Criteria for evaluating applications and their significance. Evaluation of applications and criteria for evaluating applications for participation in a tender, request for proposals, auction

You need to set criteria for evaluating applications if you are running a competition or . This will reveal Best offer participants. First of all, you need to evaluate the cost offer of the participant. Experience, personnel, product quality or other criteria may also be evaluated depending on the subject of your purchase. In most cases, you are free to choose criteria, but with one caveat: there must be two criteria, and one of them is the contract price. When describing the evaluation process in the documentation, it is important to be clear about what is being evaluated and how the panel will award the scores. If this is not done, you face a fine of up to 3,000 rubles.

What evaluation criteria are provided by law

Evaluation criteria are divided into cost and non-value. Non-value criteria, in turn, are divided into indicators.

Cost Criteria- this is:

  • contract price (clause 1 part 1);
  • expenses for the operation and repair of goods (objects), the use of the results of work ();
  • the cost of the life cycle of a product or a created object (clause 5 of the Rules for evaluating applications N 1085);
  • expenses under an energy service contract (part 9 of article 108 of Law No. 44-FZ).

Non-monetary criteria- this is:

  • participants qualification () .

This criterion has indicators (clause 27 of the Rules for evaluating applications N 1085):

Qualification of labor resources (managers and key specialists);

Experience in the successful delivery of goods, performance of work, provision of services of a comparable nature and volume;

Availability of material and technical resources (availability production capacity, technical equipment);

Availability of labor resources;

Business reputation.

This criterion has indicators (clause 25 of the Rules for evaluating applications N 1085):

Quality of goods (works, services);

Functional, consumer properties of the goods;

Compliance with environmental regulations.

The list of indicators is open. You can set your own, applicable exclusively to your purchase (Letters of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated 04/19/2016 N D28i-973, dated 04/18/2016 N D28i-995).

What criteria to choose for evaluating applications

There must be at least two criteria. Which one to choose depends on what you are buying.

Features when choosing the following:

  • criterion "contract price" install in all purchases, except when:

You are purchasing a product (work, service), the price of which is regulated by the state (tariffs), for example, OSAGO (З, Decision of the Altai Regional OFAS dated October 30, 2015 in case No. 459/15);

Make a purchase at (, clause 5 of the Rules for evaluating applications N 1085);

Make a purchase for the conclusion of an energy service contract and write in the documentation that the application must contain the information specified in paragraphs 2 or 3 of part 6 of Art. 108 of Law N 44-FZ (part 9 of article 108 of Law N 44-FZ);

  • criterion "expenses for the operation and repair of goods (the result of work)" can be established only if in the contract, in addition to the supply of goods (performance of work), there are conditions for its further operation, repair, supply of consumables (clauses 6, 7 of the Rules for evaluating applications N 1085);
  • non-value set the criteria as you wish. An exception is three cases (clause 11 of the Rules for Evaluating Applications N 1085):

If you are purchasing construction work, for evaluation, take the criterion “qualification of procurement participants”, and to it the indicator “experience of the participant in the successful delivery of goods (work, services) of a comparable nature and volume”. Exception - if you have installed additional requirements for ;

If we are talking about services for organizing children's recreation (their health improvement), then set the criterion "qualification of procurement participants";

When holding a competition with limited participation (), you cannot choose the indicator “experience of the participant in the successful completion of work of a comparable nature and volume”, if it is established as an additional requirement (clause 30 of the Rules for Evaluating Applications N 1085).

How to determine the significance of criteria and indicators

The significance of the criteria is how much each criterion will affect the final rating of the application.

You need to set the significance as a percentage from 0 to 100 of the sum of the significance of all criteria, which should be equal to 100%.

The significance of indicators for a non-monetary criterion is determined in a similar way - from 0% to 100% for each indicator. The sum of the significance of indicators within each criterion should be equal to 100%.

How to determine the significance of criteria

How important to set the criterion depends on what you are purchasing:

  • if you buy goods, then at least 70% should be cost criteria, and the rest - non-cost.

An example of determining the significance of criteria when purchasing goods

For example, we buy musical instruments. The price is important to us, but the quality of the tools is also important.

Let's set the cost criterion - "contract price".

Non-cost - "qualitative, functional and environmental characteristics of the procurement object."

We determine the significance of the criteria:

  • "contract price" - 80%;
  • "quality, functional and environmental characteristics of the procurement object" - 20%.
  • if you purchase works (services), then by general rule at least 60% should be occupied by cost criteria, the rest - by non-value criteria.

An example of determining the significance of criteria in the procurement of design works

For the competition for design work The customer has established three evaluation criteria in the documentation, determining their significance as follows:

  • 70% - "";
  • 20% - "qualitative, functional and environmental characteristics of the procurement object";
  • 10% - "qualification of procurement participants".

The significance of all criteria is 100%.

For some types of work (services), the ratio of cost and non-value criteria can vary from 0% to 100%. To determine whether you need to use special criteria values ​​in your purchase, use the Appendix to the Rules for Evaluating Applications N 1085.


  • if you set the criterion "expenses for the operation and repair of goods (the result of work)", then its significance should be less than or equal to the significance of the criterion "contract price" ();
  • if you purchase services for the organization of recreation (recovery) of children, then the significance of the criterion "qualification of participants in the procurement" should be at least half the significance of all non-monetary criteria. For example, they set the significance of two non-cost criteria - 60%, then the "qualification of procurement participants" should be at least 30% (clause 11 of the Rules for Evaluating Applications N 1085).

How to determine the significance of indicators for non-monetary criteria

You can refine each non-cost criterion into indicators. For each indicator, determine its significance from 0% to 100%. The significance of all indicators within the criterion should be 100% (clause 11 of the Rules for evaluating applications N 1085).

An example of determining the significance of indicators within a criterion

We are holding a competition for the provision of services for public opinion polls. Let's set the criteria:

  • "contract price" - 70%;
  • "qualification of procurement participants" - 15%;
  • "quality, functional and environmental characteristics of the procurement object" - 15%.

The sum of the significance of all criteria is 100%.

For the non-cost criterion "qualification of procurement participants" we will set three indicators:

  • "qualification of labor resources" - 70%;
  • "business reputation" - 10%;
  • “Experience of successfully performing services of a comparable scope and nature” - 20%.

The sum of the significance values ​​of the criteria indicators is equal to 100%.

For the indicator "qualitative, functional and environmental characteristics of the procurement object" we will set one indicator "quality of services" - 100%.

How to evaluate applications

The application must be evaluated for each criterion and indicator from 0 to 100 points.

Take the formulas for calculating points according to cost criteria from Sec. II of the Rules for Evaluation of Applications N 1085.

To assign points for non-monetary criteria, set your own scale or use the formulas specified in paragraphs 21 - 24 of the Rules for Evaluating Applications N 1085.

During the competition, it was established that the significance of the criterion "price of the contract" is 75%, and the significance of the "qualification of procurement participants" is 25%. Only 100%.

When considering applications, the participant was awarded 80 points according to the “contract price” criterion, and 100 points according to the “qualification of procurement participants” criterion.

How to describe the procedure for evaluating applications in the documentation

To do this, describe in the documentation the complete list of documents (information) that the participant must submit for evaluation for each criterion (indicator), and the evaluation procedure itself. This is indicated in the joint Letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia N 31047-EE / D28i, FAS Russia N АЦ / 50997/14 dated 12/11/2014.

How to describe the procedure for evaluating cost criteria

Describe by what cost criteria you will evaluate the application and how to calculate points. Take formulas for calculation from Sec. II of the Rules for Evaluation of Applications N 1085.

An example of a description of the procedure for evaluating a cost criterion

Criterion: « contract price.

The significance of the criterion is 60%.

Evaluation order:

The number of points awarded according to the evaluation criterion "contract price" (CB i) is determined by the formula:

CB i = C min / C i x 100,


П i - proposal of the procurement participant whose application (proposal) is being evaluated;

П min - the minimum of the proposals on the evaluation criterion made by the procurement participants.

If the participant offered to pay extra to the customer for the right to conclude a contract (C min< 0), то баллы присуждаются по формуле ЦБ i = (Ц max - Ц i) / Ц max x 100,

where Пmax is the maximum of the proposals made by the procurement participants.

Note: if you hold competitions for R & D, technological work or provide consulting services, you have the right to specify that the significance of the "contract price" criterion will be equal to 10% if the participant reduces the price by 25% or more from the NMTsK ().

How to describe the procedure for evaluating non-monetary criteria

Describe which documents for which criterion and indicator the participant must submit. These can be, for example:

  • letters of thanks to assess business reputation;
  • copies of diplomas, certificates, work books to assess the qualifications of labor resources;
  • contracts and certificates of work (services) performed to evaluate the experience of performing work (services) comparable to the work (services) that you are purchasing; Criterion: "qualification of participants".

    The significance of the criterion is 100%.

    Index: Member's experience in successfully delivering services of a comparable nature.

    The significance of the indicator is 100%.

    The experience of the participant is evaluated by the completed without penalty from 2016 to 2018. contracts with state institutions, the subject of which are the same services as in this procurement. Information about the experience of the participant is confirmed by copies of documents (contracts, acts) or information from the register of contracts posted in the Unified Information System in the field of procurement.

    The customer has established the following scale for assessing this indicator:

    Note: the subject of evaluation must correspond to the purchase. For example, if you require contracts to evaluate experience that have nothing to do with the work you are purchasing, or with a price higher than the NCMC of your purchase, your documentation will be recognized as illegal, and you will be held liable (see, for example, the Decree Arbitration Court of the Far Eastern District dated June 14, 2016 N F03-1859/2016 in case N A59-3392/2015).

This document is amended on the basis of the order of the Depgoszakaz of Yugra dated February 5, 2016 N 6.

On approval of the methodology for establishing evaluation criteria and applying the procedure for evaluating applications for participation in an open tender, a tender with limited participation, a two-stage tender, a closed tender, a closed tender with limited participation, a closed ..



In pursuance of paragraph 16 of the Procedure for interaction between state authorities, state public institutions, budgetary institutions, autonomous institutions, state unitary enterprises Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region- Ugra and others legal entities when providing the latter with budget investments at the expense of the budget of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra with the authorized body to determine suppliers (contractors, performers) for them under the conditions of centralized procurement, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra dated 06.12.2013 N 530 -P

I order:

1. Approve the methodology for establishing evaluation criteria and applying the procedure for evaluating applications for participation in an open tender, a tender with limited participation, a two-stage tender, a closed tender, a closed tender with limited participation, a closed two-stage tender (Appendix to this order).

2. Recognize as invalid the orders of the Depgoszakaz of Yugra dated December 30, 2013 N 92 "On approval of the Methodology for establishing evaluation criteria and applying the procedure for evaluating applications for participation in an open competition, a competition with limited participation, a two-stage competition, a closed competition, a closed competition with limited participation, closed two-stage tender", dated 01/31/2014 N 11 "On amendments to the order dated 12/30/2013 N 92".

3. Department information systems and information protection of the Department of Planning and Informatization of the State Order, place this order on the website

4. Department of financial and organizational support to acquaint the employees of the Department with this order.

5. I reserve control over the execution of this order.

Acting Director
S.V. Slavyansky

Application. Methodology for establishing evaluation criteria and applying the procedure for evaluating applications for participation in an open tender, a tender with limited participation, a two-stage tender, a closed tender, a closed tender with limited participation, a closed...

Methodology for establishing evaluation criteria and applying the procedure for evaluating applications for participation in an open competition, a competition with limited participation, a two-stage competition, a closed competition, a closed competition with limited participation, a closed two-stage competition

1. This methodology was developed in order to form a unified approach to establishing evaluation criteria and applying the procedure for evaluating applications during tenders by customers of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra.

The methodology provides for the features of establishing evaluation criteria in the procurement of goods, works, services.

When establishing evaluation criteria, customers should be guided by the provisions of Article 32 of the Federal Law of 04/05/2013 N 44-FZ "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs" (hereinafter - Law N 44-FZ), and also the Rules for evaluating applications, final offers of participants in the procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 28, 2013 N 1085 (hereinafter referred to as the Evaluation Rules).

2. Part 1 of Article 32 of Law N 44-FZ establishes a closed list of criteria for evaluating applications: for participation in the competition:

- contract price;

- expenses for the operation and repair of goods, the use of the results of work (hereinafter referred to as operating expenses);

- qualitative, functional and environmental characteristics of the procurement object;

- qualifications of procurement participants, including whether they have financial resources, owned or otherwise legal basis equipment and other material resources, work experience related to the subject of the contract, and business reputation, specialists and other employees of a certain skill level (hereinafter referred to as the qualification of the participant).

In cases of concluding life cycle contracts in accordance with the provisions of Part 16 of Article 34 of Law No. 44-FZ, as well as in other cases established by the Government Russian Federation cases, the first two criteria can be replaced by the criterion "The cost of the life cycle of a product or an object created as a result of performing work." This criterion includes the cost of purchasing goods, subsequent maintenance, operation during their service life, repair, disposal of the supplied goods.

Criteria not specified in the procurement documentation and their significance values ​​cannot be used for evaluation purposes.

3. In accordance with the Evaluation Rules, when making purchases by the customer, the tender documentation must establish at least two evaluation criteria, one of which is the price.

At the same time, in addition to the evaluation criteria, the customer must indicate the significance of such evaluation criteria. The sum of the significance values ​​of all evaluation criteria provided for by the tender documentation must be 100%. For the purposes of establishing the values ​​of the significance of each criterion, the Evaluation Rules fix the division of the evaluation criteria into:

- characterized as cost (price of the contract; expenses for the operation and repair of goods (objects), use of the results of work; the cost of the life cycle of a product (object) created as a result of the performance of work; a proposal on the amount of the corresponding costs of the customer that the customer will make or incur under the energy service contract);

- characterized as non-monetary evaluation criteria (qualitative, functional and environmental characteristics of the procurement object; qualification of the participant).

4. The limit values ​​for the significance of the evaluation criteria are set out in the Appendix to the Rules for Valuation, which provide for the establishment of limit values ​​for a group of cost and non-value criteria, respectively. At the same time, the distribution of significance values ​​of each criterion within the group is carried out in accordance with the needs of the customer, taking into account the requirements of Part 5 of Article 32 of Law N 44-FZ in relation to the group of cost criteria.

5. When purchasing goods by the customer, the following evaluation criteria may be established:

article 32 of Law N 44-FZ, when, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, state-regulated prices (tariffs) for goods are established. The minimum significance of such a criterion is 70% (if the criterion "Operating costs" is not set);

2) operating costs. This criterion, in accordance with the Evaluation Rules, can be applied by the customer only if the contract, in addition to the supply of goods, provides for further operation, repair of the goods, including the supply of consumables. If the contract does not provide for these costs, the customer is not entitled to use such a criterion. The significance of such a criterion, if established, is determined based on the minimum significance provided for the cost criteria (70%), taking into account the significance of the "Contract price" criterion, established in accordance with the requirement of part 5 of article 32 of Law N 44-FZ. (For example, the significance of the criterion "Contract price" is 40%, the significance of the criterion "Operating costs" is 30%), the significance of the criterion "Operating costs" should not exceed the significance of the criterion "Contract price";

a) the quality of goods. Evaluation for this indicator can be carried out by each member of the commission subjectively without using the procedure for calculating points provided for by the Evaluation Rules;

b) functional, consumer properties of the goods. To evaluate this indicator, the customer needs to determine whether the largest or smallest value of the indicator is the most preferable for him. At the same time, for the purposes of assessment, the maximum necessary minimum value of such an indicator or the maximum necessary maximum value of the indicator can also be set;

c) compliance with environmental standards. Evaluation for this indicator can be carried out by each member of the commission subjectively without using the procedure for calculating points provided for by the Evaluation Rules.

The maximum significance of the criterion as a whole cannot exceed 30% (if the criterion "Qualification of the participant" is not set). If the criterion "Qualification of the participant" is established, the sum of the significance values ​​of both criteria should not exceed 30%.

4) qualification of the participant. For this criterion, in accordance with the Evaluation Rules, indicators can be established that reveal the content of the criterion.

At the same time, the Evaluation Rules establish a closed list of such indicators:

a) the experience of the participant in the successful delivery of goods of a comparable nature and volume;

b) provision of the procurement participant with labor resources;

c) business reputation of the procurement participant.

When holding a tender with limited participation in accordance with the procurement for the right to conclude a contract for the supply of food products purchased for organizations engaged in educational activities, medical organizations, organizations social service, organizations of recreation for children and their rehabilitation in the event that the initial (maximum) price of the contract (price of the lot) exceeds 500,000 rubles, the indicator specified in paragraphs a) "Experience of the participant in the successful delivery of goods of a comparable nature and volume" cannot be used for the purposes estimates.

The maximum significance of the criterion as a whole cannot exceed 30% (if the criterion "Qualitative, functional and environmental characteristics of the procurement object" is not established). If the criterion "Qualitative, functional and environmental characteristics of the procurement object" is established, the sum of the significance values ​​of both criteria should not exceed 30%. (For example, the significance of the criterion "Qualitative, functional and environmental characteristics of the procurement object" is 10% and the significance of the criterion "Qualification of the participant" is 20%).

6. When purchasing works by the customer, the following evaluation criteria may be established:

1) contract price - is a mandatory criterion. The customer has the right not to establish such an evaluation criterion only in the case provided for by Part 8 of Article 32 of Law N 44-FZ, when, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, state-regulated prices (tariffs) for work are established. The minimum significance of such a criterion as a general rule is 60% (if the criterion "Operating costs" is not set);

2) operating costs. In accordance with the Evaluation Rules, the customer can apply this criterion only if, in addition to the performance of work, the contract provides for the use of the facility created as a result of the performance of the work, including the supply of consumables. If the contract does not provide for these costs, the customer is not entitled to use such a criterion. The significance of such a criterion, if established, is determined based on the minimum significance provided for the cost criteria (60%), taking into account the significance of the "Contract price" criterion, established in accordance with the requirement of part 5 of Article 32 of Law N 44-FZ. (For example, the significance of the criterion "Contract price" is 40%, the significance of the criterion "Operating costs" is 20%), the significance of the criterion "Operating costs" should not exceed the significance of the criterion "Contract price";

3) qualitative, functional and environmental characteristics of the procurement object. For this criterion, in accordance with the Evaluation Rules, indicators can be established that reveal the content of the criterion. These indicators may include:

a) quality of work. Evaluation for this indicator can be carried out by each member of the commission subjectively without using the procedure for calculating points provided for by the Evaluation Rules;

4) qualification of the participant. For this criterion, in accordance with the Evaluation Rules, indicators can be established that reveal the content of the criterion. At the same time, the Evaluation Rules establish a closed list of such indicators:

a) qualification of labor resources (managers and key specialists) proposed for the performance of work;

b) the participant's experience in successfully completing work of a comparable nature and scope;

c) the provision of the procurement participant with material and technical resources in terms of the availability of the procurement participant's own or leased production facilities, technological equipment necessary for the performance of work;

To evaluate for each of the above indicators, the customer needs to determine whether the highest or lowest value of the indicator is the most preferable for him. At the same time, for the purposes of assessment, the maximum necessary minimum value of each indicator or the maximum necessary maximum value of the indicator can also be set.

When holding a tender with limited participation, the indicators specified in paragraphs b) and c) cannot be used in the evaluation of applications in cases provided for by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 4, 2015 N 99 when making procurements for the performance of work:

- design, construction and decommissioning of nuclear facilities;

- management of spent nuclear materials nuclear fuel, radioactive substances and radioactive waste, including during their use, processing, transportation, storage, burial and disposal;

- on the design and manufacture of equipment used at nuclear facilities;

- for the repair of weapons and military equipment of the nuclear weapons complex;

- for the construction, reconstruction, overhaul of especially dangerous, technically complex capital construction facilities, as well as artificial road structures included in the composition of federal, regional or intermunicipal, local roads, if the initial (maximum) price of the contract when making purchases for to meet state needs exceeds 150 million rubles, to meet municipal needs exceeds 50 million rubles.

The maximum significance of the criterion as a whole cannot exceed 40% (if the criterion "Qualitative, functional and environmental characteristics of the procurement object" is not established). If the criterion "Qualitative, functional and environmental characteristics of the procurement object" is established, the sum of the significance values ​​of both criteria should not exceed 40%. (For example, the significance of the criterion "Qualitative, functional and environmental characteristics of the procurement object" is 15% and the significance of the criterion "Qualification of the participant" is 25%).

7. When purchasing services by the customer, the following evaluation criteria may be established:

1) contract price - is a mandatory criterion. The customer has the right not to establish such an evaluation criterion only in the case provided for by part 8 of article 32 of Law N 44-FZ, when, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, state-regulated prices (tariffs) for services are established. The minimum significance of such a criterion as a general rule is 60%;

2) qualitative, functional and environmental characteristics of the procurement object. For this criterion, in accordance with the Evaluation Rules, indicators can be established that reveal the content of the criterion. These indicators may include:

a) service quality. Evaluation for this indicator can be carried out by each member of the commission subjectively without using the procedure for calculating points provided for by the Evaluation Rules;

b) compliance with environmental standards. Evaluation for this indicator can be carried out by each member of the commission subjectively without using the procedure for calculating points provided for by the Evaluation Rules.

The maximum significance of the criterion as a whole, as a general rule, cannot exceed 40% (if the criterion "Qualification of the participant" is not set). In the case of establishing the criterion "Qualification of the participant", the sum of the values ​​of the significance of both criteria should not exceed 40%.

3) qualification of the participant. For this criterion, in accordance with the Evaluation Rules, indicators can be established that reveal the content of the criterion. At the same time, the Evaluation Rules establish a closed list of such indicators:

a) qualification of labor resources (managers and key specialists) proposed for provision of services;

b) the participant's experience in successfully providing services of a comparable nature and scope;

c) the provision of the procurement participant with material and technical resources in terms of the availability of the procurement participant's own or leased production facilities, technological equipment necessary for the provision of services;

d) provision of the procurement participant with labor resources;

e) business reputation of the procurement participant.

To evaluate for each of the above indicators, the customer needs to determine whether the highest or lowest value of the indicator is the most preferable for him. At the same time, for the purposes of assessment, the maximum necessary minimum value of each indicator or the maximum necessary maximum value of the indicator can also be set.

When holding a tender with limited participation, the indicators specified in paragraphs b) and c) cannot be used in cases provided for by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 4, 2015 N 99 when making purchases for the provision of services:

- Catering, purchased for organizations engaged in educational activities, medical organizations, social service organizations, children's recreation and rehabilitation organizations if the initial (maximum) contract price (lot price) exceeds 500,000 rubles.

The maximum significance of the criterion as a whole cannot exceed 40% (if the criterion "Qualitative, functional and environmental characteristics of the procurement object" is not established). If the criterion "Qualitative, functional and environmental characteristics of the procurement object" is established, the sum of the significance values ​​of both criteria should not exceed 40%. (For example, the significance of the criterion "Qualitative, functional and environmental characteristics of the procurement object" is 20% and the significance of the criterion "Qualification of the participant" is 20%).

8. Features of the application of the criterion "The cost of the life cycle of a product or an object created as a result of the performance of work."

The criterion "Cost of the life cycle of a product or an object created as a result of the performance of work" can be applied by the Autonomous Okrug's customers only if a life cycle contract is concluded. The cases of concluding life cycle contracts are defined by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 28, 2013 N 1087 "On determining the cases of concluding a life cycle contract". Such cases include:

a) performance of work on the design and construction of motor roads (sections of motor roads), protective road structures, artificial road structures;

b) performance of work on the design and construction of the infrastructure of sea and river ports, including artificial land plots, hydraulic structures of ports;

c) performance of work on the design and construction of airfields;

d) performance of work on the design and construction of objects of the communal infrastructure system and other communal facilities, including facilities for water, heat, gas and energy supply, water disposal, cleaning Wastewater, processing and disposal (burial) of household waste;

e) performance of work on the design and construction of infrastructure facilities for the subway, off-street transport and urban surface electric transport;

f) performance of work on the design and construction of infrastructure facilities railway transport common use;

g) performance of work on the design and construction of unique capital construction projects;

h) purchase of railway rolling stock, underground vehicles, off-street transport and urban surface electric transport;

i) purchase aircraft, sea and river vessels.

So, for example, the procurement of works for the design and construction of highways (sections of highways), protective road structures, artificial road structures provides for the need to conclude a life cycle contract. When holding a tender for the purpose of concluding such a contract, the criteria for evaluating the bids of procurement participants may be:

1) The cost of the life cycle of an object created as a result of the performance of work (hereinafter - the cost of the life cycle) - 60%. This criterion is mandatory and the only cost criterion that is used in the competition.

2) qualitative, functional and environmental characteristics of the procurement object - 20%.

2.1) quality of work. Coefficient of significance (KZ) - 0.5. Each application for this indicator is assigned from 0 to 100. For the purposes of evaluation, information on the methodology and technology of work performance will be considered, including: safety precautions, description of the quality control system, environmental measures and measures to prevent accidents. In the absence of such information, the participant's application is assigned 0 points for this indicator. The number of points assigned to an application for this indicator is determined as the arithmetic average of the assessments (in points) of all members of the commission for this indicator, multiplied by the indicator significance factor (KZ).

. The evaluated indicator of the criterion can be:

3.1) qualification of labor resources (managers and key specialists) proposed for the performance of work. Coefficient of significance (KZ) - 0.2. For the purposes of the assessment, information about specialists with specialized education in the specifics of the work performed and at least 5 years of experience in this field will be considered. To confirm the above information, it is necessary to submit as part of the application copies of documents on education and copies of certificates of the declared specialists. For the customer, the best condition is the highest value of the indicator. Evaluation according to this criterion will be carried out according to the formula:

NCBi \u003d KZ * 100 (Ki / Kmax),


3.2) provision of the procurement participant with labor resources. Coefficient of significance (KZ) - 0.2. For the purposes of the assessment, information on the number of full-time specialists with specialized education in the specifics of the work performed will be considered. For the customer, the best condition is the highest value of the indicator. Evaluation according to this criterion will be carried out according to the formula:

NCBi \u003d KZ * 100 (Ki / Kmax),


KZ - coefficient of significance of the indicator.

If one indicator is used, KZ = 1;

Ki - proposal of the procurement participant whose bid (offer) is being evaluated;

3.3) business reputation of the procurement participant. Coefficient of significance (KZ) - 0.1.

Copies will be considered for evaluation purposes. thank you letters, feedback on the work of the procurement participant and other documents confirming his qualifications.

0 documents - 0 points;

3.4) the participant's experience in successfully completing work of a comparable nature and scope. Coefficient of significance (KZ) - 0.5. For evaluation purposes, information on the number of executed contracts for the performance of similar works. To confirm the above information, it is necessary to submit copies of contracts and acts of work performed as part of the application. For the purposes of the assessment, the maximum required maximum value (Kpred) is set - 5 contracts.

If all applications of the participants contain information on the number of contracts less than 5, then the calculation of points for this indicator will be carried out according to the formula:

NCBi = KZ * 100 (Ki / Kmax), where

Kmax - the maximum offer from the offers by the evaluation criterion made by the procurement participants.

In the event that one or more proposals of participants exceed the maximum required maximum value (Kpred), that is, containing in the application (s) information on the number of contracts more than 5, then the calculation of points for this indicator will be carried out according to the formula:

NCBi \u003d KZ * 100 (Ki / Kpred);

while NCBmax = KZ * 100, where

Ki - proposal of the procurement participant whose bid (offer) is being evaluated;

Kmax - the maximum offer from the offers by the evaluation criterion made by the procurement participants;

NCBmax - the number of points according to the evaluation criterion (indicator) awarded to participants whose offer exceeds the maximum required maximum value set by the customer.

9. Possible criteria for evaluating applications for participation in a competition with limited participation for the supply of food products purchased for organizations engaged in educational activities:

1) contract price - 70%

The evaluated indicators of the criterion can be:

2.1) the quality of the goods. Coefficient of significance (KZ) - 0.2. For the purposes of evaluation, information on the compliance of the product with voluntary quality standards, international standards, information on the recommendations of associations of doctors, nutritionists presented in the description of the product, information on the content of GMOs, sugar, dyes, thickeners, stabilizers, starch, the possibility of use by persons, prone to allergies, etc. Each application for this indicator is assigned from 0 to 100 points. In the absence of information about the quality of the goods, the participant's application is assigned 0 points for this indicator. Number of points. assigned to the application for this indicator, is determined as the arithmetic mean of the assessments (in points) of all members of the commission for this indicator, multiplied by the coefficient of significance of the indicator (KZ).

2.2) consumer properties of the goods. Coefficient of significance (KZ) - 0.7. For evaluation purposes, information on the remaining shelf life of the product will be considered. At the same time, in accordance with terms of reference the remaining shelf life of the goods must be at least 50%. For evaluation purposes, the maximum required maximum value (K) is set at 80%.

In the event that all applications of the participants contain a proposal for a residual shelf life of less than 80%, then the calculation of points for this indicator will be carried out according to the formula

NCBi = KZ * 100 (Ki / Kmax), where

Ki - proposal of the procurement participant whose application is being evaluated;

Kmax - the maximum offer from the offers by the evaluation criterion made by the procurement participants.

If one or more proposals of the participants exceed the maximum required maximum value (K), that is, the proposal containing the remaining shelf life of more than 80% in the application (s), then the calculation of points for this indicator will be carried out according to the formula:

NCBi \u003d KZ * 100 (Ki / Kpred);

while NCBmax = KZ * 100, where

Ki - proposal of the procurement participant whose bid (offer) is being evaluated;

Kmax - the maximum offer from the offers by the evaluation criterion made by the procurement participants;

2.3) compliance with environmental standards. Coefficient of significance (KZ) - 0.1. Each application for this indicator is assigned from 0 to 100. For the purposes of evaluation, information on the conformity of the goods with the requirements will be considered. environmental safety. In the absence of such information, the participant's application is assigned 0 points for this indicator. The number of points assigned to an application for this indicator is determined as the arithmetic average of the assessments (in points) of all members of the commission for this indicator, multiplied by the indicator significance factor (KZ).

3) Qualification of the participant - 10%

The evaluated indicator of the criterion can be:

3.1) business reputation of the participant.

0 documents - 0 points;

up to 5 documents (inclusive) - 50 points;

6 or more documents - 100 points.

"*" - means that formulas can be used to evaluate applications by the customer.

* Evaluation of business reputation will be based on the indicator of product sales by years for the last 3 years. For the customer, the best condition is the highest value of the indicator. Evaluation according to this criterion will be carried out according to the formula:

NCBi = KZ 100 (Ki / Kmax),


KZ - coefficient of significance of the indicator.

If one indicator is used, KZ = 1;

Ki - proposal of the procurement participant whose bid (offer) is being evaluated;

10. Possible criteria for evaluating applications for participation in a tender with limited participation for the construction, reconstruction, overhaul of especially dangerous, technically complex capital construction projects.

1) contract price - 60%

2) qualitative, functional and environmental characteristics of the procurement object - 20%:

The evaluated indicators of the criterion can be:

2.1) quality of work. Coefficient of significance (KZ) - 0.5. Each application for this indicator is assigned from 0 to 100. For the purposes of evaluation, information on the methodology and technology of work performance will be considered, including: the intensity of work performance (duration of the working day, number of shifts, working days and days off), labor protection and equipment measures safety, description of the quality control system, environmental measures and measures to prevent accidents. In the absence of such information in the participant's application, 0 points are assigned for this indicator. The number of points assigned to an application for this indicator is determined as the arithmetic average of the assessments (in points) of all members of the commission for this indicator, multiplied by the indicator significance factor (KZ).

2.2) availability of a quality management certificate. Coefficient of significance (KZ) - 0.5. Each application for this indicator is assigned from 0 to 100. In the case of a certificate, the participant is assigned 100 points, in the absence of - 0 points. The number of points assigned to an application for this indicator is determined as the arithmetic average of the assessments (in points) of all members of the commission for this indicator, multiplied by the indicator significance factor (KZ).

3) Qualification of the participant - 20%

The evaluated indicators of the criterion can be:

3.1) qualification of labor resources (managers and key specialists). offered for work. Coefficient of significance (KZ) - 0.4. For the purposes of the assessment, information about specialists with specialized education in the specifics of the work performed and at least 3 years of experience in this field will be considered. To confirm the above information, it is necessary to submit as part of the application copies of documents on education and copies of certificates of the declared specialists. For the customer, the best condition is the highest value of the indicator. Evaluation according to this criterion will be carried out according to the formula:

NCBi \u003d KZ * 100 (Ki / Kmax),


KZ - coefficient of significance of the indicator.

If one indicator is used, KZ = 1;

Ki - proposal of the procurement participant whose bid (offer) is being evaluated;

Kmax - the maximum offer from the offers by the evaluation criterion made by the procurement participants.

3.2) provision of the procurement participant with labor resources. Coefficient of significance (KZ) - 0.4. For the purposes of the assessment, information on the number of full-time specialists with specialized education in the specifics of the work performed will be considered. For the customer, the best condition is the highest value of the indicator. Evaluation according to this criterion will be carried out according to the formula:

NCBi \u003d KZ * 100 (Ki / Kmax),


KZ - coefficient of significance of the indicator.

If one indicator is used, KZ = 1;

Ki - proposal of the procurement participant whose bid (offer) is being evaluated;

Kmax - the maximum offer from the offers by the evaluation criterion made by the procurement participants;

For evaluation purposes, copies of letters of thanks, feedback on the work of the procurement participant and other documents confirming his qualifications will be considered. Evaluation will be made in accordance with the evaluation scale:

0 documents - 0 points;

up to 5 documents (inclusive) - 50 points;

6 or more documents - 100 points.

11. Possible criteria for evaluating applications for participation in the competition for the provision educational services.

1) contract price - 60%

2) qualitative, functional and environmental characteristics of the procurement object - 20%:

The evaluated indicators of the criterion can be:

2.1) quality of services. Significance coefficient (KZ) - 1. Each application for this indicator is assigned from 0 to 100. For the purposes of evaluation, information on the content of the educational program will be considered, taking into account the requirements of the customer for the services provided, information on the use of various forms of training, organizational conditions for the provision of services, provision teaching aids, handout. The number of points assigned to an application for this indicator is determined as the arithmetic average of the assessments (in points) of all members of the commission for this indicator, multiplied by the indicator significance factor (KZ).

3) Qualification of the participant - 20%

The evaluated indicators of the criterion can be:

3.1) qualification of labor resources (managers and key specialists) offered for the provision of services. Coefficient of significance (KZ) - 0.4. The presence of academic degrees and academic titles among teachers participating in the training on the declared subject To confirm the above information, it is necessary to submit copies of education documents as part of the application. For the customer, the best condition is the largest number teachers with academic degrees, academic titles. Evaluation according to this criterion will be carried out according to the formula:

NCBi \u003d KZ * 100 (Ki / Kmax),


KZ - coefficient of significance of the indicator.

If one indicator is used, KZ = 1;

Ki - proposal of the procurement participant whose bid (offer) is evaluated:

Kmax - the maximum offer from the offers by the evaluation criterion made by the procurement participants.

3.2) the participant's experience in successfully providing services of a comparable nature and scope. Coefficient of significance (KZ) - 0.4. For the purposes of the assessment, information on the number of completed contracts for the provision of educational services on the stated topic will be considered. To confirm the above information, it is necessary to submit copies of contracts and acts of services rendered as part of the application. For evaluation purposes, the maximum required maximum value (K) is set at 20 contracts.

If all applications of the participants contain information on the number of contracts less than 20, then the calculation of points for this indicator will be carried out according to the formula:

NCBi = KZ * 100 (Ki / Kmax), where

Ki - proposal of the procurement participant whose application is being evaluated;

Kmax - the maximum offer from the offers by the evaluation criterion made by the procurement participants.

If one or more proposals of participants exceed the maximum required maximum value (K), that is, containing information on the number of contracts in the application (s) more than 20, then the calculation of points for this indicator will be carried out according to the formula:

NCBi \u003d KZ * 100 (Ki / Kpred);

while NCBmax = KZ * 100, where

Ki - proposal of the procurement participant whose bid (offer) is being evaluated;

Kmax - the maximum offer from the offers by the evaluation criterion made by the procurement participants;

Kpred - the maximum value of the characteristics required by the customer,

NCBmax - the number of points according to the evaluation criterion (indicator) awarded to participants whose offer exceeds the maximum required maximum value set by the customer

3.3) business reputation of the procurement participant. Coefficient of significance (KZ) - 0.2.

For evaluation purposes, copies of letters of thanks, feedback on the work of the procurement participant and other documents confirming his qualifications will be considered. Evaluation will be made in accordance with the evaluation scale:

0 documents - 0 points;

up to 10 documents (inclusive) - 50 points;

11 or more documents - 100 points.

12. Possible criteria for evaluating applications for participation in the competition for the provision of photo services:

1. contract price - 60%

2. qualification of the participant - 40%:

The evaluated indicators of the criterion can be:

2.1) qualification of labor resources (managers and key specialists) offered for the provision of services. Coefficient of significance (KZ) - 0.25. Availability of full-time photographers with more than 3 years of experience. To confirm the above information, it is necessary to submit copies of the application as part of the application. employment contracts:

Missing documents - 0 points

from 1 to 4 (inclusive) documents - 25 points;

from 5 to 7 (inclusive) documents - 50 points;

from 8 photographers and more - 100 points;

* For the customer, the best condition is the largest number of photographers. Evaluation according to this criterion will be carried out according to the formula:

NCBi = KZ*100 (Ki/Kmax),


KZ - coefficient of significance of the indicator. (If one indicator is used, KZ = 1);

Ki - proposal of the procurement participant whose bid (offer) is being evaluated;

Kmax - the maximum offer from the offers by the evaluation criterion made by the procurement participants.

2.2) the participant's experience in successfully providing services of a comparable nature and scope. Coefficient of significance (KZ) - 0.5. For the purposes of evaluation, information on the number of completed contracts/agreements for the provision of photo services on the stated subject will be considered. To confirm the above information, it is necessary to submit copies of contracts/agreements and certificates of services rendered as part of the application. For evaluation purposes, the maximum required maximum value (K) is set at 10 contracts.

If all applications of the participants contain information on the number of contracts less than 10, then the calculation of points for this indicator will be carried out according to the formula:

NCBi = KZ * 100 (Ki / Kmax), where

Ki - proposal of the procurement participant whose application is being evaluated;

Kmax - the maximum offer from the offers by the evaluation criterion made by the procurement participants.

If one or more proposals of the participants exceed the maximum required maximum value (K), that is, containing in the application (s) information on the number of contracts more than 10, then the calculation of points for this indicator will be carried out according to the formula:

NCBi \u003d KZ * 100 (Ki / Kpred);

while NCBmax = KZ * 100, where

Ki - proposal of the procurement participant whose bid (offer) is being evaluated;

Kmax - the maximum offer from the offers by the evaluation criterion made by the procurement participants;

Кpred - the maximum value of the characteristics required by the customer;

NCBmax - the number of points according to the evaluation criterion (indicator) awarded to participants whose offer exceeds the maximum required maximum value set by the customer;

2.3) business reputation of the procurement participant. Coefficient of significance (KZ) - 0.25.

For the purposes of the assessment, copies of certificates, diplomas, letters of thanks, recommendations from state authorities and authorities will be considered. local government, feedback on the work of the procurement participant and other documents confirming his qualifications. Evaluation will be made in accordance with the evaluation scale:

- 100 points - assigned to the participant who provided the largest number of reviews, certificates, diplomas, letters of thanks;

- the rest of the participants are awarded points in proportion to the specified number of reviews, certificates, diplomas, letters of thanks.

- 0 points - assigned to the participant, in the absence of reviews, certificates, diplomas, letters of thanks.

* Evaluation of business reputation will be based on the indicator of the provision of services by years for the last 3 years. For the customer, the best condition is the highest value of the indicator. Evaluation according to this criterion will be carried out according to the formula:

NCBi = KZ 100 (Ki / Kmax),


KZ - coefficient of significance of the indicator. (If one indicator is used, KZ = 1);

Ki - proposal of the procurement participant whose bid (offer) is evaluated:

Kmax - the maximum offer from the offers by the evaluation criterion made by the procurement participants.

13. Possible criteria for evaluating applications for participation in the tender for the provision of services for compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners (OSAGO):

1) contract price - 60%

2) qualification of the participant - 20%:

The evaluated indicators of the criterion can be:

2.1) the provision of the procurement participant with material and technical resources in terms of the availability of the procurement participant's own or leased production facilities, technological equipment necessary for the provision of services. Coefficient of significance (KZ) - 0.7.

For evaluation purposes, submitted copies of the participant's articles of association and tax registration certificates will be considered. The largest number structural divisions(branches, representative office and (or) central). Evaluation will be made in accordance with the evaluation scale:

- 0 points - there are no structural subdivisions;

- 100 points - assigned to the participant with the largest number of structural divisions (branches, representative offices and (or) central office);

- other participants are assigned points in proportion to the specified number of branches, representative offices and (or) the central office;

2.2) the participant's experience in successfully providing services of a comparable nature. Coefficient of significance (KZ) - 0.3. For evaluation purposes, the largest positive experience of participants over the past 3 years in the successful provision of services similar to the subject of the procurement will be considered. To confirm the above information, it is necessary to submit as part of the application copies of contracts/agreements with the application of execution (acts of services rendered). Evaluation will be made in accordance with the evaluation scale:

from 1 to 34 (inclusive) contracts and acts - 50 points;

35 - more than contracts and acts - 100 points;

The evaluated indicators of the criterion can be:

3.1) quality of services. Coefficient of significance (KZ) - 0.4. For the purposes of the assessment, the terms for conducting an independent examination (assessment) in case of an accident (days) will be considered:

No more than 5 days - 100 points;

6-10 days - 50 points;

11 or more days - 0 points.

3.2) quality of services. Coefficient of significance (KZ) - 0.3. For the purposes of the assessment, the possibility of leaving the insurance commissioner to the accident site at any time of the day will be considered:

3.3) quality of services: Coefficient of significance (KZ) - 0.3. For evaluation purposes, the possibility of providing a 24-hour dispatch service will be considered:

availability - 100 points;

lack of opportunity - 0 points.

14. Possible criteria for evaluating applications for participation in the competition for the performance of research work:

1) contract price - 20%

2) qualification of the participant - 80%:

The evaluated indicators of the criterion can be:

2.1) qualification of labor resources (managers and key specialists) offered for the provision of services. Coefficient of significance (KZ) - 0.3. The overall specialization of the bidder is assessed: the qualifications and experience of the bidder's personnel in the field of the assignment and the degree of its compliance with the subject of the procurement. To confirm the above information, you must submit as part of the application:

- copies of diplomas confirming the presence of higher education (bachelor's degree, specialist's degree, master's degree) in the relevant specialties

- copies of diplomas confirming the availability of a scientific degree in the relevant specialties (list the types of required specialties);

- copies of work books or employment contracts confirming labor Relations a specialist with a procurement participant.

Evaluation will be made in accordance with the evaluation scale:

missing documents - 0 points

from 1 to 3 (inclusive) diplomas of higher education, 0 Candidate of Science diplomas and 0 Doctor of Science diplomas - 20 points;

from 4 to 5 (inclusive) higher education diplomas, 1 candidate of science diploma and 0 doctoral diplomas - 50 points;

from 6 to 7 (inclusive) diplomas of higher education, 2 diplomas of a candidate of sciences and 1 diploma of a doctor of sciences - 70 points;

8 or more higher education diplomas, 2 or more Candidate of Science diplomas, 2 or more Doctor of Science diplomas - 100 points.

2.2.) the participant's experience in successfully completing work of a comparable nature and scope. Coefficient of significance (KZ) - 0.5. For the purposes of the assessment, information will be considered on the number of completed contracts for the performance of research work on the declared topic, over the past 5 years, permits (open sheets) received for the execution of the submitted state (municipal) contracts and certificates of acceptance of the scientific report in the archive. To confirm the above information, you must submit as part of the application:

- copies of state (municipal) contracts with acts of work performed (the list of works under the contract must contain one of the following types of work (list the types of work required);

- copies of permits (open sheets) obtained for the execution of the submitted state (municipal) contracts;

- copies of certificates of acceptance of the scientific report for permanent storage as part of the scientific and branch archive of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences for the work performed under the submitted state (municipal) contracts.

Evaluation will be made in accordance with the evaluation scale:

missing documents - 0 points;

1 executed state (municipal) contract, 1 or more permission (open sheet), 1 or more certificate of acceptance of a scientific report for permanent storage as part of the scientific archive of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences - 50 points;

2 or more executed state (municipal) contracts, 2 or more permits (open sheets), 2 or more certificates of acceptance of a scientific report for permanent storage as part of the scientific archive of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences - 100 points.

2.3) the provision of the procurement participant with material and technical resources in terms of the availability of the procurement participant's own or leased production facilities, technological equipment necessary for the performance of work. Coefficient of significance (KZ) - 0.2.

Submitted documents will be reviewed for evaluation purposes. confirming the provision of the participant with resources (copies of contracts for the supply (lease) of equipment, copies of waybills or extracts from the list of fixed assets). Evaluation will be made in accordance with the evaluation scale:

missing documents - 0 points;

1 or more computer technology, 1 or more rooms, 1 or more electronic tacheometers, 1 or more GPS receivers that provide coordinate accuracy in accordance with the terms of reference - 100 points.

15. Possible criteria for evaluating applications for participation in the tender for design and survey work on the object:

1) contract price - 60%

2) qualification of the participant - 40%:

The evaluated indicators of the criterion can be:

2.1) availability of the procurement participant with labor resources. Coefficient of significance (KZ) - 0.3. The presence among the employees of the tender participant of persons with basic and additional professional education corresponding to the subject of procurement, and having experience in performing work similar to the subject of procurement for more than 7 years is assessed. To confirm the above information, it is necessary to submit a set of documents and information as part of the application:

- a document confirming the total payroll of employees (including full-time and non-staff employees);

(list the types of required specialties);


- copies of documents on hiring specialists;

- copies of diplomas of higher professional education (list the types of required specialties);

- copies of diplomas of additional professional education (list the types of required specialties, received less than 5 years before the closing date for applications for participation in this open tender.

Evaluation will be made in accordance with the evaluation scale:

0 points - lack of documents;

20 points - up to 30% of copies of documents (orders, contracts, etc.) from payroll workers;

40 points - from 30% to 70% of copies of documents (orders, contracts, etc.) of the payroll number of employees;

60 points - from 70% to 90% of copies of documents (orders, contracts, etc.) of the payroll;

100 points - 90% or more copies of documents (orders, contracts, etc.) of the payroll number of employees.

2.2) qualification of labor resources (managers and key specialists) offered for the provision of services. Coefficient of significance (KZ) - 0.5. The presence of the employees of the participant of the tender (for employees, information about which is presented in indicator 2.1 of this criterion) of professional and additional vocational education corresponding to the subject of procurement and having experience in performing work similar to the subject of procurement for more than 7 years. To confirm the above information, it is necessary to submit a set of documents and information as part of the application:

1. for full-time employees, copies of the following sets of documents:

- copies of a state-recognised diploma of higher education in one of the specialties (list the types of required specialties);

- copies of diplomas of additional professional education received less than 5 years before the deadline for accepting applications for participation in the competition;

- copies of work books of specialists;

2. for non-staff employees, copies of the following sets of documents:

- copies of documents on hiring specialists (list the types of required specialties);

- copies of a state-recognised diploma of higher education in one of the specialties (list the types of required specialties);

- copies of diplomas of additional professional education (list the types of required specialties), received less than 5 years before the deadline for accepting applications for participation in the competition;

- copies of work books of specialists.

Evaluation will be made in accordance with the evaluation scale:

0 points - if the participant attaches copies of documents for less than 10 specialists;

20 points - if the participant attaches copies of documents from 10 to 25 (inclusive) specialists;

100 points - if the participant attaches copies of documents for 26 or more specialists.

2.3.) the participant's experience in successfully completing work of a comparable nature and scope. Coefficient of significance (KZ) - 0.2. For the purposes of evaluation, information on the number of executed contracts for the performance of design and survey work will be considered with the attachment of documents confirming the execution (certificates of work performed) for the last 2 years prior to the date of filing an application for participation in the relevant tender. At the same time, the total cost of previously executed contracts is at least 50 percent of the initial (maximum) price of the contract for the right to conclude which a tender is being held.

To confirm the above information, it is necessary to submit as part of the application copies of contracts/agreements with the application of performance (acts of services rendered). Evaluation will be made in accordance with the evaluation scale:

missing documents - 0 points;

from 1 to 4 documents (inclusive) - 25 points;

from 5 to 10 documents (inclusive) - 65 points;

from 11 or more documents - 100 points.

16. Possible criteria for evaluating applications for participation in the competition for the provision of services for the organization of recreation and recreation for children:

1) contract price - 60%

2) qualification of the participant - 20%.

The evaluated indicators of the criterion can be:

2.1) qualification of labor resources (managers and key specialists). offered for the provision of services. Coefficient of significance (KZ) - 0.5. The presence of the participant's professional education corresponding to the subject of the procurement is assessed. To confirm the above information, it is necessary to submit a set of documents and information as part of the application:

- copies of documents on the employment of specialists with teacher education (contract or order of employment or copies of work books);

- copies of diplomas of higher professional pedagogical education;

Evaluation will be made in accordance with the evaluation scale:

lack of documents confirming the employment of specialists with pedagogical education and the qualifications of the teaching staff - 0 points;

availability of documents confirming the employment of specialists with pedagogical education and the qualifications of the teaching staff for each teacher- 100 points.

2.2.) the participant's experience in successfully providing services of a comparable nature and scope. Coefficient of significance (KZ) - 0.5. For the purposes of the assessment, information on the number of executed contracts for the provision of services for the organization of recreation and rehabilitation of children will be considered, with documents confirming the execution (acts of services rendered) for the last 5 years prior to the date of filing an application for participation in the relevant competition. At the same time, the cost of previously executed contracts is at least 20 percent of the initial (maximum) price of the contract for the right to conclude which a tender is held. (it is possible to express the amount of the executed contract in rubles). To confirm the above information, it is necessary to submit as part of the application copies of contracts/agreements with the application of performance (acts of services rendered).

Evaluation will be made in accordance with the evaluation scale:

missing documents - 0 points;

from 1 to 14 documents (inclusive) - 70 points;

from 15 or more documents - 100 points.

3) qualitative, functional and environmental characteristics of the procurement object - 20%.

The evaluated indicators of the criterion can be:

3.1) quality of services. Coefficient of significance (KZ) - 0.3. For evaluation purposes, the degree of comfort of living will be considered. Evaluated on the basis of the submitted documents:

from 2 to 4 (inclusive) people in a room - 100 points;

from 5 to 6 (inclusive) people in a room - 50 points;

from 7 or more people in the room - 0 points.

3.2) quality of services. Coefficient of significance (KZ) - 0.4. For the purposes of the assessment, the organization of mass cultural, sports and recreational activities aimed at strengthening the physical and spiritual development of children will be considered. Evaluated on the basis of the presented program of cultural events:

2 activities per day - 50 points;

3 or more events per day - 100 points;

Lack of events - 0 points.

3.3) quality of services. Coefficient of significance (KZ) - 0.3. For evaluation purposes, the remoteness of the health facility from the sea will be considered. Evaluated on the basis of the submitted documents:

100 meters from the sea or less - 100 points;

from 101 meters to 150 meters (inclusive) - 70 points;

further 150 meters from the sea - 0 points.

17. Criteria for evaluating applications for participation in the competition for submission to the authorized body of the Autonomous Okrug are drawn up in the form below:

Criteria for evaluating applications for participation in the competition

(indicate the subject of the purchase)

Criteria for evaluating applications for participation in the competition**

Significance in percent

1. Cost criteria

Contract price

Expenses for the operation and repair of goods, the use of the results of work
(possible only if, in addition to the delivery of goods (performance of work), the contract provides for further operation, repair of the goods (use of the object created as a result of the performance of work), including the supply of consumables)

The cost of the life cycle of a product or an object created as a result of performing work
(established instead of the first two cost criteria, in cases of concluding life cycle contracts in accordance with the provisions of Part 16 of Article 34 of Law N 44-FZ, as well as in other established by the Government of the Russian Federation)

2. Non-monetary criteria

Qualitative, functional and environmental characteristics of the procurement object

Qualifications of procurement participants, including the availability of financial resources, equipment and other material resources, work experience, the required number of specialists and other employees of a certain skill level for the execution of the contract

The sum of the significance of all criteria for evaluating applications

** Criteria not used in the competition are excluded from the table.

The content of non-monetary criteria for evaluating applications for participation in the competition

Criterion 2.1. "Qualitative, functional and environmental characteristics of the procurement object":

Criterion indicators***

Significance factor

Quality of goods (quality of work, quality of services)

The number of points assigned to the application for this indicator is determined as the arithmetic average of the scores (in points) of all members of the procurement committee awarded to the application for this indicator

Functional, consumer properties of the goods (set exclusively in the competition for the supply of goods)

Compliance with environmental regulations.


Criterion 2.2. "Qualifications of procurement participants, including the availability of financial resources, equipment and other material resources that belong to them on the basis of ownership or on other legal grounds, work experience related to the subject of the contract, and business reputation, specialists and other employees of a certain level of qualification for the performance of the contract:

Criterion indicators***

Evaluation scale / maximum required minimum or maximum quantitative value of characteristics (in points)

Significance factor

Qualification of labor resources (managers and key specialists) offered to perform work (render services).

Assessed based on:

Participant's experience in successful delivery of goods, performance of work, provision of services of a comparable nature and volume.
Assessed based on:

Provision of the procurement participant with material and technical resources in terms of the availability of the procurement participant's own or leased production facilities, technological equipment necessary for the performance of work, the provision of services. (Established exclusively in tenders for the performance of works (rendering of services)
Assessed based on:

Security of the procurement participant with labor resources. Assessed based on:

Business reputation of the procurement participant.
Assessed based on:

The sum of the significance values ​​of the indicators

*** Unused criteria indicators are excluded from the table.

Electronic text of the document
prepared by JSC "Kodeks" and checked against.

The criteria for evaluating an open tender according to 44 Federal Laws are the signs by which the customer evaluates applications and assigns a rating to them. The participant whose proposal received the highest rating becomes the winner of the purchase.

Types of criteria for evaluation

There are different criteria for different tenders. AT electronic auction or request for quotations, it is only one - the price. There are several in the competition. Institutions do not come up with assessment rules, their list is in Art. 32 44-FZ and Government Decree No. 1085 dated November 28, 2013 on the rules for valuation.

Do not confuse evaluation criteria with grounds for admission. The competition has a review stage and an evaluation stage. At the stage of consideration, the requirements for participants and the correctness of paperwork are important. If there is no document or it is made with errors, then the participant is rejected, that is, does not participate in the purchase. And at the evaluation stage, if the supplier does not attach documents confirming compliance with the requirement, then he remains on an equal footing with the rest. But he won't get any points.

All criteria for evaluating applications for participation in the competition under 44-FZ are divided into two large groups.


  • contract price;
  • expenses for the operation and repair of goods, the use of the results of work;
  • life cycle cost, i.e. the cost of a product or work, operation, repair and disposal;
  • a proposal on the amount of the customer's expenses under the energy service contract.


  • qualitative, functional and environmental characteristics of the product or work;
  • participant qualification.

By law, in a tender or request for proposals, price is not the only measure of victory. Sometimes the winner is not the participant with the lowest price, but the one with the best quality scores. Get ready to send a lot of scans of documents as part of the application. They are needed to earn points. If there are no documents, then the chances of winning are significantly lower. Evaluation of applications for participation in an open tender in electronic form is carried out on the basis of criteria that the customer pre-registered in the documentation. In total, at least two of them are installed, one of which is necessarily cost.

How to evaluate by cost criteria

Different factors have different meaning for the state customer. It also establishes the significance of the criteria. This is their "weight" in the total population. It is expressed as a percentage. The sum of the weights is equal to 100%. Customers do not set weights arbitrarily, in the Government Decree No. 1085 of 11/28/2013 there are special rules in this regard.

Example: price of services (weight 60%) and qualifications of the contractor (weight 40%). Evaluation by the criterion "price". Each proposal is evaluated according to the formula:

Application 1 was submitted for the competition with a price of 1000 rubles, 2 - with a price of 1300 rubles.

Bid 1: 1000 / 1000 × 100 = 100 b.

Bid 2: 1000 / 1300 × 100 = 76.92 b.

If the significance of the price is 60%, then the customer will multiply the received figures by 0.6.

Result 1: 100 × 0.6 = 60 b.

Result 2: 76.92 × 0.6 = 46.15 b.

How to evaluate by non-monetary criteria

The customer independently formulates them, what exactly he understands as quality or qualification of the participant. Often, within the framework of one criterion, several indicators are set in the documentation.

Let us give such an example of non-cost evaluation criteria for 44 Federal Laws. Qualitative characteristics of works - indicators:

  • availability of a quality control system;
  • environmental activities;
  • work performance technology;
  • occupational health and safety measures.

Qualification of the participant - indicators:

  • qualifications of employees (availability of certificates, permits, portfolios, scientific degrees);
  • participant experience (number of contracts for similar work);
  • the availability of the necessary equipment;
  • business reputation of the supplier (number of reviews, letters of thanks, participation in ratings);
  • availability of financial resources (the customer evaluates financial stability supplier on the basis of financial statements).

Criteria have a numeric expression. That is, not just the availability of equipment, but the number of units of a particular tool or vehicle. Not just work experience, but the number of contracts with a similar subject.

The participant will have to document their compliance (attach scans of reviews, contracts, inventory cards, work books, etc.) to the application.

The state customer assigns a coefficient of significance (KZ) to each indicator. The sum of all short circuits is equal to one.

Example: the criterion "qualification" includes the indicators "work experience" (KZ 0.6), "business reputation" (0.2) and "availability of financial resources (value of accounts payable)" (KZ 0.2).

How non-monetary criteria are evaluated

There are several options.

If for the customer the best is the smallest value of the indicator (for example, the lower the amount of accounts payable, the better), then he uses the formula:

Example: application 1 with an accounts payable of 1000 rubles, 2 - with a debt of 1300 rubles was submitted for the competition. KZ = 0.2.

Bid 1: 0.2 × 100 × 1000 / 1000 = 20 b.

Bid 2: 0.2 × 100 × 1000 / 1300 = 15.38 b.

If the significance of the "qualification" criterion is 40%, then the customer will multiply the points received by it.

Outcome 1: 20 × 0.4 = 8 b.

Result 2: 15.38 × 0.4 = 6.15 b.

If the highest value of the indicator is the best for the customer (for example, the more positive customer reviews about this supplier, the better), then he uses the formula:

Example: application 1 with five reviews, 2 - with twelve reviews. KZ = 0.3.

Application 1: 0.3 × 100 × 5 / 12 = 12.5 b.

Application 2: 0.3 × 100 × 12 / 12 = 30 b.

If the significance of "qualification" is 40%, then the customer will multiply the received figures by it.

Outcome 1: 12.5 × 0.4 = 5 b.

Result 2: 30 × 0.4 = 12 b.

Formulas sometimes change. This happens if the customer has set the maximum required value. For example, when analyzing work experience, he indicated that he would be completely satisfied with the presence of 20 implemented similar projects. Suppliers who prove experience in 20, 30 or 50 projects will receive the same (maximum) number of points.

The third option is an assessment scale according to the criteria for an open competition. Here the customer sets the ranges of values ​​and the number of points that corresponds to each range.

Example: indicator - the number of electricians of the highest rank in the state.

  • 0 employees - 0 points;
  • 1-4 employees - 30 points;
  • 5-10 employees - 60 points;
  • 11 or more employees - 100 points.

In this case, participants who have 5 and 9 employees will receive the same number of points (60).

Evaluation is the process of assigning points for each criterion (and indicators within it) to each participant. Points are summed up. The winner is the supplier whose application received the most of them.

Adoption federal law dated April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ "" (hereinafter - Law No. 44-FZ), which entered into force on January 1, 2014, entailed the need to develop many by-laws for each stage of public procurement.

Scheme. Criteria for evaluating the applications of procurement participants (as approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 28, 2013 No. 1085)

Cost Criteria

As before, when determining the winner of the purchase, at least two criteria, one of which is price ().

True, now a mandatory criterion for evaluation may turn out to be "life cycle cost"- in the event that it is supposed to conclude a so-called "life cycle contract", which provides for the purchase of goods (or the performance of work), its subsequent maintenance, repair, and, if necessary, the disposal of the goods or object of work (). Moreover, at the discretion of the customer, the criterion "life cycle cost" can replace all cost criteria ().

It should be noted that the change weight of cost evaluation criteria. If earlier the significance of the criterion "contract price" had to be at least 35%, now the approach to determining the limit values ​​of the significance of the evaluation criteria has changed - in general view it can be presented in the form of the following table:

Table. Limit values ​​for the significance of evaluation criteria

True, there are exceptions to these rules. Thus, the ratio of the minimum significance of cost criteria and the maximum significance of non-value criteria "40/60" established for such types of goods, works and services as:

  • development of documents regulating training, education, quality control of education;
  • rescue operations;
  • restoration of cultural heritage sites;
  • medical, educational, legal services;
  • services of a specialized organization.

Ratio "30/70" established for expert examination services, as well as works on the creation, development and technical support state and municipal information systems and official websites of authorities.

An even greater limiting weight of non-monetary criteria (ratio "20/80" ) is provided for evaluating applications for financing the distribution or screening of national films, performing R&D or technological works, as well as performance (as a result of intellectual activity - for example, a performer in accordance with can be a performing artist, director or conductor).

Finally, only by non-monetary criteria (the relation "0/100" ) applications for the creation of works of literature and art, including choreographic works and pantomimes, works of architecture, urban planning and gardening art and photographic works can be evaluated (the full list of objects is fixed in).

In any case, as before, the sum of the values ​​of the significance of the evaluation criteria should be 100%. In this case, the weight of the criterion "expenses for operation and repair" (which can be set only if further maintenance of the goods or object of work is expected) cannot be greater than the weight of the criterion "contract price" ( , ).

In 2010, there was a case when the FAS Russia considered the negative value of the final cost of the state contract to be acceptable, but the court did not agree with this interpretation. However, the court recognized the possibility of reducing the contract price below zero for a contract for the provision of services for opening and maintaining bank accounts (FAS of the Urals District dated July 6, 2010 No. F09-5137 / 10-C1 in case No. A60-49614 / 2009- SR). However, the special clause of Part 6.1 of Art. 37 of the Federal Law of July 21, 2005 No. 94-FZ "" on the features of the price of a contract for the provision of this type of service was not transferred to Law No. 44-FZ.

By the way, during the period of the old law on public procurement, there were situations when, during the procurement, participants reduced the price of the contract to zero, which gave rise to controversy judicial practice. The conclusion of a contract on a gratuitous basis was recognized by the courts as lawful (FAS of the Ural District dated October 19, 2010 No. F09-8056 / 10-C5 in case A50-331 / 2010, of the Nineteenth Arbitration Court of Appeal dated November 29, 2011 No. 19AP-4855 / 11), and those that do not comply with the law (FAS of the Volga District of March 18, 2010 in case No. A72-10398 / 2009, FAS of the Ural District of October 19, 2010 No. F09-8056 / 10-C5 in case No. A50-331 /2010).

Non-monetary criteria

These criteria can be applied to object of procurement(quality, functional, ecological), and directly to procurement participant(qualification of the participant). In the latter case, the qualifications of the participants should be assessed depending on whether:

  • financial resources;
  • equipment and other material resources belonging to them on the basis of ownership or other legal grounds;
  • work experience related to the subject of the contract;
  • business reputation;
  • specialists and other workers of a certain skill level.

By the way, customers retained the right to install indicators each individual non-monetary criterion, revealing its content, and determine their weight on one's own. To do this, the procurement documentation must provide for one of the following calculation methods:

  • formula for calculating the number of points awarded to indicators;
  • a scale of limit values ​​for the significance of assessment indicators, which sets the intervals for their changes;
  • the procedure for defining such a formula or scale.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the customer has the right to set the maximum necessary minimum or maximum quantitative value of non-cost characteristics, which are subject to evaluation within the framework of the criteria or their individual indicators (paragraph 2) - for example, 10 years, 50 employees, etc. Let's consider this in more detail with examples.


The customer has decided to assess the qualifications of the procurement participants, and therefore, for this, must establish indicators that reveal this criterion (). Let's say that the experience of the procurement participant and the availability of his labor resources are of the greatest importance for the customer (using the terminology of the Rules - "the best condition for the execution of the contract in terms of the indicator is the highest value of the indicator"). Then the weight distribution of the indicators of the qualification criterion can look like this:

  • work experience of the procurement participant in the production of the procurement object (significance - 60%);
  • the number of employees employed in the production of the facility (significance - 40%).

Let's imagine that the customer did not set limits for these indicators in numbers, and the most experienced was recognized as a public procurement participant working in a certain area four years. Then the number of points scored for this indicator by other participants whose work experience is less than four years must be assessed using the following formula ():

NCB i= short circuit x 100 x (K i/k max)

  • NCB i- number of points;
  • KZ - the significance of the indicator;
  • K i
  • K max- the maximum offer from all made by the procurement participants.

In relation to our example, the calculation of the number of points of a participant working in a certain area, let's say, three years, will look like this:

NCB i= 0.6 x 100 x (3 / 4) = 45 points

Thus, for the most experienced procurement participant, the number of points for this indicator will be 60 points(coefficient of 0.6 reflects the significance of the indicator - 60%, but if only one indicator is used, then the KZ will be equal to 1, and the maximum number of points will be 100).


Let's imagine that the customer considers the period at least five years and wishes to reflect this in the requirements for procurement participants. In this case, in the procurement documentation, he should set the maximum required maximum value of the "work experience" indicator (five years).

The choice of the formula by which the points will be calculated depends on whether any of the participants has work experience equal to or greater than the period of five years.

Situation 1. None of the participants have such experience. In this case, the points assigned to the applications of absolutely all participants will be calculated according to the formula that was considered in example 1: NCB i= short circuit x 100 x (K i/k max) - based on the best offer for this indicator (paragraph "a") (if the best offer was four years, then a participant with three years of experience, taking into account the weight of the indicator, will score 45 points).

Situation 2. Some procurement participants have the required or extensive work experience. They are assigned the maximum number of points (if one indicator is used - 100 points, since KZ \u003d 1), and the applications of other participants are evaluated according to the following formula (clause "b"):

NCB i= short circuit x 100 x (K i/k P ed)

  • NCB i- number of points;
  • KZ - the significance of the indicator;
  • K i– proposal of the procurement participant whose bid is being evaluated;
  • K before- the maximum value of characteristics required by the customer.

Returning to our example, let's calculate the number of points for a procurement participant working in a certain area three years:

NCB i = 0.6 x 100 x (3/5) = 36 points


The rules also give the customer the right to develop for the evaluation of applications the scale of limiting values ​​of the significance of the assessment indicators. Such a scale involves the accrual of points depending on which interval of requirements the procurement participant falls into (). For example, a rating scale for the “work experience” indicator might look like this:

  • 0-1 year– 50 points;
  • 2-3 years– 70 points;
  • 4-5 years or more- 100 points.

Do not forget about the need to take into account the significance of the indicator "work experience" as part of the evaluation criterion "qualification of the procurement participant". Taking into account the adjustment for the weight of the indicator (in our example - 60%), we get the scale in its final form:

  • 0-1 year- 30 points (50 x 0.6);
  • 2-3 years- 42 points (70 x 0.6);
  • 4-5 years or more- 60 points (100 x 0.6).

Rules in only one case oblige the customer, regardless of his discretion, apply a non-monetary criterion - it is the experience of the participant in the successful delivery of goods (performance of work, provision of services) of a comparable nature and volume, which should be taken into account when conducting a procurement for performance construction works ().

Additional Criteria

The legislator reserved the right to establish higher requirements for procurement participants of special technical or technological complexity, as well as those of an innovative, high-tech or specialized nature (). This must be taken into account by customers when organizing certain types of procurement, since such requirements must be reflected in the documentation about the purchase ().

Currently, additional conditions are established for the procedure for holding a tender with limited participation on:

  • service Catering and/or supply of products to institutions education, medicine, social service and organization of children's recreation and their health improvement;
  • performance of work in the field nuclear energy and nuclear weapons;
  • performance of works on construction (reconstruction, overhaul) of especially dangerous, technically complex capital construction projects, as well as roads– if the initial (maximum) price of the contract exceeds 150 million rubles. (for purchases of the federal or regional level) or 50 million rubles. (during procurement for municipal needs).

Additional requirements for participants in such purchases are as follows:

  • Availability experience execution of similar contracts within three years prior to the date of filing an application for participation in the tender (in this case, the cost of a previously executed contract should be at least 20% initial (maximum) contract price);
  • availability of own and (or) leased for the term of the contract equipment and others material resources, as well as rights to the results of intellectual activity(in the amount established by the tender documentation).

The Government of the Russian Federation also fixed a closed list of documents that must be provided to the customer to confirm compliance with the requirements (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 28, 2013 No. 1089 "").

Evaluation is carried out to determine the winner. To do this, the customer evaluates the application for a set of parameters. Points are assigned to each parameter, the application with the most points wins. To get the maximum score, carefully review the evaluation criteria and procedure and prepare your application.

In what procedures does the customer evaluate applications?

  • in open competitions.
  • In requests for proposals.
  • in the pre-qualifiers.

Procurement Evaluation Rules

All criteria must be spelled out in the procurement regulations. The customer himself chooses the requirements, criteria and evaluation procedure and applies them to all procurement participants. Criteria examples:

  1. contract price,
  2. properties or quality characteristics of the goods,
  3. quality of works, services or qualification of the participant,
  4. the cost of operating the product,
  5. product maintenance costs,
  6. terms of delivery of goods, performance of work, provision of services,
  7. the term and scope of the provision of quality assurance,
  8. any other reasonable criteria to evaluate the application.

223-FZ does not clearly indicate which parameters are mandatory and which are not. What does the customer do? Selects any, sets their "cost" in points and adds up the result. You can also set the cost of the criteria as a percentage, in which case the significance factor is used in the formulas.

In the documentation of each purchase, the customer lists the criteria by which he will evaluate, and specifies their significance. The cumulative significance of all criteria is always 100%. For example:

  • contract price - 35%,
  • qualitative characteristics of a product or service - 25%,
  • detailing the offer - 15%,
  • availability of material and technical resources - 15%,
  • experience in the market - 10%.

When evaluating criteria that are not related to price, the number of points can be calculated using formulas. Each customer can use his own, but most often formulas are taken from the government decree on the evaluation of applications in the state order.

The customer should set only measurable requirements:

If it appears from the documentation that the customer is violating this requirement, contact the customer for clarification. If nothing changes after that, file a complaint with the FAS before the deadline for filing applications has expired.

All information about the held competition is published in the protocols. On the day of signing the document, the customer places it on

  • the protocol of opening the envelopes lists the participants and all documents attached to the applications,
  • the protocol of consideration and evaluation of applications lists the list of applications admitted to the competition, evaluation of applications, information about the winner, whose proposal contains the best conditions.

Evaluation Example

January 25, 2016 Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Kurgan PrOP" of the Ministry of Labor of Russia completed an open tender for the provision of services for the annual audit of financial statements for 2015. 2 audit companies took part in the tender. When evaluating applications, a commission of 5 people used the following criteria:

  • contract price,
  • quality characteristics of the service,
  • qualifications (qualification of managers, experience of the participant, labor resources, business reputation).

Let's look at the results.

Contract price

The significance of this criterion is 60%, the coefficient of significance of the criterion is 0.6, the maximum value of points awarded to the application according to the criterion is 100.

The participant who offered the lowest price received the maximum 100 points for this parameter.

CB1 is the number of points awarded to the i-th application according to the “price” criterion.

Qi — the price in the application, which is evaluated.

Пmin - the minimum price offered by the procurement participant.

Qualitative characteristics of the procurement object

The significance of this criterion is 20%, the coefficient of significance of the criterion is 0.2, the maximum value of points awarded to the application according to the criterion is 100.

Criteria indicators:

  1. the quality of the audit methodology (the maximum score awarded to the application for the indicator is 50),
  2. the quality of the audit program (the maximum score awarded to the application for the indicator is 50).

The score is the subjective opinion of the committee members. In this criterion, both participants scored the same number of points - 100 each and with a coefficient of 0.2 earned 20 points in the rating.

Qualification of procurement participants

The significance of the criterion is 20%, the coefficient of significance of the criterion is 0.2, the maximum value of points awarded to the application according to the criterion is 100. Criterion indicators:

  1. qualification of managers and key specialists, the maximum score is 15,
  2. the participant's experience in providing services of a comparable nature and volume, the maximum score is 30,
  3. labor resources, the maximum score is 30,
  4. business reputation of the procurement participant, the maximum score is 25.
Procurement participant Proposal for the "Qualification" indicator Proposal for "Experience" Proposal for the indicator " Human Resources» Proposal for the indicator "Business reputation"
1 LLC "Auditfinance service" 2 21
2 LLC "AuditFinance Consult" 3 76

Judging by the proposal of the participants, the first supplier has more people in the state, the second has more work experience, and his business reputation they evaluated subjectively (whether it exists or not, in their opinion). Despite the differences in the proposals, the customer gave the same ratings to both:

The decisive criterion was the price, and customer No. 2 (60+20+12 = 92) won by the sum of points in the rating. The number of points depends on the completeness of the documents that suppliers attach to the application. They confirm one or another criterion. For example, in this case, “experience” was measured by the number of completed contracts.