How to attract clients and buyers? Conspiracies, prayers, rituals. Spells and rituals to attract generous buyers and regular customers How to attract attention to a shopping pavilion

With the onset of the crisis, the level of sales in the retail store decreased significantly. The turnover of goods consumption in Russia fell by 10.4% in 2015. This created additional sales problems.

With such low purchasing power of the population, campaigns began to look for additional incentives for the development of trade. To increase sales in retail trade, successful organizations have identified the main trends in retail trade and current methods of organizing sales.

What could be the ways to competently organize the trading process, leading to increased profits?

Method 1. Organization of a vending sales network

Vending is the sale of goods and services through vending machines. This is the organization of the operation of terminals, vending machines for selling piece goods (hygiene products, shoe covers, drinks, small confectionery). This method of sales is especially popular with small companies that cannot open their own chain of stores on their own or with trading structures with a developed network.

Thus, 15% of the products can be sold through the vending distribution network.

Method 2. Competent pricing policy

Pricing policy is one of the most important conditions for promoting a product. Raising or lowering prices, offering people various discounts or favorable conditions when purchasing - these are the methods that greatly influence making a profit.

Pay attention to competing companies. It is not at all necessary to reduce the price of a product after you see price reductions from competitors. Better think about how you can attract customers through discounts. Give a discount on the same products that your neighbors have reduced prices for. The buyer will respond faster to your marketing ploy. Do this during the last days of your competitor’s discounts or immediately after their promotion ends.

Method 3. Giving the product additional value

An additional way to attract a buyer to a product is when the product is given “special value.” This can be done by adding unusual product properties, functions and applications to the description. Items can also be included in kits. Give these kits interesting names. In these cases, the target audience will increase many times. This means that the quantity of goods sold will increase.

Method 4. Focus on clients with high demands

It is believed that product prices should be designed for the average consumer and even satisfy the needs of a buyer with below average income. And this is correct, because. this is the largest percentage of the population.

It is also important to know that if the buyer purchases the highest quality product every day and receives a professional level of service, he will be ready to purchase goods at a fairly high price. Focus on buyers with high demands. Perhaps sometimes such a product will be purchased by a low-income customer. This can be done on a holiday, in a special mood, through a desire to pamper yourself.

Method 5. Creating an “emotional” showcase

Create an attractive storefront. The showcase should attract, even entice, the buyer. The product that will be displayed on it must be “emotionally charged.” This works under certain conditions. Products presented in the entrance area should reflect the general price level in the store. Products must be available, otherwise the buyer will first be “excited” and then “disappointed.” And you won’t see it in your retail outlet anymore. Even if you reduce prices by 90%.

Such a marketing move will attract the attention of every passerby to your product. This is currently a hot trend in retail.

Method 6. Correct display of goods

A large percentage of purchases depend on the display of goods. There are several secrets to how to place a product on a shelf. The end placement of goods should have bright, orderly colors. This will attract additional attention. Enabling peripheral vision will provide from 130 to 450% increase in sales.

Products that have been left behind due to high prices or other circumstances are placed in a basket in the center of the aisle or at the ends of the rack. It is necessary that the buyer literally “collides” with this product. And an additional small discount on a product can increase income from its sales by 800%.

Method 7. Managing customer behavior

Use special technical means (audio or video) in your stores that will turn on when a customer passes a certain product. For example, a consumer approaches a shelf with avocados, and at this time he hears information about an “extraordinarily tasty salad” using this product.

When the beacon enters the coverage area (10–70 m), a signal is received and the user immediately sees a message on the screen about promotions, discounts and personal offers from the store.

Method 8. Using a tablet when working with clients

Use a tablet with specially designed software. Thanks to this, when communicating with the buyer, the seller will be able to immediately show the client the product and allow him to examine the product from all sides. You can also check the availability of products in the warehouse and set deadlines for ordering. Record the wishes of customers and send the selected project to their email inbox. Using this method of attracting customers to the store will not only increase the speed and quality of customer service in the store by at least 20%, but will also bring additional profit.

Use our tips. And your business will be the most prosperous!

Tatiana Zagumennova

Action plan to increase sales in your store 01.01.1970

The main principles of increasing sales, which we will discuss here, will be conditionally divided into “external” - effective and non-standard promotion methods, and “internal” - organization of trade, work with personnel, that is, creating an atmosphere that will complement external promotion, and without which all advertising is nothing. The main thing in these principles is regularity and systematic use.


Surely, many store owners periodically hold some kind of promotions, print leaflets or place advertisements in the media. However, this does not always give the desired effect. Let's consider what are the reasons?

Mistake 1: Ineffective use of advertising and marketing tools.

What does it mean?

Revenue in general

Sales by specific product items

Average bill

Number of clients per month (week)

Share of regular customers

Number of clients on specific days

2) If there is no clear portrait of the target audience, its needs have not been clarified, then it is not clear to the client who the advertising campaign is aimed at and why, in fact, he should participate in it.

Therefore, it is important to create a clear portrait of the segment of the target audience for which the promotion is designed. Here you need to take into account 2 audiences: your regular customers and your potential customers. And before starting any advertising campaign, you need to determine which of these two audiences it is intended for.

3) There is no permanent promotion program.

It is a mistake to assume that if you place an advertising module 1-2 times in one media outlet, then sales will increase sharply. A systematic approach and a huge advertising budget are important here.

6) Banal promotions.

Same as competitors. Examples: sales, discounts, typical advertising in the media, standard holiday greetings, familiar (and therefore unheard of) calls and wording.

Mistake 2: Lack of a systematic approach to promotion

Even if you run great advertising campaigns that are 100% thought out and meet the needs of the client, then it would seem that there will be an effect, there will be an increase in sales. In reality, this does not happen. Why? Because the true face of your store is its employees, and it is they who close the “advertising-attraction-sales” cycle.

And if your salespeople... well, it’s not that they are openly rude to customers... but, you know, by the expression on your faceThey say “will this one buy or not buy? Somehow it looks undignified…”, or they don’t know the basic rules of service, they don’t know the assortment, then this will lead, at best, to a one-time client acquisition, and at worst, to the loss of existing ones. Therefore, you should not regret investing in your staff - these are long-term andnecessary investments. Although, of course, it’s easier to place an advertising module in a magazine...

Are your sellers ready for the influx of new customers? The New Year is coming - and this is a good reason not only to “raise” revenue, but also to make many “wandering” customers permanent. Are you sure that a new client will become a regular client?

Let's assume that the promotion fulfilled its purpose: 100 new customers came to the store, but only 10 people made a purchase! Why? Because your salespeople haven't put themselves out there for potential clients. Let's be honest, for a seller, more clients means more work, and only YOU, and not hired employees, are sincerely interested in the development of your store.

3) There is a team of trained and competent sellers, but few clients:

You have created a great team of sellers who are well versed in your product and are excellent at selling it. But there are few clients. This means that nthere is no well-thought-out store development program,which includes marketing activities. Most likely, your store has recently opened, so get ready for long-term advertising campaigns, investments and... a creative approach.

4) Think about what kind of sellers you have? They are ineffective if:

Sellers are not experts in your product (they do not know the use of the product, the differences in different models, the manufacturer, the unique “selling” characteristics of the product);

Your employees sell goods the same way as in other stores: rudely, sluggishly and sadly, doing extraneous things at work;

Do not own or apply sales techniques;

Your team does not have working motivation for constant sales growth;

Sellers cannot convince the buyer to become a regular customer of the store (so that the client runs up to you even out of curiosity, says “hello”, asks “is there anything new for me”, etc.);

And, what’s saddest, they don’t want and don’t strive to learn, delve into, or master the above.

Mistake 3: Common solutions that don't work:

1) One-time events

And your store is open every day. And you want to receive profit every month. So why did you decide that one-time promotions would be effective for a long time?

“We shoot” once a year, and let them remember us forever?! This approach doesn't work in retail..

Especially for those stores where the target audience is constantly updated : children's stores (children grow up, other parents and mothers replace them), stores of goods for young people or, conversely, for older people, stores of goods for professional use (for accountants, artists, hairdressers, athletes, car enthusiasts, etc.) P.).

The buyer needs to be constantly inspired, delighted and surprised!

If you surprise your client, develop with him, keep up with the times, then the client will come to your store! Moreover, he will bring all his relatives, friends and acquaintances to you. Word of mouth is effective free advertising and a powerful reputation builder!

2) Broken sales training

Sales training was conducted in your store, the employees are euphoric, sales seem to be increasing, salespeople have begun to work better. But then there is a noticeable decline in sales. Why?

Because the training was a one-time event. Because there is no motivation for sellers and no personnel evaluation system. Because there is no post-training control and sales plans.

Conclusion: with short-term efforts, the results are short-term. No further development!


1. Goals and mission of the store for your customers and your employees.

Yes Yes! It exists and it cannot but exist! And it’s not so easy to formulate...

Answer 8 questions that will help you understand the goals and mission of your business:

What are your store's goals besides increasing sales?

What goals do you set for your employees?

What is the mission of your business? What is the mission of your employees? What is the main message they convey to clients?

What steps do you take daily to achieve your business goals?

To what extent are your promotions moving you toward your goals today?

Are you satisfied with today's results in achieving your goals from point 2? How much are you


What prospects will open up for you if sales in your store increase by 20, 50, 100%? Who will you feel like? What new will appear in your life? And what goals will you set for yourself then?

2. A detailed portrait of your target audience.

Don't forget that the target audience is divided into segments, and each of them has its own portrait.

1) What is useful to know about permanent client:

Gender, age, name

Income, social status

The main motive for purchasing, why the client buys in your store

At what time and on what days does the client make purchases?

How often does he visit the store (per week, per month)

Average bill

Interests and hobbies of the client

2) What is important to know about a potential client:

Gender, age

Income (whether the person’s income allows them to shop at your store)

Why is it beneficial for a potential client to participate in your promotion?

Why is it profitable for a potential client to buy a product in your store? What is its benefit? (as specific as possible)

Where to look for your potential client? Where does he often go?

3) Target audience segments:

Possible criteria for segmentation:

VIP clients (a group of clients who have the largest purchase amounts per month, quarter, six months or year)

By total purchases per month, quarter, six months or year

By number of purchases per month, quarter, six months or year

For the purchase of individual product groups (per quarter, six months or year)

Men or women

By age (hobbies, profession, lifestyle - different for each store).

It is important to regularly analyze the purchases of all audience segments.

It is necessary to constantly study the target audience, conduct research and surveys.

When you have a clear portrait of your client, you understand where to look for him, who your advertising campaign is aimed at, and with whom you are conducting a dialogue.

The clearer the client’s portrait, the easier it is to find and motivate him!

3. Analysis of competitors, which will help you “position yourself.”

Competitors are those stores with which your target audience, assortment or prices coincide.

Make a list of competitors with addresses. Take at least three control points. Monitor regularlytheir competitors, at least once a month for each competitor. It is convenient to do monitoring using a checklist. To obtain a more or less plausible picture, at least 3 people must participate in monitoring each outlet.

1) Take the following list of checklist blocks as a basis:

Store visiting time

- How many customers are there in the store?



- Quality of service: politeness of the seller, sales technique, knowledge of the assortment

- Trade outlet traffic

- Availability of parking

- How many years on the market

- Number of outlets

- How many customers made a purchase during your presence in the store?

Web site

2) List 10 of your competitive advantages for customers and 5 competitive advantages for your employees.

If you carefully monitor your competitors using the checklist, you can sketch out a so-called SWOT analysis based on 4 parameters:

Your strengths

Your weaknesses

What opportunities does your store have in the city’s retail market at the moment?

What threats does your business currently face?

Write a list of 10 of your competitive advantages for the client.

Competitive advantage is what sets a store apart from its competitors. This is your uniqueness! This is a strong argument for the client in favor of your store.

3) Formulate 5 competitive advantages for employees by answering the questions:

Do you pay your employees more than your competitors?

Are employees satisfied with their salary?

Are the work schedule suitable for employees?

Are the working conditions comfortable? (cold, damp or light and warm?).

Are the working conditions (lunch area, toilet, sink, refrigerator, microwave, etc.) decent? You yourself would be able to work an entire shift under such conditions and at the same time actively


What additional bonuses do employees have? Do you use non-material reward methods?

To what extent is team spirit, mutual assistance, and enthusiasm represented in the team?

What career prospects do employees have?


1. Mechanisms for finding new clients:

1) The purpose of searching for a new client is not for one-time sale. He should become your regular customer.And all activities to find new clients should initially be designed for this.

2) Store exterior

Goal: to make the store attractive to the target audience that passes by the store.

By the way, watch how many potential customers pass by your store per day? How many of them come in? How many people shop?

- Store sign should be bright, readable, glowing in the dark. And, of course, informative for your potential clients.

- Showcase must fully reflect what is happening in the store! The showcase beckons and attracts! This is a one-time investment that will pay off fairly quickly.

Use pillars, mannequins, advertise your unique product;

The store area must be clean! Showcases, railings, doors and store door handles too!

- Use banners outside the store. Advertise your unique product, your competitive advantages. There is no need to be banal and write “70% Discount”, “SALE 70%”. Everyone does it!

How to attract the attention of people passing by - your potential clients?

We make a banner. Size from 2 meters, the material is usually PVC (it is waterproof, washable, and inexpensive).What not to do: create a banner the same as most stores do now. What are they doing? They write texts: discounts (indicate the percentage), sale, sales, new collection and that’s it.

If you have a new store, then the most “sucky” thing you can write is “We are open!”

And do you think such texts will catch a passerby and motivate them to go into the store if he has already read this text 150 times? What will he think about your store, what associations will they cause, how will your store be remembered?

Create a unique banner with original text.
So what do we need:
- Determine the banner size that is optimal for the store based on the size of the display case or entrance and budget.

Create a portrait of potential clients who pass by your store. What they are interested in. Who are these people? What common feature can they have in common?
- Compose several versions of the text based on the client’s profile, the competitive advantages of the store, and the product offered. You postpone the process for a couple of days, working on the text with your brain in the “background” mode, writing down the options along the way. After a couple of days, preferably in a bad mood, you take out the notes and look at them critically. If you scratch, write again. And so on until insight comes. This will be the BEST wording for YOUR store. You will be proud of it, it is made from the heart and it will CLOCK!

Are you thinking about how to “illuminate” the banner at night and decorate it on holidays;
- Submit an order to an advertising agency.

3) Let's assume that a potential customer enters the store. What you need to know about the interior:

The store must be CLEAN! Always in any weather! Think over a plan for maintaining cleanliness in the store;

The background music should contribute to the purchase, and not irritate or distract;

Smells: non-distracting, non-irritating, natural. Sellers should also smell good (including their breath - there are often smoking employees).

- Lighting should also encourage purchases and lift the mood. If the store is dim and the client has poor eyesight, he will leave your store. For stores with fitting rooms, lighting is a special topic. Decorate them in warm colors, and the lighting is only warm! Fluorescent lamps produce cold light, in which the face, figure and skin do not look their best, and the colors of clothing (or cosmetics) are distorted.

Yes, basic things are described, but many stores, alas, forget about them! Therefore, it is important for a manager to CORRECT the shortcomings!

Not an idle question: is the client comfortable in your store?

4) Promotions. An effective promotion looks like this.

The promotion must be PROFITABLE AND INTERESTING for the potential client!

Purpose of the action: lure or entice a customer to enter a store

Target audience: people passing by the store, walking. (accordingly, a fine day is desirable). In a shopping center: people who pass by a retail outlet, or all visitors to the shopping center.

The bottom line: a promoter works near the store. Promoters need trained and competent people. They work strictly with a specific audience segment.

In the store - a logical continuation of the promotion that the sellers are already doing. And it should be bright and professional!

Goal: to make a person like the store and want to come to you again, tell friends about the promotion or the store.

2. How to constantly delight your customers:

1) The basis of loyalty programs: high quality service

You can advertise in any way you like, congratulate clients, place advertisements in the media and spend a lot of money on it. But if your sellers do not know how to sincerely, kindly and cordiallycommunicate with the client, the result will be minimal and short-term.

Therefore, it is important to constantly train and motivate consultants. Build trusting and friendly relationships with clients. This is the key to an effective loyalty program!

Customers will go to such a store and tell their friends about it, which means they will definitely increase the number of your customers. And sales accordingly.

2) Loyalty program goals:

Increase the share of regular customers;

Organize events in such a way that a new client will want to come again;

Indicator of a good loyalty program: from 50% of regular customers per month.

Regular customers trust you and respect your business.

3) Gift certificates:

They can work for 2 target audiences: potential and regular customers.

Clearly state the conditions for using the certificate that are clear to the client and employee.

- It is important to choose an acceptable denomination of certificates that is accessible to all audience segments.

Different sizes. Like a discount card - compact. But A5 or A6 formats look more attractive and solid. You can make gift certificates exchangeable (which are left in the store after making a purchase with it), in small quantities, thereby allowing yourself to make them as high quality and expensive as possible. For such a certificate, the amount of funds deposited and spent will be recorded using a computer program.

4) Discount cards:

There are cumulative and fixed ones; they can be issued upon a purchase for a certain amount or upon reaching a certain amount on accumulated checks.

- Make the amount for obtaining a discount card available to all customer segments.

For example, if the average bill in a store is 200 hryvnia, and a discount card is issued for purchases over 2000 hryvnia, then this is ineffective.

The best option: the lower threshold for receiving a card is 2-3 times higher than the average receipt.

The card must be bright and readable so that the client can always identify it among the many other cards that he has.

The card must be of good quality, which does not wrinkle or wear out after use for at least a year. (For questions regarding the production of discount cards, you can contact us, the Torgsoft Company, we produce any quantity, quality - similar to bank cards, we will help with a unique design).

It is advisable to make a card with a barcode to record the purchases of each client.

- Application form for obtaining a card nIt should be as comfortable as possible so that the client can fill it out within 2 minutes, no more!

· Full name

· Date of birth (for birthday greetings)

· Contact phone number (for contacting the client, sending advertising SMS, surveys, congratulations)

· Occupation or profession (for a clear portrait of your target audience)

· Amount and date of purchase

Should not be included in the application form home address, passport details.

People get tense when strangers try to get into their personal space.

5) Database system (with cardholders)

Constant analysis of the customer base makes it possible to build the most optimal store development strategy. Your customer base is the most valuable thing you have!

6) Individual congratulations to the client on various holidays

Try to congratulate in an original way! Customers need to be surprised and delighted!

Look for original reasons. And not just the generally accepted holidays: birthday, New Year, February 23 and March 8. Come up with reasons yourself!

It is ineffective to congratulate the client with banal wishes! It’s better to encourage the client to come to the store and receive a symbolic gift! At the same time, there will be no sharp increase in sales from congratulations. But it is your reputation that is priceless!

Congratulate your clients on their birthday, because you have all the data in the questionnaire.

Congratulate via SMS, mail, email or in person by phone.

How to organize this process?
- You appoint someone responsible for congratulations, it is better if it is a manager.
- At the end of the previous month, make a list of birthday people for the next month. Selection criterion: amount of purchases over the last six months or year. Torgsoft has all these possibilities. If the traffic in the store is huge and you have thousands of customers in your database, then it is reasonable to congratulate at least 1-2%. If there are fewer clients, then you can congratulate more people. It all depends on what you are trading. If you have a children's store, then also send congratulations to mom, dad, and grandmother - so that it is touching and individual, at least by name.
- On a person’s birthday, call him and say congratulations. Compose a text of sincere and heartfelt congratulations in advance. And in honor of his birthday, you offer him a bonus, a discount or a gift, limiting the duration of the promotion (a week, 3 days) so that the client comes to the store and makes a purchase.
You can give your souvenir, a significant discount on a product that is valid for some time, or offer to purchase a specific product at a significant discount.
- Keep a report on congratulations: how many people were congratulated in a month, how many of those who were congratulated made a purchase.

7) Souvenirs with your logo

Create an original souvenir. Keep it updated regularly. And hand it over in such a way that it is a pleasant surprise for the client (the key word is “hand over”, and don’t just put your branded pens or bags at the checkout - people will be “embarrassed” to take them themselves or, conversely, “row” them indiscriminately).

3. Events in the store. Selling merchandising

Try answering the following questions to make changes to your merchandising:

- How convenient is the product display for the customer? Observe what most often a buyer is asked if they are unable to find it on their own? Agree, not everyone will ask questions - some will simply leave the store without finding the right product.

Product navigation: A large store may have signs (signs, posters) about the product. The product for each customer group is highlighted with a pointer. (Example: You've probably noticed signs in cosmetics stores indicating brands).

If the store is not large, make a thematic display of goods: new items, great gifts, low prices, product of the week, product of the month, for men, for women, for children, best-selling product, etc.

How long does it take a seller to find a product when a customer requests it?

And if there is no seller, or he is busy with another client, then how much time will it take for the client to find the product on his own?

Is it convenient for the client to explore the assortment of your store?

- What are your price tags?? Do your price tags encourage the client to buy the product? (A well-known technique is when a deliberately high price is written, crossed out and the real, lower price is written). Is the information on the price tag visible to a person with poor vision? It is very convenient when the price tag immediately shows the size of the item (if we talk about clothes), the manufacturer (brand), and the price. In addition to convenience, this will save your product from “rummaging through” things in search of the label.

Are the price tags clean and tidy? Or dirty and wrinkled? Your logo can be placed on the price tags, once again emphasizing the style of the store.

4.Affiliate programs or cross-promotion

The bottom line: find partners for joint promotion

Criteria for selecting partners:

· You have the same target audience.

· But different products. You are not competitors!

· Your products are in the same price category.

· Your customers often make purchases from your partner.

How to do it:

1) Discount club: create a common discount club with partners. You issue uniform discount cards for club members. Clearly explain the benefits to the client.

2) Exchange of information materials. Information about you is distributed among the partner's clients. You are sharing information from your partner. This could be the distribution of advertising brochures in partner stores, indoor advertising.

These two approaches, of course, can be combined.

Examples of affiliate programs:

· Women's clothing store + Lingerie store + Beauty salon or hairdresser + Accessories and jewelry store + Shoe store;

· Children's store + Stationery store + Attractions + Children's store (but a completely different range, for example, shoes for children) + Stores for mothers (see above)

· Men's clothing store + Sports store + Fishing store + Auto parts store + Gym + Household or computer equipment store

It is important that all participants in the process (clients, organizers, sellers) are interested in the affiliate program.

5. Corporate publication for your clients

Purpose of the corporate publication: convince you to come to the store again for a new client and surprise, increase loyalty to the store, motivate to share information with your friends - for a regular customer.

What is important to know about the publication:

1) Minimum 3 releases per year.

2) Convenient, compact format

3) Only useful and interesting information about your product and store

4) Convince suppliers to pay for the production of a corporate publication. Involve your promotion partners to place advertisements in the publication.

6. Promotion via the Internet

1) If you don’t have your own website, then you need to make one.

It is not at all necessary to invest a lot of money into a website.

Make a simple website in terms of design and programming, but interesting in terms of content!

They often do the opposite: an excellent site in terms of web design, but nothing in terms of content. So who is this site for?

2) Goals of the site:

Convince a potential client to come to the store

Remind yourself to a customer who hasn’t shopped in your store for a long time

Give the opportunity to make a purchase using the website (Online store) or simply ask the price, select, look at the desired product, and then come and buy it.

3) Questions that will help you create a selling website:

What valuable and useful information can I convey to my potential client?

What features should be on the website to make a person want to visit the store?

How is my site different from my competitors' sites?

4) It is important to regularly update the information on the site. Add a video about your store to the main page. Add news, posts, reviews from satisfied customers. Post PHOTOS of new products, record-breaking sales items, and sale items.

The site must be alive!

5) Use affiliate programs to attract customers to the site, Anduse contextual advertising, send newsletters via SMS or email.


1. Who are your employees? What do they think of you? Current situation. Personnel decides everything!

It is believed that to quickly increase sales in a store, advertising in the media is needed. Lots of advertising in the media. And so, the manager invests a lot of money in an advertising campaign.

Results appear, new customers come to the store. And who meets them? Friendly consultants who are experts in their product, who are sincerely happy to see every client? If so, then everything is great! And sales in the store will probably increase.

However, it often happens that a client is greeted in a store by a dull and dull salesman. , who is not at all happy to see you, because he was distracted by conversations with a colleague, talking on the phone or reading a magazine or watching TV designed to entertain clients. In this case, the chances of buying are 50x50...

How confident are you in your sellers? In what mood do customers leave the store?

2. Typical mistakes of sellers that do not contribute to sales growth:
1. Sellers do not do upselling - selling additional goods. That is, sellers sell to the client only the goods that he himself asked for. And every additional sale increases your turnover.

2. The seller begins to describe the product rather than apply the technique of identifying the client’s needs, which means he cannot effectively sell, present the main product and offer related products.

How to fix:
- Teach salespeople how to find out the client’s needs: ask open-ended questions, clarifying questions, recognize the “root” of an objection, etc.

Introduce penalties for closed questions such as “Can I help you?”, “Can I tell you something?”
If the mechanism for identifying needs is well established, you can easily make upsells. Because the client's needs are clarified in detail. This means you can offer additional products.

Come up with reasons for upselling:
- new product
- product promotions
- price drop
- get up to the amount of the discount card

Buy a similar product as a gift for a friend

Buy some little things to please your child

Buy a product that complements its functionality (cigarettes + lighter, shoes + shoe polish, champagne + candy, trousers + belt, shoes + handbag, hat and scarf for a new jacket, a book for a new toy, etc.).

Selling goods from a similar price category for comparison (for example, offering to buy several types of tea, wine, sweets).

There can be many reasons; together with your employees, write a list of 10 reasons for upselling for your store.

Yes, it is difficult to attract people to the store, but it is even more difficult to surprise them and make them your regular customers.

Try answering the following questions:

How does each employee fit into your business goals on a scale of 1 to 10?

Write 8 reasons why your employees work in your store?

Are the salespeople in your store experts in your product? Will they be able to conduct a master class on the product?

What sales techniques do employees use?

How many days a year do salespeople go out onto the sales floor in a good mood?

How do you motivate sellers?

It is important to constantly communicate with your employees.

Use everyone's favorite carrot and stick.

Consultant dissatisfied with life = Unhappy customer

Do you need unhappy customers?

If not, then create conditions so that your employees are happy, so that they radiate positivity. And they brought this wave of positivity to clients.

2) Hold meetings in the store at least once a month.

One of the goals of the meeting: so that every employee knows by heart ALL the information that he must convey to the client. And also convey to your employees your sentiments (“We worked well last month,” “We are preparing for the New Year’s rush in December”).

Communicate with your employees, listen to them. Encourage those who are active and proactive, fire the lazy and pessimists.

3. Personnel training system

You need to start a personnel training system:

By setting clear and measurable goals. And describe in as much detail as possible the results that are needed from the training.

From personnel assessment for the first cut of knowledge and skills.

Retail training formats: trainings, coaching, lectures, seminars, exhibitions, visits to the place of production of goods, mentoring, self-study.

The most ideal option is to include all training formats in the system and involve sellers in the self-learning process. If an employee studies on his own, it costs a lot.

Required skills for sellers:

Be able to sell goods to any client

Convince a new client to become a regular client

100% knowledge of the assortment.

Accordingly, the entire training system should be aimed at developing these three competencies.

Mentoring system.In what format is it presented in your store? What results does it give?

If set up correctly, such a system gives good results, and even more so, it is a free way to “train” beginners. What is important to apply in the mentoring system:

We need clear motivation for a senior salesperson. Why is it beneficial for him to train a newcomer, essentially a person from the street?

Introduce a monitoring system for the mentoring process.

Eliminate competition between “newbies” and “oldies.”

4) How to train sellers on your own?

Find the employee who knows your product best, who is already an expert. Agree with him that he will conduct seminars on the product for additional payment. Make up with him

training program. And implement it.

Find the employee who is best at selling the product. And can sell to any client. Together with him, draw up a sales training plan for your store. Take customer service standards as the basis for the training.

Write down clear and understandable customer service standards that sales consultants must follow.

a) Customer service standards are detailed instructions that contain rules on how to sell your product to different customers under different circumstances.

What is it for? To create a unique service model specifically for your store - one, to monitor the implementation of standards by all employees (and therefore to increase discipline in relation to behavior with customers) - two. In addition, having “written” instructions will make it easier for you to train newcomers in the event of opening new outlets or dismissing careless employees.

Seller's appearance

Uniform (if any), or accepted dress code

Rules of behavior on the sales floor (here it is important to describe such little things as: the presence of chewing gum, communication with another seller in the presence of a client, communication on the phone using personal

questions, playing on the computer, reading the press that is not related to the specialization of the store or watching videos on TV intended for the entertainment of customers, etc.)

Rules for establishing contact with a client (for different types of clients and situations)

Needs Clarification Technology

Presentation of the product, what specific information the seller must convey about each product

- “selling price”

Technology of working with objections and resistance. Be able to respond to the buyer’s frequent excuses “it’s expensive”, “I need to think”, “but I saw something cheaper on the market”, “we’ll come back later”, etc.

Upsell mechanism;

Rules for ending contact.

Standards creation process -very labor-intensive, and you, as the owner of the store, will first of all have to master everything yourself that you want to teach the staff. Solutions to the problems described above can be found in specialized literature, or on our website ( in the Store Management section). And, of course, analyze your experience and the experience of your successful employees). P Write down each point in detail.Then hold a meeting with employees and explain each point in detail, offer to include wishes in the standards.

Objective: obtain agreement with the standards from each employee.

c) How to “train” sellers? Make changes to the standards 1-2 times a year to always be with your consumer.

Periodically (this can be timed to coincide with the arrival of a new employee or a new product line), conduct certification of sellers, that is, a breakdown of each point of the standard. First of all, pay attention to knowledge of the assortment and style of service (use of sales techniques +kindness, sincerity).

Certifications should be carried out 2-3 times a year. If you carry out certification more often, the store will turn into a school, and the employees will be constantly in nervous tension. If it is carried out once a year, the information will also be taught once a year, there will be no opportunity to evaluate new knowledge and skills.

5) MOTIVATING SELLERS.We talked about certification for so long for a reason. This is closely related to mmotivation of sellers

a) Effective payment scheme:

Salary +% of sales is a familiar, but not entirely effective scheme.

Try using the scheme: salary + bonuses for key indicators included in the standard.

For example:

Salary + 1) bonus for fulfilling the sales plan + 2) bonus for customer service + 3) bonus for display of goods and order in the sales area + 4) bonus for fulfilling the sales planspecific product + 5) bonus from the store manager for good work during the month.

You can adjust this scheme according to your needs: assign fines for shortages or, conversely, award bonuses for the safety of goods (for example, trading in dishes, souvenirs).

The effectiveness of this scheme is that it is a kind of mini-assessment based on the performance of a specific person.

This allows you to quickly make changes to the store’s activities. The benefit for the employee is that he will try to prove himself in all areas that are awarded. Which means hewill try to work at 100!

It should be REAL to get a 100% bonus if you work hard all month.

Some employees will be outraged that their salary was reduced. And they can be completely understood, because now they will have to work more actively in order to receive at least an amount equal to their salary. And activityon the part of employees will lead to improved quality of service and increased sales.

Let employees express themselves not only in the sales area, let them think about how to attract customers, come up with and offer promotions, non-standard approaches to stand out from competitors, let them advertise your store left and right among friends and acquaintances, sitting on VKontakte, walking with their child etc. and so on. Let them come up with it! It’s not like you can’t sleep at night and wonder how to find 10 thousand for a salary... One head is good, but several are better. Let them be infected with enthusiasm!

b) Salaries for salespeople should be competitive in your niche. Ideal option: You pay your sellers 20-30% more than your competitors, for good work, of course.

Then there will be an opportunity to choose GOOD PERSONNEL.

It will be possible to increase wages but due to increased sales and reduced costs for ineffective advertising and expenses associated with theft, “loss” of goods, fraud with discounts and other abuses. In this matter, the Torgsoft accounting program is always on your side!

c) Use a combination of material and non-material motivation. Non-material motivation:

Good human relations with employees

Personal praise from the manager for the work done. And this praise is more valuable than money. Praise your employees more often!

Various diplomas and certificates

Working conditions (kitchen, toilet, etc.).

Well now -

Go out to the trading floor right now and seewhat inconveniences are there in the sales area, how do sellers and buyers behave, what advantages does your store have based on the layout, location, assortment, design? Don't be lazygo outside and watch people passing by. Eliminate what you haven’t liked for a long time, improve what you already have! Implement the recommendations that seem appropriate to you. It will work!

Dear Store Owner!

If the material presented in this article inspired you to implement changes, We want to wish you brilliant ideas, tireless work ethic and victory in this matter, and also recall the old wisdom: “Success is 99% work and 1% luck”!

Direct your energy to development, and entrust control and accounting to the Torgsoft program!

Good luck to you! And rapid sales growth!

Popular articles

In this article:

It is known that many traders use all kinds of witchcraft techniques in their work. On the one hand, traders attract good luck to themselves, but on the other hand, they ruin their competitors. However, even this fact is not negative, because any market is a bundle of envy. Among the sellers there are a large number of “damaged” people, whose troubles arise as a result of the well-being of others.

Colleagues deal magical blows to each other, which you need to be prepared for. Tell me that magic aimed at successful trading is evil? Maybe. But everyone in the modern world is for himself, his own wealth and his own well-being. And if today you don’t grab the bird of luck by the tail, then tomorrow someone else will.

Protecting a retail space from business neighbors

If you suspect that your neighbors in the retail space are attracting your customers in a mystical way, stealing not only customers but also income, you can try to protect yourself.

To do this, you should drive two nails into the ground from all sides of your trading place or bury two knives with their points down. Also, from time to time you need to sprinkle your trading area with poppy seeds or sprinkle the premises (stall, tent, store) along with the goods with “Epiphany” water.

In trading you cannot do without special methods, since every day the seller comes into contact with hundreds of people with different energy levels

In restoring trading success, land taken near the entrance of a large department store (preferably several) and land taken from two churches help. The soil mixture is sprinkled at your own counter and table.

Small coins, which should be placed in the far left corner of the room, will help attract money luck to your store, pavilion or stall.

Important - the left corner is from the buyer, who is facing the product, not the seller!

It is important that the first buyer be a man and under no circumstances should he be missed. You can give him the goods at a lower price or sell at least something. With the first money received, you need to fan all the goods so that they don’t get stale that day.

Trade conspiracies

There are a large number of conspiracies for trading, but they cannot be used often. When trading luck begins to weaken, then you can use one of the conspiracies.

The main thing that you must remember when reading conspiracies is that they cannot be read while intoxicated, as well as for female sellers on critical days.

Salt spell.

“Those on foot and on horseback, come here; here is a place for you, food and water. I want your money, you get my goods."

After reading the plot, stand in front of the counter, turning your back to your product, and throw a handful of salt back over your left shoulder with your right hand. At the same time, no one should see you.

The next spell is pronounced while washing and wiping with a handkerchief, which is then taken to work, that is, to the place of trade.

The seller should whisper this spell over his product from time to time:

“I am a merchant, well done in everything, I will sell my goods to you. Money to money. I have your money, you have my goods. Amen".

If you lay out goods from left to right and say “I’ll put it, I’ll bring a buyer.” Buyer, come, don’t leave the goods. Amen,” you can count on maximum sales. The spell is pronounced for each unit of goods separately.

To avoid spoilage at the market, try to follow the following tips.

If you tie money with a rubber band, never give the pack along with it, as it can be damaged or your money luck can be taken away through it in order to strengthen your own. This way your money and well-being will flow into someone else’s wallet.

Do not make purchases from people who, when making a sale, accompany it with lamentations, such as “I barely brought the goods to the market,” “Finally, someone bought this thing,” “These products make my stomach turn,” etc. Thus, the seller can convey to you his illnesses, problems, and failures.

Transferring or dumping a disease on a random person is a fairly common damage even today

If you have heard rumors that grandmothers selling seeds transmit their diseases through their goods, then you can know that these are not rumors, but real reality. The disease is transmitted at the time of sale along with a complaint of illness or poor health. In this case, you need to refuse the purchase or product, saying “Keep it for yourself.”

Spells for successful trading for change

Often buyers leave the change to the seller. Most often this is a small thing. However, it is these pennies that will help you in the next ritual. Say the change left for you at home. Take the money in your left hand and say:

"A month, a full month,
Middle month, young month.
Give me a treasure out of a penny.
How my mother gave birth to me, a slave (mother’s name),
In the first diaper I swaddled.
I don’t gird it with a belt,
And a bunch of gold and silver.
My word is strong, my deed is moldable.

Trade conspiracy

On a major holiday, buy a prosphora and before going to work, taking it in your left hand, cross yourself and say 12 times:

“Lord God, help.”

After this, you should bow to the front corner of the room and say:

“Herod had 12 daughters. Just as it is true that there were 12 daughters and not 13, it is true and true that I will sell my goods.”

You need to eat the prosphora and go to work to sell.

For a good deal

If you have a trade transaction coming up and you wish it to be completed successfully, read these words above a financial document, in a warehouse with goods, above your wallet:

“Gold is pouring down to me,
Like peas pouring into the bins, like barley on the threshing floor,
Like rye on a current!
Gold, stick to my hands.
Like flies to honey, like butterflies to the light,
Grass to the sun!
Gold, pour out without measure into my pockets.
Handfuls and handfuls!
Gold, be with me
Like a nightingale with spring, like a fish with grass!
I’m not a merchant or a merchant, I’m a merchant and a fine fellow,
I sell in parts, hang in excess.
I measure with powder, cut with an increase,
Lew with the rest.
May there be a treasure in my barn, all right,
Yes, there is ergot in everything.
Without ruin
Without burnout,
Every day of my market.

Honey spell

A small amount of honey is incanted with the following words:

“Like bees swarm and flock,
so to us, traders,
buyers came together.”

After this, you should lightly smear honey on, for example, your chin, tip of your nose or temples.

Today I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will talk about the practical application of magical conspiracies for trading and attracting buyers. These effective rituals help attract many customers to a store or outlet.

It seems that sellers, more than anyone else, are interested in effective money magic spells, and how to independently attract many buyers to their product using a magical ritual. There are plenty of money rituals for good luck in trading that you can do every day. There is plenty to choose from. If you practice even the white rites of money magic for luck, without getting into the wilds, you always have the opportunity to create kinship with money in a safe way.

Self-made money love spell - attract buyers and money

This is one of the simple ancient rituals to become related to money and attract profits from trade. It is suitable not only for trading people, but for anyone who wants to increase cash flow in their own life. Perform a magical ritual attracting good luck in trading on the waxing moon. You will need:

  • money
  • large piece of natural fabric

It is important to collect all the money in the house - bills and even the smallest coins: You can’t allow even a coin to remain under the sofa or forgotten in the pocket of old clothes. Spread a cloth on the floor and spread the money on it in an even layer. Having undressed, lie on top of them, turn like a spindle counterclockwise, while reading aloud the words of a home plot to attract good luck in trading:

“Money will buy you, you will be loved, I wish to understand you, embrace you, so that I can be related to you.”

Naturally, you need colorful visualizations of the receipt of money from buyers of goods and the improvement of your financial situation. By doing this regularly, you can learn to accumulate the energy of wealth in yourself, become a magnet for money, and throw off money negativity. Such independent rituals will help the seller use magic to attract cash buyers to his store.

In this practice, you can also talk about another home plot to attract profitable buyers: “Money to money, day after day money eats”, and then voice what you want, tell the money for what specific purpose it is needed. This will help program a specific financial event for a successful outcome, attracting many wealthy buyers to a shopping center or a shop in the market.

To attract new customers to the store - a spell for water for the Annunciation

This is a conspiracy for the store, to attract customers, to increase the flow of cash customers. In, the effect is one-day, but if it works for you, the result will be impressive. On the eve of the Annunciation, they cast a spell on water, and in the morning, before the first customer arrives at the store, they spray the goods that need to be sold quickly with this water. They do this as needed. You can do it at least every morning until the charmed water runs out. This will really help attract more buyers, with the help of a water spell, you can significantly increase sales of stale goods.

The text of the plot to sell before the buyer arrives is as follows:

“The Good News announced a miracle. The good news leads people to churches, and my conspiracy will attract people to my shop. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

It is clear that this magical ritual is performed by those who are in harmony with the Christian egregor. Some practicing magicians believe that it is possible to attract buyers to a product using a ritual with water enchanted for the Annunciation, and they use the white spell constantly, obtaining, in general, good results. Other practicing magicians who work with Christian Forces claim that this free ritual is one-day and not particularly effective. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will say this: you need to observe and constantly analyze the results of your work in order to understand what specifically works best for you, what rituals to attract potential customers to the store work with the greatest impact.

Perhaps money rituals at crossroads, or practice on the river? Or rituals in a cemetery, work with icons, in a church, in crowded places?

  • Someone, for example, has a special relationship with the water element, and whatever is done works great.
  • And another sorcerer gets wonderful results by conspiring to have a lot of buyers, working with demons at crossroads.
  • And someone in the crowd actually casts a spell and is capable of creating almost any effect on the fly. To attract good luck in trading and selling goods.

In magic you need to think, act, then observe, analyze and wait. Perhaps the hardest thing is waiting. But this can be learned. In addition, for self-education there is internal discipline.

Self-conspiracy to sell before buyers arrive

Here is another example from money magic rituals that will help quickly attract more customers to a new store. Contact with the Forces of the Christian egregor is also necessary. Two-handed people can do it. The renounced warlock, of course, would not dare say: « In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit" since the force of the return will break him for a long time, and appealing to non-patronizing Forces is, to say the least, inappropriate. Well, that’s who studied what, gentlemen.

You choose how to use magic to attract the attention of rich buyers.

An effective conspiracy for big sales in a store, read on the first Wednesday of the month 7 times, at the workplace, before the first buyer:

“Solomon’s grandmother, Christ’s right-mother, washed Christ, poured clean water over him, and covered him with a towel. Solomon's grandmother, Christ's ruler, remove, wash away, rinse the inflows, damage, counterfeits, allotments, crookedness, emptiness, poverty from my business, from my goods, from silver money, from copper money, from paper money, rustling, ringing. So that they never decrease for me, but grow and come. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

An independent ritual removes a simple, not heavy negative, in addition, it is a fairly strong conspiracy that helps the seller attract potential buyers.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

Attract buyers with strong spells - for ripe rye ears

There are many money conspiracies like this to attract new customers to the store. In general, almost everything that is done with ears of corn works to attract money, rich, unstingy clients, profit, a constant flow of money. Here is another example of how through magical self conspiracy to attract a profitable buyer to the product. The ritual is really simple.

You need to pick ears of rye in the field, and on them read the text of an independent conspiracy for the arrival of the first buyers, 7 times:

“Like an ear of corn, so let my business grow and bring profit. Amen".

Place the ears in a vase and keep them at home or at a retail outlet. In the store, this effective plot to have a lot of customers is precisely what gives them an influx; in the office there is an influx of wholesale customers. The home provides frequent cash flows from various sources.

An independent ritual for regular customers - the power of visualization

Here’s another effective ritual to quickly attract wholesale buyers. If you have your own wholesale company, for which you want to attract serious buyers, or just a store that needs money, try this ritual to attract rich customers. There are no words of conspiracy here, the work is on visualization. For the money ritual you need to prepare:

  • candle
  • piece of paper
  • pencil

If done on a waning moon, you can get rid of everything that is not needed, that interferes and burdens you - problems, debts, obsessive communication of a person, etc. On the waxing moon you can attract what you need:

  • good luck
  • money,
  • luck in business
  • profit in trading,
  • shoppers in a shopping center, etc.

Light the candle. On a piece of paper write what you need - what you want to attract, or what you want to get rid of. Open the window, read what is written out loud, say: "Let it be so", and light the leaf from the candle flame. Scatter the ashes to the wind. You can do it both during the day and in the evening. In this case, it is not the time of day that is important, but the strength of intention and clarity of visualization.

An effective conspiracy to return a generous buyer

Every merchant is interested in regular, rich customers who create trade turnover and make him a big profit. So that you have such, try to attract them with an independent conspiracy in order to bind the buyer, “tame” him, force him to come to you again and again.

And for this you need to do this. Take a broom at home and perform a simple ritual with salt for good luck in trading matters. Holding a broom in your right hand, sprinkle salt mixed with bread crumbs on it, and at the same time read the words of the spell with salt to attract buyers:

“Everyone comes to me, bread, salt, water are here. Amen".

One branch needs to be broken off and brought to where you are trading. It is this (i.e., the eternal power of magic) that will attract buyers to you.

“The product is my face, I’m doing great myself.”

Here’s another surefire remedy, a good one magic ritual to attract customers' attention. Bring salt from home to the trading place. Before opening the store, speak it three times like this:

Then, at the entrance to the store, throw salt with your right hand over your left shoulder.

Despite its apparent simplicity and unpretentiousness, this is a very strong conspiracy among buyers for salt, which has long been known to businessmen, and for a long time. In general, simple rituals like this help to quickly and profitably find rich buyers for any product. In order for your trading to be successful, so that you can sell with good profit for yourself, do not neglect simple daily conspiracies.

A powerful money magic spell to attract buyers for honey

A money plot for honey will lure buyers, and your trade will improve and your profits will increase. Magic rituals and conspiracies to attract buyers to a new place, for money and good trade, do not have negative consequences, since they are not rituals of black magic. Use simple spells and whispers on new customers, and your product will quickly fly off the shelf.

To attract a buyer to a product with the help of a ritual, take a spoonful of natural bee honey, bring it to your trading place and right there, without witnesses, read the text of a money plot on it so that there are many buyers in the department:

“As bees flock to honey, so merchants flock to my goods, bee to bee - a swarm, the whole buyer will be mine. I came to trade, to meet the buyer, the merchant will come and take all the goods. The witch's word is strong. Amen".

Anoint the threshold of a store or your market counter with enchanted honey. The conspiracy will begin to work quickly, and trade will be profitable. Hide the spoon with the remaining honey under the counter, and in the evening, after completing the sale, wash it in a glass of hot water, and pour this water at the trading place, so that with this magical ritual you can attract many buyers the next day for new sales.

Any retail chain or individual seller on the market always faces the following question: “How to attract buyers?” Its solution is dealt with by marketing, which is a fairly exact science.

How to attract customers to the store so that people willingly come for new purchases? To do this, they need to offer something more than a product. Customers should experience the store as an opportunity to save money and improve their mood. In addition, when buying things, a person’s self-esteem should increase, and his soul should be filled with positive emotions. Pleasant smells, special colors, good music - all these are classic examples of marketing that almost all supermarkets use in their work. However, every seller wants to be different from their competitors who use the same techniques. And this requires a developed marketing service, the functioning of which will be aimed at developing a new and effective strategy.

Importance of the problem

It's hard to imagine our life without shops. Some people visit retail outlets once a week, while others go there almost every day. Today, in every city there are many shopping centers, super- and hypermarkets, boutiques and just shops. It even seems like there are too many of them. At the same time, the question certainly arises: “Does every store really have its own customers?”

The main problem of trade is that, despite the increase in the number of retail outlets, the number of residents of the settlement remains unchanged. That’s when the question arises: “How to attract customers?” Because it’s no secret that store visitors are becoming more capricious and picky. Each newly opened retail outlet enters into battle with its competitors for each customer. Moreover, in such a battle it is not the strongest who wins. The most resourceful and inventive one wins.

Analysis of clients and competitors

To develop a marketing policy that will answer the question “How to attract customers?”, you will need to conduct some research. For this purpose, information is collected about potential buyers and the work of competitors, on the basis of which subsequent analysis is carried out.

First of all, you need to visit all nearby retail outlets, assessing their operating hours, the advertising used, the quality and quantity of the range of goods offered. This will allow you to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors. Then you need to take a closer look at the target audience that suits your financial situation and age. Only by knowing your potential buyers can you understand how to attract them.

Introspection is important to determine your marketing strategy. It will allow you to identify the resources available to the retail outlet and determine ways to achieve the final goal.

Drawing up an action plan

What marketing strategies will be most effective? Those that consist of a specific action plan, with control points and deadlines. This will include various types of work, which can be divided into external and internal. The first of them require significant costs. Internal work is less burdensome and allows you not only to attract customers, but also to increase conversion in the store and increase the average check.

An example of exterior work is the placement of an exterior sign. In order for it to have maximum effect, it should be brightly decorated and placed on the side with the greatest traffic.


How to attract new customers to the store? One of the most effective and uncomplicated methods used by marketing is advertising. She also acts as an excellent assistant, allowing you to talk about the opening of a new outlet. There are many means of advertising. These include leaflets and advertisements in various media. However, the most effective today is considered to be outdoor advertising in the form of streamers and banners on the roads, as well as online promotion. It is worth keeping in mind that all of the above methods should be used regularly and be aimed at a specific target audience.


How to attract buyers if there are approximately equal conditions between competing retail outlets? The client will prefer a store with a more stylish design and attentive salespeople. There are many other internal works that are important to carry out to increase your competitiveness.

Those who are asking the question “How to attract customers to a clothing store?” should think about comfortable lighting. In addition, it is important that fitting rooms have ottomans on which you can place your bag. But you won’t be mistaken in choosing the thing you like and professional light will allow you to see it well. It can be called one of the most important marketing tools. Those stores in which lamps simply do not allow the room to drown in darkness are doomed to failure. Only high-quality lighting design, which should be laid out at the construction stage, will solve the problem of how to attract customers to the store. Moreover, this technique is important not only for a clothing outlet. It is also necessary for a store that sells underwear or accessories.

With the help of lighting design, you can hide some interior imperfections, change the space and give the room some elitism, flaunting the highest quality of the product.

Sound design

Marketing strategies involve a number of ways to attract customers. Having taken care of the lighting, you need to think about the sound. This is also an important detail that will make the buyer treat the product more loyally. In addition, all sellers are interested in having customers stay on the sales floor longer, making spontaneous purchases, bringing good income to the store. Pleasant sound design is extremely important. The fact is that a person experiences psychological discomfort when being in absolute silence. It is unpleasant for the client to hear the echo of his steps throughout the room. Discomfort is also felt when there is a large influx of buyers. Noise in the sales area tires the client. That is why the marketing service, when choosing a strategy for its actions, should pay attention to a professional sound design system designed for continuous operation for many hours.