What are the functions of a logo? Why do you need a logo? What is a logo.

A, m. logotype m., eng. logotype. pl. gr. logos word + typos imprint. 1. Letters with the most common words and syllables used in the past with manual typing. SIS 1985. 2. They even decorate stylish white porcelain for a restaurant ... ... Historical dictionary gallicisms of the Russian language

logo- Characteristically designed name of the product or its manufacturer. Like a trademark, the logo is designed to make it easier for the buyer to identify the product or manufacturer directly in point of sale. . II In addition, ... ... Font terminology

Logo- (from the Greek logos word + typos imprint) a manual type letter with the most common syllables or even words. L. were used at an early stage of printing in order to speed up the process of typing ... Publishing Dictionary


  • Logo and corporate identity. Designer's Guide, David Airey. The first edition of this book was published in 2009 and has been translated into 10 languages. A lot has changed in that time, and finally comes the completely revised, full-color second edition...
  • Kurdyumov. Literature. 5 cells Textbook reader. Part 2. VERTICAL. (FGOS). Electron logo. app. (2012) , . Kurdyumov. Literature. 5 cells Textbook reader. Part 2. VERTICAL. (FGOS). Electron logo. app. (2012) ISBN:978-5-358-09899-2…

Logo, sign and emblem. Terminology. Alexander Shiryshev.

Sign, logo, emblem - everyone has heard these words, many actively use them, but most use them for other purposes. Why is a sign called a logo and an emblem is called a sign? Why did the designer get lost in three birch trees and drag the customer there? Let's figure it out. Let's start with the logo.

“Logo (from the Greek. logos - word and typos - imprint) - the original style, the image of the full or abbreviated name of the company or the company's products. It is specially developed by the company in order to draw attention to it and to its products.— Raizberg B. A., Lozovsky L. Sh., Starodubtseva E. B. Modern economic dictionary. 5th ed., revised. and additional — M.: INFRA-M, 2007. — 495 p. - (B-ka dictionaries "INFRA-M").

“Logotype (from the Greek logos - word + typos - imprint) is a hand-typing letter with the most common syllables or even words. Logos were used at an early stage of typography in order to speed up the typing process.- Milchin A. E. Publishing dictionary-reference book. - Ed. 3rd, rev. and add., Electronic - M .: OLMA-Press, 2006.

“Logotype (from German Logotype, English logotype - Stefanov S. I. Advertising and printing: the experience of a dictionary-reference book. - M .: Gella-print, 2004. - 320 s: ill. - (Advertising technologies).

All of the above definitions agree on one thing: logo- this is some kind of indivisible combination of letters. Specifically in design word mark. This can be the name of a company or product, typed in a ready-made font, or an original style drawn by a designer for this work, a calligraphic inscription, a monogram, a monogram. Obviously, it is wrong to call a trademark a logo in general, especially if it is some kind of image not associated with letters. However, you can meet the illiterate use of this term all the time. Even at the end of the last definition, this situation is mentioned.

Logo. Alexander Shiryshev.

Sign is a very broad concept. The simplest definition I found explains it as “something capable in some respect to act instead of something else, i.e., being perceived by some living object, to have a meaning”(Russian humanitarian encyclopedic Dictionary: In 3 volumes - M .: Humanit. ed. Center VLADOS: Philol. fak. St. Petersburg. state un-ta, 2002).

I dare to suggest that the "living object" here means a person. The newest philosophical dictionary interprets this concept even cooler.

“A sign is traditionally a material, sensually perceived object (event, action or phenomenon), acting in cognition as an indication, designation or representative of another object, event, action, subjective formation. Designed to acquire, store, convert and broadcast certain information (messages)."— The latest philosophical dictionary: 3rd ed., corrected. — Mn.: Book House. 2003.- 1280 p. — (The world of encyclopedias).

Based on these definitions, anything can act as a sign. Therefore, for our particular applied case, it would be correct to clarify the concept. There are several options: graphic mark, brand name, signet, trademark, emblem, trademark. Dictionaries are full of definitions of each of these concepts, somewhere intersecting in meanings, somewhere contradicting each other, demonstrating a complete misunderstanding of the compilers, what they are talking about, and why they put these terms into use at all.

The designer needs this term for one simple reason: this is one of his products. The client needs to explain why it is, how much it costs and how it is used. Obviously, explaining these things using the term "this shit" is not very convenient. How to name the original Nike style? We have already found out - the logo. How to call "swoosh" - the famous Nike arc? While we can answer this question, guided by the method of contradiction, this is definitely not a logo. How to designate a situation when they are used together? Another question that the designer must know the answer to, if only because there is a corresponding section in the standards passport and it must have a name.

Before continuing to terminology, let's deal with two harmful phrases: trademark and trademark. They are borrowed from the advertising industry, which has a very mediocre relationship to the identity. For advertisers, these terms are enough for communication. For a designer, they are too rough and conditional. Firstly, because anything can be hidden under them. Second, adjectives trading and commodity are misleading about the design services application object. After all, corporate identity can have not only a product, company or service, but also non-profit organization, state or educational institution, city, country, TV show, film, festival, sports team, person and much more. It's hard to imagine the phrase trademark of the Ministry of Education or trade mark of the Grushinsky festival.

The design services application object itself (company, product, organization, institution, country, event, etc.) we will designate with the word brand. In the context of this article, it does not matter to us that the brand is the result. Here and below, we will assume that the object for which we are developing a corporate identity standards passport will sooner or later become a brand.

So, we need to designate by the term such a phenomenon as a graphic sign of a brand. To be sure that we understand each other, I will give concrete examples: Apple apple, McDonalds arches, Nike swoosh, Mercedes star, MTS egg, multi-colored Windows window.

Of the contenders for the designation of this branded element, the following terms remained: brand name, sign, graphic sign and emblem. Adjective branded concept sign does not specify, which means that the term remains as inaccurate and cloudy as without it. Signet- Anglicism (from the English signet - sign, stamp), also not deepening the concept of a sign. Thus, as a precise term, it makes sense to consider graphic sign and emblem.

“Emblem (from the Greek emblema - insert, convex decoration), a conditional explanation of an abstract concept, idea with the help of any image (for example, a dove - E. of the peace movement); often regarded as a kind of allegory. In a narrow sense - a symbolic image.- "Great Soviet Encyclopedia".

“Emblem (from lat. emblema - insert, convex image) - a conditional symbolic image of a concept or idea; unlike the symbol, it does not embody the content of the concept, but only points to it.- Raizberg B. A., Lozovsky L. Sh., Starodubtseva E. B. Modern economic dictionary. 5th ed., revised. and additional — M.: INFRA-M, 2007.

“Emblem (from lat. emblema - Stefanov S. I. Advertising and printing: the experience of a dictionary-reference book. - M .: Gella-print, 2004.

These definitions apply to the term graphic sign. However, the concept graphic sign mixed with concepts trademark, trademark and even trademark, but the phrase itself graphic sign in practice is reduced to just sign. Sometimes the designer uses the term sign understanding what lies underneath graphic sign, sometimes not.

Emblem. Alexander Shiryshev.

By the title of the article, it is not difficult to guess which term the author is leaning towards. For many years, I used the term graphic sign or simply sign. But gradually I come to the conclusion that the amorphousness of these terms and the resulting discrepancies are a significant hindrance in the work of an identity designer. Emblem more unambiguously emblem shorter, emblem easier to understand and easier to explain to people far from design. There are no barriers to using this term. Word emblem familiar to everyone, can easily enter professional use and be easily perceived by the customer.

Thus, we have two terms denoting two different entities: emblem and logo.

Why did I delve into the terminology with such tediousness? Terms are the basis of internal and external communications. Both in communication with the customer and in communication with colleagues, one language should be used - the language of communication of professionals. And the more accurate and richer it is, the more effective communication will be.

As one colleague accurately put it: “think who complicates: a seller who gives different names to various sausages, or a buyer who wants to be understood when he only says “give me three hundred grams of sausages”.”

A logo is much more than just words, an icon, a color. Nice logo tells the story of your company: who you are, what you do and where you stand.

Creating a logo is not an easy task: there are many nuances that need to be taken into account when designing it. Luckily, you don't have to do it alone. With this step by step instructions, you can do it easily and simply. But enough words, let's get started!

What is a logo and what is it for?

But before we go directly to the recommendations, we want to advise you on the online service from Turbologo , which can create a logo for you all in a few minutes. Just enter your company name and the site will create some logos for you!
Now let's get to the article :)

Every day we constantly encounter logos.

For example, the average US citizen sees 16,000 advertisements, logos and labels. If you look around, you will probably also notice several dozen logos around you.

Why are there so many of them and why do so many companies spend thousands, hundreds or even millions of dollars to create this little element?

What do we, first of all, understand by the word “logo”?

A logo is a symbol or emblem that is used
to identify services, products and the company itself.

A logo presented in the form of a stylized corporate font (letters). In addition, small graphic elements are often used, such as the smile on the Amazon logo.
The advantage of such a logo is that it is easy to remember and helps to stand out from the competition, especially if they use other types of font.

Word elements can be:
– existing words in the company name;
- artificial words;
- abbreviations;
- letters;
- numbers.

This logo uses both text and symbols. This look takes advantage of the previous two: the graphic element makes the logo memorable and helps make the company name special and attractive.


Logos of this kind enclose the name of the company within a special art form. This is one of the most complex types of logo.


A character is used that represents the name of the company using the initials or first letters of the name.

Many companies choose to use this type of logo because their initials illustrate the company name better than the full name (if it's too long or difficult to pronounce). These are the logos of such well-known companies as Hewlett-Packard, Chanel and General Electric.

Below are examples of the most popular forms of logo creation, as well as the associations that each form evokes.

The Target logo is a great example of a versatile logo.

How to check the versatility of a logo?

Ask yourself if a logo would be great if it:

Is it printed in one color?
Printed the size of a postage stamp?
Printed like a big billboard?
Printed in black and white?

If the answer is “yes” to all questions, congratulations! You have created a universal logo!

I like to work from the beginning in black and white to make sure the logo looks good in its simplest form. Color is very subjective and emotional. This can detract from the overall design.

Patrick Winfield.

Compliance with the field of activity of the company

The logo should correspond to the field of activity of the company.
For example, if you are designing a logo for a children's toy store, it would be wise to use a "fun" font and icons that are associated with toys, children, etc. On the other hand, the logo does not have to literally depict what the company does. For example, the BMW logo is not a car at all, and the Hawaiian Airlines logo is not an airplane.

The question arises - should the logo correspond to the business area? The answer may come from a recent study of one online constructor for creating logos.

The Chinese brand BYD, whose logo looks suspiciously like the logo of the German car giant BMW.

11 questions to ask yourself before creating a logo

This section is the cornerstone in the development of corporate identity. So take it seriously.

Before you start creating a logo, it is very important to conduct a preliminary analysis of your business, niche, competitors.

What is it for?

The analysis will help pave the way for successful creation company logo, it is better to understand what are the features of your business, what idea and qualities you want to convey to customers, and what makes you different from competitors. Therefore, we recommend that you answer the 11 questions below:

Analysis of your business

How would you describe your company in 1-2 sentences?
What are the long-term goals of your company?
What keywords can describe your business?
What is the value of your products and services?
What is your target audience?
What qualities does your logo need to convey to your customers?

It is very important to answer questions 5 and 6. So the more you know about target audience, the easier it will be for you to create a logo they can fall in love with.

Competitor analysis

Who are your main competitors?
Why are they better/worse than you?
How would you like to differ from your competitors?
What logos do you like and why?

Competitor analysis should help you figure out why competitor logos work or don't work and prevent you from creating a similar logo. You want to be original, right?

Analysis of logo application

How and where will the logo be used most of the time?

You need to answer this simple but very important question.

For example, airline logos should look great on the tail of an airplane.

If this is not the case, the company is unlikely to be noticeable against the background of others.

Another example.
A company that does most of its business online.
In this case, the full range of colors can be used for the logo, because digital devices have no problems with color reproduction.

On the other hand, it would be a very poor choice for a company that does business offline and the logo will be used more often in print.

For this reason, you should always carefully consider where and how the logo will be used most of the time so that you don't waste time on ideas that can't be done in practice.

How to choose a font for a logo?

The font is one of the most important elements of a logo. The readability of the logo, its perception, the transfer of the main meaning depend on it.

Before we move on to the basic rules for choosing a font for a logo, let's look at what categories of fonts are and their psychological perception.

Font categories

1. Serif fonts
2. Sans serif fonts
3. Handwritten
4. Typewritten
5. Decorative

1. Serif fonts have small dashes at the ends of each element of the letter and a transition from a thick line to a thinner one.

4. Typescript fonts mimic text typed on typewriter.

How to choose a color for a logo?

Color, color and more color! This is the first point of interaction and the most memorable object, says Leslie Harrington, Executive Director by The Color Association.

Understanding how color affects human perception is very important when creating a quality logo, says Martin Christie of Logo Design London.

Color can help you enhance the right feelings and create a strong emotional connection. Use the infographic (large size) to choose the right color for the logo.

How to choose the right logo color?

To answer this question, you need to ask yourself 3 questions:

What color emphasizes the personality of your brand?
What colors characterize your products/services?
What color is your competitor using?

The colors are not tied to any particular industry, but certain colors are better suited to some services/products than others.
You should strive to choose a color that highlights your company's personality. The color should make the right impression on customers who see your logo for the first time.

What to do when you figure out the colors of competitors?

One option is to use the opposite color of the main competitor's logo. This will help you stand out. But it is worth taking into account the colors of your industry so that the opposite color matches the industry. For example, pink for a bank logo or law firm looks awkward and awkward.

Consider color features in different cultures. For example, in the Western world, white is considered the color of purity and peace, while in some Asian countries it is the color of death.

One color or several?

To convey the desired feelings and emotions as much as possible, one color is usually used when creating a logo design. However, there are many successful logos with multiple colors - Google, eBay.

Therefore, you can safely use both one color and several. The main thing is that they match! But, of course, you should not overdo it and use a large number of colors.

— Pamela Wilson.

How to choose multiple colors for a logo?

The easiest way to find the right colors for your logo is to use color schemes.
There are many online services for finding great color schemes. You can find several in this one.

For example, Adobe Kuler or the Russian-language service Colorscheme.

Designers often use the 60-30-10 rule. It consists in the fact that you choose 3 different colors and use them in a ratio of 60%, 30% and 10%. This rule provides an easy way to create a professional color scheme for your brand.

— Jared Christofferson, Yellowhammer

Where can you find logo inspiration?

It is often very difficult to take the first step when we are dealing with something unfamiliar. For example, with the creation of logos. You can spend a day, or even a week, thinking and making logo drawings, which is very exhausting.

Fortunately, there is a good way to get rid of the stupor as soon as possible and make the first step less painful. For example, get inspiration from other logos and designer work.
For this we have selected Top 10 Sites where you can peep ideas for your logo.

Logo Pond

Step 1. Create some drafts

At an early stage of creating a logo, you may have several ideas that you want to express in the logo. Do not neglect them, it is better to write them down, perhaps some of them will be useful to you when creating the final version of the logo.

Step 2. Sketch the Logo Design

Sketching is a quick and easy way to put ideas on paper where you can evaluate them more easily.
Do not erase or discard sketches. Design is not a linear process. All ideas can be valuable, even if you don't think so right away.

If you can't draw, don't worry. You can try sketching the logo using screenshots. Go to several online generator sites, icon galleries, etc. Try to find the desired images that you like and save them. You can then use them to create your unique logo.

Step 3: Choose Your Logo Creation Tools

You can create a logo with:

– graphic programs – Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape, Photoshop;
– platforms for ordering logos – 99Designs:
- online services and designers -, Turbologo . Very helpful service, highly recommended!

If you are confident with graphics programs, use them to create a logo without a doubt.
But one should not neglect online services. They can be used to find inspiration or test ideas.

Step 4. Create a logo

Step 5. Test the logo

Have you created a logo and decided that it is perfect? Perhaps it is not. It will be more effective to show the logo to colleagues, friends, some clients and get feedback. Ask them a few questions: what do they think of the logo, do they like it? If you are satisfied with the answers, then you did everything right.
However, be careful with the reviews of friends and relatives. If they are not professional designers, their advice may not be entirely useful to you or even false.

Step 6: Check logo scalability

Check the image of the logo in various versions - in newspaper ads, on a business card, on your website. The logo should look good, whether reproduced in large or small format.

A few tips:
– If the logo has a lot of detail or lines that are thin, then the logo may look too fussy at small sizes.
– If the logo is created for a business card or website, then it will usually look awkward when large sizes.
– Use graphics programs such as Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape, they allow you to test the scalability of your logo.

Step 7: Create Multiple Logo Formats

You may have designed your logo in a graphics program such as Adobe Illustrator from the very beginning. If this is not the case, you need to transfer the logo sketch from paper to electronic form.

A few tips:
– Save the logo not only in .
The latter will allow you to easily scale your logo without losing quality. If you already have a bitmap logo, you can convert it to vector using vectormagic.com.
– Use the logo in PNG, JPEG for web and PDF, EPS, SVG for print.
– Save the black and white version of the logo for printing the logo on e.g. bags, pens, stationery.

Step 8: Keep Getting Feedback

Even after you have created a logo, you still need to remain open to feedback. Use various tools, such as social media, customer comments, expert opinions to make sure your logo looks perfect.

Is your logo really great? [Check list]

And so, probably, you have already created a logo. Congratulations!

But is he really good? Will it look great in different sizes? Well, let's test the effectiveness of your logo with our checklist.
Go through each question and answer yes or no.

1. The logo looks attractive to at least three people
2. The logo looks good in black and white
3. The logo is recognizable in an inverted position (form)
4. The logo is recognizable if its size is changed
5. No intricate details
6. The logo is visually balanced - the icon, font, color look harmoniously together
7. Not using too many fonts, colors, effects
8. The logo stands out from other logos

As we already wrote, it is very important to stand out from other companies, especially competitors.
Collect your competitors' logos and place yours somewhere in between.
Is he noticeable? Noticeable from others? If yes, that's great!

9. Responsive logo

Responsiveness means that the logo will look great on any object or surface - t-shirt, website, road sign, etc.

10. Logo memorable

Show your logo to friends or anyone and ask them to draw an image of it in a few hours or days. If he can sketch your logo approximately exactly, then everything is fine and your logo will be memorable.

11. Logo universal

The versatility of a logo means that it is perceived in the same way by a wide range of people. All people are different and the main thing is that the logo retains a single meaning for all its viewers.

12. Logo is easy to read

Imagine that your logo is placed on a banner, and you are driving a car at a speed of 70-80 km per hour. Could you read the text of your logo? If yes, all right. If not, it might be worth working on the fonts.

13. Do you have vector logo formats

It is very important to have vector logo files (AI, EPS, SVG, PDF). This will allow you to print the logo at any scale without losing quality, as well as edit it. For example, make a logo in a different color.

We hope our tips will be useful to you and you will be able to create a great logo!


The logo is the original style or abbreviated name of the company, commodity group produced by this company, or one specific product produced by her.

As a rule, the logo consists of 4-7 letters. Approximately 4 out of 5 trademarks are registered in the form of a logo. The logo is always unique. Which, by the way, has legal support. For example, during registration, the sign will be checked for uniqueness.

Logo concept

The logo is the main attribute of the corporate identity of the company. Logo design is necessary to draw attention to the company or its product. Logo design is a visual expression of a concept and an idea trademark. logo brand communication

Logo creation or creation trademark- is to create a sign or symbol. It is simple, harmonious, evokes an associative array, lays the image of the product in the consumer's subconscious.

A high-quality logo is a symbol by which you can read the idea of ​​the brand, the mission of the company, its attitude towards the consumer and positioning in the market. There are billions of logos. The best of them were remembered and agreed with marketing strategy companies.

The logo cannot exist on its own, it must harmoniously fit into the advertising concept. For consumers, a logo is an introduction to a company, product, or service.

Here are the main rules and criteria to follow when designing a logo, mark or trademark:

1. Individuality

This property allows you to stand out in the market and become competitive. This requirement is fundamental when developing a logo and ensures the possibility of registering a mark, as well as its further use without violating the rights of other business entities.

2. Originality

This is what distinguishes its competitors' logos. This property should call positive emotions and associations for any potential consumers of this product.

3. Functionality

A very significant and important criterion taken into account when creating a logo. For example, a logo or a trademark can be placed both on letterhead and a website, as well as on fax paper, souvenirs or leaflets. At the same time, the logo should be easily scalable and relatively simple. This requirement for the development of logos is advisory in nature and involves the use of elements of orientation to the average level of consumer erudition, restrictions on the number of elements included in the sign or logo. Another important requirement for the development of a logo, which is not included in the main ones, but nevertheless should be taken into account, is the associativity of the trademark.

4. Associativity

This property of a trademark indicates the presence of links, associations between the trademark and the features of the product marked by it. All these requirements for the development of a logo or the creation of a trademark are closely interconnected. Individuality, simplicity and attractiveness, taken into account when developing a logo or trademark, are the key to its memorability for consumers. The individuality and recognition of a trademark contribute to its protection against counterfeiting.

Moreover, individuality provides it at the stage of registration of the mark, and recognition helps to maintain protection later, even if the logo has become very famous and is widely used in colloquial speech.

The first impression cannot be made twice. That is why the image of the company should not cause doubt and discomfort in the consumer.

A logo is the foundation of a future trademark, its main element, therefore, the creation of a logo or the development of a trademark should be treated as carefully as the choice of an artist. The development of any corporate identity begins with the creation of a logo.

The production of logos implies directly the design of the logo, i.e. work on the idea that the company logo expresses. Here it is important to understand the goal to achieve which the corporate identity should work effectively. After formulating the goal, the actual production of the logo begins.

Competent logo development takes into account color solutions, fonts, and a whole range of visual characteristics.

The logo is the central element of the corporate identity of the company, all other components with which the brand communicates with the consumer are graphics in trading floor or typographic fonts in advertising - as a rule, they are selected after the creation of the logo. The first thing a customer sees when entering a store or choosing products on a shelf is their name. With the help of the logo, the shortest communication between consumers and the brand takes place, lasting some fractions of a second. Therefore, the main requirements for the logo are conciseness, memorability and integrity.

In addition, more and more attention is paid to the emotional content of brands and, in particular, the logo. In conditions of progressive stress, logos are simply obliged to carry positive emotions to the consumer. Usually, the most accessible means for perception are company symbols or signs.

In fact, the existence of the logo is as old as the world. But ordering a logo is now very expensive. This is not some kind of innovative “thing” that designers have recently learned to skillfully wield and companies rave about, but every self-respecting organization is in a hurry to order a logo, and if it goes further, then the road is close to the brand book, but first about the logo.

The logo is

The logo from the ancient Greek "logos" - the word and "type" - the imprint, represents the original graphic image brand name in the form of stylized letters or ideograms, symbolizes a product or service, often is a trademark. Logos are subject to all requirements for proper registration, after which it is legally subject to legal protection.

The logo is the most important part of the company's image, it serves to identify the organization in the market, displays the concept and positioning of the brand, indicates its individuality, removes it from competitors and is closely related to.

There are many companies for which the logo is a whole story or a connection with it, but in this case it is the most important object, many companies approach its stylistic changes very thoughtfully and carefully. The logo begins to work only after it becomes recognizable and remembered by consumers. What is the bearer of the logo? Almost all objects around us serve as carriers: food packaging, clothing, equipment, transport, etc.

Goals and objectives of the logo

The development and creation of a logo consists in the embodiment of a symbol or sign in the display of the company's activities, its policies and essence. It should be simple, harmonious, lay the image of the product in the mind of the consumer and evoke a positive associative array. That is, the main purpose of the logo is the impact of the company on the perception of the public, and not just on potential customers.

The tasks of the logo are simple - to create a favorable image of the company, image and reputation, to help customers identify you among other identical companies. The absence of a logo deprives you of the opportunity to compete, to identify yourself. A bad logo is even worse - you risk alienating your audience.

Logo Functions

The logo performs important functions such as phatic, expressive, impressive, metalinguistic, distinctive, guaranteeing, aesthetic and advertising. Let's consider the above functions in more detail.

    A phatic function is a visual contact between the consumer and the company, which is carried out by the perception of the image of the logo on any medium.

    Impressive function - an emotional impact that encourages the client to remember the logo.

    Expressive function - a visual message to the consumer about the purpose of the product or service and the direction of the company.

    The metalinguistic function is the consumer's attention to verbal and symbolic perception.

    Distinctive - allows companies to distinguish themselves from each other through the logo, that is, if the logo is registered, then by law it cannot be used by other persons.

    Warranty function - allows the consumer to form an opinion about the company or induce to purchase the product at one glance at the logo.

    Aesthetic function - allows the consumer to form an opinion about the company at one glance at the logo.

Advertising function - forms a positive image of the company and is closely related to the aesthetic function due to the psychological, emotional and informational load that it carries, the brand becomes more recognizable and memorable.

Historical roots of the logo

In the Middle Ages, trade and industrial emblems and guild heraldry appeared, these areas are considered examples of pictorial advertising, as an example, we will show the coat of arms of Canada, we hope she does not mind. This is in case the term "heraldry" confuses you.

Logos have been used by many ancient cultures for a variety of purposes. Assyrian culture, Maya, Egyptian, Chinese and Babylonian cultures used pictograms in addition, now they can be called ancient logos.

If we talk about Russia, then the beginnings of the logo from heraldry went from 1722. And in the twentieth century, logos began to evolve and were further developed. For example, the very first and famous logo was for the insurance company “Prudential Insurance” with the image of Gibraltar.

Consider the meaning of the term. A logo is the original style or abbreviated name of a company, a product group produced by a given company, or one specific product that it produces.

The further the companies developed, the more improvements were required and not only in the company’s activities, but also in its appearance, managers began to think about the image and in a positive way, because this fixes the organization in the market and forms a certain interpretation with the consumer. He hears the name of the company, and if he immediately has a company logo, it means he is working.

The logo can evolve with the company. It is very difficult to rebrand when the consumer has an image, but still it happens and most often the company leaves old logo, she just makes some adjustments so that the old, well-recognized image remains.

Types of logos

Currently, there are a large number of different types of logos. Their only job is to be memorable and effective. Some logos include only the name, or an abbreviation - letter (font) logos. Others consist only of an image or picture - symbolic (pictorial) logos. Still others are combined (mixed), they combine an image and a name, there are also voluminous ones.

1. Letter (font logos). Letter logos represent the spelling of the company name, brand, or company founder. When creating this type of logos are used different kinds fonts. Such logos are divided into groups:

The logo is directly the name of the company, for example, Coca-Cola, Panasonic, Google.

The logo is only the initial letters of the company name, for example IKEA, HP (Hewlett-Packard), H&M (Hennes & Mauritz)

Letters are represented as pictograms. The simplicity of the logo makes it easy to remember such logos. (MacDonald's, Lexus, Honda).

2. Symbolic (figurative) logos. This type is developed on the basis of pictograms, totems. Many famous companies use this type of logo. In the logo, the graphic symbol carries a great semantic load and builds an associative array in the consumer's subconscious with a certain process or thing. For example, Apple, Shell, Starbucks.

3. Combined (mixed). The most common type of logo. The presence of the graphic part gives the logo a memorability and creates an attractive image of the company, and the font part of the logo makes it easy to remember the name of the company.

4. Three-dimensional logos are characterized by the three-dimensional shape of the product (for example, an original bar of soap or its packaging - a bottle, a box).

When developing a logo, it is required to use such a sign or symbol that carries a large semantic load, causes an associative array and memorability, and also lays the image of a product or service in the consumer's subconscious.

The concept of the logo should be in harmony with the policy of the company, and when the name of the company is mentioned, the consumer should have an image of its logo, and vice versa, when the consumer sees the logo, he should know which brand it belongs to.

The effect of color in a logo

Corporate color is also the most important component of corporate identity. Color makes the elements of corporate identity the most attractive, better remembered, and allows you to have a powerful emotional impact. For certain types of products and services specific colors stuck pretty firmly.

At the same time, it is possible to name persistent associations of all activities related to the sea and water with blue, aviation with silver, crop production and products of its processing with green, and so on.

Red is the color of strong emotions, passion and intensity. For most people, on a subconscious level, this color stimulates appetite. Therefore, very often it is used in food and restaurant logos. This color is also often used in sales, as it evokes a sense of urgency and quick action.

Yellow is the color of cheerfulness, warmth, optimism, youth and creativity, which stimulates mental and mental processes, the nervous system and communication. It is mainly used in the logos of companies whose services are aimed at young people. Most often, the field of activity of companies with such logos is creativity, needlework, design.

Blue is associated with water, peace, tranquility, serenity, security and trust. This color, in contrast to the colors listed above, is considered a cold color, and is perceived as constancy and reliability. Blue is the color most commonly used in corporate business due to productivity and sufficient neutrality.

Orange reflects excitement, enthusiasm and warmth. However, for some people, this color causes aggression and represents a call to action: buy quickly or sell quickly, therefore

this color is aimed at impulsive buyers.

Green has many associations: health, tranquility, money, nature, development, growth, fertility, and even depression. The human eye is most sensitive to this color and is able to distinguish most of its shades.

Purple is a color that symbolizes royalty, wealth, success, wisdom, creativity and imagination. AT marketing field often used in beauty and rejuvenation products.

Opinion of logo professionals

Future designers get practical experience work at every stage of learning. When it becomes enough, you can talk about details that become significant with experience, for example, which logo design is better to use.

A distinctive feature of flat design is the deliberate simplicity of the image, the absence of patterns, shadows, textures and gradients, which entails simplification and, accordingly, image recognition.

The main advantage of flat design is not only external purity and clarity, but also accelerated image loading speed on web pages, due to the possibility of presenting it in SVG format. That is why this format is increasingly used in digital technologies.

As for the negative space, this is the place around the depicted object. The ability to rationally use such space allows you to create graphics that keep people's attention on long time and also allows you to convey more information. The logo, which uses negative space, resembles a rebus, a riddle. He will definitely be remembered by a person when he manages to find a secret in him.

Logo and target audience

They write about logos in textbooks. About the audience and the logo are also written in textbooks. Absolutely all textbooks for designers write about the inseparable connection between the logo and its perception by the audience.

Not knowing one's own is considered a crime. Come on, if you are here, then for you this statement is silly evidence.

The traditional (classical) means of influencing the audience include specialized publications, the press, educational exhibitions and forums. But if we move away from the classics, then today they use event-based, creation and promotion on the Internet, here it comes. Reached its climax and progress in in social networks, promotion on specialized Internet portals.

As studies show by a certain company "Nielsen", the world's leading expert in the field marketing information, consumer recommendations are much more effective than traditional ways of promoting goods and services - 84% of consumers in the world believe that they trust the recommendations of friends and family. This is the highest rate among other advertising media.

Therefore, for the full return of the logo, this cell should be strictly defined and the more it is compressed and specific, the easier it will be to deal with the audience and things will go uphill.

How to create your logo

The development and creation of a logo consists in the embodiment of a symbol or sign in the display of the company's activities, its policies and essence. It should be simple, harmonious, lay the image of the product in the mind of the consumer and evoke a positive associative array. At the initial stage of work, it is necessary to study the company, namely the name of the organization. And also the location, goods or services, how many years the company has been on the market. Studying the direction of the company is of great importance.

The initial stage does not end at this, in the continuation, an analysis of the competitive environment of the organization is carried out, it is worth paying close attention to appearance and corporate colors of the logos of the main competitors in order to immediately exclude the possible similarity of the new logo with them.

And before you start designing a logo, you need to do preliminary work to collect information about the preferences, tastes, use cases of those who will represent this logo. It is also necessary to study the materials and tools with which it can be created and the methods of its construction. Just like a logo, the technology of its creation has a list of requirements.

To begin with, it is worth studying the client, it can be one person or an entire audience, and the project becomes successful only when this very client recognizes him and remains satisfied. Do not forget that the beginning of work on any project begins with a conversation with the client.

In your own development, try to find out more about the services provided by the organization, get acquainted with its program and method of work, ask for brochures, photographs, links to resources on the Internet. Everything that can provide information in textual and graphic form about the activities of an event or a company.

The next item is the study of means mass media which he prefers. It is necessary to research programs and films that the audience likes to watch, music and sites that they use more often. Thus, it is possible to guess the expectations and desires of the studied audience.

To be sure that the future logo will be noticeably different from competitors, it is worth understanding who the competitor is and what their advertising materials, including the logo, look like. After the analytical part, you can proceed to the practical beginning - sketches and sketches. This is where the heat begins and you know why? Because after analytics comes full creativity, this is exactly the nuance in which technical minds are pierced to the marrow, and creatives take everything under control.

Thumbnails are quick, sloppy and often unpresentable sketches that illustrate the ideas that come to mind of the logo designer. At this stage of development, the emphasis is not on quality, but on quantity, while it is necessary to take large paper sizes, they will help give more free space for creativity and self-expression. But sketches should be constantly checked against the name of the organization or event.

Most best ideas and associations arise between drawings and themes.

It is worth drawing and scribbling until the ideas run out, but you should not stop, because beyond such a barrier you can reach the desired result. This is the most creative and dynamic part of the whole work, constant searches, each subsequent work improves the quality of the previous one.

If you are with creativity on “You”, then refer to graphic designer- He will develop and present all possible options.

After trying to produce a huge number of graphic options on a sheet of paper, you need to move to graphics editor, which each designer chooses for himself, for this you need to find it and download it or enable it if it already exists.

Graphic editors provide the opportunity to use a huge variety of elements and tools to create a decent logo even with minimal knowledge of the program, for example, many have heard about the good old, minimal knowledge and a solid amount of choice - this is about it.

After designing an emblem, picture or any other shape, there is often a need for a name next to the logo, which will have a corporate font. It should look organically with a visual component. How can I find a font that can be used as is? First you need to look through all the available fonts, paying attention to the letters that can become initials.

If the job is not only to develop a single logo, which is a combination of an icon, but also to develop a word or phrase, then it is advisable to start with an icon. This approach makes sense, since the icon is often the central point of the inscription, and only after its creation it becomes clear which fonts the best way cope with the task of presenting the logo through aesthetic and accurate thematic associations.

    Individuality. When developing a logo, this property is the main one. This criterion makes it possible to stand out, makes it possible to register a logo, using a mark, without violating the rights of other companies.

    Originality. This is the difference between the logo and the rest. This property should evoke positive emotions and associations among potential consumers of the product.

    Versatility. Designing a logo following current trends fashion, you need to remember that in a few years these trends may become outdated. A logo design should be relevant even years after it was created.

    Associativity. Denotes an associative link between the logo and the product marked by it. Recognition and individuality of the logo contributes to its protection from counterfeiting, and contributes to its protection from counterfeiting.

    Functionality. The ease of execution of the logo makes it easy to place it on letterheads, websites, souvenirs, etc. Ease of perception is achieved by limiting the number of elements included in a sign or logo.

    Attractiveness. The logo should attract attention, cause a desire to consider it and understand the idea embedded in it.

In the course of the study, a technology for creating a logo was identified, which is an obligatory step in the structure of working with a graphic sign:

We analyzed the logo creation technology and identified the main steps to its creation:

    Studying the company and its competitive environment. Development begins from this most important stage, it depends on the activities of the company how the future logo will look and how it will affect customers, this stage aims to find and create a unique graphic sign that will stand out from the competition.

    Sketch study. In order for a logo to appear, it must first be developed on paper, the principle of sketches is aimed at quantity, not quality. It is necessary to draw options on paper until the ideas are exhausted - this is useful in finding the optimal solution.

    Choice of graphic editor. AT modern world there are a huge number of graphic editors, the only question is the personal preferences of the logo artist, the author chooses the graphic program in which he is most comfortable working, and the graphic editor also performs the function of transferring the draft version to digital in order to continue working with it.

    Choice of corporate colors and fonts. The colors in the logo play a special role, aesthetic and psychological, the further success of the logo will depend on the choice of corporate colors, either it will attract and form a positive impression or repel or seem boring and incomprehensible. The font should be in harmony with the color and reveal the essence of the company.

A logo is the basis of a future brand, its main element, so the creation of a logo should be taken very carefully.

The production of logos implies directly the design of the logo, that is, work on the concept and creative idea, which is expressed by the sign of the company. When they create original image, through compositional search, the laws of composition, using the means of artistic expression, as well as modern computer technologies that will allow you to create a creative sign.


In the case of a logo, it is important to understand the purpose for which the design should work effectively. After formulating the goal, the actual production of the logo begins.” The search for a graphic logo solution takes into account the whole line of visual characteristics, such as color, font.

The role of the brand book in the context of advertising communication is becoming very important and gaining popularity in companies in any market segment. The corporate brand is now operated by the majority. First of all, the brand book forms an extremely clear vision of all the key points of the company, but the logo is aimed at attracting customers and creating a positive impression of the organization.

Very often, the customer company sets a goal for the designer to develop a logo, but time is running out and the brand name loses its relevance and many organizations ask to remake it. The sign should be recognized even after rebranding, so only some adjustments are made to it.

A small graphic element can not only present a company in a favorable perspective, but also make it a leader among competitive companies. Thus, the logo is the success of the organization and its prestige. Therefore, every reputable company is obliged to order a logo for itself!