Why is the internet turned off. Why is the Internet constantly disconnecting on the computer

Since the Internet is constantly disconnected today, a rarity, I will only tell you how I fixed such vulnerabilities on windows 7. So to speak, I will share my own experience.

On the net (on other sites) I think why the Internet constantly crashes, you will find much more information.

I will not write much, I will describe only a single case. My problem was solved - I think it will solve it for someone else, unless of course someone visits this page.

If the Internet continues to turn off constantly and further (there is no difference on a laptop or computer), and even other sources will not help, I advise you to use others instead of the word “turns off” when searching.

For example: flies, disappears, breaks, interrupts, turns off, breaks, flies off, falls off, knocks out, cuts out, throws out, disconnects, throws out, cuts off, connection breaks, etc.

At that time I used the Internet from intertelecom. You can have any other, for example: byfly, megaphone, beeline, mts, rostelecom and others.

What should I do first. I was aware that viruses are very strongly associated with the Internet. Yes, yes, they will turn off literally everything in the computer, you just let them do it.

It is best to check a laptop or computer (except for your own antivirus),.

Yes, I forgot to write at the very beginning, but I don’t want to rewrite. I didn't have much time then. I was gone for 2 weeks, and during this time my wife worked wonders with the computer.

Therefore, I cannot tell you the exact reason why the Internet began to disconnect constantly. I performed four "manipulations" in one fell swoop.

I already described one, although I started with another. I called the operator so that the engineers scanned my connection and updated the loop (when you contact them, they will tell you what to do).

I was told to turn off the internet and reconnect in half an hour. In order not to lose time, I completed three more jobs. I described one above - I scanned the laptop with Dr. Web.

Then he returned the system a week ago, using it (my wife told me that the Internet began to turn off constantly just a week ago).

In conclusion, I also used the fixing of connections using standard Windows tools. When the Internet is disconnected, launch the Internet Explorer browser, there will be an option: "fix connection".

That's all I did, I don't know what exactly helped, but when I connected the Internet, everything started to work like a clock.

I know that what is written above will not solve all the problems with the departure of the Internet - only one life case is described. Good luck.

“The Internet periodically disappears”, “Yesterday I used the Internet, but today I lost connection”, “The program does not want to connect to the Internet” - these and many other similar complaints can be heard from users who, for one reason or another, faced the problem of lack of connection to the global network. It is not pleasant to receive such problems if your activity is connected with daily visits to the network, whether you use it for communication, work or entertainment purposes. There can be many reasons for the lack of connection to the Internet, and I will try to give general advice on how to eliminate them, but first you need to figure out why your Internet is still missing.

The whole complex of reasons why you may not have the Internet, I divided into two groups of external and internal. By external causes, I include those that lie outside your computer system and which are very difficult to solve on your own. Usually, to restore breaks for external reasons, you have to contact various service organizations. The internal ones are quite amenable to solving on their own, as they are located in the coverage area of ​​your own computer system.

External reasons for disconnecting the Internet

1. Problems with the provider

This reason for the lack of communication, I, perhaps, put in the first place among others. The provider is an intermediate link between you and the global network. Everything that you request or receive from the network will necessarily pass through the provider. It is this organization that will be responsible for communicating with the Internet in front of you and in most cases, in case of unexplained disconnections, you need to contact the technical service of your provider. Of course, not all the problems of the lack of the Internet can be solved through the service of technicians, since your system with the complex of programs installed in it, as well as their settings, can also be the culprit for disconnections. But believe me, in most cases, the issue of restoring communication via the Internet channel lies within the competence of your provider. The reason for this may be damaged wires, failed equipment, or even unscheduled work that you forgot to warn about.

It will also not be superfluous to check the balance of your Internet account, access to which is required to be provided by each provider. Depending on the chosen tariff and internal rules providing access to the Internet, each organization may set its own limits for your balance, within which you can continue to use the Internet channel. As soon as the balance goes beyond these limits (for example, it becomes less than 0 rubles), Internet access is automatically blocked by the provider's system. Comes to funny cases. A similar thing happened to me when I used Internet access through an MTS provider. One day, my account balance was about 5-6 rubles, after which the Internet stopped connecting at all. At the same time, the technical service claimed that no sanctions should follow from any positive balance from their system. However, as soon as I topped up my account for another 100 rubles, the connections immediately returned to normal.

2. Interruption of communication channels

Also, a common cause of a suddenly lost connection may be hidden in a violation of the integrity of physical channels located within the building / apartment / room where the Internet channel is routed. To accurately diagnose such reasons, you need to know the type and characteristics of the physical communication channel through which the Internet comes to you within your premises.

If this is a cable type of channel (for example, telephone, television coaxial or twisted pair), be sure to check the integrity of the corresponding wires that are laid in your apartment. However, it must be added that in some cases it is not possible to check the integrity of the cable without special equipment, however, there are a number of diagnostic methods. cable connection and without professional tools.

A telephone connection, often used with ADSL or Dial-Up Internet connection channels, can be diagnosed using a regular phone that is connected instead of a modem. The absence of beeps in the handset will already unequivocally indicate a damaged line.

Twisted pair, which is usually connected directly to your computer's network card, is even easier to diagnose. In most cases, all you need to do is make sure that the RJ-45 LED on the port on the NIC where the twisted-pair cable is connected is green.

In most cases, the absence of light from the indicators indicates a malfunction in the cable itself or its connecting parts. However, if you do not have the necessary experience and knowledge in troubleshooting the above problems, it is better to turn to qualified craftsmen who can be invited through the provider's service or clarify their telephone contacts.

Internal causes of Internet shutdown

3. Faulty equipment

Quite an insidious type of problem. More than once I have seen cases when externally working equipment cannot fully connect to the Internet or works with periodic failures due to internal technical problems that are quite difficult to diagnose without special knowledge. By this point, I'm referring to modems and network cards, which are the intermediaries between your system and the provider's equipment and which you use to connect to the Internet.

You can make sure that the modem or network card is fully operational through the system hardware manager. To do this, right-click on the “ My computer” go to “ Properties". If you have Windows 7, then find on the left a link to the window “”, if you are the owner of Windows XP, then first go to the tab “ Equipment”, where you can see the button “”.

Now find your modem or network card in the list and make sure it doesn't have any yellow exclamation points assigned to it. If your network equipment ( specific type check with your provider) you do not find it in this list, then most likely the device is out of order. If a yellow exclamation mark is lit next to the device description, it means that it is incorrectly installed in the system and you must first reinstall the drivers for it, which are supplied separately by manufacturers and sellers on disks, or on manufacturers' websites on the Internet.

4. Wrong settings

The settings for the network connection to the Internet in the operating system are carried out at the initial stage of work. Usually it is no longer necessary to return to them after a one-time editing. But it may happen that the settings in the system are erroneously knocked down, for various reasons. The reason for this can be both the operating system itself and the programs installed in it, including virus ones. Human factors are not excluded, especially if the computer is used by several users. It may also be that the provider simply changed the Internet connection settings, but for some reason you were not notified about this.

In any case, it will be correct if you revise the connection settings. To do this, you need to obtain these settings from your provider, or find them if they have already been provided to you. Most providers provide their users detailed instructions for setting up connections. You will only need to “go over” all the points of such instructions again to check the existing connection, or create and configure a new connection, following the instructions of the document. However, I cannot describe more detailed actions in view of the many different options for setting up such connections from different providers.

5. Blocking viruses

Another insidious reason for interruptions in Internet communications is becoming more and more frequent. Today, there are many types of malicious programs that hide in the system and selectively block connections to certain sites or even all Internet traffic on the user's system. You can verify this, for example, if you cannot connect to large sites, but small sites and little-known web pages load without any problems.

Another way to check if viruses are involved in Internet problems is based on Windows Safe Mode. All you have to do is press the " F8” just before the operating system starts (before the Windows logo appears) and select the option “ Safe Mode with Network Driver Loading". In this case, it is highly likely that the operating system, having loaded its modules according to the minimum pattern, will ignore the launch of the blocking virus, which can be verified by working a little on the Internet.

To combat such viruses, use any updated anti-virus system, which is recommended to be launched from an external boot disk. The fact is that some viruses can disguise themselves and block the actions of antiviruses if they are running on the same operating system. Therefore, in order to successfully treat your system, it is advisable to connect to it from any other operating system that is obviously not infected with viruses. If you do not have the ability or proper qualifications to run the antivirus from external system, use at least the same Windows Safe Mode. In this case, it will be enough to select the option “ Safe mode”, after which you can run the installed antivirus for a complete system scan.

More details about independent search viruses on the computer I wrote in the article.

And do not worry about the fact that if you have not managed to restore the Internet connection, perhaps this is a great reason to go out and visit friends in real life. We watch a humorous positive video on this topic.

In this situation, there are a huge number of reasons why the Internet connection may disappear when you work at a computer. Now we will consider the most probable reasons for disconnecting the Internet:
1. Actually there were failures at the provider and the Internet turned off for a short time. If you have a router, you may need to reconnect to the network. For example, Asus routers have such a flaw.

2. Problems with the Internet cable that is included in the router or PC / laptop. This also often happens when contact periodically disappears. Remove the cable, clean the connector from dust and reconnect.

3.You may have recently installed software or a device that periodically causes a conflict with the Internet connection, especially if the driver of this device is incompatible with the OS (but this is not

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main). Such devices may include bluetooth, hamachi/tunngle virtual network emulators, and other software. If possible, restore the system to a state before installing the driver/software

4.View startup items and turn off unnecessary services and processes.

5.Check your PC for virus threats by updating antivirus databases. Check with two antiviruses for reliability. For example, Kaspersky and Doctor Web Scanner, which does not need to be installed. Viruses can also cause internet shutdowns.

6.Internet is still shutting down, then try resetting the BIOS.

7. Open the system unit and clean all the insides from dust, and also check the contacts, brackets, RAM, etc.

8.Try to set up your internet connection again. If it doesn’t help and the Internet is disconnected, then try deleting the connection and creating it again. Also, as an option, it is fashionable to remove the network card driver and re-download and install it. the main thing is to know which driver to download.

If nothing helps and the Internet is still missing, then there are 2 options: either something happened to the system or your network card shows signs that it will break soon.

By the way, try connecting the Internet directly to your PC/Laptop if you are using a router. If the Internet does not turn off, then the problem is in the router, reset the router settings and set it up again, and if it doesn’t help, change the router!

What to do if everything is in order with the router?
Ask a friend for a network card, and if everything is in order with it, then throw yours away and buy a new one. If the problem persists, try using the OS recovery disc and, if that doesn't help, reinstall the OS.

If you have questions, please ask. Good luck!

The Internet connection for operating systems such as Windows works very reliably and properly, both part 7 and 8, but often the Internet turns off in Windows 10. Fortunately, this problem is not at all difficult to fix. Just follow the instructions below and the problem of losing internet connection will be solved quickly and easily, and there will be less hassle with the connection.

Wi-Fi often disconnects or drops out on Windows 10

Some users have reported that their WiFi connection drops out and that the Internet just disconnects and then reconnects. As a rule, the connection to Wi-Fi is lost periodically, or after waking up from sleep mode. There are times when the internet stops working for a few seconds and then reappears. In any case, this creates a lot of inconvenience. You have to wait, restart your laptop, file downloads, watching movies, etc. are interrupted.

Let's take a closer look at why the Internet turns off in Windows 10?

Step 1Change power management

Step 2: Update network adapter drivers

If, after installing the "dozens", you cannot detect Wi-Fi on your laptop at all, then most likely the problem is in the wireless adapter driver. In general, the problem with the drivers is the most popular problem.

  1. Press the Windows key and X at the same time, then select Device Manager.
  2. Click to expand the Network adapters category. Then right-click on the wireless network adapter driver and select Update Driver.
  3. Then select "Search automatically" for updated driver software.
  4. If you see a notification that Windows has determined that the best driver for this device is already installed, then temporary disabling is not necessary.

This means that trying to update, simply put, in this way will not work, and you can find an alternative.

Of course, you can follow the instructions here, or look for drivers on the manufacturer's website, or for more help. But just looking for just a WiFi driver can consume a ton of time and energy.

So, why not take a shot at Driver Easy? It automatically helps you detect, download and install driver drivers in just a couple of minutes! First, download and install Driver Easy according to the instructions. Then start scanning. When the scan is finished, select the WiFi driver you have and choose Update.

All you have to do is click the Scan Now button and then click the Update button and your device drivers are easily updated!

Access to the Internet is provided to us by an Internet provider using various technologies - either ADSL, or 3G, or satellite Internet, and many other technologies. At a minimum, a modem is required (ADSL modem, 3G modem, etc.), but in most cases, access to global network multiple devices through one channel. To do this, you need an Internet router that will distribute network traffic inside local network, for example, between a desktop computer, a tablet and a smartphone.

Any router has at least two interfaces - one "looks" into the external network (WAN), the second - into the local area (LAN). There are usually more than one LAN ports, otherwise the meaning of routing is lost.

LAN and WAN ports

It is also possible to build as a wired computer network, and wireless (Ethernet technology and Wi-Fi).

Unstable router operation

Any router is a complex network hardware under the control of the processor, electronic memory, firmware (in some cases even full-fledged operating system). For this reason, not often, but there are failures in the operation of the router, as due to "buggy" hardware, there is also a "raw" firmware. As a result, the Internet does not connect through a router, communication breaks within the local network, underestimation bandwidth and data transfer rates.

Let's deal with several unpleasant situations when the router refuses to work in a decent way.

Causes of unstable Internet access

Lost Wi-Fi connection. There are at least three options here:

    Weak signal. Try to find a more central location for your wireless router so that the signal strength is uniform in all corners of the apartment.

Location of the router in the apartment

Also, if the Wi-Fi module operates at a frequency of 2.4 GHz, then you need to remember that working microwave ovens and stationary radio phones create huge interference;

    Bad antenna contact. If the antenna is non-removable, then in the absence of seals, you can open the router case and check the contacts. If it is removable, check the connection point, the antenna may have unscrewed;

    Unstable firmware. It is the “raw” firmware that is the most common reason that the router does not connect to the Internet properly, but with constant interruptions and similar troubles.

If everything is clear with the first two points, then we will dwell on updating the firmware in more detail.

Updating the router firmware

Firmware (firmware) is software the device that manages the processor, memory, traffic, and everything else. Updating the firmware is not a mandatory procedure, but highly recommended (although you should read real reviews on the forums first, new does not mean better).

So, first of all, we go to the official website of the manufacturer and download the file with the updated firmware version.

Firmware update

In the window that opens, click "Browse", specify the path to the firmware file, click "Update". After the update, we reconfigure the router (more on this in the next chapter of the article) and check whether the Internet disappears through the router or not. Helps very often.

Router setup

Since after updating the firmware, all previous settings are reset, but, of course, the WAN port must be reconfigured. This is done in the "Network" menu, "WAN" submenu.

WAN port setting

To configure a global port, you need to open an agreement with the provider, since further actions depend on the technology and connection protocol. For example, PPPoE, dynamic IP, etc.

Types of WAN connections

We select the required type in the list, if necessary, enter the name / login / IP address in the appropriate fields (all this is in the contract). If, after setting up, there is still no Internet through the router, then we reboot the router by completely turning off the power (not by software). If it still does not help, call the provider's support service.

Indicator LEDs

Any router is equipped with indicator LEDs on the front panel to inform the user about current state connection, and indeed about the operation of the router.

Front panel of the router

The panel can also be located on the top of the case, but conventionally it is still the front panel.

As you can see, each indicator has its own icon, which is very convenient and visual. The indicators show power, Wi-Fi status, LAN and WAN ports, and Internet connection status (second icon from the right). If the indicator is off - the router does not see the Internet, then either the router is configured incorrectly, or there are problems on the provider's side.

Indicators, depending on the manufacturer, may have different colors, multicolor, constant burning or flashing modes. More details can be found in the user manual of the router.

Provider promotions

Very often, in the struggle for a client, providers conduct promotional campaigns for newly connected subscribers. And the most common action is a gift of a router, or its sale for a symbolic cost (for example, for 1 ruble). Of course, you should not count on a powerful expensive model, but these devices are more than enough for home use. And the second pleasant moment of these promotions is that you don’t have to rack your brains on how to connect the router to the Internet, since the routers are already configured. All you have to do is turn it on and you're done, you're on the Internet.

The local network

As a rule, a local network computer must first connect to a gateway router (a router that “looks” to the outside world, that is, is connected to the provider), and here the first problem may appear - an IP address conflict.

IP address conflict

The fact is that within the same computer network there cannot be two computers with the same IP address (should not be confused with neighboring networks - the same IP addresses are allowed between two subnets). This happens because the router automatically distributes network addresses (DHSP server) to newly connected machines, and often it assigns one address to two computers.

IP address conflict

If such a message is displayed when trying to connect to the router, this is exactly the case. There are two solutions here - either try to connect again, while the router will try to assign a different address, or assign an explicit IP address to the computer manually, obviously free.

If, at the same time, the wifi router does not distribute the Internet to this particular computer, and all other computers on the local network have access, then the Firewall built into the computer is probably blocking the connection. Let's consider it in more detail.


Firewall (or firewall) is one of the degrees of computer protection against threats from the outside world. It is a “wall” that allows guaranteed traffic to pass through and blocks either suspicious activity or obviously hacker attacks.

computer firewall

But it so happened that what was conceived is somewhat different from what was done, and if the firewall is configured incorrectly, in the end it only interferes with normal access, which helps, not allowing safe traffic to pass through. As a result, most users simply turn off the wall, relying on the conscientious work of the antivirus and the built-in wall in the router.

If at the same time the router still turns off the Internet, then you need to carefully review the settings of the WAN port. Next, using an example, consider the settings of several of the most common router models.

Router settings

Router first

First, consider the model from TP-Link, the router model is tl-wr741nd.

Router first

We go into the settings of the router, select the "Network" menu item, then the "WAN" sub-item. In the "Type of WAN connection" list, select the type of connection according to the provider's agreement (we will look at the clause of the agreement on how to configure the Internet through a router).

Also, according to the contract, we enter the IP address, subnet mask and the address of the main gateway (router on the provider's side).

Attention! For the changes to take effect, after entering the data, click the "Save" button!

Everything, setting up a connection with the provider is over, if there is still no connection to the Internet, then qualified help from the support service is needed.

Router 2

The second router is Keenetic from the manufacturer ZyXEL.

Router 2

We connect to the router, go to the "Internet" menu, then the "Connection" submenu. Further, everything is standard - the choice of the type of connection, addresses, passwords, etc.

After setting, click "Apply".

If any of the points is not clear, you can see the instructions for setting up the router (section Internet settings through a router), or read forums on this topic on another computer with access to the network.

Router third

The third is the Asus router, model RT-G32. Also, as in the previous examples, we find the “WAN” menu item, then in the window that opens, select the “Internet Connection” tab.

Router third

As usual, select the connection type in the corresponding field, and, according to the selected type, fill in the remaining fields.

You can additionally learn how to connect the Internet through a router in the video lesson: