What departments can be opened in a shopping center. Islands for shopping centers: starting a business in retail trade

  • Fast food - traditional hamburgers and hot dogs, pizza, pancakes
  • Refreshments - cocktails, bottled water, soda
  • Gadgets and accessories - phone cases, headsets, keychains, wallets
  • Costume jewelry - watches, women's and men's jewelry
  • Cosmetics and perfumes
  • Souvenir products - designer T-shirts, mugs, badges, themed souvenirs
  • Coffee shop - coffee to take with you or drink at the bar
  • Car accessories - key fobs, heated seats, dashboard souvenirs, any interesting to the client auto device

When choosing an assortment, take into account the specifics of the shopping center. For example, accessories and perfumes will be in demand in clothing centers, and drinks or fast food are universal and suitable for almost any shopping center with good traffic. Also, when choosing, you need to take into account the requirements of the center itself; often in the shopping center charter there are bans on the operation of stalls selling exotic food or perfumes, since the smell will spread throughout the trading floor. Study the specifics of such trading platforms and the center where you are planning to open in order not to be disappointed in the business in the first month of work.

An important factor is the lack of competition, especially from large stores. For example, there is no point in selling shoes on an island in mall, specializing in the sale of clothing. A much more profitable solution would be to sell accessories or clothing care products in such a place.

So, when choosing an assortment, take into account the interest of customers, the type and features of the shopping center, the presence of competitors who can offer a better assortment, more attractive prices or other advantages.

Where to place the island: choosing a shopping center

Location point of sale directly affects. The choice of shopping center is made taking into account the following factors:

  • The target direction of the shopping center, whether the selected assortment fits.
  • Availability of convenient areas in the shopping center (foyers, halls, passage corridors between stores).
  • Availability of shopping center conditions for registration trading island— the requirements come down to the type of structures, the presence of glazed structures, lighting and other relevant parameters general style shops.
  • There is a list of products allowed for sale from shopping centers; some centers prohibit the sale of food, souvenir kiosks and the distribution of some other goods.

The main factor of choice is the traffic of the shopping center. You can get acquainted with the numbers by studying the shopping center statistics published on official websites. It’s not always worth chasing high traffic. Rent of retail space in centers with high traffic is higher than that of competitors. At first, the cost of rent is a priority and it is better to give preference to a lesser-known establishment with an affordable rent price.

In addition, popular shopping centers place increased demands on the design of shopping islands. Requires the provision of visual materials on the location of the island in trading floor. Making sketches and visualizations in a design office is expensive and these requirements are considered unnecessary.

When signing a lease agreement, check the possibility of installing additional islands on the territory of the shopping center. If the business goes well, expanding the business will allow you to generate additional profits and it is necessary to consider options for renting additional sites in advance.

Pay attention to the presence of security in the shopping center, which will monitor not only individual stores, but also the island in the trading floor. The availability of goods makes them easy money for criminals.

When making your selection, focus on rental costs, opportunities to grow your business, and whether the mall has regulations.

Advantages of a shopping island

Trade Island is an optimal platform that does not require significant investments in rent. The island has the following advantages:

The positive features of the island make it convenient platform for trading and working with clients. By ordering an island with bright decor, you will be the center of attention, attracting customers to you and not letting them just pass by.

Shopping center islands equipped with wheels, designed, for example, for selling food products, are convenient for moving around a shopping center. Having chosen such a site, you can agree with the shopping center on preferential terms of cooperation, because the rent will be minimal. In addition, the wheelbase will allow you to move with customers, taking into account the workload of different departments at different times of the day.

Possible disadvantages

In addition to the obvious advantages, a retail island has disadvantages that need to be taken into account when planning the operation of the site. In particular, the disadvantages include:

  • Lack of storage space in the island - it will not be possible to store a stock of goods or products
  • Decrease in trade due to the wrong choice of trading positions - a small area means little space for displaying goods, and if the showcase displays products that are uninteresting to customers and which are not yet updated, interest may quickly disappear
  • Strict requirements for the design and assortment of products from most shopping centers; the island must match the style of other stores and fit into the general

All the disadvantages come down to the limited space that needs to be used wisely. Test in practice which products attract customers' attention by displaying them in prominent places. Change layout options and assortment to find best solutions and attract regular customers with new products. There is always room for experimentation in trading.

To avoid most problems, read the shopping center requirements for placing islands. Compliance with the requirements and norms of the landlord eliminates and will allow you to work calmly and make a profit.

We work independently or as a franchise

Starting a business on your own, selecting and purchasing goods can cost a relatively reasonable price, without exceeding your budget. But by working on your own behalf, you lose the main component of trade - brand recognition. Clients see your trading platform, but do not see familiar advertising or a familiar logo on it, the effect of trust in a trusted brand does not turn on, which means you are at risk long time remain without buyers until you have earned your own positive reputation.

To start right away successful trading, you can take advantage of job offers for . Many large brands operating in the food, cosmetics, perfumes, clothing and jewelry trade offer franchise cooperation. In particular, there are many proposals for small sites, such as shopping islands for shopping centers.

By working as a franchise, you immediately get the opportunity to offer products from a trusted brand, and the opportunity to use a well-known logo when decorating the island. Working under a franchise of a well-known brand, you can ensure an effective and constant flow of customers from the very first days. Franchise companies offer own options and solutions for the design of retail islands, the client can have a ready-made structure at his disposal, bypassing the stage of designing and manufacturing a custom-made site.

Regardless of the option chosen, consider your own financial capabilities and options for timely recoupment of the business.

Before ordering the production of a trading island, pay attention to the recommendations for starting a business:

  1. Weigh the pros and cons of islands - this trading platform convenient for beginners, easy to maintain and a good level of profit when doing things correctly.
  2. Carefully select the assortment, take into account the interest of customers and the focus of the shopping center where the island will be located
  3. Don’t chase high traffic numbers when choosing a shopping center; it’s better to choose a favorable combination of rental costs and the number of clients per day and on weekends
  4. Choose an attractive design for the island, providing more space for displaying goods, an attractive design design, and create storage areas for product supplies.
  5. Consider opening a franchise business - a well-known brand will help you start successful trading from day one.
  6. Participate in sales - at first, you can work as a salesperson independently or supervise the work of salespeople, this will allow you to better understand the needs of customers and make changes to your business strategy.
  7. in other shopping centers, design features, methods of working with clients and other things useful in work.
  8. Update your assortment or replenish stocks before the weekend, when the influx of visitors is maximum.
  9. Think about renting storage facilities on the territory of a shopping center - a warehouse nearby will avoid delays in trade.


Judging by the fact that such “islands” are constantly closed after a couple of months of existence, not everyone manages to guess the assortment. What taxes does the owner of such a retail outlet usually have to pay?


Not everyone Retail Stores need large retail space andLandlords are meticulous about every meter of space from which they can make a profit, so island pavilions are a very relevant type of retail ​ trade.

Advantages and disadvantages

Costs of producing a retail island in a shopping center much less than opening a full-fledged store, but the advantages are obvious:
- an island store is located, as a rule, at the intersection of customer flows, which ensures good traffic
- the ratio of the rental rate to the occupied space is more favorable than that of a full-fledged store.

However, the pavilion for a shopping center also has its disadvantages:
- lack of storage facilities
- due to strict size requirements it is impossible to display a wide range of products

Which retail segments is this option suitable for? commercial equipment? First of all, stores with oversized goods that do not need to be tried on. This format is usually used for trading accessories for phones, leather goods, perfumes, as well as nail bars, juice bars, etc.

Shopping center requirements

Some shopping centers have their own requirements for the design and materials of retail equipment. These requirements are determined by the desire to maintain a unified style of the shopping gallery.

In terms of dimensions, the island should not exceed, as a rule, 160 cm in height, so as not to block the buyer’s view of the gallery.

Almost all shopping centers require the tenant to agree with them on the design of the kiosk; to do this, it is enough to perform a 3D visualization linked to a photo.

On average, it takes no more than 3 weeks to manufacture island retail equipment. In the case of an exclusive design or complex structure, it may take a month.

Materials, technologies and prices

The cost of manufacturing a trading island is individual and depends on the materials used, dimensions and design.

Cheapest option:

If a retailer has a small budget, he can save significantly by using inexpensive materials such as chipboard, however appearance such a retail outlet will be quite modest.

Option from laminated chipboard Option from laminated chipboard Option from laminated chipboard

Advantages of laminated chipboard:

- production speed


Modest appearance
- inability to use on radius elements
- color range and choice of textures is limited by the manufacturer

The middle option is the golden mean:

The golden mean for making equipment is plastic. As a rule, it is used only for finishing the façade elements of island showcases that are visible to the buyer, so the increase in the cost of the project is not critical against the backdrop of a more spectacular appearance. Plastic has a wide range of colors, the ability to stylize the surface like metal, wood, etc. We make about 70% of our products with plastic finishing.

Advantages of plastic equipment:

Glossy surface
- wide selection of colors and textures (wood, metal, etc.)
- high wear resistance and resistance to mechanical damage
- possibility of use in bent products


Seams at the corners of products (plastic joints, not noticeable). In dark colors they are not noticeable at all.

In the conditions of modern competition, sellers of goods are looking for new opportunities that would allow them to sell goods with greatest success. An island in a shopping center will require the least investment. This is a small point accessible potential buyers on four sides.

This link will be useful for those who decide to open their own island. When manufacturing commercial equipment, the requirements of the shopping center and the characteristics of the goods sold will be taken into account.

Advantages and disadvantages

Trading islands have a small area, it rarely exceeds 10 m². This has its advantages:

  1. Compactness allows you to save on rent.
  2. On such an island you can sell a wide variety of products, ranging from food products, ending with electronics. Islands can also be used to provide various types services.
  3. Small shopping island Can be placed in high traffic areas.
  4. Trade equipment is easily installed, and if necessary, disassembled and transported to a new location.

But the small size of the outlet also has its disadvantages. These include the impossibility of arranging a fitting room and the lack of storage space.

Product selection

When deciding which product is best to trade on an island, you need to evaluate its location.

If your outlet is located near a department with a large household appliances, then buyers may be interested in an inexpensive product that they can purchase without thinking too much about the purchase.

Also popular in this place will be a tray with tea and coffee. In the pedestrian zone, cocktail minibars, stalls with unusual sweets and retail outlets offering tasty snacks on the go are very popular.

The island can be a good place to sell decorative cosmetics, as well as other cosmetics. Batteries, headphones and various accessories for phones are well sold in such places.

Islands that provide gift wrapping services and also sell balloons and other holiday paraphernalia are successful in shopping centers.

The success of a business depends on several factors. If you have opened an island, then you need to constantly monitor sales. Non-traditional items need to be changed, since the small display space does not allow for demonstration a large number of goods.

Focusing on the target audience will allow you to very quickly get your first profit with a minimum investment.

Business requires investment, which is always associated with risks. To minimize investments and risks, you can use the idea of ​​a business island. An island in a shopping center is a small trading area in the middle of a shopping center.

Many shopping centers provide designated spaces, mostly on walk-through lines, for rent. The idea of ​​a business island is attractive because it does not require large investments, often used in small business development.

Opening a kiosk in large shopping centers implies the presence of a well-built marketing company.

When planning or looking for an economically profitable investment that pays off as quickly as possible, your gaze falls on the island. Besides regulatory documents and contracts, to start trading you only need to install a lightweight structure that is assembled on site from body parts. The existence of pitfalls has provoked some outflow of finance in this area. All features, including negative ones, must be taken into account when opening an island.

Features of the island

Each type of investment is associated with risks, advantages and not entirely obvious disadvantages. The island is no exception; before implementing the idea, you need to know about the advantages:

  1. Location in the most popular places where a lot of people gather. It’s especially good if people are waiting for something nearby, for example, a movie screening;
  2. The compactness of the site allows you to save on rent; the size ranges from 2-15 m2;
  3. Sales of a huge variety of goods. A retailer can earn money from services, food or non-food products;
  4. The kiosk is mobile and can change its location if necessary.

A business idea should be comprehensively studied based on the other side, so the disadvantages:

  1. Strict standards for structural design. They can be regulated by both the shopping center and the franchise agreement;
  2. The showcase has small volumes. On the one hand, it allows you to concentrate the buyer on the target product, on the other hand, a wide range of it will not be possible to develop;
  3. Lack of utility rooms. There is no way to try things on, fold them or produce them. This greatly limits the types of products;
  4. Rent terms. A reduction in rental costs may result in inconvenient demands from the shopping center. A preliminary analysis of the points and terms of the contract is necessary.

A successful investment is one where the advantages are perfected and the disadvantages are used to your advantage. An interesting idea attracts a flow of customers, but this will take time. For a quick start, a franchise is used; well-known brands will allow you to work under their own name for an agreed fee.

Choosing a shopping center

Each center has designed spaces for islands. They were planned at the construction stage and are located in large gaps of free space. The number of islands is approximately calculated initially, but slight changes occur.

To choose the best place in terms of traffic and target audience, you should book it from the moment the center was built. This is how the greatest return from retail is achieved, but in shopping centers that have already been put into operation there is plenty to choose from. For the landlord key task is conservation general design or a center concept that may impede creative business opportunities, they should be carefully examined.

When choosing a shopping center for location, trafficability is considered a fundamental factor. Each center calculates the approximate number of people walking in a peak hour. A good location and a large influx of people are fundamental truths for the success of the island.

You shouldn’t rely only on popularity, since well-known centers can set inflated rental prices and strict terms of cooperation. In the most accessible shopping centers there is fierce competition.

In the most popular centers, islands of famous brands turn out to be more profitable. It is very difficult to compete with them, since the buyer prefers a well-known, advertised brand. An interesting idea does not bring the expected profit; fierce competition extinguishes the potential. You can influence buyer behavior using marketing and its tricks. Advertising requires financial costs, this should be taken into account immediately; according to agency estimates, the cost of promotion is 60-70 thousand, but it is calculated individually.

An unusual and quite popular orange-shaped outlet selling drinks.

The general design of the site does not always correspond to the idea, since the specific requirements of the landlord take precedence. Thus, shopping centers with a large flow limit the height of the structure, the material and often require lighting that flows organically into the room.

Unusual shopping island

Custom designed

Experience in entrepreneurial activity Many people are advised to start a business with simpler, less promoted, but also more loyal shopping centers. This way, the rental cost will be much lower, and choosing an island will be easier due to the availability of places. Here imagination in choosing the assortment, location, design and decoration plays a key role. It is much easier to compete; the main aspect for the buyer is originality and the ability to interest.

Product selection

There are 3 main directions for retail in the islands:

  1. Selling products;
  2. Non-food products;
  3. Provision of services.

Food products are always in demand, regardless of the situation in the country. Every visitor to a shopping center wants to try interesting drinks and food, and you can build a business on this factor. It is the assortment that is important; it can be standard or original.

Without bothering with goods, you can sell drinks, popcorn, cotton candy, etc. There will always be buyers at such an island, but only choosing a location will help ensure a stable influx and interest in the product. Successful kiosks can be found near cinemas, playgrounds, etc. It is better to have a crowd of people waiting nearby. The disadvantage of this approach is that everyone knows for sure that in 50 m they will meet the same kiosk, and the price there may be lower.

Unusual and interesting idea always lures visitors to try something that is not in the assortment of ordinary islands; many will want to. This is how an individual customer base is formed, which then allows you to develop the brand and create kiosks in other shopping centers with an already recognizable name.

Non-food products - the range here is really huge, from beautiful trinkets to useful tools. The main thing in the matter is to focus on the target buyer. There is probably a fan store for certain games, cars, etc. in the shopping center. High-tech technologies, such as quadcopters, are becoming popular. By adjusting the assortment to the audience, it is possible to achieve consistently high revenue.

The service kiosk is very limited in functionality. Most types of services require either privacy or additional space. There are also those that are actively used, for example, nail art, braiding, costume photography, etc.

Standard manicure island

In addition to the type of product big role its quality plays a role. We need to focus either on demanding customers or on consumer goods. Ordinary, cheap goods are in demand among poor buyers who do not want to overpay, but profit depends only on the quantity of goods sold.

Exclusive, high-quality goods are the prerogative of demanding buyers, but there are not many of them. Revenue from 1 product may be good, but the regularity of purchases is low. But formation is taking place client base, the number gradually increases regular customers exclusive.

Designer T-shirts Provocation

Previously, a successful clothing island was extremely difficult to find. The introduction of bright showcases of the Provokatsia brand with equally bright T-shirts changed the state of affairs. The somewhat aggressive design of the island and T-shirts attracts the younger generation. So today the number of outlets has exceeded 100 - this is all the result of the franchisees.

Initially, you need to invest about 550 thousand rubles, and the expected profit is 3.57 million rubles.

Cocktails Tea Funny Point

Food brands are incredibly successful, especially in pedestrian areas. The kiosk sells bubble tea cocktails. It contains an unusual combination of tea, milk, syrup and the addition of gelatin balls with juice. Originality of idea, recognizable brand and minimum investment provoked a whole stir around the brand.


  1. A small amount of space, about 4 m2;
  2. Royalty is only 4% and must be paid only in the second year of operation;
  3. Investments 800 thousand rubles;
  4. The kiosk design has been coordinated with the most popular landlords and does not cause problems with placement.


Autodevice is the most successful solution, as the island offers to buy versatile accessories and devices for the car. So the range consists of radars, recorders, navigators, etc. The car enthusiast often forgets to purchase such small car components. When the eye falls on such a kiosk, a person automatically remembers that he has wanted this for a long time.

It is convenient to use Autodevice as a franchise because of the symbolic lump-sum payment of 39 thousand rubles, and there are no royalties. To start, you need 900 thousand rubles, the expected profit is 2.1 million rubles.

Experienced entrepreneurs take into account all-round business development factors. Before you start you need:

  • Determining a place to rent. The easy way out isn't always the best way. It is necessary to find out the conditions and location of several potential shopping centers, then, based on comparisons, determine the best one;
  • The focus of the center should be taken into account; there are clothing centers, restaurant complexes, etc. You should not adhere to standard frameworks. An island of products would work well in the center of clothing, and in restaurants there would be exclusive non-food products(for example, a jewelry corner);
  • At the initial stage, strict control should be carried out: over sellers, take into account popular and useless goods, analyze successful marketing moves;
  • The design of the island must inspire confidence, so the quality of materials and workmanship are discussed in advance with the contractor. Conclude a contract for the production of the structure, which specifies all the necessary specifications and order delivery time.

How to open a point in a shopping center - we will analyze the most important sections of a business plan + 6 bonus tips from experienced entrepreneurs.

Capital investment per point: from 8,000,000 rubles per year.
Payback of business in a shopping center: from 1 year.

Opening a point in a shopping center scares newcomers with the amount of capital investment.

However, they forget to take into account how many bonuses such placement gives.

The higher the rent, the more popular the location.

And this is synonymous with a large flow of people who can become clients.

It will be easier to attract them than if the store was located in a separate room.

These and many other advantages of locating in shopping centers are understood by many hardened businessmen who open sales points there.

Business plan for a point in a shopping center- the first document that is required in organizing a business.

In it, information about the store will be analyzed, systematized and calculated.

Why do you need to open a location in a shopping center?

If other people's experiences do not convince you, evaluate the pros and cons of locating in a shopping center yourself.

While you are renovating and decorating the premises, you can take a “vacation”. That is, for 1-2 months you pay only utility costs. Significant savings!As a rule, you will have to coordinate almost every step: from the style of the sign to the order in which the goods are displayed.
Together with retail space you will receive a video surveillance service in the shopping center, parking spaces for clients, and the opportunity to use local cleaning services.Free cheese only comes in a mousetrap. Typically, shopping center maintenance is also included in your monthly bill along with utilities.
The advertising carried out by the center also works for you.Renting a place in a shopping center, especially a popular one, is always expensive.
Location near major outlets will ensure a stable flow of customers.Often, when you move in, you have to pay a security deposit for 3(!) months of rent.
You will have a goods receiving area equipped in accordance with all the rules. Separate accommodation rarely allows for such luxury.If for some reason the popularity of a shopping center declines, it will immediately affect you.

There are indeed many strengths, but there are also a lot of disadvantages.

It is important to analyze them thoughtfully so that in the end it does not turn out that a considerable amount of rent was wasted.

What documents are needed to open an outlet in a shopping center?

It is impossible to open an outlet in a shopping center without the appropriate documentation.

Prepare for what you will need:

  • or LLC (depending on products, number of founders and other details).
  • Indicate the OKVED code corresponding to the activity.
  • Choose a tax system.
  • Obtain permission to trade at the point.
  • SES and Rospozharnadzor must issue permission to operate (this is the responsibility of the shopping center administration).
  • The management of the shopping center will need projects, estimates and diagrams.
    The list of papers in this case is individual, and it must be clarified when signing the contract.
  • Among other things, you need to obtain quality certificates for goods from suppliers or manufacturers.

Planning for opening a retail outlet in a business plan

Opening an outlet in a shopping center is difficult not because of the sophisticated organizational algorithm.

And because of potential serious risks that could lead to financial losses and even closure of the store.

They can be avoided through detailed activity planning.

Planning refers to a system of activities aimed at obtaining a complete picture of how a business can develop.

This includes analyzing the target audience, visitors to the shopping center, calculating the size of the future average bill, establishing the supply process, and choosing a marketing strategy.

  • realistic – based on dry facts and reflections;
  • optimistic – ideal development scenario;
  • pessimistic – what the business will look like if problems arise.

They will help the entrepreneur prepare for any outcome of the case.

Analysis of the shopping center before opening the outlet

The profitability of renting space in a shopping center is not always noticeable.

If you choose the wrong landlord, you can only get negative results from cooperation.

Choosing a shopping center is easy.

It is enough to devote two days for personal observations and analysis.

Draw conclusions based on the following indicators:

    Purchasing power.

    You won't be able to look into people's wallets or shopping bags.

    But even an hour of observing visitors will allow you to note how often they make purchases.

    Perhaps most come for fun and relaxation.

    This will be good for organizing fast food, but not for selling fur products.


    It is important that there are no direct competitors nearby.

    But large anchor points on similar topics will be beneficial.

    For example, many supermarkets carry pet products.

    But they offer a meager assortment there.

    What a personnel table for a small store might look like:

    This number of people will provide daily work points from 10:00 to 22:00 (standard working hours for most shopping centers).

    It is better to hire people yourself.

    You need to personally evaluate the person you trust to be the face of the store.

    Hiring a salesperson with experience is much preferable.

    But keep in mind that young and energetic guys more easily accept new rules and trends, and often bring “fresh breath” into business.

    To motivate employees to work better, introduce a payment of a fixed percentage of sales or bonuses for achieving set results.

    Marketing section of a business plan for a point in a shopping center

    Build without proper promotion successful business difficult, even when placing a point in a shopping center.

    Consider these options:

    • Preparation.

      While you are preparing the outlet for opening, it can become a means of external advertising.

      Close renovation work a banner on which you will announce the start of work, indicate the name and opening date.

      Mutual benefit.

      When an agreement with a shopping center is concluded on the basis of a percentage of turnover, and not a fixed fee, you can ask for the possibility of free promotion for the first time.

      Management can accommodate you halfway, because their income will depend on your success.

      Inside, the service costs much more, and its effect is lower.

      Attract “your people.”

      Create special discounts for center employees.

      This will draw their attention to the point.

      And if they like you, your fame will quickly spread among your friends.

      Convert to “permanents”.

      Also motivate your customers.

      Enter a loyalty program or a system of cumulative discounts.

    Financial section in the business plan of a point in a shopping center

    Without financial section in a business plan, an entrepreneur will not be able to calculate how much money it will take to open an outlet.

    It should be noted that until the payback period, the store will need to be “sponsored” from your personal financial cushion.

    How much money does it take to open a store in a shopping center?

    Expense itemAmount (rub.)
    Total:RUB 7,625,000
    Paperwork15 000
    Payment for renting a point (per year)500 000
    Purchase and installation of commercial equipment250 000
    Design of a point and production of a sign75 000
    Salary to employees (per year)250 000
    Store opening advertisement5 000
    Advertising campaign in the future20 000
    Creation and replenishment of inventory6 000 000
    Office expenses10 000

    After watching the following video, you can choose the right place in the shopping center to open your point:

    “If you require someone to give their time and energy to a business, then make sure that they do not experience financial difficulties.”
    Henry Ford

    1. At the point, shelves should appear stocked with product, but still allow customers to move around calmly and safely.
    2. You need to take care of your inventory immediately.

      Until you understand exactly which items are the most popular, it is important to have at least a few units of production.

      Try to position yourself near the so-called anchor points.

      These are the stores that attract the majority of mall visitors.

      A striking example is the Auchan, Obi, and Perekrestok supermarkets.

      Just as an adult cannot be completely “remade,” the audience of a shopping center cannot be changed.

      The portrait of the average buyer that you draw up during the analysis of the shopping center will remain the same after the opening of your point.

      You should not console yourself with false hopes about this.

    3. If you need to save on renting space, pay attention to island accommodation.
    4. Remember to look at the point not only as a manager, but also as a buyer.

      This will allow you to notice the disadvantages of service.

    How to open a point in a shopping center you know now.

    With due persistence, anyone can create a profitable business.

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