Mats bankruptcy trading floor. Convenient and affordable mats electronic platform

Thank you very much, Mikhail, everything was done promptly and, most importantly, it was clear to me ... Since we have found a common language. I would like to keep in touch with you in the future. I hope for fruitful cooperation.

Olesya Mikhailovna - CEO LLC "VKS"

On behalf of the State Unitary Enterprise "Sevastopol Aviation Enterprise" we express our gratitude for the professionalism and efficiency of your company! We wish your company further prosperity!

Guskova Liliya Ivanovna - manager. SUE "SAP"

Thank you Michael for your help with the design. Very qualified employee +5!

Nadiya Shamilyevna - Entrepreneur IP Anoshkina

On behalf of the company "AKB-Avto" and on my own behalf, I express my gratitude to you and all the employees of your company for the productive and quality work, sensitive attitude to the requirements of the client and efficiency in the execution of ordered work.

Nasibullina Alfira - Senior Manager"AKB-Auto"

I want to thank the consultant Mikhail for the excellent work, timely and complete consultations. He is very attentive to the client's problems and questions, promptly solving the most difficult situations that would seem to me. It's a pleasure to work with Michael!!! I will now recommend your company to my clients and friends. Yes, and technical support consultants are also very polite, attentive, they helped to cope with the difficult installation of the key. Thanks!!!

Olga Sevostyanova.

Acquisition of the key turned out to be very easy and even pleasant. Many thanks for the assistance to the manager Michael. Explains things that are complex and massive to understand, concisely, but very clearly. In addition, I called the toll-free hotline and left a request online, together with Mikhail. I got the key in 2 business days. In general, I recommend it if you save your time, but at the same time you want to have an understanding of what you are buying and what you are paying for. Thank you.

Levitsky Alexander Konstantinovich Samara

Personal gratitude to the consultant Mikhail Vladimirovich for the prompt consultation and work on the accelerated receipt of the ES certificate. During the preliminary consultation, the optimal set of individual services is selected. Final result received immediately.

Stoyanova N.L. - Chief Accountant LLC "SITECRIME"

thanks for operational work and expert help! I was very pleased with the advice!

Dmitry Fomin

LLC "Expert System" thanks the consultant Mikhail for the prompt work! We wish your company growth and prosperity!

Sukhanova M.S. - AppraiserLLC "Expert System", Volgograd

Thanks to the consultant, who introduced himself as Mikhail, for the efficiency in working with clients.

Ponomarev Stepan Gennadievich

Many thanks to the consultant Michael, for the assistance in obtaining an EDS. For prompt work and advice on issues arising in the process of registration.

Leonid Nekrasov

The company, represented by consultant Mikhail, does the impossible! Speed ​​up accreditation in less than 1 hour! Payment upon rendering of the service. I thought this didn't happen. With full responsibility I can advise you to contact the Center for issuing electronic signatures.

METS electronic platform positions itself as a place where you can sell or purchase various property that is part of the assets of debtor companies, regardless of its volume. Considering all the offers currently available on the site, it should be noted that all of them arose as a result of the companies' inability to cover all previously concluded financial obligations. In this case, the property of companies must be sold in full compliance with state norms and legislation, through special open auctions.

For whom the site is convenient and profitable, how you can use its functionality

It can be noted that the METM electronic platform is an excellent solution for the following types of companies and organizations performing specific operations:

    For companies that have received the status of bankrupt, which, due to circumstances that have arisen, cannot repay their debt obligations on-line.

    For arbitration managers who, through the use of site parameters, can easily organize and conduct an auction aimed at selling the property of the debtor's company.

    For various companies and organizations acting as buyers, who, using the proposed site, will be able to easily purchase the selected property at attractive prices.

Remarkable! It is worth paying attention to the fact that METS electronic trading platform has a high degree of accreditation in almost all commercial organizations who, in turn, deal with crisis management acting as the direct organizer of the auctions held on the site. This advantage allows you to exhibit a huge number of lots, regularly maintain and expand your database, providing visitors with fundamentally new opportunities.

A few words about the features of the resource

It is worth highlighting the following requirements that a bidder who decides to use the METS system to complete a transaction must meet:

Mandatory electronic signature, which can be obtained in advance from certification centers directly established by METS. It is worth noting that this is a standard requirement that is relevant for almost all sites without exception and should not be neglected.

After the user receives the much-needed electronic signature, the potential user, representing the interests of a particular organization, is asked to fill out a questionnaire in the prescribed form.

The envisaged registration procedure takes at least three days, after which the operators make an appropriate decision regarding confirmation of the rights to participate in the program, or vice versa, refusal.

Important! Refusal to use the site's capabilities is relevant in cases where the user did not provide the entire set of data, or when passing a mandatory check, the information turned out to be irrelevant, incorrect. Operators will be asked to correct the shortcomings and resend a new set of documents. A positive decision on the issue involves sending the user a password and login to access the system, confirming the right to participate in the ongoing auctions.

Bidding, specifics and organization of this event

According to the regulations of the METS system, only participants who have passed the procedure for verifying the submitted data, correctly filled out all the documents and received a positive response are allowed to trade. The registration procedure is necessary to obtain the legal status of a particular transaction . Bidding can take place in an open or closed form, within a clearly defined time frame, when each user has the opportunity to bid on specific objects that are of interest to him for subsequent use in business. Completion of the auction is carried out automatically, after which the system determines the winner for each of the available lots on the site, of which the latter is notified in writing.


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METS- is an electronic platform where trading takes place on the Internet in real time, that is, online trading. This ETP has its own specialization - the sale of property of debtors in bankruptcy cases.

1. History of ETP METS

METS LLC is an interregional trading system in which commercial Procurement takes place. METS ( is enough new site, which appeared only in 2010 in the city of Orel, and since 2012 it has been accredited and admitted to open tenders in which the property of bankrupts has been sold and is still being sold.
This platform has it all latest features and allows its users to quickly use the platform to make transactions.

2. Functionality

The customer signs a transaction on the provision of tendering services to him in accordance with legislative framework in bankruptcy cases. with METS LLC and make interest deductions for any of the transactions made on the ETP in accordance with the tariffs of the site.
On this site, tenders relate to:
  • real estate;
  • Transport;
  • household appliances;
  • Securities and more.

When conducting the bidding procedure on the ETP, the following occurs:

1. Publication of notice.

2. Acceptance of applications and related documents from contestants who have passed registration.
3. Acceptance of quotations.
4. Publication of the protocol with the results.
5. Sending notifications about the result.
6. Publication of the protocol on the results in the EIS.

In addition to the above, the site also has a separate platform on which commercial purchases are carried out.

Do you want to be accredited to the ETP "METS"?

Working with us, you will receive our specialists who will be accredited in just 24 hours.

3. What you need to work on the METS electronic platform

In order to start working with the system, you need to register, namely:
  • Set up the received EDS in accordance with the requirements of the site;
  • Enter your data in the site's questionnaire and attach documentation with a signature certified by the ECPU, that is.
After registration, the status is assigned - the executor or the Customer.

4. Statistical information

METS received accreditation many organizers of bankruptcy tenders. This led to a large number of lots on the ETP. Based on data from April 2014:
  • ETP has already held 40,000 tenders;
  • The amount of sales reached 320 billion rubles.
Data for the first half of 2017:
  • ETP has conducted more than 80,000 tenders;
  • The amount of sales reached 800 billion rubles.

5. Video instruction ETP METS registration

For a guaranteed result in tender purchases, you can seek advice from the experts of the Entrepreneurship Support Center. If your organization belongs to small businesses, you can get a number of benefits: advance payments under government contracts, short time settlements, conclusion of direct contracts and subcontracts without a tender. and work only on profitable contracts with minimal competition!

METS LLC is an interregional electronic trading system for organizing commercial purchases. METS has recently appeared on the electronic trading market, but has already managed to earn a good reputation. LLC called "METS" was registered in 2010 in the city of Orel. Since 2012, the ETP has been accredited for open auctions for the sale of part of the property or the entire bankrupt enterprise.

The METS platform is equipped with modern features and declares to the user ease of use and speed of transactions.


First of all, the METS electronic platform is used to sell the property of debtors (bankrupts).

Customers (organizers) are arbitration managers or specialized organizations attracted by them. They conclude an agreement on the provision of trading services provided for by the insolvency (bankruptcy) legislation of the Russian Federation with LLC METS electronic platform and pay it a remuneration for each conducted trading procedure in accordance with the tariffs established by the ETP.

On the marketplace you can buy:

The trading platform fully complies with the statutory requirements for electronic platforms and platform operators when conducting open auction in digital form when selling property (enterprise) of debtors in the course of procedures applied in a bankruptcy case.

Procedures are provided with an open or closed form for submitting bids, as well as in the form of an auction/competition through public offer.

When conducting trading procedures on the ETP, the following is carried out:

  • creation and placement by the customer information message(notices) about the auction;
  • submission by participants registered in the system of applications for participation and documents attached to the application;
  • submission by participants of proposals for price in open or closed form;
  • creation and placement of protocols on the determination of participants and on the results of the auction;
  • creation and sending to the customer and persons registered in the system of messages provided for by law;
  • placement in the system of information in accordance with applicable law.

In addition, within the framework of the METS project, separate platforms were launched for conducting commercial purchases for the sale of property by owners, for organizing meetings of creditors in absentia electronic form, as well as to place announcements on the sale of property located on the territory of a foreign state in order to attract the interest of an interested circle of persons.

What do you need to work

To start working in the system, you must go through the standard registration procedure, and for this:

  1. Get qualified electronic signature(ES) in one of the accredited certification centers.
  2. Install and configure the ES according to the instructions of the certification center.
  3. Fill out the registration form and attach to it electronic documents signed by a qualified electronic signature.

Persons registered on the ETP are assigned the status of an organizer or participant in the auction.

Statistical information

METS is a trading platform accredited by a large number organizers of auctions for the sale of bankrupt property. This leads to an increase in the number of lots, frequent updates of offers. As of April 2014, almost 40,000 auctions were held on the ETP for the sale of property of debtors on total amount over 325 billion rubles. According to the official website of the ETP, in the first half of 2017, more than 85,000 trading procedures have already been carried out for a total amount of almost 850 billion rubles.


Electronic marketplace

for the sale of property (enterprise) of debtors

during the procedures

used in bankruptcy proceedings


1. Introduction. 3

1.1 Composition and structure of the site. 3

2. Registration on the electronic platform. 6

2.1 Registration legal entity as a bidding organizer. 7

4. Section "Personal Account". 17

5. Registration of an open auction/open tender procedure with an open form for submitting property price proposals. nineteen

5.1 Submission of an application for an open auction. nineteen

5.2 Acceptance of applications for participation in open auctions. 25

5.3 Admission of submitted applications for participation in open tenders. 26

5.4 Formation of a protocol on the determination of participants in open auctions. 27

5.5 Conducting open auctions. 29

5.6 Suspension and cancellation of open trading. thirty

5.7 Summing up the results of the open auction. 32

5.8 Re-bidding. 33

6. Registration of an open auction/open tender procedure with a closed form for submitting proposals for the price of property. 35

6.1 Submission of an application for an open auction. 35

6.2 Acceptance of applications for participation in open auctions. 42

6.3 Admission of submitted applications for participation in open tenders. 43

6.4 Formation of a protocol on the determination of participants in open auctions. 44

6.5 Suspension and cancellation of open trading. 46

6.6 Summing up the results of the open auction. 47

6.7 Re-bidding. 49

7. Registration of the open tender procedure in the form of an auction/competition through a public offer 51

7.1 Submission of an application for an open auction. 51

7.2 Acceptance of applications for participation in open auctions. 57

7.3 Admission of submitted applications for participation in open tenders. 57

7.4 Formation of protocols on the determination of participants in the open auction and on the results of the auction, as well as summarizing the results of the open auction. 58

7.5 Suspension and cancellation of open trading. 60

7.6 Re-bidding. 62

8. Making changes to the trading procedure. 63

2. Introduction

2.1 Composition and structure of the site

The main page of the site is divided into the following information blocks (Fig. 1.1):" width="659" height="299">

Figure 1.2

Further to the right are the fields for entering Personal Area registered users of the system. By clicking on the link " Registration» opens a page where new users of the system can choose the role that they will represent in the bidding process.

On the home page of the site, under the heading, there are links (from top to bottom): Connection to the system, Auctions, Guidelines, Regulations, Accreditation in SRO, Tariffs, Contacts(Fig. 1.3)." width="659" height="187 src=">

Figure 1.4

3. Panel"Feedback" at the bottom of the screen provides an option feedback with the site administration, as well as familiarization with the Legal Information, in accordance with which the METS electronic trading platform operates.


Figure 2.1

First you need to choose the organizational and legal form - a legal entity, individual entrepreneur or an individual.

By default, each user who registers will be a bidder. To register as an organizer, in the "Roles in the system" section, check the appropriate box and follow the "Continue" link. After that, a registration form will appear.

After filling out the registration form, the application for registration is sent to the Site Operator, who considers it in accordance with the established regulations and decides whether to approve the registration as an organizer of the auction and publish it in the register of organizers of the auction, or refuse to publish it. In both cases, notification of registration or refusal to register a user is sent by letter to the e-mail address specified when filling out the registration form.

3.1 Registration of a legal entity as an organizer of auctions

For the organizer of the auction - a legal entity, the registration form, in which you need to enter data on the registered organization and attach the documents required for registration (the list of documents is given below), is presented below:

Figure 2.2

When registering on an electronic site, the organizer submits the following documents and information to the operator of the electronic site:



Please register my organization as an organizer and bidder*

In this field, you must put a marker to register a legal entity as an organizer and bidder.

I hereby inform you that I have read and agree to the rules contained in the Rules of the electronic platform *

In this field, you must put a marker to confirm that you are familiar with the rules contained in the Rules of the electronic platform.

I hereby confirm my consent to the processing of personal data required for registration on the electronic platform *

In this field, you must put a marker to confirm consent to the processing of personal data required for registration on the electronic platform.

I hereby confirm my agreement with the terms of the Public Offer Agreement *

In this field, you must put a marker to confirm that you have read the terms of the Public Offer Agreement.


Short title*

The short name of the organization is indicated in accordance with an extract from the Unified state register legal entities and the Charter of the organization. For example: .

Full name*

The full official name of the organization is indicated in accordance with an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the Charter of the organization. For example: Limited Liability Company.

Legal address*

Scanned copies of the Charter of the organization and other constituent documents are uploaded.

Copies of documents confirming the authority of the head*

Scanned copies of documents confirming the authority of the head are uploaded (for example: Protocol general meeting founders; Decision sole member society; Appointment / taking office order, etc.)

Other documents

Other documents are uploaded (power of attorney, certificate of registration with the tax authority, certificate of state registration of a legal entity, etc.)

Fields marked * are required. Limit on the number of positions