1c accounting 3.0 retail sales. Accounting info

For registration of retail sales through ATT in 1C 8.3, we will use the document Retail sales (checks). This document is located in the section Sales→Retail sales (checks). Each sale in 1C 8.3 is documented as a separate document:

Let's take a look at this document. In the header of the document, we indicate on behalf of which organization, in which point of sale sale is carried out. And also indicate at what type of price the product will be sold:

The tabular part contains four tabs:

  • Goods and services;
  • Agency services;
  • Sale of certificates;
  • Cashless payments.

When placing sales, select the necessary bookmark.

Example 1. LLC "Success" 10.07.2016 sold to a retail customer Dining table in the amount of 1 pc. at a price of 2,000 rubles. and provided a service for the delivery of goods by its own transport.

Select the Goods and Services tab and fill in the required nomenclature. After filling in the tabular part to fix the payment in cash, press the button Accept payment. In the window that opens, in the field Cash indicate the amount received from the buyer:

If the amount received exceeds the amount of payment, then the program 1C 8.3 calculates the change. If you need to immediately print a sales receipt, check the box Print a sales receipt. And we press the button Accept payment in the window Payment. Everything, the sale to the buyer is completed, the sales receipt is printed on the printer:

If the sales receipt was not printed at the time of registration, then it can be printed later either from the document journal Retail sales (checks) by button Seal, having previously selected the necessary document:

Or using the Sales receipt button inside the document Check:

If payment is made by bank transfer

If payment will be made by bank transfer, then select the tab Cashless payments. Choose from the directory Payment type and enter the payment amount. If a required type there is no payment in the directory, then it must be created. When creating, select a payment method from the list:

If payment is made in a combined way - for cash and cashless payments

One check payment can be made different ways. For example, part by bank transfer, part by cash, or by certificate and by bank transfer, and so on. With a combined payment method in 1C 8.3, first indicate Cashless payments, on the corresponding tab, then click on the button accept cash in document Check in the window Payment select cash and indicate total amount by check:

With this method of payment, cash will be reflected in the debit of account 50.01, and non-cash - in the debit of account 57.03:

To summarize retail sales per day in 1C 8.3, a document is drawn up at the end of the day . Chapter Sales → Sales → Retail sales reports:

Gift certificates in retail

To sell gift certificates, both your own and third-party, as well as the possibility of accepting payment with certificates, you must set the appropriate settings in the 1C 8.3 program. Chapter Main→ Settings→ Program functionality:

Create payment types, specify the name of the certificate. In the counterparty field, you can specify a generalized buyer, for example, Retail. In the contract field, you can specify Without contract:

Issuing a check is identical to issuing a check when selling goods. Same as when selling goods on a bookmark Sale of certificates indicate which certificate is sold and how payment will be made. The sale of the certificate is completed:

Agency services for retail trade in 1C 8.3

If the organization acts as an agent, then on the Agency services tab, the services are indicated, in the implementation of which the organization acts as an agent.

Let's take the conditions of example No. 1, but the delivery of the goods will be carried out not by Success LLC, but by transport company OOO Luch. An agency agreement was concluded between the organizations, according to which Success LLC, on its own behalf, implements the delivery service provided by Luch LLC.

When issuing a check for sale in 1C 8.3, except for the bookmark Goods and services, in this case, the bookmark is also filled Agency services. On the tab, we indicate information about the service, the cost of the service and the counterparty with which the agency agreement has been concluded. Payment information is indicated in the same way as when selling goods or certificates:

We recommend that you watch our seminar, which discusses how 1C 8.3 reflects expenses of an administrative and managerial nature in trade organizations on which account such costs should be taken into account and what settings need to be made in 1C 8.3 so that at the end of the month such costs are automatically debited to Dt account 90.

AT recent times payment for goods and services is becoming more common bank card.

A group of processes related to payment by bank cards is called acquiring.

To organize the acceptance of payments by bank cards, the enterprise concludes an acquiring agreement with the bank. It stipulates the procedure for ensuring the enterprise technical means for accepting card payments and remuneration to the acquiring bank for service.

Consider how the sale of goods at retail with payment by bank card is reflected.

Accounting settings.

If the organization carries out retail trade, then when setting up accounting parameters, you must first select the “Retail trade in progress” checkbox on the “Retail trade” tab.

When the checkbox is checked, in the sections "Bank and cash desk", as well as "Purchases and sales", the item "Retail sales reports" becomes available.

This document is available in the "Bank and cash desk" section because, in addition to sales of goods to retail customers, it also reflects the fact of receiving payment - a special tab "Payment cards and bank loans" is intended for this.

Retail sales report.

The “Retail sales report” document enters information on retail sales either simultaneously with the receipt of revenue (to do this, when entering a new document, you need to select the type of operation “KKM”), or information on previously received revenue (“NTT” type - for working with non-automated outlets).

I demonstrate this example on a document with the type of operation "KKM", i.e. revenue is recognized at the same time as sales.

Information about sold goods is displayed on the "Goods" tab.

If the “Payment cards and bank loans” tab is not filled in, then when the document is posted, by default, the payment will be reflected in the correspondence with the account 50 indicated in the document header:

The wires will look like this:

Reflection of payment by credit card.

In cases of payment for goods by bank cards, information is entered on the "Payment cards and bank loans" tab.

When adding a new line, it is necessary to fill in the "Type of payment" attribute by selecting it from the "Types of payments for organizations" directory.

Let's introduce the new kind payment "Payment card".

Specify the type of payment - "Payment card".

The bank with which the organization has an acquiring agreement is selected as the counterparty. The bank must be entered in the "Counterparties" directory. In the "Agreement" attribute, select the acquiring agreement concluded with the bank.

As the settlement account used for settlements with bank cards, we select account 57.03 “Sales by payment cards”. In the requisite "Percentage of the bank commission" we enter the percentage of the bank commission specified in the acquiring agreement.

After choosing the type of payment, all the details of the payment line are filled in automatically, we only have to enter the payment amount:

After posting the document, the following postings will be generated:

I note that for the distribution of retail revenue between different payment methods from customers, account 62.P “Settlements with retail customers". It does not conduct analytical accounting for counterparties, as for other sub-accounts of account 62. Analytics is conducted only for retail outlets (subconto "Warehouses").

Account 57.03 is closed when the receipt is reflected Money to the current account (automatically when exchanging with the bank or manually with the document "Receipt to the current account").

Thus, in 1C Accounting Enterprise edition 3.0 payment by bank cards from retail customers is registered.

In this article, we will consider in detail all the main operations in accounting. retail in the program 1C Accounting 8.3, including sales in non-automated outlets.

Often, before transferring the goods purchased from the supplier to retail, they first come to the wholesale warehouse. If you do not have such a practice, for example, you do not have a wholesale warehouse and all goods are immediately shipped to a single outlet. Feel free to bring them to the retail warehouse.

In our example, we will create a , which is located in the "Purchases" menu. The type of operation we will have is “Goods (invoice)”.

We will not show in detail the completion of this document within the framework of this article. Please note that when reflecting receipts to a wholesale warehouse, the warehouse itself must have the "Wholesale warehouse" type.

The figure below shows an example of filling out a receipt document for the wholesale warehouse of the Kompleksny trading house from the Produkty base.

Price setting

So, we have already purchased all the necessary goods from the supplier and are ready to sell them. end customer. But before doing this, we need to set retail prices - those at which we will already begin to sell these goods.

They are located in the "Warehouse" menu, but for simplicity of the example, we will create it based on the receipt of goods. Of course, this option is not always convenient, but it is used quite often.

The goods from the receipt were automatically included in the created document. Let's fill in the prices for each position, and indicate the type of prices (in this case, we created it ourselves in the directory and called it "Retail"). Now the document can be posted. These prices will be valid from the date indicated in the header of the document.

Moving goods to a retail warehouse

If you first received goods at a wholesale warehouse, then you will need to transfer them to a retail warehouse, or to a manual outlet. The latter means such points as a stall, a tent in the market and others where it is not possible to keep records due to the lack of a PC or electricity.

First we will create these warehouses. They practically will not differ in any way from the wholesale except for the type.

As a result, we will get the trading floor of store No. 23 with the type " Retail store».

Let's call a non-automated outlet "Stall at the railway station". She will have a different type.

In our example, both warehouses use the same price type, but you can also set different prices. Then you will have to create two Item Pricing documents for each of these price types.

In order to reflect the transfer of purchased goods from our wholesale warehouse to the store and stall created above, we will create a document "". You can find it in the Warehouse menu.

The figure below shows an example of filling out a document for the movement of goods from the main wholesale warehouse to a stall near the railway station.

Retail sales report

If you have completed all the previous steps correctly, then your retail warehouse will already have products with filled end-customer sales prices.

Now we can move on to the direct reflection of the sale of goods. From the Sales menu, select Retail Sales Reports. This document is required to reflect retail sales.

In the header of the document, we indicated the organization and the retail warehouse " Shopping room store number 23. Cash account, as expected 50.01. Also, for the purpose of additional analytics on management accounting we indicated the item of the VAT "Retail revenue".

Sales in non-automated outlets

Above, we took into account sales in a retail store. Now let's proceed to a non-automated outlet - the "stall".

Non-automated outlets in 1C are points where it is not possible to put a computer and establish a connection with a common database. Sales data is not entered regularly.

Cash flow

The first step is to reflect the receipt of cash with the type of operation "Retail revenue". If in a retail store the buyer could pay for the goods with a bank card, then this is unlikely here.

An example of a completed document is shown in the figure below. With the missing revenue, the retail sales report will simply not be held for you.

Reflection of retail sale

Suppose our salesperson does not write down in a notebook how many of which goods he sold. In this case, it is most logical to get the sales volume by simply subtracting the balance from the previously transferred quantity of goods.

For such purposes, in the 1C: Accounting program, there is a document "Inventory of goods". It is located in the Warehouse menu.

In the inventory document, we indicate the organization, our warehouse "Stall at the railway station" and, if necessary. For convenience, we will fill in the goods according to the balances in the warehouse. After that, you need to indicate how many goods are actually left in the column "Quantity fact".

As shown in the figure above, the “Deviation” column reflects, in fact, the quantity that was sold in this stall.

Now you can post this document and, based on it, create a report on retail sales.

Before us opened the form of the created document, in which absolutely everything was filled in automatically. Please note that the "Quantity" column contains all the data from the "Quantity fact" column of the inventory document.

If you did not take into account the received revenue in the program, the program will not allow you to post the document and will display a message similar to the one shown in the figure below.

See also the video instruction on the reflection of such operations:

Accounting for retail sales is one of the most common operations in trade. Retail sales in 1C 8.3 Accounting are recorded using a special document - a report on retail sales. The completion of this report can be automated, or you can generate it manually. How to fill out a retail sales report in 1C 8.3, read this article.

When selling goods at retail in accounting, it is necessary to reflect several operations at once:

  • Receipt of funds from the buyer (cash or non-cash);
  • Reflection of proceeds from the credit of account 90;
  • Write-off cost of goods sold.

In 1C 8.3 Accounting there is a special document that generates these operations - a report on retail sales. There are two ways to create it:

  1. In automated mode
  2. In manual mode

If the store has equipment and software that captures all the goods movement online, then such an outlet is considered automated. In this case, using special 1C software, you can automatically generate a retail sales report in 1C 8.3.

If the store does not have equipment for detailed sales accounting, then such an outlet is considered non-automated. The report on retail sales in such cases is done manually, or on the basis of inventory. As a rule, stalls, kiosks and small shops are non-automated points.

In 1C 8.3 Accounting in the "Warehouse" directory for each outlet, you need to select one of two types of warehouses:

  1. Retail store;
  2. Non-automated outlet.

For stores with automated accounting, choose the first type of warehouse. For other points of sale, select the value "Non-automated point of sale".

How to make the necessary settings in 1C 8.3 Accounting in a few steps and fill out a retail sales report, read in this article.

Quick transfer of accounting to BukhSoft

Step 1. Set up 1C 8.3 Accounting for retail

To account for retail in 1C 8.3 Accounting, you need to make some settings. To do this, go to the "Administration" section (1) and click on the "Functionality" link (2).

In the window that opens, go to the tab "Trade" (3) and check the box next to the inscription "Retail" (4). If necessary, also check the boxes next to the words "Gift certificates" (5) and " Alcoholic products» (6). Now the 1C 8.3 Accounting program is ready for retail accounting.

In retail, there are two ways to account for the valuation of goods:

  • By acquisition cost;
  • At the selling price, using account 42 "Trade margin".

In the accounting policy of the organization, you must set one of the methods. To do this, go to the "Main" section (7) and click on the link " Accounting policy" (eight).

In the window that opens, specify your organization (9) and select one of the assessment methods:

  • “By acquisition cost” (10);
  • "By selling price" (11).

The necessary settings are made, you can start accounting for retail transactions.

Step 2: Manually generate a manual POS report

If your store is not equipped automated system accounting for sales, then you can generate a report on retail sales in 1C 8.3 Accounting manually. To do this, go to the "Sales" section (1) and click on the link "Retail sales reports" (2).

In the window that opens, you see a list of previously created documents. Click the "Report" button (3) and select the "Manual POS" link (4). A form for creating a document will open.

In the window that opens, specify:

  • Formation date (5). If the report is generated over several days, put the last date of the period;
  • Your organization (6);
  • Warehouse (Outlet) (7). A separate warehouse is created for each point. We remind you that the type of warehouse in this case should be "Manual outlet";
  • Article DDS (8). Select the "Retail Revenue" value from the directory.

In the commodity part, fill in:

  • Sold goods (9);
  • Its quantity (10);
  • Selling price (11);
  • VAT rate (12).

To execute, press the button "Post and close" (13). The document will be posted only if incoming cash orders or payment card transactions were created during the reporting period. Moreover, the amount in the report must match the amount of cash payments and card transactions. If the amount of payments for the reporting period is 140,000-00 rubles, and the amount of goods sold in the sales report is 145,000-00 rubles, then when posting the document, an error message will appear: “Available retail revenue for sales: 140,000, required: 145,000. Missing the revenue must first be credited with the Cash receipt document.

Now the document has appeared in the general list of reports. When it is carried out in accounting 1C 8.3 Accounting, postings are formed to write off the cost of goods sold. Postings are also created on the off-balance accounts of the RV “Retail revenue” and postings for adjusting revenue on account 90 “Revenue” (postings for the total amount are reversed and new ones are formed, broken down by nomenclature and quantity).

Step 3. Create an Inventory Report

You can generate a sales report for a manual point of sale from an inventory document. This document automatically calculates the accounting quantity of goods on the inventory date. It also manually indicates the actual number of goods identified as a result of the recount. The difference between the booked quantity and the actual quantity will be transferred to the retail sales report. Next, read how to create such a report in 1C 8.3 Accounting.

Create an inventory of goods in 1C 8.3

Go to the section "Warehouse" (1) and click on the link "Inventory of goods" (2). A window with previously created inventories will open.

In the window that opens, click the "Create" button (3). An inventory form will open.

In the "Inventory of goods" window, specify:

  • Inventory date (4);
  • Your organization (5);
  • Point of sale (warehouse) (6);
  • Responsible person (7).

Now in the commodity part in the field "Accounting quantity" (10) we see the balances according to the data accounting. In the "Actual quantity" field (11), manually enter the actual number of goods on the inventory date. After that, in the "Deviation" field (12), the quantity of goods sold will be automatically calculated. To conduct an inventory, press the "Record" (13) and "Perform" (14) buttons.

Generate Retail Sales Report from Product Inventory

To create a sales report, click the "Create based on" button (15) and select the link "Retail sales report" (16). The completed sales document will open.

In the document that opens, enter the correct date (17), check the quantity sold (18) and the selling price of the goods (19). To reflect sales in accounting, click the Post and close button (20). Now in accounting there are postings for writing off the cost of goods sold. Postings were also generated on the off-balance accounts of RV "Retail revenue" and postings for adjusting revenue on account 90 "Revenue".

Step 4: Create a retail sales report for an automated point of sale

If your store is equipped with an automated sales accounting system, then the retail sales report in 1C 8.3 Accounting is generated automatically. To see it, go to the "Sales" section (1) and click on the link "Retail Sales Reports" (2). A list of previously created documents will open.

There are two types of reports in the list:

  • With the type of operation "Retail store";
  • With the type of operation "Non-automated outlet".

In automated point of sale reports, the transaction type should be "Retail store" (3). This report, as we have already said, is automatically loaded into 1C 8.3 Accounting. Loading schedule depends on software your store. Before running a report, go into it and check all the data. To enter it, double-click on it in the general list of reports (4).

In the report that opens, check the date (5), point of sale (warehouse) (6), quantity (7) and sales price (8) of the goods sold. In the lower part of the window, check the total amount (9) with the amount of payment received for the report period. These two figures must be equal. After verification, swipe the document. To do this, click the "Post and close" button (10). Now in accounting there are entries for writing off the cost of goods sold and for recording revenue. Also, the report on retail sales for an automated point of sale generates postings for the receipt of cash payments. In this it differs from a report on a non-automated point of sale, where payment entries are generated by the receipts.

You can also create a report for an automated outlet manually, similar to a report for a non-automated outlet.

Attention is important! As we have already said, the report on retail sales for an automated outlet itself generates postings for the receipt of cash payments. In order for these payments to be reflected in the cash book, you must create an incoming cash order. At the same time, in order not to double the accounting entries for the receipt of money, in the incoming cash order in the field “Type of operation”, you must specify “Retail revenue”. In this case, the recipient will not generate accounting entries, but will be reflected in the cash book.

This manual will help you step by step to reflect all retail operations in . I want to review here following points: setting up postings in the retail sales report, receipt of goods and moving them to retail, sale from a retail warehouse, sale of goods in non-automated outlets (NTT) and receipt or collection of proceeds at the cash desk.

Non-automated outlets in 1C are trade objects in which it is not possible to put a computer or establish a connection with a common database. Sales data is not entered daily. This is, for example, a stall or exit trade.

As a rule, before reaching the retail warehouse or NTT warehouse, the goods fall on the wholesale warehouse. At the wholesale warehouse, it is processed and then moved to retail.

I will not describe the receipt at the wholesale warehouse, since there is about it. I will give only an example of filling out a 1C document so that my further actions are clear:

Setting item prices in 1C for retail

After receipt, you need to set retail prices for goods in 1C. For this, the document "" is used. It is entered in the "Warehouse" section. But we will create a document based on the receipt document. Let's go to the previously created goods receipt document and click the "Create based on" button. In the drop-down list, select the item "Set item prices".

A new document window will open, where the main details will already be filled in, it remains only to specify the price type. In order not to return to this section, let's create two such documents at once, where we assign prices for the "Retail" and "Retail price" types. We will make the prices the same. Here is an example document:

By clicking the "Change" button, special options for manipulating the price are also available. For example, increase or decrease by the specified percentage.

Moving goods from wholesale to retail warehouse

Now you can move the goods from the wholesale warehouse to retail. For this, the program uses the document "". It is located in the Warehouses section.

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Before making the transfer, we need to set up two warehouses - one with the type of warehouse "Retail", the second with the attribute "Manual outlet".

Warehouses are created in the "Directories" - "Warehouses" section.

Let's call the first warehouse "Shop No. 2", the type of warehouse - "Retail store". We select the price type from the "Nomenclature price types" reference book:

Let the second one be called "Trading Room". "Warehouse type" - "Manual outlet", Price type "Retail", - "Products".

We will also create two documents 1C 8.3: "Shop No. 2" and "Trading Room". Documents will also be created on the basis of the goods receipt document. In this case, we will only have to fill in the requisite "Warehouse - recipient" and the quantity of goods:

As a result, our goods have a price and are in retail warehouses. You can proceed to the registration of the sale of goods.

Retail sales report in 1C for a store

To reflect the sale of goods in retail, we need the Retail Sales Report document from the Sales section. First, we will issue a sales document from a retail warehouse. It is not much different from the document "". The only difference is that the counterparty is not indicated and you can immediately reflect the proceeds from the sale.

For this, a cash account is selected. For analytics in 1C, you can also fill in the details "DDS Movement". This will be a subconto at the cash register account. Document example:

Sale of goods in NTT

When selling goods in a non-automated outlet at the end of the shift, we do not know how many goods are sold. But we know how much was moved from the wholesale warehouse. How to fill out a retail sales report in 1C 8.3 (8.2) in this case?

To calculate the quantity of goods sold, you need to calculate the remaining goods in stock and subtract it from the receipt quantity. For example, 50 packages of sweets were transferred to NTT, after the sale 30 packages remained. Accordingly, 20 packages were sold.

To reflect this calculation in the program, you must use the document "" (section "Warehouse").

In the header of the document, we indicate the organization and warehouse of NTT.

In the tabular section, we add and indicate the actual balance in the warehouse. You can use the Fill button. The deviation from the accounting quantity will be our sale: