Resale of what. How to make money on resale: proven ways

Many buyers, having figured out how to buy on Aliexpress and seeing how simple and profitable it is, sooner or later think about reselling goods from Aliexpress.

Prices for goods in China and the CIS differ significantly, and due to the difference in the cost of buying and selling, you can make good money.

And if you use ePN cashback service, you can return up to 15% of the order value from purchases.

Selling goods is a fairly simple and profitable way to make money. In order to receive the first money, you do not need big capital. You can start small and then build up little by little.

The first thing I put up for sale was a sports , ordered for my wife. No, I didn't sell it. I photographed it and put it up for sale on OLX. Having received several calls on this ad and realizing that this thing is interesting to people, a batch of such bottles in different colors was ordered for sale.

The second subject was Xiaomi phone Redmi Note 2 which I ordered for myself. Having received it, I posted an ad, received a call and ... sold it 🙂, tempted by a fairly good margin of 850 UAH (about $ 30). Then I ordered a few more phones + glasses + covers and off we go, slowly expanded the range of goods sold and increased turnover. Yes, we are still developing.

What is great about reselling with Aliexpress:

  • initial minimum investment;
  • you can deal with the purchase and sale yourself, without involving anyone in this;
  • you don't need to have storage facilities and buy commercial equipment;
  • you do not even need to pay money for ads - there are enough free sites where you can post an ad;
  • this occupation does not interfere with your main work;
  • additional profit is great;
  • your small business, over time, can grow and become the main activity.

But there are also disadvantages:

  • you always need to monitor the demand for the goods, if no one needs it, you will not be able to sell it;
  • growing competition - quite a lot of people are trying to earn in this way;
  • in order to quickly sell the goods, your competitors begin to reduce the price, respectively, you have to reduce the cost at home, deliberately underestimating your profit;
  • you will have to come to terms with the fact that some things will remain unsold;
  • etc

After 2 years, since we started reselling with Aliexpress, I can say one thing - I'm glad that we did it in due time and were able to change our lives for the better. They left the hated jobs and became more free.

When choosing a product for sale, you need to decide whether this item will be relevant at the moment. For example, if you decide to buy and sell a thing that was popular 2-3 years ago, but now no one needs it, you will quickly become disillusioned with the trade and be left with a bunch of unsold goods.

You need to calculate how much profit you can get from the sale. To do this, “monitor” the prices of competitors and prices on Aliexpress, shipping costs (if it is paid) and other possible costs. Having such data, you can easily calculate the possible profit and understand whether it will be profitable to sell this particular product.

It is important to choose the right type of products for sale:

  • for example, you decide to sell phones, in this niche competitors have already reduced the possible profit to the minimum. It is foolish to spend 100-200 dollars on the purchase of one phone, wait 2-4 weeks for the package and get 5-10 dollars to arrive. (At least so in Ukraine). For example, it is better to buy with these 100 dollars mobile accessories(glasses, covers, bumpers) - and earn another $ 100 on it, let it take longer to sell, but it's more profitable;
  • if, for example, your choice is to stop at selling clothes, then here you will be faced with the fact that you will have to buy clothes in various sizes, or be content with one or two. Even if you decide to buy and sell clothes in a specific size, you will be faced with the fact that when ordering, for example, size M, you will receive size S. You need to know that Chinese sizes vary greatly - both up and down;

Even when ordering the same things in the same store with a difference of several weeks, you risk getting products of worse quality (poorly stitched seams, completely different fabric, etc.) than the previous package. Among the clothes there are quite a lot of defective products - be prepared for this.

  • therefore, when choosing products for resale, you need to think about what is better to choose for sales: universal, popular and with the largest possible margin.

First of all, choose items that will allow you to get high profits and which are not expensive. For example: household goods, jewelry (great option), various sporting goods, inexpensive gadgets and accessories (fitness bracelets, headphones, mp3 players, cases, protective glasses, etc.).

Customs clearance of goods with Aliexpress

Please note that the country in which you live has its own import rules:

  • not all goods can be imported into the country - you need to search and study the list of goods prohibited for shipment to your country;
  • there is a duty-free limit, exceeding which you will have to pay a fee;
  • there is also such a thing as a commercial party. This is, if you ordered a lot of the same type of things, the customs officer may consider that they were bought for resale and you will be asked to pay tax. This issue for each country needs to be studied separately - there are many different nuances.

At the very beginning of your journey, while you are “probing” the soil, you are unlikely to exceed the limit or order a large batch. But in the future, this issue will have to be approached more seriously.

It's hard to suggest anything here. You can order 100 glasses for a phone and it will not be considered a commercial batch, or you can buy 5 phones and pay a tax.

Certificate for goods with Aliexpress

If you are going to resell products from Aliexpress through groups on social networks, message boards, various sites and platforms (Slando, Avito, OLX,, etc.), then certification of your product is not required.

If, however, you have a store that can be visited by various regulatory authorities, then you should take care of the certificate for the products sold.

For certification, you should look for a company that will help you with this issue. In order to find such firms, use the Google or Yandex search by entering the phrase “Certification of goods from China” into the search bar.

Having found the right company, you will need to provide the documents they need, a list of which you can find on the website of such a company.

How to resell goods without investment

If you have no money at all, but have many acquaintances and friends, then you can try yourself as an intermediary. You can also offer intermediary services in social networks, bulletin boards and forums.

The idea is that you get full upfront payment with your markup on the item. And order it from Aliexpress to your address or immediately to the address of the customer. But still, it would be better to receive the parcel yourself, inspect the ordered item and make sure that everything is fine - send it to the buyer.

But the problem is that people are afraid of being deceived and do not want to trust their money for an item that they do not see, and even more so, that they have to wait for about a month. The buyer is ready to immediately pay even more but for a thing that he can see and feel.

Therefore, if you meet people who are ready to pay the cost of the purchase and wait for a certain period, then there will be few of them. And such income cannot be called permanent.

Therefore, try to collect some money for the purchase of goods and start trading.

Hello, Dear friends! Alexander Berezhnov is with you - the founder of the website.

He himself sold his things through Avito more than once and even understood how to build a business on this.

By the way, sales on Avito are one of the best, and most importantly - legal ways earn income with the help of the Internet.

Today, earning on Avito is possible without investing money at all! I will share an honest earning scheme, using which you will earn your first money.

1. Earnings on Avito - how much can a beginner really earn

If you are friends with a computer, and also know how to communicate with people, then earnings in 500$ and more in a month will be just the beginning for you.

Personally, I made about Avito 10 000 rubles in one week. This took me about one full day. I think it's good.

Agree that such additional income will not hurt anyone.

Here I sold things that I got for free, and those that were at my wife's house. The most interesting thing is that she was going to throw them away. :)

This is how it starts for some people. home-based business on Avito.

But at first, they simply decided to get rid of unnecessary “junk”.

Friends, according to my calculations, here every more or less adequate person from scratch and even without investing money can earn at least his monthly salary.

I told about exactly how to earn the same 20,000 rubles here in paragraph No. 4 of the article entitled “Business on Avito - how to build it and where to start”.

This material will be especially useful for novice sellers.

And if you act as a buyer on the Avito website, then be aware that there are unscrupulous sellers here who use “gray” or even “black” earning schemes.

For example, my friends Alexander and Vitaly were almost scammed for money by experienced scammers, and this, given their great experience work on the Internet.


Never send anyone an advance payment for goods and under no circumstances send goods to a “customer” without payment on his part.

So you protect yourself from dubious transactions.

2. My example of selling goods on Avito in 3 hours

I was selling my wife's Samsung washing machine here, which we originally wanted to throw away even though it was in working order.

From the sale we wanted to get clean 3000 rubles, and I set the price 3400 rubles, including bargaining.

Moreover, analogues of our washing machine cost a little more. So I thought it would sell out pretty quickly. And so it turned out.

If you describe my sale in ordinary language, then I just raised my ass, took a picture of a washing machine on my phone and posted an ad on Avito late at night.

The next day, in the morning, I received 3 phone calls from interested buyers.

As a result, already at 11 o'clock in the afternoon we sold the washing machine to a middle-aged married couple. These people bought it for tenants.

No wonder the slogan is “Easy to buy, easy to sell”.

I have now described real example- how to make money on Avito and once again I was convinced that here you can really at least turn old things into money, and some of these things at home are worth several tens of thousands of rubles and even more.

As a result, my sale took place so quickly thanks to the technology that I described below in the next paragraph.

Just take it and implement!

3. How to make money on Avito ( - 7 easy steps for a beginner

The steps described below will help almost anyone to make money on Avito: from a student to a pensioner.

If you systematically approach such sales, then you can build a good additional income on this, but for someone it can become the main one.

Step 1. Register on Avito

We go to the site and click on the inscription "register".

After that, your site will have your own Personal Area, through which you can create and manage ads, as well as change your profile data.

Step 2. Choose a product

Now you are ready to start making money on Avito.

It remains only to decide what you will sell. If you already have specific ideas or a product that you want to post here, then no problem, just go to the next step of the instructions.

If you still don't have any ideas what to sell through Avito, here are some tips for you:

  • their old things;
  • used things of your friends, acquaintances and relatives;
  • new goods that you can get at a price below the market;
  • new goods from contractors (brick, cement, spare parts);
  • your services, (skills) that you possess;
  • goods of online stores, of which you can become a partner.

The easiest way to start doing at least something and get the first money from selling through Avito is to look around you, and I assure you, there will be a lot of ideas.

Walk around your apartment or house, remember what you “littered” on the balcony or in the garage: an old bicycle, winter tires, an unnecessary laptop, a broken office chair, or maybe your pet is tired of you.

Even animals can be sold here, or as a last resort, donated (if the hand does not rise to sell).

Just give an ad with the text "I will give" or "I will give it to good hands."

How to make money on Avito without sales

At first glance, this is impossible.

But, practice shows that making money on Avito is possible without sales.

To do this, you just need to post ads of your friends who provide any services and agree with them on your percentage for the purchases of customers who came on your recommendation.

For example, you have friends who are builders, designers, furniture makers, and so on.

In this case, your task is to receive the call and transfer potential client to your friend.

I personally tested this scheme and earned 5,000 rubles (my commission of 10%) for finding a client and giving his contact details to a friend who is engaged in apartment renovations.

Step 3. Compose the ad

Remember that the purpose of the ad is to receive a request from the client: call, sms or e-mail.

Your task when writing a text is to interest a potential client in your product or service.

Therefore, make an ad according to certain rules:

Rule number 1. catchy title

You don’t need to write the word “sell” in the title, this is already implied.

Add an adjective to the title.

For example: bright, original, stylish, reliable.

This will make your ad title stand out from the rest.

You can also insert an additional word (phrase) here, which will help draw attention to the title.

Compare the two ad headings:

  1. Vacuum cleaner LG;
  2. Reliable vacuum cleaner LG with water filter.

Agree that in the second case, the title will look more advantageous.

Rule number 2. Original emotional text with a “mini-story” about the product being sold

Most sellers list only specifications product, while you can make your ad more emotional by humanizing it by using a mini-story in the product description.

In the case of a vacuum cleaner, you can tell how it served you faithfully and why you are now selling it.

Here you can also mention how your dog licked it, mistaking it for a friend or something similar. :)

This is done to evoke positive emotions with a potential buyer and personalize your product.

Here is such a short but sincere ad I got when selling a washing machine:

Now, following the intuitive instructions, place the product on Avito and wait for a call from a potential buyer.

If you want to sell your product as quickly as possible - use paid services from the service: “VIP placement”, “raising ads up” and so on.

Step 4. We receive calls

Now, when people see your ad (assuming your ad and offer is adequate), you will start getting calls.

Remember that the volume of sales of your goods and services depends on the number of incoming calls. There are many factors that influence the intensity of customer contact with you. I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the course "", which will help you implement automatic mass submission of ads and constantly raise them to the top without paying.

Here are the key rules that will allow you to make telephone communication with a client as efficient as possible from a commercial point of view, that is, it will help you “sell” a meeting with a client where you sell your product (service):

  1. Rule number 1. Say hello to the client;
  2. Rule number 2. Ask how you can address your customer (get the name);
  3. Rule number 3. Ask clarifying questions, try to find out the motivation of the client to buy;
  4. Rule number 4. Arrange a meeting with a potential buyer, because it will be easier to make a sale face to face.

Proper communication with a client on the phone is an important step in the sales cycle on Avito, which will help you earn more than others.

Step 5. We sell goods at a meeting

When meeting with a potential buyer, be friendly.

Greet him by calling him by his first name.

Try to capture the client's mood and act accordingly.

If the person needs to talk, give them the opportunity.

Then, move on to the sale itself.

Usually, a person already imagines what he will get from you, so the meeting in most cases does not take more than 5-10 minutes.

However, if the buyer has questions, answer them honestly.

So you will cause additional trust in the client and the chances of selling a product (service) will increase many times over.

Having made the first sales, you will feel that earning money on Avito is becoming a reality for you.

Step 6. Calculate profit

If your product had some cost, and even more so if you purchased it specifically for resale, then subtract this cost from the transaction amount.

For example, if you bought a bicycle from a neighbor for cheap 3000 rubles, and on Avito you bought it for 7000 rubles, then your profit will be 4000 rubles.

Step 7. Scaling the activity

If you manage to sell goods in this way, then simply scale this activity: expand product range and post more ads per day.

So you will start meeting with customers more often and your sales will grow.

If the need arises, find yourself an assistant and train him to place ads on the site with interesting text and receive incoming calls according to a well-established scheme.

At the same time, focus on finding products and quality meetings with potential buyers.

4. Business on Avito - how to build it and where to start

On Avito you can earn an amount equal to your average salary.

This will be the first step to building your own business with the help of this site.

For example, the average salary in the city of Stavropol (where I live) is 23 000 rubles and this is the so-called accrued income.

If we subtract from this sum 13% income tax, then in the end we will get “on hand” only 20 000 rubles.

It turns out that we need to earn 1000 rubles a day, if we work 20 days a month.

So, we need to sell something that will bring 4 times 5,000 rubles, 40 times 500 rubles, and so on.

The main thing is that the total profit for the month should not be less than the declared 20,000 rubles.

Suppose that you will sell bricks here and agreed with the supplier that for each brick sold you will receive 2 rubles your markup.

By the way, the example with bricks was taken by me not at all by chance.

One of my acquaintances (his name is Aleksey and he is only 22 years old) sells cinder blocks here - these are the same bricks, and earns more 60 000 rubles.

On the day they buy from 1000 cinder blocks or more.

Count yourself: 2 ruble multiply by 1000 units of goods and get 2000 rubles a day!

At the same time, he only places ads on the Internet, receives calls and leaves to sign an agreement. Delivery and all other actions are performed by the supplier himself.

This is another real example of how to make money on Avito.

Thus, you can even become a freelance sales manager for a company and find clients through Avito.

Decide what you will sell and start to act actively.

Believe me, your efforts will pay off in the very near future. I have many friends who started their business this way.

How to start a business on Avito

Start with the selection of goods (services) that you will sell here.

Then, make a simple calculation, like the one I presented above, and you will see how much you need to sell the goods and in what period to earn the desired amount of money.

How to start a business with China, starting from scratch and without investments? How to make money on the resale of Chinese goods and what is better to sell? How to find suppliers and intermediaries?

Hello dear friends! Welcome to the founder of the HeatherBober magazine, Alexander Berezhnov!

It's no secret that many people made their first million by reselling goods from China.

In this article, I will reveal all the chips about doing business with China from "A" to "Z", we will analyze the advice of experts and consider the most effective and profitable business models.

So far, this niche is relatively free: if you decide to start your own business and don’t know what to choose, it’s time to turn your attention towards the East.

Let's get it right, friends!

1. Business on goods from China - is it possible to start a business from scratch

Products Chinese made constitutes a significant share of the entire world market. In Russia about 60-80% goods light industry represented by Chinese consumer goods. Modern Chinese products are no longer as handicraft and low-quality as they were 20 years ago: goods have become more functional and durable, they look much better.

Even if you have never been involved in sales and are familiar with Chinese goods only from a consumer point of view, no one and nothing can prevent you from starting a business with China and acquiring a new (and very profitable) source of income.

In this area, without making extra efforts (and without even leaving home) you can earn from 50 000 rubles every month and at the same time have time for life and rest.

Today, only the lazy do not do business with China. Business with China for resale without investments (well, or almost without them) is relatively simple and accessible to everyone with basic knowledge and skills entrepreneurial activity. You don't have to be a trade school or business school graduate to understand how the market works.

In fact, the scheme of work with China comes down to three points:

  • find goods in China as cheaply as possible;
  • deliver it to the Russian Federation;
  • sell at a premium.

Do not rush to object "but what about customs, certificates, document flow, taxes?". Below we will consider this scheme and all related issues in more detail and in detail. Exactly narrow-minded skepticism - the main obstacle to any successful entrepreneurial activity.

The second hurdle is absence necessary knowledge . With the advent of the Internet, information has become more accessible and practically free: an example of this is the article you are reading.

Trade is the most attractive field of activity for beginner businessmen. It is much easier than manufacturing: you just need to purchase goods from wholesale suppliers and sell them at retail prices. Learning to do business with China does not take much time, especially if a person has a desire and a goal.

So, if you have this same goal and a great desire, then you can build a business on goods from China in just 6 weeks.

And the expert in training in this area, verified by me, will help you get started.

I myself am already implementing this guy's chips in my business and they really work.

2. Chinese manufacturers are more profitable than any other

Interest Russian business to Chinese goods is growing steadily. In China, they produce everything without which it is difficult to imagine the life of a modern person: clothes, cosmetics, accessories, household appliances, gadgets. Surely your apartment is full of things marked "Made in China".

Even 15-20 years ago, plastic Chinese products crumbled in the hands of the buyer, now the quality of goods from China is quite satisfactory, and sometimes excellent. The stereotype “Chinese means short-lived and miserable” has almost lost its relevance. Even iPhones and other expensive brands are now made in Chinese factories, as it is inexpensive due to cheaper labor.

This graph reflects the growth of China's trade relations with Russia in 2015-2016:

As you can see, the turnover is not small and it increases over time.

The quality of Chinese products is constantly growing, but prices (at least wholesale prices) are still low.

What conclusion can be drawn from these facts? Right: you can make good money on buying and reselling goods from the “Celestial Empire”.

Wholesale deliveries from China can become a reliable and constant source of profit.

Initial costs will be minimal if modern Information Technology(meaning the Internet). There are already hundreds of companies on the market that act as intermediaries in the delivery of goods from the producer to the consumer: why don't you join the number successful businessmen receiving stable income using a simple and understandable commercial scheme.

Benefits of doing business with China

We list the main advantages of working with China:

  1. Low prices. When working with local (domestic) suppliers, the margin is usually 10-20% (in the most successful cases - 50%). Buying goods in China and selling them will bring you from 50% to 1000% markup. cheap work force reduces production costs to a minimum.
  2. Huge selection of goods. The range of Chinese goods is almost endless and limited only by your imagination. You can find absolutely everything in China, so you can fill your market niche with any kind of goods - say, an exclusive that has no analogues in the local market.
  3. The focus of Chinese sellers is exclusively on sale. Due to competition and dumping, the Chinese value every client. They are in touch 24/7, you can start working with them with minimal lots, bargain, request free samples and models, photos and descriptions, assign favorable delivery conditions. An experienced buyer knows how to reduce the purchase price to a minimum and conclude the most profitable contract.
  4. Opportunity to purchase exclusive goods. As your business progresses, you can move on to bigger and more profitable deals. It is not necessary to work with intermediaries: you can establish direct contacts with the manufacturer and purchase goods of a specific brand that is poorly represented on the market.

Why is business with China profitable?

  • Firstly due to the modern pace of life. The buyer today values ​​his time: he will not spend it on ordering and delivering goods from China, it is easier for him to place an order with you.
  • Secondly, not everyone will understand the variety of sites offering goods from China.

To understand the functionality, check the integrity of the seller, calculate the cost of the goods, taking into account the delivery, you need skills and knowledge. Most people will prefer to turn to domestic intermediaries operating through sites with simple and understandable terms of cooperation.

It is much easier for an ordinary buyer to choose a product on a Russian-language site: they always have the opportunity to call the seller or discuss the terms of interaction and delivery.

3. How to start a business with China - 10 easy steps from A to Z

Let's move on to practice and learn how to start a business with China from the first step.

Step 1. We study business models on goods from China

There are several proven and effective business models that you can use in the early stages of your entrepreneurial career:

  • dropshipping;
  • Joint purchases;
  • wholesale sales offline;
  • retail sales;
  • work through the online store.

Now more about each business model.

1) Dropshipping

Dropshipping- a method that allows you to start a business with virtually no investment. The essence of this model is extremely simple: you receive money from buyers, and then transfer the request for this product to a third-party supplier, who sends it to the buyer.

You get a percentage for mediation. At the same time, the client does not even realize that he is purchasing goods from someone else.

Your goal is to attract buyers, to convince them to buy goods from you. Intermediary commissions with this business model range from 30 to 500%. Agree, not the lowest profit in the absence of initial costs. At the same time, you do not need to worry that the goods you bought will lie in the warehouse for months - you redeem it only when you receive a specific order from the client, paying with his own money.

2) Joint purchases

Joint purchases- this is when several people join a group and buy goods from an official supplier.

The commercial idea of ​​this event is to save money through bulk purchases. Another advantage of this option is the reduction in shipping costs. Usually the cost of transporting goods from China is much higher than the price of the product itself.

Today, the resale of goods as a business is of interest to everyone large quantity start-up entrepreneurs for a number of good reasons. Firstly, large investments and start-up capital are not required, secondly, you do not need to have special knowledge, and thirdly, the payback period of the project is short enough to quickly return the invested funds and move to a new level. What can be resold and which countries are most suitable for long-term partnerships?

What is profitable to resell in Russia

In terms of profitability and taking into account current realities economic crisis preference
It is given to inexpensive, but high-quality products from China.

This country produces in huge quantities a variety of goods - from copies of world brands to cars and household appliances. The opinion that Chinese products are consumer goods has sunk into the past. On the contrary, Eastern manufacturers are successfully mastering high-tech manufacturing techniques, making them a huge competitor to Westerners.

A business with China on resale without investments brings a good income to the owners, unless, of course, you know the market conditions and actual demand for the assortment. You need to start by choosing a segment of activity. to the most popular and profitable areas relate:

You can choose almost everything, but what is profitable to resell is up to you. The main question is the size start-up capital, which you can spend on settlements with suppliers for the purchase of the first batch. If funds allow, consider also niches such as auto and large home appliances.

Where to buy goods for resale

So, the direction of work is chosen. The next step is to decide on the suppliers where you
start buying products. At the same time, the purchase price of goods purchased for resale is an important, but not the only component of the search for a reliable intermediary. Specify the terms of payment and delivery, because transportation costs, especially for large-sized products, can reach significant amounts.

You can search for products:

  1. At intermediary sites.
  2. From direct distributors.
  3. In person through business tours.

Let's take a closer look at the first method, which is best suited for beginner entrepreneurs.

Internet platforms

There are many Chinese intermediaries who take care of the shipping costs for goods.
for resale. For beginners, it is safest to start with this method of purchasing products in order to learn all the important nuances. To begin with, it would be nice if you order a trial small batch, and then, after making sure of the quality, you can arrange larger deliveries.

Some of the best free shipping sites in China include:

  • Alexpress- the most popular project, which is an analogue of Amazon. Acquired many buyers due to reliable work - the goods are paid only after the client is convinced of the quality. At first, you can buy at the minimum weight and cost, together with other buyers. To implement, attract customers from social networks or through your own online store.
  • China Buy– the store has been operating since 2006 and is distinguished by a wide range of products: from toys for children to expensive equipment. Service Provided free shipping(term 15-30 days) and a variety of payment methods - WebMoney, Western Union and classic bank transfers.
  • Taobao- a well-known online market where you can buy whatever your heart desires. Here are open official stores famous brands. The price of many goods is up to 10 times lower than in Russian stores. The disadvantage of this site is that the site exists exclusively in Chinese and the order will require the help of intermediaries.

Selling goods for resale - the main ways

We figured out what and where to buy. Now let's talk about whether it is profitable to resell purchased products. There are many options, the result will depend on the available trading opportunities.

How to make money on the resale of goods:

  • Through online stores- creating a website is not difficult, but domain promotion requires a lot of free time and certain cash injections. Relatively inexpensive marketing methods - advertising through social media by using internal communities-user groups. Establish yourself as a reliable and affordable seller and customers will “reach out”.
  • Across consignment shops (Seconds and stocks) - selling products as second-hand. The sales scheme in this case is based on the principle of a commission agreement, but earnings on resale, of course, will amount to a smaller amount than when trading in a new assortment.
  • Through online auctions- Ebay example. You only need to register on the site, after which a the target audience buyers around the world. The sale of products "under the order" on the terms of prepayment is provided.

Resale of goods as a business - is it legal?

Legality Chinese business worries any businessman. Is it possible to consider the resale of things / goods as entrepreneurship? Of course, because this segment of the work refers to trading activities. Features and differences in size - wholesale or retail. Wholesale means the sale of products in large quantities legal entities or IP. Retail means interaction with individuals.

To legally purchase products and goods for resale, you will need to register at
selected legal form. And then build legal work in an official way with the payment of taxes, the conclusion of contracts with suppliers, the passage of customs clearance upon importation and the issuance of quality conformity certificates for all goods imported into the Russian Federation. In principle, in short, this is all that is needed to systematically make a profit and not break the law.

If you want to earn some extra money by reselling goods from Aliexpress, I think you will not go to register a company. Small earnings on the Internet, as a rule, are of an irregular nature, and the name of such "entrepreneurs" is legion. No one calls for breaking the law, but the regulatory authorities have not yet learned to “catch the hand” of such businessmen.

Aspiring entrepreneurs are wondering: what can be resold to make a really good profit? Before entering into trade relations with Chinese manufacturers, determine the marketing strategy:

  1. Do not try to buy "everything at once." Practice shows that highly specialized products give more returns, especially if you choose the right direction.
  2. Develop "tasty" offers to attract and retain customers - use all sorts of tricks: promotions and bonuses, great discounts for first customers, gifts for large purchases, for holidays, etc.
  3. If you don't have yet own store, and the work is carried out on the principle of "word of mouth", appreciate each client, install the most favorable prices. Remember, the main thing is a successful start!
  4. Form a positive opinion about the product, provide a guarantee. Break the stereotypes about the low quality and fragility of Chinese goods.
  5. Realistically evaluate your capabilities - it is better to start small and move to more than vice versa. Small things are also in good demand, the purchase price is low, and the margin reaches 300-400%.

Now you are familiar with theoretical foundations resale of goods as a business - where to start and how to succeed. As you can see, there is nothing particularly complicated here, but to engage in a similar kind activities and earn good money anyone can. It remains only to start.

And for especially cautious entrepreneurs, there are intermediary dropshipping services, the main principle of which is the direct delivery of products from the supplier to the client. Search desired product is carried out by the dropshipper, and the payment is made by the customer. A huge plus of this method of trading is the absence of the need to rent warehouse space and invest own funds. Evaluate all the pros and cons of the described methods of doing business with China, and choose the right one for you! Good luck and stable income!

It is quite difficult to decide what can be resold profitably. Times go by, everything changes. Human tastes and preferences, moreover, depend on a number of factors. But, in any case, what is useful in everyday life will always sell well.

Profitable resale as a small business idea

The resale business has a long history. Every merchant used to be engaged in resale. Just like today, the entrepreneur is looking for ways to make money by reselling products.

The meaning of such a business lies in acquiring a cheap product and selling it at a higher cost. Therefore, novice entrepreneurs are wondering what is still profitable to resell.

Is reselling profitable at all?

Before you start your business, you need to evaluate all possible risks, shipping costs, customs clearance, etc. You should also take into account the markup and turnover. The margin is the difference between the actual price of the goods and the price set by the reseller. Turnover - the number of goods sold for a certain period of time.

What kind distinctive features must have a product that will sell well:

  1. High markup.
  2. Small expenses.
  3. Decent turnover.

Market analysis

The market economy today is so developed that the concept of "deficit" does not exist. During the transitional period with changes in the existing economic system, the market was overflowing with imported goods, and this even applied to food products.

But, domestic enterprises managed to get on their feet and began to produce fairly high-quality goods that could compete with imported manufacturers.

Now the fashion has gone to open their stores, so the future owner must analyze modern market and choose a profitable direction of your work, i.e. select your store profile. Otherwise, there is every guarantee to fail in the endeavor.

High demand goods

"Demand creates supply"- so says the most famous and effective economic law.

That is why a thinking entrepreneur will always try to establish the production of those products that are most in demand among consumers.

The following products are in high demand:

  1. Food.
  2. Clothing and personal hygiene products.
  3. Household and home goods.
  4. Electronics.


You can earn money steadily by selling food products due to their increased demand. Products must be stored under certain conditions.

A couple of brief truths:

  • A person can come up with several ideas for starting a new business, but only one of them will bring money, and only one has the right to exist.
  • Everyone dreams of getting big money from their business, but not everyone succeeds. Business exists only for those who have a strong disposition and steel character.

Usually food is sold in shops, kiosks, stalls, supermarkets, etc. You can find anything on the store shelves to your taste, even seafood.

Why do some business people fail?

  • Wrong store location.
  • Incorrect sorting of goods.
  • Unforeseen costs.
  • Low quality goods.

A good solution would be to purchase car shops and promote your trade in different places.

Clothing and personal care products

Resale of clothes is becoming more and more popular day by day.

How can you sell clothing or personal care products:

  1. Reselling through groups and pages on the Internet.
  2. Resale through specialized portals.
  3. Personal online store.

Whatever option a person uses, the business must be registered through lawyers.

When selling clothing or hygiene products, you need to decide on the population group with which you will work. For example, whether it will be clothes and cosmetics for women, children's clothes or men's accessories.

You also need to pay attention to the cost of things.

As for the popularity of clothing and hygiene products, the latter are even ahead of clothing. Because people use a variety of hygiene products every day. Accordingly, the need for them is higher. Clothes are also very important in people's lives, but they are bought much less often.

Benefits of reselling clothing and hygiene products online:

  • No initial investment required.
  • Attractive cost of things for customers, which is usually lower than in stores.
  • You can cooperate with several suppliers at once.
  • Decent income.

A person who resells clothes is often faced with the fear of buyers to place orders.

This fear is due to:

  • It's hard to choose the exact size.
  • Unknown quality.
  • Do not get to ask the seller about the product.

But, every thinking and creative entrepreneur must find a way out of this problem by doing some manipulations:

  1. The use of videos with a demonstration of clothes on girls.
  2. You can "try on" a thing on a virtual girl.
  3. Website design for the theme of things.
  4. Photo scaling.
  5. Convenient resource interface.
  6. Consultations - online.

Clients can be attracted special promotions and discounts. So a store will gradually gain popularity.

Household and household goods

Home goods are best sold by opening a small store.

The main advantages of such a store:

  • Sale of various goods.
  • Sale of seasonal goods.
  • Goods do not require special storage conditions.

You can trade in household goods in a separate store or on trading platform any other store. Large grocery store- a great place to open your own department of household goods. It is better to choose a store located not in the central parts of the city.

Basically, trade will be directed to one audience - married women, most of whom are already retired. Men rarely visit such stores, and if they do, it is specifically for the sake of buying a certain thing.

At the very beginning, the assortment might look like this:

  1. Dishes and utensils for the kitchen.
  2. Household goods.
  3. Instruments.
  4. Other items for daily needs.

When the premises are ready, the goods have taken their places on the shelves, the next step in business development is to attract customers. For this purpose, you can use signs and pillars, where all the information of interest will be indicated.

An excellent bait to attract customers are discount cards for regular customers. For pensioners, periodic discounts and promotions can be organized.


Today, various gadgets are in demand among the population, but it is difficult to determine their status in the market.

There will be more than enough competitors in the electronics market, because this is one of the most profitable destinations in small business. This is easily explained by the fact that the market is constantly being updated, more and more new devices are being created. And many modern people try to acquire exclusively new items.

Presence of competitors

As in any business, there is strong competition in trade too. Along with competition comes pricing. There are many entrepreneurs on the market, and each of them has its own price for products.

Customers are trying to find an acceptable price, which pushes sellers to list goods at similar prices. It turns out that price control is carried out by buyers.

Raising prices is unreasonable, because the customer will simply go to a competitor.

The strategy of a smart entrepreneur should consist of five definitions:

  1. Goals.
  2. Politicians.
  3. The whole strategy.
  4. Sales.
  5. Possibilities for corrective action.

Everything must be correctly and reasonably designed, which will help you not to make mistakes with competitors and customers.

Resale Ideas

Whatever you start doing, remember that the field of activity should be familiar to you. Maybe it will be an area in which you have already worked. You can choose what is your hobby. Someone is interested in fashion and is well versed in clothes, someone is passionate about radio engineering, and someone is interested in cars.

Car resale

Today, not every person can afford to buy a car on credit, in the cabin for cash, and even a used car does not always have enough money. And if there is a demand, then you need to create a supply. Car resale is becoming an increasingly popular and profitable business.

How to earn income from the resale of cars:

  1. Buy a used car.
  2. Get her in good shape.
  3. Sell.

If you decide to open a car resale business, it is better to protect yourself and register your IP. The next step in the development of the business will be the selection of a site for the sale of cars. It is better to choose a place in the city, and not in the suburban part.

Sources of information about cars for sale:

  • Internet resources.
  • Acquaintances, friends.

No need to hesitate in this matter: while you sit and think about the ad, someone will already have time to purchase the product. Therefore, take the phone in hand and find out the information of interest.

Who can help you sell your car?

  • Lawyer.
  • Auto painter.
  • Auto electrician.
  • Auto mechanic.
  • Tinsmith.

You need to win the trust of customers, create an excellent reputation for your business and build a base of regular customers, but this will require a lot of effort.

Resale of goods from China

You can resell Chinese goods on any sites with ads. Groups and communities on the Internet can be considered effective. You can make your own website, where the entire range will fit. Flyers are a good addition.

So, it turns out that when opening a business based on resales, there will be no need to create own products. You can get 100% profit. In addition, additional streams of income can be provided. When choosing suppliers based on their ratings, you do not have to worry about the quality of the goods.

And of course, own business can be opened quickly and without initial investment!