to go solo, the first thing you need to do is cut your customer acquisition costs. Note. Don't take this as cutting back on all ads. You need to promote your beauty salon. You just need to keep only those advertising channels that give guaranteed results and remove everything unnecessary.

4) The next step is to increase the conversion at each step of the sales funnel. That is, work on your selling site, write / rewrite the script for the salon administrator's conversation on an incoming call, write a script to confirm a visit to the salon, and start this process. Your task is to get more customers while maintaining (better reducing) advertising costs. This is a technical problem and is quite easy to solve.

5) The most important thing! You must answer the main question for yourself: why should a client come to your salon, and not to the salon of your competitors? How are you different from all other beauty salons? And if you suddenly decide that you want to compete / have the lowest price, then know that you are making the biggest mistake - to compete in a crisis on price category. You must find the real difference from your competitors.

6) And the last one for today. You need to work with an already existing customer base. And in times of crisis, do it more actively. Your task is to revive your base and return your old clients to your salon. The main value is that you don't have to invest in getting these customers. They already know you and it’s enough for them to just do good special offer to bring them back to your salon.

These simple recommendations will be enough to start saving your beauty salon right now.
In the following articles, we will talk with you about the next steps for managing a beauty salon during difficult times. If you want to know now another option for the development of a beauty salon under a strong brand, follow the link -

Critical! After reading this article, you need to take action. Knowing what to do and taking action are two completely different processes. The results in your business depend on what you do.

Therefore, right now, we suggest that you set aside one hour of time to draw up a specific action plan and take the first step towards the development of your beauty salon.

Wishing you success in your business
Natalya Veluga, Commercial Director network of beauty salons "May"

Union of hairdressers and estheticians of the North-West.2015

Dollar fluctuations


That's because interesting story it turns out that everyone is talking about the imminent collapse of the dollar, about its disappearance, but it is still alive and well. Moreover, it shows stable growth! Where is the catch here?

In fact, everything is pretty transparent. The largest turnover market for the American currency is the United States itself. And now, during the crisis (which we, in Russia, have not yet begun), everyone needs the most liquid resources, i.e. cash. Because American business has enveloped almost all the financial institutions of the world with its networks, then the fluctuations in the United States have a strong impact on other countries. The United States, wanting to have cash on hand, is withdrawing it from emerging markets, from assets that are denominated in other currencies, in general, from everywhere.

What do we get in this case? And it turns out that dollar demand exceeds supply. And when such a situation arises, the price of a scarce product begins to grow - the dollar rises in price. No one knows what to do and what will happen next, so everyone is trying to act according to the old model, according to the tried and tested pattern. And in the old scheme, the leading position is occupied by the American currency, which is why now we are seeing an increase, a temporary increase, of the dollar.


And yet, speaking about the prospects for the dollar, one can say with a high probability that sooner or later, the dollar will still give up its positions and gradually (and maybe very quickly) disappear from the financial market.

Why will this happen? Some ideas can be read in the previous parts of the article about the crisis, but it is rather difficult to say when this will happen. We can only say with certainty that the crisis is just beginning and the general panic is only the beginning, since it has no real basis. But when these foundations appear, then the time will come for updating the entire system, the economy, building new models and developing everything and everything according to a new scheme.

The crisis, oddly enough, will have positive sides- this, as I said, is a complete renewal, the elimination of superficial, something that simply cannot survive in difficult conditions. The entire business, and the business of beauty salons in particular, will finally get rid of all unnecessary, inefficient methods of work. A crisis is a very good indicator of how good your business is.. Hard times show all the shortcomings of the built business, they point out your mistakes, they reveal all your shortcomings, which could not be paid attention to before.


The methods of work of a beauty salon during the crisis period differ from the usual rhythm - many have already understood this. But not everyone has yet realized that everything is much more serious, and many will not be able to just sit out in a trench during the bombing. Something needs to change, something needs to be done. All this is understandable, but what exactly? I would immediately name two areas that you should pay attention to:

  • The first is your customers.. Only those enterprises that are maximally customer-oriented will survive. Moreover, these are, first of all, regular customers, and working with them differs from the usual methods. As described in detail on, working and retaining regular customers is your main task, since it is they who bring the bulk of the income of your beauty salon.
  • The second is an efficient economy. During the crisis on the economy, accounting in the beauty salon should pay special attention. Reducing costs and increasing efficiency is one option that can help you survive. How exactly to do this is discussed in detail on.

> Balance of interests

While some discuss the crisis, others work with it. And it often depends on the mood and ideas of top managers how a business survives a difficult period. We decided to ask the CEOs of companies what they think will happen to the beauty industry in 2015 and how to work in the conditions of the economic crisis.

, General Director of the company "Plastek"

For the beauty industry, 2015 will be a difficult year, a year of searching for new solutions, new technologies, innovations. While people are getting used to the very fact that there is a crisis in the economy and there is no getting away from it, the main thing is the understanding that the crisis is a transient phenomenon and that there will definitely be an upsurge after it.

Therefore, the crisis will be experienced with dignity by those who do not have a crisis in their heads, who in this difficult time will more intensively look for something new that is of interest.

We have already gone through the crises of 1998 and 2008. In 1998, at the height of the crisis, Plastek opened new office in Moscow. And I think that making non-standard decisions helps to survive in such situations, and sometimes brings the most effective results.

Should we expect a redistribution of the market due to rising prices? Will sales fall, and which brands may be affected?

As for sales, they are definitely decreasing. First of all, this concerns equipment of the elite and middle class for beauty salons and aesthetic centers. After all, with the fall of the ruble exchange rate by more than 70 percent, an almost equivalent amount of money will be withdrawn from the turnover of the beauty industry, since the bulk of purchases falls on foreign brands.

In this regard, those who diversified their assets in time will feel most comfortable: they invested in the development of their own production capacity paid more attention to the service and its development.

There will be no market redistribution. The market is already almost formed. Unless new big players come here, risking to invest huge amounts of money in something new ...

What can and should be done by representatives of the “beautiful business” in the current circumstances? Your anti-crisis program?

Everyone knows the axiom of crisis phenomena: the rich will get richer, and the poor - poorer. Unfortunately, many years of world experience confirms the veracity of this statement. But there are exceptions. Therefore, one should never despair: who knows ... maybe you will be such an exception. And for this you need to work hard and productively.

In times of crisis, more attention should be paid to personnel. The popular expression “Cadres decide everything” still carries great meaning today. First of all, it is necessary to retain the personnel, especially the most efficient and responsible employees.

Under the circumstances, the first thing to pay attention to is patience; that is, despite the difficulties, you just need to work, work hard and with interest. The crisis is a temporary phenomenon, and the balance will certainly be restored.

The crisis helps many to rethink the company's development trends, to find mistakes and miscalculations, to pay closer attention to what helps many companies survive in difficult conditions.

And in this difficult period of time, I wish everyone success in the new year, as well as not to lose patience, show wisdom and make more right decisions.

Tiina Orasmäe- Meder, cosmetologist, developer of Meder Beauty Science

What awaits the beauty industry in 2015?

The year for the Russian beauty industry, obviously, will be difficult. General atmosphere, growing stress in society, another financial crisis, - all these factors affect both our clients and cosmetologists.

can it affect?

I assume that the basic rule of the crisis is unchanged: "The poor will get poorer, the rich will get richer."

Accordingly, the main redistribution of the market will affect, I think, the middle zone - brands focused on the middle class, which in Lately there were quite a few. I believe that some salon managers will try to strengthen the service component and reorient themselves to the premium class segment, possibly with the change of familiar brands to niche or luxury ones.

Inevitably, there will be another trend, a more active one: attempts to increase profitability in the face of rising prices from suppliers. Managers who make this decision will, I believe, change brands and materials to cheaper ones, trying to find the maximum quality at the lowest price. And of course, some of the salons and clinics can suffer significantly and go out of business, unable to withstand the race for profitability. In the best position will be chains that may shrink but remain in business, as well as salons with a history and reputation, a stable clientele and a stable team. Much will depend on the management's policy towards employees: those who retain employees, at least the best of them, will survive, and possibly make a profit.

Based on the experience of previous crises: luxury brands have a better chance. First, their clientele is more stable; second, a distributor needs fewer customers to survive. A big advantage of distributors will be a warehouse reserve, which allows them to provide customers with goods uninterruptedly and provide preferential terms to the best customers.

anti-crisis program?

What can and should be done? We need to keep working, what else remains ... And I'm sure it is necessary to maintain firmness and consistency: do not constantly revise prices, do not change the policy towards customers. Improve service, look for low-cost opportunities to improve customer service. Be attentive to employees, try to keep the team. Well, do not lose hope that the crisis will end one day!

I am not an inveterate optimist, so we have been preparing for a crisis for a long time. We are now trying, through special promotions, to help our clients: salons, clinics and cosmetologists, keep prices for services at a reasonable level. We have developed a new multi-stage training program and will implement it: the period of crisis is a good time for advanced training. We plan to strengthen training and hold conferences in the regions.

We already have experience in heavy crisis time in Ukraine, we will use it as well. We optimize costs, we will try to pay special attention to the best clients, first of all, to those who have been working with us the longest. Special conditions we also design for the winners of our Russian professional competition. In general, it remains to be hoped that cosmetologists will continue to choose quality!

CEO and co-owner of Biosfera

What awaits the beauty industry in 2015?

I'm sure you've been scared of the coming downturn more than once. I now hear similar horror stories in many places, but I do not share this alarm. Yes, the owners of a “beautiful business” are faced with the fact that in a crisis something needs to be changed. I don't see a tragedy here. We all know the statistics very well: the domestic beauty industry is developing as rapidly as, for example, the European one. However, a significant drawback of the growth of new players in the beauty segment is that quality indicators suffer. Only those whose quality and professional approach are not just beautiful PR, but a really well-established business process will feel confident.

Therefore, a small downturn in the market will not hurt the majority of participants. I would say that it is even necessary to check their compliance with the declared level. In general, in 2015 everything will be fine. The service sector has always been resilient and able to survive even the most critical times. However, as always in this industry, there will be a lot of fuss. The main thing is not to turn off your head and be able to quickly respond to market changes.

prices? Will sales fall, and which brands may be affected?

The redistribution of the market, in my understanding, is just a natural process of globalization and a reduction in the number of players, nothing more. I welcome such developments, as they are the inevitable consequence of the evolution of some companies and the closure of others, unable to adapt. Naturally, at Russian manufacturers there are small advantages in this situation. So small that they probably haven't really figured out how to use them yet. In our country, "beautiful business" works mainly on foreign brands. Searching, testing and launching a worthy alternative to imports is a huge amount of work and precious time. It will be cheaper to slightly reduce the volume of purchases and stay with a quality product than to twitch and switch to an unknown Russian brand. As for the level of sales, it will fall only for lazy companies. How much do you need to dislike your business in order to be indifferently inactive?.. The income of any brand depends on the consumer.

In conditions of economic difficulties, it is necessary to analyze, track, feel what the client needs. If you think that you have a unique product or service that does not require adjustments in the sales strategy even due to changes in the exchange rate, then you are mistaken. As soon as you thought so and decided to leave everything as it is, at that very second you gave your client a stronger and more active competitor.

What can and should be done by representatives of the “beautiful business" under the circumstances?

Do not succumb to creative destruction. I do not argue that some players in the market will have to wait a little with high-cost image investments. Therefore, I advise you to formulate more accessible goals for the near future and achieve them. A negative information environment can paralyze you. Don't fall into the discouragement phase. The time of crisis is the time of opportunity! Of course, the old forms of doing business often do not work here. This is due to the fact that the time has come for innovation, study and implementation of new technologies for business promotion. It is necessary to get off the paved "ski" and master new steps in marketing, new technologies in order to find and retain a client. Properly analyze your advertising channels, the level of popularity of your services and their costs.

Make a list of what you spend money on. We should generate additional revenue rather than indiscriminately cut spending. Develop strategic partnerships and form adequate pricing.

Invest more time in development strengths than in an unsuccessful struggle with shortcomings. Yes, it is not easy to move forward in difficult times. That's why I urge you not to forget about your team. Find ways right motivation and employee incentives. As for clients, in a crisis they come to you not only for a favor, they go to get friendly support and positive emotions. Be real. Consumers always feel it.

What is your anti-crisis program?

Today, in a period of unstable financial situation in the country, there are many experts in the beauty market who escalate the situation and immediately offer help "to get out of the crisis." Completely obey their instructions or try to find a solution yourself - it's up to you, your choice. I have personally verified one exact fact that is always in demand by customers: be special! Stop copying the actions of competitors, do not be afraid to be different from them. Moreover, do not be afraid to be different in times of crisis. In one of the books of my favorite marketing guru, Jack Trout, I read a very important thought - and I am happy to share it with you. He said that it is differentiation (clear difference) that allows you to take an advantageous position in the mind of the consumer and in this way get a real competitive advantage on the market. Don't be lazy about making your brand special. Enter the path of even more active marketing, thereby maintaining your level of sales. If earlier you were engaged in the business of gathering what comes into your hands, today you need to become a business hunter and get and keep customers yourself. Don't ignore modern ways advancement, be in the trend of new opportunities that the digital environment gives you.

Be closer to the needs and interests of customers. Let them feel special. I believe that support is essential, especially in times of crisis. For example, we help our clients with content for social networks, hold contests with target audience our partners on Instagram, Facebook, and other sites on the Internet. Our company makes joint publications in magazines, we pay great attention affiliate programs for clients, thanks to which we hold various kinds of events and joint promotions with bloggers.

We support their business exclusively with the help of modern working trends in the beauty industry and proper positioning in the market. After all, often, during a period of economic difficulties, for some groups of consumers - with a certain level of income and requirements - there is no clear proposal that could suit them in terms of "price-quality" ratio. Eliminating such shortcomings, activating your PR strategy in support of sales - that's what you should do today.

General Director of "Trading House EGOMANIA"

What awaits the beauty industry in 2015?

All past crises that happened in our country only improved the business space and removed weak players. I sincerely believe that the current crisis will not be an exception, and we will come out of it wiser and more experienced.

Moreover, it is worth noting that in our “beautiful industry”, a drop in sales simply by definition cannot be catastrophic, since people who love themselves will always go to beauty salons and buy cosmetics. "Lipstick effect" - this is already a classic of the genre! A person can drive for some more time in an old car, not update his wardrobe again, not even go on vacation abroad. But a person cannot help but cut his hair, wash his hair, take care of his body, so he will always be someone's client. The main question, regardless of the crisis: what are the owners of enterprises doing to ensure that he is THEIR client? As very often happens, the client is not taken care of and thus repels him, while losing his share in the financial turnover of the company.

Should we expect a redistribution of the market in connection with the growth prices? Will sales fall, and what brands is it

can touch?

I would recommend to the owners of “beautiful business” enterprises not to panic, but:

    Improve the quality of services and constantly take care of customers, spend client days and prove to the client that you are his best friends, and he should only visit your enterprise.

    It is more picky to select personnel who can give the client exactly what the client wants, and not what the master can. Employees need to be constantly trained.

  • . Increase sales of related products in the salon.

What can and should be done by representatives of the “beautiful business” in the current circumstances? Your anti-crisis program?

For "Trading House EGOMANIA" in the plans for 2015, the main areas are:

    Recruitment of regional brand managers in large cities of Russia for more quality service our partners.

    Carrying out various marketing activities that help our partners to be more attractive in the eyes of customers.
    . Establishing a close dialogue with the management of the salons, aimed at increasing the sales of our brands. As an example, I would like to cite our partner in St. Petersburg - the flagship salon O "Jean, whose management listens very carefully to the recommendations: provides customers with many hair care procedures, sells products to maintain the effect at home, and also supplies our products to others worthy salons of the city.At the same time, almost all clients, feeling such sincere care from the salon staff, return for the next procedure.

Summing up, I can only say one thing: love your client, take care of him - and you will not be afraid of any crises!

general director of LLC Good decision»

What awaits the beauty industry in 2015?

In 2015, the beauty industry is expected to increase prices for services, drugs, cosmetics and consumables. This growth may be 30-150 percent relative to 2014 prices.

Imported goods will rise in price most of all, especially in the middle and premium price segments. This circumstance may push entrepreneurs to look for cheaper analogues and, as a result, may reduce the quality of services provided. Therefore, for both clients and entrepreneurs, now is the time for risky experiments. I would recommend to entrepreneurs not to succumb to the temptation and not to buy something on the cheap, and to clients - to be vigilant and not save on their beauty!

Should we expect a redistribution of the market due to rising prices? Will sales fall, and which brands can it affect?

Market redistribution is possible, but weak players are more likely to leave. Now it is better to take a wait-and-see attitude and observe what is happening. First of all, those who work in the middle price segment and are heavily indebted will experience serious difficulties. And those who have a margin of safety and fortitude will survive: those who will act, and not “nightmare” reality!

What can and should be done by representatives of the “beautiful business” in the current circumstances?

In this situation, you need to engage in business optimization and self-development. Analyze expenses and income. If ROI was low, now is the best time to fix it.

“Beautiful business” is not fundamentally different from other types of business: there are much more expenses than sources of income, so you need to look for and create new sources of income and reduce costs if possible, but only wisely and without harming the business. When cutting costs, try not to cut the fund wages and budget for advertising and promotion, because these are the resources that will help you survive.

Photoaging: step-by-step correction

Autumn is a hot time for a beautician. Clients return from holidays rested and tanned, but their skin needs to be restored. Ultraviolet light, hot dry air and sea water provoke a whole range of aesthetic problems, some of which are common to most people, and some of which are individual.


The most frequent procedure in the cosmetologist's office is still peeling, holding the lead among cosmetic treatments. The variety of agents with which the effect occurs allows you to achieve results in different conditions and types of skin.


To create a harmonious image, it is not enough for a stylist to make a fashionable hairstyle for the client and choose a trendy dress. He must also be a psychologist, and an artist, and even a director. After all, a real stylist does not work with things, but with people.

Element, not subject to crisis

Until the last moment, the beauty industry could boast of impressive progress in development. According to marketing agency Webbolt, the global market for professional hairdressing and beauty services in 2008 amounted to $150 billion a year, which is comparable to, for example, half the US military budget.

In our country, according to official data from Rosstat, by the beginning of last year, there were about 30,000 registered hairdressers and beauty salons. The annual growth rate of this market was about 30%. At the same time, a trend began to appear towards the formation of network brands, for example, Persona, Monet. However, so far the majority of enterprises in this industry are representatives of small businesses, which are much more difficult to withstand in a developing crisis situation.

And customers are already starting to save money, and beauty salons are feeling a drop in demand, lower revenues and profits. But, despite the fact that this item of expenditure, at first glance, should be the most affected by consumer cutbacks, the experience of many experts who survived the 1998 crisis shows that the predicted market collapse did not occur then. The so-called “lipstick” effect is supporting the industry. According to him, in the difficult times of the recession, many are forced to deny themselves large purchases and spending. However, the need to distract and pamper yourself leads to an increase in the demand for products such as cosmetics, beauty salon services.

Connecting additional measures

But hope for effects, but don't make a mistake yourself. The crisis situation requires revision and optimization of working methods. And first of all, it is necessary to analyze the nature of the change in demand, as well as take a closer look at your clientele. If its core is still made up of a very wealthy public, little affected by the recession, then the question is pricing policy salon can feel more free. It may even be advisable to increase the cost of services. But as soon as it became noticeable that most visitors are starting to count money, you need to show loyalty to their problems and try to reduce the numbers in the price list. Thus, although shrinking, but survive the crisis, keep their own, and eventually lure some of the customers from competitors. It makes sense to expand the offer by adding services and products of different price categories to the list.

Also, new services, for example, elements of wellness procedures, SPA, can become an important anti-crisis measure. Indeed, in the past prosperous decade, the dictates of “model standards”, backed up by television and gloss, led to the fact that Russian women en masse were puzzled by tattooing, body shaping, skin rejuvenation, combating the effects of stress and cellulite. By 2008, the growing demand for tanning salons and beauty parlors meant that every square meter their area began to bring three times more income than in a classic barbershop.

According to Oksana Kupina, CEO Ltd. "Charodeyka" (hairdresser's salon), among the visitors appeared previously unusual - men, puzzled by the fight against hair loss, overweight and chronic fatigue syndrome. “I would not say that there are as many of them as they sometimes write in glossy magazines,” the expert says. - But the services of a cosmetologist are becoming more and more popular with the stronger sex. This could be a new direction for business expansion.”


A separate issue - implementation anti-crisis measures. Changes, of course, must be comprehensive and affect internal approaches to work. Thus, expanding the range of services will first of all require the involvement of new specialists, which is not the most profitable step in times of crisis. An alternative measure would be to form the staff in such a way that it includes professionals of a wide profile, each of whom will be able to perform a wide range of jobs.

In addition, many procedures require specially equipped rooms. And investing in renting additional space is risky today. It should be noted that the crisis provoked a decrease in payment rates, so, according to the forecast consulting company Blackwood, in the first half of 2009 it will be approximately 25-40%. But since this cost item is the most significant in the cost of salon services, it would be a rational decision to try to use the existing space more efficiently.

“Many companies today are puzzled by the optimization of space,” says Mikhail Ermakov, Quality Director at Astarta Prestige, a manufacturer of partition systems. - Unlike offices in a beauty salon, the open space option, which allows for a more compact placement of staff work areas, can be used very limitedly. But with the help of mobile structures, the premises can be easily demarcated without expensive overhaul.

As an example, the expert of Astarta Prestige cites the design of the decoration of the Victoria beauty salon on Prospekt Mira in Moscow. Stationary transparent partitions here only enclosed the entrance area, and all other rooms were separated by blind mobile ones about two meters high. The client opted for such a design that could easily change the configuration of the premises depending on the current need - for example, in the summer months, you can slightly reduce the solarium area in favor of a beauty parlor.

However, do not forget that when planning the premises of beauty salons, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of SanPiN In particular, they suggest that in such establishments, rooms for manicure (at least 6 sq. M) and pedicure (8 sq. M), a beauty parlor (12-16 sq. M) should be isolated from the hairdresser's room, but must have natural light through windows. Ancillary, auxiliary and household premises(cloakrooms, rest rooms, bathrooms, pantries, storage rooms for inventory, garbage, etc.).

“In addition to observing certain standards, when creating a project, it is necessary to achieve a competent organization of light, sound insulation, and also take into account the production cycle,” says architect Tatyana Romanova. - To do this, it is necessary to simulate the movement of clients and employees of the salon, and only after that calculate the area and location of individual zones. Otherwise, you can make a lot of planning mistakes that will cause crowding in the waiting area or unnecessary anxiety for clients during procedures.

In order to provide the required sound and smell insulation in certain rooms, according to Mikhail Ermakov, stationary structures are used. “For example, we installed glass partitions in the Arkhidea beauty salon,” notes the Astarta prestige expert. - A special seal that secures the glass inside the rails and profile has become a reliable barrier to noise and unwanted odors. At the same time, frosted glass was used to decorate more “intimate” rooms (massage rooms, manicure and pedicure rooms).

Perhaps beauty is indeed a terrible force that can withstand even a crisis. However, today you should not rely on fate. A number of business optimization measures will not only help protect the company in difficult times, but also earn additional points for the future struggle in the “beautiful” market.

Svetlana Topal,

expert of the company "Astarta prestige"

Main points of the interview

  • Occupation: Manicurist and extension, make-up artist
  • Location of business: Russia, Bryansk
  • Occupation before entrepreneurship: schoolgirl
  • the date of the beginning entrepreneurial activity: year 2014
  • Organizational and legal form of doing business: individual entrepreneur
  • The amount of initial investment: 100,000 rubles.
  • Source of initial capital: own savings
  • Payback period: several days
  • Formula for success: Love beauty and aesthetics, treat customers kindly, be demanding of yourself and your own work.

Hello Julia, tell us how you got the idea to open your own beauty salon?

I had the idea of ​​starting my own business a long time ago, since my school days. The beauty industry attracted me the most. After graduating from school, she graduated from the courses of a manicure master, and began to develop in this direction. After working for six months in a beauty salon, having studied this area from the inside, I decided that in the future I would open own salon.

Why did you choose this direction?

This direction completely coincided with my interests, from childhood I was engaged in drawing and constantly watched programs for changing images for girls and women. Then I began to try different versions of nail art, I was good at drawing patterns, mixing colors and decorating my nails with sparkles. It seemed to me a magical and creative activity!

In what field of activity did you work before nail extension?

I started doing nails right after school, I didn’t work in another area and didn’t have much desire.

How long did you provide in-home services before you decided to open a salon? What prompted this?

Before opening the salon, I worked from home for 5 years. It was the perfect work schedule for me. I liked that I can distribute my own time myself, I don’t have to depend on someone, obey someone else’s rules, at any time I can eat or relax in the windows between clients. Working from home gives good inclinations for doing business in the future, you get used to relying only on your own strength. Plus, I clearly understood that the salary goes straight into my hands, unlike work in the salon, where you give part of the money to the employer.

To receive clients, I equipped a separate room, hung the diplomas there, beautifully arranged accessories. Almost always, clients watched interesting films during the procedure, so the time flew by quickly and unnoticed. It is very important to create an aesthetically pleasing atmosphere, especially if you work at home, no one likes to go to the master, who meets visitors in the kitchen or bedroom with a half-made bed. If you decide to receive clients at home, then you should allocate a separate corner for a mini-salon!

What prompted you to open own business?

In my work, I increasingly had to work with such material as acrylic. This is a fairly durable material, nails do not need correction for a long time. But many craftsmen know that acrylic has a persistent specific smell. At home, it became difficult to work with him because of the inability to constantly ventilate the room. The smell accumulated, ate into the wallpaper, my head often hurt, and my relatives constantly complained. Thus, the idea of ​​changing the working premises arose.

What services are available in your salon?

My salon provides hair treatment services, all types of hairdressing services, manicure, pedicure, gel polish, nail extensions, makeup and eyebrow correction. We can also choose and create an evening or wedding look.

What equipment did you need to open a salon?

Often the equipment was already in stock - lamps, disinfectors, vacuum cleaners, cars and manicure tools. It was necessary to purchase only furniture and equipment for hairdressing and pedicure.

How much money did you spend on opening? Was it cash or credit?

It took about 100 thousand to open. These were cash.

We use almost all types of advertising - we lead a group ( and pages in social networks, place ads in newspapers, order banners, advertising signs. We always give each new client several business cards so that she can distribute them to friends and relatives.

How do you attract clients? What benefits can you offer them?

We already have an established customer base. They choose our salon for the best value for money.

Advantages - work on conscience, inexpensive, stylish and high quality! Also in the salon "Milady" there is always a friendly, friendly atmosphere, customers come and relax, laugh, tell interesting life stories. Sometimes you go to premium-class salons, everything is incredibly beautiful and fashionably done, but too strict, there is no warmth.

Do you have any promotions?

Approximately once every three months we arrange drawings for a free manicure, we provide discounts for all types of services.

We also often offer our customers small pleasant bonuses, for example, a free SPA treatment for hands, we can draw a flower or cover several nails with rhinestones, not including this in the price. It is important to emphasize that the procedure is intended specifically for a particular client. A trifle, but visitors are pleased!

How many people did it take to start the business?

Now I have two manicurists and a hairdresser. They have been with me from the very beginning. One girl is my friend, I taught her extensions and manicures.

What difficulties did you encounter when opening the salon and in the process of work? What worked right away and what didn't?

Probably the only problem is the lack of finances at first. I was worried for a long time that I could not purchase all the necessary furniture and appliances. I wanted to immediately furnish the salon as cozy and comfortable as possible, I was kind to the opinion of each client. But then I began to perceive it easier, the main thing is to maintain cleanliness and order.

Now much of the furniture and accessories have already been bought, when free money appears, I spend it on the missing things for the salon.

What organizational and legal form of doing business have you chosen?

How many people do you serve on average per day? Is there seasonality in the beauty industry?

An average of 10 people. In summer, the demand for nail services is, of course, greater than in winter. A sharp influx of customers is observed before the New Year and other major holidays. The decline is noticeable in autumn and January.

What goals and objectives are planned for the future? Are you planning to expand, introduce new services?

In the near future, I want to find a good beautician, as well as provide

a full range of services for the treatment and restoration of hair.

How long did it take you to reach self-sufficiency?

Self-sufficiency came almost immediately.

How do you position yourself in the price segment?

Economy, in which quality does not depend on price. We provide services at the level of a premium salon, but at affordable prices.

Anyone can learn nail extensions?

Not everyone, it is important to have an increased sense of beauty and aesthetics, to be able to draw well. Making beautiful nails is half the battle, they must last until the next extension, which is 3-4 weeks. Sometimes you have to correct the work of other masters, and you immediately notice how carelessly and unprofessionally the manicure was done.

What courses do you need to take, what certificates do you need to get for a future highly qualified hair extension master? What achievements do you have?

To become a sought-after master, you need to have a lot of theoretical and practical knowledge. The main courses that any professional should master are nail extension with gel, acrylic, nail design, painting, manicure, pedicure, gel polish. I mastered these courses at the very beginning of my activity.

Of course, only theory is not enough, true mastery comes with age. It is often said: "To work in the field of beauty, you do not need a great mind." But why do clients constantly go to one master, and bypass the other? Why do professional nail extensions last for a month, while poor-quality extensions can deteriorate in a week? It's all about the skills and experience of the master, for these qualities clients choose him and are ready to pay money.

Also, a few years ago I received certificates of an eyelash extension master and took courses as a makeup artist, but my main path is nail extension and design.

There is a chance for a beginner to immediately achieve success in this business, how to understand that you can move to a new level?

A beginner has very little chance, the beauty industry is now replete with many offers. To open your own business, you need to be well versed in this. Just visiting beauty salons is not enough, you need to work in this area personally, study everything well. It is important to develop a client base, earn trust and firmly establish yourself in this market.

I would recommend that beginners practice on their girlfriends for a while or run promotions at discounted prices, as in the case of a poor-quality service, you can earn notoriety. Be sure to ask if you liked the result, mark your mistakes. Evaluate the quality of the manicure in a week, if the nails look perfect, no errors are visible, then it is done well.

Now the difficult economic situation in the country, people are trying to save on many things, and on beauty too. Does it affect the number of clients?

Yes, the crisis is taking its toll. Compared to last year, there are significantly fewer customers. But it is difficult to say exactly the reason, it can also affect a period of time, autumn is not the best time for beauty salons.

What advice would you give to those who want to open a beauty salon during a crisis, should they try it?

I think it's worth it, it all depends on the person himself, and not on the crisis and other circumstances. If you take a responsible approach to business, you can highlight the advantages of the salon, there will definitely be customers. In addition, some companies are now closing, making room for others.

What is your advice to aspiring entrepreneurs?

You should not go into the field of beauty, considering it fashionable, in demand, or with the opinion that you can earn good money this way. It must be really interesting for you. It is also important to understand that nail extension is not only a beautiful result and sparkles, but painstaking and often monotonous work day after day. Dust constantly flies, you have to breathe harmful paint, your fingers and back often hurt, but these are minuses, of course there are more pluses!

Also, I would advise not to save on necessary equipment for nail treatment, necessary equipment greatly simplifies and speeds up the work. And the issue of time is important for many clients, no one wants to sit for 4-5 hours on the extension procedure, if it can be done twice as fast.

What is your formula for success?

If you decide to become an entrepreneur, stop thinking and start acting, and if you do, then go all the way!