Promotion options. Some interesting facts about the exchange

A small selection of interesting information about the stock market. Numbers, statistics, facts.

How much are the shares?

How much are Russian shares worth?

The spread is quite large. About a few kopecks to several tens of thousands of rubles.

The most expensive shares on the Moscow Exchange:

  1. Preferred shares of Transneft cost almost 200 thousand rubles per share.
  2. Alrosa - Nyurba - 170 thousand.
  3. VSMPO-Avisma - 17,000 rubles.

The price of the cheapest share in Russia belongs to the company Quadra. Only 0.3 kopecks!!!

I am sure that most have not even heard of this company.

The most famous is VTB Bank. One security can be purchased for just 5 kopecks.

National treasure

How much is one Gazprom share worth?

Only 130 rubles.

Back in early 2008, Gazprom was trading at 350 rubles. Then there was a sharp collapse. Literally within 4 months the price dropped by more than 3.5 times - to 100 rubles. And over the last decade, the gas giant’s shares have been trading in the range of 130-160 rubles.

Price of one Gazprom share - quotes chart for 5 years

In dollar equivalent, the price of one Gazprom share dropped from 15 to 2 dollars!

Main bank of the country

Along with Gazprom, Sberbank shares are the most popular on the Russian stock market.

Like Gazprom, Sberbank suffered its share of huge declines. When its cost decreased several times.

But unlike the gas company, its quotes not only recovered, but also far exceeded pre-crisis levels.

A couple of facts:

In 2008, from 105 rubles, Sberbank shares collapsed to 13.5 rubles over the year. Almost 8 times!!!

The surprising thing is that in just two years, quotes have completely restored their pre-crisis value. And those who bought at the bottom (15-20 rubles apiece) increased their initial investments several times.

The annual return during this period was 200-300% and higher.

Sberbank experienced its second test during the start of anti-Russian sanctions in 2013. Over the course of 2 years, the cost gradually decreased.

From 110 rubles to 47 rubles per share.

But starting in 2015, it began. And in just 2 years, Sberbank grew to 220 rubles, or 4.5 times.

Sberbank shares - growth chart

People's IPO

In 2007, VTB Bank conducted an initial public offering of shares () on the stock market, which was called “people's”. Anyone could buy securities of one of the largest banks in the country.

1 share was sold for 13.6 kopecks. And almost immediately after the sale, the price rapidly went down. After 2 years, VTB shares cost only 2-3 kopecks.

The most interesting thing in this story is that the price never came close to the original 13 kopecks. VTB shares are trading within 5-7 kopecks. That is, 2 times lower than 10 years ago.

The most valuable companies in the world

A company's value, or capitalization, is determined by the price of its shares traded on a stock exchange. The quote is multiplied by the number of shares issued and we get the full value of the entire company.

Top 5 companies with the largest capitalization:

  1. Apple - $600 billion.
  2. Alphabet (Google) - 540 billion.
  3. Microsoft - 480 billion.
  4. Berkshire Hathaway - 400 billion.
  5. Amazon - $350 billion.

It should be noted that the cost is approximate. On the stock exchange, quotes can change rapidly. Fall and rise by several percent (and even several tens of percent) over a short period of time.

Please note that all companies are based in the USA.

If we compare the list with Russian companies, then “ours” lag behind by an order of magnitude.

The most valuable Russian companies:

  1. Sberbank - 80 billion. dollars dollars.
  2. Gazprom - 52 billion.
  3. Rosneft - 51 billion.
  4. Novatek - 33 billion.
  5. Gazprom Neft - 20 billion.

If we consider other most popular and well-known companies in Russia, we get:

  • A magnet costs about 10 billion;
  • Megafon - only 5 billion;
  • Surgutneftegaz - 14 billion;
  • Rostelecom - 2.8 billion.

Most expensive share

Berkshire Hathaway, owned by , is not only one of the five most valuable companies in the world. Warren himself has repeatedly topped the ranking of the richest people on the planet. Over the past decade, he has consistently ranked among the top 3 richest people in the world.

The cost of one Berkshire Hathaway share is almost 200 thousand dollars.

In 20 years, its value has increased 20 times!!!

Warren Buffett is rightly called the greatest investor of all time. Starting with $10,000, he amassed a $70 billion fortune over 50 years through investing in the stock market.

Buffett made his first million at age 30. The founder of the social network Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, at the age of 30 already owned a fortune of $4 billion. And Zuckerberg received his first billion at the age of 25.

How to become a millionaire?

Thanks to the stock market, or rather investing in shares, many have amassed multimillion-dollar fortunes.

Do you think you need to invest a lot of money to make a LOT of money?

Let's give some numbers. How much money and for what period of time could you invest money to earn your first million?

Over 30 years, the Dow Jones index, which includes the largest companies in the United States (Coca-cola, Nike, McDonald's, Microsoft), has increased 35 times.

This means that investors who bought shares of these companies earned a 3,500% profit. To receive the coveted million, it was necessary to invest 28 thousand dollars.

Dow Jones Index

Over 20 years, the Russian stock market has grown 21 times. The initial investment would be $47,000.

If in 2007 you invested 10 thousand dollars in Apple shares (at 10 rubles per share), then 10 years later, your investment would be valued at 1.8 million dollars. Or just $5.5 thousand - and in ten years you will be a dollar millionaire.

Facebook shares have grown 6-fold in just 5 years.

Facebook quotes chart

Amazon shares have grown 25-fold in 10 years.

To get a million you had to invest $50 thousand.

Just the facts

Only a little more than 200 shares of various companies are traded on the Russian stock market.

In America - several thousand.

The average dividend yield on Russian shares is about 5%. The shares included in the composition bring their owners approximately 2% profit in the form of dividends.

The following are bought and sold on the Moscow Exchange every day:

  • Sberbank - 40-50 million shares;
  • Gazprom - 25-30 million;
  • Magnet - 250-300 thousand;
  • Lukoil - 400-500 thousand;
  • Aeroflot - 15-20 million;

Every trading day, 25-30 billion shares of VTB Bank are involved in transactions on the stock exchange.

Russian stocks, along with Brazil, are considered the most undervalued in the world. Simply put, they have the highest growth potential.

In the West, 8 out of 10 people invest money in the stock market. In Russia this figure is about 5%.

One of the most pressing topics for owners and marketers of any business is advertising promotions.

What could you come up with to increase sales and make legends about your business? There is a way out, you don’t even have to imagine it.

You can just take what’s ready, add your own, and get a great promotion. Where to get it from? From the list below. There are more than 15 ideas for every taste and willingness to take risks


Before we get into the specific list of stocks, I want to warn you that everything should be in moderation. You can’t live on stocks alone, just as you can’t live without them at all.

Everything should be fine in your company: and other important elements of a successful company.

Once your business becomes sufficiently harmonious, you can move on to advertising campaigns.

Although they all have their own goals, there is a common and basic one - to attract attention and smooth the corners on the purchase decision. But if your seller “Petya” screws up and doesn’t work with, then there will be no money in the cash register.

I also want to say that if you are planning to hold an action, you need to promote it well (this is of course good, but not enough).

You need to use a sufficient amount, otherwise you will make a premature conclusion that advertising campaigns to attract customers do not work and that this is not your thing at all.

For example, you can notify visitors to your website about a promotion using an online consultant.

Or if you actively use Instagram to promote your business, then the “Direct Mailing” function from the Okogram program can help in communicating information about promotions.

And one more thing, people get tired of the same type of promotions, and besides, when they are carried out constantly, they begin to classify you as a company that increases prices and then drops them. Therefore, you take breaks or do not include new collections in promotional items.

Performance action (nerves of steel)

And now that the word to go has been given, we can start. Let's start with those who have strong nerves and who are not afraid to take risks. These are the most interesting, eye-catching and unusual promotions that attract customers.

In this section, I will rather describe to you the approach (strategy) with examples, since not everything is so simple. But further you will see ready-made examples.

One of the most successful, memorable and increasing sales was the advertising campaign of the well-known Euroset store - come naked and get a cell phone for free.

The effect was intended primarily to be shocking. Since then, all store owners who have the courage to promote their store at the expense of human greed have been trying to repeat such an action, in one way or another.

A recent example is a sports store in Germany, which organized a similar promotion on its opening day.

You could come and dress from head to toe in whatever you wanted in the allotted time. Absolutely free. True, there was a small condition - you had to come completely naked.

Moreover, a business does not have to be large and famous to hold such a promotion in a store.

For example, in Irkutsk, at the opening of a small youth clothing store, a promotion was held - tear up the jeans/trousers you are wearing now and choose new ones completely free of charge.

A married couple lived in one of the IKEA stores for almost a month. They slept there, cooked, ate and even washed there. A lot of people came to see these extraordinary people (read: eccentrics).

Do you think this has had an impact on this store? You’re right, it did have an impact 😉

We discussed the performance of the action in more detail in a separate article. Be sure to study it if you are hooked by such a crazy technique. Just when implementing, think not only short-term, but also long-term, how it will affect your business.

Almost a freebie

Quite an old example of a successful promotion. The Technoshok store began selling video cassettes at cost (at half price, almost at a loss), very aggressively talking about it. There was no time to deliver the cassettes to the store.

Crowds of people stood to buy a cheap video cassette. And at the same time they were sold a new VCR, TV, antennas and much more.

This promotion applies to almost any business. All you have to do is find one in your company and start attracting people to it.

You don’t have to sell it at a loss; you can simply not earn anything from it. But you must do it.

Totally freebie

We organized a similar promotion in our client's store. They gave out free socks. Good, high-quality socks and completely free.

Moreover, you didn’t even have to buy anything. Just walk in, fill out and get your pair of socks. You may start swearing that you won't give away anything for free. So appreciate the whole idea.

Firstly, we gave out free socks, which cost us 20 rubles (quite little), and this figure was much more profitable from an advertising point of view, since from other advertising sources, one visitor cost us at least 35 rubles.

Plus, you understand that in addition to the socks, they offered a discount on the main assortment, a coupon for a repeat purchase, in general, a lot of things. The result is an increased customer base and promotion, with more than 400 percent.

Or here's another example of a good implementation. The target audience will react absolutely accurately.

Example of a Freebie promotion

Search for treasure

Quite an unusual and interesting event. You are pawning/burying a valuable treasure somewhere. The location of the promotion can be, for example, the shopping center where your store is located or even the entire city.

As soon as the treasure is found, news will be published about it (for example, in) and information about the next one will be given.

This is what one bank did, for example. They put in dozens of treasures containing real gold coins and began actively promoting it. There were also successful cases for food delivery services.

The certificates were hidden for a year and a search was organized with the help of radio presenters. People are very willing to get involved in such advertising games and promotions because they love interactivity.

Give a discount/gift to the client for what he rolls on the dice. You can even make a stage game. For example, if a person throws once, he is guaranteed to receive a gift of up to 1000 rubles.

And if he rolls three times and scores more than the nth value, he will receive a super prize, or he will be left empty-handed.

A variant of the super game from Field of Miracles. By the way, instead of cubes, there may be a spinning drum. The rules are up to your discretion and imagination.

Example of the Cubes promotion


Typical promotions

Therefore, there is no need to rack your brains about which promotions can be carried out and which are not suitable. For the most part, they are designed for discounts and play on one of the main feelings of a person - the desire to save money, to purchase profitably (not to be confused with greed).

By the way. To carry out just such promotions, a service such as “Bazaar-online” may be perfect for you. He will solve the issue with discount cards and. And notifications will cost pennies 😉

Two for the price of one (three for the price of two)

A standard promotion launched at most grocery and clothing retailers. When you buy two/three products, you get the third one free. Ideal for services.

Install a suspended ceiling in 2 rooms and receive installation in the hallway as a gift. Buy 2 apartments, get a parking space as a gift (what if!).

Example of a promotion Two for the price of one

This type of promotion is a good alternative to a discount. And we even implemented this approach in the wholesale business.

But as you already understood, it was not about pieces, but about containers. But in this way we succeeded significantly, and this is one of the main indicators when carrying out actions.

Discount on certain products

100% You have seen products with red/yellow price tags. Such targeted promotions are actively used by retail stores.

But their services are undeservedly ignored, although with a large assortment, this is almost a gold mine for them.

When we talk about a “color” price tag, it doesn’t have to be a discount. You can go the other way and make a purchase without extra charge/without VAT/at wholesale prices.

Or just a promotion for one of the items, for example: “Changing the oil in your car is free! You only pay for the materials.”

And we are also not just talking about shop windows. You can highlight items in the price list or on the website with special colors.

And just an example of how we achieved an increase in sales through elaboration of the price list (including color), read in the article.

The concepts of traders, trading, securities market, stock exchange have long been firmly established in our lives. Many people know what the stock market is and the basic principles of its operation. We offer some interesting facts related to these concepts.

No one knows for sure how the very concept of “stock exchange” arose. There are several versions here. One of them is that the roots of the concept go back to the 13th century, to the Dutch merchant Van Der Burce. Living in the city of Bruges, this gentleman provided local traders and merchants with a place near his home to conduct all kinds of financial transactions. The family coat of arms of this financier depicted three wallets, so many are inclined to consider him the founder of the stock exchange.

Today, the New York Stock Exchange is recognized as the largest stock exchange. She began her work in 1792. Then about twenty people agreed to meet to resolve their trading issues under a poplar tree in sunny weather or in a tavern in case of rain. More than 200 years have passed, the New York Stock Exchange (which we, by the way, call Nyusey because of the abbreviation) is now located on Wall Street, but since those ancient times of “poplars and taverns” neither the rules nor the amount of commissions have changed. Enviable consistency!

Over the course of many decades, thanks to trading on stock exchanges, many people have both gone broke and become millionaires. A very interesting story about how the Rothschild millionaires made their millions. Indeed, it is not without reason that they say that by owning information, you can own the world. And if you know for sure where to invest correctly, then the devil himself is not a brother!

The Rothschilds' desire to be the first to know news and their hobby - breeding pigeons, which at that time were often used as postmen, helped them make their fortune. The story took place back in 1815, when the stock exchanges froze in anticipation of the outcome of the Battle of Waterloo. Since at the beginning of the battle the advantage was clearly on the side of the French commander, London was notified that victory was practically in the cards for the French. However, we know the outcome of the battle from the lessons of history. Napoleon was defeated.

Encrypted reports about this were urgently sent to the Rothschilds. And the next morning Nathan in London and Jacob in Paris ostentatiously mourned Napoleon’s victory on the battlefield and sold off their shares. The exchanges panicked, because the Rothschilds are always the first to know everything! A hysterical sale of all English, Prussian, and Austrian securities began, which immediately depreciated in value. Meanwhile, the cunning brothers bought them for next to nothing. And only two days later the brokers learned that in fact Napoleon had lost the decisive battle, and the Rothschilds had carried out the largest financial operation, and at the same time earned about 40 million pounds sterling.

Hello dear traders and readers of UTmag. I bring to your attention several interesting and educational facts about the stock exchange that interested me, and I hope they will interest you too. 1. There are several versions of the origin of the concept “”, in one of which it takes its roots from the surname Van Der Burce, who was a Dutch merchant. The fact is that in the thirteenth century in the city of Bruges, he provided a place next to his house where various merchants and traders gathered, most of whom were money changers. By the way, there were three wallets on his family Coat of Arms, which inclines many to this version. The second version refers to the Latin word bursa - leather wallet. In many European languages, this word has common roots, so in French the word boursa simultaneously means a student scholarship, as well as a stock exchange. In German this word will be borse, and in Italian borsa. It is also interesting that in the Middle Ages in Western Europe this was the name for dormitories for poor university students. 2. We all know such concepts as “bulls” and “bears”, but where did these concepts come from? Why are traders who are short-sellers called “bears”, and those who are long-term traders “bulls”? The point is that this is connected precisely with the behavior of these animals, like this: bears hit with their paws down, and bulls, on the contrary, with their horns up. 3. The largest stock exchange is the New York one. It so happened that in Russian financial slang they called her Nyusey. This happened because of the abbreviation NYSE - New York Stock Exchange. 4. How did stock trading begin in New York? In 1792, about twenty merchants agreed that if the weather was clear, they would gather under the poplar tree, and if it was cloudy, they would gather at the Francis Tavern. Although the exchange itself is now located on Wall Street, neither the rules nor the amount of commissions have changed since then. 5. Did you know that exchange participants work on the principle: “Whoever is louder gets the most profitable”? This fact was perfectly presented by N. Nosov in his novel: “Dunno on the Moon”, it can be called a fascinating trading textbook for children. In the novel of all brokers
he called them loudmouths and loudmouths, and so that they would not create unnecessary noise, they worked in the middle of the lakes at the stock exchanges who had dropped anchor there. 6. Sometimes the traders themselves, in order to stand out from the loudmouths and loudmouths, wore huge heels so that they were better visible. It was because of this that in the year 2000 the Chicago Stock Exchange adopted a resolution that limited the height of traders' heels. The purpose of this resolution was to reduce injuries. 7. In 2009, the magazine “Finance” conducted an interesting experiment: What income will the monkey show? Thirty cubes with companies that list their shares on the stock exchange were placed in front of the monkey, and she chose eight of them. At the end of the year, summing up the results, the monkey showed greater income than the investments of NINETY-FOUR percent (94%) of Russian collective managers. 8. Interestingly, the Chinese word for stock exchange is 交易所 (jiaoisuo). This word will consist of 2 parts. The first part, also known as the first two characters (交易), means trade. The second part (所) denotes place. That is, a “place of trade.” You can even say that the word “exchange”, as in Russian, does not exist in Chinese. and there is a “place of trade” that is understandable even to anyone not related to finance. It is curious that the word “fair” has the same basis, differing only in one hieroglyph. That is, for the Chinese there is no difference between a fair and an exchange, which is essentially true.

Hello! In this article we will talk about promotions to attract customers.

Today you will learn:

  • How to conduct promotions for;
  • What types of shares exist and how to come up with a share;
  • How to calculate stock performance.

What are “shares” and why are they needed?

During the height of the economic crisis in the country, the issue of attracting new customers faces almost every enterprise. The situation is aggravated by the high level in almost all areas of business.

In such harsh conditions, entrepreneurs are forced to resort to the most stringent measures to attract customers. One of these measures is sales promotion.

Sales promotion – a promotion tool aimed at short-term increase in demand with the help of various promotions that stimulate purchases.

Promotions will allow you to achieve the following goals:

  • Short-term increase in sales volumes;
  • Capture market share for a long time;
  • Attracting new consumers:
  • Poaching consumers from competitors;
  • Stimulating large volumes of purchases;
  • Retaining loyal consumers.


  • Drawing attention to the company, brand and product;
  • Providing information about the product and the company to potential consumers;
  • Significant increase in sales during the promotion period;
  • Quick consumer response to stimulating effects;
  • Sales focus.


  • The short-term impact, as a rule, increases sales only for the duration of the promotion;
  • Often have a negative impact on the image of the organization. If a high-level company begins to sell goods at a discount of more than 70%, it loses wealthy buyers and attracts those who are ready to purchase products only at discounts;
  • Significantly reduces company profits. A discount of even 5% has a painful impact on the company’s profits, which we will talk about a little later.

If these shortcomings don’t scare you, then let’s move on.

Promotion strategy development process

Any activity to attract visitors must begin with developing a strategy. Stocks are no exception.

The process of developing a sales promotion strategy includes the following stages:

  • Formation of sales promotion goals;
  • Identifying suitable stocks, which we will talk about a little later;
  • Development of an incentive program: designation of the timing of the promotion, determination of the amount of the incentive (budget), determination of the conditions for participation in the promotion, methods of promotion and distribution of the incentive package, development of a mechanism for responding to the promotion, preliminary testing;
  • Practical implementation of the incentive program through the use of various promotions;
  • Evaluation of results.

Types of promotions to attract customers

At the moment, there are a very large number of different stock options.

The choice of one or another means of sales promotion depends on the following factors:

  • Specifics of activity.
  • Product type. For example, let's say you sell wedding dresses. It would be strange to give a second when buying one;
  • Store format and location. For example, we own a stall selling pies at the station. There are three more similar stalls next to us. To attract consumers, we decided to hold a promotion. As a gift to a random lucky winner, we are providing a coupon for one free pie per day for a month. However, 90% of our consumers are passing through this place and they will not be interested in this promotion, and it will not help us resolve the issue with competitors;
  • Activities of competitors in this area;
  • Financial capabilities of the company;
  • Purposes of the action.

Determine each of these parameters for yourself. Have you determined? Then let's move on to the types of shares.


Discounts are the most popular and easiest way. Buyers are happy to buy goods with red price tags. The more you lower the price, the more purchases you will get. But be careful. Every percentage of the price hurts the margin of your products.

During the month of discounts, sales volume increased by 20% and amounted to 148 pies or 2,664 rubles. The pie margin for the promotion period was: 18-17.3 = 0.7 rubles.

Let's calculate the profit received during the month of the promotion: 0.7 * 148 = 103.6 rubles. Thus, thanks to discounts, we lost 209.4 rubles in profit with an increase in purchases by 20%.

Make it a rule to carry out such calculations before introducing a discount system.

Human psychology is designed in such a way that he practically does not notice a price reduction of less than 15%. Therefore, a 5 or 10% discount will not lead to a significant increase in demand.

Discount forms:

  • Seasonal sales;
  • Discounts for large volume purchases;
  • Discounts in honor of a special occasion (customer’s birthday, store opening date, etc.);
  • Discounts for purchasing a certain category of products.
  • Discount on defective goods;
  • Discount on “product of the day”;
  • Discount when purchasing in;
  • “Bring a friend” discount.

Please note that the introduction of any discount must be tied to a specific occasion. If you simply lower your prices, the consumer will think about the quality of your product. It is discounts that tend to negatively affect the image of an organization if they are applied ineptly.

Gifts for purchase

This is also a very popular type of promotion. You can give away both your own products and those of your partners for purchase. In the first case, you will again have to calculate the change in sales volumes and profits so as not to go into the negative. But the second option is very tempting.

Find a partner company that needs to promote its product or brand and offer cooperation.

Example. Since the idea of ​​discounts at our pies stall failed, we decided to give gifts for purchases. To do this, we agreed with the store opposite that we would attract our customers to their outlet by issuing them a coupon to receive free tea from them. The store agrees, since the likelihood that a visitor will buy some product from them by going for free tea is very high.

Types of “gift with purchase” promotion:

  • The second lowest priced product is free;
  • Bonus from partners;
  • Lottery;
  • Discount card for purchase.

Loyalty cards

Almost everyone has several cards from their favorite stores in their wallet. They allow the buyer to benefit from shopping in this store.

The following forms of discount cards are distinguished:

  • Discount cards– provide the client with a fixed discount. It does not change during the use of this card. Aimed at retaining visitors and linking them to the outlet;
  • Savings cards– often the amount of benefit depends on the total quantity of goods purchased in monetary terms. The more you bought during the entire period of using the card, the greater your discount. Aimed at increasing the number of purchases and retaining customers;
  • club card– provided to special customers, for example, for a large purchase volume. It carries certain privileges, including: the opportunity to participate in promotions, permanent discounts, gifts.

You can’t just give out cards; time their donation to coincide with some event or set conditions.

Here are some options for you:

  • Store birthday;
  • Large purchase volume;
  • Issuance of discount cards to first visitors;
  • Issuance of cards for participation in the competition;
  • Selling cards.

Competitions and giveaways

This type of stock is actively gaining momentum. Hold a prize draw, come up with a competition, the winners of which will receive your products as a gift. This will allow you to increase company awareness and consumer loyalty.

There are two types of competitions:

  • Related companies. In this case, the buyer must purchase a certain quantity of goods in order to receive a surprise. For example, buy 10 bottles of soda to collect the caps from them and get a prize. Aimed at increasing demand and attracting attention to the company;
  • Unrelated to product. The consumer performs a task without having to purchase the company's product. For example, a consumer must write a story about their day at school in order to receive a free school supply kit.


As a rule, it is carried out in large supermarkets. Moreover, this type of promotion is aimed not so much at increasing the sales volume of the product being tasted, but at increasing the sales volume of the supermarket as a whole. According to statistics, consumers who have tried a product buy 25% more than they planned in that store.

We will talk about calculating the effectiveness of this type of promotion a little later.

How to come up with a promotion to attract customers

To come up with a promotion to attract customers, you need to go through the following steps:

  • Define your advertising campaign goals. What do you want to achieve? Increasing sales, increasing customer loyalty, attracting new customers or retaining existing ones. Write down all your goals;
  • Determine the participants of the marketing campaign. Who exactly do you want to influence, who will influence it, who will control its implementation. Discounts can scare away wealthy clients from your company and attract consumers in the middle and low price segment. A club card may have the opposite effect. Promoters, salespeople, and customer service managers can influence consumers. The entire process will be controlled by a director or administrator. All personnel involved in the action must be trained: familiarized with the conditions, and given instructions.
  • Determine the motives of each participant. The consumer is interested in additional benefits, the seller is interested in premiums or bonuses for good results, the administrator is interested in fulfilling the plan, increasing sales volume. Correctly identifying the motives of each participant will allow you to effectively manage the process.
  • Work to identify your customers' needs. What exactly might interest them?
  • Think about when your promotion will be most relevant. For example, ice cream in winter will not cause such a stir among consumers as gingerbread cookies and hot chocolate.
  • Decide on the type of promotion. It directly depends on the one for which you are holding the promotion. It is also important to determine the value of the gift. Remember that a large number of small bonuses attract consumers more than a few expensive gifts.
  • Make the terms of participation in the promotion clear and short, otherwise the client will suspect deception or simply will not study your proposal. There shouldn't be too many conditions.
  • Communicate with your consumer, answer his questions, play with him. This way you will gain precious trust.

Analysis of the effectiveness of the campaign

We have already discussed how to evaluate the effectiveness of discounts; evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of loyalty cards, gifts and competitions is carried out in the same way.

Remember that an increase in sales does not at all guarantee an increase in profits, because you lose on a discount or gift. In this case, when calculating efficiency, the gift should be considered as a discount (the cost of the gift = the amount of the discount).

Example. For the purchase of 5 pies at a time, we give chewing gum. The promotion will last one week. The price of chewing gum is 2 rubles. Let's assume that only those who initially wanted to buy them will buy the fifth pie, and we have 10 out of 50 people a week. Thus, thanks to the promotion, sales volume will increase by 200 rubles or by 10 pies. Our margin before the promotion was 2.7 rubles. The sales volume before the promotion was 90 pies. We calculate the profit for the week before the promotion 90 * 2.7 = 2 43 rubles.

Let's calculate how much additional profit we will receive from the promotion: 2.7 * 10 = 27 rubles. And we will lose: 2*10 = 20 rubles. Thus, the promotion will allow us to increase profits by only 7 rubles.

Now let's learn how to calculate the effectiveness of tastings.

Let's say we are conducting a tasting of our pies. The promotion will run for 2 days, 3 hours a day. The price of our product is 20 rubles. The cost is 17.3 rubles.

We plan to reach an audience of 20 people. The number of pies required is 20 pieces. In addition, we need a tray costing 200 rubles and a package of napkins costing 30 rubles.

Thus, the cost of carrying out the campaign will be 576 rubles.

Let's calculate using the formula: Break-even point = total costs/margin = 576/2.7 = 213 pies. We will have to sell this number of pies based on the results of the tasting.

According to the rule of information dissemination, everyone who tastes the pie will tell three of their friends about the product, and each of these three will tell three more.

Thus, the maximum number of buyers who will come to the stall based on the results of the tasting will be 180 people. We don’t know how many pies they will buy, but according to pessimistic calculations (everyone will buy only one pie), this number of buyers is not enough. The project is risky.

Examples of the best stocks

Promotion at the airport.

A couple of years ago, an American airline held a raffle for travel packages. The conditions were as follows: a person waiting for a flight was asked to press a button, after which the computer randomly determined the country to which the lucky person would go. In this case, all travel expenses were paid by the airline.

Free lunch.

One of the Chinese sites ran an interesting promotion. For a month, every hour for 1.5 seconds a button appeared on the resource page, by clicking on which the lucky person received a free lunch. By the way, the number of site visitors increased 4 times this month.

An example from Russia.

The Moscow Geocafe holds a promotion every day. Its conditions are as follows: at 18:00 Moscow time, a drawing for a free dinner was held between cafe visitors. The winner was determined randomly. Second and third places were also determined and received a bottle of wine and a 50% discount on their order, respectively.

Promotion in the store.

In one of the Vilnius denim stores, the following promotion was held: all customers who came without pants were given free jeans of their choice. As a result, on the day of the promotion, a line of freebie lovers lined up in the store. However, be careful with such promotions, otherwise you may face legal consequences.