What colors to use in the logo. The best color combinations for a logo, which color to choose

Logo color is one of the key elements of a strong brand. Each color has its own characteristics, associations and psychological impact. By choosing a color or combination of colors for your logo, you also get these associations. Colors evoke certain emotions and feelings, so it's extremely important to choose a color that effectively represents your personality.

“Understanding the psychology of color is vital when creating an effective logo,” Martin Christie of Logo Design London.

Research shows that people subconsciously form an opinion about a person, environment, or product in the first 90 seconds, and that 62% to 90% of this assessment is based on color alone.

How important is the color of a logo?

The corporate color of the logo is very important! Take, for example, the popular McDonald’s logo and play with color (may the designers forgive us):

Even though we haven't changed the design at all, the color change has turned a famous brand into something completely different. And it's not exactly appetizing.

We can do the same exercise with the Coca-Cola logo:

Something does not really want to take such a jar of a delicious drink, right?

The biohazard sign takes on a whole different meaning when shown in Barbie colors or eco-friendly colors:

Even when explicit verbal commands are included, conflicting color symbology can be misleading.

Change only the color of the stop signs to green and this will lead to accidents at every intersection. So it's safe to say that corporate colors are very important.

So, how to choose a color for creating a logo?

Color Meaning

Let's take a look at how the 100 most popular brands in the world use color in their logos.

These companies spend millions, if not billions, on marketing and brand development, and they still know a thing or two about the colors they use.

Here are some charts that show the statistics of the use of color by well-known companies:

What do we see? Most popular brands are monochrome - they use one color. The most used color is shades of blue, followed (ironically) by black. Last on the list purple- a risky decision.

Now that we've cleared things up a bit, let's take a look at the psychology of different colors - from the most popular to the least popular - and see how well-known corporations and brands use them.

Blue colour

Meaning: Trust, conservatism, reliability, honesty, calmness, strength, coldness.

Notable: The most popular corporate color. Often used for internet businesses and financial institutions. Courageous color.

Black color

Meaning: Refinement, luxury, formality, style, elegance, high cost, authority.

Notable: Black is used for "high-end" brands, either as a base color or paired with another color. Black gloomy, serious. Most of the logos were first designed in black and white.

Red color

Meaning: Courage, passion, strength, attention, love, delight, action, aggressiveness.

Notable: Red works equally well on black and white backgrounds. It can mean stop, danger and hot. Exclamation color. Pink colors (shades of red) are considered to be feminine colors.


Meaning: Logical, optimistic, progressive, confident, playful, creative.

Notable: Yellow is usually too bright to be used on its own and requires the use of an outline, background, or bordering color. This is the color of caution. Represents clarity.

Orange color

Meaning: Happy, energetic, outgoing, friendly, approachable, enthusiastic, sunny.

Notable: Orange is said to stimulate appetite. Orange is used in some caution signs. Often used in retail. Typically, this is a call to action.

Green color

Meaning: Nature, wealth, freshness, life, harmony, environment, growth, novelty.

Noteworthy: Green means “forward”. Often used to represent eco companies and products. Considered a calming color.


Meaning: Regal, mystery, pomp, ceremonial, creativity, uniqueness, majesty.

Notable: Once the most expensive color to produce, it was made from a rare seaweed. Often regarded as elite. Liked by children, it is often used in the packaging of sweets and toys.

The combination of colors in the logo

Now that we've dealt with the psychological impact of colors, let's take a look at how to choose a color for a logo.

We can choose from a range of classic palettes from the color wheel that artists have used for centuries to create balanced and visually pleasing (or high-contrast and vibrant) compositions. In most design applications, these color schemes should be divided into one dominant color (either dominant because of how much it appears in the design or because it stands out when compared to other colors) and one or more complementary colors.

There are several ways to choose a color:

1) Monochrome colors. Various shades are used, tones of the same color, for example, a spectrum of blue, ranging from light to dark. This type of scheme is more subtle and conservative (see the picture of the 100 most popular brands above).

2) Similar colors. Shades that are next to each other on the color wheel. This type of schema is versatile and easy to apply to design.

3) Complimentary (additional) colors. Opposites on the color wheel, such as red/green or blue/orange; complimentary colors with high contrast and high intensity, but they can be difficult to apply in a balanced and harmonious way (especially in their pure form, when they can easily clash in a design).

4) Separate-complimentary. Any color on the color wheel plus two flanking colors. This scheme has a strong visual contrast, but less sharp than in a complementary combination.

5) Triadic. Any three colors that are the same distance apart.

6) Tetrad / Doubly complimentary. Two pairs that complement each other; this scheme is very attractive, but it can be even more difficult than applying one pair of complementary colors, since more colors are more difficult to balance. If you use this type of scheme, you choose one dominant color out of four, and adjust the saturation/value/etc of some or all of the colors so they work well in different parts of your design, text, and background.

How to choose a color

Look at this infographic to quickly remember the meaning of each color. Ask yourself the following questions:

What color represents the essence of your brand?
Colors are not tied to a specific area of ​​the economy - although some are more or less suitable for certain products or services. Your goal should be to choose the color that best suits your business. The color that will give the best impression of your product at first sight.

Which color suits the characteristics of your product or service?

What logo color are your competitors using?

Choose a color that is the opposite of your competitor's. The color of your opponent is probably the most important thing to take into account. If you are a pioneer in your industry or market segment, you can choose first. Choose a color that represents your product and its uniqueness. If you are second, it means that someone has already made the first choice. Instead of choosing the same or a similar color, choose the opposite. Pick blue if your competitor has red, pick purple if they have yellow, and so on. The strength of a brand lies in its ability to stand out. Choosing the same color as your main competitor gives the impression of being imitated. You want to separate yourself from your competitor, you want to show that you are different.

Don't limit yourself to one color
Some brands, like eBay, choose multiple logo colors. You can also choose a couple of colors that look good together, but there is also the risk of being wrong. Therefore, it is best to use 1-3 logo colors.

Be aware of the difference in cultural perception of your color
For example, in the Western world, white is considered the color of purity and peace, but in some parts of Asia, white is the color of death. Make sure the color you choose will give the right impression. target audience.

The psychology of color in marketing
Brand awareness is closely related to color. Just think of Coca-Cola, Facebook or Starbucks and I bet you can immediately name the colors they are associated with.

The University of Winnipeg study "The Impact of Color on Marketing" showed that the first judgment of a product is based on color (60-90%, in the first 90 seconds). This means that in design, color is not only an artistic choice, but also important business a decision that affects everything from consumer perception to product sales.

But when choosing a color scheme for a logo or brand, don't get attached to any traditional, symbolic, or stereotypical methods. When it comes to color, there is no simple process or hard and fast rule. The most important thing is the color itself and how it is used in the design - whether it suits the brand and the context of the market. For inspiration, check out BrandColors, a site that contains a visual guide (with hex colors) to color selection made by famous brands around the world.

Color matching series

Adobe Color CC

Adobe Color CC lets you try, create, and save different color schemes, each consisting of a set of five colors. It is available in browser and desktop versions. If you're using the desktop version, you can export the color scheme directly to Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign.

Mudcube Color Sphere

If you're unsure about your color scheme, Mudcube has a selection of themes to choose from. Mudcube Color Sphere is a handy little color resource for designers because it not only provides a HEX number for each color, it also helps you create a color scheme from a single selected shade. If you're not sure which color scheme you should choose, MudCube will provide a theme selection from a drop-down menu.

Other services

Color Palette Generator is a free online service that allows you to generate a color palette based on an uploaded PNG, JPG or GIF file.

ColorZilla - with the help of Colorzilla, you can take a color from anywhere in your browser with an eyedropper and determine its number. An essential item for designers.

Material UI Colors is a color palette for Android, web and iOS in the style of material design.
Brand Colors - colors used by famous brands.

COLOURlovers - the library of this web resource has more than 2 million ready-made color solutions that can be sorted by rating, number of views and creation date.

Colorscheme is a professional online service that allows you to generate a color scheme in accordance with the color rules on the color wheel.

0 to 255 - this service will allow you to view all possible shades and find the right one.

Choosing a color palette is one of the most important decisions you make when designing your brand's visual aesthetic. The right colors can enhance your business and attract the right audience, but the wrong color palette can backfire.

According to color psychology, colors determine our emotions and behavior. For example, yellow is the color of joy (because the sun is bright and yellow), while green is calming (imagine lying on the lawn and looking at the green treetops). But do these “rules” work for logos?

After studying this topic, researchers Lauren Labreque and George Milne came to conclusion , that in relation to logos, only some color connotations work. Indeed, the yellow color will give your brand a halo of freshness and accessibility, but the green logo will not at all convince buyers that your company is characterized by calmness and tranquility. It turns out that in order to choose the right color palette for your logo, you need to study a number of scientific papers?

Not at all! We've already done it for you by presenting below 10 tips from the blog about Logowiks logos to help you choose a color for your logo.#

What is your brand associated with?

Nobody knows your brand (its strengths and goals) better than you. When choosing a color palette, think about what message your business carries.

First, think about the individual characteristics of your brand. What advantages do you want to highlight? Speed, bold innovation, efficiency, compassion, intuition? Studies show that, for example, shades of blue emphasize competence, while red emphasizes courage and energy. Obviously, an aged care company and an auto parts company will choose different color palettes for their logo. To choose the right color, read the meaning of each shade.

What do the different colors mean?

If you want your logo to be associated with certain feelings and emotions, you need to understand the impact of each color on a person's perception.

A universal symbol of excitement, passion and anger. If your brand is loud, light, youthful and modern, then red is definitely your color. If your company is more classic or serious, then you should consider other options.

A color that fills with energy and sets you in a cheerful mood. Want to stand out from other companies? Then feel free to choose orange. Orange color is used less often than red, but it is not inferior to it in terms of energy saturation.

An accessible, sunny and friendly color that will keep your brand energized. The yellow logo is simply impossible not to notice!

Green color cannot be called universal: it has a limited number of connotations. However, this color is able to evoke strong associations. If you are into finance or gardening, be sure to take a closer look at the green palette.

Blue is considered the king among colors. It can be seen on more than half of all logos. Blue symbolizes trust and maturity, and a blue-tinted company will be taken seriously.

The most luxurious color of the rainbow. Purple looks both modern and restrained at the same time. This color is also associated with femininity.

With a brown icon, your brand will convey masculinity and seriousness. Since brown is rarely used, you will definitely stand out from other companies.

Do you want your brand to look stylish, modern and elegant? Choose black and you can't go wrong. But if you want to convey economy and affordability, steer clear of dark shades.

Lack of color. White symbolizes youth and economy, but at the same time it is suitable for almost any brand. Since it is a neutral color, you can use it as a secondary shade.

You don't have to stop at just one color!

Remember that your choice is not limited to just one color. Using multiple colors is a great way to highlight a large selection of products or services (like eBay does). By using two or three colors, you can indicate the unique qualities of your brand. On the logo of the Coors brewing company, golden brown (and this is not only the color of beer, but also a combination of masculine brown and affordable yellow) is combined with a serious blue inscription.

This is the perfect combination for their target audience. Don't be afraid to experiment with your color palette. Check which options work for you and which don't. “It all depends on what feeling, mood and image your brand creates. Colors can be persuasive, so it's important to choose the hues that best reflect your company's personality,” writes Gregory Chioti in hisarticle on the psychology of color.

Decipher the language of color

If your brand has an international reach, you should think about the symbolic meaning of your chosen colors in different cultures. For example, in most Western cultures White color traditionally considered a symbol of purity, but in the eyes of some Eastern peoples, it is associated with death. Therefore, if you want to create a really good logo, be sure to explore the topic of differences in the perception of certain colors.

Try to stand out from your competitors

A good logo is based on brand awareness. So if you want to be different from other companies, make sure that your color palette is significantly different from the color palette of your main competitors. Although Ford Motor Company's famous blue oval is over a hundred years old, it remains a symbol of reliability and is instantly "read" by the audience.

Or take another oval logo for automaker Land Rover.

With the help of a green palette, the brand emphasizes that its cars are capable of any adventure, including on impassable routes.

Use visual ambiguity

Some of my favorite icons show an interesting design technique that I call "double entendre". In other words, on such logos, two images are skillfully combined into one, while conveying an interesting concept or idea.

An ideal example of this technique is the WinePlace brand logo.

In this logo, you see a pushpin that indicates the location and looks like an upside down wine glass. Such logos always look interesting and are easy to remember. The audience appreciates such logos for their double meaning.

In one of my previous posts collected 50 logos similar to this one. If you, like me, like this design technique, I advise you to look into this post!

Avoid cliches

Every few years in the logo design industrynew trends emerge . I like to explore different trends, and I even advise my readers to stick to certain trends in order to keep up with the times. But what I honestly don't like is when the same idea is repeated in many different logos.

Above is a type of logo that has already set the teeth on edge. Why not come up with a unique design yourself instead of copying others? Here are examples of similar logos in terms of color and design:

The theme of cliches in the field of logo design is dedicated to Be sure to check it out if you don't want to become the owner of another boring logo.

The simpler the better

Remember Golden Rule: The simpler the better. It is simple, but at the same time interesting logos that turn out to be the most striking and successfully withstand the test of time.

Let's take a look at the Nike logo. It would seem that the image of a checkmark is nothing special or memorable.

But the logo just looks great on various objects - sneakers, sports uniforms, and in advertising.

Therefore, the use of one color is sometimes the most advantageous solution. Also, remember that if your logo has a lot of colors, it may not look good in a smaller version, for example, on a business card.

Use negative space

Aside from the ambiguity, there is another design trick that works well. This technique involves the skillful use of negative space. A classic example is the FedEx logo, which has an arrow hidden in it.

Don't you see? Take a closer look! I really like the subtle use of negative space in this icon. And while many US residents often see the FedEx logo on passing trucks, some of them are not even aware of the hidden arrow!

Use the color matching tools

Luckily, you don't have to manually color match your logo as there are many special tools that will help you match colors in a couple of minutes. We have selected the 10 most useful, in our opinion, services.

According to the developers, Logomak analyzed the logos that are used by leading companies in various industries.

Based on the results, Logomak has created smart algorithms that allow you to choose the best combination of color and font to fully reveal the character of your brand.

Just choose your industry and specify what associations your logo should evoke.

COLOURlovers is not just a service for creating color palettes. It is also a platform where users can discuss relevant topics and read interesting articles about flowers.

The ColoRotate service boasts an interesting interface, and working with it is a real pleasure. Color palettes are available in 3D and in real time.

Kuler is an application where you can view color palettes created by other users. You can also create your own palette, armed with a color wheel, harmony rules and color sliders.

The Color Scheme Designer tool has recently received a new interface and a new algorithm for creating color schemes.

Specify any color and Color Blender will generate six color palettes based on it. Pick any shade from the palette and change it however you like.

Specify a base color and the Color Wizard will create color schemes based on complementary color, split complementary colors, analog colors, and other variations.

Color Explorer is a new tool for creating color palettes with a well-organized set of useful features.

That's all! Hope the tips were helpful to you! If you have any questions - feel free to ask in the comments!

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Understanding the psychology of color is vital to creating an effective logo, argues Martin Christie of Logo Design London. The human brain is extremely receptive to visual stimuli, and color is one of the important factors in this aspect. On a conscious and unconscious level, colors convey a certain subtext. And who but graphic designers should use this fact, .

The use of a particular color can carry several definitions, from primitive reactions that have developed in a person over a million years of existence, to complex associations that we make based on learned assumptions. This will help reinforce the message the company is trying to convey to its consumer.

What does a particular color mean

Every color, including black and white, has its own meaning. As a designer, you must carefully choose the colors for the logo elements, carefully adding nuances such as shadows and midtones.

Generally speaking, bright colors attract attention, but can oversaturate the user. Subdued colors can convey a more complex look, but you risk going unnoticed.

Here is a list of primary colors and the generally accepted meanings they carry:

Red means energy, passion, danger and aggressiveness, irascibility, warmth. It is scientifically established that this color stimulates appetite. That is why many restaurants decorate their halls with this color. Also, the choice of red gives dynamics to the logo.

Orange associated with innovation and modern thinking. This color also carries the meaning of youth, fun, accessibility and achievement.

Yellow should be used very carefully. One of the meanings of color is indecision, even cowardice, which is why it is used in warning signs. Despite this, yellow is associated with goodwill, warmth, and, like red, it stimulates appetite.

Green The color is used by companies that want to emphasize the natural aspect of their business, such as those that produce organic and vegetarian products. Another meaning of color is growth and freshness. Green is often used by financial companies.

Blue one of the most widely used colors in logos. It implies professionalism, seriousness of views and intentions, sincerity and calmness. Blue is also associated with power and success, which is why it is popular with financial institutions and government bodies.

Violet color will tell about luxury and grandeur, wealth and prosperity. In some countries, the color is associated with the church, implying wisdom and dignity.

Black the color is quite twofold in its meaning. On the one hand, it means power and certainty, and on the other, meanness and death. We must understand that any logo has a black and white version for use where a color version is not applicable, such as when sending a fax. Not so long ago, there was a trend to develop monochrome logos and signs.

White color is associated with purity, weightlessness, naivety and simplicity. From a practical point of view, a white logo always needs a contrasting background.

Brown the color is most often used by companies whose activities are related to rural activities and natural resources. The color is more suitable for companies whose main consumer is men.

Pink the color is associated with coquettishness and fun. This color carries notes of flirting and is best used for products intended specifically for the female sex.

Of course, you should not take these associations as a guide to action. Remember that the color itself is not decisive, it is important to understand how it will interact with the shapes of the font and sign of the future logo.

Most of the logos are in one color. This approach to creating a logo allows you to show the only important direction of the company. Several successful global companies use an entire color scheme in their logos. Think Google, Windows or eBay. This choice of colors tells the consumer about the wide range of products and services provided.

The latest trend in logo design is the use of patterns and tessellation, which entails using not only contrasting colors but also a wide range of shades of the same color.

Think globally

If the company you are designing a logo for operates on a global scale, be very careful when choosing a color. It is necessary to take into account the cultural characteristics of a particular country where the company will operate. For example, red is considered lucky in China, and white is the color of sadness and death in India.

Make sure that it is the shape of the font and the sign that defines the logo, and the color only sends your message to the end consumer.



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The iStar Design Bureau graphic design studio determines the creation of websites by the order of actions: create a clear interface, attractive design, detailed description all aspects of activity, a convenient product catalog, the ability to place an order in a few clicks, as well as a clear and easy-to-manage administrative panel.
The studio provides a range of services for creating original layouts (design) of the site, software layout and programming, creating an administrative panel, filling in content, testing, and further promoting the site on the Internet.

Responsive layout allows you to create desktop, tablet and mobile versions of the site without creating separate applications. This means that your site will look great on any device that supports the Internet.

Intuitive interface (UI and UX design)

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The correct User Experience Design (UX design) is based on the experience of interaction with users and determines which structural elements should be present on a particular page of your site. It allows you to significantly reduce the value of the bounce rate, which means increasing the likelihood that the user will find exactly what he needs on the site. Especially UX progressive design is relevant when creating and modernizing online stores. study of your business, its characteristics, strengths and weaknesses;
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functional development, programming;
quality control and testing;
hosting and publishing.

Specialists of the iStar graphic design studio will implement the project to create your website as quickly and efficiently as possible. The duration of the work may vary, but on average it takes about a month.

All on the iStar Design Blog In iStar Design Blog we talk about masters and new names in art, art, photography, architecture, industrial design, graphic design and typography, IT-sphere. The authors of the blog articles have different taste preferences, which ensures a wide range of topics and opinions. We will also show behind the scenes of iStar Design Bureau, a graphic and web design studio. Step-by-step stages of work on web projects, the latest works of the studio from the sections of graphic design and branding.

Andrey Baturin, September 13, 2018

Blue is one of the most popular colors used in logo design. Why it happened, which brands have chosen blue symbols, what interesting stories are connected with this, you will learn from this publication!

Briefly about the meaning of color

Blue has many shades: deep cobalt - the color of the night, widow, mysterious indigo, cornflower blue, azure, sky blue (remember that in English the word blue does not distinguish between blue and blue).

All of them are united by a common meaning - purity, tranquility, peace. This explains the incredible popularity of blue in design and identity. If used with caution, then blue - without any fear. The shade of the sky, the sea, the water surface was chosen for the corporate identity by many famous companies from very different fields. Because it personifies stability, reliability, order. It is often combined with white. Now we will see this with examples.

Blue is a very friendly tone. If you notice, there are many social networks chose him. These are Facebook, VKontakte, Skype, Twitter, Telegram, Mail.ru. We will talk about some below.

Social network


At first, the social network logo looked like a white inscription The Facebook on blue background. In 2006, the name changed to Facebook without The, followed by a change in symbolism. And the current version of the logo appeared in 2015. The adjustments were so weightless that not everyone noticed!

  • The letters have become a little smaller and thinner,
  • Slightly increased the distance between them,
  • Text is legible even on low resolution screens.

The original Klavika font has been preserved. Purpose of change full version- make the logo more friendly, although much friendlier! The short version, the square and the F inscribed in it, remained the same.


Bird is the modern Twitter logo, but it wasn't always like that. The first logo was designed in one day in the year of the launch of the service and did not change until 2010. Then, in fact, they approved a chirping bird, "Twitter Bird", the prototype of which is Blue bird happiness. Last time The version was updated in 2012.

The well-known logo bears a proper name - Larry. It is symbolic: Twitter co-founder B. Stone has great respect for basketball player Larry Bird (Bird, that is, a bird), who has repeatedly been recognized as the best player in the NBA, who led his team to victory.

In contact with

Also a simple, concise, well-known logo! According to Pavel Durov, it took about 10 minutes to create the logo, so the recognizable letter B appeared! Standard font, a win-win combination of blue and white, later V and K were used.


Many remember the Skype logo as a cloud or several connected bubbles, from which the name “floats out”. The public saw a new (more restrained and strict) logo with the letter S in 2017. No more blue bubbles!

Engineering and IT


The company with a 70-year history has changed its logo and corporate identity more than once. The logo has always, since 1941, used the abbreviated name HP (with the full Hewlett-Packard).

If the manufacturer's logo is applied on the products in gray, black, then the site remains faithful to the blue. This is a simple but recognizable emblem: a circle and the white letters H and P inscribed in it. Their outline has been repeatedly corrected, but at first glance the changes are not so noticeable.


World famous brand founded in 1938 in South Korea, also chose the blue logo! The name Samsung is translated as 3 stars, which in different options were present in early versions of the logo. But since 1993, the emblem has not changed and is a blue ellipse with a stylized name inside. The logo was designed for the 55th anniversary of the company.


The American corporation produces a huge range of electronic devices. A rare computer does without their microprocessors. Since the creation of the company (1968), the logo has been changed only 2 times, the last one in 2005.


This logo breaks all records for prescription! The emblem of 8 horizontal stripes was designed by Paul Rand in 1972, and it is still relevant today. Despite the apparent simplicity, the development required a lot of time and effort.


We perceive this brand as a reliable manufacturer mobile phones. But the company was founded back in 1865, when about cellular communication and did not dream! Few people remember that at first it was a paper factory, and the name arose from the name of the river Nokianvirta. The first logo featured a rather scary fish.

Then the logo was changed twice, this happened in the 60s - 90s. The fish was removed, 3 arrows appeared, pointing upwards and the name Nokia. Only it was preserved in the modern version of the logo, later the Connecting people slogan was added to it.



The name of the Chinese automaker Lifan, translated into Russian, means "to go under full sail." Therefore, it is not surprising that there are 3 sailboats on the symbolism. We only know brand cars, but Lifan produces buses, motorcycles and ATVs, scooters. There are several different color versions of the logo, but if you open the official website lifan-car.ru, you will see exactly the blue emblem.


Ford remains true to tradition. The blue oval logo was created in 1903 by C. G. Wills, Chief Engineer and part-time factory designer. But they did not start using his emblem right away: for the first time on a car, it appeared only in 1927. The blue oval has survived to this day, although the corporate identity has been repeatedly transformed. All Ford-branded vehicles have received the famous silver lettering on a blue background since 1976.

Care and hygiene products

Oral B

One of the leading dentifrice brands didn't change its logo even when it became part of Procter and Gamble. The case was in 2006. A simple blue logo looks stylish and concise.


What is interesting about this logo, apart from the combination of several shades of blue? Looking closely, we notice that the first 2 letters, G and I, seem to be cut with a sharp blade. Very symbolic for razor products.

Russian companies that have chosen blue logos

Post office

Leaving aside numerous jokes about the speed of work and reliability of the Russian Post, we will see that the state postal operator has a very worthy logo. In which both reliability and connection with the state are emphasized in every possible way. Like it or not, any Russian will recognize this emblem.

First channel

The most famous Russian TV channel has changed at least 5 logos in its lifetime, and the current one, it seems, is the 6th. It was he who acquired a blue tint, unlike its predecessors. In any case, this is the style used on the official website.


There is a corporate legend that the logo, which is the letter G with a burning light, was invented by the former head of the company, Rem Vyakhirev. Allegedly, even the head of Gazprom not only invented, but also drew a logo. Since then, this symbolism has been inseparable from the company, "blue fuel" and the slogan that dreams do come true.

You can order a logo in blue or any other color right now! Call us!

In this article, we will try to help you decide on a color for your logo. This is one of the most important steps in creating a logo. After all, referring to many studies of the influence of the psychology of color on a person, we can confidently say that the right color can improve the visual perception of your brand and evoke the necessary associations, and as a result, increase the number of customers.

Logos of successful companies take up the entire color range. This indicates that there are no better or winning colors. Therefore, it is worth understanding the features of each before decorating your logo.

Meaning of colors

Let's dwell on the main and most common colors in branding, such as: red, yellow, blue, green and their derivatives: orange and purple.

What does red color mean

Despite the fact that red originally symbolizes greatness and strength, it is not always appropriate to use it when creating a logo, since this color excites nervous system and plays with a wide range of feelings: from love and passion to fear and aggression.

But if you, first of all, intend to persuade customers to take decisive action and evoke strong associations in them, and the risk of reinforcing unnecessary emotions does not scare you, then paint your logo in red- the right decision.

Examples of famous red logos:

What does yellow mean

Yellow is the color of warmth, fun and creativity. This color is able to evoke many pleasant emotions in large quantities which can be tiring at times. It is also a great motivator for action, but unlike red, yellow gives the impression of a holiday and is associated with childhood without any hint of aggression or passion.

If you want to evoke a sense of carefree joy in your customers, use this sunny color on your logo with confidence.

Examples of famous yellow logos:

What does blue color mean

Blue (blue) color is included in the group of "cold colors". Naturally, this is a kind of metaphor, since they have nothing to do with color temperatures. But this metaphor is not groundless, since blue, the color of water and sky, is really able to cool the ardor, calm and concentrate on work.

It is worth adding that, using the color blue, it is pointless to expect any spontaneous actions from customers, but once you have gained trust, you will keep it for a long time.

Examples of famous blue logos:

What does orange mean

Orange is located between red and yellow not only in the color spectrum, it is also something in between these colors in terms of psychological influence. It seemed that by combining two colors charged with energy, we would not get anything new as a result. But orange, despite its fieriness, is much softer, calmer and more comfortable than its creators. It gives the impression of being at home.

Examples of famous orange logos:

What does green mean

Green color as a synthesis of freshness and nature with and in a healthy way life, stimulates at the same time both calmness and vigorous activity. This combination is quite balanced, and therefore does not cause such a dissonance of feelings as red, does not oversaturate with emotions, like yellow, but is not as pacifying as blue. Therefore, if you are looking for harmony for the brand and do not want to load the logo with an abundance of additional features, then opt for green.

Examples of famous green logos:

What does purple mean

Purple is the color of aristocracy and royalty, spirituality and magic.
Like red, purple is associated with strength and majesty, but at the same time it acts much more noble and calmer.

Violet, like blue, is inherently “cold”, it does not excite the nervous system, and therefore is not a strong motivator for action. Nevertheless, this color of success, wisdom and confidence is able to command respect from customers.

Examples of famous purple logos:

Another experiment on the effect of colors on consumers resulted in a wonderful infographic. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with it, it greatly simplifies the task of choosing a color for your brand.

What colors match

If you're planning on using more than one color or shade, it's important to choose a beautiful color palette combination. To select flowers, you can use one of the online services.