4 hour work week epub. Testing is your best friend

Tahir/ 5.12.2015 people are in captivity delusion. who works hard gets a penny. I have never seen a millionaire with calluses on his hands)

Dmitry/ 26.02.2015 Thanks for the link, Sergey! I read...

Anna/ 08/29/2014 I started reading and just freaked out by the translation....I won't continue.

Sergei Gumov/ 8.08.2013 To all who are currently reading Tim Ferry Hello! I found a good translation of the book, I share the link http://narod.ru/disk/6243699000/The_4-Hour_Workweek-RU.rar.html
P.S. you can write forest thanks to my mail, I will be pleased! :) [email protected]

Igor/ 2.03.2013 Here is a good translation - http://www.site/ferriss/work_4_hours

Igor/ 21.10.2012 We get as much from business as we invest in it - the idea is old. I think this book is able to stir people to the right thinking. The basis is that we do not work for business, but business works for us. There are many methods - from automation of individual elements to the use of Internet technologies in general. The question is different - our people are used to thinking - the more you work, the more income in business. Actually it is not.

Sergei/ 07/19/2012 Vitaliy, I quote you: "We are working to the fullest - we are harvesting to the fullest!". You, apparently, are not from Russia or any other CIS country, since you put forward SUCH a motto. In our latitudes, you can "harvest to the fullest" only by stealing! And you can work hard at least 25 hours a day and 8 days a week - the result will be zero.

Vitaly/ 07/19/2012 We must remember that we get as much from business as we invest in it. We believe in fairy tales about a four-hour work week - we suck our paw on the sidelines of success. We work at full capacity - we harvest to the fullest!

Dasha/ 06/8/2012 Translation from half of the book was made by a robot, it is impossible to read.

Alex/ 05/31/2012 An excellent book. The author tells his experience of business automation and the way to a happy life. The main idea of ​​the book is "maximum with minimum effort". Thanks to the advice from her, I doubled my results. I posted my summary of this book with the main thoughts and advice from it here: http://ycnex2.ru/konspekty.html

:* / 07/14/2011 Dmitry, what for these people Forbes? There are only those who are terribly dependent on money.

Dmitry/ 06/22/2011 The idea in the book is as good as diet pills. I think that in order to achieve a lot in life you need to work hard. And books of this kind - like not working to earn millions - are just a tool for authors to earn their millions. If a person changes for work, then he plows constantly, even in business, anywhere. Because I’m used to this lifestyle and on vacation I even drive some ideas in my head. Open Forbes and find Tim Ferris and the like there. I think that there are no such people there, but for some reason there are a lot of workaholics.

Olga/ 06/12/2011 The ideas in the book are worthy, but the translation is really incomprehensible by whom... It seems that the translators, after correcting half of the machine translation, gave up on this matter and decided that the readers would "do it themselves" =/
And one more thing - in ALL American books on achieving success, only one option is considered - how to be a successful sales manager. As if there were no other ways to make money (and even ways to promote your product/service)... =/

Thursday/ 04/22/2010 there is a normal translation of "How to work 4 hours a week", very good. and this is something inarticulate.

the guest/ 06/30/2009 machine translation after page 100...

the guest/ 11.04.2009 You can read the first half of the book. then machine translation.
got a couple of thoughts. liked.

Irishka/ 02/28/2009 I found a couple of clever ideas in the book and enjoyed the selection of quotes for each chapter. However, the translation is just terrible. If at first the flaws can be treated with understanding and a smile, then several chapters at the end are written like this (I quote the first paragraph that came across): “I came out of three vacancies and was ignited from everything else. To be ignited, despite sometimes becoming a surprise and leaving you struggling to recover is often a stroke of luck: Someone else is making the decision for you... and it's impossible to sit in the wrong job for the rest of your life..."
In fact: the author analyzes in detail the example of remote work only in trade; gives specific references and examples that are more suitable for the United States, but not for Russia.

Creation is better for self-expression than possession: life is manifested in creativity, not in possession. /Vida D.Scudder/ Today we will talk about a very famous book. I think many readers of this blog are familiar with it. However, to my surprise, I have to meet people who have neither read the book nor heard anything about its famous author. Therefore, we will correct the current situation. Well, those who are familiar with the book can immediately skip to the summary and refresh the key points in their heads.

So, before us is the work of one of the greatest scoundrels, hardened love of life and successful businessman Timothy Ferris. You can tell a million different stories about him, where he achieved success, although it would seem that there was not the slightest chance of winning, but this had already been done more than once before me. I will tell you why this is possible and how this book can help you.

The basis of Ferris' philosophy of life is to find your niche in life where you can be the best, where it is easy for you to achieve a good result, where you feel most comfortable with your current physical and material condition.

Many people mistakenly think that this book is about increasing productivity or about running a business. There are already enough books in this niche and Tim is not trying to compete with them. Taking as a basis that for a comfortable existence a person does not really need much, he defines a new type of people: the “new rich”. These are people who are rich spiritually rather than materially, but at the same time their level of satisfaction with life is much higher than that of people with millions of bank accounts. About how Tim and other people went from ordinary office workers to the new rich and is told in this book.

Brief summary:

A dream is not a million dollars in the bank, but all the freedom that such money gives.

If time and place do not play a role for you, the value of your money by itself increases by 3-10 times.

Being rich in monetary terms and being able to live like a millionaire are diametrically opposed things.

Make it a rule to value fruitful work, not workload.

A few words about time management: forget about it. In no case should you do more and more every day, try to fill every second with fussy fuss.

It is impossible at any point in time to have enough complete and reliable information to make a decision.

It's amazing how quickly people's IQs rise when you hold them accountable and say you trust them.

There is a difference between the concepts of “being a specialist” and “being considered a specialist”. In business, the second sells the product, while the first creates it and prevents returns.

Intuition and experience are poor advisers when it comes to determining which products and companies will bring profit.

We are not faced with the task of creating the largest possible enterprise: we are quite satisfied with a company that does not annoy us. Its structure should be such that we have the opportunity to get out of the information flow, and not be in the thick of things.

It is not enough to think outside the box. Thinking is a passive occupation. Try to get out of the grip of conventions.

Your task is to learn to separate your activities from a certain environment and develop the habit of working alone, under your own guidance.

Freedom is not just enough income and the ability to manage your time. It is possible to have both money and time, but still participate in the rat race, and this is more the rule than the exception.

It is much easier to get along with yourself if you find an external reason for your own inaction.

Find the most interesting thing for you, take it and do not justify yourself to anyone.

Thoughtfully and leisurely look for your calling, do not grab the first job alternative that comes across.

It must be said that many of the tips in this book, as well as in the previously reviewed "Startup without a budget", may seem overly naive and simply ineffective in our harsh Russian reality. But do you know why this reality of ours is so harsh and gloomy? Precisely because we don’t know how to choose the right priorities in life, we don’t know how to think positively and we talk and whine too much, instead of doing.

And I believe that it is precisely such motivating books that should be read first of all, recharged with positive emotions and form the right outlook on life, and only then begin to act.

Timothy Ferris is an American entrepreneur and the world's leading lifestyle designer. His best-selling book, The 4-Hour Workweek, promises to help people escape the 9-to-5 schedule, live anywhere they want, and get rich in the process.

1. Don't wait for the green light

Many wrong steps were taken while standing still.
Timothy Ferris, The 4-Hour Workweek »

It's natural to want to wait until things settle down before making big changes in your life. For Ferris, working 80 hours a week for a supplement company meant he never had time for what he really wanted (tango or riding a motorcycle).

Ferris decided that in life you should not wait for the perfect time:

There is never enough time for all the important things. Waiting for the right moment to quit your job? The stars will never line up correctly, and the traffic lights of life will not turn green at the same time ... Someday is a disease that will bring your dreams to the grave with you.

Ferriss has identified a difficult time to start cutting back on the amount of time he spends on work and business, and the rest is history: Tim used the extra time to become a tango champion, cross China on a motorcycle, and write a bestseller.

Making big changes before everything is perfect is risky. The situation will never be perfect. You will make big mistakes, but Ferris is not afraid of this. He says: Just level your course on the way.

2. Only do one thing (and be the best at it)

The startup that improves on one feature and is the best at it is usually the startup that wins.
Paraphrased from Mike Klena, Investor Angel

If you're offering a product or service, Ferris probably thinks you're overcomplicating things. This is what he said to Derek Sievers:

The biggest weakness I see is that companies focus on delivering new features… They have a viable product that people are paying for, and instead of finding the cheapest way to acquire profitable customers, or improving the product they already have, they focus on adding ten new mechanisms.

Tim echoes Google's philosophy that Simplicity is Power. At Google, programmers are taught that the best products include only the features that people need to achieve their goals.

But what if your customers are asking for a more sophisticated product? Ferris only advises adding additional features if demand is overwhelming:

If you are constantly chasing an active minority, you will never build your product. You will be constantly implementing 5 to 10 of your features, and you will not have enough money ... to focus on only one or two features that are really necessary.

If you try to be the best at everything, you will inevitably be a jack-of-all-trades who can't do anything. But the Internet is such a big, big place - and so if you want to stand out from the crowd, you have to be perfect in at least one thing.

Pick a niche and stick to it.

3. Your niche shouldn't hold you back.

We live in a niche world.
Lei Steinberg

How specialized should your field be? Internet entrepreneur Ryan Lee recommends narrowing down your niche: The more specific you are in your field, the easier it is to become number one in that market. You can come and say: I am a leading specialist in this field.

But the wrong niche can also make you feel suffocated, especially if you're a person with a wide range of interests. Ferris is an example of someone who has fallen into the wrong niche.

With the release of The 4-Hour Workweek in 2007, Timothy Ferris's domain has become productivity and time management for entrepreneurs. But Tim didn't want to write about it all his life. He told publisher 37 Signals: “I didn’t want to work on a 3.5 hour work week, or a 3 hour work week. It was boring for me as a manufacturer, and I think it would be boring for many consumers.”

Ferris interpreted his area favorably by focusing on the 4-hour portion. With the release of his second book, The Perfect Body in 4 Hours, Ferris changed the subject completely and translated the sphere into a way of life design.

On his blog (led by experiments in lifestyle design), Tim feels free to write about everything from marketing to dance and practical philosophy. He even created a series of videos called The Random Show - a no-niche section. His upcoming book, Chef in 4 Hours, is billed as a cookbook for people who don't buy cookbooks.

Don't let yourself feel trapped in your realm. There is always a way to expand the scope.

4. You are the company you keep

You are the person with the average of the five people you spend the most time with.
Jim Rohn

There is nothing more important in my life than my friends and family. I say this not only because I love them, but because each of them is a powerful example for me. Without even trying, I follow their lead: I act and think just like the people I spend my time with.

This is why Ferris warns his readers so strongly about connecting with certain people:

Don't underestimate the consequences of your pessimistic, ambitious, or disorganized friends. If someone doesn't make you stronger, they make you weaker.

Giving your time and energy to negative people is masochistic according to Ferris. If this sounds like a circle of friends, it might be time to meet new people.

5. Entrepreneurship is not a risk

Many people want to be entrepreneurs but are afraid to take risks. Ferris insists that when starting a business, there should be no all-or-nothing or other bets:

You don't have to sacrifice everything to get something else. I think for most people, it makes sense to test the waters for a certain period of time before the income starts to come in, and be sure that you have everything it takes to not only financially, but also mentally, be an entrepreneur.
Timothy Ferris, for 37 Signals Publishing

Being an entrepreneur in your spare time is a great way to gain knowledge, network and start building a business without risking your livelihood. As Michael Dunlop said: If you start from scratch and end up with nothing, nothing has been lost.

6. Testing is your best friend

I'm a big, big, big proponent of testing.
Tim Ferris, for DerekSivers.org

The original title of Ferris's first book was Drug Dealing for Fun and Profit, but Tim's publisher didn't like the title. Ferris needed a new title for the book. Over a period of several weeks, Tim ran a Google Adwords campaign targeting people who might be interested in his book. He created dozens of different ads, each using different potential book titles and subtitles as ad text.

Measuring CTR(click through rate), the clear winner was the announcement: How to work 4 hours a week without hanging out in the office from call to call, and at the same time live anywhere and get rich.

Has Tim's unconventional title strategy paid off? Four years on The New York Times bestseller list and 1.35 million copies sold worldwide means a resounding yes.

Ferris brushes aside anything that overly sterilizes and dehumanizes your book, product, or website naming method:

You don't have to sacrifice your artistic integrity. All it takes is to come up with a few options that you would be happy with as an artist and then let the marketplace help you decide and choose one of those options.

If you want to get started with multivariate testing, Ferris recommends Google Adwords as an easy and simple place to start. If you have more free funds, he recommends SiteSpect.

7. Be complex when it makes sense.

The bottom line is that you only have the rights you fight for.

As a good guy, I have never welcomed the idea that the good guys finish last. In fact, I believe that doing good and helping others is also the key to entrepreneurial success.

But there is a difference between being a nice guy and being a doormat. This world is merciless. If you don't want people to take advantage of you, you must learn to stand up for yourself. Ferris highlights this in the 4-hour work week:

Learn to be difficult when it matters. In school, as in life, having an assertive reputation will help you get priority care without having to beg or fight for it every time.

This material is not naturally comprehended by everyone. But if this statement sounds scary, consider maybe it's a good thing. Finally…

8. Fear is good

What are you afraid of?

There's a good chance it's important, and you're postponing it for later. Ferris says: A phone call, a conversation - regardless of actions, the fear of an unknown result prevents us from doing what needs to be done.

So why do I say that fear is good?

I'll repeat what you might tattoo on your forehead: what we're most afraid to do is usually what we need to do the most.
Timothy Ferris, 4 hour work week

Your fears can serve as indicators that you need to do more for your life and your business. Make a list of your fears, and then set out to realize it, make a plan to radically improve the situation. Ferris tells you to decide to do one thing that you fear every day.

If you're still scared, Ferris recommends identifying the worst that could happen if your fear came true. Understand it, accept it, and then move on. If you keep putting yourself in uncomfortable and scary situations, you will simultaneously progress towards your goal and become more fearless. Courage will definitely come in handy in life and in business.

9. Your wildest dreams are closer than you think.

Fishing is good where there are fewer people, and the collective insecurity of the world makes it so that some prefer to run home, while the rest go where they succeed. More important targets have less competition.
Timothy Ferris, "The 4-Hour Workweek"

Very few people pursue their true goals. As we get older, that voice in our head that said: You can become an astronaut starts to say: Be reasonable, don't be stupid, you're not 18 anymore, lower your expectations!

But as Ferris points out, the competition is actually higher for reasonable success than it is for the success of your wildest dreams. This isn't to say that becoming an astronaut, a rock star, or a millionaire entrepreneur is easy - but it's probably more possible than you think.

In our Library you can read a book review of another famous American business coach. With the help of a number of effective techniques and exercises given in our review, you can get rid of bad habits and wrong beliefs, make emotions your allies, concentrate on the main thing and, finally, move from dreaming to action.

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This is my translation of an excerpt from Tim Ferris' book The Four Hour Workweek, explaining the difference between the ideals and principles of the past and the ideals and principles of the "New Wealth" that Tim preaches. The book became a New York Times bestseller and is #16 in sales on Amazon.com.

(Tradition) Work for yourself.
(New Wealth) Others work for you.

T: Work when you want.
NB: Keep yourself away from work-for-work's sake and do the bare minimum for maximum effect.

T: Retire early or young.
NB: Spread recovery periods and adventures (mini-pensions)
for life, on a regular basis, and to understand that inactivity cannot be the goal. This can have a profound effect on your life.

T: Buy all the things you would like to have.
NB: Do all the things that you would like to do. Be who you would like to be. If this requires any devices or devices, then let them be. The main thing to understand is that this is not what you need to focus on in the first place.

T: Be a boss, not an employee. To manage.
NB: To be not a boss or an employee, but to be an owner. Own the trains and have someone to make sure they run on time.

T: Make a lot of money.
NB: Make a lot of money to achieve specific goals and realize your dream, according to the stages and schedule. What are you working for?

T: Have more.
NB: To have more quality and less clutter. Own huge financial reserves, realizing that most material needs are just an excuse to spend time on things that are not very important. Are you spending two weeks negotiating a $10,000 discount on your new Infinity? Fine. Do you have a purpose in life? Do you bring something useful into this world, or do you just shuffle papers, bang on your keyboard, and come home to get drunk on the weekend?

T: Get more profit in the future. For example, a large salary, the issue of company shares, its acquisition by a major market player, a pension, or some other “bag of gold”
NB: Think big profits, but also generate daily cash flow. Cash flow first, and Big Pay Day second.

T: Free to not do what you don't like.
NB: The freedom not to do what you don't like, but also the freedom to turn your dream into reality without going back to work-for-work. After years of hard work, it often takes a lot of digging to rediscover your passion, redefine your dreams, revive hobbies that you almost killed yourself. The goal is not only to remove all unnecessary, because it will bring you emptiness and vacuum, but also experience and experience the best of this world!

Via http://homelessminsk.blogspot.com/