Alekseev hydrofoil ships. Contacts

Central Design Bureau for Hydrofoils named after R.E. Alekseeva has been specializing in the creation of high-speed ships and vessels for various purposes since 1941. The projects of passenger hydrofoils provided a qualitative leap in the speed of passenger transportation. Along with the creation of civilian ships, the Central Design Bureau is working on projects for high-speed ships for the Navy and the Border Guard Service of the FSB of Russia. Hydrofoil and air cavity boats were designed and built. As a result of intensive work on the creation of promising vehicles with unconventional principles movements worked out technical solutions outstripping the world level of development of high-speed shipbuilding. For the Russian Navy, ekranoplans have been created: the transport-landing "Eaglet" and the missile "Lun", the ekranoplan "Rescuer" is currently being created. The built ekranoplans have no analogues in world practice. Based on the experience gained in the creation of ekranoplans, the Central Design Bureau has developed fundamentally new high-speed vessels - amphibious transport platforms. Each of the types developed by the Central Design Bureau for the SPK im. R.E. Alekseev high-speed vessels and boats are distinguished by high reliability (suffice it to say that the Meteor SEC are built without changing the design and are in demand for about 40 years, and the Kometa marine SEC in the Mediterranean serve for 25 years or more. The main areas of improvement ships and boats created by our design bureau is to increase speed and seaworthiness.

perennial successful work enterprises with vehicles with non-traditional principles of movement make it possible to expand the range of proposed high-speed vehicles with devices suitable for year-round operation over water, ice, snowy, swampy surfaces, in off-road conditions and in the absence of berths.
The scientific and technical potential of the Central Design Bureau for SEC allows you to create:
-ships and boats on hydrofoils for the transportation of passengers and cargo, patrol, missile, rescue, with a displacement of 6 to 400 tons at speeds up to 70 knots.
-vessels and boats with an air cavity on the bottom improving: single-hull and catamarans; passenger, cargo, patrol, missile, crew, rescue and other vehicles with a displacement of 6 to 1250 tons with speeds of up to 60 knots;
- ekranoplans for the transportation of passengers and cargo, missile, patrol, landing with a displacement (flight weight) from 1.5 to 600 tons at speeds from 120 to 600 km/h;
- amphibious transport platforms for year-round delivery of goods and passengers by water in off-road and shallow water conditions; displacement from 30 to 600 tons at a speed of 200-250 km/h.
Our specific proposals for passenger and cargo ships, fast vehicles for carrying out patrol-border and guard service include:
- hydrofoil ships;
- planing boats, including those on an air cavity;
-boats with hydrodynamic air cushion;
- WIG.

st. Freedom, 51

Central Design Bureau for hydrofoils named after R. E. Alekseev- the leading Soviet and Russian enterprise in the field of designing ekranoplans, hydrofoils (SPK), air cavity ships (SVK), hovercraft (SVP), boats. Founded April 17, 1951.

Company history

History of the Central Design Bureau for Hydrofoils named after R.E. Alekseev is inextricably linked with the laureate of the Stalin and Lenin Prizes, Doctor of Technical Sciences Rostislav Evgenievich Alekseev. Even while studying at the shipbuilding faculty, Alekseev became interested in the idea of ​​increasing speed on water and was writing his graduation project on the topic “Hydrofoil glider”. During the Great Patriotic War, Alekseev received a referral to the Krasnoye Sormovo plant to work in the Quality Control Department for the acceptance of T-34 tanks. In the short moments of rest between checks and tests of tanks at the range, Alekseev tests his model of a hydrofoil vessel (SPK) on the river. October 10, 1941 Rostislav Alekseev sends the draft glider to the People's Commissar of the Navy N. G. Kuznetsov. The answer came at the end of November: “The scheme of the glider on a PC you propose is unacceptable, since the chosen design is basically no different from those already tested and doomed to failure.” Alekseev double-checks all the calculations and prepares a new boat model. Meanwhile, in 1942, he was sent to work in the design department. The chief designer of the plant, V. V. Krylov, and the director of the plant, E. E. Rubinchik, became interested in his project and allowed him to work on the creation of a hydrofoil boat for three hours a day, and a little later, all day. At the beginning of 1943, a new division of the design bureau of the Krasnoye Sormovo plant called "Hydrolaboratory" was created specifically for these studies.

“I was so inspired by the concern for my project, it was such a powerful charge of confidence in the necessity of what was conceived that it lasted for decades. After all, just think, even in the midst of the war, everything is subordinated to the slogan “Everything for the front!”, Every pair of hands counts, and people think about tomorrow’s peaceful day”
R. E. Alekseev.

In 1943, the hydrolaboratory began to develop and build the first two-seater boat of the A-4 project. In November 1943, it was tested. Seeing the positive test results, the management of the plant allocated a new, more spacious room for the research hydro laboratory (NIGL). Alekseev was appointed its leader. In 1944, the A-5 PDA project with a total length of 5 m was developed. In 1945, it was tested, as a result of which it was possible to achieve a speed of 85 km / h and a hydrodynamic quality of about 10. To show the capabilities of the SEC and draw attention to the developments of the Alekseev laboratory, in 1945, sailed on the boat KPK A-5 along the Oka to Moscow, to the People's Commissariat of the shipbuilding industry. After that, the hydrolaboratory was instructed to develop hydrofoils for the Project 123 torpedo boat and conduct tests in Sevastopol in the summer of 1948. By 1947, the laboratory specialists had developed an optimal hydrofoil profile - a plano-convex segment. Also, a pool was built in the laboratory, which allowed testing all year round. Thanks to this, in the second half of 1947, a new scheme vessel on lightly submerged hydrofoils A-7, which became the prototype of the river passenger SPK. According to the same scheme, a 123K torpedo boat was made. During the tests conducted in the summer of 1948, it was revealed that despite the fact that the boat reached speeds of 110 km / h, it had a slight hydrodynamic quality (about 7), which was due to the very design of the boat's hull. Subsequently, research was carried out in the laboratory in the field of improving the shape of the ship's hull, and methods for calculating various propulsion units were being developed. .

Despite being busy with torpedo boats, in 1949 Alekseev, on his own initiative, developed a project for the first river passenger ship with lightly submerged wings. It was supposed to accommodate 60 passengers and reach a speed of 60 km / h. The self-propelled model of the vessel confirmed the data of the project and further measures were taken to improve its characteristics. In 1951, Alekseev and his closest assistants were awarded the Stalin Prize for the development of projects torpedo boats.

Despite the obvious need for the production of high-speed hydrofoil passenger ships, the Krasnoye Sormovo plant did not have the funds to develop and build the ship, and going around the ministries in order to knock out funds for this business ran into a wall of misunderstanding of officials and did not bring any results. Finally, in the mid-1950s, the country's government set the stage for the development of high-speed river transport. In the second half of 1955, the Minister of the River Fleet, Zosima Alekseevich Shashkov, visited the Krasnoye Sormovo plant and got acquainted with the work of TsKB-19. Zosima Alekseevich promised to provide assistance and support to the KB team.

Developed projects.


  • Comet-Beta - marine passenger SPK
  • Comet - marine passenger SPK
  • Cyclone-M - marine passenger gas turbine SPK
  • Colchis - marine passenger SPK
  • Olympia-M - marine passenger SPK
  • Olympia-2000 - marine passenger SPK
  • Meteor - river passenger SPK
  • Voskhod - river passenger SPK
  • Polissya - river passenger SPK
  • Lastochka - river passenger SPK
  • Delfin-1 - marine passenger hydrofoil boat
  • Delfin-5 - sea passenger hydrofoil boat
  • Delfin-6 - marine passenger hydrofoil boat
  • Delfin-7 - sea passenger hydrofoil boat
  • Volga - passenger hydrofoil boat
  • Sputnik - river passenger SPK
  • Whirlwind - marine passenger SPK
  • Seagull - river passenger SPK
  • Belarus - river passenger SPK
  • Rocket - river passenger SPK
  • Burevestnik - river passenger SPK
  • Allegro - marine passenger SPK
  • Antares - maritime patrol SPK

Air cavity ships

  • Linda - a river passenger vessel on an air cavity
  • Vesta - a river passenger vessel on an air cavity
  • Onyx - an air cavity passenger ship
  • Andromeda - sea passenger catamaran on an air cavity
  • Gemma - sea passenger catamaran on an air cavity
  • Hermes - sea passenger ship on an air cavity
  • Impulse-400 - sea passenger catamaran on an air cavity
  • Perseus - sea passenger catamaran on an air cavity
  • Icarus - air cavity maritime patrol vessel
  • Sokjoy - air cavity maritime patrol vessel
  • Serna - air cavity landing craft


  • Chaika-2 - naval combat ekranoplan
  • Eaglet - marine cargo ekranoplan
  • Eaglet-P
  • Eaglet-GP - marine cargo-passenger ekranoplan
  • Lun (project 903) - naval combat missile ekranoplan
  • Rescuer - marine rescue ekranoplan
  • Spasatel-2 - marine rescue ekranoplan
  • Lun-P - marine passenger ekranoplan
  • MTER - marine cargo ekranoplan
  • Spasatel-2-GP - marine cargo-passenger ekranoplan
  • Volga-2 - passenger amphibian on a dynamic cushion
  • Rocket-2 - river passenger ekranoplan
  • Strizh - ekranoplan
  • Strizh-M - ekranoplan
  • Kulik - passenger ekranoplan
  • Snipe - passenger ekranoplan
  • Cormorant - passenger ekranoplan
  • KM - experimental ekranoplan
  • SM-1 - experimental ekranoplan
  • SM-2 - experimental ekranoplan
  • SM-3 - experimental ekranoplan
  • UT - training ekranoplan
  • SM-2P7 - experimental ekranoplan
  • SM-4 - experimental ekranoplan
  • SM-5 - experimental ekranoplan
  • SM-6 - experimental ekranoplan
  • SM-8 - experimental ekranoplan
  • Rescuer

Organization renaming

1951 - Hydrodynamic laboratory and experimental tank shop of the Krasnoye Sormovo plant 1952 - Research hydrodynamic laboratory (NIGL) 1955 - TsKB-19 branch of the USSR Ministry of Shipbuilding Industry 1957 - Central Design Bureau for hydrofoil ships of the Krasnoye Sormovo plant SPK of the Krasnoye Sormovo plant) 1965 - “Central Design Bureau for Hydrofoils” (“TsKB for SPK”) 1989 - Scientific and Production Association “Central Design Bureau for Hydrofoils” (NPO “TsKB for SPK”) 1991 - Research and Production Association "Central Design Bureau for Hydrofoils named after R.E. Alekseev" (NPO "TsKB for SEC named after R.E. Alekseev") 1993 - Open Joint Stock Company "Central Design Bureau for Ships on hydrofoils named after R.E. Alekseev ”(OJSC “Central Design Bureau for SEC named after R.E. Alekseev”) 1996 - Open joint-stock company“Central Design Bureau for Hydrofoils named after V.I. R.E. Alekseev” (JSC “TsKB for SEC named after R.E. Alekseev”) 2016 - Joint Stock Company “Central Design Bureau for Hydrofoils named after. R.E. Alekseev” (JSC “TsKB for SEC named after R.E. Alekseev”)

Official site

It specializes in the creation of sea, river, passenger and passenger-and-freight hydrofoil and air cavity vessels, ekranoplanes. Ships built according to the projects of the enterprise were exported to 31 countries.

Books on the Internet:

Articles (in reverse chronology):

  • Chernigin, Yu. High-speed ships - to be![Text] / Y. Chernigin // Krasny Sormovich. - 2016. - 23 Dec. (No. 50). - S. 9. - (Meeting of veterans).

December 15, on the eve of the 100th anniversary of the birth of R.E. Alekseev, a solemn meeting of veterans of the design bureau, associates and like-minded people of the great designer took place at the Central Design Bureau for the SEC.

  • Chernigin, Yu. From Sormov - to Feodosia!: [about the passage of the hydrofoil river vessel "Meteor" from the harbor of the Krasnoye Sormovo plant to Feodosia] [Text] / Y. Chernigin // Krasny Sormovich. - 2014. - 7 Nov. (No. 41). - S. 10.

Turned 55 years old important event in the history of the high-speed fleet - the passage of the first hydrofoil river vessel "Meteor" from the harbor of the Krasnoye Sormovo plant to Feodosia.

  • Finyukova, M. From "Meteor" to "Mercury" - and beyond ...[Text] / M. Finyukova // Krasny Sormovich. - 2014. - 7-13 Feb. (No. 5). - S. 9.

Design engineer, veteran of the Central Design Bureau for the SPK im. R.E. Alekseev Yuri Pavlovich Chernigin is 80 years old.

  • Myasnikov, B.K. Units for the head "Eaglet" were made at "Krasny Sormovo"[Text]: to the 95th anniversary of R.E. Alekseev / B.K. Myasnikov // Krasny Sormovich. - 2014. - Jan. 31-Feb. 6 (No. 4). - S. 10.

Memoirs of B. K. Myasnikov, veteran of the plant, chief builder of ekranoplanes of project 904 of the "Eaglet" type in 1970-1974.

  • Botmanova, V.N. We are warmed by our meetings [Text] / V.N. Botmanova // Krasny Sormovich. - 2012. - 23-29 Nov. (No. 46). - S. 10.- (Society. Veteran's life).

Veterans of the Central Clinical Hospital for the R.E. Alekseev SEC meet regularly. They remember their friends, their work, learn the latest news about the affairs of OJSC "TsKB for SEC named after R.E. Alekseev."

  • Khaimovich, M.G. Flying over the waves. And not only...[Text]: fragments from memoirs / M.G. Khaimovich // Krasny Sormovich. - 2012. - 26 Oct.-1 Nov. (No. 42). - S. 10. - (From the history of shipbuilding).

In 2012, it was 40 years since the first hovercraft (HV) Sormovich in the USSR went on a flight on the Gorky-Cheboksary-Gorky line. About how hovercraft were built and designed.

  • Emelyanova O.S. The beginning of the era of winged ships[Text] / O.S. Emelyanova // Krasny Sormovich. - 2012. - July 6-12 (No. 26). - P. 10. - (Memorable date. To the 55th anniversary of the launch of the first "Rocket").

More than 50 years ago, a real technical revolution took place in water transport - hydrofoils appeared.

  • Aladin, S. From cosmic names to cosmic velocities// Krasny Sormovich. - 2007. - September 8-14. (No. 35). - S. 14. - (Our dates).
  • Kiselev, V. "Eaglet": the last transition// Krasny Sormovich. - 2007. - June 29-July 5 (No. 25). - S. 1. - (Made in Sormov).
  • Frolova, E. "Chibis" - the hope of the border guards// Krasny Sormovich. - 2005. - July 22-28 (No. 29). - S. 1. - (Shipbuilding).

On the laying of a new border boat.

  • Serov, V. Raise future Alekseevs// Krasny Sormovich. - 2003. - April 22. (No. 43). – P. 3.

50 years of the Central Design Bureau for the SPK im. Alekseev.

  • Ivanov, A. Tireless Wings// Nizhegorsk. Truth. - 2003. - 11 Jan. - P. 2. - (Afterword to the anniversary).

Central Design Bureau for SEC: history.

  • Isachenko, V. Who will save "Rescuer"?// Krasny Sormovich. - 2002. - 24 Dec. (No. 144). - P. 3. - (Central Clinical Hospital for SPK - 50 years).
  • Aladin, S. From cosmic names to cosmic velocities// Krasny Sormovich. - 2002. - 27 Aug. - S. 2. - (Anniversary).

To the 45th anniversary of the creation of hydrofoils.

  • Vasilevsky, I.M. Ships fly into the future: an interview with the CEO/ recorded by V. Orlova. // Nizhegorsk. Truth. - 2002. - 27 Aug. - S. 1-2. - (Central Clinical Hospital for SEC named after R.E. Alekseev - 50!).

O today TsKB.

  • Vasilevsky, I. "Sometimes it's harder to sell than to create": Golden jubilee of the design bureau// Nizhegorsk. News. - 2002. - 27 Aug. - S. 1-2. - (In the first person).

O contemporary issues The Bureau.

  • Demin, E. Again "as always"?// Nizhegorsk. Truth. - 2002. - July 11. - S. 2. - (Glory to the Lower).

Continuation of the case of R.E. Alekseeva: modernity.

  • Vasilevsky, I. OJSC "TsKB for SEC named after R.E. Alekseev"// Economy and life. Volgo-Vyatskaya economic newspaper. - 2000. - March 9-10. - P. 6. - (Business card).

Burevestnik, Sputnik, Comet and Meteor - the names of these Soviet ships gave rise to romantic thoughts about flying. Although it was only about the river trip. However, it is difficult to say, a trip on a hydrofoil is also swimming, but there is something from flying in it. These ships, which general view, were called rockets and could reach speeds of 150 km / h (carrying up to 300 passengers), were the same symbol of the USSR of the 60s - 80s, like the real ones space rockets that plowed the Bolshoi Theater into space.

Heavy economic crisis(if not an industrial disaster) of the 90s led to the fact that the number of ships of this class was sharply reduced. Now let's remember a brief history these unusual ships.

The principle of movement of these vessels was twofold. At low speed, such a vessel moves like an ordinary ship, that is, due to the buoyancy of water (hello to Archimedes). But when it develops high speed, then due to the hydrofoils available for these ships, lifting force, which raises the ship above the water. That is, a hydrofoil is both a ship and, as it were, an airplane at the same time. He only flies "low".

Perhaps the most elegant high-speed hydrofoil was the so-called. gas turbine "Petrel". It was developed by the Central Design Bureau of the SPK R. Alekseev in the city of Gorky and, with a length of 42 meters, could reach an estimated speed of 150 km / h (although there is no evidence that the ship has ever reached such a speed).

The first (and only) experimental vessel, Burevestnik, was built in 1964.

It was operated by the Volga Shipping Company on the Volga along the route Kuibyshev - Ulyanovsk - Kazan - Gorky.

Two aircraft gas turbine engines on the sides gave this ship a special showiness (such engines were used on the IL-18 aircraft).

In such a ship, the journey really should have resembled a flight.

The captain's cabin was distinguished by particular grace, the design of which resembled the design of futuristic American limousines of the 50s (in the photo below, however, the cabin is not the "Petrel", but about the same).

Unfortunately, having worked until the end of the 70s, the unique 42-meter Burevestnik was written off due to wear and tear, and remained in a single copy. The immediate cause of the decommissioning was an accident in 1974, when the Burevestnik collided with a tugboat, severely damaging one side and a gas turbine engine. After that, it was restored, as they say, "somehow" and after some time its further operation was considered unprofitable.

Another type of hydrofoil was the Meteor.

The "Meteors" were smaller than the "Petrel" (34 meters in length) and not as fast (no more than 100 km / h). Meteors were produced from 1961 to 1991 and, in addition to the USSR, they were also supplied to the countries of the socialist camp.

In total, four hundred motor ships of this series were built.

Unlike the aircraft engines of the Burevestnik, the Meteors flew using diesel engines propellers that drive propellers typical of ships.

Vessel control panel:

But the most famous hydrofoil is probably the Rocket.

For the first time "Rocket" was presented in Moscow in 1957 at International Festival youth students.

The leader of the USSR Nikita Khrushchev himself then expressed himself in the spirit that, they say, it’s enough to swim along the rivers in rusty bathtubs, it’s time to travel in style.

However, at that time only the first experimental "Rocket" went along the Moscow River, and after the festival it was sent for trial operation on the Volgna to the Gorky-Kazan line. The ship covered a distance of 420 km in 7 hours. An ordinary ship followed the same route for 30 hours. As a result, the experience was considered successful and the "Rocket" went into series.

Another of the famous Soviet ships is the Comet.

"Comet" was a naval version of "Meteor". In this 1984 photo, two Comets are in seaport Odessa:

"Comet" was developed in 1961. Serially produced from 1964 to 1981 at Feodosia shipyard"Sea". A total of 86 Komets were built (including 34 for export).

One of the surviving "Komet" in a bright design:

By the beginning of the 70s, the Rockets and Meteors were already considered obsolete ships, and the Voskhod was developed to replace them.

The first ship of the series was built in 1973. A total of 150 Voskhods were built, some of which were exported (China, Canada, Austria, Hungary, the Netherlands, etc.). In the 90s, the production of Voskhod was stopped.

"Sunrise" in the Netherlands:

Of the other types of hydrofoils, it is worth remembering the Sputnik.

It was truly a monster. At the time of the construction of the first Sputnik ship (October 1961), it was the world's largest hydrofoil passenger ship. Its length was 47 meters, and the passenger capacity was 300 people!

"Sputnik" was first operated on the Gorky - Tolyatti line, but then, due to its low landing, it was transferred to the lower reaches of the Volga to the Kuibyshev - Kazan line. But he was on this line for only three months. On one of the voyages, the ship collided with a driftwood, after which it stood in a shipyard for several years. At first they wanted to cut it into scrap metal, but then they decided to install it on the Togliatti embankment. "Sputnik" was placed next to the river station, where it housed a cafe with the same name, which continues to delight (or frighten) the inhabitants of Avtograd (proof) with its appearance.

The marine version of the Sputnik was called the Whirlwind and was intended for sailing with a wave of up to 8 points.

It is also worth remembering the ship "Chaika", which was created in a single copy and took on board 70 passengers, but developed a speed of up to 100 km / h

Another of the rare ones is the Typhoon ...

... and "Swallow"

A story about Soviet hydrofoils would be incomplete without a story about a man who devoted his life to the creation of these ships.

Rostislav Evgenievich Alekseev (1916-1980) - Soviet shipbuilder, creator of hydrofoils, ekranoplanes and ekranoplanes. Yacht designer, winner of all-Union competitions, master of sports of the USSR.

He came to the idea of ​​hydrofoils during the work during the war (1942) on the creation of combat boats. His boats did not have time to take part in the war, but in 1951 Alekseev was awarded the Stalin Prize of the second degree for the development and creation of hydrofoil ships. It was his team that created the Rocket in the 50s, and then, starting from 1961, almost every year new project: "Meteor", "Comet", "Sputnik", "Petrel", "Sunrise". In the 60s, Rostislav Evgenievich Alekseev began work on the creation of the so-called. "Ekranoplanes" - ships for the Airborne Forces, which were supposed to soar above the water at a height of several meters. In January 1980, while testing a passenger ekranolet, which was supposed to enter service for the 1980 Olympics, Alekseev was seriously injured. He died from these injuries on February 9, 1980. After his death, the idea of ​​ekranoplanes was no longer returned.

And now I offer some more photos of these insanely beautiful hydrofoils:

The Kometa-44 built in 1979 is currently operated in Turkey:

Project "Olympia"

Project "Katran"

Two-story monster "Cyclone"

Cemetery of ships near Perm.

Bar "Meteor" in the city of Kanev (Ukraine)

Red "Meteor" in China

But even today, these ships of the 60s projects look quite futuristic.

- leading Soviet and Russian enterprise in the field of designing ekranoplans, hydrofoil ships (HPV), air cavity ships (SVK), hovercraft (SVP), boats. It is part of the Financial and Industrial Group "Speed ​​Fleet".


1952 - Research Hydrodynamic Laboratory (NIGL)

1955 - Branch of TsKB-19 of the USSR Minsudprom

1957 - “Central Design Bureau for Hydrofoil Ships of the Krasnoye Sormovo Plant” (“Central Design Bureau for the SEC of the Krasnoye Sormovo Plant”)

1965 - “Central Design Bureau for Hydrofoils” (“TsKB for SPK”)

1989 - Research and Production Association "Central Design Bureau for Hydrofoils" (NPO "TsKB for SPK")

1991 - Research and Production Association “Central Design Bureau for Hydrofoils named after. R.E. Alekseev” (NPO “TsKB for SEC named after R.E. Alekseev”)

1993 - Open Joint Stock Company “Central Design Bureau for Hydrofoils named after V.I. R.E. Alekseev” (JSC “TsKB for SEC named after R.E. Alekseev”)

1996 - Open Joint Stock Company “Central Design Bureau for Hydrofoils named after. R.E. Alekseev” (OJSC “TsKB for SEC named after R.E. Alekseev”)

Products and services JSC Central Design Bureau for Hydrofoils named after R.E. Alekseev"


  • Hydrofoils (SPK)
  • Air cavity ships (SVK)
  • boats
  • WIG (EP)
  • Amphibious transport platforms (TAP)
  • Platforms on hovercraft (Platforms on Hovercraft)
  • Ultralight amphibious hovercraft (SLAAVP)


  • Research in the experimental pool
  • open water research
  • Structural strength study
  • Development of EP, TP, RKD, feasibility study
  • Expertise of projects by specialization
  • Inspection and inspection of ships