Idleness and idleness not only give rise to ignorance. Avicenna ibn Sina - aphorisms, quotes, sayings

Aphorisms of famous authors about laziness and lazy people, quotes about laziness that makes people degrade.

Work- joy, laziness - a cruel scourge.


Idleness and idleness not only give birth to ignorance, they are at the same time the cause of disease.


Apathy and laziness is the true freezing of the soul and body.

V. G. Belinsky

idlers and eccentric heads are harmful to the people's well-being.

A. Blok

lazy always going to do something.

L. Vauvenargues

Idleness more tiring than labor.

L. Vauvenargues

lazy people the essence is always mediocrity in all areas.

F. Voltaire

not busy in business a person can never enjoy complete happiness, on the face of an idler you will always find the imprint of discontent and apathy.

G. Heine

Not worst suffering, like doing nothing.

A. I. Herzen

Idle life is premature death.

I. Goethe

Idleness and doing nothing entails depravity and ill health - on the contrary, the aspiration of the mind to something brings with it cheerfulness, eternally directed towards the strengthening of life.


Who works, he does not get bored.

M. Gorky

Laziness- this is the mother. She has a son - theft and a daughter - hunger.

V. Hugo

Not nothing more unbearable than idleness.

C. Darwin

Idle man is an animal that eats time.

A. Decursel

Laziness, of course - the greatest obstacle to the development of our abilities.

E. Delacroix

Difficulty most often - a child of laziness.

S. Johnson

Laziness: the habit of resting before fatigue.

Jules Renard

The Turks say: the devil tempts everyone, but a lazy person tempts the devil.
Charles Caleb Colton

Lazy people do everything quickly. To get out of work as soon as possible. And they do quality work. So that you don't have to redo it later.
Nikita Tolstoy in the transfer of Konstantin Melikhan

Constancy and perseverance in one's intention are such wonderful things that even stubborn laziness inspires respect.

Few people have enough character to always indulge in laziness.
Henry Wheeler Shaw

The language of the lazy is indefatigable.
Thomas Fuller

Come. And best of all in the morning, because I work at this time.
Tristan Bernard

If I refuse to run for President, it is primarily because the President of the United States has to shave twice a day.
Adlai Stevenson

Idleness and idleness not only give rise to ignorance, they are at the same time the cause of disease.

Laziness lies in the incessant weighing of all the pros and cons, because while you are thinking, all the possibilities seem to be of equal value ... You need to be able to make mistakes, fall and not be surprised at the same time.

By doing nothing, people learn to do bad things.

Nothing exhausts and destroys a person like prolonged physical inactivity.

Apathy and laziness are the true freezing of the soul and body.
V. Belinsky

Idlers and eccentric heads are harmful to the people's well-being.
A. Blok

Tomorrow, tomorrow, not today - they say sloths.
L. Weiss

Lazy people always want to do something.
L. Vauvenargues

Lazy people are always mediocre.

There is nothing in the world more destructive, more unbearable than inaction.
A. Herzen

Idlers are disgusting to everyone.

It's stupid to think negatively about laziness
And arrogantly speak of her:
Laziness knows how to dream so actively
That dreams are starting to come true.
I. Huberman

First we blaze like a match
And then we chew what they give;
Hopelessness, laziness and habit
They bring peace and comfort.
I. Huberman

Idleness is the happiness of children and the misfortune of the elderly.
V. Hugo

Laziness is the mother. She has a son - theft and a daughter - hunger.
V. Hugo

Laziness is the daughter of wealth and the mother of poverty.
A. Decursel

Sloth is the stupidity of the body, and stupidity is the laziness of the mind.
I. Zeime

Unfortunately, laziness for mental labor is more common among people than for physical labor. And this has very serious negative consequences, and above all in the widespread ignorance of the people.
V. Zubkov

Laziness is a thief. It steals almost everything from us: time, material well-being, our abilities, social prestige.
V. Zubkov

The lazy one is worse than the sick one: if the patient lies down, then he eats little, and the lazy one eats a lot while lying down.
"Sayings of Hesychius and Barnabas"

Only risk and daring bring triumph, / The sloth will never create anything!
A. Kunanbaev

Idleness is not rest.
F. Cooper

There is more laziness in our mind than in our body.
F. La Rochefoucauld

Sloth is the most unaccountable of all our passions. Although its power is imperceptible, and the damage caused by it is deeply hidden from our eyes, there is no passion more ardent and malevolent.
F. La Rochefoucauld

Laziness is one of our vices with which we most easily put up.
F. La Rochefoucauld

Laziness imperceptibly undermines and destroys our aspirations and virtues.
F. La Rochefoucauld

No one rushes others as much as lazy people: having gratified their laziness, they want to appear diligent.
F. La Rochefoucauld

Sometimes it seems that the devil himself came up with the idea of ​​​​putting laziness on the frontiers of our virtues.
F. La Rochefoucauld

Do not feed the loafer with bread, but let him reason, and you will not refuse him the ability to denigrate others. He is always ready to find an excuse for his own worthlessness.
Leonardo da Vinci

A lazy person in dishonorable peace is like immobile marsh water, which, apart from the stench and despicable reptiles, produces nothing.
M. Lomonosov

Inactivity, lack of aspirations and desires is a sadder obstacle to improvement than a false direction of energy.
D. Mill

In most people, lethargy and laziness are stronger than even their ambition. Hence the success of fools.
A. Morua

For our laziness, we are punished not only by our failures, but also by the successes of others.
J. Renard

Passivity is the most hated of all vices.
R. Rolland

Lazy and idle people in the state are like drones in a hive devouring the honey of worker bees.
M. Cervantes

The best cure for idleness is constant and honest work.
M. Cervantes

On August 16, 980, the legendary Abu Ali Hussein ibn Sina was born, whom Europeans used to call Avicenna. We bring to your attention wise advice ancient doctor, for those who want to be healthy

The main business of life for Avicenna was medicine. At the age of 16, he was invited to treat the Emir of Bukhara himself. And since then, Ibn Sina has been the court physician of many rulers of the East. No wonder his contemporaries called him "the prince of doctors." Avicenna himself in his biography wrote about his path to medicine as follows: “I took up the study of medicine, replenishing my reading with the observations of patients, which taught me many methods of treatment that cannot be found in books.” Ibn Sina left to posterity many books on medicine, and his "Treatise of Medical Science" became the second printed book after the Bible and served as an anthology for doctors for 600 years. Avicenna's advice on how to live healthy life written 1000 years ago are relevant in the 21st century.

About physical activity:

“Idleness and indolence not only give rise to ignorance, they are at the same time the cause of disease ...

Moderately and timely exercise a person does not need any treatment aimed at eliminating the disease ...

The one who quit physical exercises often languishes, because the strength of his organs weakens due to the refusal to move ...

If you are engaged in physical exercises, there is no need for the use of drugs taken for various diseases, if at the same time all other prescriptions of a normal regimen are observed.

About healthy eating:

“The worst food is the one that burdens the stomach, and the worst drink is when it goes beyond moderation and fills the stomach to the top ... If too much has been eaten, then the next day you need to remain hungry ...

The worst thing is to interfere with a variety of food and eat too long ...

The harm caused by a very tasty food is that you can eat too much of it ...

Light food preserves health more, but less maintains strength and strength, and heavy food - on the contrary ...

The amount of food should be such that it does not burden, does not stretch the extremities of the ribs, does not swell the stomach, does not growl and does not float up ... In addition, after it there should not be nausea, "dog appetite", loss of strength, stupefaction, insomnia …

It's better to drink than to overeat...

Be moderate in food - that's one commandment,
The second commandment is to drink less wine.

On the dangers and benefits of wine:

“Constant drunkenness is harmful, it spoils the nature of the liver and brain, weakens the nerves, causes nerve disease, sudden death ...

Wine is our friend, but deceit lives in it:
Drink a lot - poison, drink a little - medicine.
Don't hurt yourself too much
Drink in moderation - and the life of the kingdom will last ...

Wine is your friend while you're sober, but if you're drunk, it's an enemy
It is snake venom when drunk like a fool.

The less often a hand raises a drinking cup of wine,
The stronger in battle and braver and more skillful in business.”

About healthy sleep:

“Healthy people need to pay due attention to sleep. Their sleep should be moderate in time, not excessive; they should beware of the harm of insomnia to the brain and to all their powers...

Sleep strengthens all natural forces... And excessive sleep produces something opposite to all this. It breeds lethargy mental strength, dullness of the brain and cold diseases ... Tossing in bed between wakefulness and sleep is the worst of all conditions ...

Sleeping on an empty stomach is not good, it weakens the strength. It is also harmful to sleep with a full stomach ... For such a dream will not be deep, but restless ...

Know that a blanket and a high pillow promote health. In short, the limbs should be positioned so that the head is higher than the legs ...

The best position during sleep is considered when sleep begins with lying on the right side, and then turns to the left. If sleep begins with lying on the stomach, then this is good for digestion ... People who are weakened from illness usually sleep on their backs ... Such people also sleep with their mouths open due to weakness of the muscles that compress both jaws ... \"

About healthy living...

\"The one who chooses his place of residence should know what the soil is like there, what the water is like there ... He must know whether this place is accessible to winds or is in a basin, and what kind of winds are there - are they healthy and cold ...

Then it follows that windows and doors face east and north; and also, so that the sun reaches any place in them ...

It is up to him to inquire about the state of the locals in regard to health and disease... \"

“The main thing in the art of maintaining health is the balancing of necessary, common factors. They are the essence:

1) balance of nature,

2) choice of food and drink,

3) cleansing the body of excess,

4) maintaining the correct physique,

5) improving what is inhaled through the nose,

6) fitting clothes,

7) balance of physical and mental movement.

The latter includes, to some extent, sleep and wakefulness ... "

Apathy and laziness are the true freezing of the soul and body.

"AT. Belinsky

Inactivity, lack of aspirations and desires is a sadder obstacle to improvement than a false direction of energy.

"D. Mill"

Lazy people are always going to do something.

"Luc Vauvenargues"

If a person with early years learned the habit of work, work is pleasant to him. If he does not have this habit, then laziness makes work hateful.

"TO. Helvetius"

The average person is concerned about how to kill time, while the talented person seeks to use it.

"BUT. Schopenhauer"

Laziness makes everything difficult.

"Benjamin Franklin"

To justify myself in my own eyes, it is enough for me to remember your endless laziness.

"Theodore Dreiser"

If you have talent, only laziness can kill it.

Laziness and misunderstanding do incomparably more evil in the world than malice and deceit.

"Johann Goethe"

What is called laziness is usually a lack of either interest or health.

"Alexander Nill"

Laziness and depression are a signal system that says that you are not living your life.

"Vladimir Dovgan"

You feels bad? Don't want to live? Swear a hundred times! Do you already want a little? If not, run two kilometers at a fast pace until your heart jumps in your mouth, or, if you are a practical person, go to the market, buy 50 kg of potatoes and bring home potatoes. If, on the other hand, you don’t want to run away and squat, then there is no global anguish, but only a foul-smelling bunch of laziness.

"Dmitry Yemets"

Of a lazy, immovable person, the most benevolent fate, like the most diligent potter without a loom, will create nothing but marriage.

"Thomas Carlyle"

There is more laziness in our mind than in our body.

Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Do not feed the loafer with bread, but let him reason, and you will not refuse him the ability to denigrate others. He is always ready to find an excuse for his own worthlessness.

"Leonardo da Vinci"

Idleness and idleness not only give rise to ignorance, they are at the same time the cause of disease.


No one rushes others as much as lazy people: having gratified their laziness, they want to appear diligent.

"F. La Rochefoucauld"

Work hard! The world will not be a paradise For those who want to live lazy.

"Hans Sachs"

Laziness is easy to defeat - but reluctant.

"Mikhail Mikhailovich Mamchich"

I will always look for a lazy person to work with, because he will find many easy ways to solve the problem.

"Bill Gates"

Laziness is a fear extended in time.

"Yaroslav Brin"

The more you lie on your favorite couch and wait for everything to go away somehow by itself, the more dreary it becomes in your soul.

"Oleg Roy"

The cessation of activity always leads to lethargy, and after lethargy comes decrepitude.


The easier our life is, the lazier we are. So don't complain about it, but give thanks for it.

"Irene Oginsky"

It is always better to watch the process than to do something yourself.

"Homer Simpson"

There are no weak people, only lazy ones!

"Pyotr Kvyatkovsky"

I have been given everything to live an exalted life. And I'm dying in laziness, debauchery and dreaming.

"Daniil Ivanovich Kharms"

In most people, lethargy and laziness are stronger than even their ambition. Hence the success of fools.

"BUT. Morois"

Laziness is the mother of ingenuity. Tired of man walking - he invented the wheel. And off we go...

"Vladimir Levi"

Don't put off until tomorrow what you don't want to do today - you won't want to do it again tomorrow.

"Galina Kulikova"

Boredom comes from idleness, dissatisfaction comes from everyday, sometimes monotonous work. Attitude to work as a duty, and not as a creative process, leads to the fact that work becomes a burden.

"G. Titov"

Passivity is the most hated of all vices.

"R. Rolland"

Laziness of mind is to such an extent characteristic of most people that they are always ready to accept the judgment of any authority.

"André Maurois"

Human laziness often causes irreparable tragedies.

"Max Fry"

You will be lazy - you will fall into melancholy. Then you lose your taste for life. And that's it, end.

"James Dashner"

Being engaged in business, they speak only when there is something to say; but in idleness is the need to speak incessantly.

"J. Rousseau"

Nothing exhausts and destroys a person like prolonged physical inactivity.


Laziness lies in the incessant weighing of all the pros and cons, because while you are thinking, all possibilities seem to be equal. You need to be able to make mistakes, fall and not be surprised at the same time.

Without personal labor, a person cannot go forward, cannot stay in one place, but must go back.

"Oscar Wilde"

The most outstanding talents are ruined by idleness.

"Michel Montaigne"

Idleness and idleness not only give rise to ignorance, they are at the same time the cause of disease.


The sea of ​​words of hidden meaning is full,
I learned to read this meaning a long time ago.
But when I think about the mysteries of the universe,
I understand that I can't read them.


As the clear light of the sun is hidden from the blind,
So for fools there is no way to the truth.


If my friend is friends with my enemy, then I should not associate with a friend. Beware of sugar that is mixed with poison, beware of the fly that sat on a dead snake.


Vegetable if you prefer food,
Then with modest food, be strictly out of tune.


The one who quit physical exercises often languishes, because the strength of his organs weakens due to the refusal to move.

If you are engaged in physical exercises, there is no need to use drugs taken for various diseases, if at the same time all other prescriptions of a normal regimen are observed.


You, who left a seal in the world of villainy,
You ask for grace to come upon you.
Do not hope: there will be no forgiveness forever,
For he who sows evil is evil and must reap.


The soul of the universe is truth.


Our hearts, of rock, were bound by love because
That you are as impregnable as a stone, and I am more patient than him.


If I don't make paths to people's hearts, they won't communicate with me, although they won't be for or against me.


They say about wisdom: it is priceless,
But the world does not pay a penny for it.


Whoever does not appreciate happiness, he is nearing misfortune.


Kohl from a young age chose the path to the cherished truth,
Do not argue with the ignorant, forget their advice.


Great is the limit from Earth to Saturn,
I wanted to overcome the ignorance in him.
I unraveled a lot of mysteries in this world,
And death riddle, alas, - failed.

Old age

Who is old cannot burn with young fire.


Fortunately, if until the last of the roads
The mind would know neither doubts nor worries.


Wine is our friend, but deceit lives in it:
Drink a lot - poison, drink a little - medicine.
Don't hurt yourself too much
Drink in moderation - and the life of the kingdom will last ...

Be moderate in food - that's one commandment,
The second commandment: drink less wine.


And the petitioners will come, turn their backs on them.

on other topics

“I am a hundred times more generous than you,” boasts another,
And petitioners will come and turn their backs on us.

I'll dye my hair with Basma, I'll be young again,
But not before the raven can become, like me, gray-haired.

Truly marvelous deeds: brainless bodies ascend,
They were endowed with stupidity by nature, and tribal nobility exalted.

I conjure you, heaven, for God's sake, give an answer:
You are spinning, but does it make any sense or not?

When you go arrogant to the ignorant,
Among the false sages, be an exemplary donkey.
They have such an abundance of donkey features,
That one who is not a donkey is considered unfaithful among them.

When we die, then all to one
We know that we know nothing.

Do not climb into the fire and to the bath boiler
Don't cuddle if he's hot.

She untwisted her resinous braids, frightening the night,
Her face shone at this and fled in fear of the night.

From black dust to heavenly bodies
I unraveled the secrets of the wisest words and deeds.
I avoided deceit, unraveled all the knots,
Only the knot of death I could not unravel.

For bygone youth, I now wear mourning.
Why does the night come in black, knowing no loss?

With donkeys, be a donkey - don't show your face!
Ask the dumbest - he will say "I'm great!"
And if anyone has no donkey ears,
The one for the asshole is an obvious heretic!

I would calmly heal, having found joy,
Oh, if only I knew who I am! At least once
To comprehend why I wander now?
But no - I would cry with a thousand eyes.

The less often a hand raises a drinking cup of wine,
The stronger she is in battle and braver and more skillful in business.

I was imprisoned in the dungeon for the sake of the accusers.
And immersed in thought, how can I get out.