Russia's new submarine is painfully familiar. Types of submarines in service with the Russian Federation

Modern submarines can perform a wide range of tasks to detect and destroy enemy ships, submarines or ground targets. In addition, the naval component of the strategic nuclear forces is built entirely on the basis of submarines.

Currently, as part of the renewal of the Navy, the construction of new submarines of various types is underway. In the foreseeable future, the fleet should receive several dozen submarines, both strategic or multi-purpose, and diesel-electric or special. Nevertheless, for the time being, submarines built earlier, including before the collapse of the Soviet Union, are the basis of the submarine fleet in quantitative terms.

The four fleets of the Russian Navy (with the exception of the Caspian flotilla) now have a total of 76 submarines of various types. In service and in reserve are strategic missile submarines (SSBNs), nuclear multi-purpose submarines, diesel submarines, as well as a number of nuclear and diesel submarines special purpose.

Strategic missile cruisers

The nuclear submarines of the project are the basis of the naval component of the nuclear forces. Currently, the Russian Navy has six such submarines: K-51 Verkhoturye, K-84 Ekaterinburg, K-114 Tula, K-117 Bryansk, K-118 Karelia and K-407 Novomoskovsk. Submarine "Yekaterinburg" is currently undergoing repairs. Completion of work and delivery of the boat is scheduled for the end of this year.

Another submarine of the Dolphin project, K-64, was withdrawn from the fleet in 1999 and soon went for refitting. All six Project 677BDRM submarines serve in the Northern Fleet.

The second largest type of SSBN in the Russian Navy is a project 667BDR "Kalmar". Submarines of this type were built from the mid-seventies to the early eighties. Most of the Kalmar submarines have now been decommissioned and disposed of. Now the fleet has only three submarines of this type: K-433 "Saint George the Victorious", K-223 "Podolsk" and K-44 "Ryazan". The latter is the newest of the existing Project 667BDR submarines and was handed over to the fleet in 1982. All three Kalmars serve in the Pacific Ocean.

Until the mid-nineties, the tasks of nuclear deterrence were carried out by the K-129 Orenburg submarine, built according to project 667BDR. In 1996, it was decided to convert it into a carrier of deep-sea vehicles. Currently, "Orenburg" belongs to the project 09786 and has the designation BS-136.

There are three in service and in the reserve of the Northern Fleet. Heavy missile cruiser TK-208 "Dmitry Donskoy" continues to serve. This was facilitated by the repair and modernization in accordance with the project 941UM, during which the submarine received the equipment of the Bulava missile system. The other two Sharks, TK-17 Arkhangelsk and TK-20 Severstal, were put into reserve in the middle of the last decade due to the lack of R-39 missiles. Them further fate not yet defined.

In January 2013, a flag-raising ceremony was held on the lead SSBN of the new one. Submarine K-535 "Yuri Dolgoruky", built since 1996, passed all the tests and was handed over to the fleet. At the end of December of the same year, the submarine cruiser K-550 "Alexander Nevsky" was accepted into the Navy. The lead submarine of the Borei project became part of the Northern Fleet, the first production submarine - to the Pacific Fleet.

Multipurpose nuclear submarines

The tasks of destroying various surface, underwater and coastal targets are assigned to multipurpose nuclear submarines armed with cruise missiles and torpedoes. The most massive nuclear submarines of this class are. The Russian Navy has 11 submarines of this type, distributed between the Northern and Pacific Fleets. Five Schuka-B submarines serve in the Pacific Fleet, six are in the Northern Fleet.

On the this moment five Project 971 submarines are under repair or being prepared for it. To date, the Navy has lost three submarines of this type. The K-284 Akula boat has been laid up since 2002, the Ak Bars K-480 was handed over for recycling at the end of the last decade, and the dismantling of the K-263 Barnaul started last year.

Separate consideration is the fate of the boat K-152 "Nerpa". It was founded in 1991 for domestic fleet However, financial difficulties led to the failure of all deadlines for the implementation of work. In 2004, a contract was signed, according to which the submarine was planned to be completed and transferred to the Indian Navy. After a series of difficulties, all work was completed, and in January 2012 the submarine was accepted by the customer.

The second largest multi-purpose nuclear submarines in the Russian Navy are. The Pacific and Northern Fleets serve 5 and 3 submarines of this type, respectively. It was originally planned that the Navy would receive 18 such submarines, but the financial capabilities of the fleet made it possible to build only 11. To date, three boats of the Antey project have been out of order.

In August 2000, the K-141 Kursk submarine tragically perished, and since the end of the 2000s, work has been underway to dispose of the K-148 Krasnodar and K-173 Krasnoyarsk submarines. Of the remaining submarines, four are currently undergoing repairs.

From the end of the seventies to the beginning of the nineties, four submarines of projects 945 "Barracuda" and 945A "Condor". According to the project 945, the ships B-239 "Karp" and B-276 "Kostroma" were built, according to project 945A - B-534 " Nizhny Novgorod"And B-336" Pskov ". All these submarines are part of the Northern Fleet. Last year, work began on the repair and modernization of the Karp submarine. After it, the repair will take place "Kostroma". "Pskov" and "Nizhny Novgorod" continue to serve.

So far, the Northern Fleet has four multipurpose nuclear submarine of the project 671RTMK "Pike". Two submarines, B-414 "Daniil Moskovsky" and B-338 "Petrozavodsk" continue to serve, and two others, B-138 "Obninsk" and B-448 "Tambov" are under repair. In accordance with current plans, all the Pikes in the fleet will end their service in the foreseeable future. Earlier it was reported that all of them will be decommissioned by the end of 2015. They will be replaced by multi-purpose submarines of new types.

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On June 17, 2014, a flag-raising ceremony took place on submarine K-560, the lead and so far the only ship. The first Yasen was laid down at the end of 1993 and launched only in 2010. Until 2020, it is planned to build 8 Yasen-type submarines with missile weapons.

Due to the long construction time of the lead submarine, all other submarines of the series will be built according to the updated project 885M. Currently, there are three submarines of a new type on the stocks of the Sevmash enterprise: Kazan, Novosibirsk and Krasnoyarsk.

Non-nuclear submarines

Since the early eighties, several domestic shipyards engaged in mass production diesel-electric submarines of project 877 "Halibut". Over the past decades, several versions of this project have been created, thanks to which the Halibuts of various modifications have become the most massive submarines in the Russian Navy.

The Baltic Fleet has two DPLEs of the Halibut project: B-227 Vyborg and B-806 Dmitrov (Project 877EKM). The Black Sea Fleet has only one boat of project 877V - B-871 Alrosa. The Northern Fleet has the second largest Halibut grouping - five diesel-electric submarines of project 877 and one project 877LPMB. Finally, eight diesel-electric submarines of project 877 "Halibut" serve at the bases of the Pacific Fleet.

A further development of the project 877 is project 636 "Varshavyanka" and his version. On August 22, 2014, the head submarine of project 636.3 - B-261 Novorossiysk was accepted into the combat structure of the Black Sea Fleet. By the end of the decade, the Black Sea Fleet will receive five more submarines of this type. Two of them, B-237 Rostov-on-Don and B-262 Stary Oskol, have already been launched.

Until recently great expectations were assigned to Diesel-electric submarine of project 677 "Lada", which are a further development of the Halibuts. Previously, there were plans to build a series of several Project 677 boats, but the tests of the lead ship forced them to make serious adjustments. As a result, the first submarine of the project, the B-585 Saint Petersburg, is in trial operation by the Northern Fleet. Two serial ships of project 677 are under construction. In connection with the problems of the lead submarine, the construction of serial submarines was suspended for some time.

Special equipment

In addition to combat submarines, the Russian Navy has a number of special submarines and submersibles designed to perform specific tasks of various kinds. For example, the Baltic, Northern and Pacific Fleets operate four rescue deep-sea vehicles of project 1855 "Priz".

According to open data, the Northern Fleet has 10 special-purpose nuclear and diesel-electric submarines designed to perform various tasks. This technique is intended to carry out research work, conduct rescue operations and ensure combat duty of submarine missile cruisers.

The most famous representative of this class of equipment is capable of diving to a depth of several kilometers. In September 2012, Losharik was reported to have participated in research work in the Arctic, during which his crew collected soil samples at a depth of more than 2 kilometers.

In the future, the Russian Navy should receive a number of new special-purpose submarines. So, since 2012, the Belgorod submarine of project 949A has been completed according to a special project, thanks to which it will be able to become a carrier of deep-sea research vehicles. Last spring, representatives of the Navy claimed that the plans of the military department included the construction of a special submarine of a sonar patrol, the task of which would be to detect underwater targets at a distance of several hundred kilometers.


At the moment, in total, the Russian Navy has more than seven dozen submarines and vehicles for various purposes. The vast majority of this equipment was built before the collapse of the Soviet Union, which accordingly affects both the state and the capabilities of the submarine fleet.

However, in recent years a number of measures have been taken to update it. In accordance with the current plans, by 2020 the Navy should receive a relatively large number of new submarines.

By the end of this decade, the fleet will receive eight Project 955 Borey strategic missile carriers, the same number of Project 885 Yasen multipurpose nuclear submarines, and six Project 636.3 Varshavyanka diesel-electric submarines.

Nuclear "Boreas" and "Ash" will be distributed between the Northern and Pacific Fleets. "Varshavyanka", in turn, will serve at the Black Sea bases. Earlier it was reported about the plans regarding the future project 677 "Lada". In the near future, it is planned to develop an updated version of this project, which will use a new power plant. The successful completion of this project will expand plans for the construction of non-nuclear submarines.

In parallel with the construction of new submarines, the old ones will be decommissioned. For example, by 2015-16 it is planned to stop the operation of the remaining nuclear submarines of project 671RTMK "Pike". Almost all submarines of this type have already been withdrawn from the fleet and disposed of, and only four remain in service.

Over time, similar processes will occur with other types of submarines, which will be replaced by new "Ash", "Borea", "Varshavyanka" and, possibly, "Lada". However, the complete renewal of the submarine fleet will take a long time and will be one of the most expensive projects in the history of the Russian Navy.

The design of the latest Russian nuclear submarines uses technological elements of Western submarines, increasing both the efficiency of submarines and their ability to remain unnoticed. As a result, in war time Submarine can better protect its lethal cargo of 16 nuclear missiles from US and NATO hunters for Russian submarines.

Borey-class submarines are huge. Each is 160 meters long and 14 meters wide, and their displacement is 21,000 tons. The OK-650B nuclear power plant with a capacity of 190 megawatts allows the ship to move at a speed of 15 knots on the surface and 29 knots underwater. The boat has an unlimited range. Restrictions are related only to food supplies.


"Prince Vladimir": the deadliest nuclear submarine in the world

Daily Mail 11/28/2017 Boreas are one of the deadliest nuclear submarines ever built. Each of them carries sixteen RSM-56 Bulava ballistic missiles on board, which allows it to deliver nuclear strikes anywhere on the globe. This makes submarines an indispensable part of the Russian nuclear triad and provides a powerful retaliatory strike capability against any country that first uses nuclear weapons against Moscow.

The first Russian submarine of this class, Yuri Dolgoruky, was laid down in 1996. Due to funding problems, it was put into operation only in 2014. According to H.I. Sutton, author of Submarines of the World: Secret Shores. Identification Guide” (World Submarines: Covert Shores Recognition Guide), the recently launched fourth boat of the class “Borey” “Knyaz Vladimir” borrowed some design features of submarines manufactured by the United States and other NATO countries.

According to Sutton, “the tail section with turning rudders and end plates on horizontal stabilizers is the same as on the Ohio-class submarines of the US Navy.” Submarines are also equipped with a water-jet propulsion system instead of a typical propeller. -by the British Navy, but such a system was also installed on US Navy submarines from the Seawolf class in 1990. Borei is the first Russian nuclear submarine equipped with such engines.

The smooth, streamlined felling is another Western influence. This makes the boat look like American submarines, although it is much longer. The base Borea model has an unusual sloping felling.

All of the above does not mean that a new version"Borea" - a copy of the Western nuclear submarines. Sutton notes that Knyaz Vladimir has a “two-hull design, traditional for Russian nuclear submarines. Western boats are single hull, which means that the crew is separated from the ocean by only one layer of steel.

Another unusual aspect of the Borei is the large number of torpedoes and torpedo bays. Nuclear submarines operate from defense, constantly hiding in the depths of the sea. They usually only have four torpedo bays. But the Boreys have eight, Sutton says, as do the unfinished Shark-class attack submarines. This number of torpedoes is an unusual boost for a submarine armed with ballistic missiles.

The materials of InoSMI contain only assessments of foreign media and do not reflect the position of the editors of InoSMI.

On June 15, 2010, the newest Project 885 submarine cruiser was withdrawn from the dock of the Northern Machine-Building Enterprise in Severodvinsk. Thus, today Russia has built lead submarines of new series of three main classes: Project 955 SSBNs (Yuri Dolgoruky), Project 677 diesel-electric submarines (Project 677). St. Petersburg") and finally the SSGN of project 885 ("Severodvinsk").

It is worth paying attention to this intermediate line in order to understand what prospects await the domestic submarine fleet and on what submarines those future officers and sailors who today are only finishing the 9th-11th grades of secondary schools will serve.


The history of the new, fourth generation of domestic submarines began at the turn of the 70-80s of the last century, immediately after the requirements were formed and preparations began for the construction of third-generation submarines - projects 941, 945, 949, 971 and others. The new generation of boats was to build on the success that had been achieved with the creation of third generation submarines, capable, despite some shortcomings, of competing with their American and British peers in terms of equipment capabilities and level of stealth.

According to the tradition of the Soviet Navy, the simultaneous construction of several submarine projects was envisaged to perform various tasks - strategic, anti-aircraft, multi-purpose, anti-submarine and special purposes. However, at the end of the 80s it became clear that such a practice leads to an unjustified increase in spending on the Navy, and following the example of a potential adversary, it was decided to reduce this diversity to three main classes: two classes of nuclear submarines - strategic and multi-purpose and one class of multi-purpose diesel -electric submarines.

As a result, work on new boats led to the creation of three projects that were approved as the main ones. The role of the new "strategist" was intended for the project 955 "Borey", a new multi-purpose submarine - the project 885 "Ash". Promising diesel submarines were planned to be built according to project 677 Lada.

Unfortunately, the implementation of these plans fell on an extremely difficult time for our country. The collapse of the USSR and the destruction of industry, primarily defense, led to the fact that in the 90s and most of the 2000s, the fleet received submarines of the “Soviet backlog”, without dreaming of new submarines. The construction of the latter proceeded with great difficulties. Meanwhile, the number of submarines of the Russian Navy was sharply reduced due to the withdrawal of a large number of boats of early projects from its composition, and many combat units that nominally remained in service could not go to sea for years.

As a result, to date, the following situation has developed in the Russian submarine fleet.


Currently, the Russian NSNF includes six RPK SN project 667BDRM (built in the 80s - early 90s), five RPK SN project 667 BDR (built in the 70-80s), one RPK SN project 955 (launched in 2007, not yet commissioned). In addition, three Project 941 CH RPKs remain in service with the Russian Navy, one of which (Dmitry Donskoy) after re-equipment is used to test the D-30 missile system with the Bulava ICBM, and two more are waiting for their fate to be decided.

Three more project 955 submarine missile carriers are currently under construction. Two of them are to be delivered to the Russian Navy during 2011, and the third in 2014 or 2015. The history of this project is quite dramatic: the construction of the lead ship officially began in 1995, but almost did not progress due to underfunding. In the future, the project had to go through a serious revision, when, after several unsuccessful launches, the promising Bark missile system was abandoned in favor of the Bulava, the development of which turned into a real drama. As a result, the renewal of Russian naval strategic nuclear forces is being delayed. Today, very significant intellectual, financial and industrial resources have been allocated to solve the problems of the Bulava, and this allows us to hope that the missile will be put into service in the near future.

In general, despite the existing difficulties, the state of Russia's naval strategic nuclear forces against the background of other parts of the domestic submarine fleet can be considered the most prosperous. Their basis - six RPK SN project 667BDRM - is currently undergoing repairs with re-equipment on the Sineva ICBM, and it is expected that they will remain in the Navy until the 2020s, and, subject to further modernization, even longer.

Taking into account the construction of a series of Project 955 ships (assuming that all Bulava problems can be eliminated within the next year) and taking into account the limitations of the START-3 Treaty, signed in the spring of this year, we can say that the presence of six project 667BDRM CH RPKs in service and the construction of the same number of Boreevs will remove the issue of updating the Russian NSNF from the agenda for the next 20 years.


To date, the Russian Navy retains eight Project 949A Antey nuclear submarines. These boats, whose construction began in the 80s, are among the most modern in the Russian Navy, but the state of this submarine component can be called a crisis. First of all, due to the failure of the Legend ICRC and the decommissioning of most of the Tu-95RC reconnaissance aircraft, as well as the difficulties with commissioning the new Liana ICRC. As a result, boats of this type can use only their own means of detection to guide their P-700 missiles, which excludes the use of this missile at full range and requires approaching the target.

The second and more serious problem is narrow specialization these submarines. "Sharpened" for the fight against US Navy aircraft carrier formations, Project 949A submarines turned out to be very large, complex and expensive ships to build and operate, the purpose of which is to modern conditions dont clear. In addition, the large size makes these boats very noticeable, and they are also quite noisy.

It is possible to extend the life of the Anteev and expand their capabilities through overhaul and modernization with the replacement of the Granit missile system on the boats with a new missile launcher with universal launchers. Such re-equipment will allow the Antey to use a wide range of modern cruise missiles and make them multi-purpose ships. However, such modernization will not eliminate all the shortcomings of the project, and in addition, it will turn out to be extremely lengthy and expensive.


In December 2009, the K-152 Nerpa nuclear submarine was commissioned into the Russian Navy. The new nuclear submarine of project 971I is intended for leasing to the Indian Navy. Before that on a submarine will be trained already formed Indian crew.

This fact is especially interesting in view of the state of the grouping of domestic multi-purpose nuclear submarines. The last multi-purpose nuclear submarine became part of the Russian Navy in 2001. It was the Gepard submarine of the same type as the Nerpa. Today, in the ranks of the Russian Navy, apart from the Nerpa, there are 12 Project 971 submarines, the average age of which exceeds 15 years. In addition to these nuclear submarines, the fleet also has multi-purpose nuclear submarines of other projects - 671RTMK (four units) and 945 (three units). In the next decade and a half, at least half of the boats of this class will fail, in particular, all submarines of project 671RTMK and project 945, as well as those built by the first nuclear submarines of project 971. Such a reduction, if it is not compensated by the introduction of new submarines into the fleet, will lead to that by the middle - end of the 2020s, a group of multi-purpose nuclear submarines of the Russian Navy will not be able to perform combat missions - even as important as covering Russian strategic submarines in combat service, but about the allocation of any noticeable number of nuclear submarines to perform tasks in remote areas of the oceans will not be out of the question.

How can this situation be avoided?

There are currently two Project 885 multi-purpose nuclear submarines under construction for the Navy. As you know, the lead ship of the project, K-329 Severodvinsk, was recently withdrawn from the construction shop. Existing plans provide for the commissioning of the fleet of six nuclear submarines of this type over the next ten years, and they, obviously, will not be able to replace all 27 multi-purpose submarines (including anti-aircraft carrier 949A) that are now part of the Navy.

The lead boat of project 885 was intended to be laid at the turn of the 80-90s, but financial restrictions and the collapse of the USSR delayed the start of work until 1993. Then a long epic of its construction stretched. Initially, it was assumed that this ship would be handed over to the sailors in 1998, and there were rumors about the laying of two or three more hulls of Project 885. But in 1996, due to lack of funding, the construction was practically frozen.

In 1998, the commissioning dates were shifted to the beginning of the 2000s, then to 2005, to 2007 ... Work on the boat began again only in 2004. After the resumption of funding, the project had to be modernized - the equipment laid down by the creators of the submarine in the late 80s was outdated and it was pointless to complete the cruiser with it. In addition, according to some reports, there were difficulties with the main power plant of the new generation, which had to be finalized.

In fact, the rumors about the construction of the next buildings of project 885, allegedly laid down in the 90s, turned out to be untrue. In reality, work on the second ship of the improved project 885M, named Kazan, was started only in 2009.

It should be noted that the need to build a series of six Project 885 cruisers raises questions. In order to deal with this topic, it is necessary to understand the origin and evaluate the characteristics of Severodvinsk. This is a large submarine with a standard displacement of 9700 and a total displacement of more than 13,500 tons, a length of about 120 meters and a width of 13 meters. It has a high speed (according to some reports, up to 33 knots) and has powerful armament: 8 torpedo tubes with a caliber of 533 and 650 mm, as well as 8 silo-type launchers, each of which can accommodate up to three cruise missiles of various types.

The boat is equipped with a powerful electronic equipment and hydroacoustics, and the cost of its construction, according to some sources, is approaching two billion dollars. The closest analogue of the domestic project in terms of functionality and characteristics is the American project SSN-21 Sea Wolf. Sea Wolfs are also large, fast, heavily armed and expensive combat units. In the late 80s, they were supposed to be a response to the introduction of Project 971 submarines into the Soviet Navy. Then the United States wanted to build 30 submarines of this type. However, due to the end cold war the need for such a series disappeared and in 1989-2005 the US Navy received only three boats, while the price of each submarine reached four billion dollars. As the main nuclear submarine of the new generation, the smaller and not so outstanding in terms of performance characteristics "Virginia" was chosen. Submarines of this type are planned to be built in the amount of 30 units to replace the aging Los Angeles-class submarines.

In this regard, the question arises: does Russia today need the construction of a series of ships similar to the Sea Wolf, the characteristics of which were calculated at one time based on the supposed big war with the most powerful enemy on earth? Or, taking into account the current international situation, one can limit oneself to the commissioning of two or three Project 885 (885M) submarines, and choose a cheaper option as the main nuclear boat in the future, saving at the expense of modern equipment and armament necessary capabilities.

The above considerations regarding the upcoming significant reduction in the grouping of multi-purpose nuclear boats allow us to conclude that the construction in the next decade and a half of a cheaper "mass" nuclear submarine in the amount of at least 12-15 units is vital. According to the main characteristics, such a boat should correspond to the nuclear submarine of project 971 or even 671RTM, surpassing these submarines in terms of stealth and, of course, the capabilities of equipment and weapons. Judging by some information, the development of such a project is being carried out by a number of design bureaus.


Back in the late 90s of the last century, the question was raised about the need to replace the Project 877 boats, which today form the basis of the domestic diesel subfloor. Deliveries of submarines of this project for the Russian Navy ended in 1994. At present, according to various sources, there are from 12 to 15 diesel-electric submarines of this type in our fleet, the oldest of which were built in the early 80s.

As replacement options, the construction of either improved project 636/636M boats or the latest project 677 submarines was considered. new equipment. The second one was more risky - the Project 677 boat was a completely new product, the development of which in the conditions of the post-Soviet collapse of the industry promised great difficulties.

Nevertheless, in 1997, the lead submarine of Project 677 was laid down, but it was launched only eight years later, and the submarine was finally put into operation only in May 2010. At the same time, the boat was accepted into "limited operation" - according to the available information, a regular sonar complex was not installed on it, with the development of which there were problems, there are difficulties with the main power plant.

The delay in the commissioning of the lead boat "suspended" the fate of the next submarines of the project - B-586 "Kronstadt" and B-587 "Sevastopol", laid down in 2005 and 2006. As a result, they have not even been launched yet. Whether it will be possible to fix the problems that have arisen without worsening the performance characteristics of the boat and in what time frame this can be done is still unknown.

As a result, a paradoxical situation is emerging today: for almost 15 years, having in its hands a successful, modern, competitive project 636, which is in demand on the world market and maintains its competitiveness through constant improvement, Russia does not build these boats for itself. Trying to bet on latest project 677, our country has encountered a number of organizational and technical problems, as a result of which the renewal of the diesel subfloor has been delayed for ten years now. With a different development of events, the fleet over the past ten years could have received six, and maybe eight submarines of the 636th project. It is possible that he will eventually receive them - but a decade and a half later than he should have.


The renewal of the Russian Navy, including the submarine fleet, directly depends on what funds the country will be able to allocate for this task and how carefully it will control their spending. According to representatives of the Russian Ministry of Defense, to fully finance the needs of the Armed Forces, it is necessary to spend 28-36 trillion rubles in the next 10 years. In the event that the least expensive, 13 trillion version of the State Armaments Program for 2010-2020 is adopted, the Navy will be financed according to the residual principle - priority will be given to strategic nuclear forces, the Air Force and Air Defense. According to information from a number of sources, in this case, the replenishment of the fleet with new ships will be carried out through the implementation of a joint military and civil shipbuilding program that is not part of the SAP. At the same time, in addition to the actual financing issues, a lot of problems with the reorganization and modernization of the shipbuilding industry should be solved.

What will the Russian submarine fleet look like 15 years later in the case of this or that scenario? The following main scenarios can be distinguished:

1. Minimum. In the absence of the necessary funding, only “protected” items will be developed, in the case of the submarine fleet, these are naval strategic nuclear forces. The grouping of multi-purpose nuclear submarines will retain 2-3 submarines of project 949A and 6-7 boats of project 971, and will also receive 4-6 ships of project 885. In total, it will include 10-16 nuclear submarines. The grouping of diesel boats will include 5-6 last submarines of project 877 and a similar number of boats of project 677 and / or 636M. Given the distance from each other of the main maritime theaters, Russia will not be able to create a more or less strong submarine grouping on any of them, preventing a critical weakening of others. The submarine's ability to perform combat missions will be drastically reduced.

2. Acceptable. With more significant amounts of funding, it is possible to take the necessary measures to keep a larger number of boats of "Soviet projects" in service. Modernization of all 12 existing "Bars" and, for example, four boats of project 949A in combination with the commissioning of six nuclear submarines of project 885 and, possibly, the first 2-3 boats of the new project will keep the number of multi-purpose boats at the level of 22-25 units, which will somewhat facilitate position. The grouping of diesel submarines, having completely got rid of obsolete Project 877 submarines, will have 12-15 new submarines.

3. Optimal. Regular funding, combined with the modernization of shipbuilding, will make it possible, in particular, to completely renew the composition of the NSNF without bothering to modernize the RPK SN of old projects. The grouping of multi-purpose boats will retain the old combat units: 4-6 submarines of project 949A, which have undergone deep modernization, and 8-10 submarines of project 871, also improved. The order for the construction of project 885 boats will be reduced to two or three units, but at the same time, the fleet will receive 12-15 more compact and cheaper submarines. In this case, the size of the grouping of multi-purpose nuclear submarines will at least remain at the current level, and possibly increase slightly while improving quality. The grouping of diesel boats in this case will include up to 20 units of project 677 and / or 636M, and probably some other.

Day of the sailor-submariner is celebrated in Russia on March 19. 112 years ago, by decree of the All-Russian Emperor Nicholas II, submarines were included in the classification of ships, and two dozen submarines were included in the combat strength of the Russian Imperial Fleet

such as "Trout", "Killer whale", "Catfish" and "Sturgeon". Historical "fish" names have been preserved in the names of projects of Soviet and Russian submarines.

The first titles diving officer» By order of the Main Naval Staff, 68 officers who passed a special exam were awarded. Russia was one of the first countries to use submarines in armed struggle at sea.

Submarine forces as an independent branch of the Russian fleet were formed by the end of the First World War. By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, there were 218 submarines in the four fleets of the country. During the war years, submariners made more than 1,200 military campaigns, made about 700 torpedo attacks, fired 1,542 torpedoes, and 1,736 mines were placed in active minefields. As a result, they sank about 100 warships and more than 200 enemy transports.

In the mid-1950s, in response to the creation by the United States of a submarine with a nuclear power plant, work was launched in the USSR aimed at ensuring parity in this direction. We completed this daunting task almost twice as fast. The path from the world's first nuclear reactor used in Obninsk to the main power plant of the submarine was precisely chosen, and huge research and development carried out by 135 organizations was carried out over six years. On July 1, 1958, the Naval flag was hoisted on Russia's first nuclear submarine K-3 "Leninsky Komsomol". On July 4, 1958, Academician Anatoly Petrovich Alexandrov made a historical entry in the logbook of the GEM console: “ For the first time in the country, steam was supplied to the turbine without coal and fuel oil».

The submarine fleet of the Soviet Union was armed with 216 submarines of various types and classes, now there are about 70 of them (a total of 13 projects). At present, Russia is building a series of fourth-generation multi-purpose submarines of the Yasen project and strategic missile carriers Borey, and the creation of unmanned underwater vehicles is underway. In the near future, the laying of two diesel-electric boats of project 636.3 is expected, in total six of them will be built for the Pacific Fleet.

"Boreas "

Russia's Project 941 Akula heavy strategic missile submarines have given way to the more stealthy and efficient Borey-class fourth-generation nuclear missile carriers. In total, the Russian Navy has 12 nuclear-powered strategic submarine missile carriers, three of which are Project 955 Borey: Yuri Dolgoruky, Alexander Nevsky and Vladimir Monomakh. Armed with Bulava intercontinental ballistic missiles (each submarine carries 16 missiles), the boats are capable of being used anywhere in the world and have unlimited seaworthiness.

Submarines of project 955 (09551), 955A (09552) "Borey" (according to NATO codification SSBN "Borei", also "Dolgorukiy" - on behalf of the lead ship of the class) - a series of Russian nuclear submarines of the "strategic missile submarine cruiser" class ( SSBN) of the fourth generation. Developed in TsKBMT "Rubin" (St. Petersburg), under the leadership of chief designer Vladimir Zdornov. "Borey" was created in order to replace the submarines of projects 941 "Shark" (Typhoon according to NATO classification) and 667BDRM "Dolphin" (Delta-IV according to NATO classification) in the future.

Borei are the first Russian nuclear submarines where propulsion is carried out using a single-shaft water-jet propulsion system with high propulsion characteristics (given the rather high energy intensity, especially specific, of OK-650V ship reactors, the use of water-jet propulsion systems on surface and submarine ships seems to be quite justified). Also, similarly to the Project 971 Schuka-B submarines, the Borey submarines have two tilting thrusters and retractable bow horizontal rudders with flaps.

A lot of work has been done to reduce boat noise and reduce physical fields. The noise level of the strategic missile submarine of the Borey project is 5 times lower compared to the third-generation Schuka-B multi-purpose nuclear submarines and 2 times lower than that of the American Virginia" .

The boat is equipped with a nuclear power unit with a water-cooled reactor on thermal neutrons VM-5 or similar with a steam generator OK-650V with a capacity of 190 MW. PPU control and protection system - "Aliot". The boats of the project are equipped with a nuclear power unit of the 4th generation - KTM-6.

For movement, a single-shaft steam block steam turbine plant of the Mirage PTU with GTZA OK-9VM or similar with improved shock absorption with a power of about 50,000 hp is used. To improve maneuverability, the submarines are equipped with two thruster submersible two-speed propulsion motors PG-160 with a capacity of 410 hp each.

Until 2020, it provides for the construction and entry into the combat structure of the Navy of eight strategic missile submarines. Currently, five nuclear submarines of the modernized Borey-A project are under construction. The last ship of this series, Knyaz Pozharsky, was laid down at the end of 2016.


The Navy has 29 multi-purpose nuclear submarines various projects, including the fourth-generation submarine of project 885 "Ash" - K-560 "Severodvinsk" (the lead submarine of the series in service in the Northern Fleet - approx. 24RosInfo). The following boats are being built according to the modernized project 885M "Ash-M". Six submarines of this type were laid down at Sevmash in 2009-2017: Kazan (it is expected to be handed over to the fleet this year), Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk (to be off the stocks in 2019), Arkhangelsk, Perm and Ulyanovsk.

Project 885 ships use a single-hull architecture for part of the length of the pressure hull, and the torpedo tubes are moved out of the bow, where they usually were. As a result, an "acoustically clean" bow was formed to accommodate large hydroacoustic antennas.

The new nuclear submarines are distinguished by optimized hull contours, an updated element base of radio-electronic weapons systems, modernized equipment and modern materials. It is noteworthy that all components - Russian production. Previously, many elements were purchased in countries former USSR. In addition, it is reported that a new, less noisy engine was installed on the Kazan.

In addition to ten 533-mm torpedo tubes, the boats of the Yasen-M project are armed with a large arsenal of missiles. They are equipped with eight universal vertical launchers, each with five Caliber-PL cruise missiles. Depending on the combat mission being performed, they can be in different modifications: anti-ship, anti-submarine, for strikes against ground targets and strategic. Instead of Caliber, the submarines are also capable of carrying the more powerful P-800 Oniks, specially designed to destroy large surface targets.

Thanks to the equipment with universal launchers, which make it possible to combine missile weapons, "Ash" performs a function that was previously not characteristic of domestic multi-purpose nuclear submarines - a full-fledged non-nuclear strategic deterrence, i.e. there was a transformation of such submarines from predominantly anti-submarine into attack ones."Ash" has universal launchers that allow the use of cruise missiles for various purposes without any alterations, without changes in the composition of electronic weapons.

Boats of the "Ash" project come to replace the world-famous "animal" division of multi-purpose nuclear submarines. The division got its name thanks to the names of the boats: "Panther", "Cheetah", "Tiger", "Wolf", "Boar", "Leopard". All of them were built according to project 971 and are among the most "toothy" submarines of the Russian Navy. Their task is to protect our strategic missile submarines from foreign submarines and ships.

" Black hole "

"Black holes in the ocean" - this is how the new Russian ones (according to NATO codification - Improved Kilo) were called in the West for their unprecedented low noise. Even knowing that a multi-purpose submarine is prowling somewhere nearby, NATO destroyers are often unable to find it with their ultra-sensitive sonars.

Submarines of the Varshavyanka project belong to the third generation, have a displacement of 3.95 thousand tons, an underwater speed of 20 knots, a diving depth of 300 meters, a crew of 52 people. The boats of the modified 636th project have higher combat effectiveness. Submarines of this project combine the characteristics of acoustic stealth and target detection range. They are equipped with the latest inertial navigation system, a modern automated information and control system, high-precision missile weapons, and powerful torpedo weapons.

The submarines are armed with torpedoes of 533 mm caliber (six devices), mines, and the Caliber strike missile system. They can detect a target at a distance three to four times greater than that at which they can be detected by the enemy. They are more compact, can operate in shallow water, come close to the shore, release combat swimmers-saboteurs, lie down on the ground, and covertly lay mines in narrow fairways. Modern life support systems allow you to stay under water for up to five days, and the overall autonomy has increased to 45.

"Novorossiysk" is the first of six built boats of this project. Launched in June 2014, based in Novorossiysk. Following her, the Black Sea Fleet included the same type "Rostov-on-Don", "Stary Oskol", "Krasnodar", "Veliky Novgorod" and "Kolpino". "Rostov-on-Don" is the first submarine in the history of the Russian Navy to hit a real enemy with missiles. In December 2015, all the Kalibr missiles launched found their targets in Syria.

The boats were so successful that it was decided to build six more for the Pacific Fleet. On July 28, 2017, the first two submarines of this project, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and Volkhov, were laid down. The Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky submarine will be launched in 2019 and will be commissioned the same year. "Volkhov" will be launched in the spring of 2020 and handed over to the fleet by the end of the year. The third submarine is called "Magadan", the fourth - "Ufa". They will surrender simultaneously in 2021, with a small gap. They will be laid down in 2019. Accordingly, one will be launched in 2020, the other in 2021. The fifth boat is called "Mozhaysk", the Navy has not yet given a name to the sixth boat. Both boats will be handed over in 2022. Accordingly, one will be launched in 2021, the other in 2022.

"Lada Kalina"

Russian diesel-electric submarines of project 677 of the Lada type belong to the fourth generation of non-nuclear submarines. The surface displacement is about 1.75 thousand tons (against 2.3 thousand tons for Varshavyanka). Underwater speed reaches 21 knots. Diving depth - up to 350 meters. The crew of the submarine is a little over 30 people.

Thanks to the use of new solutions in the design of the hull, a special coating and the latest radio electronics, they have unsurpassed stealth. Designed to fight against submarines, surface ships, destroy coastal targets of a potential enemy, lay minefields, transport units and special-purpose cargo.

Project 677 submarines are distinguished by a high degree of automation and low noise levels. They can be armed with Caliber-PL cruise missiles, torpedoes, rocket-torpedoes, Igla anti-aircraft missiles.

The lead submarine of the series, St. Petersburg, was laid down at the Admiralty Shipyards in 1997; after being handed over to the Russian Navy in 2010, it is in trial operation in the Northern Fleet. The second ship of project 677 - "Kronstadt" - was laid down in 2005, the third one - "Veliky Luki" - in 2006. Then the construction of these submarines in St. Petersburg was frozen and resumed in 2013.

Submarines of the Lada type will be the first of the Russian non-nuclear submarines to be equipped with air-independent power plants (VNEU), the main advantage of which is to increase the stealth of the boat. The submarine will be able to stay under water for up to two weeks without surfacing to charge batteries, while diesel-electric submarines of projects 636 and 877 of the Varshavyanka class are forced to surface every day.

Russian-designed VNEU is fundamentally different from foreign ones: the unit itself provides for the production of hydrogen in the volume of consumption using reforming diesel fuel. Foreign submarines are loaded on board transportable supplies of hydrogen.

In Russia, the development of an anaerobic unit and a lithium-ion battery, which significantly increase the duration of underwater navigation of non-nuclear submarines without surfacing, is most productively carried out by the Rubin Central Design Bureau for Marine Engineering, where they create a modernized version of the Lada-type submarine - the Kalina project.

These fifth-generation non-nuclear submarines will be the first to be built for the Northern and Baltic fleets. Kalina will implement the best qualities of projects 636.3 Varshavyanka and 677 Lada, which are currently being built for the fleet. The submarine will receive VNEU, the main advantage of which is an increase in stealth. The boat will be able to stay under water without surfacing to charge the batteries for a longer period - up to three weeks.


Newest technological solutions should be embodied in the Husky project - a fifth-generation nuclear submarine. So far, the project exists only in the form of preliminary calculations. Formation of the appearance of the boat and research work to create draft design scheduled for completion this year. The development of a multi-purpose boat is being carried out at the Malachite design bureau in St. Petersburg.

When creating a fifth-generation submarine, it is planned to widely use composite materials, characterized by low specific gravity, high strength and resistance to aggressive marine environments. Thanks to the advanced electronic component filling, as well as the automation of many ship and weapon control algorithms, the Husky will turn out to be quite compact and will be able to simultaneously track a large number of targets. According to Oleg Vlasov, head of the Malachite robotics sector, the submarine is planned to be equipped with military, special and civilian robotic systems that can operate both in water and in the air. It is known that the submarine will be equipped with Zircon hypersonic cruise missiles, which will soon begin to enter the troops.

"Top secret"

Information on special purpose submarines is practically closed. These ships are being created in the interests of the Main Directorate of Deep Sea Research of the Russian Defense Ministry.

In 2016, the Navy received a special-purpose nuclear submarine BS-64 "Podmoskovye" after the completion of repairs and modernization under project 09787. The submarine was converted from a K-64 missile carrier of project 667BDRM "Delfin" into a carrier of underwater vehicles.

The fleet includes another similar nuclear-powered vessel, the BS-136 Orenburg, which in the early 2000s was also converted from the Project 667BDR missile carrier Kalmar. The world learned about this unique submarine only at the end of 2012, when a research expedition called "Arctic-2012" took place, as a result of which an application was submitted to the UN Commission on the Law of the Sea to expand the Russian-controlled Arctic zone. Two icebreakers took part in this expedition: "Dikson" and "Kapitan Dranitsyn", as well as a unique nuclear deep-water station AS-12 of project 10831 "Kalitka". This deep-sea station was collecting rock and soil samples at a depth of 2.5-3 km for about 20 days.

The Navy plans to receive another special purpose boat - K-139 "Belgorod" of project 949A. Its completion was announced in early 2012. It is created as a carrier of uninhabited and inhabited deep-sea vehicles. In 2014, at Sevmash, a nuclear submarine special purpose project 09851 "Khabarovsk".

March 1, 2018, during speeches before the Federal Assembly, Vladimir Putin showed a video about an ocean multi-purpose system with unmanned underwater vehicles equipped with a nuclear power plant, which could be carried by Belgorod and Khabarovsk.

The President clarified that the nuclear installation has small dimensions and, at the same time, an ultra-high power-to-weight ratio, with a volume 100 times smaller than that of modern nuclear submarines, has greater power and two hundred times less time to enter combat mode.

"The results of the tests carried out gave us the opportunity to start creating a fundamentally new type of strategic weapon equipped with high-yield nuclear weapons.", the president concluded.

"I can say that Russia has developed unmanned underwater vehicles capable of moving at great depths, at very great depths and at intercontinental ranges at a speed that is a multiple of the speed of submarines, torpedoes and all types of even the fastest surface ships - this is simply fantastic. Means that can resist them, today in the world simply does not exist.", - said the Supreme Commander of the Russian Armed Forces.

November 4th, 2014

Underwater surprise from Russia for America and Europe marks a real REVOLUTION in the field of military UNDERWATER BUILDING.

With the advent of the new Russian submarine Lada, an entire era of American “dominance at sea” will become a thing of the past, Washington will actually lose the main tool for “projecting power” to remote regions and risk losing its global geopolitical role completely.

AT recent times anti-Russian militaristic hysteria is growing like an avalanche in the West. Having discovered that instead of a malleable liberal "Russia" in the expanses of Eurasia, historical, traditional, imperial Russia suddenly revived, enraged and insulted by decades of humiliation and insults from the arrogant and deceitful Western Sodom, the "free" European and American media are filled with panic headlines about "military preparations » Moscow.

As soon as we launch a rocket from the Plesetsk cosmodrome or from a submarine missile carrier in the Barents Sea, or send our air missile carriers on patrol along European borders, this immediately becomes a pretext for countless accusations of “militarism and imperialism”, “nuclear saber-rattling”, “ intimidation of the world community”, etc. nonsense. Meanwhile, many really important news, directly related to the change in the military-strategic balance of power in Eurasia, pass the attention of the mass reader.

Here is one of those news...

Photo 2.

On October 13, 2014, the RIA Novosti news agency, citing a source in the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation, reported: “A decision has been made in Russia to mass-produce air-independent power plants (VNEU) to equip future Project 677 Lada submarines. Tests of an experimental layout of VNEU at the stand were completed successfully. The next tests will be carried out directly on the boat.”

This message went almost unnoticed, even among military observers, no one paid much attention to it. But in vain! For this decision marks a real revolution in the field of military submarine shipbuilding.

Photo 3.

Balance Breakers

In order for the reader to understand how significantly the new Russian submarines with VNEU will be able to change the balance of power between Russia and the United States, I will give just one example. “Four or six such submarines,” said Vice Admiral Viktor Patrushev in an interview with RIA Novosti at the end of 2010, “can completely block such closed or semi-closed water areas as Chernoye, Baltic and Caspian Sea. Their advantages are obvious to any naval specialist.

I’ll add on my own that the deployment is part of Russian Navy an additional two or three Lad formations can fundamentally change the balance of power not only in the Baltic, Caspian and Black Sea, but also in the North, and in the Mediterranean, in the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean. In the North, in the Barents Sea, such boats are able to securely cover the deployment routes of Russian submarine strategic missile carriers from any encroachment by anti-submarine forces of the United States and NATO countries, which will significantly increase the combat stability of the naval component of our strategic nuclear forces.

Now our missile carriers carry out combat service for the most part under the ice of the Arctic, where they are practically inaccessible to enemy influence. The Americans can detect, track and hit our submarine only at the stage of its transition to the combat patrol area. And the "Ladas" of the 667th project are ideally suited to counter the American nuclear submarines that are watching our "strategists", as they hear them at distances much greater than the Americans are able to hear the "Lada". Under such conditions, the defeat of an enemy submarine - either by the Lada on its own, or by pointing anti-submarine aviation and surface ships at it - becomes a matter of technology.

As for the Mediterranean, the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean, the presence in their waters in a sufficient number of submarines like the Lada practically nullifies the American naval power there, the core of which is aircraft carrier strike groups (AUG). Back in Soviet times, Project 641B diesel engines managed to break through the anti-submarine defense of aircraft carriers and used to surface right under the noses of stunned American admirals. And only a small reserve of underwater movement, the absence of long-range missile weapons, and the inability to remain submerged for more than 3 days gave the Americans a chance in this confrontation with Soviet submariners.

Today, provided that the Lada is really capable of staying under water for up to 25 days, its ammunition load will include a powerful anti-ship missile system similar to Caliber, and reconnaissance and targeting of submarines at the AUG will be carried out using layered reconnaissance, including space grouping, the vaunted US aircraft carriers will no longer have such a chance! And this means that the whole era of American “dominance at sea” will go into the past, Washington will actually lose its main tool for “projecting power” into remote regions and will finally lose its global geopolitical role.

Photo 4.

More about VNEU - what is the point?

Today, all submarines are divided into two types according to the type of power plants: submarines with a nuclear power plant (nuclear reactor) and diesel-electric submarines (DEPL), moving on the surface with the help of a diesel engine, and underwater using electric motors that draw energy from batteries.

Nuclear submarines appeared in the Soviet Navy in the late 1950s. The first nuclear submarine of the 627th project under the name "Leninsky Komsomol" was put into operation in 1957. From that moment to this day, nuclear submarines have been the main striking force of our fleet, carrying a wide range of the most formidable weapons - from strategic intercontinental missiles and tactical nuclear torpedoes to long-range high-precision cruise missiles, which today form the basis of the Russian forces of strategic non-nuclear deterrence.

Nuclear submarines have a number of outstanding advantages: virtually unlimited time spent under water, high speed underwater course and a great depth of immersion, the ability to carry a huge amount of a wide variety of weapons and equipment. The high power-to-weight ratio achieved by the huge power of the nuclear power plant makes it possible to build boats of very large displacement and place on them not only a lot of weapons, but also highly efficient sonar systems, communications, electronic intelligence and navigation.

But, alas, the main advantage of a nuclear power plant, its power, is at the same time the source of the main drawback inherent in nuclear submarines. This drawback is a lot of noise. The presence on board the nuclear submarine of a nuclear reactor (and sometimes two) with a whole range of related mechanisms: turbines, generators, pumps, refrigeration units, fans, etc. - inevitably generates a huge number of different-frequency oscillations and vibrations and requires the most sophisticated technologies to reduce the noise level, which is the main unmasking factor of any nuclear submarine.

But the diesel-electric submarine under water is almost silent. Battery-powered electric motors do not require turbines or other high-noise equipment. Therefore, diesel-electric submarines sneak in the depths of the ocean, almost without making noise, like a dangerous predatory fish stalking gaping prey.

However, this fish can be under water for a relatively short time - only a few days. Moreover, it moves very slowly in the depths of the ocean, saving energy, which is simply negligible compared to atomic "sharks". And the lack of energy, in turn, imposes serious restrictions on displacement, armament and other key characteristics of diesel-electric submarines. In fact, these boats are not completely “underwater”, they can rather be called “diving”, since they spend most of the time on deployment routes on the surface, and in combat patrol areas they are forced to regularly surface and turn on the diesel engine to recharge the batteries .

Photo 5.

Unified periscope complex "Sail-98" and fencing of the cabin of the submarine "St. Petersburg" pr.677 LADA with retractable devices, December 2005 (based on photo by Oleg Karpenko,

So, for example, the newest Russian diesel-electric submarine of project 636.3 has a submerged reserve of only 400 miles. And it moves under water mainly in an economical way at a speed of 3 knots, that is, 5.4 km / h. Therefore, such a boat cannot pursue its prey under water. She is forced to rely on intelligence data, which should lead her to a given point on the route of deployment of enemy ships. Hence and main way combat use of diesel-electric submarines - the so-called. "veil", i.e. deployment of submarines in a line perpendicular to the course of the probable movement of the target, at certain intervals from each other. At the same time, the entire group of submarines participating in it is controlled from an external command post, which creates additional unmasking factors and reduces the combat stability and effectiveness of the submarine grouping. If we also take into account that the depth of the layered anti-submarine defense of a modern American aircraft carrier strike group is over 300 miles (i.e., more than 550 km), it becomes clear how difficult it is for our diesel-electric submarines to resist such an enemy.

Therefore, it is not surprising that cherished dream of all submariners is the creation of a submarine with a fundamentally new power plant, which will combine the advantages of nuclear and diesel-electric submarines: power and stealth, greater autonomy of diving and low noise...

Photo 6.

The fairy tale became a reality

So: the Russian submarines of the 677th Lada project with an air-independent power plant are just the most serious breakthrough in this direction, bringing the Russian submarine fleet to fundamentally new frontiers.

"Lada" is small, their displacement is almost two times less than that of the famous "Varshavyanka". But the complex of its weapons is very serious and unusually large. In addition to the traditional mine and torpedo armament of diesel-electric submarines (6 533-mm torpedo tubes, 18 torpedoes or mines), the 667th project is the world's first non-nuclear submarine equipped with specialized launchers for cruise missiles (10 vertical launchers in the middle part of the hull). Moreover, these missiles can be both operational-tactical, strike-anti-ship, and long-range missiles designed to destroy strategic targets deep in enemy territory.

The main command post of the submarine pr.677 (drawing by the Rubin Central Design Bureau,

But most important feature The new Russian submarine is VNEU, an air-independent power plant. Without going into details that are interesting to specialists, we note that the presence of VNEU will allow the Lada to be submerged for up to 25 days, that is, almost 10 times longer than their famous “big sisters” - the Varshavyanka project 636.3! At the same time, the noise of the Lada will be even less than that of the famous Warsaw “black hole”, which the Americans nicknamed so due to the fact that it is almost impossible to detect.

NATO countries have long been trying to equip their submarines with such VNEU. The trendsetters in this area are Germany and Sweden. Since the late 90s, German shipbuilders have been building small submarines of project 212\214, equipped with a hybrid power plant. It includes a diesel engine for surface travel and battery recharging, silver-zinc batteries themselves and VNEU for economical underwater travel based on fuel cells, including tanks with cryogenic oxygen and tanks with metal hydride (a special metal alloy in combination with hydrogen).

Photo 7.

Equipping the boat with such an anaerobic installation allowed the Germans to increase the time it spent in a submerged position up to 20 days. And now the German "babies" with VNEU of various modifications are in service with Germany, Italy, Portugal, Turkey, Israel, Korea and several other countries.

The Swedish concern Kockums Submarin Systems, in turn, at the end of the last century, began building Gotland-class submarines with VNEU based on the so-called "Stirling engine". When using it, these boats can also be under water without recharging batteries for up to 20 days. And now there are submarines with Stirling engines not only in Scandinavian countries, but also in Australia, Japan, Singapore and Thailand.

But neither the German nor the Swedish submarines, which are small, in fact, coastal boats, can not be compared with the Russian Ladas - neither in their tactical and technical characteristics, nor in terms of variety and power of weapons. Our submarines of the 667th project are in all respects in this class the ships of the new generation, unique in their quality!

General view and fragment of quasi-conformal direction-finding GAS antennas (fore and side) of the Lira SJSC (photo probably by the Kronstadt submarine, 2009, from the Deep Blue Sea archive,

Rubin Central Design Bureau, the main submarine developer in Russia, designed the Lada so that it is capable of delivering salvo torpedo-missile strikes against sea and stationary ground targets both from torpedo tubes and from specialized vertical missile silos. Due to the unique sonar complex, our boat has a significantly increased target detection distance. It can dive to 300 m, has a full underwater speed of up to 21 knots, autonomy - 45 days. To reduce the noise of the boat, vibration isolators and an all-mode propeller motor with permanent magnets were used. The hull of the boat is covered with "Lightning" material, which absorbs sonar signals.

Little is known about the VNEU of our boat. Just like the Germans, it will be based on an electrochemical generator. But it will be fundamentally different in that the hydrogen necessary for the operation of the VNEU will be obtained directly on board by processing the existing diesel fuel. Therefore, the Russian VNEU will be much more economical than the German counterpart, which will increase the time of its continuous stay of the boat under water up to 25 days. At the same time, the Lada will cost significantly less than the German boats of project 212 \ 214.

Until 2020, the Russian fleet expects to receive 14 units of such new 4th generation non-nuclear submarines.

Photo 8.

And now a little TTX in more detail:

Project 677 submarines are designed to carry out independent operations on sea lanes against enemy submarines and surface ships in a limited area, carry out anti-submarine defense in coastal areas, narrow places and in torrential zones, lay minefields and other tasks.

Project 677 submarine is made according to the so-called one and a half hull scheme. The axisymmetric strong body is made of AB-2 steel and has the same diameter almost along the entire length. The bow and stern ends are spherical. The hull is divided along the length into five watertight compartments by flat bulkheads, by means of platforms the hull is divided by height into three tiers.

The light hull is given a streamlined shape, providing high hydrodynamic characteristics. The fencing of retractable devices has the same shape as that of the boats of projects 877, at the same time, the stern plumage is made cruciform, and the front horizontal rudders are placed on the fence, where they create minimal interference with the operation of the hydroacoustic complex.

Photo 9.


The submarine is equipped with 6 533 mm torpedo tubes. 2 torpedoes of the upper tier are adapted for firing remote-controlled torpedoes. Ammunition is 18 units, which may include universal torpedoes (type SAET-60M, UGST and USET-80K), anti-submarine missile torpedoes, cruise missiles, mines (22 types DM-1). The possibility of using high-speed anti-submarine missiles "Shkval" is provided.

The firing system allows you to fire ammunition singly and in one salvo up to 6 units. The Murena mechanical loader allows automatic reloading of torpedo tubes. The entire cycle of preparing the complex for the use of weapons and firing are automated and carried out from the operator's console from the main command post of the submarine.

For air defense, there are 6 Igla-1M MANPADS.

Coordination of the work of all means of electronic weapons is provided by the combat information and control system "Lithium".

The hydroacoustic complex "Lira" includes highly sensitive direction-finding antennas. The complex includes a bow (L-01) and two onboard antennas in the bow of the submarine. The dimensions of the antennas have been increased as much as possible. They occupy most of the surface of the nasal tip.

In addition to stationary antennas, the submarine has an exhaust towed sonar antenna with an exit point in the upper vertical stabilizer.

The navigation complex includes an inertial navigation system and ensures the safety of navigation and the generation of data on the location and movement parameters of the submarine with the accuracy necessary for the use of weapons.

The unified periscope complex UPK Parus-98 includes:

  • commander's non-penetrating periscope "Parus-98KP" with optical and TV channels (daytime and low-level) with variable magnification 1.5-12X, with video recording;
  • Optocoupler mast of non-penetrating type "Parus-98UP" (universal periscope) with TV channels (daytime and low-level) with variable magnification 1.5-12X, laser rangefinder channel;
  • Radar KRM-66 "Kodak". Includes active and passive radar channels, combined antenna post channels. The radar system has a channel of increased stealth in the active mode and provides complete information on both the surface and air situation without unmasking the submarine;
  • digital complex of radio communication means "Distance". The set of radio communication facilities allows for reliable two-way radio communication with coastal command posts, ships, ships and aircraft while in surface and periscope positions. To receive command messages when at great depths, there is an exhaust towed radio antenna. The release of the antenna is made from a durable housing;
  • navigation complex "Appassionata" with inertial navigation system and satellite navigation system GPS / GLONASS. Navigation accuracy - deviation of the coordinates of the place for 2 days - 5 km with a course change of up to 6 deg / min.

Photo 10.

Power plant

The boat has a diesel-electric main power plant, developed according to the scheme of full electric propulsion. It includes a diesel generator set located in the fourth compartment, consisting of two 28DG direct current diesel generators with rectifiers (with a capacity of 1000 kW), two groups of batteries with 126 cells each (total power - 10580 kWh), located in the first and third compartments, an all-mode brushless low-speed propulsion motor with excitation by permanent magnets of the SED-1 type with a power of 4100 kW.

The selected power of diesel generators allows for not only "normal" charging of the battery, but also a specially designed accelerated charging mode, which can significantly reduce the time spent by the submarine in the periscope position. The absence of a brush current collector increases the safety of generator operation.

The SED-1 electric motor on a test bench at the Rubin Central Design Bureau of MT (photo by Rubin Central Design Bureau of MT)

Photo 11.

The all-mode propulsion motor performs the function of the main propulsion motor and the economical propulsion motor. It drives a seven-blade, low-noise fixed-pitch propeller with saber blades. Also, the submarine has 2 remote screw columns RDK-35. The highest underwater speed reaches 21 knots, when moving on the surface, the boat develops a speed of 10 knots. The cruising range in diesel mode under water reaches 6000 miles, in a similar position, when driving at an economical speed, the boat can overcome 650 miles.

The submarine is equipped with a rescue universal complex of the KSU-600 type for remote automatic release of PSNL-20 life rafts (2 pcs., in the superstructure in front of the retractable devices fencing).

All living quarters of the submarine are located in the third compartment. Cabins are provided for all crew members: for command staff - double, for the commander - single.

For meals there is a wardroom with a pantry. All food supplies are placed in special pantries, cooled and uncooled. Newly developed galley equipment with small dimensions and power consumption is able to provide fast cooking of hot food.

Fresh water is stored in stainless steel tanks. Replenishment of water reserves is possible with the help of a water desalination plant that utilizes the heat of diesel engines. In general, water supply is quite sufficient for both drinking and hygienic purposes (washing dishes, showers). Habitability conditions and reserves of fuel, food and drinking water provide autonomy for 45 days.

Let me remind you more about what and what. This once again confirms that The original article is on the website InfoGlaz.rf Link to the article from which this copy is made -