Checks open. The procedure for presenting products to the Quality Control Department

PJSC "Company"
____________ P.P. Petrov

"___"___________ G.

Regulations on the technical control department

1. General Provisions

1.1 The full name of the unit is the technical control department, abbreviated as OTK (hereinafter referred to as OTK) is an independent structural unit enterprises.

1.2 QCD reports to the Deputy Director for Quality - Head of QCD.

1.3 Deputy Director for Quality - Head of QCD reports directly to the Director for Quality.

1.4 Deputy director for quality - the head of the QCD is appointed to the position by order of the general director of the enterprise on the proposal of the director for technology and quality.

1.5 In progress production activities QCD cooperates on a large scale with all structural subdivisions of the enterprise.

1.6 QCD coordinates the activities of the company's divisions in the field of product quality assurance.

1.7 QCD is guided in its activities by:

- the current legislation of the Russian Federation;
— Law of the Russian Federation “On technical regulation”;
- Law of the Russian Federation "On Standardization" No. 5154-1 dated 10.06.93;
- Law of the Russian Federation "On certification of products and services" No. 5151-1 dated 10.06.93.
- Law of the Russian Federation "On ensuring the uniformity of measurements" No. 4871-1 dated April 27, 1993;
— Normative — technical and technical documents;
- Orders and orders of the enterprise management;
— The policy of the enterprise in the field of quality;
— documentation of the quality management system (QMS) of the enterprise;
– international standards ISO 9000 series;
collective agreement enterprises;
- internal rules work schedule enterprises;
- by this Regulation.

1.8 The requirements of the QCD employees on the issues of product quality assurance are obligatory for all employees of the enterprise.

2 Goals

2.1 Prevention of the release (delivery) by the enterprise of products that do not meet the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation, terms of delivery and contracts or incomplete products.

2.2 Strengthening production discipline and increasing the responsibility of all production links for the quality of products.

2.3 Development, implementation and maintenance of the QMS, ensuring full satisfaction of the consumer's requirements for product quality.

3 Internal structure

3.1 Structure and staffing The OTC is approved by the General Director.

3.2 QCD includes:

3.2.1 bureau of technical control of machine-building production;

3.2.2 QMS lead engineer

3.2.3 entrance control bureau;

3.2.4 production control areas (workshops Nos. 5,6,7,14);

3.2.5 electrician's area for maintenance of test equipment.

3.3 The Deputy Director for Quality - Head of the Quality Control Department reports to the Deputy Head of the Quality Control Department - Head of Test Stations, Lead Engineer for QMS.

3.4 The Deputy Head of the Quality Control Department - Head of the Test Stations is directly subordinate to:

- Head of BTK production;
— senior control masters of production shops;
— leading quality engineer (complaints);
– engineer for periodic and certification tests, provision of technical documentation;
— leading engineer for accounting and analysis of NSP, certification of test equipment;
– electricians for the repair and maintenance of test equipment;
- head of the entrance control bureau.

4 Functions and tasks

4.1 The main tasks of the QCD of the enterprise are:

4.1.1 implementation and maintenance of the functioning of the QMS in the department, ensuring full satisfaction of the consumer's requirements for the quality of products;

4.1.2 ensuring effective product quality control at all stages life cycle;

4.1.3 organization and analysis of the quality level, causes of defects, as well as measures to improve product quality;

4.1.4 coordination of the work of the technical services of the enterprise in matters of improving the quality indicators of products in order to increase its competitiveness, meet consumer requirements and increase profits from sales.

4.2 In order to implement these tasks, the QCD performs the following functions:

4.2.1 organization of quality control of products during their manufacture and shipment to the consumer in order to minimize the damage caused by in-house inconsistencies;

4.2.2 implementation of "flying" control over the observance of technological discipline, compliance of production operations with the requirements of the normative and technical documentation (NTD) in force at the enterprise, approved design and technological documentation;

4.2.3 control over compliance with the rules for labeling, conservation, packaging, storage and transportation of products within the enterprise;

4.2.4 control of the conformity of technological equipment for the main production, in accordance with the current NTD at the enterprise;

4.2.5 determination of the procedure for collection and storage of nonconforming products, implementation of measures that exclude the possibility of its use before correction;

4.2.6 control over the conduct of all types of tests (periodic, acceptance, control, certification) of manufactured products, timely and high-quality testing assigned to the QCD;

4.2.7 consideration of mutual claims of workshops and services of the enterprise on issues within the competence of the QCD and making final decisions on them. Decisions made by the quality control department can be canceled by the quality director;

4.2.8 collection, generalization of information on the state of product quality in the production process and its submission for analysis to design, technological and other services in order to develop measures to improve product quality;

4.2.9 summarizing the results of the analysis and proposals for measures aimed at eliminating the identified inconsistencies;

4.2.11 Control of the storage of documentation that ensures traceability and confirms the quality of product manufacturing at all stages of its production;

4.2.12 Organization and participation in the improvement of the technical control system of the enterprise, including the development and implementation of progressive methods and means of product quality control, including organizational forms, material and moral incentives for employees for improving product quality;

4.2.13 Conduct systematic work(if necessary, together with technical services) to analyze the effectiveness of the technical control system, increase the effectiveness of control operations, labor productivity of QCD employees and improve their professional training;

4.2.14 Development of proposals to increase the requirements for the quality of products manufactured and consumed by the enterprise, to improve the regulatory and technical documentation of the enterprise's quality management system that establishes these requirements, aimed at stimulating the release of products High Quality and prevention of release of nonconforming products;

4.2.15 Participation in the development of programs and activities to improve methods technical equipment control operations, on the introduction of progressive means and methods of control, analysis and evaluation of the quality of the enterprise's products;

4.2.16 Control and participation in periodic, qualified, certification and other tests of the company's products, confirming the stability of the quality of its manufacture;

4.2.17 Keeping records of claims for the quality of products manufactured by the enterprise, if necessary, participation in the consideration of claims for products together with other divisions, monitoring the implementation of measures to eliminate the identified deficiencies;

4.2.18 Leads the work on quality planning, including the development and updating of the Policy and objectives of the enterprise in the field of quality;

4.2.19 Development of planning and organizational measures for the preparation of production and documentation for state and foreign certification of products and the quality management system of the enterprise;

4.2.20 Planning, organization and participation in the development, control, amendments to the documented procedures of the QMS;

4.2.21 Keeping records and managing all documentation for state certification of products and the enterprise's quality management system;

4.2.22 Together with the departments included in the QMS of the enterprise, analysis of the effectiveness of the functioning of the QMS with the development of recommendations for improvements;

4.2.23 Organization of work on the extension, renewal of state and foreign certification of products and quality management systems;

4.2.24 Provision of methodological assistance to all divisions of the enterprise in the implementation of planning and organizational measures to prepare for certification of products and the quality management system of the enterprise.

5 Rights

OTK has the right:

5.1 Stop receiving and shipping products that do not meet standards, specifications, standards, drawings, set completeness and technological documentation and contractual obligations, immediately notifying the general director of the enterprise in writing. The order of the director for quality or the deputy director for quality - the head of the QCD to stop the acceptance or shipment of products can be canceled only on the basis of a written order (instruction) of the general director.

5.2 At any production site, check materials, blanks, parts or components for compliance with standards, specifications and drawings.

5.3 Assign and conduct, not provided for by the approved technological process, quality checks of finished products, raw materials, materials, semi-finished products and components, the quality of individual technological operations and transitions, quality and condition technological equipment and tools, conditions of production, packaging, storage, loading and transportation within the enterprise, as well as other checks necessary to ensure the release of products in accordance with established requirements.

5.4 Participate in the testing of new and modernized product samples, as well as in the coordination of technical documentation for these products, in order to provide conditions for effective quality control.

5.5 To carry out, together with the metrological service, control over the state of control and measuring equipment at the enterprise, as well as their timely submission for state verification.

5.6 Require the heads of workshops, services and departments of the enterprise to carry out all necessary measures aimed at improving and ensuring the quality of products.

5.7 Make the final decision on the quality of products in case of disagreements between the QCD employees and employees of workshops or departments of the enterprise.

5.8 Submit proposals to the managers of the enterprise on bringing to justice the employees guilty of producing non-conforming products, violating production technology and using materials, raw materials and semi-finished products that are inappropriate or subject to verification, but not verified by the Quality Control Department.

5.9 Require business units to submit necessary materials to carry out work within the competence of the QCD.

6 Relationships with other departments

6.1 With production departments on:

- receipts: ten-day schedules of production output by shops for the coming month. Execution of memos
OTK staffing table. Schedules for staff training.

- submissions: Information about the recognized good and inconsistencies of the manufactured products with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation and contractual obligations. Information on request. Applications for staff training

6.2 With the planning and economic department on the following issues:

- receipt: organizational structure of the QCD;

— submissions: information about nonconforming and advertised products. Required Information on request
6.3 With the design and technology department on:
- receiving: operational control cards for coordinating control operations. Everything you need to control technical documentation, instructions for testing products and individual components, notices of production changes, schemes of test facilities. Complaint conclusions, necessary solutions for parts, assemblies, assemblies and products that deviate from the drawings and specifications, as well as calculations necessary to determine the quality of products (on request) Instructions for control tests agreed with the management of the Quality Control Department and maps of control operations of technological processes;

- submissions: information about non-conformities with an analysis of the causes of the measures taken to eliminate it. Information about all detected shortcomings in the drawings and technology. Notices of violations of technological processes affecting product quality Complaints and proposals for improving technology and improving product quality, information on the quality of products supplied by the enterprise, certificates of product quality control received for conclusion from customers, as well as protocols and conclusions on the results of testing units, products, systems, assemblies and parts.
6.4 With the departments of the chief mechanic and the chief power engineer on the following issues:

- receipt: Necessary means of control that provide a reliable check of the quality of the production repair of equipment. Schedule of checking equipment for technological accuracy. Information about the results of testing equipment for technological accuracy.

6.5 C central laboratory measuring technology on:

- receipt: Schedules for verification of measuring instruments. Information about the withdrawal from circulation of defective incorrect and not passed into deadlines verification of measuring instruments. Data on verification of measuring instruments for compiling a quality report, protocols of measurements;

— submissions: Applications for measuring instruments and power supplies to them, for high-precision and arbitration measurements and tests. Measuring instruments for verification, according to the schedule, out of order before the next verification. Measuring instruments for rechecking or repair.

6.6 With the department of logistics and equipment on the following issues:

- receiving: Accompanying documents suppliers (certificates, regulations, test certificates and passports) for all materials and components entering the enterprise. Extracts from contracts with suppliers, amendments to contracts necessary for inquiries or reclamation acts;
- submissions: Conclusions of factory laboratories certifying the quality of incoming materials and components and permissions for their use in production. Offers and prohibition of issuance from warehouses of materials and components that have deviations from the technical specifications, acts on materials with inconsistencies detected during acceptance.

6.7 With the sales department on:

- provision: Information on the results of consideration and decisions made on complaints received for products. Information about the right to sell products based on the results of periodic tests. Information on all types of certification of production.

6.8 With accounting on issues:

receipt: Information on the results of accounting for losses from non-conforming products in the shops according to notices of non-compliance and reclamation acts and on the attribution of amounts to those responsible;

provision: Acts on non-conformities indicating those responsible for the formation of non-conforming products. Conclusions on accepted complaints.

6.9 With department information technologies for questions:

- receipt: Forms of primary documents for the ICU and instructions for filling them out. Methodological assistance in filling out forms of primary documents for ICU. Summary data on changes to the technical documentation;

- provision: Proposals for mechanization and automation various tasks management and calculations. Application for computer and org. technique.

6.10 With supervisors of workshops and sections on the following issues:

- receiving: Required Tools and instruments for testing control. Accompanying technical documentation (drawings, diagrams, standards and manufacturing technology for these products). All operational documentation (description);

- provision: Conclusion on the conformity of products with the requirements of technical documentation (TU, GOST, drawings, standards, manufacturing technology, etc.). Issued acts on non-conforming products with indication of the perpetrators. Acts for accepted products, warning about non-conforming products in case of violation of the manufacturing technology of products and their non-compliance with the requirements of technical documentation.

6.11 With all subdivisions within the framework of the QMS on the following issues:

- receipt: Draft documents and other documentation within the framework of the quality management system, proposals for amending the documents of the enterprise's quality management system;

— providing: Documentation of the quality management system necessary for the work.

6.12 With the HR department on:

– receiving: Questionnaires, resumes of contestants for vacancies;

— submissions: Applications for the selection of personnel.

7 Responsibilities of the unit head

7.1 Full responsibility for the untimely fulfillment of the tasks and functions assigned by these Regulations to the department is borne by the deputy director for quality - the head of the Quality Control Department.

7.2 The degree of responsibility of other employees is established by job descriptions.

8 Conclusion

8.1 This provision has been developed in accordance with:

8.1.1 Requirements of STP SMK 5-007.

8.1.2 Operating in the enterprise organizational structure management.

8.1.3 staffing department of technical control.

8.2 The director for technology and quality has the right to make proposals for changing it to these Regulations.

8.3 The date of entry into force of this Regulation is the date of approval of the Regulation CEO enterprises.

8.4 The term of this Regulation is 5 years.

Quality Director K.K. Qualitatives


Head of QCD O.O. Responsible

Head of Personnel Department I.I. Ivanov

Head of Quality Management Department V.V. Vasiliev

Boss legal department S.S. Sergeev

The technical control department (QCD) is an independent structural subdivision of the enterprise and reports directly to the technical director.

The main tasks of the OTK are:

Prevention of the release by the enterprise of products that do not meet the requirements of standards and specifications, approved samples (standards), design and technological documentation, terms of delivery and contracts, or incomplete products;

Strengthening production discipline and increasing the responsibility of all production links for the quality of products.

OTK structure:

1. The structure and staffing of the department is approved by the director of the enterprise in accordance with the standard structures of the management apparatus and the norms for the number of managers, specialists and employees, taking into account the volume of work and production features.

2. The department may include a bureau, groups, laboratories for technical control of external acceptance, a technical bureau, a quality control department, a bureau for technical control in workshops (BTK), a central measuring laboratory.

OTK functions:

1. Control over the quality and completeness of parts, assemblies and finished products manufactured by the enterprise, over their compliance with standards, specifications, norms, standards and drawings.

2. Branding of accepted and rejected products, registration in the prescribed manner of documentation for accepted and rejected products.

3. Control over the withdrawal from production of finally rejected products to specially organized rejection insulators and their delivery to waste.

4. Analysis and technical accounting of marriage and defects in the company's products noted in complaints and test reports, participation in the development and control over the implementation of measures aimed at preventing the occurrence of marriage and eliminating defects; identification of persons responsible for the manufacture of substandard products.

5. Organization of obtaining from consumers and systematization of information on the quality and reliability of products.

6. Control over the quality of raw materials, semi-finished products and components supplied to the plant for the manufacture of products of the main production from supplier plants; drawing up acts on low-quality raw materials, materials, semi-finished products and finished products for making claims to suppliers.

7. Control over the acquisition, packaging and preservation of finished products.

8. Control over the timely preparation and implementation of activities related to the introduction of new standards, specifications and norms.

9. Availability control trademark(brands of the enterprise) on finished products.

10. Systematic monitoring of the state of control and measuring equipment at the enterprise, as well as their timely submission for state verification.

11. Control over the quality of manufacturing products and inspection of the state of tools and production equipment in operation at the enterprise.

12. Drawing up and submission to the technical director of the enterprise for approval and timely implementation of schedules for periodic (repeated) type tests of serial products in accordance with the requirements of GOST R, TU, as well as verification of compliance with the requirements of the most important technological processes.

13. Inspection control over compliance with storage conditions in warehouses and workshops of the enterprise of components, raw materials, materials and finished products.

14. Accounting for the quality indicators of products for all divisions of production.

15. Organization and implementation of progressive methods of control and evaluation of product quality.

16. Carrying out random checks of the quality of finished products, raw materials, materials, semi-finished products and components, the quality of individual technological operations and transitions, the quality and condition of technological equipment and tools, the conditions of production, storage and transportation of products, not provided for by the approved technological process.

17. Participation in the testing of new and modified product samples, as well as in the approval of technical documentation for these products in order to provide conditions for effective quality control.

18. Participation in the preparation of products for certification and the adoption of a declaration of conformity.

19. Participation in the preparation of contracts for the supply to the enterprise of raw materials, semi-finished products, components and tools intended for the main production in terms of agreeing on the conditions for their acceptance in terms of quality.

20. Development of proposals to increase the requirements for the quality of products manufactured and consumed by the enterprise, to improve the regulatory and technical documentation that establishes these requirements, as well as proposals aimed at stimulating the production of high quality products and combating the production of poor quality products.

The products of the enterprise can be sold only after acceptance by the quality control department. At the same time, it must be issued with an appropriate document (certificate) certifying the quality of the product.

In accordance with the specified tasks, the QCD performs the following functions: planning and developing methods for ensuring product quality, monitoring and stimulating quality.

Planning and development of quality assurance methods includes:

1. Planning the level of product quality.

2. Quality control planning and technical means control.

3. Collection of quality information.

4. Determining the cost of quality assurance.

5. Processing of information and analysis of quality data from the sphere of production and operation.

6. Quality management of products supplied by suppliers and product quality management at our own enterprise.

7. Development of control methods that ensure comparability and reliability of quality control results.

8. Development (together with the technical departments) of technical conditions, conditions, standards for the implementation of product quality management.

As a rule, as part of the department are created:

Bureau of technical control, territorially located in the main and auxiliary shops;

Bureau of external acceptance, providing input control of materials and components:

Bureau of final control and testing of finished products;

Central measuring laboratory and its control and verification points, which control the condition of elements and equipment, including those used in quality control;

Inspection group that carries out verification control of product quality and targeted inspections of compliance with technological discipline;

Export control units; subdivision for quality control of scrap and waste of non-ferrous and precious metals.

The metrological department has a close relationship with the activities of the Quality Control Department; departments of standardization, chief technologist, chief metallurgist, chief designer; department of reliability; department or workshop of warranty service, etc. .

General management of work to ensure product quality is carried out by Chief Engineer enterprises. It attracts for the development and analysis of options management decisions a permanent quality commission (PDKK), which includes most of the main specialists of the enterprise, including the head of the QCD. Monitoring the implementation of decisions of the PDKK, processing information on the analysis and accounting of defects, as well as the calculation of labor quality indicators are carried out by specialists of the computer center of the quality management system. The head of the Quality Control Department has the right to:

1. Stop accepting and shipping products that do not meet the standards, specifications, standards, drawings, set completeness and technological documentation, immediately notifying in writing technical director enterprises. The order of the head of the QCD to stop the acceptance or shipment of products can be canceled only on the basis of a written order of the director.

2. Make proposals to the management of the enterprise on the suspension of the process of manufacturing products in individual divisions and workshops in cases where the products manufactured by them do not meet the standards, specifications, standards, drawings or technological documentation.

3. Do not accept finished products if it is presented incompletely or is not provided with the established technical documentation confirming the quality of the materials and products included in it.

4. To reject materials, blanks, parts or components that do not meet standards, specifications and drawings at any production site.

5. Control the work of workshops and departments of the enterprise and eliminate the causes of product defects in production, identified during its manufacture, testing and operation.

6. Require from the heads of workshops, services and departments of the enterprise the necessary measures aimed at improving and ensuring the proper quality of products.

7. Make the final decision on the quality of products in case of disagreements between the QCD employees and employees of workshops or departments of the enterprise.

8. Submit proposals to the management of the enterprise on bringing to justice employees guilty of producing low-quality products, violating production technology and using materials, raw materials and semi-finished products of low quality or subject to verification, but not checked by the Quality Control Department.

9. Require the divisions of the enterprise to provide the necessary materials for the implementation of work that is within the competence of the department.

Quality control includes:

Input quality control of raw materials, basic and auxiliary materials, semi-finished products, components, tools entering the warehouses of the enterprise;

Production according operational control for compliance with the established technological regime, and sometimes interoperational acceptance of products;

Systematic monitoring of the condition of equipment, machines, cutting and measuring tools, instrumentation, precision measuring instruments, dies, models of test equipment and weighing facilities, new and in operation, fixtures, conditions for production and transportation of products;

Control of models and prototypes control of finished products (parts, small assembly units, subassemblies, assemblies, blocks, products).

Quality promotion includes: development of documentation reflecting the methods and means of motivation in the field of product quality assurance; development of regulations on bonuses to employees of the enterprise for the quality of work (together with the department of labor organization and wages; training and advanced training).

To date, a variety of quality control methods have been developed, which can be divided into two groups:

1. Self-checking or self-checking - personal check and control by the operator using the methods established technological map per operation, as well as using the provided measuring tools, in compliance with the specified frequency of checks.

2. Revision (verification) - verification carried out by the controller, which must correspond to the content of the process control card.

The organization of technical control consists in:

Design and implementation of the quality control process;

Definition organizational forms control;

Selection and feasibility study of means and methods of control;

Ensuring the interaction of all elements that make up the quality control system for products manufactured by the enterprise;

Development of methods and systematic analysis of marriage and defects.

Depending on the nature of the defects, the marriage may be correctable or irreparable (final).

In the first case, after correction, the products can be used for their intended purpose, in the second case, it is technically impossible or economically unreasonable to make correction. The perpetrators of the marriage are being identified and measures are being taken to prevent it. When controlling the quality of products, physical, chemical and other methods are used, which can be divided into two groups: destructive and non-destructive.

Destructive methods include the following tests:

Tensile and compression tests;

Impact tests;

Tests under repeated-variable loads;

Hardness tests.

Non-destructive methods include:

Magnetic (magnetographic methods);

Acoustic (ultrasonic flaw detection);

Radiation (defectoscopy using x-rays and gamma rays);

Thus, the product quality control system is a set of interrelated objects and subjects of control, the types, methods and means used to assess the quality of products and prevent defects at various stages of the product life cycle and quality management levels. Efficient system control allows, in most cases, to carry out a timely and targeted impact on the level of product quality, prevent all kinds of shortcomings and malfunctions, ensure their prompt identification and elimination with least cost resources. Positive results of effective quality control can be identified and in most cases quantified at the stages of development, production, circulation, operation (consumption) and restoration (repair) of products.

The main functions of the product quality management system in the production process are to conduct and document control operations, the whole variety of which can be divided into three groups: incoming control of materials and components; operational control of semi-finished products (blanks), parts and assembly units; output control of the finished (final) product. It is during the performance of control operations and procedures related to these groups that the requirements inherent in the design of the product are implemented.

Regardless of the products manufactured, there is always an employee at the production site who constantly monitors the technical process and its compliance with GOST. This profession is called the OTC controller. He oversees all stages of production, from the supply of raw materials to the storage of finished products. Any employee who is responsible for supervision and quality control can be called a controller.

Duties of the Controller

The main task of the controller is to prevent manufacturing defects, therefore he is obliged to regularly monitor:

  • for the quality of raw materials and production recipes;
  • check the quality of work of production equipment;
  • monitor the quality of work of employees;
  • timely stop the process during the release of defective products;
  • eliminate the causes of its occurrence;
  • monitor the correct operation of the equipment;
  • compliance with the production of technical documentation and state standards.

The QCD controller is personally responsible for low-quality products, for their return to the factory. That is why highly qualified people who have received the appropriate education are hired for this position. Experience, personal qualities and a good knowledge of the entire process of manufacturing goods allows you to simultaneously monitor several processes and minimize the presence of defects.

What should the controller know?

The work of the OTC controller is very responsible. In addition to controlling all processes in the factory, he must know all the technical documentation so that the products fully comply with it. Knowing what causes can lead to marriage, an employee of the technical control department is engaged in prevention and elimination. After the product has been released, he checks it for suitability. If there is a defective product, an appropriate form is filled out, in which the reasons for its appearance, those responsible for this are written, and the goods are written off. Here are some more responsibilities of the QCD controller that he should know:

  • standards for raw materials, finished products;
  • types and sizes of semi-finished products and finished product;
  • technological process;
  • ability to use measuring instruments;
  • safety regulations, sanitary standards;
  • organization of work in the workplace;
  • types of marriage and methods of its elimination.

All this allows the employee to visually see during the production process how the products comply with the standards.

Personal characteristic

The physical load during the work of the OTK controller is insignificant, but other important personal qualities are required. He must have a good memory and eyesight, be collected, attentive. Professional quality:

Important factors in hiring

To apply for the position of Quality Control Officer, you need:

  • availability of higher specialized education;
  • experience in the field of production control;
  • excellent knowledge of modern technologies;
  • computer skills and electronic documents, programs;
  • drafting production plans, documents;
  • endurance and the ability to perform several tasks at the same time, monitor several processes;
  • responsible attitude to the performance of basic work duties.

Job responsibilities will depend on the field of activity the employee specializes in.

Relationships with other departments

The quality controller actively cooperates with all departments and workshops of the factory. Identification of the causes of marriage is carried out together with the heads of workshops. Upon receipt of raw materials, the supply department informs the quality control department about this, providing documents from the supplier for control. All products in the warehouse, their import and export are controlled by the quality department and are issued by the relevant acts. Work orders are also signed by a specialist, on the basis of which the accounting department calculates wage. Everything that the QCD controller does is interconnected with the work of all production departments.

Profession benefits

The main advantage is the demand for specialists in the labor market. Controllers are needed everywhere, and areas of activity are constantly expanding, new specializations appear. The work does not require physical training, so people of any age can master it.


You can learn the profession of a controller in a vocational school or another educational institution corresponding to the field of activity in which the employee will work. After completing training at a vocational school, a graduate receives a 2-3 category and the opportunity to continue education or get a job. In some industries, individual training courses are organized with the opportunity to get an internship at their plant.

Let's figure out today why the OTK stamp is needed and what it is. Let's begin with that This is the stamp of the technical control department, indicating that any product has passed this stage of the production process. For such control seals, special clichés are used. Stamps exist as a broadcast about some of the features of the released batch of products. The opinion that this function could be performed by any seal is categorically wrong, since this would bring chaos to this production stage. Since the OTC seals are put many times, that is, on each product produced, there must be a certain order in this.

Types of stamps of the technical control department (OTC)

  • OTC stamps, depending on the use of binding to a specific time and date, are divided into dated and undated. That is, the cliche is either intended to put down information about the date, or not.

  • The next type of classification is according to the type of information application. It can be a classic filling, sealing wax or just an ink stamp.

  • According to the type and shape of the stamp itself, they can be divided into round, triangular and rectangular stamps. In addition, stamps can contain various control statements "Tested Passed", "Ready to Use", "Guaranteed" and so on.

  • The content of the information is simple and complex. Simple ones contain only an imprint of the name of the department and the date, complex ones include other information about the product or organization.

Production of OTK stamps

OTK includes several stages. First, a layout is developed, then it is agreed with the customer and a joint choice of material is made. OTC stamps may contain information about the enterprise, the date of manufacture of the product, the batch number, and its serial number. Most often, this type of stamp is made of rubber or metal. Production can be carried out by laser engraving or milling. Price for this service consists of several components, including the efficiency and complexity of manufacturing. Also, the process may include delivery and other additional services. OTC stamps are indispensable in the sense that they allow you to simplify and make the marking of products faster.

The need for application

OTC stamps are included in the category of so-called special stamps. Their main function is to reflect information about the manufacturer of the goods and the fact of passing control. Requirements for various products are established in contracts (agreements), in regulatory (standards) and technical (design and technological) documentation. And the fact of acceptance of the products by the quality control department is confirmed by affixing a stamp. Those. if we see such a sign on the packaging, we can assume that the product meets the standards, GOSTs and other requirements. The absence of a stamp may indicate a violation of the procedure for accepting products, respectively, such products cannot meet the requirements of GOST.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that with the help of our website you can order a stamp of the technical control department in a matter of minutes. Just go to section

Technical control ( OTK) - an independent unit production organization(enterprise), which carries out independent control of product compliance with established requirements and guarantees this compliance to the consumer. The technical control department reports to the top management of the organization (enterprise), which ensures the independence of control.

Requirements for products are established in contracts (agreements), in regulatory (standards) and technical (design and technological) documentation. The fact of acceptance of products by Quality Control Department and warranty obligations organizations reflect in the product passport (or in another document replacing it: certificate, label, label, acceptance certificate, instructions for use).


  • Multi-criteria control of goods as the basis for ensuring their safety and competitiveness

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See what the "Technical Control Department" is in other dictionaries:

    technical control department- department of technical control; QCD: The manufacturer's technical control service or other service, personnel or individual specialists who are responsible for product quality control. [GOST 8179 98, article 3.24] Source: GOST R 52667 2006: ... ...

    technical control department- - [A.S. Goldberg. English Russian Energy Dictionary. 2006] Topics energy in general EN inspectorate …

    - (OTK) see Art. Quality control … Big encyclopedic polytechnic dictionary

    department of technical control, QCD- - [A.S. Goldberg. English Russian Energy Dictionary. 2006] Topics energy in general EN quality control department … Technical Translator's Handbook

    3.24 Technical control department (hereinafter QCD) is the manufacturer's technical control service or other service, personnel or individual specialists who are entrusted with product quality control. Clause 4.1. The second paragraph should be reworded: ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    department of technical control; OTK- 3.20 technical control department; QCD: The manufacturer's technical control service or other service, personnel or individual specialists who are entrusted with product quality control.