Which of the following is true of media. medium of exchange

return on assets;

capital intensity;

shift coefficient;

Extensive use ratio;


26. Intensive use of equipment characterizes:

shift coefficient;

return on assets;

capital-labor ratio;

The performance of this type of equipment;

Intensive use factor.

27. When calculating the full initial cost of fixed assets, the costs of:



Purchase and delivery;

Purchase and installation;

Purchase or manufacture, delivery and installation.

28. Depreciation by non-linear methods can be carried out in relation to any types of fixed assets:

Depending on the depreciation group;

Cannot be carried out for 8-10 depreciation groups;

Cannot be carried out for 1-3 depreciation groups.

29. Depreciation method:

It is chosen by the enterprise itself when putting the depreciation object on the balance sheet;

It is established by a higher organization;

Set by the tax office.

30. Depreciation starts:

From the moment this element of fixed assets is put on the balance sheet of the enterprise;

Since the acquisition of this element of fixed assets;

From the 1st day of the month following the month when this element of fixed assets was entered on the balance sheet of the enterprise;

From the beginning of the quarter following the quarter of putting this element of fixed assets on the balance sheet of the enterprise;

All answers are wrong.

31. Depreciation is terminated:

Since the write-off of this element of fixed assets from the balance sheet of the enterprise;

From the 1st day of the month following the month of writing off this element of fixed assets from the balance sheet of the enterprise;

From the beginning of the quarter following the quarter of writing off this element of fixed assets from the balance sheet of the enterprise;

All answers are wrong.

32. Fixed assets and depreciable property are identical concepts:

33. Depreciation of fixed assets is:

Depreciation of fixed assets;

The process of transferring the value of fixed assets to the cost of production;

Recovery of fixed assets;

The cost of maintaining fixed assets.

34. Which of the following applies to the main production assets:

conveyor line;

Canteen building;


Finished products in stock;

Factory management building.

35. If the machine is written off on May 15, but the corresponding depreciation stops:

36. Return on assets is calculated as the ratio of output:

To fixed production assets at the beginning of the year;

To fixed production assets at the end of the year;

To the monetary valuation of the property of the enterprise;

All answers are wrong.

37. Does a device with a service life of 2 years and a cost of 8.5 thousand rubles belong to depreciable property?

38. To normalize working capital in the production stock, the following indicators are used:

Daily consumption of raw materials;

Price per unit of raw materials;

Stock rate in days.

39. Which of the following applies to inventories:

Funds on the current account;

40. Which of the following applies to work in progress:

Stocks of tools with a service life of up to one year;

Semi-finished products bought on the side;

Funds on the current account;

Semi-finished products own production;

Semi-finished products transferred to the warehouse for shipment to the buyer;

Stocks of raw materials for production.

41. Which of the following applies to circulation funds:

Stocks of tools with a service life of up to one year;

Semi-finished products bought on the side;

Funds on the current account;

Semi-finished products of own production;

Semi-finished products transferred to the warehouse for shipment to the buyer;

Stocks of raw materials for production.

42. Spare parts for current repair relate:

To the main production assets;

To circulation funds;

To working capital.

43. Which of the following applies to working capital:

Fuel reserves;

Stocks of tools with a service life of more than 1 year and a cost of 800 thousand rubles;

Cash on hand;

Funds on the current account;

Spare parts for equipment overhaul.

44. Into the working capital production assets enterprises include:

Industrial stocks of raw materials;

Future expenses;


Finished products.

45. The circulation funds include:

Material resources of the enterprise;

Finished products in stock;

Finished products shipped;

Cash on the current account;

Company vehicles.

46. ​​The turnover ratio of working capital characterizes:

The size products sold per 1 rub. production funds;

The duration of one turnover of working capital;

The number of turnovers of working capital for a given a period of time;

The level of technical equipment of labor;

Costs of production assets per 1 rub. commodity products.

47. Indicators of the use of working capital are:


turnover ratio;

Average duration of one turn;

return on assets;

capital-labor ratio.

48. The turnover period of working capital shows:

The time spent by working capital assets in stocks and work in progress;

The time for working capital to pass through the stages of their acquisition, production and sale of products.

The speed of movement of working capital;

The number of days for which a full turnover of working capital is completed;

The time required for a complete renewal of fixed assets.

49. Which of the components of the stock rate in days are used in the normalization of working capital in inventories:

Average current stock;

Product packaging time;

Time to prepare products for shipment;

Insurance stock;

Transport stock.

50. To normalize working capital in the production stock, the following indicators are used:

Daily consumption of raw materials;

Daily output of finished products;

Price per unit of raw materials;

Average unit price;

Stock rate in days.

51. Which of the following applies to normalized working capital:

All production stocks;

All current assets of the enterprise;

Funds in the current account.

52. When calculating the relative savings in working capital due to the acceleration of turnover, the indicator of the volume of products sold is used:

base year;

Actual (reporting);


53. To the main workshops machine-building enterprise relate:

Forging and stamping;


waste disposal;

Container manufacturing.

54. Serial production characteristic:

Wide use of versatile equipment;

Organization of jobs for technological specialization;

Typing technological processes and tooling;

Significant time for preparatory and final operations.

55. Single production is characterized by:

A significant proportion of workers of medium qualification;

Use of universal equipment;

Wide use of statistical methods of product quality control.

56. Workplace can be organizationally divided:

57. The results of the auxiliary workshop are used:

within the enterprise;

Outside the enterprise.

58. Appointment of the classification of production costs by cost items:

Calculation of direct and indirect costs;

Calculation of unit cost of production;

Preparation of cost estimates for production.

59. The grouping of costs by economic elements includes the costs of:

For fuel and energy technological goals;

On the basic wages of production workers;

For depreciation of fixed assets;

For the preparation and development of production;

For additional wages of production workers.

60. The grouping of costs by costing items includes costs:

On raw materials and basic materials;

For wages;

For depreciation of fixed production assets;

For fuel and energy for technological purposes;

On the auxiliary materials.

61. The costs of management and organization of production relate to:

direct costs;

indirect costs;

variable costs;

fixed costs;

Production maintenance costs.

62. Variable costs include:

material costs;

Depreciation deductions;

Wage production staff;

Administrative expenses.

63. fixed costs firms are:

Gross costs of the firm basic prices;

The minimum costs associated with the manufacture of a certain volume of products under the most favorable production conditions;

The opportunity cost of the firm;

Costs that occur even if the product is not produced;

The costs associated with the sale of products.

64. Fixed costs include all of the following types of costs except:

depreciation expenses;

Fees for renting a warehouse for finished products;

salary employees of the plant management;

Fuel and energy costs for technological purposes;

Costs for the security of the premises;

All answers are correct;

All answers are wrong.

65. The fixed costs of a firm are:

Costs of resources at prices in effect at the time of their acquisition;

Minimum production costs of any volume of products under the most favorable production conditions;

The costs that the firm incurs even in the absence of production;

implicit costs;

All answers are wrong

66. Non-consumable items include:


Energy for technological purposes;

All answers are correct.

67. Leasing objects include:



68. The object of leasing is the property of:

The manufacturer of this object;



69. A leasing organization must have a legal entity:

70. Can the equipment seller act as a lessee?

71. Leasing rent:

Refers to the cost of production;

Deducted from profit;

All answers are wrong.

72. The property that is the object of leasing is on the balance sheet:



Lessor or lessee under the contract;

All answers are wrong.

73. The leasing transaction is secured by:

Organ Guarantee government controlled;

Lessee's liability insurance contract;

The leasing object itself;

Cash deposit.

74. Do I need to inform the seller of the property that it is intended for leasing?

75. Is the consent of the lessor required when transferring the leased object to subleasing?

Yes, in writing;

Yes, orally;

76. Leasing agreement:

It must be concluded in writing;

May be in writing;

The form of the conclusion of the contract is not legally established.

77. Claiming lease payments occurs:

According to a claim in court of Arbitration;

On a claim to a civil court;

Debited in an indisputable manner from the account of the lessee;

All answers are wrong.

78. Participants in the rehabilitation of the enterprise may be:

Enterprise creditors;

The owners of the enterprise;

Enterprise employees;

All answers are correct;

All answers are wrong.

79. Permissible bankruptcy is possible:

At the first stage life cycle enterprises;

At the second stage of the life cycle of an enterprise;

At the third stage of the enterprise life cycle;

At the fourth stage of the life cycle of an enterprise;

At the fifth stage of the enterprise life cycle;

At any stage of the life cycle of an enterprise;

80. Settlement agreement is possible:

At the stage of admissible bankruptcy.

At the stage of critical bankruptcy.

At the stage of catastrophic bankruptcy.

If a bankruptcy case has not yet been initiated.

At any stage of bankruptcy.

81. The company has 500 machines installed. Of these, 490 units are suitable. There are 485 units in operation. 480 units work in the 1st shift. In the 2nd shift - 350 units. Find the utilization rate of suitable machines, the utilization rate of installed machines and the shift ratio.

0,85; 0,91; 1,07

0,99; 0,97; 1,66

82. The company works in 2 shifts. The number of machines at the beginning of the year is 500 pieces. On April 1, 60 machines were installed, on August 1, 50 machines dropped out. There were 260 working days in a year. Scheduled repairs make up 5% of the working time fund. Productivity of 1 machine 1 m/hour. The plan for the annual output of 7500 thousand m. Find: production capacity, capacity utilization factor.

8220.16 thousand m; 0.91

7550.25 thousand meters; 0.93.

9155.83 thousand m; 0.81.

83. The following quarterly data are available:

Production cost = 3000 den.un.


The average quarterly balance of working capital = 600 den.un.

Find the duration of one revolution.

84. The enterprise planned to reduce labor costs by 8%. The output per employee in the base year amounted to 6850 thousand rubles.

Option I

b) specific costs of OF for 1 rub. commercial products;

c) the value of marketable products per 1 rub. OF;

d) the level of labor productivity.

2. What does the concept of "revolving funds of the enterprise" include?

a) basic and auxiliary materials, semi-finished products of own production, purchased semi-finished products and components;

b) part of the means of production that participate in the production cycle once and completely transfer their value to the cost of finished products;

c) objects of labor necessary for the production of products;

d) means of production that repeatedly participate in the production process and transfer their value to the cost of the finished product.

3. The return on assets is calculated as the ratio of the cost of marketable products to:

a) the initial cost of the OF;

b) average annual cost;

c) residual value;

d) the cost of OF at the beginning of the year.

4. The enterprise sold unused objects while maintaining the volume of output. How will the rate of return on assets react to this?

a) will go down

b) will increase;

c) will remain unchanged.

5. Production capacity measured:

a) natural values;

b) monetary values;

c) natural and monetary values.

6. Who sets the depreciation rates?

a) by the enterprise itself;

b) the Government of the Russian Federation;

c) the relevant ministry.

7. How often is the replacement cost of an FA determined?

a) periodically according to the decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation;

b) annually;

c) every 2 years.

8. What is replacement cost?

a) the cost of the equipment after repair;

b) the cost of equipment, taking into account wear and tear;

c) the cost of acquiring equipment at current prices.

9. What indicators characterize the effectiveness of the use of working capital?

a) profit and profitability of production;

b) return on assets and capital intensity of products;

c) turnover ratio and duration of 1 turnover.

10. Define the concept of "fixed assets" ____________

11. Describe the ways to determine the need for working capital.

Option II

1. Replacement cost is:

a) the value of the fixed asset in prices and conditions of the past period of time;

b) the cost of the fixed asset in prices and conditions of the future period of time;

c) the value of the fixed asset in prices and conditions of a given period of time.

2. What indicators are not related to the indicators of the movement of OF?

a) wear factor;

b) turnover ratio;

c) Material Utilization Factor.

3. What part of fixed assets are roads?

a) to the active part;

b) to the passive part.

4. What fund is used by the enterprise for the reproduction of fixed assets?

a) reserve;

b) depreciation;

c) financial incentive fund.

5. Which of the following best defines depreciation?

a) the process of transferring the cost of fixed assets to the cost

finished products;

b) wear of OF;

c) the cost of maintaining and repairing the OF.

6. Due to the better use of which part of fixed assets, the return on assets mainly increases?

a) buildings;

c) production equipment.

7. What material elements are included in the composition revolving funds enterprises?

a) stocks of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, purchased products, spare parts, fuel, work in progress, deferred expenses;

b) machines, units, devices, containers, racks;

in) finished products, cash at the cash desk, on the settlement account of the enterprise;

d) profit of the enterprise, debt to suppliers.

8. What stage do working capital go through in the course of their movement?

a) money;

b) productive;

c) commodity;

d) all of the above.

9. What characterizes the material consumption of products?

a) the volume of material costs attributable to one ruble of output;

b) the volume of output per one ruble of material costs.

10. Define the concept of "working capital" ____________

______________________________ ______________________________ _____________

11. Describe the characteristic properties of fixed assets.

Option III

1. Fixed capital is:

a) the value of the means of labor;

b) part of the productive capital;

c) fixed assets.

2. Indicate those elements that are normalized by the enterprise.

a) all working capital and cash in settlements;

b) cash on accounts and on hand;

c) all working capital and finished products in stock;

d) all revolving funds and circulation funds.

3. What types of fixed assets are divided by use?

a) active;

b) inactive, in reserve;

c) both answers are correct.

4. Which of the following applies to the means of circulation?

a) material resources of the enterprise and industry;

b) vehicles, industrial buildings, structures;

c) finished products, products on the way, cash on accounts and at the cash desk, receivables;

d) profit of the enterprise.

5. How often is the revaluation of the value of fixed assets carried out?

a) once a year;

b) as needed.

6. The carrying value of fixed assets is:

a) the cost at which fixed assets are recorded on the balance sheet of the enterprise;

b) residual value;

c) full original cost minus depreciation.

7. What is the liquidation value?

a) the cost of scrap metal or constituent elements;

b) the value of fixed assets at the time of disposal.

8. What is depreciation of fixed assets?

a) partial or complete loss of consumer value of the OF due to their operation or inactivity;

b) partial or complete loss of consumer value of OF due to their operation;

c) complete loss of consumer value of OF due to their operation or inactivity.

9. Fixed assets are part of the property used as:

a) objects of labor;

b) means of labor;

c) labor force.

10. Define the concept of "working capital" ____________

______________________________ ______________________________ _____________

11. Describe the sources of meeting the need for working capital.

Option IV

1. Depreciation is:

a) the process of gradually transferring the cost of FA to
cost of finished products;

b) monetary expression of depreciation of fixed capital;

c) straight-line depreciation over the useful life of the equipment.

2. What characterizes the turnover ratio of working capital?

a) the level of technical equipment of labor;

b) the number of turnovers made by working capital for the period;

c) the average duration of 1 revolution.

3. What characterizes the return on assets?

a) the need for fixed assets;

b) the volume of production attributable to one ruble of the involved fixed assets.

4. For production efficiency:

a) capital productivity should increase, and capital intensity should decrease;

b) return on assets and capital intensity should increase;

c) capital productivity should decrease, and capital intensity should increase.

5. What factors determine the production capacity?

a) the level of qualification of employees;

b) the complexity of the production program;

c) the mode of operation of the equipment.

6. What indicators are used in assessing the effectiveness of the use of working capital?

a) the coefficient of physical wear;

b) turnover ratio;

c) depreciation charges.

7. The value of the coefficient of extensive use of equipment depends on:

a) the operating time of the equipment;

b) production capacity equipment;

c) equipment performance.

8. Methods of depreciation calculation:

a) linear;

b) index method;

c) both answers are correct.

9. Steam engines and generators are:

a) work machines

b) power machines;

c) other machines and equipment.

10. Define the concept of "fixed assets" ____________

______________________________ ______________________________ _____________

11. Describe the types of depreciation of fixed assets.

Topic: "Sectoral labor market"

Evaluation Criteria

Option I

1. Add the right side of the formula:

Acceptance turnover ratio (K o.pr):

2. Which workers are classified as employees?

a) predominantly mental labor, ensuring the management of the production of labor products;

b) performing auxiliary work;

c) directly engaged in the production of products of labor.

3. Which of the following categories do not belong to the category "administration"?

a) director;

b) deputy director;

c) shop manager;

d) secretary.

4. What is payroll personnel?

a) the number of employees who come to work during the period;

b) the number of employees on the list as of a certain date, hired for permanent and temporary work.

5. Write a concept for the definition "- persons employed mainly in the process of creating material values, maintaining machines, mechanisms, industrial premises in working order"

6. What is labor productivity?

a) product development per unit of time;

b) labor costs per unit of output;

c) the degree of fruitful work of people, determined by the output and labor intensity.

Work description

1.What characterizes the return on assets?
a) the level of labor equipment;
b) specific costs of OF for 1 rub. commercial products;
c) the value of marketable products per 1 rub. OF;
d) the level of labor productivity.
2. What does the concept of "revolving funds of the enterprise" include?

1) semi-finished products of own production;

2) cash on hand;

3) profit of the enterprise.

18. Means of production include…

1) labor force and objects of labor;

2) labor force and means of labor;

3) objects of labor and means of labor.

19. In market economy the answer to the question of what goods and services should ultimately be produced is determined by:

1) investors;

2) manufacturers;

3) consumers.

20. Investments that provide full control over investment objects are called ...

1) fictitious;

2) straight;

3) portfolio.

8. The term statistics is:

1) an industry that studies the political state of the state;

2) industry practical activities on working with statistical information;

3) a science that analyzes the quantitative side of mass phenomena.

9. Guide Federal Service state statistics carries out:

1) Government of the Russian Federation;

2) Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation;

3) Ministry economic development RF.

10 Plan statistical observation comprises:

1) organizational part;

2) reporting part;

3) observational part.

11. Functions of the FSGS:

1) carrying out continuous observations in the Russian Federation;

2) development and improvement of the system of statistical indicators;

3) development of economic and statistical information.

12. Purpose of statistical observation:

1) collection of statistical information on socio-economic phenomena;

2) the formation of objective, relevant and reliable statistical information;

3) problem solving information support society.

13. The plan of statistical observation is:

1) definition of the unit of statistical observation;

2) a list of questions that need to be answered in the process of collecting information;

3) choice of the type and method of observation;

14. The program and methodological issues of statistical observation include:

a) obtaining reliable information;

b) establishing the purpose and objectives of the observation;

c) expression in numbers of the results of observation.

15. Fixed capital includes ...

1) machines and mechanisms;

2) raw materials and materials;

3) money.

16. The composition of the working capital of the enterprise includes:

1) production stocks of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, purchased products, spare parts, fuel, work in progress, deferred expenses;

2) machines, units, devices, containers, racks;

3) profit of the enterprise, debt to suppliers.

Which of the following is included in a company's working capital?

1) stocks of raw materials, materials, fuel;

2) vehicles;

3) computer technology.

18. The source of an extensive path of economic development is not ...

1) discovery and introduction of new progressive technologies;

2) discovery of new mineral deposits;

3) the growth of the labor force.

19 . Unfair competition does not include...

1) using someone else's trademark;

2) organization of exhibitions;

3) enticement of specialists.

20. The functions of commercial banks do not include ...

1) maintenance of current accounts;

2) accumulation of deposits;

3) provision of loans;

. The FSGS is headed by a leader appointed by:

1) the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation;

2) the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation;

3) the Government of the Russian Federation.

10. Forms of statistical observation:

1) register observation;

2) visual observation;

3) survey by e-mail.

11. The structure of state statistics bodies in the Russian Federation includes:

1) Office of Selective Observation;

2) Department of prices and finance;

3) Department of State Statistics.

12. Tasks of the FSGS:

1) development and improvement of the system of statistical indicators;

2) development of economic and statistical information, its analysis, compilation of national accounts, necessary balance calculations;

3) development information system state statistics.

13. Types of statistical observation:

1) by sources of information;

2) by the method of observation;

3) for the development of documents.

14. The accuracy of statistical observation is:

1) the degree of compliance of the data obtained as a result of statistical observation with their real values;

2) collection of information through specially organized comparisons;

15. ... is the economic structure of society, the totality of production relations.

1) production;
2) economics;
3) society.

16. The emergence of frictional unemployment is associated with ...

a) insufficient qualifications of the unemployed;
b) the time required to find a job;
c) high real wages.

17. Pure public goods do not include ...

1) lawmaking;
2) second higher education;
3) primary education.

Independent business entity with the right legal entity, created in the manner prescribed by law, for the production of products, performance of work and provision of services in order to meet public needs and make a profit.

1) enterprise;
2) the state;
3) factory.

All organizations, regardless of their form of ownership, pay taxes. Types of taxes: income taxes, value added taxes (VAT), personal income tax, property tax.

Objects of taxation.

1. The object of taxation is the sold finished products, as well as received material assets from suppliers (source).

2. The object of taxation is the material assets received from suppliers, as well as the material assets sold to suppliers and buyers.

3. The object of taxation is the income of an individual according to the accrued salary.

4. The object of taxation yavl. fixed assets, intangible assets, etc.

Classification of economic means of the enterprise.

All economic assets in accounting are divided into 4 groups:

1.Fixed assets and investment.

2.Working capital.

3. Abstract funds.

4. Intangible assets.

fixed assets

This property is worth 10 thousand per unit. fixed assets long time participate in manufacturing process and constantly transfer their value to the finished product. Fixed assets are used in the sphere of production, in the sphere of circulation and outside production area.

The manufacturing sector includes: workshop buildings, working machines and equipment, vehicles, production equipment.

The area of ​​circulation includes

: shop equipment, buildings of warehouses for finished products and shops.

Non-manufacturing areas include:

houses, stadiums, libraries, gardens.

Working capital.

This group is divided into 2 subgroups:

1. Working capital of the production sector.

2.Working capital in the sphere of circulation. Circulating assets in the sphere of production are objects of labor that participate once in the production process and fully transfer their value to the finished product.

The objects of labor are what the product is made from. .

Working capital in the manufacturing sector includes

: raw materials, gasoline, kerosene, coal, containers and container materials, auxiliary materials, main production.

The area of ​​circulation includes

: items of circulation, finished products and products shipped to buyers, cash (which are on settlement accounts and at the cash desk. Commodity-shipped products are products that are on the way from the manufacturer to the consumer. Funds in the calculations - this reflects the debt of enterprises that received products from our organization, but did not pay, and individuals who received an advance from the cash desk account for the acquisition of material assets in accounting - this fact is called accounts receivable

Debtors owe us.

Abstract means

These are funds temporarily or permanently withdrawn from the turnover of the enterprise (payment for taxes, and payment to suppliers in advance), as well as deductions from profits to various funds and reserves.

Intangible assets

This is the cost of KNOW-HOW (secret development), exclusive copyright for computer programs, business reputation company (it arises as a result of the acquisition and sale of the company).

Industry Economics Tests Option 1

1. At what level is the direct solution of the main economic problem through the creation of goods and services?

    At the micro level

    At the macro level.

2.What is return on assets?

    The level of labor equipment;

    The volume of marketable products coming to one ruble average annual cost fixed assets of the enterprise.

    The level of labor productivity.

3. Return on assets is calculated as the ratio of the cost of marketable products to:

    The initial cost of OF;

    Average annual cost OF;

    residual value;

    OF cost at the beginning of the year.

4. Due to the better use of which part of fixed assets, the return on assets mainly increases?

    Fixed assets.

    non-working machines;

    Non-manufacturing inventory.

5. Building depreciation rate - 2%. What is the expected lifespan of this building?

    50 years;

6. Fixed assets are part of the property used as:

    the object of labor;

    means of labor;

    Work force.

7. What does the concept of "working capital of an enterprise" include?

    Basic and auxiliary materials, semi-finished products of own production, purchased semi-finished products and components;

    Part of the means of production that participate in the production cycle once and fully transfer their value to the cost of finished products.

    Objects of labor necessary for the production of products;

    Means of production that repeatedly participate in the production process and transfer their value to the cost of finished products.

8. Which of the following refers to the means of circulation?

    Material resources of the enterprise and industry;

    Vehicles, industrial buildings, structures;

    Finished products, products on the way, cash on accounts and at the cash desk, receivables;

    Enterprise profit.

9. What factor characterizes the effectiveness of the use of working capital?

    Decrease in own working capital;

    Accelerating the turnover of working capital.

10. What indicators are used in assessing the effectiveness of the use of working capital?

    Labor intensity

    turnover ratio;

    Capital productivity.

11. What is the headcount?

    The number of employees who come to work during the period;

    The number of employees on the list as of a certain date, taking into account those hired and fired on that date.

12. What costs are related to the shop cost of production.

1. Losses from marriage.

2. Non-manufacturing expenses.

3. Costs for raw materials and basic materials.

13. What is the determining factor in setting prices for most enterprises?

    Production cost;

    Manufacturer's profit;

    competitor prices;

    The uniqueness of the product.

14. Command - administrative system involves:

    State form of ownership;

    Private form of ownership;

    State and private ownership.

15. One of the conditions for the successful functioning of a market economy is:

    Limitation of consumer opportunities;

    Elimination of the competitive price mechanism;

    Limitation of monopoly.

16. The advantage of a small business is:

    Adaptive ability to market fluctuations;

    Lack of flexibility

17. The enterprise has a specific owner, which can be:

    Individual owners or a group of individuals;

    State or municipality;

    State, municipality, individuals or legal entities .

18. Accounting for fixed assets is carried out.

1. In kind

2. In cash.


19. What is a profession?

    Genus labor activity, requiring special training and being the source of existence;

    Specialty, which is a source of livelihood;

    Any job that an employee can do.

20. The main characteristic of the enterprise is:

    organizational unity;

    Lack of uniformity;

    Unrestricted property.

State budgetary educational institution of the Republic of Mordovia of secondary vocational education (secondary specialized educational institution) "Atyashevsky Agricultural College