Customs statistics - lectures. Absolute and relative values

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1. The term "legal statistics" was first introduced:
1. Aristotle
2. G. Achenwalem
3. S.S. Ostroumov
4. S.G. Strumilin.

2. The founder of Russian judicial statistics is
1. A.N. Radishchev
2. V.N. Tatishchev
3. M.V. Lomonosov
4. K.I. Arseniev

3. In what part of legal statistics are the issues of practical analysis
crimes, civil offenses and lawsuits, administrative
offenses, as well as statistical research
efficiency, quality and efficiency of law enforcement
1. Common
2. Special
3. Special
4. In Additional.

4. At what stage of the study do calculations and study generalizing indicators:
1. At the stage statistical observation
2. At the stage of summary and grouping
3. At the stage of statistical analysis
4. At the stage of determining statistical indicators

5. The main properties of statistical information are:
1. objectivity and reliability
completeness and accuracy
2. relevance and usefulness.
3. mass character and stability.

6. Observation of changes in the socio-demographic characteristics of crime refers to:
1. current observations
2. discontinuous observations
3. periodic observations
4. one-time observations.

7. Observation, in which only certain groups and types of crimes, offenses from all their totality are subject to registration, is called:
1. solid
2. Discontinuous
3. One-time
4. Current.

8. What type of observation is the observation of the main array.
1. To solid
2. To selective
3. To the monographic
4. To the discontinuous.

9. In legal statistics, a specially authorized person, on the basis of a personal examination, calculation or measurement of the studied characteristics, carries out:
1. Direct observation
2. Documentary method of observation
3. Polling method
4. Answers 2 and 3 are correct.

10. Expeditionary method of statistical observation is:
1. Post survey
2. Internet survey
3. Oral questioning
4. Self-registration.

11. The carrier of signs to be taken into account is
1. population unit
2. unit of observation
3. statistical form
4. statistic.

12. Representativeness errors:
1. occur both during continuous and non-continuous observation.
2. can be random and systematic
3. arise due to the fault of persons who quite deliberately give incorrect information
4. can arise only with discontinuous observation.

13. Arithmetic control:
1. Finds out if all questions on the form have been answered.
2. allows you to find out the mistakes made by logically comparing the answers to individual questions of the monitoring program.
3. based on the verification of interrelated indicators reflected in the statistical observation form
4. compares the answers with each other.

14. Which of the following applies to the objects of criminal law statistics:
1. legal relations that have received their resolution in arbitration or are confirmed in the order of notarial proceedings;
2. crime, criminal, punishment;
3. plaintiff, defendant;
4. Measures of administrative responsibility applied to violators.

15. What statistical card (or primary accounting document) is used to ensure the formation of state and departmental statistical indicators to reflect the progress of a criminal case?
1. Form No. 1;
2. form No. 2;
3. form No. 3;
4. form number 5.

16. In courts, primary accounting documents are:
1. accounting and statistical card for a criminal case;
2. accounting and statistical card for a civil case;
3. accounting and statistical card for enforcement proceedings.
4. All of the above.

17. According to the degree of latency, theft, fraud belong to the following category of crimes:
1. minimally latent;
2. medium latency
3. maximum latent
4. absolutely not latent.

18. Statistical summary is:
1. scientifically organized processing of observation materials, including systematization, grouping of data, compilation of tables, calculation of group and total results, calculation of derived indicators (averages, relative values).
2. bringing together the materials of statistical observation and obtaining generalizing statistical indicators that characterize the essence of socio-economic phenomena or processes that reflect certain statistical patterns.
3. the process of dividing a complex mass phenomenon into homogeneous groups according to some essential features in order to identify types of phenomena, study the structure and analyze their state, development and relationships.
4. ordered distribution of the observed statistical population into separate groups according to a specific variable attribute.

19. The statistical summary program does NOT include the following step:
1. choice of grouping features;
2. determination of the type of observation;
3. development of a system of statistical indicators to characterize groups and the object as a whole;
4. development of layouts of statistical tables for presenting summary results.

20. When using what type of summary, the generalization of the collected information
produced locally
1. For a complex summary
2. When summarizing in a broad sense
3. With centralized summary
4. With decentralized summary

21. The method of scientific processing of primary statistical information, including the grouping of the phenomena under study, obtaining a system of indicators to characterize typical groups and subgroups, calculating group and overall results, tabular and graphical presentation of statistical indicators, is:
1. simple summary
2. complex summary
3. centralized summary
4. decentralized summary

22. The sign underlying the grouping is called
1. grouped sign
2. grouping base
3. both answers are correct
4. no correct answer

23. If a grouping attribute is presented in the form of subgroups, then this is a grouping:
1. Combination
2. Simple
3. Analytical
4. Structural

24. The task of identifying and characterizing socio-economic processes by dividing a qualitatively heterogeneous population into classes, homogeneous groups of units in accordance with the rules of scientific grouping is performed by:
1. Analytical grouping
2. Structural grouping
3. Typological grouping
4. All answers are correct.

25. The number of groups is limited by the number of varieties of the trait when grouping:
1. by quantitative characteristics
2. by attributive features
3. Answers 1 and 2 are correct.
4. The number of groups when grouping is not limited.

26. If quantitative characteristics can continuously change and take, within certain limits, any whole and
fractional value, then these are signs:
1. discontinuous
2. discrete
3. continuous
4. permanent.

27. Intervals for which only one border is indicated, and there are no upper or lower limits of the statistical population under study - these are:
1. equal intervals
2. uneven spacing
3. closed intervals
4. open intervals

28. A histogram is:
1. a graph of discontinuous variation, which is a broken curve.
2. way graphic image interval distributions variant with continuous variation of the feature.
3. graph of accumulated frequencies obtained by successive summation of all frequencies of the variation series.
4. a graph, during the construction of which the average values ​​of the intervals are plotted on the abscissa axis, and the accumulated frequencies are plotted on the ordinate axis.

29. A value expressing a quantitative measure of qualitatively homogeneous socio-economic, legal phenomena or processes or their constituent elements (individual parts, groups) is:
1. statistical summarizing indicator
2. absolute summary indicator
3. relative summary indicator
4. average summary indicator.

30. Named numbers are:
1. average summary indicators
2. absolute summary indicators
3. relative summary indicators
4. all generalizing indicators.

31. What units of measurement are used to characterize the volume of production, turnover, the value of national income, income of the population, damage, fines imposed.
1. Demographic units of measurement
2. Labor values
3. Natural units of measurement,
4. Cost (monetary) units of measurement

32. Relative indicators characterizing the change in phenomena over time are:
1. Relative values ​​of the structure
2. Relative intensity values
3. Relative values ​​of dynamics
4. Relative comparison values

33. Which of the following applies mainly to the quantitative characteristics of crime?
1. Crime rate
2. Criminal liability
3. Territorial distribution of crime
4. Latency of crime.

34. The ratio of the crime rate indicator to the previous value of the same indicator is:
1. Crime rate
2. Index of criminal activity
3. Growth rate of crime
4. The rate of increase in crime.

35. Tables in which the statistical population is divided into separate groups according to any one attribute, and each of the groups can be characterized by a number of indicators, are called:
1. simple tables
2. list tables
3. group tables
4. combination tables.

36. Explication is:
1. a line on which divisions corresponding to certain numbers are applied.
2. conditional value of a segment of the scale corresponding to a certain numerical unit.
3. a verbal description of the graph, including a name reflecting its content, digital data characterizing scale scales and explanations of symbols.
4. a set of lines, figures, points that depict statistical data.

37. Graphs of distribution surfaces of the objects under study are
1. Dot plots.
2. Line charts.
3. Volumetric charts.
4. Diagrams.

38. The value representing the quotient of dividing the sum of individual values ​​of features by their number is:
1. Average harmonic
2. Arithmetic mean
3. Geometric mean
4. Mean square.

39. Indicators of variation do NOT include:
1. Structure indicators
2. Form indicators
3. Quality indicators
4. Size indicators

40. The selection of units of observation in a random order by lottery involves:
1. Typical sample
2. Actually random sample
3. Mechanical sampling
4. Nested sampling

Lyalin V.S. Legal statistics. - M: Unity-Dana, 2010.
Savyuk L.K. Legal statistics. — M.: 2004.

Part 1. Customs statistics of foreign trade

Topic 1. The role and place of customs statistics

AT scientific use of the term "statistics" 1 was introduced by the German scientist Gottfried Achenwal in 1746, proposing to replace the name of the course "State Studies", taught at German universities, with "Statistics", thereby laying the foundation for the development of statistics as a science and academic discipline.

AT Currently, this term is used in 4 meanings:

1) science, which studies the quantitative side of mass phenomena and processes in close connection with their qualitative content - a subject in higher and secondary specialized educational institutions;

2) collection of digital information characterizing the state of mass phenomena and processes of public life; statistical data, presented in the reports of enterprises, organizations, sectors of the economy, as well as published in collections, reference books, periodicals and on the Internet, which are the result of statistical work;

3) field of practice("statistical accounting") for the collection,

processing, analysis and publication of massive digital data on a wide variety of phenomena and processes in public life2;

4) a certain parameter of a series of random variables obtained by a certain algorithm from the results of observations, for example, statistical criteria (critical statistics) used to test various hypotheses (presumable

statements) regarding the nature or values ​​of individual indicators of the data under study, the features of their distribution, etc.3

How scientific direction customs statistics is characterized by the subject,

object, purpose, objectives and methods of research. Customs statistics has a common subject and methods for all statistical disciplines.

The subject of customs statistics are mass phenomena (statistical aggregates), as well as the numerical expression of the regularities manifested in them, and its methods are based on the law of large numbers, which makes it possible to use statistical theory tools in the analysis of customs statistics data, and to assess the reliability of statistical estimates and conclusions - apparatus of mathematical statistics. Customs statistics, like other sectoral statistical disciplines, stands out as an independent discipline due to a separate object of study, goals and objectives.

1 From lat.status - state, state of affairs; originally the term was used in the meaning of "political condition"2 This activity on professional level carries out government statistics

federal Service state statistics(FSGS) and the system of its institutions organized on an administrative-territorial basis, as well as departmental statistics(at enterprises, departments, ministries, etc.)

3 The term "statistics" as a parameter, as a statistical criterion, is used mainly in mathematical statistics, some of them (χ2 ,t, etc.) are discussed in the relevant topics of this manual

The object of study of customs statistics is the foreign trade of the Russian Federation and the activities of customs authorities.

The purpose of customs statistics is to provide guidance to the Federal Customs Service (FCS), legislative and executive power information on the state and development of foreign trade of the Russian Federation (RF) and on the activities of customs authorities. Accordingly, 2 sections of customs statistics are defined: customs statistics of foreign trade and special customs statistics(see fig. 1).

Customs statistics

Customs statistics of foreign trade

Statistical quantities and their observation

System of indicators and signs

Distribution ranks

Series of dynamics



Index method

Features of cost accounting for goods

Special customs statistics



Statistics of customs payments

Currency control statistics

Statistics of customs offenses

Movement statistics Vehicle and individuals

Other types of special customs statistics

Rice. 1. Sections and subsections of customs statistics

Maintaining and organizing customs statistics is one of the functions of the customs authorities. Legal basis customs statistics is

Customs Code (TC) [ Error! Reference source not found. ], the new version of which was put into effect on January 1, 2004. The data of special customs statistics are used by the customs authorities exclusively for customs purposes.

The tasks of customs statistics of foreign trade are:

assistance in the development of foreign economic activity (FEA), the expansion of foreign trade relations, the development of the foreign trade policy of the Russian Federation;

development of methodological principles of analysis and a system of indicators characterizing the size, dynamics and structure of foreign trade;

ensuring complete and reliable accounting of data on exports and imports of the Russian Federation;

analysis of the main trends, structure and dynamics of foreign trade commodity flows of the Russian Federation in conjunction with the analysis of its macroeconomic situation and the conjuncture of world markets;

information support of the executive and legislative authorities with the data of customs statistics of foreign trade for their decision-making in the field of the customs policy of the Russian Federation and state regulation foreign trade of the Russian Federation;

presentation of data of customs statistics of foreign trade to international organizations;

submission of data on customs statistics of foreign trade in order to control the receipt of customs payments to the federal budget, currency control, development of the balance of payments of the Russian Federation;

calculation of various kinds of index indicators (for example, indices of prices and physical volume of foreign trade, etc.);

preparation of initial data for forecasting macroeconomic indicators within the framework of the system of national accounts and the balance of payments of the Russian Federation;

ensuring comparability of data on mutual trade between the Russian Federation and its foreign trade partners;

presentation of data of customs statistics of foreign trade of the Russian Federation for the analysis of the effectiveness of measures in the field of tariff and non-tariff measures of state regulation of foreign economic activity;

solution of other tasks due to the customs policy of the Russian Federation.

AT in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation general management customs business carried out by the Government of the Russian Federation. Direct management is carried out by the Federal Customs Service (FTS) of Russia, which is the central body of the federal executive power. To implement the entire complex of customs measures, special customs authorities are created, which constitute single system shown in the figuresError! Link source is not

test questions

1. Meanings of the term "statistics"

2. Features of customs statistics, its sections and tasks

3. The structure of the customs authorities of Russia.

Topic 2. Statistical observation in customs statistics

The statistical study of certain phenomena in statistics suggests how required condition availability of information about these phenomena. Therefore, the beginning of any statistical research comes down to collecting the necessary information. The final results of the work and the conclusions of the researchers largely depend on how complete and high-quality the collected primary data will be.

The features of the object of study and the tasks set determine the specifics of the system of indicators and attributive features, as well as the forms, types and methods of statistical observation. In the customs statistics of foreign trade, these issues are regulated by the Methodology of customs statistics of foreign trade of the Russian Federation [ Error! Reference source not found.] (hereinafter referred to as the Methodology).

The methodology, in its statistical essence, is a program of statistical observation of foreign trade and Russia. It defines the object of statistical observation, a system of indicators and features that characterize the object of observation and representing its units of observation, sets the rules for collecting statistical information on foreign trade and determines the possibilities for its further processing and analysis. The methodology has been developed in accordance with international standards in the field of statistics, which makes the information obtained on its basis suitable for international comparisons.

The terms and definitions contained in the Methodology and used in the formation of customs statistics of foreign trade are brought into line with the terms and definitions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation of 2003.

According to the Methodology, customs statistics of foreign trade takes into account trade in goods and does not affect trade in services. That is, the object of study of customs statistics of foreign trade is foreign trade in goods. Moreover, all goods that are added to the stocks of the country's material resources or deducted from them as a result of their import or export to the territory of the Russian Federation are taken into account. Accordingly, transit commodity flows and temporarily (up to 1 year) imported and exported goods are not taken into account. The new version of the Methodology does not define the threshold for statistical observation, although it was set in the previous version.

In the practice of statistics international trade Traditionally, two trade accounting systems are used: general and special. In accordance with the general system, the accounting of goods is carried out when they cross the state border of the country, and according to the special accounting system - when crossing its customs border. These boundaries are different if there are free customs zones and free warehouses on the territory of the state that are outside the customs territory and, therefore, the customs legislation does not apply.

The recommendations of the UN Statistical Commission give priority to the common trade accounting system. The Methodology establishes that in the customs statistics of foreign trade of the Russian Federation, common trade accounting system which contributes to data comparability.

Units of observation in the customs statistics of foreign trade of the Russian Federation are the consignments of goods declared during customs clearance (Table 1).

Table 1. Units of observation in customs foreign trade statistics

goods exported in accordance with

goods imported for the release of domestic

export customs regime

consumption (for free circulation);

goods imported and placed under




customs regime of re-import



customs territory

goods exported for processing

goods imported for processing

customs territory

customs territory

goods exported from the customs territory

goods imported after processing outside




customs territory



domestic consumption

goods exported from the customs territory

goods imported under

states and placed under customs


recycling regime

re-export mode

domestic consumption (for free


domestic goods placed in

foreign goods imported for sale

duty free shops


in duty free shops


domestic goods temporarily exported

foreign goods temporarily imported into

borders of the customs territory of the state

the customs territory of the state for a period

for a period of one year or more

for one year or more

goods exported from the customs territory

goods imported into the customs territory





warnings and



warnings and

elimination of natural

disasters and other emergencies

goods imported from the territory of foreign

states and placed under customs

regime of free customs zone and warehouse

imported goods from which a person

abandoned in favor of the state

As can be seen from Table. 1, not all types of customs regimes established by law4 participate in the formation of the country's foreign trade turnover.

Not taken into account in the customs statistics of foreign trade with the total

4 A list of all customs regimes for the movement of goods across the customs border of Russia is given in Appendix 3.

1) goods in transit through the territory of the state;

2) goods temporarily imported (exported) for a period of less than one year;

3) goods placed in a customs warehouse, free warehouse, free zone and intended for export outside the customs territory of the state;

4) foreign goods destroyed on the territory of the state;

5) exported goods, which the person refused in favor of the state;

6) moving supplies;

7) goods exported from the customs territory of the state and intended to ensure the functioning of embassies, consulates, representative offices in international organizations and other official representations of the state abroad;

8) goods transported across the customs border between the military units of the state stationed in the customs territory of the state and outside this territory;

9) goods exported to the CIS member states and intended to support the activities of medical, sports and recreational and other institutions social sphere, whose property is owned by this state or subjects of the state, as well as for conducting research work in the territories of these states by domestic organizations in the interests of the state on a non-commercial basis;

10) domestic goods moved between customs authorities through the territory of a foreign state.

The procedure for moving goods across the customs border, which provides for the establishment of customs regimes, is not absolute. There are categories of goods to which it does not apply. Such goods are also not included in the customs statistics of foreign trade of the Russian Federation. These include:

1. Monetary gold, domestic and foreign currency, securities released into circulation.

2. Goods that are not the subject of commercial transactions:

moved across the border by individuals for their own use, in quantitative or value terms not exceeding the norms established by national legislation;

periodicals (newspapers, magazines) sent by direct subscription to individuals;

goods purchased by diplomatic or other missions of foreign states, armed forces, scientific organizations on the territory of the state for their own needs.

3. Goods temporarily imported (exported) for a period of less than one year.

4. Goods lost or destroyed after leaving the economic territory of the exporting country but before entering the economic territory of the destined importing country are not to be included in the import statistics of the destined importing country. importing country (but included in the export statistics of the exporting country).

5. Goods to support the activities of domestic organizations abroad.

6. Goods moved pipeline transport required for its commissioning.

7. Goods (supplies) to ensure normal operation and Maintenance vehicles engaged in international transportation, intended for consumption by passengers and crew members, as well as intended for sale to passengers and crew members of ships and aircraft.

8. Items of material and technical supply and equipment, fuel, food and other property necessary for the normal operation of vehicles engaged in international transportation.

9. Marine products imported by domestic or leased (chartered) domestic ships.

10. Fuel and lubricants exported for bunkering of domestic vehicles or vessels leased (chartered) by domestic persons located outside the customs territory of the state.

11. Aircraft moving across the state border for maintenance purposes.

12. Goods moved across the border of the state for the purpose of repair.

13. Exhibition exhibits.

14. Goods moved for entertainment and sporting events.

15. Goods supplied against a deposit.

16. Goods samples.

17. "Transportation" container moved across the border.

18. Goods previously imported and placed under a different customs regime in the customs territory of the state, which were accounted for in the import of the state, when the customs regime is changed, are not re-recorded in the customs statistics of the state's foreign trade (without changing the direction of movement of goods).

The documentary basis for maintaining customs statistics is the information contained in the primary document - in Cargo customs declaration(GTE).

Moreover, for the purposes of customs statistics, only that information from the CCD is used that is not confidential, that is, it does not contain information about specific foreign trade operations and specific participants in foreign economic activity.

CCD is presented by a participant in foreign economic relations to the customs authority and includes officially declared data on goods transported across the customs border of the country, which makes it possible to take into account the entire set of foreign trade operations, each of which, from the point of view of customs control has its own final result: export of goods outside the customs territory of the country (when exporting) or importing them into the customs territory of the country (when importing).

The customs declaration is filled in for each consignment of goods. If there are several trade names in the lot, additional sheets are used, each of which makes it possible to declare goods of three more names.

There are three types of declarations: export, import and transit.

However, filling in all columns of the CCD (about 50) is carried out for the "Export" and "Import" modes, since all economic policy measures are applied to them, and for customs control in these cases the most complete information is required.

AT declarations contain such information as the reporting period, the direction of the flow of goods (import or export), the country of origin (when importing), the country

destination (when exported), statistical value, code and name of goods according to TN VED5, net weight, code and name of additional units of measurement, quantity by additional units of measurement, type of customs regime, etc. Based on this information, information on external trade of the country, therefore, when filling out the CCD, uniform accounting methods are used, as well as generally accepted international or local classifiers and nomenclatures. Based on the data contained in the GTD, it is possible to analyze the geographical and nomenclature distribution of the country's foreign trade.

AT the corresponding columns of the customs declaration contain the characteristics of the goods: description of the goods, weight, cost, etc. In particular, the name of the goods and their specifications, including model numbers, types, sizes, technical specifications etc., which makes it possible to unambiguously classify the declared goods into a certain 9-digit subheading of the TN VED. Correct coding of goods is an important condition for improving the reliability of the data of the customs statistics of the country's foreign trade.

Topic 3. Statistical quantities

As already mentioned, the subject of statistics is aggregates(mass phenomena). Units of the population have certain properties, which are usually called signs.

5 Commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity - see topic 4 for more details

Signs differ in the way they are measured and in other features, which gives rise to their classification 2.

Table 2. Main classification of features in statistics

Classification parameter

Feature type

Feature example

By the nature of the expression

Descriptive (attributive)

Country of origin of goods

Quantitative (numerical)

Item weight

According to the method of measurement

Primary (volumetric)

Item weight

Secondary (settlement)

Cost of goods


Direct (immediate)

Item gross weight

characterized object


Item net weight


Non/food item

By the nature of the variation


Product code according to TN VED


Product shelf life

Relative to time


Product storage temperature


The cost of storing goods

To characterize mass phenomena, statistics uses

statistical values ​​(indicators), which characterize groups of units or an aggregate (phenomenon) as a whole. Statistical quantities (indicators)

subdivided into absolute, relative and average.

The results of observations of customs statistics of foreign trade, that is, information obtained from the CCD, are absolute values , reflecting the level of development of a phenomenon (for example, the value of exports/imports of the i-th product to the j-th country). Absolute values ​​are denoted X , and their total number in the statistical population N .

Absolute values ​​are momentary (reflect the level of development of the phenomenon on a certain date, for example, the export price of oil) and interval (reflect the level of development of the phenomenon for a certain period of time, for example, the value of exports per month, quarter, year, etc.). Unlike instantaneous interval absolute values, they allow subsequent summation (for example, summing up the value of exports of goods for January, February and March, we obtain the value of exports for the first quarter).

Absolute values ​​always have their own unit of measurement (dimension) inherent in the phenomenon under study (in customs statistics - a product). The following are widely used in customs statistics. types of units:

1) natural, subdivided into simple (for example, pieces, tons, meters) and complex (composite), which are a combination of two opposite quantities (for example, kilowatt-hour);

2) conditionally natural(for example, alcoholic beverages are counted in the dcl of 100% alcohol, and different kinds fuel is measured by standard fuel with calorific value 7000 kcal/kg or 29.3 MJ/kg);

3) value, allowing to measure in monetary terms goods that cannot be measured in kind (US dollars, rubles, etc.).

The number of units with the same feature value is denoted by f and is called the frequency 6 . Obviously, summing up the number of all values ​​with the same values ​​of the attribute7, we get N , that is, (1):

f N .

Analyzing absolute values, for example, statistical data on the foreign trade of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to compare these data in time and space, investigate the patterns of their change and development, and study the structure of aggregates. With the help of absolute values, these tasks are not feasible, in this case it is necessary to use relative values.

Relative value is the result of dividing (comparing) two absolute values. The numerator of the fraction is the value being compared, and the denominator is the value being compared with (the base of comparison). For example, if we compare the exports of the United States and Russia, which in 2005 amounted to 904.383 and 243.569 billion dollars, respectively, then the relative value will show that the value of US exports is 3.71 times (904.383 / 243.569) more than Russian exports, while the base comparison is the value of Russia's exports. The resulting relative value is expressed as a video coefficient, which shows how many times the compared absolute value is greater than the base value. In this example, the comparison base is taken as one. If the base is taken as 100, the relative value is expressed as a percentage (%), if as 1000 - per mille (‰). The choice of one form or another of the relative value depends on its absolute value:

if the compared value is more than the base of comparison by 2 times or more, then choose the form of the coefficient (as in the above example);

if the relative value is close to one, then, as a rule, it is expressed as a percentage (for example, comparing the values ​​of Russia's exports in 2006 and 2005, which amounted to 304.5 and 243.6 2006 is 125% of 2005);

if the relative value is significantly less than one (close to zero), it is expressed in ppm (for example, in 2004 Russia exported a total of 4142 thousand tons of oil products to the CIS countries, including 10.7 thousand tons to Georgia, which is 0.0026 , or 2.6‰ of all exports of petroleum products to the CIS countries).

There are relative values ​​of dynamics, structure, coordination, comparison and intensity, for brevity, hereinafter referred to as indices.

The index of dynamics 8 characterizes the change of any phenomenon in time. It is the ratio of the values ​​of the same absolute value in different periods of time. This index is determined by formula (2):

6 f is the initial letter of the English. wordsfrequency - frequency

7 In statistics, unlike mathematics, summation limits are not set, but implied, since the absolute values ​​here are not abstract, but semantic (all values ​​of the population are summed up - from the first to the last)

The task of customs statistics is to provide quantitative information on the state and development of the country's foreign economic activity in close connection with its qualitative characteristics. The collection of such information, its registration is called accounting. In the statistics of foreign economic relations, the objects of accounting are goods that make up the country's exports and imports, as well as all transactions related to them.

In accordance with the Customs Code of the Republic of Belarus (Article 12, paragraph 1), customs statistics are divided into customs statistics of foreign trade and special customs statistics.

In the customs statistics of foreign trade (TSVT), the subject of observation and study is, first of all, the foreign trade turnover of the country, that is, the export and import of goods in quantitative and value terms, structural and geographical distribution (“goods - country”, “country - goods”) .

In the customs statistics of foreign trade, export is understood as the export from the country of grown, mined or produced goods of domestic production. At the same time, domestic goods also include goods of foreign origin that have been released for free circulation or have undergone significant processing with a change in quality or technical parameters.

Import refers to the entry of goods into a country. Imports include goods brought into a country, intended for consumption in the country, for re-export.

The export of goods reduces the national stocks of material values ​​(payment for goods is the incoming part of the balance of payments), and import increases the material resources of the country.

Statistical monitoring of the import and export of goods from the territory of the Republic of Belarus is carried out on the basis of data from cargo customs and statistical declarations, as well as other related documents. This information is the official source data for the formation of customs statistics.

As noted above, the goods declaration allows you to get prompt reliable information about goods transported across the state border. The information contained in the goods declaration is the official initial data in the formation of customs statistics of foreign trade.

The statistical declaration is not in the full sense of the customs document, but given the high level of development information technologies in the customs authorities great experience collection, processing of data, as well as the appropriate qualifications of specialists in the formation of foreign trade statistics on the basis of a commodity declaration, the Council of Ministers decided to give the statistical declaration an appropriate status. At present, the information contained in the statistical declaration is official data on mutual trade between the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation.

Customs statistics of foreign trade keeps records of import and export of goods in physical (quantitative) and value terms.

Quantitative accounting most fully reflects the volume of international trade.

Most of the goods circulating in world trade are measured in weight units: tons, centners, kilograms, English pounds, etc. In this case, goods are taken into account by gross or net weight.

Gross weight is understood to mean total weight goods together with packaging, and net weight is the net weight of goods without inner and outer packaging. The nearest inner package, in which the goods are directly located and together with it goes to the consumer, is included in the net weight. In the customs statistics of foreign trade, quantitative records of goods are kept by net weight.

In addition to weight units of measurement, quantitative accounting of goods is also carried out in specific units of measurement characteristic of certain goods. For example, footwear is accounted for in pairs, lumber - in cubic meters, cars, machine tools - in pieces, etc. In these cases, statistical accounting of goods is carried out according to the quantity expressed in additional units of measurement.

In addition to data on the number of export and imported goods customs statistics of foreign trade includes their valuation. The valuation of foreign trade turnover is the most important indicator of the economic state of the country, its international relations. The cost of goods is an important, but ambiguous indicator. It should be borne in mind that, based on the obligations of the seller and the buyer for the delivery of goods from one country to another, foreign trade contract is based on 13 main types of commercial terms of delivery. Depending on the commercial terms of delivery, the price in the invoice (invoice) issued by the seller to the buyer will be different. In the invoice, the seller includes only those costs that he bears in accordance with his obligations under this type of commercial delivery condition. In order to obtain comparable objective data, the invoice value of the goods is reduced to a single basis - the statistical value of the goods.

In addition to goods, customs statistics take into account the movement of vehicles (by their types) across the customs border, the transit of goods through the Republic of Belarus, the processing of goods, the movement of individuals, etc.

Special customs statistics observes and studies the operational activities of the customs authorities, reflects this activity in the actual data.

The processes directly related to the movement of goods in foreign trade can also include the collection of customs duties, the fight against customs offenses, accounting for various operations. customs clearance and etc. .

Based on the material studied above, we can say that statistics has a long history, thanks to which customs statistics subsequently began to emerge. And now it is already one of the most important tools government controlled, which is designed to solve a number of specific problems.

Main goals:

History of development of customs statistics in Russia

The study of statistical accounting of foreign trade and customs activities allows us to distinguish 8 stages in the development of customs statistics.

The first stage is the second half of the 16th century to the beginning of the 19th century. On the borders Russian state customs posts are established and duties are imposed on imported and exported goods. Accounting for the import and export of goods and the payment of duties began to be carried out.

The second stage - the beginning of the 19th century until 1930. During this period, the publication of statistical data on foreign trade began. The first report was published in 1802 and was called "State trade in its various forms." Since then, the publication of statistical data has become annual. All customs statistics were maintained by customs agencies. They filled out special statistical sheets and sent them to the Main customs administration, where the data were summarized according to certain generalizing indicators.

The third stage - from 1930 to the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. In 1930, a department of statistics was organized at the Main Customs Directorate and all statistical reporting customs authorities going to them. Publications on foreign trade become monthly. During this period, in parallel with the General Customs Administration, the collection of data on foreign trade is carried out by People's Commissariat foreign trade. The Commissariat collected data from economic organizations involved in foreign trade and from trade missions in foreign countries.

The fourth stage is the years of the Great Patriotic War. During this period, all accounting of foreign trade is carried out by the accounting and economic department of the People's Commissariat for Foreign Trade. During the war years, the customs administration did not conduct accounting.

The fifth stage is the years after the Great Patriotic War until 1959. During this period, the pre-war situation is restored. Statistical records of foreign trade are maintained by the Main Customs Administration and the People's Commissariat for Foreign Trade.

The sixth stage - from 1959 to 1988. During this period, in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Trade, all foreign trade statistics were assigned to the planning and economic department of the Ministry of Trade (the former People's Commissariat of Foreign Trade). During this period, the General Customs Administration kept records of transit, smuggling, passengers and luggage, vehicles and international mail and postal parcels. On the basis of this information, the customs administration prepared statistical surveys on exports and imports of goods.

The seventh stage - from 1988 to 1995. In 1988, by a decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, a decision was made to revive customs statistics. The main reasons for this decision were the liberalization of the economy and the signing by the USSR of a number of intergovernmental and international agreements. At this stage, the collection of data on foreign trade is carried out by:

State Customs Committee (SCC) according to the declaration file;

State Committee according to statistics (Goskomstat) according to the reporting forms of enterprises engaged in foreign economic activity;

Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations according to trade missions and other sources.

The eighth stage - from 1995 to the present. In 1995, an agreement on information cooperation was signed between the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation and the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation (Decree of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation No. 01-12/1522). In accordance with this agreement, the function of collecting information on the country's foreign trade was transferred to the State Customs Committee. Goskomstat of the Russian Federation reserved the collection of data on some commodity groups.

Eighth stage - In September 2004, the State Customs Committee was renamed the Federal Customs Service

On May 11, 2006, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the Federal customs Service transferred to the jurisdiction of the Government of the Russian Federation. Previously, the FCS of Russia was subordinate to the Ministry economic development and trade.

The FCS maintains customs statistics on foreign trade and special customs statistics.

The ninth stage is the creation Customs Union. On July 1, 2010, the Customs Code began to be applied on the territory of the Customs Union. Maintenance of customs statistics of mutual trade.

Structure of customs statistics

Customs statistics includes two major sections:

Customs statistics of foreign trade,

Special customs statistics. Customs statistics of foreign trade studies:

a) export statistics of goods in kind and value terms;

b) statistics of imports of goods in physical and value terms;

c) geographical distribution of exports and imports;

d) statistics of the country's foreign trade turnover;

e) statistics of the country's trade balance.
Special customs statistics studies:

a) declaration statistics;

b) statistics of customs payments;

c) customs value control statistics;

d) currency control statistics;

e) statistics of customs offenses;

f) statistics of international traffic;

g) statistics of international postal items;

h) international passenger traffic statistics, etc.

Of all the sections of customs statistics, the most developed is the first section - foreign trade statistics.


2) The second grouping represents the results of the foreign trade of the Russian Federation by groups of countries. In this grouping, the name of groups of countries is used as a grouping feature. The difference of this grouping is that in it the selected elements of the grouping intersect with each other, because different countries of the world may belong to different groups of countries. In this regard, the final data for this grouping do not reflect the results of the country's foreign trade and are not given.

Country group/EC/IM

This grouping gives a clear idea of ​​which groups of countries Russia mainly conducts trade relations with.

3) One of the most important in foreign trade statistics is grouping by commodity groups. The grouping attribute in this case is the "name of the product group".

Such a grouping makes it possible to visualize the distribution of exports, imports and foreign trade turnover by enlarged commodity groups, to identify those that prevail in the country's exports or imports. On the basis of this grouping, it is possible to build and study the structure of the foreign trade of the Russian Federation.

Product Groups/EC/Im

All the groupings discussed above are typological, that is, they allow us to study various economic types units in the total population. As a rule, these groupings are built according to attributive features.

In addition to typological, variational (structural) groupings are often used in foreign trade statistics. Unlike typological variation groupings can be built only on quantitative grounds. In addition to studying the structure of the population according to the grouping feature, variational groupings allow you to study the feature that is the basis of the grouping. An example of a variational (structural) grouping is:

Requirements for information base to study the dynamics of foreign trade.

When studying dynamics, certain requirements are imposed on the initial information.

The first requirement is the comparability of time series levels. Comparability of levels is achieved as a result of the same approach to observation at different stages of the formation of the time series: the category under study must be defined in the same way, taken into account or calculated using the same methodology, expressed in the same units of measurement, covering the same territory.

The second requirement is the completeness of the levels that make up the time series. They should not have gaps.

The third requirement is the equality of the intervals (segments) of time for which the levels of the series are given.

The fourth requirement is that the number of observations (levels) must be large enough. It is believed that it is possible to predict using a time series containing at least 6 levels. The longer the period covered by the time series, the more accurately it is possible to identify the development trend of the process and obtain its forecast.

The subject and objectives of customs statistics

The subject of study of the Customs Union is the processes of implementation by the customs authorities of accounting, control, fiscal, law enforcement and analytical functions carried out when moving goods, vehicles and individuals across the border of the country.

The purpose of the Customs Union is an economic assessment and forecasts of the conditions and results of all customs activities.

All R. In the 90s of the last century, an order was issued by the State Customs Committee, where TS was declared a science.

On the present stage in reality, TS should be understood as:

1) A specific type of accounting for there information

2) The customs information itself, i.e. data

3) some areas of analysis of this information

Analytical functions are also included in the tasks of the TS, they are defined in the following documents:

Unified methodology for maintaining the CU of foreign trade and statistics of mutual trade of the CU member states (Order No. 525, Commission of the CU on January 28, 2011)

Methodology for analyzing and evaluating the activities of the local authorities of the Russian Federation

Main goals:

1. Ensuring a complete objective accounting of information on the country's foreign trade and special customs information.

2. Studying the volumes, structure and dynamics of foreign trade flows.

3. Analysis of the completeness of receipt of customs payments to the federal budget.

4. The study of the dynamics and structure of the commission of offenses in trade and non-trade turnover.

5. Evaluation of the results of carrying out measures to suppress and disclose offenses.

6. Analysis of the results of the implementation of currency control and customs value control.

7. Study of the domestic market conditions.

8. Provision of customs information to the government of the Russian Federation, federal government bodies, etc. org.

9. Transfer of information on Russia's foreign trade to the CU Commission.