Ao osk Kolodyazhny Dmitry Yurievich. Russian shipbuilding is preparing to catch up and overtake South Korea

What are the main trends in modern shipbuilding?

— In my opinion, there are several main trends aimed at the development of shipbuilding, which, by and large, will transform the entire industry as a whole. They are reflected in our "Technical Strategy". First of all, this is an increase in the specific deadweight of ships and vessels. In a simple way, this means that the ship should carry payloads, and not itself. Secondly, this is an increase in the fuel efficiency of ships and vessels - to carry more payloads and less fuel. And thirdly, this performance characteristics— reduction of the cost of ownership of ships and vessels throughout their life cycle, safety of navigation, environmental friendliness.

In order to follow these trends in the civil sphere, we launched a serious transformation project "" in St. Petersburg. This will allow the release of ships of large dimensions.

- From a hundred and more thousand tons of displacement?

- Much higher. The main thing here is to be able to bring the ship through the depth of the sea channel. The peculiarity of the project is that it was initially focused on cooperative construction in large integrated blocks exactly in size. We will build not only large dimensions, but also several times faster.

- Now there is a great demand for reducing the cost of owning a vessel, as you said. How do we solve this problem?

— The cost-effectiveness of owning ships and vessels throughout their entire life cycle, from design, construction, operation, modernization and ending with disposal, is one of the main development trends. The 100% Digit program is aimed at reducing the cost of designing ships while increasing the quality of projects.

We plan to reduce the cost of construction through the use of the latest shipbuilding technologies: precision cutting, hybrid laser-arc welding, nautical surveys, prefabricated premises, cooperative construction of large integrated blocks exactly in size, and much more.

Operating costs are reduced as fuel efficiency increases. It primarily and very significantly increases with the optimal course, taking into account wind, wave, ice loads. To do this, projects should include appropriate sensory tools, the use of space monitoring and GPS data, and computing power for processing big data. The use of electric propulsion will give a lot. I really hope for closed cycle nuclear technologies. We simply have to put them on ships and take them out into the world's oceans.

Small crew, and behind it the complete unmanned ships is inevitable. In the future, it will provide an opportunity to abandon the add-on, but there is still a lot of work to be done.

Large-block construction from standardized sections and assemblies simplifies subsequent modernization work: the old block was cut out - the new block was inserted. "100% Digit" ensures full compliance of the real ship and its mathematical model throughout the entire life cycle. This means that the ship will be scrapped with a full set of specifications for recyclable and recyclable materials.

— So today the computerization of navigation is becoming an increasingly pronounced trend in domestic shipbuilding?

- The ship, and even more so the ship, is already a floating data center. All systems are coherent, integrated and should be maintainable or easily replaceable in the future. Computer technology is updated at a much higher rate than classical mechanical systems. Projects should be created according to the principle of "open architecture", modular solutions should be laid down, allowing with minimal cost and maximum short time to produce one or another modernization of ships "without autogenous".

What can be said about the safety of navigation in modern conditions?

“Today, there is a movement towards artificial intelligence systems and decision-making systems based on the ship’s and ship’s own sensor systems, as well as processing large amounts of space monitoring data.

- How do we deal with unmanned and small-crew systems?

- It's going well. Especially in relation to ships. As for the courts, USC has interesting project- "Pioneer-M". This is a small research vessel for the Sevastopol University. In this project, small-crewed and unmanned technologies are being developed: a coastal navigation control center, an automated mooring wall, and other solutions will be created that will allow the vessel to be operated in unmanned, small-crewed and full-crewed versions. This will allow us to get the know-how that we will apply more and more in the future.

- It turns out that you have already abandoned paper drawings in the field of shipbuilding?

— Alas. Not yet. Now the Corporation, within the framework of the "100% Digit" program, is implementing a project to create a "single information design and production space". The implementation is going well. We plan to get significantly closer to the “paperless” coast.

On this path, we could be helped a lot by ordering and accepting design, working, operational and service documentation exclusively in electronic form.

- And yet, USC is still often called a metal welding corporation, isn't it?

Yes. For now, it is. Welding accounts for about 60% of the labor intensity of building a ship. We are working on increasing the performance on these operations by an order of magnitude. We have projects on hybrid laser-arc welding, robotics, naudometrics. The sum of technologies will give us a breakthrough result. The task is to switch to technological accuracy of +/- 1 mm. When I say this, many look at me with doubt, but this is necessary for cooperative building and is quite possible.

- Well, today you take measurements not with a ruler and not with a caliper, I suppose?

— At 25% of the need, the Corporation is staffed modern means laser metrology (scanners, trackers, total stations), and the rest, alas, is your list for now. The project "Sudometrics" is aimed at correcting this situation. It ensures the achievement of the declared technological accuracy and allows you to completely avoid fitting operations.

- As they said before, fit in place.

- Yes. Exactly. Two huge blocks are being finalized with a “file”. Now we are moving away from this.

If you buy a bolt in one store and a nut in another, they will connect without any problems. This is the goal of our "Technical Strategy" for blocks weighing up to 1800 tons.

— Do you use additive technologies?

— We are faced with the task of developing competence — marine engineering. The technologies of our specialized university - St. Petersburg "Korabelka" (SPbGMTU - "Gazeta.Ru") - allow complex parts of any size to be made about 10 times faster and about five times cheaper. Of course, we are interested in this, and we are implementing this technology. And the use of bionic design also allows you to reduce the weight several times.

Why bionic?

Because there are analogues in nature. For example, a woodpecker's beak or some human bones, which, on the one hand, have a porous structure, but at the same time have quite powerful strength characteristics. Accordingly, by creating, for example, thrusters, it is possible, on the one hand, to lighten their mass, and on the other hand, to calculate those power elements that will be inside, i.e. create a conditionally porous structure with specified mechanical characteristics.

- Now the problem of unification of products, especially components, is very acute in the industry. How is this problem solved for you?

- Having a huge variety of varieties, it is quite difficult to automate production processes. Therefore, another project is now being launched - “Ship Engineering”, within the framework of which work will be done on unification.

Let's take a simple flange - a ring and four or six holes for attaching bolts. We consume hundreds of thousands of them. If each flange is unique and differs even by a millimeter from each other, naturally, the cost of such a flange will be very high.

If unification is carried out, then we will use hundreds of thousands of identical flanges. With such a quantity, I will order a punching die in preparation for production, which will punch six flanges at once from one sheet with one blow. And their cost will be completely different.

Has anything already been done in this direction?

“For additive cases, we will get a car next year. Next year we will have the first implementations related to laser-hybrid welding. The sudometry is already in full swing, our enterprises are equipped with both hardware and software, methodology. The 100% Digit program is progressing by leaps and bounds. The first ship is scheduled for construction, which will be built from blocks with the cooperation of three shipyards at once.

— What do we have with ship engines?

- There is a clear program with the United Engine Corporation for the model range. We need to have a consistent type order of complete solutions. That is, an engine plus a generator or an engine plus a gearbox. And in joint work with this principle laid down. We are supplied with bench-tested complete systems, which we put on the ship and dock with pre-installed wall lines.

- Do you somehow solve environmental problems, which are probably quite relevant in your field of activity?

- I will not start with ecology, but I will gradually move on to it. The current USC business model is based on only two types of contracts or involves two stages life cycle. This is the design of ships (vessels) and their construction. Further participation in the repair and modernization component today is small.

What we have ahead of us affects all stages of the life cycle, i.e. design, construction, operation, modernization, disposal. For us, recycling is not just scrapping a ship, but a really serious process.

Everyone knows that many of our facilities (both civilian and military) have a nuclear power plant. And it's impossible to just throw it away or cut it.

This direction in USC is developing quite actively. Today, all of our vessels are designed and built according to the zero discharge principle. There are also a number of projects aimed at restoring the environment.

— What can be said about the shipbuilding development vectors in the near future?

— I would like to say that the sum of technologies included in the “Technical Strategy” of the corporation: “100% Digit”, “Sudometrics”, “Laser Industrial Technologies”, “Robotics”, “Cooperative Large-Block Construction with Integrated Blocks” will, in my opinion, provide in the relatively near future, a higher technological level of shipbuilding than, for example, in South Korea.

Sensors, big data, artificial intelligence, hydrogen and nuclear power plants, electric propulsion, new steel grades (for example, nitrogenous ones), unmanned ships, hydrodynamics of the hull and propeller, “eternal” anti-corrosion coatings - this is a promising order from USC to fundamental and applied science.

Import-outstripping Russian software products, Russian technologies, Russian equipment, Russian materials is our order to business.

September 7 at OAO " Management Company"United Engine Corporation" ( subsidiary JSC OPK "Oboronprom") personnel appointments took place.

Dmitry Kolodyazhny was appointed to the newly created positions of Managing Director of OAO UK UEC, Igor Gorsky became the first deputy managing director. Andrey Reus, General Director of OAO OPK Oboronprom, will continue to perform his duties CEO OAO UK UEC.

In 1995 he graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of St. Petersburg State Technical University with a degree in automation technological processes and industries, machines and technologies for metal forming.

In 1992-93 he studied at the Higher Technical School in Reutlingen (Germany) majoring in mechanical engineering. In 1993-1995 trained in Germany on the basis of the company August Läpple GmbH + Co KG (Heilbronn) and the Higher Technical School in Heilbronn with writing and defending a dissertation for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering.

September 1993 to August 1995 - CAD-Designer, August Läpple GmbH + Co KG (Heilbronn, Germany)

From January 1996 to December 1998 - Senior Technical Sales Consultant, IBM East Europe / Asia (Moscow)

From December 1998 to May 1999 - Manager, Bruel & Kjaer Sound & Vibration Measurement A/S, (Närum, Denmark); Moscow Technical Center Bruel & Kjaer (Moscow)

From May 1999 to May 2002 - General Director, engineering bureau of LLC "Tekhnokad" (Tolyatti, Samara region)

June 2002 to December 2004 - Chief Engineer project, EISENMANN Maschinenbau KG, EISENMANN-Center Russia (Tolyatti)

From December 2004 to December 2005 - Production Director, tractor-building enterprise CJSC "Agrotechmash", within the holding "Kirovskiy Zavod" (St. Petersburg)

From December 2005 to November 2006 - Development Director, tractor-building enterprise CJSC "Agrotechmash", within the holding "Kirovskiy Zavod" (St. Petersburg)

From November 2006 to July 2008 - Head of the project "Creation of production and development model range trolleybuses at Likinsky Bus Plant LLC (LiAZ LLC)

From July 2008 to September 2010 - director of strategic development and marketing, GAZ Group, "Buses" division

In 1994 he graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the Moscow state university them. M. Lomonosov.

November 1998 - March 2002 - President, Member of the Board of Directors, National Timber Company (NLK)

December 2002 - January 2006 - Deputy General Director of United Machine Building Plants (OMZ), Member of the Management Board of OMZ, Managing Director of the Steel Division, Member of the Board of Directors of Izhora Plants, Uralmash, Skoda Steel, Skoda Nuclear Construction

July 2007 - January 2010 - managing partner, GreenLife group of companies (the company owns and manages land in the Moscow, Smolensk and Tula regions, the main activity is land development).

The appointments were based on the results of an open competition announced by JSC OPK Oboronprom in July this year.

The competition was held in three stages. At the first stage, candidates were selected from more than 500 submitted resumes. At the second stage, 16 candidates selected on the basis of their resumes were interviewed by the corporation's management.

In the final stage, 7 candidates defended their programs for the development of the JEC in person. Three of them represented the enterprises of the holding, four were third-party candidates. As a result, the commission chose two candidates from seven applicants at once.

The decision on the appointment was made by the competition commission, which included the heads of JSC "OPK" Oboronprom ", representatives of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, State Corporation " Russian technologies", engineering industry enterprises, experts.

In total, more than a hundred people participated in the design and analytical session, within the framework of which the competition was held, - representatives of factories and design bureaus of the UEC, OJSC Russian Helicopters, as well as leading Russian experts in corporate governance.

According to Andrey Reus, General Director of JSC OPK Oboronprom and JSC UK UEC, "the result of the competition was not only the election of a new managing director of the holding and his first deputy, but the definition of the contours of the device of a new corporate management system. During the design and analytical session in a heated discussion, we received a serious set of ideas, schemes and proposals that the newly appointed company executives will implement to implement the approved UEC strategy. new stage in the life of a corporation. We need in the coming years, acting in a coordinated and fast manner, to form a new, efficient, globally competitive company."

May 30, 2016

United shipbuilding corporation(USC) is creating a shipbuilding cluster in the Crimea, which, in addition to the already operating branch of the Zvyozdochka shipbuilding center in Sevastopol, will include the Koral and Sudocomposite design bureaus, as well as Sevastopol State University, where a specialized department will open this year. This was announced to TASS by USC vice-president Dmitry Kolodyazhny.

“A cluster is being built in Crimea, which includes not only the plant. In the status of a branch of the St. Petersburg Srednenevsky shipyard KTB "Sudocomposite" in Feodosia will enter. It will be a solution provider for many USC enterprises in terms of composites. We also look forward to his participation in a joint program with Rosnano for the production of blades for wind farms,” Kolodyazhny said.

The Sevastopol Design Bureau Coral will also become part of the cluster. "Koral", which previously specialized in drilling, we want to include both military and civilian topics. Now the design bureau is receiving the appropriate licenses and infrastructure, which will allow exchanging data and joining the USC design perimeter,” Kolodyazhny specified.

According to him, the corporation also regards SevGU as a specialized university for research work and training. This year, a specialized shipbuilding department will be opened at the university. “In the near future, we will be able to create products in Crimea at all stages of the life cycle: from design to launching, repair and operation,” Kolodyazhny said.

Floating crane building will be revived in Sevastopol

The United Construction Corporation (USC) plans to revive the construction of floating cranes in Sevastopol on the basis of the branch of the Zvyozdochka Ship Repair Center. This was announced to TASS by USC vice-president Dmitry Kolodyazhny.

“The Sevastopol Marine Plant, on the basis of which the Zvyozdochka branch was created, historically specialized in cranes. There is a lot of potential here in terms of lifting equipment. The modernization projects of the corporation are aimed at its revival,” Kolodyazhny said.

In his opinion, orders for the construction of floating cranes will come to the plant in equal shares from private companies and from USC itself. “Half of these orders will come from the market. Half will be made by USC enterprises. Programs are underway to modernize the Amur Shipbuilding Plant, enterprises in the northwest and north. Everywhere, lifting equipment is being laid, as well as units related to ship launching and ship recovery, ”explained Kolodyazhny.

According to his forecast, Sevastopol will receive orders for dozens of items. Some of them, for example, the Goliath crane with a lifting capacity of 1,200 tons, will provide the Sevastopol plant with more than a year's workload.

In Soviet times, Sevmorzavod was one of the world leaders in the construction of floating cranes, but by 2010 it had practically stopped production activities: out of 16 thousand workers, 200 people remained at the enterprise.

Go to digital technologies

USC over the next two years plans to completely switch to digital technologies in the interaction between divisions and customers, said Kolodyazhny.
“I call one of the corporation's projects 100% figure. It implies the transition of the work of design bureaus from drawings to mathematical models. This will increase the efficiency of the factories. Ships will be assembled exactly to size. Now they are gathering large quantity adjustment operations that modern digital technologies exclude,” Kolodyazhny said.

The transition to mathematical models will entail the purchase of nautical equipment for enterprises: laser radars and trackers, which will allow USC factories to participate in cooperation. “We get a 100% guarantee that a block created at one plant will definitely fit for another enterprise,” Kolodyazhny explained.

According to him, USC customers, the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Industry and Trade, should also join the general regulatory framework. “A pilot has been launched to create regulatory background information. By 2017, we will prepare several dozen directories that will allow all enterprises and design bureaus of the corporation to speak the same language. This data will be integrated into various IT products,” Kolodyazhny said.