Track 17 in Russian package tracking. Postal tracking

17track net tracking postal items. You can track the parcel by number using the site service or directly on this page.

To track the package:

Enter the track number of the parcel and click on the TRACK button. officially launched in 2010 and today is one of the most popular parcel tracking sites on the Internet. 17track net has undergone three editions and now provides information to more than 160 countries around the world about tracking parcels of government postal services, courier services such as EMS, DHL, UPS, FedEx, TNT, container shipping and commercial logistics companies. The list is constantly updated and improved. On the website, you can track postal items from most Chinese Internet sites, including Aliexpress. In the future, it is planned to integrate Alixpress package tracking into 17track.
The site has versions in 16 languages, including Russian. Go to in Russian. In accordance with international rules the track number of the parcel will automatically identify the country of origin, the country of destination, the status of the parcel, travel time, some intermediate points, time and date. As well as links to the official websites of postal services. If you need to completely copy the tracking results of the mailing to communicate with the Aliexpress seller, you can do this with one click on “Copy results”.

How to use on the official website.

1. Go to in Russian. Click on the big box.

2. Enter the track number of the parcel. Make sure that English is active on your computer. The track number of the parcel must consist of two letters at the beginning, 9 numbers and two letters at the end (indicating the country of departure). Next, press the word TRACK or TRACK.

After the request is processed, you will see the result.
3. The scale of the parcel delivery process - departure, transit, delivery and delivery.
4. Information table of your tracking number. When you hover over the items, you will view more detailed information - the country of departure, the country of delivery, the status of the parcel.
5. detailed information about the passage of the parcel of all registered items. If the parcel has departed from the country, then the transit country through which the parcel flies is often not shown.
6. Ability to go to the official website of the delivery service.
7. Click if you need to track other carriers.
8. A field for entering new track numbers or adding to an already verified one.

The 17track website is developing cooperation with Chinese carriers that work in the field of e-commerce: flytexpress, YUNPOST, BQC International Logistics, xru, 007ex, HHEXP, YANWEN, BuyLogic, RUSH, Ruston, RETS. services, in addition to the tracking status of postal items, provide parcel dispatch statistics: how many parcels were sent from the country to all the others, how many parcels were received. For example, in March 2015, 6,070 parcels were sent from Russia, of which 32% were sent to China, 17% to Kazakhstan, 16% to the United States, and 1,045,000 parcels were received, of which 73% came from China.
During the same period, 711 parcels were sent to Ukraine (a large percentage to China and the USA), 57,420 parcels were received - 76% from China.
China in March 2015 sent about 4,690,000 parcels in the top three the Russian Federation, Brazil and Spain.

17track has released apps for Android, Windows Phone, Apple. Recall that Aliexpress also regularly updates its applications.

Everyone who makes purchases in foreign online stores once faces the question: how to track the progress of an order? In this article, we will analyze in detail how to track parcels on track 17 in Russian.

Instructions for tracking the parcel on the site

To track the shipment, open the site in Russian. Usually the site immediately opens in Russian, but if this does not happen, you need to manually change the language at the top of the page.

The site has a simple and intuitive interface. In the center of the page is a large field for entering tracking numbers. Up to 40 tracks can be entered or pasted from the clipboard at the same time.

Then press the button "Track" and almost instantly you will receive all available information about the shipment: from where and when it was sent, where it is going, at what stage of delivery it is currently. Unfortunately, information about the movement of the parcel is presented in English, but you can choose automatic translation into Russian. Although this is a machine translation, the general meaning will be clear.

The main convenience of the service is that it provides information on almost all known types of shipments to Russia. It doesn't matter if the goods were sent to you with Singapore Post, or with Aliexpress courier service DHL, or is it a parcel from a Russian store sent by Russian Post - in most cases, the service will automatically determine the transportation service and find information about the parcel.

You can track the parcel on in Russian without registering. But registration will allow you to save tracks in personal account And don't re-enter them every time. You can also assign names to parcels, for example, "Telephone" or "Order ASOS". This is convenient if you are waiting for several departures at the same time. In addition, all shipments will automatically be sorted into folders depending on their status (on the way, arrived, delivered, etc.).


The service also has a convenient official application for the most popular mobile platforms: Android and iOS.

In terms of basic functionality, it is not inferior to the web version, so you can safely use it instead of a website. Moreover, you can turn on notifications and quickly receive information about the change in the status of your shipments. Also, the application can scan and recognize barcodes and QR codes.

How to install

You can install the application 17 track for tracking parcels in Russian in the following ways:

  • By the link on the website. Depending on the platform of your device (Android or iOS), select the link to Google Play or App Store. Login to your account and click the button "Install". The app will download and install automatically on your device.
  • Download from Google Play or App Store on your device. Enter in the search bar "17 track" and install the found application.

How to track

To use the application, you need to register or log in using one of the social networks. After that, you will be able to save and track your parcels. To add a track, click on the plus sign in the lower right corner and enter the departure number. In the free version, you can track 40 shipments at the same time.

By the way, if you use the same account in the application and on the website, then all data is automatically synchronized.


The website is perhaps the most popular and convenient tool for tracking orders from online stores. If you regularly order goods from China or the USA, you should definitely take a closer look at this service.

Everyone who has bought at least once on knows that each parcel is assigned its own track number, by which we can track our good. In the details of the order, the merchant gives information on which site you can track this or that track. You can find information on the movement of your goods not only on the site that the seller gave you, but also on any other site on the World Wide Web. One of these sites is 17TRACK.

17TRACK is one of the favorite sites of all Chinese merchants, and they recommend viewing the movement of the order on it. The site is not quite young, it will soon turn 7 years old, during which the developers have done a lot. The great advantage of this site is that here you can view shipments from 120 postal services. Such a versatile soldier.

17TRACK tracking, if you got to a site in a foreign language, how to switch to the Russian version of the site

When you write 17TRACK in your favorite search engine, and among all the options offered in the list, find the site itself, then most likely you will not be taken to the Russian version, but to the Chinese one. This is understandable, because the site is Chinese. Many users, having opened the page, and seeing the hieroglyphs, begin to get nervous. Do not rush to close the page, scolding another Chinese site, and remember dashingly, and all its creators, because they did not come up with a service that would be convenient for us, Russian-speaking citizens. If you look carefully at the top of the page, you will see that you can safely select the language you need and not panic and already view the information in the format you want. We were offered options, as many as 30 languages, which even include Ukrainian and Polish.

We chose the Russian language, and the site automatically began to display information in Russian. - instructions for tracking packages from Aliexpress in Russian (step by step instructions)

The first thing you need to do before you go to track your package is to log in with your details on. After you have entered, you need to go to the section with your orders.

After the transition, in the list with all orders, select the one that we want to track and click on the details.

In detail, we need to find our track code. When the page first opens, you will see information about the order, how many days you have left until the end of consumer protection rights. We need to scroll the mouse wheel and go down a little lower. You will have information with the track number and information on which resource you can track the shipment on, but now this is not the conversation.

So, we went into the details card, our track, and now we need to copy it. When you copied it, open our service to determine the location of the order The first thing that catches your eye is a large field with many lines, this is where we will enter (insert) our tracks for verification. We insert our track.

In each new field, we insert a new track number. All that is left for us is to click on the "Track" button and wait for the site to display information about the product.

From the screenshot you can see that our package is still on the way. It can be seen up to a minute her location until the moment she left the chapels of the Celestial Empire.

information in gray, what gray color says

You may or may not have noticed that the status of our shipment was glowing blue under. This means that the goods are on the way.

But each moment of movement of goods has its own color. We took another track number and inserted it into the search. And our departure was not found, and the picture was highlighted in gray.

information about the parcel is green, what does the green color mean

Green color tells us that the package has already been delivered, or has been received by the recipient.

information about the parcel in red, as indicated by the red color

It is customary for us to associate red with something not very pleasant, in this case this is no exception. Red indicates that the item has not been delivered. Below are the reasons why the goods were not delivered to you.

If the parcel is not all right, how to take a screenshot of the information (step by step instructions) to send to the seller

Of course, each of us will be alerted by the movement of the parcel in the wrong direction. One parcel may be lost, the second may not be displayed for technical reasons, and the third may go to a different address altogether. There are reasons for all this, and clients do not encounter them so often. In order to make claims to the merchant, you must have arguments for this, which you must provide to him. One of them may be screenshots of the movement of goods. Screenshots can be taken in several ways: using the keyboard, and using special programs for them.

Let's start with the first one. Probably, each of us remembers from computer science lessons at school how to take screenshots using the Print Screen button. It is located at the top, above the Delete key.

So, we go to the verification site, enter the track number, and when the information is displayed, click on the Print Screen button. Nothing will happen right away. The thing is that a screenshot of the screen is sent to the clipboard, and in order for the picture to appear, we need to do the following. Create a bitmap on the desktop.

After you create the bitmap, we need to open it with the good old Paint program.

Thus, we will open a window where we used to draw from childhood. Now we need to get our track tracking screenshot from the clipboard. To do this, we use the key combination Ctrl+V.

This is how the picture will appear already in Paint. All we have to do is save it.

Second option. We use programs such as Joxi. Such programs are very convenient, they are easy to download and you do not have to make so many unnecessary movements. You can get acquainted with this program on the World Wide Web.

Website, how to use the help section

Like any service that respects its customers, 17TRACK has a support service. It is easy to find the help section for customers, it is located on the main page of the site.

By clicking on the "Help" button, you will open a new window, where there will be tabs with information available to you.

So, in the “About us” section, information is indicated about the service itself, about its dynamics and the specifics of work.

Feedback will allow you to leave feedback and suggestions, as well as ask questions.

If you yourself cannot figure out the tracking of parcels, the support service will always help you with this.

The only disadvantage of this section is that it is poorly Russified, and in some places everything is in English, but you can always use a translator.

In addition, you can help the service with the translation. To do this, at the end of the line with the language panel, you need to click on the opening of that same panel.

A window will open with feedback.

17TRACK in Russian, user reviews

Der_Flieger writes:
I recently discovered this site for myself. Of the advantages: a decent translation into Russian. I understand everything, and this is the main thing; the track is tracked very quickly; A big advantage for me personally was the ability to track several tracks at once. There is only one drawback: you can’t see under the track what kind of product. This is a problem for me, because I am doing a kind of commerce, and I don’t know which product you have viewed.

Maria writes:
Of those services that I managed to try out, this is the most suitable. However, not everything is always clear to me in the statuses of the parcels themselves. I found another resource so far, while I use it.

Sonriente writes:
Very simple and easy to use site. You can immediately track a large number of parcels, but for me it's just a fat plus, because I order a lot from China. It suits the fact that you can not register, but quickly view all the necessary information.

Jessica86 writes:
A good site, information about parcels always appears here first. Often, when I can’t follow it on another resource, I go here, and everything is already there. In general, I recommend!

AlyonkaLis writes:
For me, this is the best and most reliable service for tracking shipments from Aliexpress. Although my friends also use it to check other international shipments and are happy with everything. Reliable information, frequent updating of data on the location of the parcel makes it simply indispensable. The site has many advantages, one of the main ones: the site is Russified, the information is always up-to-date.

17TRACK is a kind of unique service that will always help you track your product and come to the rescue. Therefore, do not be afraid now everything has been done so that you leave your money on and be satisfied.

How to trace the track code on your smartphone, you will learn from the video.

After payment for the order trading platform Aliexpress, the seller packs your purchases for transportation and hands them over to the postal company. Which company will deliver depends on the delivery method chosen at the stage of payment. If the delivery is free, then it is most often delivered using China Post Small Packet , Aliexpress Standard Shipping .

When a package is handed over to the postal service, it is assigned a unique numeric or alphanumeric departure code, or tracking number. To track Aliexpress parcels, you need to find the departure number assigned to your package on the Aliexpress order page.

How to track a parcel from Aliexpress by order number

The order number is assigned within the Aliexpress platform and is in no way associated with the postal item that delivers the order to your country. Therefore, you can’t track Aliexpress by order number, but it doesn’t matter, because when the seller with Aliexpress prepares the order for shipment, he notifies the delivery service, which issues a unique track number or parcel tracking number.

Using the tracking number, you can easily track your order by simply entering the tracking number in and clicking the "Track Parcel" button.

How to track a parcel from Aliexpress by tracking number

After the status of the order changes to "Sent", the track number of your package will appear in the order details, by which you can track your order with Aliexpress.

To track a parcel from Aliexpress to Russia by track number, enter the track code or tracking number of the parcel in and click on the "Track Parcel" button to find out the latest information about the movement of your parcel with Alex Express.

Please note that Aliexpress order number and tracking number are different numbers. Aliexpress order numbers are like the following 502370139095420, 70050660905420, 86087307282773 while the tracking numbers are like this: YT72760621444007800, ZA247945542HK, 460230324276, RY505557973CN.

The Aliexpress parcel track is one of the favorite activities of buyers, because you always look forward to when the cherished things arrive.

Tracking postal items with Aliexpress

Generally speaking, mailings from Aliexpress are divided into trackable and untraceable. Cheap items are most often sent in untraceable shipments, because for them the cost of delivery is a significant fraction of the price of the goods, and therefore sellers and buyers seek to save as much as possible on shipping.

As a rule, untraceable shipments are moved within China by local logistics companies and then transferred to China Post, which delivers them by plane to their destination countries. While the parcel is moving inside China, it is tracked well, but then at the export stage, tracking stops.

With tracked shipments, everything is easier, they are marked at each stage of the journey, and the entire history of movement right up to your post office is clearly visible.

You can check the parcel by the Aliexpress track number and find out whether it is trackable or not on our unique parcel tracker from China. One has only to enter the received track number and in a few seconds you will be able to find out in detail where your parcel is.

How to track an order from Aliexpress

To track the parcel of Aliexpress in Russian, follow simple steps below:

  1. Go to the Ali website.
  2. Then open the My orders section, select the order you need and click the Details link.
  3. The page that opens will show the details of the order. Find and copy the Tracking number (track number or mail ID) and paste it into the form above. After that, click the Track Parcel button.
  4. After some time, the Parcel service will track your shipment and provide information about the status and current location of the parcel.

Read more about SF-Express delivery from AliExpress by clicking on the link.

If the parcel is delivered via ePacket, then by clicking on the link.

The Russian Post will be able to track the parcel of Aliexpress only if it has a track number of the international format like R..FI, R..CN, Z..HK, Z..LV and so on. To track all other track codes, use our universal mail tracker.

How long is the package with Aliexpress or delivery time with Aliexpress

Some parcels test our patience and the question involuntarily arises: how long to wait with Aliexpress or how long does a parcel with Aliexpress take? This leads us to the desire to know the delivery time of Aliexpress in order to roughly estimate how many days to wait.

To find out how long to wait for a parcel from Aliexpress, track it on our service, which will show you the approximate delivery dates and you will find out how many days are left to wait.

How much does a parcel with Aliexpress take?

  • China Post- this is the delivery service through which 80% of all shipments from China go. As a result of a large load, the parcel can take quite a long time to be delivered. Sends by this service come in 30 days in 70% of cases.
  • Hong Kong, Switzerland, Sweden and Singapore Post(and similar) is more fast way delivery and it is the least loaded. If you are a resident of Moscow or St. Petersburg, then the parcel goes in 15-20 days. As a rule, in 30 days it comes in 90% of cases.
  • Posti Finland- By Finnish Post, the order takes only 2-3 weeks and rarely exceeds more than 25 days. The maximum allowable period is 35 days.
  • ePacket- a fairly fast delivery method, it arrives in 14-15 days, rarely in 21 days.
  • EMS- paid express delivery. Using it, you can be sure that in less than 2 weeks the parcel will be in your post office.
  • Eshun (Zes Express)- a slow delivery method, since the parcel is transported by land, it will be delivered in 30-45 days.

As a rule, when shipping from China, be guided by 30 days from the date the goods were actually shipped by the seller. There are times when packages arrive in a couple of weeks, especially if they are expensive goods, but you should not expect delivery of a product worth a couple of dollars in the same period. For cheap items, Aliexpress's maximum delivery time is 45 days +/- 15 days.

If there is no desire to wait, and you want the delivery of the desired item to be carried out as quickly as possible, it makes sense to use paid postal services when the goods are only 2 weeks old. But if the purchase was inexpensive, or you don’t want to overpay a third of the cost of the product, then you can wait and use the services of China Air Post. But in this case, you will have to wait at least three weeks, or even 2 months. Everyone has their own choice.

How much is the parcel from Aliexpress in Russia

Aliexpress delivery time depends heavily on the type of shipment, the delivery service, the workload of customs posts in China and Russia, and how far you are from large customs posts in Moscow, Novosibirsk, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg.

Registered items such as R..CN, L..CN are delivered in about 20-25 days, simplified registered items such as ZA..LV, ZA..HK in 25-30 days.

  • How long does it take for a parcel from Aliexpress to Moscow - Since the capital of Russia is the most populated city in the country, respectively, everything more people are wondering how much the parcel goes from China to Moscow. On average, according to our statistics, the parcel reaches the customs in Moscow in 10-14 days, and beyond 4-5 days the parcel is delivered to the Moscow post office, that is, about 14-19 days.
  • How long does it take for a parcel from Aliexpress to St. Petersburg - On average, L..CN shipments are delivered in 12-14 days. The fastest parcel arrived in 9 days from China to St. Petersburg, taking into account customs clearance and delivery to the post office.
  • How long does it take for a parcel from Aliexpress to Khabarovsk - When a parcel passes through Moscow, St. Petersburg, to such remote cities of Russia as Khabarovsk, Novosibirsk, Vladivostok, the average delivery time is extended by 30-40 days.

The maximum delivery time for Aliexpress in some cases was 2 and 3 months, but this is more an exception than a rule and is most often associated with the fact that the package was lost at customs during export or import.

Tracking on our mail tracker, you will always know the estimated delivery time of Aliexpress. Our service takes into account past parcels to your city and region, the average time for a parcel to travel in China, the time it takes for a parcel to pass customs in Russia, the time for a parcel to move in Russia, and the time it takes for a parcel to overcome the distance between the city of arrival of a parcel in Russia and your city.

How to find out when the parcel will arrive from Aliexpress

To do this, track your track number on our service, and we, using the statistics of parcel delivery to your city with Aliexpress, will show you the estimated delivery time.

Our service calculates the average customs clearance time in Russia, how long does it take for a package to reach your city after customs clearance, so our forecasts can be quite accurate.

Aliexpress Standard Shipping tracking

What is the method, what is the delivery of Aliexpress Standard Shipping, which orders are often sent from Ali? Previously, each AliExpress seller sent the package on their own, and this often led to problems and delays in shipping.

With method input Aliexpress Shipping Standard Shipping, Aliexpress took over some of the delivery problems. Instead of going to the post office (or the front desk logistics company) the seller delivers the parcel to the Aliexpress logistics hub.

Further, Aliexpress sorts the package and delivers it to you, in cooperation with major transport and postal service providers, such as Singapore Post, Omniva-Estonian Post, Spanish Post, Finnish Post, SPSR, DHL and others. The specific company that delivers your order will be listed in the order tracking details after the order has been shipped.

Shipping methods may also be called China Post Air Mail, Singapore Post, Hong Hong Post, Swiss Post, China Post Ordinary Small Packet Plus, Posti Finland Economy.

Aliexpress Standard Shipping tracking is possible on the Cainiao logistics platform from AliExpress, which integrates the tracking services of many transport companies which sellers send orders.

Aliexpress Saver Shipping Russia Tracking

Aliexpress Saver Shipping is a shipping method developed by Aliexpress in cooperation with the Russian Post and the tracking numbers look like ZA..LV, ZA..HK. The shipping method appeared as a result of the introduction of Aliexpress, a mandatory requirement that sellers issue a track number traceable to delivery.

This type of delivery in Russia has only 3 statuses:

  • Accepted at the post office
  • Came to the place of delivery
  • Received by recipient

Aliexpress Saver Shipping tracking is possible both on the Aliexpress website itself, in the tracking details of your order, and on third-party services like ours.

Use Cainiao from Aliexpress to track Aliexpress Saver Shipping in Russia

Seller's Shipping Method Tracking

Simply put, this is a shipping method chosen by the seller based on the weight and value of the item, as well as your country of delivery. tracked this method delivery like everyone else, find the tracking number for the tracking details of the order and track it on our service.

Tracking a parcel from China Aliexpress

With our service, tracking Aliexpress from China is a breeze because we check all possible delivery services, translate tracking statuses from Chinese and English into readable and grammatically correct Russian, and also calculate the estimated delivery time for your packages.

How to track a parcel by Aliexpress order number

It is impossible to track a parcel from Aliexpress using the order number, because the order number only serves to keep track of orders within the Aliexpress site.

Instead of an order number, you need to open the order itself on the website or in the Aliexpress application and find the "Tracking" link/button, where you will find the tracking number or track code.

Using the track number, you can easily track the package across 200 delivery services at once using our service, as well as find out the approximate delivery times for many types of shipments from AliExpress.

Arrived in destination country Aliexpress

This status means that the parcel has arrived at the exchange point of your country, where it is undergoing the import procedure, checking for goods prohibited for shipment, customs clearance and then transferred to delivery throughout the country.

Arrived at the distribution center at the place of delivery - what does this mean

This Aliexpress, Tmall status means that the package has arrived at the sorting center in your city and will soon be delivered to your post office. Wait for the status "Arrived at the place of delivery" or "Awaiting the addressee at the place of delivery".

The sorting/distribution center is not yet the final destination, so the package cannot yet be received. To put it simply, in your city there is a specialized postal center, to which all parcels addressed to your city arrive, then the parcels are distributed to the post offices of the city depending on the index.

Where do parcels from Aliexpress go?

When you order for the first time, or the goods are sent by a new delivery service, it is not always clear where the goods come from Aliexpress. Let's figure out where the order comes from Aliexpress.

Most often this question arises during delivery. SF-Express, YunExpress, Winit and China Post Small Packet, since the track numbers of these services are not tracked and it is impossible to find out when the parcel arrived at the post office.

The general rule is that if the tracking of the parcel has stopped, then in Russia it is delivered by the Russian Post. And the parcel will be delivered to your post office, the index of which you indicated when adding the delivery address to Aliexpress.

If the parcel is tracked, then you will always know which post office the parcel will arrive at. For express shipments via courier companies, you will also always know when the delivery will be, because tracking will work until delivery and the courier will most often contact you by phone.

How long is a package with Aliexpress stored

The shelf life of a parcel with Aliexpress depends on the transport or postal company.

For example, the Russian Post has a standard storage period of 30 days from the date of receipt at the office. After that, the parcel is sent back to the sender.

At CDEK, the first 14 days of storage are free, from the 15th day paid storage begins. has many advantages over analog Internet resources. A simple interface, convenient and uncomplicated navigation, a quick check of the status and location of the package - everything you need!

A little history of 17track China is a relatively young resource. Appeared in July 2010. The system has many advantages, including fast updating of current statuses, a wide database.

How to use

The service is in Chinese and English. 17 track in Russian has not yet been invented. Therefore, statuses are often translated from Google Translate, which sometimes turns out to be incomprehensible and even incorrect. Of course, using 17 track in Russian would be more convenient for many users, but on present stage development of parcel tracking systems, this is one of the most optimal solutions for users making purchases via the Internet.

Enter the track number in the appropriate field and click track. Such a simple procedure will allow you to quickly find out the location of the parcel. At the same time, you can enter no more than 40 track numbers that apply to 120 postal services in different countries.

The system will start issuing information on your request in a few days. data processing takes from 1 to 3 days. The program checks the presence of the shipment in the databases and displays the information available on this request.

Tracking parcels from China is a modern information resource with which you will always control the shipment of goods from China. The system provides information after the delivery of the postal item. For statistical data, the system indicates how many days have passed since the parcel was delivered to the recipient. This allows you to determine the approximate delivery time. The system is designed in such a way that before placing an order, you have the opportunity to receive preliminary information about the duration of delivery of a similar postal item. Select Post Shipments, then Transport Consuming Statistics and the corresponding country of departure - and you will see the statistics for your request.

Checking the track list

The system offers users to use unique opportunity track import. Thanks to this feature, you can import tracks from other sources for verification. To do this, click Import. Another window will open in front of you. Then click Filter. Click Import to check the track list.

Using the service will allow you to save a huge amount of time looking for the necessary information. Important advantages are high efficiency and stability of the resource.