Cruisers of the Russian Federation. Ships of the Russian Navy

I bring to your attention a list of warships, boats and auxiliary vessels for the Russian Navy, under construction or being tested as of 08/08/2017.

1. Project 23550 multipurpose icebreaking patrol ship.

Serial No. 02460 - laid down on 04/19/16 - "Ivan Papanin"

2. 3. 4. 5. Project 22350 frigates.

No. 921 - laid down on 02/01/06 - launched on 10/29/10 - "Admiral of the Fleet Soviet Union Gorshkov"

No. 922 - laid down 11/26/09 - launched 12/12/14 - "Admiral of the Fleet Kasatonov"

No. 923 - laid down on 01.02.12 - "Admiral Golovko"

No. 924 - laid down on 11/14/13 - "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Isakov"

6. 7. 8. 9. Project 11356 frigates.

Designer - OJSC "Northern Design Bureau" (St. Petersburg)

Serial No. 01359 - laid down on 02/29/12 - launched on 09/02/15 - "Admiral Makarov"

Serial No. 01360 - laid down on 07/12/13 - launched on 03/02/16 - "Admiral Butakov"

Serial No. 01361 - laid down on 11/15/13 - "Admiral Istomin"

Serial No. 01362 - under construction

10. Project 20386 corvette.

Designer - Almaz Central Marine Design Bureau (St. Petersburg)

The construction is carried out by OJSC Shipbuilding Plant Severnaya Verf (St. Petersburg)

Serial No. 1009 - laid down on 10/28/16 - "Daring"

11. 12. Project 20385 corvettes.

Designer - Almaz Central Marine Design Bureau (St. Petersburg)

The construction is carried out by OJSC Shipbuilding Plant Severnaya Verf (St. Petersburg)

Serial No. 1005 - laid down on 02/01/12 - launched on 06/30/17 - "Thundering"

Serial number 1006 - laid down on 07/25/13 - "Agile"

13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Project 20380 corvettes.

Designer - Almaz Central Marine Design Bureau (St. Petersburg)

OJSC "Shipbuilding Plant" Severnaya Verf "(St. Petersburg)

Head No. 1007 - laid down on 20.02.15 - "Zealous"

Head No. 1008 - laid down on 20.02.15 - "Strict"

PJSC Amur Shipbuilding Plant (Komsomolsk-on-Amur)

Head No. 2102 - laid down on 04/20/12 - "Loud"

Head No. 2103 - laid down on 07/22/15 - "Hero of the Russian Federation Aldar Tsydenzhapov"

Head No. 2104 - laid down on 07/01/16 - "Sharp"

18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Project 22160 patrol ships.

Designer - OJSC "Northern Design Bureau" (St. Petersburg)

Serial No. 161 - laid down on February 26, 2014 - "Vasily Bykov"

Serial number 162 - laid down on 07/25/2014 - "Dmitry Rogachev"

Serial No. 163 - laid down on February 18, 2016 - "Pavel Derzhavin"

Serial number 164 - laid down on 05/08/2016 - "Sergey Kotov"

Serial number 165 - laid down on 11/25/2016 - "Viktor the Great"

23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Small missile ships (RTOs) of project 21631 Buyan-M.

The designer is OAO Zelenodolsk Design Bureau.

The construction is being carried out by Zelenodolsk Plant named after I. A.M. Gorky (Tatarstan)

Serial number 636 - laid down on 08/29/13 - launched? - "Vyshny Volochyok"

Serial number 637 - laid down on 05/29/14 - "Orekhovo-Zuyevo"

Serial number 638 - laid down on 08/29/14 - "Ingushetia"

Serial number 639 - laid down on 04/10/15 - "Grayvoron"

Serial number 640 - laid down on 04/24/17 - "Thunder"

28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. Project 22800 small missile ships Karakurt.

Designer - Almaz Central Marine Design Bureau (St. Petersburg)

OJSC "Leningrad Shipbuilding Plant" Pella "

Serial No. 251 - laid down on 12/24/2015 - launched on 07/29/2017 - "Hurricane"

Serial number 252 - laid down on 12/24/2015 - "Typhoon"

Serial number 253 - laid down on 07/29/2016 - "Shkval"

Serial number 257 - laid down on 12/24/2016 - "Storm"

Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Shipbuilding Plant “More”

Serial number 254 - laid down on 05/10/2016 - "Storm"

Serial number 255 - laid down on 03/17/2017 - "Okhotsk"

Serial No. 256 - is being prepared for laying

JSC "Zelenodolsk plant named after. A.M. Gorky" / LLC "Shipbuilding plant "Zaliv"

Serial No. 801 - laid down?.2016

Serial number 802 - laid down?.2016

37. 38. Project 12418 missile boats.

Designer - Almaz Central Marine Design Bureau (St. Petersburg)

Serial No. 01301 - under construction

Serial No. 01302 - under construction

39. 40. 41. Basic minesweepers of project 12700 "Alexandrite".

Designer - Almaz Central Marine Design Bureau (St. Petersburg)

Construction is carried out by Sredne-Nevsky Shipbuilding Plant OJSC (St. Petersburg)

Serial No. 522 - laid down on 04/24/2015 - "Georgy Kurbatov"

Serial No. 523 - laid down on 01/25/2017 - "Ivan Antonov"

Serial number 524 - laid down on 04/20/2017 - "Vladimir Emelyanov"

42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. Anti-sabotage boats of project 21980 "Rook".

JSC "Zelenodolsk plant named after. A.M. Gorky (Tatarstan)

Serial number 988 - laid down on 01/12/15 - launched?

Serial number 989 - laid down on 05/07/15

Serial No. 8005 - under construction

Serial No. 8006 - under construction

Serial No. 8007 - under construction

Serial No. 01224 - laid down on 04/15/16 - launched on 06/22/17

48. 49. Large landing ships (BDK) project 11711.

Designer - OJSC "Nevskoe Design Bureau" (St. Petersburg)

The construction is being carried out by the Baltic Shipbuilding Plant Yantar JSC (Kaliningrad)

Serial No. 01301 - laid down on 12/24/04 - launched on 05/18/12 - "Ivan Gren"

Serial number 01302 - laid down on 06/11/15 - "Pyotr Morgunov"

50. Medium reconnaissance ship (SRZK) of project 18280.

Designer - Iceberg Central Design Bureau (St. Petersburg)

The construction is carried out by OJSC Shipbuilding Plant Severnaya Verf (St. Petersburg)

Serial No. 788 - laid down on 11/14/13 - launched on 05/15/17 - "Ivan Khurs"

51. Oceanographic research vessel of project 22010 "Kruys".

Designer - Almaz Central Marine Design Bureau (St. Petersburg)

The construction is being carried out by the Baltic Shipbuilding Plant Yantar JSC (Kaliningrad)

Serial No. 01604 - laid down on 06/09/2016 - "Almaz"

52. Oceanographic research vessel project 02670.

Designer - Almaz Central Marine Design Bureau (St. Petersburg)

The construction is being carried out by the Baltic Shipbuilding Plant Yantar OJSC (Kaliningrad) using the hull of the B92 project sea tug.

Serial No. 08766 - laid down on 03/19/2016 - "Eugene Gorigledzhan"

53. Project 16450 oceanographic research vessel.

Designer - OJSC "Northern Design Bureau" (St. Petersburg)

Serial No. 451 - laid down on 09/15/2016 - "Akademik Ageev"

54. 55. Experimental vessels of project 11982.

Designer - Almaz Central Marine Design Bureau (St. Petersburg)

The construction is being carried out by OJSC "Leningrad Shipbuilding Plant" Pella "(Otradnoye)

Serial No. 150 - laid down on 09/12/14 - launched on 07/29/2016 - "Ladoga"

Serial number 151 - laid down on 12/04/14 - "Ilmen"

56. Oceanographic research vessel of project 20183.

Designer - Almaz Central Marine Design Bureau (St. Petersburg)

Serial No. 01280 - laid down on 12/20/12 - launched on 05/16/17 - "Akademik Aleksandrov"

57. Maritime transport of weapons of the project 20181 (20180TV).

Designer - Almaz Central Marine Design Bureau (St. Petersburg)

The construction is carried out by Zvezdochka Ship Repair Center JSC (Severodvinsk)

Serial number 01283 - laid down on 07/23/15 - "Akademik Makeev"

58. Maritime transport of weapons of the project 20360M.

Designer - OJSC KB Vympel (Nizhny Novgorod)

The construction is being carried out by JSC Shipbuilding Plant Vympel (Rybinsk)

Serial No. 01551 - laid down on 05/05/2017 - "Gennady Dmitriev"

59. 60. 61 Project 23120 ice-class logistic support vessels.

The construction is carried out by OJSC Shipbuilding Plant Severnaya Verf (St. Petersburg)

Serial No. 880 - laid down on 11/14/12 - launched on 06/26/15 - "Elbrus"

Serial No. 881 - laid down on 12/19/13 - launched on 11/14/16 - "Vsevolod Bobrov"

Serial No. 882 - laid down on 07/24/14 - "Captain Shevchenko" (construction suspended)

62. Medium sea tanker project 23130.

Designer - CJSC "Spetssudoproekt" (St. Petersburg)

Construction is carried out by Nevsky Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Plant LLC (Shlisselburg)

Serial No. 901 - laid down on 04/26/14 - launched on 05/26/16 - "Akademik Pashin"

63. 64. Project 23131 medium sea tankers.

Designer - CJSC "Spetssudoproekt" (St. Petersburg)

The construction is carried out by Shipbuilding Plant Zaliv LLC (Kerch)

Serial No. 301 - laid down on 12/26/2014

Serial No. 302 - laid down on 12/26/2014

65. 66. 67. Small sea tanker project 03182.

Designer - OJSC "Zelenodolsk Design Bureau"

OAO Vostochnaya Verf (Vladivostok)

Serial No. 9001 - laid down on 10/27/215 - "Mikhail Barskov"

Volga Shipbuilding Plant OJSC (Nizhny Novgorod)

Serial number 850 - laid down on 09/01/2016 - "Vice-Admiral Paromov"

Serial number 851 - laid down on 03/10/2017 - "Vasily Nikitin"

68. 69. Project 15310 cable ships.

Designer - OJSC KhS Marine Design

JSC "Zelenodolsk plant named after. A.M. Gorky" / LLC "Shipbuilding plant "Zaliv"

Serial number 301 - laid down on 01/06/2015 - "Volga"

Serial number 302 - laid down on 01/06/2015 - "Vyatka"

70. Diesel-electric icebreaker project 21180.

Designer - OJSC KB Vympel (Nizhny Novgorod)

Construction is being carried out by Admiralty Shipyards OJSC (St. Petersburg)

Serial No. 02470 - laid down on 04/23/15 - launched on 06/10/16 - "Ilya Muromets"

71. 72. Project 23470 sea tugs.

Designer - Central Design Bureau "Baltsudoproekt" (St. Petersburg)

Construction is being carried out by Yaroslavl Shipbuilding Plant OJSC

Serial No. 410 - laid down on 10/30/14 - launched on 12/27/16 - "Sergey Balk"

Serial No. 411 - laid down on 07/23/15 - launched on 06/29/17 - "Andrey Stepanov"

73. 74. Rescue and tugboat project 22870.

Designer - OJSC KB Vympel (Nizhny Novgorod)

The construction is being carried out by Astrakhan Ship Repair Plant OJSC (branch of Zvezdochka CS OJSC)

Serial number 009 - laid down?

Serial No. 010 - laid down on 10/27/16

75. Offshore tug project 16609.

The construction is being carried out by OJSC "Leningrad Shipbuilding Plant" Pella "(Otradnoye)

Serial number 632 - launched 07/27/2017 - RB-369

76. Raid tug project 90600.

Designer - Pella Leningrad Shipbuilding Plant (Otradnoye)

The construction is being carried out by OJSC "Leningrad Shipbuilding Plant" Pella "(Otradnoye)

Serial number 946 - launched 05/26/2017 - RB-393

77. Towing boat project 04690.

Designer - Pella Leningrad Shipbuilding Plant (Otradnoye)

The construction is being carried out by OJSC "Leningrad Shipbuilding Plant" Pella "(Otradnoye)

Serial number 461 - launched on 07/12/2017

78. 79. Project 1388NZT torpedo boat.

Designer - OJSC KB Vympel (Nizhny Novgorod)

Serial number 404 - under construction

Serial No. 405 - under construction

80. Project 1388NZ communication boat.

Designer - OJSC KB Vympel (Nizhny Novgorod)

Construction is carried out by Sokolskaya Shipyard JSC (Sokolskoye)

Factory 403 - under construction

81. Communication boat of the project project 21270.

Designer - Almaz Central Marine Design Bureau (St. Petersburg)

Construction is carried out by JSC " Okskaya shipyard"(Navashino)

Serial No. 3705 - laid down on 04/15/2016 - "John of Kronstadt"

82. Dock complex project 23380.

Designer - JSC "Central Design Bureau of Marine Engineering" Rubin "

The construction is being carried out by JSC Far East Plant Zvezda (Bolshoy Kamen)

Serial No. 08380 - laid down on 09/01/2016 - "Zvezda"

83. 84. 85. 86. 87. Project 19910 small hydrographic vessels.

Designer - OJSC KB Vympel (Nizhny Novgorod)

OJSC Shipbuilding Plant Vympel (Rybinsk)

Serial No. 01801 - laid down on 12/24/15 - "Nikolay Skosyrev"

OJSC "Shipbuilding Plant named after the October Revolution" (Blagoveshchensk)

Serial number 201 - laid down on 19.02.16 - "Alexander Rogotsky"

OOO Shipbuilding Plant Zaliv (Kerch)

Serial No. 801 - laid down on 07/26/2016

Serial No. 802 - laid down on 11/18/2016

Serial No. 803 - laid down on 06/30/2017

88. 89. Large hydrographic boats 23040 G.

Designer - Nizhny Novgorod Teplohod Plant JSC (Bor, Nizhny Novgorod Region)

The construction is being carried out by OAO Plant Nizhny Novgorod Teplohod (Bor, Nizhny Novgorod Region)

Serial No. 1201 - laid down on 08/16/2016 - "George Zima"

Serial No. 1202 - laid down on 08/16/2016 - "Alexander Evlanov"

90. 91. 92. 93. 94. Project 09552 Borey-A strategic missile submarines.

Serial number 204 - laid down on 07/30/12 - K-? "Prince Vladimir"

Serial number 205 - laid down on 07/27/14 - K-? "Prince Oleg"

Serial number 206 - laid down on 12/26/14 - K-? "Generalissimo Suvorov"

Serial number 207 - laid down on 12/18/15 - K-? "Emperor Alexander III"

Serial number 208 - laid down on 12/23/16 - K-? "Prince Pozharsky"

95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. Project 08851 Yasen-M multipurpose nuclear submarines.

Designer - St. Petersburg Marine Engineering Bureau "Malakhit"

The construction is carried out by JSC " Production Association Sevmash (Severodvinsk)

Serial No. 161 - laid down on 07/24/09 - launched on 03/31/17 - K-561 "Kazan"

Serial number 162 - laid down on 07/26/13 - K-573 "Novosibirsk"

Serial No. 163 - laid down on 27.07.14 - K-571 "Krasnoyarsk"

Serial No. 164 - laid down on 19.03.15 - K-564 "Arkhangelsk"

Serial number 165 - laid down on 07/29/16 - K-? "Permian"

Serial number 166 - laid down on 07/28/17 - K-? "Ulyanovsk"

101. Premier League special purpose project 09851.

Designer - JSC "Central Design Bureau of Marine Engineering" Rubin "(St. Petersburg)

The construction is being carried out by OJSC “Production Association “Sevmash” (Severodvinsk)

"Khabarovsk" - laid down on 27.07.14

102. Project 09852 special-purpose nuclear submarine.

Designer - JSC "Central Design Bureau of Marine Engineering" Rubin "(St. Petersburg)

The construction is being carried out by OJSC “Production Association “Sevmash” (Severodvinsk)

Laid down on 07/24/92 under project 949A - laid down again on 12/20/12

103. 104. Diesel-electric submarines of project 06363.

Designer - JSC "Central Design Bureau of Marine Engineering" Rubin "(St. Petersburg)

Construction is being carried out by Admiralty Shipyards OJSC (St. Petersburg)

Serial No. 01614 - laid down on 07/28/17 - B-274 "Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky"

Serial No. 01615 - laid down on 07/28/17 - B-603 "Volkhov"

105. 106. Diesel-electric submarines of project 677 "Lada".

Designer - JSC "Central Design Bureau of Marine Engineering" Rubin "(St. Petersburg)

MOSCOW, April 3 - RIA Novosti, Andrey Kots. Nuclear-powered strategic submarines, modern multi-purpose frigates, low-noise diesel submarines and support vessels different class- . Commander-in-Chief of the Navy Vladimir Korolev stressed that the 2018-2020 shipbuilding program will be completed in full and on time. about what new offshore platforms will receive the Russian fleet, - in the material of RIA Novosti.

submarine fleet

Today, the Navy has three strategic missile submarines (SSBN) of Project 955 Borey. K-535 "Yuri Dolgoruky" is on combat duty in the Northern Fleet, K-550 "Alexander Nevsky" and K-551 "Vladimir Monomakh" - in the Pacific. Until 2020, it is planned to put into operation another nuclear-powered ship - the submarine cruiser of the modernized project 955A "Prince Vladimir". The ship is now undergoing factory and state tests. The crew is already formed and trained in training center Navy. It is expected that "Prince Vladimir" will go to serve in the fleet before the end of this year.

The modernized submarine differs from the basic project by better stealth, more advanced means of communication, detection and control of weapons. Borey-A, like its "big brothers", will carry 16 Bulava intercontinental ballistic missiles on board. The cruiser Generalissimo Suvorov, next in terms of readiness, is unlikely to have time to enter service by 2020, like other ships of the project - the Emperor Alexander III and Prince Pozharsky. According to media reports, they will be launched no earlier than 2022. Further development of the series - Borey-B project boats with improved characteristics - are included in the state armaments program until 2027.

© Photo: SEVMASH enterpriseNuclear submarine missile cruiser project "Borey"

In addition to the "strategists", already in 2019 the fleet should receive the first modernized multi-purpose nuclear-powered vessel "Kazan" of the Yasen-M project, which is undergoing factory tests. The lead ship of the Yasen series, the Severodvinsk, has been in service since 2014. The next in line, Yasen-M, Novosibirsk, has not yet been launched, so it is unlikely that it will have time to get into operation by 2020. But two diesel-electric submarines of project 677 "Lada" - "St. Petersburg" and "Kronstadt" - have every chance of this. The first has been in trial operation since 2010, the second will be launched before the end of 2018. In addition, the Pacific Fleet in the next two years should replenish diesel "Varshavyanki" - submarines of project 636.3 "Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky" and "Volkhov", carrying both torpedo weapons and Caliber cruise missiles.

surface fleet

There will definitely not be new large surface ships of the destroyer class and above in the Navy by 2020. But several platforms with a lower rank will go into operation at once. By 2020, the Black Sea Fleet (BSF) should receive three patrol ships of project 11356 Burevestnik - Admiral Butakov, Admiral Istomin, Admiral Kornilov. These frigates have already been launched and are being tested. Now the Black Sea Fleet has three Burevestniks - the ships Admiral Makarov, Admiral Essen and Admiral Grigorovich.

In addition, in two years the Northern Fleet should be replenished with two frigates of the far sea zone of the more "advanced" project 22350. The lead ship "Admiral Gorshkov" began to be built at Severnaya Verf back in 2006. This is the first large surface warship laid down after the collapse of the USSR. The shipbuilders were given the task of creating a fundamentally new frigate, stuffed with the most modern technologies, many of which had not been used in the fleet before. The complexity and ambitiousness of the project is the main reason that the deadline for handing over the ship to the fleet has been “shifted to the right” several times. It is expected to enter service in August 2018. The second frigate of the series, the Admiral Kasatonov, is undergoing factory tests and will be ready for naval service no earlier than 2019.

Separately, it is worth dwelling on plans to re-equip the Navy with small missile ships (RTOs), which Western analysts have already dubbed "Russia's new mosquito fleet." Indeed, the five operational RTOs of project 21631 Buyan-M, despite a modest displacement of 941 tons, have more than serious combat capabilities. Each carries eight Caliber cruise missiles, which, combined with their small size and low radar visibility, makes these ships a force capable of threatening even a cruiser. It was the Buyans that opened the Russian Navy’s combat account in the Syrian conflict in the fall of 2015 with a Kalibr strike from the Caspian Sea against the bases of ISIS* terrorists. In April 2018, another RTO Vyshny Volochek is to join the Black Sea Fleet. Three ships out of the five laid down - "Ignushetia", "Grayvoron" and "Orekhovo-Zuyevo" - will be handed over to the fleet by 2020.

Another type of RTOs that will replenish the Navy in the coming years are the ships of project 22800 Karakurt. They will be more comfortable on the high seas than the Buyans, and they will be provided with a more advanced radar system. The first two ships of the project - "Hurricane" and "Typhoon" - are being completed afloat. Four more - "Shkval", "Storm", "Storm" and "Okhotsk" - are on the stocks shipyard"Pella" in varying degrees readiness. According to media reports, they will be commissioned by 2020.

Of the other "babies" should be mentioned patrol ships of project 22160 - "Vasily Bykov", "Dmitry Rogachev", "Pavel Derzhavin" and "Sergey Kotov". They are being built for the Black Sea Fleet, and they will have to fulfill the tasks of protecting the country's territorial waters, combating piracy, and also supporting their larger "brothers" in battle. Each ship will be armed with installations for launching Caliber cruise missiles, equipped with a set of tools for combating surface targets and submarines. In total, six ships are planned in the series, but only the first four will be completed by 2020.

Of the auxiliary vessels, in the next two years, the fleet will receive four minesweepers of project 12700, two large landing ships of project 11711 "Ivan Gren" and "Pyotr Morgunov", as well as a number of highly specialized boats, reconnaissance and hydrographic ships. It is obvious that the Russian Navy is trying to restore its forces, seriously battered by the dashing 90s and the penniless zeros. The turn of large surface ships will come a little later - for the period of the state armaments program until 2027.

MOSCOW, April 3 - RIA Novosti, Andrey Kots. Strategic nuclear-powered submarines, modern multi-purpose frigates, low-noise diesel submarines and support vessels of various classes - . Commander-in-Chief of the Navy Vladimir Korolev stressed that the 2018-2020 shipbuilding program will be completed in full and on time. About what new offshore platforms the Russian fleet will receive - in the material of RIA Novosti.

submarine fleet

Today, the Navy has three strategic missile submarines (SSBN) of Project 955 Borey. K-535 "Yuri Dolgoruky" is on combat duty in the Northern Fleet, K-550 "Alexander Nevsky" and K-551 "Vladimir Monomakh" - in the Pacific. Until 2020, it is planned to put into operation another nuclear-powered ship - the submarine cruiser of the modernized project 955A "Prince Vladimir". The ship is now undergoing factory and state tests. The crew has already been formed and trained at the Naval Training Center. It is expected that "Prince Vladimir" will go to serve in the fleet before the end of this year.

The modernized submarine differs from the basic project by better stealth, more advanced means of communication, detection and control of weapons. Borey-A, like its "big brothers", will carry 16 Bulava intercontinental ballistic missiles on board. The cruiser Generalissimo Suvorov, next in terms of readiness, is unlikely to have time to enter service by 2020, like other ships of the project - the Emperor Alexander III and Prince Pozharsky. According to media reports, they will be launched no earlier than 2022. Further development of the series - Borey-B project boats with improved characteristics - are included in the state armaments program until 2027.

© Photo: SEVMASH enterpriseNuclear submarine missile cruiser project "Borey"

In addition to the "strategists", already in 2019 the fleet should receive the first modernized multi-purpose nuclear-powered vessel "Kazan" of the Yasen-M project, which is undergoing factory tests. The lead ship of the Yasen series, the Severodvinsk, has been in service since 2014. The next in line, Yasen-M, Novosibirsk, has not yet been launched, so it is unlikely that it will have time to get into operation by 2020. But two diesel-electric submarines of project 677 "Lada" - "St. Petersburg" and "Kronstadt" - have every chance of this. The first has been in trial operation since 2010, the second will be launched before the end of 2018. In addition, the Pacific Fleet in the next two years should replenish diesel "Varshavyanki" - submarines of project 636.3 "Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky" and "Volkhov", carrying both torpedo weapons and Caliber cruise missiles.

surface fleet

There will definitely not be new large surface ships of the destroyer class and above in the Navy by 2020. But several platforms with a lower rank will go into operation at once. By 2020, the Black Sea Fleet (BSF) should receive three patrol ships of project 11356 Burevestnik - Admiral Butakov, Admiral Istomin, Admiral Kornilov. These frigates have already been launched and are being tested. Now the Black Sea Fleet has three Burevestniks - the ships Admiral Makarov, Admiral Essen and Admiral Grigorovich.

In addition, in two years the Northern Fleet should be replenished with two frigates of the far sea zone of the more "advanced" project 22350. The lead ship "Admiral Gorshkov" began to be built at Severnaya Verf back in 2006. This is the first large surface warship laid down after the collapse of the USSR. The shipbuilders were given the task of creating a fundamentally new frigate, stuffed with the most modern technologies, many of which had not been used in the fleet before. The complexity and ambitiousness of the project is the main reason that the deadline for handing over the ship to the fleet has been “shifted to the right” several times. It is expected to enter service in August 2018. The second frigate of the series, the Admiral Kasatonov, is undergoing factory tests and will be ready for naval service no earlier than 2019.

Separately, it is worth dwelling on plans to re-equip the Navy with small missile ships (RTOs), which Western analysts have already dubbed "Russia's new mosquito fleet." Indeed, the five operational RTOs of project 21631 Buyan-M, despite a modest displacement of 941 tons, have more than serious combat capabilities. Each carries eight Caliber cruise missiles, which, combined with their small size and low radar visibility, makes these ships a force capable of threatening even a cruiser. It was the Buyans that opened the Russian Navy’s combat account in the Syrian conflict in the fall of 2015 with a Kalibr strike from the Caspian Sea against the bases of ISIS* terrorists. In April 2018, another RTO Vyshny Volochek is to join the Black Sea Fleet. Three ships out of the five laid down - "Ignushetia", "Grayvoron" and "Orekhovo-Zuyevo" - will be handed over to the fleet by 2020.

Another type of RTOs that will replenish the Navy in the coming years are the ships of project 22800 Karakurt. They will be more comfortable on the high seas than the Buyans, and they will be provided with a more advanced radar system. The first two ships of the project - "Hurricane" and "Typhoon" - are being completed afloat. Four more - "Shkval", "Storm", "Storm" and "Okhotsk" - are on the stocks of the Pella shipyard in varying degrees of readiness. According to media reports, they will be commissioned by 2020.

Of the other "babies" should be mentioned patrol ships of project 22160 - "Vasily Bykov", "Dmitry Rogachev", "Pavel Derzhavin" and "Sergey Kotov". They are being built for the Black Sea Fleet, and they will have to fulfill the tasks of protecting the country's territorial waters, combating piracy, and also supporting their larger "brothers" in battle. Each ship will be armed with installations for launching Caliber cruise missiles, equipped with a set of tools for combating surface targets and submarines. In total, six ships are planned in the series, but only the first four will be completed by 2020.

Of the auxiliary vessels, in the next two years, the fleet will receive four minesweepers of project 12700, two large landing ships of project 11711 "Ivan Gren" and "Pyotr Morgunov", as well as a number of highly specialized boats, reconnaissance and hydrographic ships. It is obvious that the Russian Navy is trying to restore its forces, seriously battered by the dashing 90s and the penniless zeros. The turn of large surface ships will come a little later - for the period of the state armaments program until 2027.

Navy is one of the most important foreign policy attributes of the state. It is designed to ensure the security and protection of the interests of the Russian Federation in peaceful and war time at ocean and sea frontiers.

The Navy is capable of striking enemy ground targets, destroying enemy fleet groups in the sea and bases, disrupting enemy ocean and sea communications and protecting its maritime transportation, assisting ground forces in operations in continental theaters of military operations, landing amphibious assault forces, and participating in repelling enemy landings and perform other tasks.

Today The navy consists of four fleets: Northern, Pacific, Black Sea, Baltic and Caspian flotilla. The priority task of the fleet is to prevent the outbreak of wars and armed conflicts, and in the event of aggression, repulse it, cover the country's facilities, forces and troops from oceanic and sea areas, inflict defeat on the enemy, create conditions for preventing hostilities at the earliest possible stage and concluding peace at conditions that meet the interests of the Russian Federation. In addition, the task of the Navy is to conduct peacekeeping operations by decision of the UN Security Council or in accordance with the international allied obligations of the Russian Federation.

To solve the priority task of the Armed Forces and the Navy - to prevent the outbreak of war, the Navy has naval strategic nuclear forces and general-purpose forces. In the event of aggression, they must repel enemy strikes, inflict defeat on the strike groups of his fleet and prevent him from conducting large-scale naval operations, as well as, in cooperation with other branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, ensure the creation necessary conditions for effective implementation defensive operations in the continental theaters of war.

The Navy consists of the following branches of forces (Fig. 1): underwater, surface, naval aviation, marines and coastal defense troops. It also includes ships and vessels, special-purpose units, units and subunits of the rear.

submarine force- the strike force of the fleet, capable of controlling the expanses, covertly and quickly deploying in the right directions and delivering unexpected powerful strikes from the depths of the ocean against sea and continental targets. Depending on the main armament, submarines are divided into missile and torpedo, and according to the type of power plant, nuclear and diesel-electric.

Rice. 1. Structure of the Navy

The main striking force of the Navy is nuclear submarines armed with ballistic and cruise missiles with nuclear warheads. These ships are constantly in various areas of the World Ocean, ready for the immediate use of their strategic weapons.

Nuclear-powered submarines armed with ship-to-ship cruise missiles are mainly aimed at fighting large enemy surface ships.

Nuclear torpedo submarines are used to disrupt enemy submarine and surface communications and in the defense system against underwater threats, as well as to escort missile submarines and surface ships.

The use of diesel submarines (missile and torpedo) is associated mainly with the solution of typical tasks for them in limited areas of the sea.

Equipping submarines with nuclear power and nuclear missile weapons, powerful sonar systems and high-precision navigation weapons along with complex automation management processes and the creation of optimal conditions for the life of the crew has significantly expanded their tactical properties and forms of combat use. Surface forces in modern conditions remain the most important part of the Navy. The creation of ships - carriers of aircraft and helicopters, as well as the transition of a number of classes of ships, as well as submarines, to nuclear power greatly increased their combat capabilities. Equipping ships with helicopters and aircraft significantly expands their capabilities to detect and destroy enemy submarines. Helicopters create an opportunity to successfully solve the problems of relaying and communications, target designation, transfer of cargo at sea, landing troops on the coast and rescuing personnel.

surface ships are the main forces for ensuring the exit and deployment of submarines in the areas of hostilities and return to bases, transportation and cover of landing forces. They are assigned the main role in laying minefields, in combating the mine danger and protecting their communications.

The traditional task of surface ships is to strike at enemy targets on his territory and to cover their coast from the sea from the enemy's naval forces.

Thus, a complex of responsible combat missions is assigned to surface ships. They solve these tasks in groups, formations, associations both independently and in cooperation with other branches of the fleet forces (submarines, aviation, marines).

Naval aviation- branch of the Navy. It consists of strategic, tactical, deck and coastal.

Strategic and tactical aviation Designed for confrontation with groups of surface ships in the ocean, submarines and transports, as well as for bombing and missile strikes against enemy coastal targets.

carrier-based aviation is the main striking force of the aircraft carrier formations of the Navy. Its main combat missions in the armed struggle on the sea are the destruction of enemy aircraft in the air, the starting positions of anti-aircraft guided missiles and other enemy air defense systems, the conduct of tactical reconnaissance, etc. When performing combat missions, carrier-based aviation actively interacts with tactical aviation.

Naval aviation helicopters are effective tool target designation of the ship's missile weapons when destroying submarines and repelling attacks by enemy low-flying aircraft and anti-ship missiles. Carrying air-to-surface missiles and other weapons, they are a powerful means of fire support for marines and the destruction of enemy missile and artillery boats.

Marines- a branch of the Navy, designed to conduct combat operations as part of amphibious assault forces (independently or jointly with ground forces), as well as for coastal defense (naval bases, ports).

The combat operations of the marines are carried out, as a rule, with the support of aviation and artillery fire from ships. In turn, the marines use in combat operations all types of weapons characteristic of motorized rifle troops, while using landing tactics specific to it.

Coastal Defense Troops, As a branch of the Navy forces, they are designed to protect the bases of the Navy forces, ports, important sections of the coast, islands, straits and narrownesses from the attack of ships and amphibious landings of the enemy. The basis of their armament is coastal missile systems and artillery, anti-aircraft missile systems, mine and torpedo weapons, as well as special coastal defense ships (protection of the water area). Coastal fortifications are being set up on the coast to ensure defense by troops.

Units and divisions of the rear are intended for logistic support of the forces and military operations of the Navy. They ensure the satisfaction of the material, transport, household and other needs of formations and formations of the Navy in order to maintain them in combat readiness for the performance of assigned tasks.

The Navy has an aircraft carrier (Fig. 2), nuclear submarines armed with ballistic and cruise missiles with nuclear warheads (Fig. 3), nuclear missile cruisers (Fig. 4), large anti-submarine ships, destroyers (Fig. 5), patrol ships, small anti-submarine ships, mine-sweeping ships, landing ships, aircraft (Su-33 - Fig. 6, A-40, MiG-29, Tu-22M, Su-24, MiG-23/27, Tu-142 , Be-12, Il-38), helicopters (Mi-14, Ka-25, Ka-27, Ka-29), tanks (T-80, T-72, PT-76), BRDM, armored personnel carriers, self-propelled artillery guns (self-propelled guns of 122 and 152 mm caliber), self-propelled anti-aircraft installations, portable and self-propelled anti-aircraft missile systems.

Rice. 2. Heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser "Admiral Kuznetsov": standard (full) displacement - 45,900 (58,500) tons; length (but waterline) - 304.5 (270) m; width (at the waterline) - 72.3 (35.4) m; draft - 10.5 m; maximum travel speed - 30 knots; cruising range (at speed) - 3850 miles (29 knots) or 8500 miles (18 knots); autonomy - 45 days; crew (officers) - I960 (200) + headquarters 40 people; flight crew - 626 people; fleet - 22 SU-33, 17 KA-27/31; maximum aircraft capacity - 36 SU-33, 14 helicopters; runway area - 14800 m 2; hangar capacity - 18 SU-33; means of support - 2 aircraft lifts, springboard, corner landing deck, 3 runways; weapons - shock, anti-aircraft, anti-submarine, radio-electronic

Rice. 3. Heavy nuclear submarine with ballistic missiles of project 941 "Typhoon": surface displacement (underwater) - 28500 (49800) tons; length - 171.5 m; width - 24.6 m; draft - 13 m; underwater speed - 27 knots; crew (officers) - 163 (55) people; autonomy - 120 days; immersion depth - 500 m; armament - 20 ICBMs, torpedo tubes, PLUR, missiles, torpedoes, hydroacoustic stations, electronic countermeasures

Rice. 4. Heavy nuclear missile cruiser project 1144 "Peter the Great": standard (full) displacement - 19,000 (24,300) tons; length - 252 m; width - 28.5 m; draft - 9.1 m; maximum travel speed - 30 knots; cruising range (at speed) - 14,000 miles (30 knots); crew (officers) - 744 (82) people: weapons - shock (PU anti-ship missiles), anti-aircraft, artillery, anti-torpedo, anti-submarine, aviation (3 Ka-27), electronic

Rice. 5. Destroyer "Admiral Chabanenko": standard (full) displacement - 7700 (8900) tons; length - 163.5 m; width - 19.3 m; draft - 7.5 m; maximum travel speed - 30 knots; cruising range (at speed) - 4000 miles (18 knots); crew (officers) - 296 (32) people; weapons - shock (PU anti-ship missiles), anti-aircraft, artillery, anti-submarine, aviation (2 Ka-27), radio-electronic

Rice. 6. Ship-based fighter Su-33: wingspan - 14.7 m; length 21.19 m; height - 5.63 m; maximum takeoff weight - 32,000 kg; maximum speed at high altitude -2300 km / h; ceiling - 17,000 m; range - 3000 km; armament - 30-mm cannon (250 rounds), UR; crew - 1 person

Since ancient times, and to this day, the navy is the backbone of almost any country that has access to the sea. Someone has powerful ultra-modern ships, someone calls a few old boats a fleet. But the essence is the same for everyone, these ships guard the expanses of water.

The warship has come a long way from biremes and galleys to modern nuclear submarine missile carriers and aircraft carriers. But the sailors, like no one else, observe traditions, especially in the names and classification of ships.

Warships before the 20th century

In ancient times, the bulk of ships adapted for coastal navigation were divided according to the number of rows of oars. The presence of a large number of rowers who required a large number of food, did not contribute to the development of long-distance navigation.

With the advent of the sail, the development of the fleet and the enlargement of ships began. Along with the development of navigational instruments and technologies, the fleet developed, which by the 15th century made it possible to make the first major voyages across the oceans.

The wealth of the New World spurred European shipbuilders, and already in the 16th century, the design of warships began to develop and become more complicated. A little later, the fleet will begin to be divided into classes and ranks. At that time, either the number of guns or the ship's sailing armament was considered the main criterion.

Ships, depending on the number of guns, fell into the 1st rank (about 100 guns and more), 2nd rank (about 90 guns), 3rd rank (about 75) and so on, up to rank 6.

The second classification divided the ships depending on the presence or absence of certain sails. There were three-masted and two-masted sailboats, as well as single-masted varieties of very small ships, which were used, as a rule, to transport mail.

The names of the ships could be any related to personal names, religious or geographical component. There were times when special merit the name of the ship was left in the fleet, although the ship itself might not exist. In the Russian fleet, the most striking example was the brig "Mercury" and several ships "Memory of Mercury".

With the advent of mechanisms and the transition from sail to car, many names of ship types took root and remain to this day. The main difference of any ship was the size, displacement or tonnage. The history of steamships, although not as many centuries old as the sail, brightly inscribed pages in the naval chronicle.

The development of technology has brought to naught entire groups of once formidable ships, and transferred classes to other ranks. So, for example, the twentieth century showed the weakness of battleships in front of aircraft carrier groups. Second World War generally made major changes to the picture of warships in the world. And if 300 years ago the frigate was a large ship, now it has descended to the stage of patrol ships.

According to international maritime law, each ship falls into its own specific class. These rules, in order to avoid confusion, were used by Soviet sailors, as well as their successors, the ships of the Russian Navy.

Ships are divided by tonnage, or displacement, as well as by the type of weapons on board, that is, one can say that the old system has entered the new realities of modern ships.

According to these documents, the largest ships are included in the strike group, and these are:

  • aircraft carriers, depending on the tonnage, can be large, medium and small, respectively, the strength of naval aviation on them also differs;
  • cruisers, also differing in displacement, having more versatile tasks, from guarding convoys and aircraft carriers to intercepting enemy ships and shelling the coastline;
  • submarines, often superior in size and armament to surface ships, are divided according to their size and the type of power plant used;
  • destroyers carrying out reconnaissance and security of a group of ships carrying the main armament in the form of mines and torpedoes;
  • torpedo boats, large of which are designed to attack large ships as part of squadrons, while small ones operate in the coastal zone;
  • patrol ships designed for combat protection of convoys and the water area of ​​a port or other object.

There is also a finer division of these classes of ships, but in each country they have their own characteristics and characteristics.

The second large subclass includes auxiliary vessels. They can be conditionally divided into several groups:

  • floating bases necessary for replenishment with everything necessary, depending on the specialization of the base for each class of ships;
  • supply ships, unlike bases, are more mobile and fast, although the goals and tasks for them are the same as above;
  • repair facilities, floating workshops necessary for the repair of ships on the high seas;
  • rescue ships designed to assist both submarines and surface ships in case of emergency;
  • research ships testing new technical systems;
  • training ships that serve to obtain and master the skills of being at sea;
  • special ships that test weapons systems and complexes for spacecraft.

The crews of support ships solve many tasks to maintain the combat capability of the main fleet. In the Navy of the USSR, there was also a system of differences between ships by name. So, in the Northern Fleet for a long time there was a unit of Soviet guards, known as the “Bad Weather Division”.

The first ship in the series was the Hurricane, and in honor of it, subsequent ships of the same class, displacement and armament received "rainy" names. For example, the waves of the Barents Sea plowed at different times "Storm", "Metel", "Purga" and other ships with similar names.

On the ships themselves, for many years there has been a division into warheads, or warheads, each of which designates a part of the ship and its purpose.

Warships of the fleets of different countries

The ship classification system adopted by the international community has proven to be inappropriate for some fleets. So, the Japanese ship division system can cause at least a lot of questions from an ignorant person. Japan, having a serious fleet, one of the best in Asia, meanwhile went a long way to modernize the ships under construction.

As a result, the same class of warships can differ significantly in their characteristics depending on the year of manufacture. So, the same destroyers in service can meet all modern requirements, if built recently, and may correspond to frigates or corvettes of other fleets.

Helicopter carriers are considered the main force of the Japanese fleet.

Despite their name, they are essentially light aircraft carriers equipped with state-of-the-art electronics. This class includes two types of ships, "Hyuuga", represented by a pair of ships, and "Shirane", also a pair of ships. Interestingly, the last two ships were introduced into the fleet back in the 1980s.

The second category consists of URO destroyers (guided missile weapons). There are also ships of various types. The most modern, such as "Atago", represented by two ships. The Kongo class consists of four ships built in the 1990s. Hatakase type, created in the second half of the 1980s, with a couple of ships now used as training ships.

Another category, the third, again destroyers, but more similar to the brothers of the other fleets. This includes many types, broken down depending on the time of construction. The fourth category, submarines, is represented by 17 diesel submarines. The fifth includes landing and auxiliary ships, as well as icebreakers.

Its classification in the US Navy. Vessels are divided according to their purpose. To distinguish them, an alphabetic encryption system was introduced. So, for example, the letters "BB" mean BigBattleship, corresponding to the class of battleships in other fleets.

It is interesting that sometimes the ship changes its class, but the letters are left by the decision of the naval command.

This happened several times after a major reform of the fleet throughout the twentieth century. Common to all ships are the letters "USS", which means "ship of the United States" in translation.

Aircraft carriers are among the largest types of ships, usually denoted by variations with the letters "CV". They differ in size and type of aircraft, airplanes or helicopters, but are grouped into one class.

The rest of the surface ships have the original letter designation, such as "C" - cruisers, "D" - destroyers, "F" - frigate. IN different years both watchdogs and monitors were found under codes, but over time they were removed from their composition by the US Navy.

The submarine fleet wears the obligatory letter "S", which also has many additional meanings depending on the type of weapon or power plant. The letter "P" means boats, also differing in size and types of weapons located on them.

There are quite a lot of ciphers used during the Vietnam War, and then simply canceled.

You can also put American Coast Guard warships, formally a separate unit, here. The letter "L" means that the vessel belongs to the landing fleet. It differs in huge landing ships, transporting soldiers from one continent to another, and landing craft, landing infantry and equipment directly on land. The latter have the trait of amphibians.

Much attention was paid to the development of these boats during the Second World War, when the Marines landed and fought on the Pacific Islands and in the famous landing zone in Normandy. The letter "A" denoted all auxiliary vessels.

Despite the former glory of the mistress of the seas, the British fleet has lost all its former power. However, the authority of the English sailors is still on top. The classification of the ships of the British Navy is quite difficult to carry out.

Of course, among them are the same aircraft carriers, destroyers, corvettes and boats, but they differ in pennant number.

Each flotilla had its own special pennant, and the ship in this flotilla was assigned a number, and then a letter indicating the class of the ship. It is interesting that in numerology there is no number "13" at all, which is considered unlucky among sailors.

The system of classification by numbers and pennants continues to exist, with minor changes since the First World War.

The history of the navy goes back hundreds of years. Since sailors are extremely superstitious people, they keep traditions, including those associated with their “native home” - a ship, in the names of ships, and in their classification, you can find many old terms and designations that do not make the fleet less effective.
