Assessment testing. Assessment center as a method of assessing personnel in an organization




it is a comprehensive method for assessing the competencies required to work in a particular position.

The specifics of the Assessment Center in the company EBM is that the evaluation procedure is based on game modules or game exercises that are unique and are the author's developments of the company's specialists.

Game modules are combined into a plot, involving participants in the process and uniting all exercises. This makes the evaluation process easy and effortless for the participants, without the intense stress that usually accompanies the evaluation.

The plot of the assessment center is a huge field for choice.

Plots can be varied.: close to the company's activities, or completely abstract, in which case the assessment can unfold, for example, within the plot of a famous movie or literary work.

The choice of plot is carried out depending on the purpose of the assessment. For example, if it is necessary to select a candidate for a position, then most often a plot is chosen that simulates activities in a particular company. And if it is necessary to identify needs for development and training, then an unusual plot can be chosen, immersing those being assessed in a special reality. This may allow you to see a person in new conditions for him.

Purposes for which the assessment center can be used:

· Making a decision on hiring or appointment to a position.

· Making decisions on the movement of employees (promotion to a higher position, rotation, etc.).

· Current certification.

· Identification of development and training needs.

· Formation of teams and working groups.

Advantages of the assessment center:

1. Efficiency and short-term. The assessment is carried out in a short time (1-2 days) and gives the same result as longer procedures.

2. Consists of game modules that are flexibly adjusted depending on the situation, reduce the stress of the participants and give them the opportunity to express themselves.

3. It is based on a well-developed assessment system, with a competency model, fixed scales, and mathematical analysis.




1. EBM specialists based on analysis official duties, others normative documents and conversations with the customer develop a competency model.

Competence Model is a set of characteristics required for successful work in a particular position in the company. As a rule, the number of competencies in the model is from 8 to 12.


Based on the analysis of the duties of the deputy director and the conversation with the head of the company, a competency model, consisting of 6 key competencies:

1. Prompt response , including an adequate assessment of the situation and opportunities, risk prevention

2. Control and accounting : the ability to effectively control, monitor the development of the situation and evaluate the performance of tasks.

3. Delegation of responsibility to subordinates , including the accuracy and effectiveness of instruction

4. Leadership.

5. Communication skills , including accurate and effective translation of one’s position and tasks, the choice of an adequate communication method

6. Planning.

2. Drawing up an ideal candidate profile for the position.

Each competency in the model can be manifested at different levels. And it is not always necessary for successful work in a company that all competencies be developed to the maximum.

Therefore, on this stage each competence described using scales and compiled perfect profile candidate for the position.

There is a huge variety of scales from binary (fixing the presence or absence of competence) to multi-level scales, the number of levels in which can be from 3 to 11. At EBM, the most commonly used five-level scale from -2 to +2 or four-level from -1 to +2



-1 (D)


Manifestations of competence are negative. The candidate introduces destructive moments into the work of others

Competence is developed below the required level

Competence is developed at a sufficient level necessary to perform job duties

Competence developed at a high level

Development exceeds the required level.

The candidate is able to transmit to others and teach the competence he has developed.

-1 (D)

State of the art

Unacceptable level







The development of competence is significantly below the required level for work in the position. negative examples of behavior and their percentage is high.

The development of competencies is below the requirements for the position. Development is needed in many aspects of competence.

Competence is developed at a sufficient level. Competence development is required to a minimum extent in the form of instruction or on-the-job training.

The development of the candidate's competence exceeds the required level, is manifested in behavior and exceeds expectations in terms of the quality, volume and independence of the demonstration.

Ideal Deputy Director Profile

1- Prompt response

2- Control and accounting

3- Delegation of responsibility

4- Leadership

5- Communication skills

6- Planning

The profile shows that

for competence "delegation of responsibility" it is sufficient to develop it at the level of "skillful application".

competence "leadership" should be developed at the level of "skillful application". Since the deputy director does not have to be a charismatic leader and attract masses of people, he needs to ensure that employees are ready to act in a given direction and be able to convey his positive vision of the company's future to them.

3. Preparing a team of appraisers.

Observers are specially trained people who have undergone observer training, the purpose of which is to develop the skills of objective observation.

Sometimes, at certain stages of the assessment, representatives of the customer company are involved in the assessment. They can more objectively assess professional quality candidates.

How much?

The number of appraisers is taken from the condition that at each moment of time, each evaluates from 1 to 5 people, no more. At the same time, during the assessment, the assessors change the objects of observation, a special scheme is created, according to which the change takes place. This is done in order to make the assessment multilateral and more objective.



At this stage, a description of all the game procedures that the participants will need to go through is created.

The main principle of the assessment center program is that each competency is assessed in several exercises and a number of competencies are assessed in each exercise.

Job types, which are used in the evaluation centers of the company EBM:

1. In basket. Participants must read a number of documents - letters, diary entries, reports, and then take appropriate action on them.

2. Presentation or self-presentation (participants are asked to make a presentation or self-presentation on a topic)

3. Role play

4. Business games

5. Case study. Participants, working individually or in groups, must find a solution to a problem situation. They can submit their decision in writing or write a review.

6. Group discussions - discussions on a given topic without a designated formal leader



Usually it is 6-12 hours of pure time. In this case, the whole procedure can take place in 1 or 2 days.

A number of specialists take part in the assessment center:

· 1 leader who gives tasks and monitors the structure.

Required number of appraisers

· Video operator


Duration of the procedure – 1 working day from 10.00 to 17.00

Timing of the evaluation procedure

Time spending


Introduction. Organizational matters.

Case for written response


Coffee break

15 minutes

Case for oral discussion



60 minutes

game case


Round 1

Round 2

Round 3



Number of assessed – 8

Number of appraisers – 3



Final report contains:

1. Summary table of results

I. After the assessment, the procedure for calculating the grades received is carried out. The final scores of each candidate are derived from the scores for the individual exercises. A summary table of results is compiled.

II. As a result of the assessments, real profiles of candidates are compiled, which are displayed on the same graph with an ideal profile.

III. Based on the ratings received, ratings are compiled.

IV. For each candidate, a conclusion is written and recommendations are given.

Excerpts from the final report of the assessment center *


red color chart- the ideal profile of the head of the technical unit
Graph in blue- real profile

1 - Prompt response
2 - Control and accounting
3 - Delegation of responsibility
4 - Leadership
5 - Communication skills
6 - Planning



Today, quite often one has to listen to the mention of a technology called "assessment". What it is? What characterizes this concept? Read more about everything below.

What is an assessment

The definition of "assessment" refers to the method used in order to competently evaluate employees. It is based on the modeling of the main points of the functioning of employees, which makes it possible to determine how developed their important professional qualities are, as well as to predict their potential.

The primary application of the assessment technique is equated to the Second World War. It was in those years that the United States and England began to apply it. The British army thus recruited officers into their ranks, and the Americans used this technique when selecting candidates for intelligence. Further, an adaptive restructuring of the technology was carried out to introduce it into the business sphere, where it achieved high popularity and fame in the right circles. This confirms the use of this technology in such large companies like Nestle, Xerox and others. Today, the breadth of application of technology is also confirmed by numbers - assessment is used in every second large company.

AT Russian Federation assessment technology is also used. The beginning of use is characterized by the nineties. Today, Rosneft, Beeline, Lukoil and many other well-known companies use the assessment as a personnel assessment.

The widespread popularity and ubiquitous use of such technology must be explained by something. First of all, let's define what is the purpose of the assessment.

Today, the management environment suffers from a lack of talent. The problem is very high. That is why it is increasingly necessary to search for employees in whom possible prospects are read. This does not mean that the scope of the search is limited only to the list of existing managers. A search and selection of potential leadership among middle-level employees is being carried out. The process of searching, developing a personnel resource for a company is a rather difficult process. At the same time, in order to develop successfully, the company cannot do without this process. Only a competent approach, planning, development right tasks and their achievement will be able to prepare a worthy and professional pool of personnel.

So, what tasks of the company will be solved by using such technology as assessment?

  • First, an objective assessment of the professional level of personnel is carried out;
  • Secondly, employees with high potential are identified, with whom work will subsequently be carried out for the future;
  • Thirdly, a strategy is being developed to select personnel with the highest level of efficiency;
  • Fourthly, a reserve of personnel is being prepared;
  • Fifthly, special attention is paid to the development and training of the company's employees.

It should be noted that this method is distinguished by its reliability, objectivity, effectiveness and high level of evaluations. Why? The fact is that the activity and professionalism of each employee is evaluated through the use of special criteria. This is a multifaceted work of several personnel experts.

Assessment technology involves the participation of three groups of characters:

  • These are the personnel that are being assessed;
  • A selection of special HR experts who make a direct assessment;
  • Head of this center Perhaps the invitation of a hired consultant from outside or the participation of a leading specialist of the personnel service.

Assessment interviews

More recently, this type of interview was a rare event in our country. However, over time, the requirements for the quality of hired personnel are increasing, and more and more new selection methods are being invented for candidates. Today, the method of assessment-interview is used more and more often.

As a rule, this method is used for hiring and middle managers. Many potential employees are often scared by the name alone. However, meanwhile, this method has a high level of efficiency.

An assessment-style interview is not at all like a regular dialogue. It is also not so easy to prepare for it, since each company may have its own tasks. What is required of the candidate? Composure, the ability to quickly respond to the situation, ingenuity. Resilience is a very important factor. Be prepared for the fact that not only your immediate potential supervisor, as well as other candidates, will be present at the interview. It is most likely that the interview will take place in a group form, when candidates will jointly participate in game tasks. What do such business games give? The fact is that it is precisely such situations that show what you are in real life.

It is also possible to conduct an assessment interview in the form of a discussion. This type of interview is very clear about the candidate's ability to defend his position and competently challenge the opponent's point of view.

Conduct this interview and in the form of tests and presentations. They may be asked to introduce both themselves and the company.

It is believed that the assessment technique interview has a high reliability - it is about seventy percent. This is a very good indicator. The use of different methods during the interview makes it possible to evaluate the candidate from different sides and aspects.

How to pass an assessment

The process of preparing for an interview in the assessment technique is inherently quite complicated, but quite real. Naturally, until the last moment, the essence of such an interview will remain a secret for you.

First of all, you must be collected and mentally prepared for the interview itself. Carefully study the history of the company in which you want to find a job - you should be ready for any questions. We have already discussed the main methods used in the interview. You should also be prepared for each of them. It is believed that the greatest difficulties are caused by discussions and games. You can involve your close people in the preparation in these areas - play with them, hold discussions. Be sure - this practice will certainly be useful to you. Prepare in advance for the presentation of yourself - indicate your important professional qualities, back up with facts from your work biography.

It is possible that the assessment interview will be conducted in the form of a regular conversation. But know that in the course of such a conversation, not only what you say will be evaluated. They will also appreciate the ability to behave, your gestures, facial expressions. You also need to prepare for this - do an “acting” game, talk in front of a mirror, pay special attention to all of the above details.

If yours will be in the form of a survey or test, pay attention to honesty. You should not try to show yourself as correct and ideal as possible by choosing the appropriate answers. Just answer honestly, you can't think of a better way out. The fact is that in many tests there is a special test for the sincerity and purity of the experiment. Yes, and excessive "correctness" will clearly cause doubts of the employer. Therefore, do not overdo it with the answers.

If the interview is a group one, the final "chord" may be your opinion on the work of all those present or the team as a whole, a general vision of the situation. In this case, restraint is required from you. Think carefully about your conclusions, do not be harsh and overly critical - this is not welcome.

Be honest and natural, do not try to deceive and seem better than you really are. You can be sure - in case of deception, you will certainly be exposed.

Assessment case examples

Naturally, each company has its own stock of cases, exercises and methods for conducting an assessment interview. We will give you an example of a case used in an interview in one of the companies.

Task 1. You are a successful leader. One of your subordinates is Aleksey, he has great potential and ambitions. His work experience in the company is equal to three years, over the years he has established himself as a professional in his field. He solves all the assigned tasks quickly and clearly, there are no complaints about his work. But you have a resignation letter on your desk. However, you do not want to lose such a valuable employee. In five minutes, you need to prepare a conversation with Alexei, who will convince him to stay with the company.

Task 2. You are an employee of the company. The work experience in this company is three years. At the time of employment, you received higher education. A year later, after educational institution You dreamed of a raise. However, despite this, as well as good results in the work, this did not happen. Since you need career growth, you started looking for new work. During these searches, you received an interesting offer from one company, where you get a position above the current one. However, there are some downsides to working for a new company, including low wage. Your manager, after reviewing your resignation letter, wants to talk to you. Build your conversation and line of conduct during it.

So, before you are examples of cases used in an assessment interview. Of course, in reality, you may expect completely different options, but you should not be afraid. Be confident and collected. Believe - you will definitely succeed.

One of the stages of passing the competition for a vacancy in serious companies is the assessment center, AC (assessment centre), or, in other words, the “assessment center”.

Interview in the format of the assessment center, what is it?

The assessment center or assessment interview is usually conducted at the final stages, when the pool of finalists has already been determined, and the employer wants to choose the best of the best. An assessment is a rather expensive procedure for a company, and for a candidate it is an opportunity to assess their competencies and qualities deeply and without prejudice. Therefore, whether you passed the assessment successfully or not, the experience will remain with you, which is not unimportant for the next step.

The assessment center can be conducted internally by the company, or a specialist from a third-party company (for example, Ecopsy, SHL, DDI) can be invited.

Assessment interview. What do we evaluate?

The main objective of this event is to assess the competence of the candidate. Competences are carefully selected in advance, their primacy and importance are discussed. As a rule, 5+- competencies are chosen for the assessment, which are top-priority for the successful completion of tasks in the company. Using this method, you can assess the potential of the candidate, his strengths and weaknesses. This is the most accurate assessment method that gives a complete picture of the candidate.

Then tasks are developed with clear and understandable evaluation criteria. After the assessment itself, the specialist takes several days to decipher the results.

The assessment center, on average, lasts from several hours to one working day, which is exactly how much time is needed for the candidate to open up as much as possible and show the real level of competencies.

All tasks that a person must complete are designed in such a way that, using the example of solving specific tasks, you can see and evaluate several parameters at once.

An assessment center may include:

  • Testing, questionnaires
  • In-Depth Interview
  • Competency interview
  • Business games (simulation)
  • Pair role-playing games
  • Presentation on a given topic (with analytics)
  • Group role-playing games with role distribution

Not necessarily all the components described above will meet you during the assessment, often this event includes interviews and business games.

How is the assessment

An assessment is a type of group interview and is similar to business training, where the candidate participates in business games and completes assignments. During the AC, business cases close to reality are modeled, solving which the candidate shows certain qualities.

Consider an example of an analytical presentation

The assessor gives the task, explains what is expected from the candidate and clearly fixes the time, and then leaves the candidate alone. The candidate receives material on the basis of which he needs to solve a business problem. For example, he received statistics on the development of different markets, and he needs to make a proposal to enter a specific market with some kind of product. Or he receives a description of the company's work for the last 2 years, data on employees, a profit and loss statement, and other inputs. He needs to offer a solution that will help bring the company out of the crisis.

After a certain time, the assessor returns and begins to check the result of the work, that is, listen to the candidate's presentation, which will contain data analysis and some solution. And the observers at this time record the information provided by the candidate: how competently he assessed the situation, whether he used the provided analytics, how convincingly he speaks, conveying his idea, etc.

Consider an example of a paired role-playing game

The candidate receives a task from the assessor, which describes the situation where 2 employees are involved: the candidate (supervisor) and the subordinate (the assessor himself can play the role of the subordinate). There is a description of the merits of the subordinate, his behavior, the importance for the company and the department. The manager (our candidate) needs to give him feedback after an unfulfilled assignment that had consequences.

The assessor retires again and gives the candidate time to prepare the interview. When the allotted preparation time runs out, the facilitator returns to the room, and a dialogue is played out between them. Observers at this time describe the leadership style of the candidate, how he reacted to one or another phrase of the subordinate, etc.

Consider an example of a group role-playing game

The candidate receives a description of the situation in which he plays the role of the head of sales for a particular region. Over the past three months, sales have dropped by X%, and he, along with the heads of marketing, purchasing, customer service, needs to develop a plan. The reasons for the drop in sales are clear, there are certain introductory ones. Each of the participants has his own position (plays a role, studies the material in advance), there is a participant with whom it is most difficult to agree, who has a different point of view, there is one who will support the candidate during the conversation, and there is one who will be inert, will not participate in the discussion. Candidate task-end the meeting with a plan of action for the next quarter, with which all participants in the meeting would agree.

After a certain time, which is given to study the situation and data, the assessor returns to the room with other "heads of departments", and the discussion begins.

Observers at this time record how well the candidate understood the situation, how he defends his position, whether he hears others, whether he involves passive participants, etc.


At any stage, an internal HR can join the interview, who is also interested in hearing how the candidate solves certain tasks. Usually at the assessment center there are 1-2 observers for each candidate who do not interfere in the process and do not ask questions, they note important points, your thoughts.

Observers play an important role in the assessment center. Their task is to record and describe in as much detail as possible the behavior of the candidate during the performance of tasks, they use the NOKO technology - observation, description, classification, evaluation. Observers may be employees of a third-party company that conducts the assessment, or internal employees companies in leadership positions. Thus, managers have the opportunity to get to know the candidate before his employment.

In-Depth Interview

Often, at the request of the company, the assessment is carried out in-depth interview. AC can begin with it. Such an interview is conducted by an independent specialist - a psychologist or even a psychiatrist. The result of such a conversation is the psychological portrait of the candidate. The assessment center is a stressful, but very effective method of assessment that benefits not only the company, but also the candidate.

Competency interview

It is a structured conversation, one on one. Distinctive features are tight time frames, clarifications, attention to detail.

Evaluation and feedback

At the end of the AC, the observers and the facilitator discuss the behavior of the candidate and give marks. This process negates the risk of subjective assessment, allows you to accurately assess the qualities and potential of a person.

After the scores are summarized, the assessment company provides a written report on the candidate to internal HR, and after that the candidate receives feedback.

This material presents some successful management cases and assignments for evaluating managers (management skills cases). Including tasks for evaluating sales managers.

1. There is an employee in your department who has gone through all the stages of career development. At the moment, no one knows better than him the specifics of the unit's activities. However, you understand that after a while he will get bored working here. What will you offer him?

2. The specialist came to you to discuss the situation: he was offered to move to another department, he is interested, he sees the prospects, but he understands that the situation on the labor market is difficult and finding a replacement for him even within a quarter is not an easy task. How will you do it?

3. After the training you gave, it became clear that one of the subordinates was unable to put the course material into practice. Find a way to tell him about it.

4. Your subordinate is an aged lady, so she prefers to do a lot of things sedately and with an arrangement, which, in your opinion, does not always correspond to the rhythm of the company's activities. How will you tell her about it?

The answer to the first 4 cases:

Such cases allow managers to consider in detail the difficult situations often encountered in management practice:
. associated with the formation of motivation or career management of an employee (situation 1);
. concerning the solution of issues of retaining a specialist in the company for a long time (i.e., work with counter-offers) or for the period of searching for a replacement (situation 2);
. consisting in the search for a method of transmitting information and choosing a channel for data perception (situation 3);
. requiring a clear identification of the problem and the provision by the head feedback subordinates (situation 4).

5. Appearance.

The secretary comes to work in an overly short skirt and bright makeup. Do you understand that appearance subordinate does not comply with the dress code of the company. Your actions?

Answer: Desired answers: “I will make an oral remark”, “I will ask you to re-read the requirements for the dress code in the company.” After answering the first question, you can ask the following: “What will you do if the subordinate does not respond to your remark?”. Desired answer options: “I will make a second remark”, “I will apply a disciplinary sanction”. But the answer “I will complain to the higher management” should alert, it may indicate a lack of managerial and communication skills.”

6. Delegation of powers.

We invite you to consider an example of a case, with the help of which you will evaluate the manager's ability to delegate authority, the skill of organizing work and the ability to rationally use work time.

Plot. The head of the design department went on maternity leave. Victoria D. was appointed in her place. Her duties, among other things, included checking the reports and calculations of the department's employees. In addition, she had to submit a statement for the payment of bonuses every month. By nature, Victoria was very responsible and scrupulous. She carefully checked all the reports and calculations of employees to the point. And even knowing that some of them do not make mistakes, I still studied all the data in detail. It was time-consuming, she did not have time to perform other duties and often stayed up late. The leading specialist suggested that she give part of the reports for verification to him, and the calculations and drawings to the chief engineer. But Victoria disagreed. As a result, several times in a row she did not draw up a statement and the employees did not receive a bonus, which worsened the atmosphere in the team.

Exercise. Are such scrupulous checks of the work of employees necessary? How to organize Victoria's work in the department?

Answer options


He believes that it is necessary to check the work of subordinates carefully and this cannot be trusted to anyone, since the head is responsible for the results of the work of the department. And in order for Victoria to have time to do everything, employees need to avoid mistakes and submit reports and calculations earlier

Such an answer shows that, on the one hand, a person correctly determines the need to check the work of subordinates, and on the other hand, he does not know how to trust colleagues and delegate authority, he believes that only he can best complete the task. He also doesn't take into account the fact that if you reduce the time for preparing reports, employees will rush and start making mistakes, which will only increase the time of the review. Thus, a person is process-oriented, not result-oriented.

Offers to remove Victoria from her position if she does not cope with her duties. This is normal, because she brings the whole team down, because of her people do not receive bonuses

The answer shows that the person does not analyze the situation and immediately proposes drastic measures, although the solution requires logical and consistent actions. Yes, and the situation shows that Victoria has problems only in organizing her working time, and this is not a reason for dismissal

He believes that the work of subordinates needs to be checked one way or another, but one should not go to extremes. Offers Victoria to still learn to trust employees and delegate her powers, especially since her subordinates are ready to help her

Such an answer shows that the person adequately assesses the need to check the work of subordinates. Tends to delegate authority to streamline workflow and trust his subordinates

7. Interaction in the team.

An example of a case that will help you assess the skill of interaction in a team and conflict-free communication, as well as the ability to discuss a problem that has arisen.

Case "Annoying Newbie"

Plot. A new employee, Irina M., came to the HR department. The head of the department introduced her to her colleagues, gave her a tour of the office, showed her where to get sample documents, and set tasks for the week. After some time, the girl asked for help from an employee of the department, Yulia D., who explained to her in detail all the nuances. A few hours later, Irina again asked about what Yulia had already told her in detail. But, despite this, Julia calmly repeated everything that was said, once again explained where to get required documents. A few days later, requests for clarification were repeated, and then it got to the point that Irina began to pull Yulia on any very insignificant issue. Once Julia could not stand it and was rude to a new employee, and Irina complained to her manager that she was not helping her adapt.

Exercise. What should a leader do in such a situation? What did Yulia need to do when Irina began to pester her with constant questions?

Interpretation of the answers to the case "Annoying Newbie"

Answer options


Accuses Julia of rudeness and lack of restraint. It was necessary to enter into the position of a beginner, help him adapt, and not be rude to him. He invites the leader to talk with Yulia and reprimand her for such an act. So she only breaks the atmosphere and does not build relationships in the team

Such an answer shows that a person analyzes the situation one-sidedly, is inclined to take sides. Does not know how to find a compromise, categorical in judgments

He believes that Yulia is not guilty, any person could do this. The whole problem is Irina, who cannot understand her duties. She offers to study her competencies again, maybe they took the wrong person. And if Irina can't cope, we must part with her

According to this answer, it can be judged that a person analyzes an act from different angles, but at the same time he is also inclined to make a one-sided decision. Doesn't accept impulsive decisions, first tries to understand the situation

He invites the leader to talk with Julia to find out what really happened, what questions she had to answer and how often. Ask her to be more restrained. And also talk with Irina about what she does not understand. Suggests appointing Irina a mentor who will bring her up to date

This answer shows that a person analyzes the situation from different angles. He tries to find points of convergence between the two sides, tries to avoid conflict and calmly discuss the situation. Does not take sides, knows how to remain neutral

8. Focus on career growth.

A variant of the case, with the help of which you can assess whether an employee is aimed at career growth, his readiness to perform more difficult work if circumstances require, the ability to take responsibility and diligence.

Case "Deserve a promotion"

Plot. Olga F. has been working in the marketing department for several years. AT recent times she began to feel that dissatisfaction with work was increasing and that she was ready to take on more difficult work. She realized that she could well take the position above, and turned to the head with a request to consider the possibility of increasing it. The boss suggested that she perform the work of a leading specialist along with her duties for three months. The salary will remain the same, but she will receive a bonus based on performance. After three months, a decision will be made on its increase.

Interpretation of the answers to the case "Deserve a promotion"

Answer options


Such a response may mean that the person is not ready to take on additional responsibility. His interest in the position is higher than in the work itself. Doesn't trust manager's decisions

I agree with the manager’s decision, but I think that Olga needs to clarify the criteria for evaluating the result of her work in order to know exactly what to strive for, as well as find out the timing and size of the bonus in case of good results

Such an answer shows that the person is ready to take responsibility, the interest in professional development is higher than the need to take a higher position. He knows how to assess his strengths and the tasks assigned to him. Can work independently

Fully agree with the chief's decision. He believes that Olga is given a good chance to prove herself. And for this you can work even without bonuses

Such an answer is either very similar to a socially desirable one, that is, a person does not reveal his true attitude to the situation, or he cannot imagine himself in such a situation. In addition, such an answer shows that a person is ready to obey the leader, but in reality he will oppose

9. Honesty.

And this case will help you evaluate such personal qualities, like financial integrity, honesty, no tendency to kickbacks.

Case "Personal reward"

Plot. Inna is the head of the secretariat of a large holding. Among other duties, she was engaged in the search for suppliers to ensure the life of the office. The head of the company was not satisfied with the former supplier of stationery and asked Inna to find the best replacement. She studied the needs of the departments, approved the budget. Based on demand and allocated funds, I chose two companies - "P ..." and "K ..". They had a similar assortment and comparable prices. The P… organization offered Inna a personal reward. In the end, she opted for this company. After the first delivery, she conducted a survey, which showed that all departments were satisfied with the quality of the stationery. A few months later she ordered again. But this time the quality was worse. Dissatisfaction reached the leader. Inna was reprimanded and asked to change the supplier. She got into a difficult situation, as she had already taken a reward for the third order.

Interpretation of answers to the case "Personal reward"

Answer options


He believes that Inna did nothing wrong. The reality is that many are receiving kickbacks on supplies. This is a way to earn extra income. It is necessary to pay employees a competitive salary, and then there will be no such situations. Offers Inna to return the money taken for the third order and change the supplier

Such an answer may indicate that a person does not have financial decency and, at any opportunity, he can do the same as the heroine of the case. He doesn’t even try to condemn Inna’s actions a little, on the contrary, he supports her and suggests how she can get out of the water dry.

Condemns Inna's actions, says that she needs to confess everything to the manager and return all the money she took from the supplier. And he advises the boss to carefully select personnel for such positions and not to trust Inna to choose suppliers

Such an answer is more like a socially desirable one. Or it may be that the quality of “honesty” prevails too much in a person, and then there is a danger that for any reason he will complain to the manager as soon as he notices that, in his opinion, someone is acting dishonorably

He says that the reality is that such cases are not uncommon in companies. And if Inna decided to take a reward, she should have thought about what the consequences could be if someone finds out about it. Is it worth the risk, because this way you can lose a good position, lose the trust of the manager and subsequently have bad recommendations

Such a response shows that the person recognizes that such situations happen, and it is quite possible, and he could do the same. But at the same time, a person appreciates the trust of the leader and will not take risks to get a kickback. It is important for him to have good recommendations and also he cares what people say about him

10. Communication skills.

To identify communication skills in the process of managing a team, the following competencies are assessed:
- self-confidence, ability to independently solve work tasks;
- the ability to be flexible and avoid unnecessary conflicts;
- the ability to make a rational decision and act in an unusual, stressful situation.
Case (management skills):
The head of a small company asked the HR manager to hire the daughter of a very important partner for the company. The partner's daughter had not worked anywhere for many years and wanted to be among people more. She did not show any ambitions for a career in the company. The main goal was to make the girl feel in demand. The HR manager did not propose her candidacy for line divisions and accepted the girl to her position as a personnel specialist. She was offered to master the simplest functions and perform them as far as possible. As a result, the main, most high-quality skills that she acquired during the adaptation were: receiving incoming documents, making account, packaging in folders of corporate documentation. Within a few months everyone was happy and the work went on as usual. Six months later, the position of a leading document management specialist was vacated. While they were deciding to find an outsider or choose from their own, the director called the head of the personnel department with a proposal to promote the recently adopted daughter of a partner, at his request. Knowing that there are employees in the department who are more suitable for the position of a leading specialist, the HR manager could not give this position to a new employee, but also CEO she could not put in an uncomfortable position in front of a partner.

What do you think the head of human resources should do in this situation?
Could this problem have been avoided?
How will the promotion of the partner's daughter affect the team if the CEO insists on this decision and the head of the personnel department has to comply with this order?
Case assignment: Suggest your solutions to the problem.

Answer options

1. The applicant takes the side of the CEO and explains this by the fact that all the same in companies, everyone below the head of the company does not decide anything. As management says, so everyone does. It was impossible to avoid such a situation.

2. The applicant is of the opinion that it would still be fair to think about those who have been working in the team for a long time and offer an alternative solution to the partner's daughter. For example, he suggests that it is possible to promote someone from the team, and put her (daughter) not in the place of a leading specialist, but in the place of a simple specialist who was transferred. It was hardly possible to avoid it, since it is impossible to predict how events will develop.

3. The applicant assumes that the grounds for refusal may be the rules of the selection policy, which prohibit the employment of relatives of the founders or partners of the company. But now that the head of the department has already faced this problem, she needs to make a decision taking into account all parties and promote someone from the more qualified ones, and the daughter of the partner should offer something else. Otherwise, a decision in favor of only one side can spoil the relationship between the team and the leader.

Once the answers are formulated, it is necessary to interpret them and draw conclusions about how they meet expectations.

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The term "assessment" has firmly entered into use - it is used by financiers, lawyers, doctors, and developers of technical systems. In the broadest sense, the concept of "assessment" is synonymous with the word "assessment". In a narrower sense, it means testing or evaluation, the results of which are presented in quantitative terms, as well as evaluation carried out during a meeting. The procedure for assessing the competencies of personnel by the assessment method is a useful but expensive tool. In what cases can you do without it? When is it better to use other methods?

Quite a variety of assessment methods are used in personnel services, therefore, when they talk about assessment, they most often mean the “assessment center” technology. It was developed to assess the potential of a person and was originally used at the stage of selecting candidates for responsible positions (whether it be managing people or managing complex technical systems). Main distinctive features This assessment technology is as follows: several people are evaluated at the same time, the assessors themselves and there are also several assessment methods. The procedure usually takes a full day (the classic version is one or two days).

Is it possible to evaluate narrowly professional knowledge and skills with the help of an assessment? Can. But not all assessment specialists do this. The assessment center is valuable in that it gives accurate estimates and forecasts. Having a large statistics of assessments for middle and top management of different companies, testing specialists polish the tools for assessing communicative, managerial and so-called leadership competencies (which often do not differ from ordinary managerial ones, but the term is in fashion now). The rest of the qualities that are important for certain positions are no longer called competencies, but competencies ... and they are assessed by industry qualification commissions, which we still practically do not have (see Fig. 1).

What is an assessment for?

An assessment is needed to identify the potential capabilities of a person necessary for his high-quality work, primarily in new positions for him. Therefore, using this technology, it is extremely useful to evaluate candidates for new positions.

What about employees who have already taken certain positions? Also useful. But the results of their real activities speak for themselves?... Undoubtedly. However, why do this person exactly such results and whether he will be able to achieve even greater ones over time, assessment can help to understand.

A good attestation procedure may also include comprehensive assessment employee: and the results of his activities, and competencies - properties necessary with appropriate motivation to achieve the goals. However, it is quite difficult to get closer to a more or less comprehensive and objective assessment of the presence and degree of development of the necessary competencies among employees without using the “360 degrees” procedure, and even then with a serious adjustment for the image that the employee has in this organization and is known, including external clients...

If we focus on the maximum possible accuracy and objectivity of assessing a person’s potential, we can get it only through the use of a set of methods called an assessment center (see Fig. 2).

So, in what cases is it worth spending time and money on a special assessment procedure? We list the possible options:

1. When making decisions on appointment to high responsible positions, when the strongest should be chosen from several potentially interesting candidates.

2. When forming a strategic and operational personnel reserve, again for managerial positions. What for? In order to seriously and qualitatively develop the most qualified candidates, instead of including in the personnel reserve a list of “all citizens of the country who have equal opportunities ...”, moreover, they are not purposefully prepared for anything.

3. When planning the budget for staff training. This is where the main savings lies. Are you familiar with the situation when all salespeople are sent to the same training or sales training cycles - and so with a frequency of once every three months? Sometimes sales go up dramatically after that, sometimes the performance of individual employees improves... But on a global scale, the return always seems to be less than the costs incurred.

And if we also take into account that some employees are not at all eager to undergo training ... Therefore, it is necessary to build individual development programs, focusing on the characteristics of each. The idea is not new, but the "accuracy of the hit" often leaves much to be desired, as does the accuracy of the subsequent assessment of the effectiveness of the development program. Therefore, in addition to the “assessment center” technology (Assessment Centre) created technology "development center" (Development Centre). It is used not only before the start, but also at the end of each stage of the individual development program.

4. With personnel planning. If the assessment showed that the majority of the assessed employees lack some of the most important competencies for the business, then, of course, it is necessary to build a development program for those. But it is also possible and even necessary to look for ready-made "carriers" of these valuable qualities!

5. When evaluating the competencies of the management team as a whole. Most consultants specialize in individual assessment. It is usually thought that it is enough to evaluate the competencies of individual team members in order to sum up all the components and obtain its total properties. However, the management team as a whole has competencies that are developed more or less than what is necessary for the success of the entire company. AT joint work specific people may or may not, for whatever reason, exhibit behavior that is effective in managing the organization. In our company, we use special methods for assessing the competencies of the top management team or the management teams of its individual divisions, carrying out this work as part of the assessment of the individual competencies of managers. Sometimes you can go the other way - start with diagnosing only team competencies.

For assessment to bring real benefits

The assessment is not carried out so that the head of the company can “better understand people” or assess what each of them is really worth. Managers who want to “see through their employees” make sense to fear that the staff will lose respect and loyalty to them. Strong specialists, even having received a promotion, may leave or will work outside full force; the weak are likely to remain. But is it possible to win the competition under such circumstances? Therefore, it is possible and necessary to extract positive from the assessment technology.

The main thing is to find the key success factors for your business. Among the many competitive advantage the company should play an important role in the behavior of the staff (from managers to rank-and-file specialists), which make the company really strong. Some companies find a solution in the affirmation of corporate values, others in the development of corporate competencies, and still others in job profiling. But if there is neither one nor the other, nor the third, it is not time to start the assessment. What should be assessed if the factors necessary for success are not yet known? Sometimes consultants are only asked to compare "the best and the worst": "You know how a strong leader or businessman should be different." But still, those who have their own unique strengths. First of all, they should be evaluated and developed in specific people.

      What to do if there are no values ​​or competency models yet? You can start developing them yourself, postponing the assessment for later. Or you can invite assessment specialists right now - they often start with the relevant types of work.

Typical problems include holding an assessment center for “solid” candidates. Young people can be gathered into a group, stating that only those who will be selected based on the results of the assessment will be invited to work. But it is very difficult to apply such an approach to specialists and managers with great experience and high status, and for many it seems ethically unacceptable.

If the company has thousands of employees, it sometimes trains its own specialists to implement an ongoing assessment system. However, we know the largest enterprise where the money spent on training specialists and the creation of such a center does not bring returns. In particular, because the training and development of personnel are planned without any connection with the results of the assessment activities.

Companies that conduct assessments on an ongoing basis, as well as apply separate methods for diagnosing competencies, have every opportunity to verify the reliability of their forecasts and adjust the method, but the vast majority do not try to polish their tools. But this part of the technology is no less important than the assessment itself (see Fig. 3).

Mistakes You Shouldn't Make

Sometimes companies try to “kill two birds with one stone” by instructing the coach in the process of regular training to “evaluate” each participant at the same time. As a result, neither one nor the other task is performed qualitatively. Participants in the training do not train at full strength, afraid to experiment, even if the request for their assessment was made "top secret". And the coach, instead of developing the strengths of each participant, tries to create situations for identifying weaknesses… And he presents his impressions as an objective assessment.

Another mistake is also related to trainings - when it seems to the leader that during the assessment it is enough to repeat any group training exercise and on its basis evaluate each of the participants. These assignments for assessment are worked out for a long time and carefully, so that they can be guaranteed to see and unambiguously assess the degree of development of each competence of each participant in the assessment center.

Managers cannot be judged in the same group as their subordinates. The only exceptions are the first persons of companies who do not want to separate from the integral team of top managers.

A serious mistake is the insufficient motivation of the participants of the assessment center and their forced referral to "psychological testing", as this procedure is sometimes called.

It is dangerous to associate the results of an assessment with a change in the size of wages. Moving up the corporate ladder is another matter.

It is not worth publicly announcing the results, even good ones, since there is no benefit from this, and even those who this year showed results that are much better than everyone else can feel “undressed”.

It is not very logical not to tell people their personal results and not to use the data obtained in such a complex way in the future.

Tips for beginners

Understand how the results are going to be used by those who initiate or approve the assessment procedure.

Start not with an assessment per se, but with the development of competencies necessary for the success of the company.

Consult with professional practitioners working on this technology.

Create a desire among company employees to participate in the assessment to obtain information about priority areas of its development.

Do not reduce personnel management to decision-making only on the basis of an assessment (see Figure 4).

Case Study

Three years ago OAO Irkutskenergo decided to systematically apply the Assessment Center technology in its work with management personnel. To do this, a tender was held, an appropriate company specializing in working with top management was selected, and work began ...

      The top management of the company thinks strategically. Therefore, everything possible is done so that the potential of employees is identified, developed and used for the benefit of the company and the specialist himself. But who to develop? Who to raise?

Obviously someone who does a good job in their current position. But in positions of higher levels, such qualities of a person will be needed that may not be in demand enough and, accordingly, are not visible at lower levels. Therefore, special methods are needed to reveal these hidden possibilities.

Irkutskenergo also takes care of improving the efficiency of all types of work and the company's manageability. Some time ago, this was expressed, in particular, in the enlargement of the branch network serving the territory of the far from small Irkutsk region and Buryatia. And for this it was necessary to select from all the successful branch directors those who could potentially cope with new, much more complex tasks. And also develop individual training programs for all directors of branches, so that each of them spends time developing those new competencies that he needs, and not just recommended for the category “middle or senior manager” (at best, with the addition of “ in the energy industry).

Based on the results of the assessment, those branch directors were selected, on whom the management assigned more complex responsibilities - to merge several branches into new territorial formations (“bushes”) and begin work on building a management system for these large associations. Two years after the implementation of this decision, the management of the company confirmed to us that all 17 consolidated branches are operating efficiently, in large part due to the successful selection of the appropriate directors.

“Another goal of the assessment - the implementation of an individual development program, has so far been achieved only partially, HR Director Vladimir Kornev told us. — The company has a well-developed system of personnel training and development; There are both remote and individual formats for advanced training. However, to implement a truly individual approach on an ongoing basis and the constant development of leaders of this level is top notch! And so far we do not believe that we have fully used all the opportunities available to us. Nevertheless, it is already valuable that the program of individual development, developed on the basis of the results of the assessment, was accepted by the directors with a bang and took a serious part in setting requirements for themselves and implementing the program of necessary improvement.

The company made a difficult decision - to develop profiles and evaluate all specialists by assessment methods, not only in terms of general corporate and managerial competencies corresponding to their positions, but also in terms of narrow professional and job knowledge, skills and abilities. However, following the results of the first year, we decided to focus on maximizing the opportunities for developing competencies that are universal for all positions in the company.

“These competencies are not only managerial. Among them there are those that are related to the specifics of the activities of employees of our enterprises”,- says V. Kornev. — At the beginning of the project, together with consultants, group and individual tasks were developed, aimed at assessing important competencies, taking into account the real features of the work. Thanks to the accumulated statistics of the behavior of employees when performing these tasks, we have someone to compare each next with. This contributes to the accuracy and objectivity of the assessment procedure. The program for the formation and tracking of the individual development of the personnel reserve is based on the use of assessment technology. Now there is a competition to identify business leaders, which is also being held in the format of an assessment center.

At the same time, we conduct an annual assessment of personnel based on the results of activities (we have had a system for about five years key indicators efficiency) and according to the results of the 360 ​​degree procedure.

Are there any difficulties? Yes, it is difficult to make sure that for each manager the competency model turns from a theoretical model into a tool that is used every day. Gotta learn to accept management decisions with this in mind corporate standard consulting with him already at the stage of hiring an employee.

What do you remember now as a result of the first six months of work? V. Kornev continues: “Specialists of the personnel management service have mastered the assessment technology and tools based on the company's corporate competencies. The procedure for assessing candidates for the personnel reserve using the technology of the assessment center was modified.

To the question of what seems to be the main result at the moment, the HR Director of OAO Irkutskenergo answered as follows: "Assessment from the unknown western technology has become a standard procedure for the company, which today solves the problem of building a development program for managers at various levels of management.

1 The “360 degrees” procedure is a technique for obtaining ideas about the activities, or rather, the behavioral manifestations of the competencies of an official “from all sides”. “Above” is an assessment from the side of the manager, “bottom” is an average assessment from subordinates (if any), “left” is from colleagues, “right” is from internal or external clients. At the same time, “in the middle” is self-esteem. Sometimes, with a reduction in the number of interviewed parties, the technique is called "270 degrees" or "180 degrees".