The dimensions of the grooves of the table of planing machines GOST 1574. Metal-cutting machines




Introduction date 01.01.93

This International Standard specifies the dimensions and spacings of T-slots used in machine tool tables.

The requirements of this standard are mandatory, with the exception of paragraphs 4, 6, 10.

1. The dimensions of the T-slots must correspond to those indicated in Fig. 1 and in table. one.

Table 1

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Example symbol T-slot width a= 18 mm and tolerance field H8:

2. Size tolerance a for guide grooves - H8, for clamping grooves - H12.

3. Roughness parameter Ra according to GOST 2789 side surfaces, determined by the size a, should be no more than 6.3 microns, other surfaces no more than 20 microns.

4. Allowed instead of chamfers e, f and g round the corner with a radius not exceeding the dimensions of the chamfers.

5. The distances between the T-shaped grooves, depending on the width of the grooves, must correspond to those indicated in Fig. 2 and in table. 2.

table 2


(80); 100; 125; 160

100; 125; 160; 200

125; 160; 200; 250

160; 200; 250; 320

(40); 50; 63; 80

200; 250; 320; 400

(50); 63; 80; 100

250; 320; 400; 500

(63); 80; 100; 125

Note. Size values t, enclosed in parentheses are not preferred.

6. It is allowed to use smaller and large values size t compared with those indicated in table. 2, which are selected from the Ra 10 series, as well as intermediate values ​​​​from the Ra 20 series according to GOST 6636.

7. Values ​​of limit deviations of the size t must correspond to those indicated in the table. 3.

Table 3

Note. The maximum distance deviation of any T-slot is not cumulative.

8. If there are an odd number of T-slots, a symmetrical arrangement with respect to the guide slot should be preferred.

In the case of an asymmetrical arrangement of the T-slots with respect to the guide groove, as well as an even number of grooves, the guide groove must be clearly marked.

9. The design and dimensions of the bolts to the T-shaped grooves - in accordance with GOST 13152.

10. It is allowed to replace the bolted connection with any other device that meets the requirements of interchangeability.


1 . DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization "Machines" (TC 70 "Machines")


A.N. Baikov, cand. tech. sciences; Yu.A. Arkhipov, S.S. Kedrov, cand. tech. sciences; T.V. Dmitrichenkova

2 . APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree of the Committee for Standardization and Metrology of the USSR dated September 27, 1991 No. 1514

3 . Term of inspection - 1998, frequency of inspection - 5 years

4 . The standard corresponds to the international standard ISO 299-87 regarding the dimensions of machined T-slots





Introduction date 01.01.93

This International Standard specifies the dimensions and spacings of T-slots used in machine tool tables.

The requirements of this standard are mandatory, with the exception of paragraphs 4, 6, 10.

1. The dimensions of the T-slots must correspond to those indicated in Fig. 1 and in table. one.

Table 1

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An example of a symbol for a T-shaped guide slot with a width a= 18 mm and tolerance field H8:

2. Size tolerance a for guide grooves - H8, for clamping grooves - H12.

3. Roughness parameter Ra according to GOST 2789 side surfaces, determined by the size a, should be no more than 6.3 microns, other surfaces no more than 20 microns.

4. Allowed instead of chamfers e, f and g round the corner with a radius not exceeding the dimensions of the chamfers.

5. The distances between the T-shaped grooves, depending on the width of the grooves, must correspond to those indicated in Fig. 2 and in table. 2.

table 2


(80); 100; 125; 160

100; 125; 160; 200

125; 160; 200; 250

160; 200; 250; 320

(40); 50; 63; 80

200; 250; 320; 400

(50); 63; 80; 100

250; 320; 400; 500

(63); 80; 100; 125

Note. Size values t, enclosed in parentheses are not preferred.

6. Smaller and larger sizes are allowed t compared with those indicated in table. 2, which are selected from the Ra 10 series, as well as intermediate values ​​from the Ra 20 series according to GOST 6636.

7. Values ​​of limit deviations of the size t must correspond to those indicated in the table. 3.

Table 3

Note. The maximum distance deviation of any T-slot is not cumulative.

8. If there are an odd number of T-slots, a symmetrical arrangement with respect to the guide slot should be preferred.

In the case of an asymmetrical arrangement of the T-slots with respect to the guide groove, as well as an even number of grooves, the guide groove must be clearly marked.

9. Design and dimensions of bolts for T-slots - according to GOST 13152.

10. It is allowed to replace the bolted connection with any other device that meets the requirements of interchangeability.


1 . DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization "Machines" (TC 70 "Machines")


A.N. Baikov, cand. tech. sciences; Yu.A. Arkhipov, S.S. Kedrov, cand. tech. sciences; T.V. Dmitrichenkova

2 . APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree of the Committee for Standardization and Metrology of the USSR dated September 27, 1991 No. 1514

3 . Term of inspection - 1998, frequency of inspection - 5 years

4 . The standard corresponds to the international standard ISO 299-87 regarding the dimensions of machined T-slots

5 . INSTEAD OF GOST 1574-75, GOST 6569-75


GOST 1574-91

Group G81


Machine tools



metal-cutting machine tools. Machined T-slots. Dimensions

Introduction date 1993-01-01


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization "Machines" (TK 70 "Machines")


A.N. Baikov, Ph.D. tech. sciences; Yu.A. Arkhipov, S.S. Kedrov, Ph.D. tech. sciences; T.V. Dmitrichenkova

2. APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree of the Committee for Standardization and Metrology of the USSR dated September 27, 1991 N 1514

3. Period of inspection - 1998, frequency of inspection - 5 years

4. The standard complies with the international standard ISO 299-87 regarding the dimensions of machined T-slots

5. INSTEAD OF GOST 1574-75, GOST 6569-75


Item number

This International Standard specifies the dimensions and spacings of T-slots used in machine tool tables.

The requirements of this standard are mandatory, with the exception of paragraphs 4, 6, 10.

1. The dimensions of the T-shaped grooves must correspond to those indicated in Fig. 1 and in Table 1.

Table 1

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An example of a symbol for a T-shaped guide groove with a width = 18 mm and a tolerance field of H8:

Groove T-shaped 18H8 GOST 1574-91

2. Dimension tolerance for guide grooves - H8, for clamping grooves - H12.

3. The roughness parameter according to GOST 2789 of the side surfaces, determined by the size, should be no more than 6.3 microns, the rest of the surfaces no more than 20 microns.

4. Instead of chamfers, it is allowed to round the corner with a radius not exceeding the dimensions of the chamfers.

5. The distances between the T-shaped grooves, depending on the width of the grooves, must correspond to those indicated in Fig. 2 and in Table 2.

table 2

(40); 50; 63; 80

(50); 63; 80; 100

(63); 80; 100; 125

(80); 100; 125; 160

100; 125; 160; 200

125; 160; 200; 250

160; 200; 250; 320

200; 250; 320; 400

250; 320; 400; 500

Note. Size values ​​enclosed in parentheses are not preferred.

6. It is allowed to use smaller and larger sizes compared to those indicated in Table 2, which are selected from row 10, as well as intermediate values ​​from row 20 according to GOST 6636.

7. The values ​​​​of the maximum deviations of the size must correspond to those indicated in Table 3.

Table 3

Distance between slots

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32; 40; 50; 63; 80; 100

125; 160; 200; 250

320; 400; 500

Note. The maximum distance deviation of any T-slot is not cumulative.

8. If there are an odd number of T-slots, a symmetrical arrangement with respect to the guide slot should be preferred.

In the case of an asymmetrical arrangement of the T-slots with respect to the guide groove, as well as an even number of grooves, the guide groove must be clearly marked.

9. The design and dimensions of the bolts to the T-shaped grooves - in accordance with GOST 13152.

10. It is allowed to replace the bolted connection with any other device that meets the requirements of interchangeability.

The text of the document is verified by:
official publication

M.: Publishing house of standards, 1992

T-slots, the nominal size of which is from 10 before 54 millimeters, performed according to this normative document, as GOST 1574-62 are widely used in modern mechanical engineering. As for the dimensions of these grooves, they must necessarily comply with the above standard.

Usually, T-shaped machined straight slots performed on a specialized industrial equipment in such details as tables, as well as plates designed to fix various devices on them, which must move in a linear direction. In addition, in many cases, these slots are used to linearly fix workpieces. AT T-slots most often bolts with special heads are located.

T-shaped machined annular grooves usually done in parts such as turntables and slabs. They are intended to fix in them various devices designed for circular movement during the operation of the equipment.

GOST 1574 - 91

Table 1
a b c h e f g z
Rated Previous
Rated Previous
Rated Previous
No more
5 10.0 +1.0 3.5 +1.0 8 +2.0 1.0 0.6 1.0 0.5
6 11.0 +1.5 5.0 +1.0 11 +2.0 1.0 0.6 1.0 0.5
8 14.5 +1.5 7.0 +1.0 15 +3.0 1.0 0.6 1.0 0.5
10 16.0 +2.0 7.0 +1.0 17 +4.0 1.0 0.6 1.0 0.5
12 19.0 +2.0 8.0 +1.0 20 +5.0 1.0 0.6 1.0 0.5
14 23.0 +2.0 9.0 +2.0 23 +5.0 1.6 0.6 1.6 0.5
18 30.0 +2.0 12.0 +2.0 30 +6.0 1.6 1.0 1.6 0.5
22 37.0 +3.0 16.0 +2.0 38 +7.0 1.6 1.0 2.5 0.5
28 46.0 +4.0 20.0 +2.0 48 +8.0 1.6 1.0 2.5 0.5
36 56.0 +4.0 25.0 +3.0 61 +10.0 2.5 1.0 2.5 1.0
42 68.0 +4.0 32.0 +3.0 74 +11.0 2.5 1.6 4.0 1.0
48 80.0 +5.0 36.0 +4.0 84 +11.0 2.5 2.0 6.0 1.0
54 90.0 +5.0 40.0 +4.0 94 +12.0 2.5 2.0 6.0 1.0
table 2
a t a t
5 20 25 32 22 (80) 100 125 160
6 25 32 40 28 100 125 160 200
8 32 40 50 36 125 160 200 250
10 40 50 63 42 160 200 250 320
12 (40) 50 63 80 48 200 250 320 400
14 (50) 63 80 100 54 250 320 400 500
18 (63) 80 100 125

Installing the fixture on the machine

In order to securely fix the device on the surface of the desktop, at the very base of its body there are grooves with a special profile. Mounting bolts are inserted into them, which in T-slots tables are held by their heads.

As for such an aspect as the number of fixing bolts that is necessary in order to fasten the workpiece, it is selected depending on the specific conditions of its processing.

As practice shows, in the vast majority of cases it is quite possible to use either four or even two mounting bolts. This number is quite enough to meet all the requirements of the technological process.

Quite often it happens that the device must be placed in such a way that it occupies a strictly defined position in relation to one of those axes along which it will move. For this purpose, special dowels are used. With the help of threaded connections they are fixed to the device itself, and when it is mounted on work surface tables, wind up in .

Universal prefabricated fixtures

System USP(universal assembly fixtures) is quite widely used in single and small-scale production.

USP(universal-assembly fixtures) in most cases are assembled on standardized plates, which can have different sizes. At the same time, they can accommodate in mutually perpendicular directions. In order to be able to fix units and elements made with a high degree of accuracy, keys included in the grooves are used.

Since in recent years the design of machines and mechanisms has been rapidly developing, factors such as increasing the equipment ratio and reducing production times are becoming of considerable importance. In order to successfully solve these problems, it is necessary to carry out all-round standardization of assembly units of devices and parts, as well as to widely use universal-assembly devices.

Collapsible devices were created as a result of the process of standardization of assemblies and parts. Both in our country and abroad, several of their varieties are known and widely used. Most often they are equipped metal cutting machines, and they are used in single and small-scale production.

17 rub. BZ 7-91/875





GOST 1574-91

Official edition


UDC 621.9:006.354 Group G81


Machine tools


Meial-cutting machine tools. Machined T slots Dimensions

Introduction date 01.01.93

This International Standard specifies the dimensions and spacings of T-prongs for use on machine tool tables.

The requirements of this standard are mandatory, with the exception of paragraphs. 4, 6, 10.

1. The dimensions of the T-slots must correspond to those indicated in Fig. 1 and in table. one.

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Official edition

© Standards Publishing House, 1992 This standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced, replicated and distributed without the permission of the State Standard of the USSR

Table 1

Previous OFF

Examples of symbols for a T-shaped guide groove with a width a \u003d 18 mm and a tolerance field of H8:

Groove T-shaped 18H8 GOST 1574-91

2. Size tolerance field a for guide grooves - H8, for clamping grooves - H12.

3. The roughness parameter Ra according to GOST 2789 of the side surfaces, determined by the size a, should be no more than 6.3 microns, the remaining surfaces no more than 20 microns.

4. Instead of chamfers e, f and g, it is allowed to round the corner with a radius not exceeding the dimensions of the chamfers.

5. The distances between the T-shaped grooves, depending on the width of the grooves, must correspond to those indicated in Fig. 2 and in table. 2.

table 2

(80); 100; 125; 160

100; 125; 1M); 200

125; 160; 200; 250

150; 200; 250; 320

(40); 50; 63, 80

200; 250; 320; 400

(50), 63; 80; 100

250; 320; 400; 500

(63); 80; 100; 125

Note. Values ​​of size t enclosed in parentheses are non-preferred and.

6. It is allowed to use smaller and larger values ​​of size t compared to those indicated in Table 2, which are selected from the Ra 10 series, as well as intermediate values ​​from the Ra 20 series according to GOST 6636,

7. The values ​​​​of the maximum deviations of the size t must correspond to those indicated in table. 3.

T p b and c a 3

Distance between grooves t

Note Distance tolerance of any T-slot is not cumulative

8. If there are an odd number of T-slots, a symmetrical arrangement with respect to the guide slot should be preferred.

In the case of an asymmetrical arrangement of the T-slots with respect to the guide groove, as well as an even number of grooves, the guide groove must be clearly marked.

9. Design and dimensions of bolts for T-slots - according to GOST 13152.

10. It is allowed to replace the bolted connection with any other device that meets the requirements of interchangeability.


K DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization "Machine Tools" (TC 70 "Machine Tools")


A. N. Baikov, Ph.D. ie\n. pa) to; Yu. A. Arkhipov, S.S. Kedrov, capt. Io\Ig. spider; T. V. Dmitrichenkova

2. APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree of the Committee for Standardization and Metrology of the USSR dated September 27, 1991 No. 1514

3. Period of inspection - 1998, frequency of inspection - 5 years

4. The standard complies with the international standard ISO 299-■-87 regarding the dimensions of machined T-holes.

5. INSTEAD OF GOST 1574-75, GOST 6569-75


Editor A L V ni) imirov Gechnicheskii editor O N Nimiina Proofreader A S Chsrnousova

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Order of the Nile of Honor Publishing house of standards 1235-57, Moscow l SI

Novopresnensky lane 3

Kaluga printing house cum da mouths > i Moscowskaya, 255 Zach 1Ch5>