How many checks are on the cash register. What is an offset paper receipt? Cash tape from the manufacturer

Cash tape from the manufacturer

A cash register or check tape is an invariable attribute of modern business. Any outlet, firm or company associated with the sale of goods or services uses this consumable in its activities.

Scope of application of ribbon for cash printer

This product serves as the basis for printing checks and reporting forms using terminals and cash registers. On a strip of paper, information is printed on transactions performed within the company, which can subsequently be used by internal and external reporting. When a consumer expresses a desire to buy a product or service and pays for it, in any store, shopping center, catering facility, the sale, or rather its fact, is confirmed by the receipt. Depending on the model of the cash register, you can use a check tape of a specific width, winding length, with a certain number of layers. Data on the necessary consumables for a particular device is always indicated in the equipment passport.

Types and types

Today, you can buy wholesale and retail several varieties of receipt tape: single- and multi-layer versions, paper with a thermal layer are widely used. Each material variant is designed for certain aggregates, a specific type of printing, so the prices of ribbon paper may vary. In a certain cash register, a reel of a specific size can be installed, so the marking of products is carried out depending on the width of the roll, for example, 44, 57 or 69 mm.

What is the difference between cash register tape and terminal material?

1. A single-layer tape is used for printing non-fiscal checks and checks for internal reporting. This roll material is made from offset paper with a whiteness of at least 98% and writing paper with a whiteness of 92% or more. The main requirement for it is high-quality and fast absorption of paint.

2. A cash tape with several layers is used to copy information about a trade operation. The first layer of paper with printed data remains in the cash register for reporting, the other layer is given to the buyer as a receipt.

3. Special options for offset paper products are designed to work with special inks or thermal ribbon. They develop characters such as batch number, price, date of printing under the influence of a certain temperature. Such consumables are used for bank terminals, in some self-service stores. It has a special coating, due to which it darkens when interacting with a hot printed element of the equipment.

You can order any type of tape for check machines and terminals from us - the catalog contains one- and two-layer products of popular types and sizes. You can buy wholesale products of any length and width at a bargain price.

Our company is a manufacturer, therefore it offers the best prices in the region and the possibility of wholesale supply of consumables for cash registers, terminals and other printing equipment.

There are several modifications of the check tape.

Single layer receipt tape- consists of one layer of offset paper.

Multi-layer or double-layer receipt tape- consists of one layer of offset paper and the second self-copying layer. It is subdivided into a receipt tape with two active layers, which consists of two self-copying layers, and into a receipt tape with one self-copying active layer.

thermal tape(or thermochemical receipt tape) - consists of a single layer of thermal paper, the image on which appears under the influence of temperature.

Single layer receipt tape

There are 6 sizes of receipt tape in width - 37, 40, 44, 57, 69 and 76 mm. Receipt rolls of the same width differ in outer diameters, which can be from 54 to 70 mm, inner diameters of the sleeve - 12 or 18 mm. In each model of the cash register, a check tape of a strictly defined width and a certain diameter can be used to fit in the space allotted for it. The diameter of the sleeve is also important - only Samsung POS printers can use rollers with a sleeve of 12 and 18 mm, as they have a conical pin for the roller.

A prerequisite is the application of a colored (usually red) stripe on the last 5 meters of the receipt tape. The appearance of a receipt tape with such a strip at the exit from the cash register shows that the receipt tape will soon run out and it is time to change the roller.

For the manufacture of a single-layer receipt tape and the top layer of a two-layer receipt tape, both offset paper with surface sizing and a whiteness of 96-100%, and writing paper with a whiteness of 92-94% of domestic production are used.

Multilayer, it is also a two-layer check tape

A multi-layer check tape consists of two layers, the image on which is applied by one printing unit of the CMC. The top layer of the check tape is received by the buyer, while the bottom layer remains in the cash register. The top layer is made of high quality offset paper, and the bottom layer is made of special paper with a self-copying layer. A check tape is produced with a width of 44, 57 and 76, less often 69 mm and an outer diameter of the roller from 54 to 70 mm. The sleeve is used only one inner diameter - 12 mm.

Multi-layer check tape with two active layers consists of two layers of paper with a self-copying coating. Such a receipt tape is used in cash registers without a cartridge, it is often used when the cash register is operating at low temperatures, when the ink of the cartridges freezes, or if replacing the cartridge is more expensive than using a dual-active tape. The receipt tape is produced in widths of 44, 57 and 76 mm.

A multi-layer receipt tape with one active layer is used in cash registers without a cartridge, in the same cases as a double-active receipt tape. It is used on Samsung cash registers, since it is often cheaper to work on a single-action receipt tape than to buy expensive cartridges that are of poor quality.

thermal tape, she is thermochemical receipt tape

This receipt tape consists of a single layer of paper coated with a thermosetting coating. The paper used is the same as for production fax rollers. The width of the check tape is mainly 44 and 57 mm, but there are rollers with a width of 80 mm. The density of the paper base is from 55 to 58 g / m2, and sometimes there are manufacturers who wind rollers from thermal paper of a higher density, which makes the rollers visually look larger with the same or even less length of the receipt tape.

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Publication date: 01.12.2016

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Limited Liability Company "Insales Rus"

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Insales Rus LLC

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InSales Rus Limited Liability Company (InSales Rus LLC)

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price label sells quality cash register tape for cash registers and receipt tapes for payment terminals, ATMs, cash desks, receipt printers wholesale and retail.
And also carries out under the order printing of advertising on a receipt tape with a minimum circulation of 2000 commercials. Cash receipt tape from 48gr to 125gr.

We would like to warn you that almost all cash register tape on the market is sold with underwinding (there is less winding in the video). But that doesn't mean you're overreacting. The price corresponds to the number of meters of winding.

Types of check tape:

Tape name Qty per pack
37*60*12 thermo
44*30*12 (19m) thermo 300
44*30*12 (27m) thermo 240
44*40*12 (39m) thermo 165
44*60*12 thermo
57*30*12 (19m) thermo 240
57*30*12 (27m) thermo 192
57*40*12 (39m) thermo 132
69*60*12 (39m) thermo
76*60*12 thermo
80*80*12 (58m) thermo 72
80*80*12 (68m) thermo 54
80*80*12 (80m) thermo 45
80*150*12/18/26 (310m) thermo 8
80*180*12/18/26 (445m) thermo 5

The length of the winding of the rollers can be any - under the order!

Thermal tape (thermochemical receipt tape)

Thermal tape is a single-layer check tape with a thermo-active coating, the width of which is most often 57-80 mm, and in some cases 44 mm. Also, the thermal tape can have a different density of the paper base - from 48 to 55 g/m2.

Tape for cash registers is one of the most popular consumables. Not a single cash register can do without such consumables as a receipt tape, on which the operation of the entire store depends. For this reason, it is very important to buy a cash register tape in a timely manner.

On a check tape of this type, the image is formed due to the effect of temperature on a heat-sensitive coating. In order for the printing device to warn the operator in time about the need to replace the roller, a red stripe is applied to the last 1.5 meters of thermal tape.

Types of check tape for cash registers, ATMs, acquiring:

  • single layer;
  • two-layer;
  • thermal tape;
  • offset ribbon.
  • Rollers for queue management systems (coupons)

The order of prices for a check tape without printing:

  • Cash tape (offset) from 5.30 rubles.
  • Cash tape (thermo) width 80 from 55.72 r
  • Tape cash (thermo) width 57 from 15.26 rubles.
  • Cash tape (thermo), art.76x30, item 108 from 45.91 rubles
  • Cash tape, 76 offset Tue.12 st.70 from 15.30 p.
  • Cash tape (thermo) width 44 from 15.96 rubles.

Single layer receipt tape

A single-layer check tape is produced in various widths: 37, 40, 44, 57, 69, 76 mm. Receipt rolls can also vary in core inner diameter (12mm and 18mm) and outer diameter (from 54 to 70mm).

It should be borne in mind that the width and diameter of the cash register are selected strictly according to the technical parameters of each specific model of the cash register. A red stripe is applied to the last 5 meters of the receipt tape so that the printer can prematurely notify the cash desk employee of its end.

Multilayer (two-layer) check tape

A multi-layer check tape differs from all other types of cash tapes in that it has two layers at once. Hence its name. The bottom layer of the tape is made of self-copying paper. Therefore, when information is applied to the top layer, it is duplicated on the bottom. The upper part of the tape is given to the buyer, while the lower part remains in the cash register. The multilayer cash tape in our company site is made in widths of 44, 55, 57, 69, 76, 80 mm and diameters from 54 to 70 mm. The inner diameter of the sleeve is available in only one version - 12 mm.

You can order a multi-layer check tape with one or two active layers from us. We sell white and colored check tape with printing.

Thermal paper tapes are used:

  • at cash registers (cash registers)
  • at ATMs
  • acquiring (printing a tape when paying with a bank card)
  • at payment terminals
  • parking machines
  • for queue management systems.

Check tape for ATMs

ATMs use a check tape with a large winding on the sleeve. With cash services, at the end of each cash transaction, the ATM issues a check to the client with all the necessary information about the payment. ATM check tape can be of different length, size and quality.

Printing advertising on a receipt tape on the reverse side from 2000 rubles

It is also possible in our company. The reverse side of the cash tape will be used as a platform for placing the bank's logo, emblem or any kind of advertising. The check tape for an ATM can be colored. Moreover, it allows applying a color image up to 4 colors. Bernd advertising printing on receipt tape allows you to attract the attention of the client, becomes a distinctive attribute of a particular bank and encourages potential customers to use its services. The advertising video is stored without sun and moisture in boxes for up to 2 years!

The technical condition of the ATM as a whole, as well as the printing device installed in it, depends on the quality of the check tape. If the tape is made of good quality paper, it will provide a longer service life of the ATM. The printing of advertising on the check tape on the reverse side is available as an additional service.

Typical sizes of thermal tape:

  • Receipt tape 37 x 60 mm
  • Receipt tape 44 x 60 mm
  • Receipt tape 44 x 30 mm thermo
  • Receipt tape 44 x 40 mm thermo
  • Receipt tape 55 x 80 mm thermo
  • Receipt tape 57 x 30 mm thermo
  • Receipt tape 57 x 40 mm thermo
  • Receipt tape 57 x 80 mm thermo
  • Receipt tape 57 x 150 mm thermo
  • Receipt tape 69 x 60 mm
  • Check tapes 76 x 60 mm
  • Receipt tape 80 x 60 mm thermo
  • Receipt tape 80 x 80 mm thermo
  • Receipt tape 80 x 120 mm thermo
  • Receipt tape 80 x 150 mm thermo
  • Receipt tape 80 x 180 mm thermo
  • Receipt tape width 80mm winding 120m with sleeve size 25mm
  • Receipt tape with full color printing with roller size 80*12*80

Receipt tape for acquiring (verifone, ingenico)

Thermal tapes are universal and suitable for PinPads: verifone vx520, vx510, vx670, vx675, vx680, vx820, Ingenico ICT220, Ingenico IWL220 and other models. The main thing is to choose the right size for the tape, and it is especially important for such devices that small windings (tape length) are required.

Ticket rollers for queue management systems

We sell check rollers in rolls of 1000, 2000 and 3000 checks, which are consumables for Q-matic queue management systems, etc.

We accept orders for thermal videos for the electronic queue (coupons on thermal tape), for various types of parking machines, bank terminals.

The special thermal rollers for the electronic queue have the necessary black marks for the photo sensor of the printing system, as well as transverse perforation of coupons for easy tearing, and smooth winding of the tape on the sleeve. Our Price Label company can offer thermal paper coupon tape at market prices. It is possible to order the manufacture of rollers from thermal paper with a density of both standard 55 g/m.2 and thick coupons 70 g/m.2.

Also, in systems with an auto-cutter, you can use a conventional thermal tape with a large winding.

Dimensions of thermal paper for electronic queue:

  • 60x100x25 Q-matic
  • 57x100x25
  • 57x100x12
  • 60x100x25
  • 60x100x12 thermo
  • 80x80x25
  • 60x80x25
  • 82.5x150x25
  • 82.5x120x25

Thermal paper rolls for ATMs and payment terminals

The standard roller width is 80mm, and the winding diameter can be from 80 to 250mm, the standard sleeve diameters are 18mm or 25mm. It is possible to print advertising on the reverse side of the receipt tape.

Dimensions of rollers for ATMs and terminals:

  • 80x120x12
  • 80x120x25
  • 80x130x18 thermo inside
  • 80x140x25
  • 80x150x12
  • 80x150x25
  • 80x180x12
  • 80x180x18
  • 80x180x25
  • 80х200х18 Top sales
  • 80x200x25
  • 80x210x18 thermal layer inside

Models of devices for which tapes are suitable

thermal tape

KASBY 02K, LADOGA-K, OKA-102K, OKA 600K, FELIX-02K, EKR 2102K, EKR 2102F, EKR 3102K, atol 30f, atol 90 f

thermal tape

AMS 100K, AMS 110K, MERCURY 115, MERCURY 130, MINICA 1103F, Orion 100K, PRIM-21K, SPARK-617TK, SPARK-700TK, Felix RK, SHTRIH-MINI-K, SHTRIH-FR-K, ELVES MICRO-K, ELVES-FR-C, EKR 2102K, EKR 3102K, Verifone VX520, ATOL 11F

thermal tape




Samsung ER-250 RF (with cartridge), EKR 2102.K, ELVES MINI, NCR RealPOS Tiger FIT-K, SHARP 250F




Stroke-950, M-Star

single layer capillary

2102K, 3102K, Samsung ER-4615 RF, Sam4s ER-4615 RK

single layer capillary

Mercury 112Ф, Samsung ER-250 (without cartridge)

two-layer capillary

EKR 2102K, EKR 3102K

two-layer capillary

Samsung ER-250 (without cartridge), SHARP 250F

single layer

Oka 2000, ELECTRON NCR, EKR 3102, ELVES 01

single layer

Mercury 111F, MICRO 105F, Oka A100F, Oka 400F, Oka 500F, OKA 600K, Oka 2000F, Oka 2500F, EKR 3101.1F, EKR 3102F

single layer

Oka auto, EKR-2102F, EKR-3102.3F, Samsung ER-4615 RF, Sam4s ER-4615 RK, OMRON (two-station

single layer

Mercury 112F, Mercury 114F, Mercury 115F, Mercury 120F, MICRO 103F, MICRO 104F, EKR 2102F, Samsung ER-250 RK, SHARP ER-A250RK

single layer


single layer


How to choose the right cash register size

The type of cash tape that is suitable for your equipment should be indicated in the technical documents attached to the cash register, fiscal registrar or receipt printer.

Very often, manufacturers of receipt tape do not wind the roll on the roller and sell a shorter length. From here you can get a lower price. Honest check tape from 12 rubles / 30m. - In stock and on order.


  • 57 mm wide thermal tape is the most common in Russia and is used on 80% of all stand-alone cash registers.
  • some cash registers, such as Mercury 180, will not fit a roll wider than 45 mm.
  • Cash thermal tape 57 mm wide is used on KKM: Mercury 115, Mercury 130, Mercury 180, AMS 100, Elves-Micro.
  • Receipt tape made of thermal paper 57*30*12 winding 30m or winding 19m suitable for ATOL 11F cash register