Sample cover letter for signature. Cover letter template

Many documents sent by mail include a cover letter. In this article, we will consider in detail its purpose, design rules and examples.

From this material you will learn:

  • what is a cover letter to documents;
  • how to write a cover letter for documents;
  • description of attached documents.

What is a cover letter for documents

A cover letter is a mandatory attribute if you need to send a package of documents. It has several purposes at once.

Confirmation of the fact of sending. The cover letter to the documents is registered in the outgoing documents of the company and has the corresponding number. Thus, the fact of sending documents is recorded on the basis of this letter. Moreover, the addressee also fixes this letter and a package of documents attached to it.

List of attached documents. Each cover letter on sending documents must contain their complete list and the number of copies.

Instructions for handling documentation. It is important to understand that when sending documents, some of them may be returned. In this case, the cover letter should indicate what actions need to be performed: read the documents, agree, fill out, sign and leave or send back. Recall that additionally for these purposes, you can use special stamps.

First you need to fill in the address part. It indicates the name, name, address of the company, last name and initials of the employee and his position (if the documents are sent to a specific person). Next, you must specify the date and number of the outgoing document.

The first part of the content of the letter should be a message about the direction of the documents. It begins with the words: "We send you ...", "We present to you ...", etc. After that, you can specify the purpose of sending documents (for review, completion, approval, etc.). If one document is attached to the letter, then it can be indicated in this part, if there are several, the concept of a “package of documents” can be used, the composition of which will be disclosed below.

The second part of the content consists of specific tasks for working with documents. For example, it may contain instructions about which instances to return, which require a signature, and so on.

As can be seen from the example, the deadlines for the execution of documents can also be indicated in the cover letter.

The most important step in the preparation of a cover letter is the mark on the presence of attachments. The mark is placed after the end of the text of the letter no lower than after 2-3 lines. The mark must contain the name of the document, the number of attached copies and the number of sheets.

Application flag must have a complete list of attached documents, the number of copies and sheets. If the attached documents are bound or bound together, then the number of sheets is not required (only the number of copies is indicated).

It should also be understood that when indicating the name of the attached documents in the text of the cover letter, there is no need to indicate them again in the attachments. In this case, the presence of an application (application 1.2, etc.), the number of sheets and copies is simply indicated.

Description of attached documents

There is a possibility that the number of documents attached to the cover letter may be so large that a note about their attachment is not included on the sheet of the letter. In this case, we recommend that you draw up an inventory of the attached documentation on a separate sheet. When compiling the inventory, the composition of the package of documents attached to the letter is indicated in it. In the note about attachments in the cover letter, an inventory of the attached documents and the number of sheets are indicated. It is formatted as follows:

Application: according to the inventory for 2 sheets.

After the requisite "Mark of the presence of attachments" follows the requisite "Signature" of the employee who composed the letter.

Previously, in the era of full-fledged bureaucracy, even a first-grader could write a cover letter, now many have difficulties in the question of how to write in order to be noticed. Structuring the text correctly, not crossing the line, but at the same time presenting information from the right and profitable side, is an important point in any business contact.

Accepted rules for writing letters

The cover letter should be written in a free style, in the letter itself the main task is to arouse interest in your person and focus on reading the main document, such as a resume. At the same time, this is an official letter, so it must be drawn up in accordance with all the rules of business communication.

When sending a document by mail or handing it over personally, the letter must be printed or it can be written by hand, but on a separate page, preferably plain, and definitely not a torn sheet from a notebook. Attach resume - separately, cover letter - in the same way. To send documents via e-mail, the letter must be designated with the name "Cover Letter" and added as a separate file to the general message. Never forget to write your contact details in a letter, this is an important element, contact details should be on all official documents.

A cover letter in business circles has a rather high value, if you correctly state your position in a few words written on a sheet, for employers this can mean your prospect for further growth and career. In addition, this indicates the seriousness of intentions and a responsible approach in working moments. Therefore, such a message should be taken no less seriously than writing a summary.

Brevity is the main motto when writing a cover letter

How to write a cover letter for documents in the GIT and FSS: a ready-made template and recommendations

When you send documents to the GIT, FSS or other authorities, be sure to write a cover letter. It will help to avoid problems if the recipient loses one of the documents or accuses him of violating the deadlines. The fact is that it is on the cover letter that they put a mark on receipt with the date of receipt. What should the document look like and what information should be included in it in addition to the list of applications? Let's talk and give a ready-made sample.

Document header
Submit your cover letter on the organization's letterhead. Enter the recipient in the header. List the position, last name, first name, patronymic of the recipient. Since there is no established sample letter, determine the amount of information about your organization yourself, depending on the addressee. As a rule, the letterhead already contains the contact details of the organization. If the organization does not have a letterhead, write its name, address, phone number, e-mail. If you are sending documents to the regulatory authority, indicate information about OKPO, PSRN, TIN of the organization.

Main part
The main part consists of a title, an address to the addressee, the text of the letter and a list of attachments. In the design, adhere to the standard approved by the organization. If not, follow the requirements of GOST P 6.30–2003. The text of the cover letter is written in a formal business style, it should be short and simple. Specify the purpose for which you send documents. Usually the text begins with the words "according to ...", "in execution ... we send you ...", "we send you ...":

Example. In accordance with the Rules for the Financial Support of Preventive Measures to Reduce Occupational Injuries and Occupational Diseases of Workers and Sanitary and Resort Treatment of Workers Employed at Work with Harmful and (or) Dangerous Production Factors, approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 580n dated December 10, 2012, we are sending you documents for obtaining financial security through the amount of insurance premiums.
If necessary, write what actions you expect from the addressee, for example: We ask you to consider the application within the time period established by law and send a response to us.


Always mark the presence of attachments under the body of the letter. It makes mail handling easier for you and the recipient, and reduces the chance of losing attachments.

In the "Attachments" section, be sure to list all the documents attached to the letter, indicate their number and volume:

Example. Application. Notification of an insured event in 1 copy. per 1 liter
If in the text you mention the name of the document, then it will be enough to indicate the number of sheets and copies: “Appendix in 1 copy. for 2 liters. If there are several recipients, and applications need to be sent to one person, make a note: “Application in 1 copy. for 12 l. only to the first recipient.

Final part
Consists of the signature of the author of the document and information about the performer. In the signature, you can use the phrase "Respectfully, ...". If the name of the organization is indicated in the header, it is not duplicated in the title of the position. In deciphering the signature, the initials are placed before the surname. The note about the performer is made out at the end of the letter in a font smaller than the main one. Indicate the last name, first name, patronymic, phone number.

Dear friends! Due to the large number of requests received, the service suspends its work until they are completed. Perhaps among the requested ones there are those resume samples that interest you. Keep for updates.

Transmittal letter

The cover letter is an supporting document to the submitted resume.

If you send your resume to a foreign company with a worldwide reputation (brand), then the requirements for compiling a cover letter are quite high. The document must be drawn up on a separate sheet; all the details, which, in particular, include the title, date of compilation, name and address of the recipient, signature, are affixed in accordance with the rules for processing business letters. If the information is sent by e-mail, then the cover letter, as well as the resume, should be attached in Word format.

A resume sent by E-mail to less pretentious structures can accompany the correct text in the body of the letter itself, without putting it on a separate sheet. last name, initials (or last name and first name) and contact information must be visible.

A short version of the cover letter looks something like this (examples 1-3):

Example 1

Dear Maria,

in response to your vacancy "sales manager of refrigeration equipment", published in the magazine "Job and Salary", I send my resume. I would be very grateful if you do not leave it unattended.

Best wishes,
Ivanova Anna, tel. 8-916-111-11-11

Example 2

Good afternoon, Maria.

Attached resume file. I am applying for the position of Financial Analyst. Source of information about the vacancy I am ready to provide any additional information necessary for the consideration of my candidacy.

Example 3

Dear Sirs,

please consider my resume for the vacancy of an accountant, deputy chief accountant.
I would be happy to receive an invitation from you for an interview.

Sincerely, Ivanova Anna, tel. 8-916-111-11-11

The full version of the cover letter (intended for companies professing the Western style of personnel management) is built in a similar way. The body of the cover letter must include:

1. The title of the position (possibly two related or similar positions) for which the resume is sent; it is also desirable to indicate from which source you learned about the vacant position (positions); proposal for his candidacy.

Example 4:
After reviewing the information on your website, I learned that your company has opened vacancies in the field of sanitary control of meat and dairy raw materials. In this regard, I want to propose my candidacy for consideration for a position related to the implementation of the function of quality control, sanitary and veterinary control of raw materials and finished products. I believe that my work experience can be in demand both in the position of an expert in the procurement of meat and dairy raw materials, and in the position of the head of the sanitary control service.

2. A very brief, but accurate and informative summary of the resume, which aims to justify the compliance of your professional and personal qualities with the position you are applying for.

3. Your readiness for work, dedication, and professional growth in the area indicated in the vacancy, or better - within the walls of this particular company.

Example 5:
Over the past years, I have been successfully working in the chosen direction as part of state veterinary and customs regulatory authorities, I have established contacts and experience in cooperation with both the largest Russian food industry enterprises and leading foreign suppliers. The attached resume will give an idea of ​​my professional experience, qualifications and potential opportunities..

Example 6:
All my work experience, professional knowledge and skills, as well as expectations of further advancement lie in the field of active direct sales and work with clients (both at the executive and administrative levels). At the moment, in my asset, I have more than 5 years of experience in sales in the B2B market in the manufacturing area, as well as management experience in this area during the last year of work. At my last job, as the head of the sales department, I was personally responsible for the activities and results of the B2B sales service (medical and cosmetology equipment).

4. Readiness for a personal interview in the company, during which you will more fully present information about yourself.

5. Contact information.

Example 7:
I would be happy to accept an offer to meet and tell a little more about my work experience and possible potential. You can contact me by phone ... or email ...

Example 8:
If you are interested, I will be happy to answer all your questions during the interview. You can contact by phone. Thank you in advance for your attention and time devoted to my candidacy.

A cover letter cannot be universal for the entire range of vacancies you are interested in. Since the addressee of the letter is different people and different organizations, the text of the letter, in accordance with each requested vacancy, should be slightly modified. A cover letter always refers to a specific job opening in a specific company.

In the US and Europe, it is customary to send cover letters along with resumes. In Russia, this trend is only gaining momentum.

A cover letter is designed to convey to the employer some useful information that is inappropriate to write as part of a resume.

Not writing a cover letter at all is bad form. Imagine yourself in the place of an employer or HR- manager. Would you rather receive blank emails with a resume attached, or personalized emails? In which you are addressed by your first name and patronymic, indicate that your company is interesting ... It seems that any person would choose the second option.

Therefore, those who still write such letters win. But in order to accurately win against the background of other candidates, you need to know how to write a cover letter correctly.

Sometimes a cover letter can play a very positive role. For example, the vacancy indicates the need for work experience of at least 1 year. And you do not have this experience, but you meet the rest of the requirements. A well-written cover letter is likely to make you want to look at your candidacy.

Stick to a specific cover letter outline.

  1. In the subject line of the email, indicate the specific position for which you are applying. For example: "Resume for the position of sales manager."
  2. You should start with a greeting. Moreover, it should be addressed preferably to a specific person. Read the job description carefully - as a rule, the name and patronymic of the HR manager are indicated there. Example: "Good afternoon, Maria Gennadievna!". If it so happens that you cannot find out the name and patronymic of the person to whom you are sending your resume, then write in the subject line of the letter “To the HR manager of the company *** - resume for the position of sales manager”. And in the greeting, write simply "Hello!" or "Good afternoon!".
  3. Write how you heard about the job. This can be done as follows: “I found out about the vacancy for a sales manager in your company on the site ***. I think that you will be interested in my candidacy, so I am sending you my resume.”
  4. Next, briefly describe your experience in a similar position. If not, you should write why you think you are a good fit for the job. Example: “I have no experience as a sales manager, but I have all the necessary qualities that will allow me to quickly learn this job: attentiveness, communication skills ...”.
  5. Let me know that you are interested in this particular company and this particular field of activity. For example: “I am very interested in getting a job in sales. Your company is in an excellent position in the market, so I would like to work in it.”
  6. Please include your contact information, in particular your phone number. You can also specify what time you can be called.

Remember the most important thing - the letter should be individual for each company to which you send a resume. Therefore, you should be careful not to confuse the names and patronymics of HR specialists from different companies, job titles and other information. And even more so, it is unacceptable to do mass mailing to several email addresses at once.

Cover letter style

Of course, your cover letter should be written in a business style, without colloquial words, and, moreover, profanity. Since it is assumed that you are referring to a specific person, the word "You" and its derivatives must be capitalized. Grammar, spelling and punctuation errors are not allowed. Check everything once again, because few people will like an illiterate letter, and your resume may not even be opened. It is best to let another person read your letter, perhaps he will point out what can or needs to be corrected.

Do not shorten the words: this is an email, not a paper one. But the length of the letter should not be too long, half an A4 page in Word format - this will suffice.

You should not write in a "mandatory" style, such as: "You must consider my resume, I am an excellent specialist."

Content of the letter: what to write and what not to write

Absolutely, you should not write about the reasons for leaving your previous job and about any conflicts with superiors and colleagues. An example of how not to write: “I was very interested in your company. At my last job, my boss did not appreciate my efforts, I hope I will be able to build a career in your company ... ”.

If you list your personal qualities, you do not need to do it in a stereotyped way. There are thousands of responsible, goal-oriented young professionals like you, with an active life position, focused on results. Better come up with something more original (within reason), but true. Maybe your strong point is the ability to find a common language with people, a good memory, politeness.

You do not need to write about your hobbies, as well as in the resume itself. It's too much.

Never write that your dream is to fly up the career ladder. You need to be humble: write that your skills will be useful to the company.

Before you provide your contact details, you can write about your desire to be interviewed and tell us more about yourself.

Cover letter example

Hello, Ksenia Sergeevna!

From the site *** I learned that your bank has a vacancy for a loan officer. I believe that my candidacy may interest you.

I have no experience as a loan officer, but I have previously worked in the banking sector as a teller. I understand the specifics of working in a bank and my ability to learn quickly will allow me to cope with the work of a loan officer.

I would like to develop in the banking sector. Your bank is one of the largest and most successful banks, so I am interested in working in it.

I think that my skills can be useful to your bank. I am enclosing my resume. I am willing to be interviewed to tell more about myself.

My contact number is ***, you can call me from 9 am to 9 pm.


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