Games for students in the classroom for cohesion. Training games and team building training exercises

If you want to conduct cohesion training for colleagues or subordinates, but you can’t find the right option for you, read this page carefully. It contains a description of such team building methods that do not involve either the involvement of a professional game technician or the purchase of special equipment.

The participants in the team-building action will only need initiative and good mood .

Wandering in the dark

In the original, this training was developed by the German Andreas Hanke, then the exercises were repeatedly transformed. The essence of the process is elementary: a group of colleagues enters a completely dark room, previously freed from sharp and hard objects. It is advisable to leave only carpet and bean bags in the room.

The facilitator suggests to the participants:

  1. Divide into teams according to a freely chosen principle (the number of members is determined by the total number of people).
  2. Collect seating around the room for “their own” and arrange the seats in a circle (you can remove a few chairs so that the teams have to hurry).
  3. Invite the participants to calculate the area and volume of the room as accurately as possible (humanitarians can be reminded of the formulas).
  4. Find out as quickly as possible who has the longest fingers in the team (then, before discussing the results, this is easy to check).
  5. Invite the participants to name the eye color of each member of the other team (for each correct answer - a point).
  6. Assemble the matryoshka by touch.

Shutdown visual channel helps people "see" what is happening outside the box. Darkness provides touches that bring together and even create some pleasantness. piquancy in a heterosexual team.


All team members are assigned one letter. Then the group is given a long phrase written on a piece of paper. It is necessary to reproduce it so that each participant on time and clearly names his letter.

Gaps are indicated by friendly clapping.

Answers for a colleague

Arrange chairs in two rows, one opposite the other. Let the participants sit down at their discretion. Next, distribute everything on a piece of paper. Let everyone answer for himself in the first column, and for the person who was right in front of him in the second.

Questions can be asked as follows:

  • What is your favorite color?
  • What kind of music do you like?
  • What films do you like?
  • What animal would you compare yourself to?
  • What do you like to do?
  • What do you like about your job and what do you not? etc., depending on the field of activity of the company and the objectives of the training.

How correctly colleagues perceive each other will be evidenced by the discussion of the results.

Looking for a look

Colleagues sit in a circle. The more people playing, the better. At the signal, each participant must make eye contact with someone. a couple that succeeds leaves the circle.

You need to exit the game as soon as possible.

If you want, make the game harder. Let each formed couple exchange five claims and five compliments.

About everything frankly

One of the participants goes to the center of the circle and randomly pulls out one of the pieces of paper. Phrases are written on pieces of paper that need to be continued. The subtlety is that each phrase requires a difficult sincere answer. If others feel doubts or falsehood, the player will have to pull another piece of paper.

Phrase examples:

  • I get annoyed by people who...
  • I am ashamed of myself when...
  • I would like to apologize to my colleagues for…
  • In our team, the most authoritative person for me is ...


The trainings we talk about are safe, but you can read descriptions of other techniques that involve risks somewhere. Be careful. Popular techniques in the style of the well-known "Rope Course" should not be attempted without safety gear.

Lesson training for uniting the class team "We are different, but together we are one" (for students from grades 6 to 11).

Cohesion of the class team;
Creation of a favorable psychological climate;
Overcoming the barrier in interpersonal relationships, developing communication skills.
Training objectives:
Formation of a favorable psychological climate in the group;
Awareness by each participant of his role, functions in the group;
Development of the ability to work in a team;
Group rallying.
Equipment: pens, name sheets, markers, napkins according to the number of group members, a sheet of drawing paper with a circle divided into 16 parts, album sheets according to the number of training participants, two drawing paper, watercolors.
The participants of the training are arranged in a circle.
Psychologist. Today at our training we will talk about our class, about relationships with each other. First, let's remember the rules of training work. Participants make their own rules. The rules of the training are recorded on the board. Further, the psychologist reports that the work will begin with an exercise called "You and I are similar to that ...".
I exercise - "You and I are similar in that ...".
Participants are divided into two groups, One group forms the inner circle, the other - the outer. Everyone is facing each other. Each member of the outer circle says to his partner: “You and I are similar ...”, after which those in the inner circle answer “You and I are different in that ...” then take a step towards a new partner. The procedure is repeated until everyone has reached their first partner in a circle. At the end of the exercise, you need to conduct a reflection (how are you similar to each other and how are you different?).
Exercise II - "Drawing on the back."
It is necessary to line up opposite each other in two lines with the same number of people in each. The students of the first line turn away from the psychologist, the second line the psychologist shows the picture and hides it, then the same picture is drawn with a finger on the back of the turned away guys. Then, standing in the first line, the students draw on a piece of paper what they felt, then the psychologist takes out a picture and the students compare their drawing with the original. Then the students switch places and perform a similar task, but with a different pattern. At the end of the exercise, we conduct a reflection (What helped to understand and convey sensations? What did the first and second members of the line feel during the exercise? What prevented the exercise from being performed?).
III exercise - "Line up for growth."
All students need to stand in a circle and close their eyes. With your eyes closed, you need to line up in growth in one line. When everyone takes their places in the ranks, the psychologist says that you can open your eyes and see what happened. We carry out reflection (Did you manage to complete the task? What helped and what hindered you when completing the task? What emotions did you experience during the game?).
IV exercise - "Napkin".
Each participant of the training is given a napkin. The napkin is folded in half. Then the psychologist asks the guys to do the following: tear off the upper right corner, then the lower left corner of the napkin, then the guys unfold the napkin. In class, you need to try to find the same napkins. They are not here. Children need to be brought to the idea that we are all different and napkins are different, but we all must live in peace and harmony, without humiliating the honor and dignity of the people around us.
Exercise V - "My ideal class."
Psychologist. All of you have been in the same class for many years, some of you have been studying together since the first grade. In the team it is very important that there is a favorable microclimate, friendly relations between classmates. You know that you need to go to school in order to gain knowledge, and you also communicate a lot here. These are the main reasons. It may happen that due to the fact that relationships with classmates do not add up, some do not want to go to school. Let's talk about what qualities a group should have in order for everyone in it to feel good. Now I invite you to think about and name those features that make everyone in the group feel good and comfortable. Pay attention to the board, we have a drawing paper attached to it. A circle is drawn on whatman paper, divided into 16 parts. Now we will sign each radius on the outside of the circle with the qualities that we have identified as necessary for successful cooperation, interaction in the classroom. Among those named may be the following qualities: equality, kindness, mutual assistance, politeness, friendship, listening, acceptance, empathy, altruism, respect, goodwill, humor, freedom of expression, tact, cohesion, etc. (The psychologist divides each radius of the circle by 10 points. This is a scale where the number of points that each feature is evaluated is plotted). Next, the psychologist names the quality, and the group decides how many points it manifests itself in the class. After that, all points are connected, resulting in a “web”. The closer it is to the center, the more difficult it is for everyone in the group. The closer the web is to the edges of the circle, the better the group and the more comfortable for everyone. We do reflection. We all decide with the students: how to improve the atmosphere of the class, what qualities the group needs to develop, what contribution everyone can make to improve the climate of the group. The psychologist should lead students to the fact that while remaining themselves, everyone should work on their shortcomings. "We can't change the band without changing ourselves."
VI exercise - "Non-existent animal."
The students are divided into two teams. Each team is invited to jointly draw a drawing of the “Non-existent animal”, the drawing must be drawn using watercolor paints and fingers. Each participant must contribute to the drawing. After that, the teams give a name to their non-existent animals, discuss together where this animal can live, what it eats, what features it has. Then the drawings are presented. Reflection (What did you feel during the exercise? Did you encounter any difficulties? What did you like about doing this exercise?).
Exercise VII - "Wishes".
Participants are given leaflets with the names of classmates. Everyone should write wishes to the one indicated on the piece of paper. Then the wishes are given to the one to whom they are intended. Wishes should be friendly, positive.
Reflection of the training session.
Who, what did they like and dislike about the training?
- What conclusions did you draw for yourself? (Statements of each participant).
Ritual of farewell "Sunflower".
Everyone stands in a circle, join hands and raise them up, standing on their toes, as if reaching out to the sun, to good, to positive, to success, to perfection.

Working with people is a tricky thing. Each person is individual, so it is one thing when people meet others on their life path for a short period of time, but it is quite another when they are together for a long time (work in the same team).

In the latter case, patience is needed, a constant search for compromises, reconciliation with the peculiarities of colleagues. It is clear to everyone that psychological comfort is important for every employee,

and the employer - the performance of subordinates.

To meet these needs, a team is needed

rally. But what is needed for this? How to rally a team?

The company will help, for example, holding a corporate training for team building. But now there are a huge number of different methods. The option that is covered in this article is team building games:

  1. The game "The sun shines for those who ..."
    The group arranges chairs in a circle and sits down on them. There should be less chairs than the group members, by 1. The remaining person becomes inside the circle.
    The task of the person standing in the center is to get a chair to sit on again. To do this, he begins to say something truthful about himself. It sounds something like "The sun shines for those who wear blue jeans" or "The sun shines for those who are red." The further the game goes, the more it is possible to complicate the task - to talk not about appearance, but about personal qualities; habits; whims; about what brings joy or grief; favorite flowers and animals; about the pros and cons; professional interests. Ideally, it is necessary to remember not only the good, but also the bad. (Not everyone will like this, but it will give a more objective picture to others) Who knows, maybe you have more in common with others than you think?
    The game should be continued as long as the revival and interest of the group is maintained. As a result, the participants will receive a lot of new information about the people working side by side with them.
    This game perfect for a new team.
  2. Find Your Pair Game
    Cards with animal names are required for the game (One animal name is written on 2 cards). If there is an odd number of participants, then one name of the animal is written on 3 cards and the participants in the game are warned about this in advance.
    The group sits in a circle. The task of each participant is to go to the center of the circle without showing anyone the card and, using facial expressions and gestures, show the animal whose name was written on the card of this participant. In no case should you make sounds - it's too easy.
    This game is suitable for cases when it is necessary to defuse the situation in the team.
  3. The game "Drawing on the back"
    Participants become in a chain, one after another. (If there are a lot of people, then they should be divided into several groups and lined up in chains) Each participant is given a pen (or other writing instrument) and a piece of paper. The last person in the chain needs to show the picture. He draws this picture on the back of the participant who is standing in front of him. The latter is trying at this time to understand what was drawn on his back and draw the same on the back of the person standing in front of him. And so on until the end of the chain. After the end, the first and last drawing are checked. So, for example, when I was a participant in this game, an asterisk (first picture) turned into a meadow with flowers and a sun (last picture).
    This game is a good reason to laugh and catch the peculiarities of the people around you.
  4. The game " empire state building"
    For the game you will need markers or felt-tip pens, A3 sheets, task cards, namely:
    - Draw a building with 10 floors.
    - The outline of the building should be purple.
    - The windows of the building should be 2 on each floor.
    - A blue flag must be flown on the building.
    …and so on.

    There should be as many cards as there are participants. If there are too many participants, then they can be divided into groups, then fewer cards will be needed. Each participant is given a card. His task is to silently draw what fell to him. Participants also do not talk to each other. All group members draw at the same time. For the convenience of the game, it is better that a sheet of paper is attached to the wall, and the number of participants does not exceed 5 people. For excitement, you can arrange competitions for a while, then you need a stopwatch.

  5. Silent game
    For the game you will need sheets of paper, felt-tip pens, pencils or markers. The group is divided into pairs (if there is an odd number of participants, then there will be one group of 3 people). Each pair is given a piece of paper and 1 pencil. The task of the participants is to silently draw a picture using 1 writing medium. This takes 5 minutes. This game develops a sense of cooperation in the participants.
  6. Game "Centipede"
    This game is designed for a large number of participants. The participants of the game are distributed in several columns. The finish line is determined. Each participant raises the left leg and takes the leg of the front standing participant by the ankle (ankle joint). The task of the columns is to reach the finish line as quickly as possible and not to cripple each other. The team that reaches the finish line the fastest wins. The game can be used as a warm-up and training for confident behavior when you need to coordinate your actions with the actions of others.
  7. Game "Through the Ring"
    A hoop with a diameter of 1 meter is made in advance. The participants of the game stand in a line and hold hands. The person standing first in line holds a hoop in his hand. The task of the participants is to pass through the hoop without opening their hands. At the end, the hoop should be on the opposite edge of the line. This game is designed to improve the coordination of joint actions in a team.
  8. Game "Snowballs"
    For the game you will need a lot of newspapers (1 spread for each participant) and paper tape. With the help of adhesive tape, two lines are marked parallel to each other at a distance of four to five meters from each other. Each participant takes a sheet of newspaper and makes a tighter ball out of it. Participants are divided into two groups, take their lumps, stand opposite each other behind the previously marked lines. During the game, participants must not cross the lines behind which they are located. At the signal of the leader, both teams begin to throw “snowballs” towards the enemy. All lumps that have arrived must be sent back as quickly as possible. On the command "Stop" the fighting stops. The team with the fewest snowballs on their side wins.
  9. Game "What is it?"
    In advance for the game, ideally, it is necessary to prepare cards with difficult-to-explain words (For example, barber, lot, microdistrict, interpretation, etc.), but you can get by with ordinary words (armchair, telephone, traffic light, etc.). Participants are divided into groups of three to four people, cards are divided between them. On a signal, each of the teams begins to confer. After the meeting ends, each participant takes one or more cards to explain. It is important that he ask those present a question about the item on the card so that everyone else can understand what it is and give an answer. For example:
    - Comfortable seat with palm rests?
    - Armchair.
    The game develops a sense of cooperation among the participants.
  10. Game "Putanka"
    The participants of the game become in a circle, holding hands, then they begin to get confused. When everyone is completely confused, you will get one big "beast". After the "beast" has formed, the leader should ask the questions "Where is the head of the beast?", "Where is the tail of the beast?", "Where is the beast's right?", "Where is the beast's left?". When all questions are answered, the beast should start moving. He must go 5 steps forward, 5 steps back, the same number to the right and left. Then he must run a few meters (depending on the size of the room where the game is being played). This game will help improve the mutual understanding of its participants.

Before starting the games during team building training, it is important to ask the participants to relax and not take everything that will happen to heart. It is important not only to achieve team cohesion, develop cooperation skills, but also to give people a break; get mass positive emotions from communicating with each other. It won't always be easy. If problems arise, talk about them and try to help solve them. Mutual responsibility and support are important components of healthy relationships in the team. Don't forget about it, contact us if you want to purchase a team building training program that includes not only these exercises and team building games

Team building training

Target: achievement of harmonious interpersonal relations, democratic level in the team


    Formation of an emotionally positive, psychological atmosphere in the team;

    Activation and strengthening of the trust of team members;

    Awareness of different models in communication interaction with a partner, installation on equal communication;

    Development of team members' ability to reflect.

Materials needed: sheets of paper, a plastic glass of water, a saucer, cards with the names of animals, fun music.


    Warm up. The game "Malecules".

Members of the group - "atoms" - move freely around the room to the music. At the signal of the host (clap), the atoms are combined into molecules of two people, then three, four, five. At the end of the exercise, the atoms combine into one large molecule.

    Game - fantasy "Magic of our name".

Participants pass each other a soft toy and discuss:

    From whom did I get my name?

    Are my namesakes among famous people?

    Do I know literary or movie characters with the same name?

    How does the name affect my behavior in life?

    Do I like my name (if not, what name would I like to have)?

    Do I know what my name means?


    Did you enjoy these exercises?

    Were you comfortable?

    How are you feeling?

    Game "Find a Pair"

Participants are invited to find a mate. Each participant is given cards with the names of animals, each animal has its own pair. Educators must find their mate by imitating animal sounds.

    Exercise "Airplane"

The training sessions work in pairs. They need to remove one hand behind their back, and make a paper airplane with their free hands.

Reflection: did you try to agree with each other in a pair, to distribute who will do what. Who held the leading position in your pair?

    Exercise "Plate of water."

A group of participants standing in a circle, silently with their eyes closed, pass a glass (saucer) of water in a circle. As a result, during the transfer, communication methods develop, the search for the partner’s hands, until the moment the plate is transferred, a warning about the transfer by touch.

Reflection: What, in your opinion, did not work out, how can it be corrected, what needs to be done, what emotions did you experience during this exercise.

    Exercise "Sawing firewood."

Work in pairs, participants stand in two lines.

Instruction: “Now we will cut firewood with you. Imagine that you have a two-handed saw and a log; one condition: the saw must maintain its size, that is, not shrink or stretch. Let's drink! (After 1 minute.) You can change the pace, try sawing faster and slower. Swap partners ... We are sawing again!

Questions for reflection:

    Who did you cut wood with?

    Was it easy to cut?

    Who was the leader and who was the leader?

    "Slivers on the Water"

Participants stand in two long rows, one opposite the other. These are the banks of the river. The distance between the rows should be more than an outstretched arm. Slivers will now float along the river. In turn, the chips should “float” along the river. Participants in the game "shores" help with their hands, gentle touches, and the movement of the chip. When the sliver swims all the way, it becomes the edge of the shore and stands next to the others. At this time, the next chip begins its journey.

    "What I have learned."

    I learned…

    I have learned that…

    I like it…

    I was disappointed that...

    The most important thing for me was...

    I will use in my work...


Exercise "King and Queen"

Participants choose two people from their group to be king and queen. They sit down on a makeshift throne (preferably with an elevation). The task of the rest of the participants is to come up and greet the king and queen separately. The greeting can be in any form. "Monarchs" also welcome the participants.

Analysis : This is an exercise in discovering the "protections" of the personality. Each of the participants, based on the game situation, must endure some humiliation - a bow to the king; and each in his own way will have to "defend himself" from this traumatic situation. It is analyzed who and how avoided this situation of subordination.

Psychological training cohesion

The lesson was developed on the basis of the training by I. Leibman.

Training objectives : rallying the children's team and increasing the self-esteem of children.

Terms and Conditions : A space is needed to ensure the safety of children, such as a gym. For the leader, it is necessary to pay special attention to the emotional support of the group, the creation of a friendly atmosphere.

Immersion . Raise your hand those who are in a good mood right now, raise your hand those who are in a bad mood right now. Raise your hand who knows what we are going to do now. Raise your hand if you have friends in the class. There is one important condition in the training: the task is counted if all participants completed it. It is not important who is better or faster, but that everyone does it.

Let us first recall the parable: In one village the head of a large family was dying. He asked to bring a broom and invited his sons to break it. Everyone tried but though they all were strong people none of them managed to cope. Then the father asked to cut the wire connecting the broom, and suggested that his sons break the crumbling rods. They did it with ease. Father said: “When I am gone, stick together, and you will not be afraid of any trials. And one by one you are easy to break like these rods.

Today at the training we will see how you can work together. Begin.

Exercise "Build" . You can easily and quickly line up according to your height. And I will ask you to line up according to the color of your hair: from the lightest to the darkest ... And now - in alphabetical order, but do it silently. (Options - by eye color, by date of birth, etc.)

Exercise "Boots" . Everyone sits in a circle, take off their shoes and put them in the center. Mix and scatter to different ends of the class. Everyone stands up and holds hands.Exercise : everyone should put on shoes without separating their hands. If the circle breaks, everything starts all over again. After the exercise, ask next questions: Are you satisfied with how you performed the exercise, who helped you? What did you experience doing the tasks?

Exercise "Bumps" . For this exercise, you need mats (paper) 40x60 cm in size - at least 3, maximum 7 pieces, as well as scarves or ropes, adhesive tape (for fixing rugs on the floor). The group lines up. The legs are tied to the participants (the right of the first from the left of the second) - a chain is obtained.Exercise : go in a chain through the room along the "bumps". The guys are told that there is a swamp in front of them, if someone enters the swamp, it starts all over again.

Exercise "Pyramid" . For the exercise, you need a 40x60 cm mat (one or two).Exercise : stand on this area for 1 minute, without any points of external support. After the exercise, a discussion is held: how it was agreed, what did not work out and why.

Exercise "Candle of Trust" . All participants stand in a circle shoulder to shoulder, arms bent at the elbows, put forward. The palms are raised up. One of the participants becomes in the center of the circle. Hands are lowered along the body, eyes are closed. He relaxes into the hands of those standing. The group picks it up and slowly, carefully passes it around. Each participant must visit the center. The exercise is followed by a discussion.

Exercise "Confusion" . All the guys stand in a circle and raise their right hand. Now you need to take the hand of any of the participants, except for your neighbor. Without unclenching your hands, repeat also with the left. Now everyone is entangled in a ball. It is necessary to unravel this tangle, holding hands. In conclusion, a summary of what happened during the training is summarized.

Psychological lesson "Circle of help"

Targets and goals:

    Increasing resistance to stress.

    Development of self-control skills based on internal reserves.

    Teaching the skills of constructive interaction.

Terms and Conditions : classroom or any other spacious, well-lit room.


    Whatman with the image of the starry sky.

    A sheet of drawing paper on which a meadow, grass, and the sun are drawn.

    Colored and white paper.


    Various visual media.

    Record player.

    Soft music.

Exercise 1. "Find your star"

Target : an opportunity to relax and gain optimism and self-confidence.

Time: 20 minutes.

Instruction . Sit in a circle and close your eyes. Take three deep breaths and exhale ... (music sounds).

Now imagine a starry sky. Stars big and small, bright and dim. For some, this is one or more stars, for others - countless bright luminous points, either receding or approaching at arm's length.

Look carefully at the stars and choose the most beautiful star. Perhaps it looks like your childhood dream, or maybe it reminded you of moments of happiness, joy, good luck, inspiration?

Admire your star again and try to reach it. Try your best! And you will definitely get your star. Remove it from the sky and carefully place it in front of you, take a closer look and try to remember how it looks, what kind of light it emits.

Now run your palms over your knees, down to the soles of your feet, and stretch sweetly, open your eyes. Take a sheet of paper, colored pencils and draw your star. Cut and attach it to our starry sky.

Exercise 2

Target : development of communication skills, imagination, group cohesion, cooperation.

Time: 20 minutes.

Instruction . Take a sheet of white paper and choose the most pleasant color of the pencil. As soon as I turn on the music, you can start drawing whatever you want. As soon as the music stops, you pass your sheet along with a pencil to the neighbor on the left and he finishes on your drawing what he sees fit to complete the image. Then I stop the music again, and the sheet is passed on in a circle until it returns back to the owner.


    Did you like what happened?

    Was it difficult for you to support the theme of another person's drawing?

Exercise 3

Target : stress relief, creating a warm, friendly environment based on trust and understanding of others.

Time: 15 minutes.

Material : a sheet of drawing paper, on which a meadow, grass, the sun, colored and white paper, scissors, various visual means are drawn.

Instruction . See how light it is in our group. It is filled with light and warmth of our hearts. Imagine that we are in a wonderful sunny meadow, where many flowers grow. These are daisies, and dandelions, and cornflowers. Everyone in this clearing will find their own flower. Now take paper, pencils or felt-tip pens and draw a flower that you imagined. Write a wish to the group on it, color it, cut out this flower and stick it on our sunny meadow.

Look what a beautiful meadow with flowers turned out to be! If we come closer to her, we can read the wishes and feel the aroma of fabulous flowers.


    How did you feel after doing this exercise?


Guys, look at the sky and the meadow that we got! These stars will shine for us, radiating kindness, friendship, mutual assistance, and support. Look carefully at them: none of them are the same.

Now pay attention to our clearing. It turned out bright, unusual and it has a piece of each of you. I am sure that this glade will radiate heat and sunlight, warming you.

And the stars and flowers are all different, just like you and me. But they all found a place in our symbolic sky and symbolic meadow. They are friends, support each other, warming with their kindness, which you gave them.

I hope that these symbols will help you develop friendship and warm relations in the class, when each student in the class will feel the support of his comrades.

Our meeting has come to an end. Thank you for your active participation in the lesson.

Goodbye! See you soon!

Exercise "Flight of a white bird"

Leading : Sit as comfortably as possible, relaxed, close your eyes, cross your arms and legs, right arm and right leg on top.

I am lying on the warm yellow sand, above me is a calm, clear, blue sky.

Flying smoothly in the sky White bird. I rise and fly next to her, I myself am this white bird.

I am flying in a calm blue sky, below me is a calm blue sea.

A yellow sandy shore appeared in the distance, it is approaching. I fly up, land on the warm yellow sand, turn back into a human and lie down on my back.

I am lying on the warm yellow sand, above me is a calm blue sky, I am relaxed, resting.

A pleasant coolness touched my feet. Pleasant coolness filled the muscles of the legs. Muscles are light and vigorous. Pleasant coolness filled the stomach, back muscles. Muscles are light and vigorous. A pleasant coolness filled his chest and arms. It's easier for me to breathe. A pleasant coolness filled my neck and head. The head is clear and clean. Muscles are light and vigorous... Three deep breaths, I open my eyes, I stand up. I rested!

Communication skills training (communication)

Relevance of the training:

Communication has always been significant in a person's life and his personal development.

The problem of communication is traditionally in the focus of attention of domestic social psychologists due to its importance in all spheres of human life and social groups. A person without communication cannot live among people, develop and create.

In structure interpersonal communication distinguish the main content of communication, namely: the transfer of information, interaction, people's knowledge of each other. The transfer of information is considered as a communicative aspect of communication; interaction as an interactive aspect of communication; understanding and knowledge of each other. Therefore, it is important to be able to communicate, competently convey your thoughts so that you can be understood.

Purpose of the training : Development of communication skills.


    practice persuasion skills

    develop the ability to find arguments in favor of your position

    develop the ability to find an approach to people

    emphasize the importance of intonation in the process of communication.

    development of non-verbal communication skills.

    educate effective ways communication.

Requirement for participants:

    The training is designed for students.

    Quantity 10-16 people.

    The level of preparation of the guys is comfortable shoes.

Training plan

1. Org. Moment 1 minute

2. Introductory talk 2 minutes.

3. Warm up:

Target : Acquaintance of the participants of the training with each other.

Exercise "Seven heroes" (20 minutes)

Target : to develop persuasion skills, the ability to find arguments in favor of one's position, presentation skills.

4. Main body:

Breakfast with a Hero Exercise (30 minutes)

Target : to train the ability to convince the interlocutor.

Target : learn about ways to lift your mood.

Target : to work out the skills of persuasion, the ability to find an approach to people.

Equipment: nameplates, for cats.

Target : emphasize the importance of intonation in the process of communication.

Equipment : Business card-sized cards with emotion names printed on them.

Target : - development of the skill of non-verbal means of communication.

Target : to teach effective ways of communication.

Break 30 minutes.

Exercise "Three Laws of Communication" (20 minutes)

Target : develop skills non-verbal communication, group discussion, logical thinking.

Target : Discharge, mutual assistance, "saving physical contact."

Requirement : Spacious, safe room.

Target : find out what problems exist in communication.

Equipment : paper, pens.

Listening exercises (25 minutes)

Target : awareness by participants that in their behavior helps the partner to speak openly and in detail about their problems and condition and that may worsen his condition. Introduction to listening techniques.

5. Org. End:

Target : Finish the training, cheer up.

Conversation: 10 minutes.

6. Reflection: 85 minutes

Total time : 6 hours.

Hello! My name is... Today I will conduct a training for you, which will be devoted to communication.

Communication permeates our entire life, it is the same human need as water and food. In conditions of complete loneliness, auditory and visual hallucinations begin on the sixth day. He communicates with these non-existent images.

Communication is the exchange of information through language or gestures. Communication is the communication interaction of people or social groups. In the process of communication between the participants of communication, there is an exchange of various kinds of information.

Let's get to know you, for this we introduce ourselves to each other.

Exercise "This is my name" (20 minutes)

In a circle, everyone takes turns saying their name. Then he says something about his name.

For example, he might try to answer questions like:

    Do I know who chose him for me?

    Do I know what my name means?

    Who else in the family bore this name?

Reflection (5 minutes)

    Was it easy for you to talk about your name?

    If not, why not?

We are surrounded by a lot of interesting things, and the whole world around us is moving and in a hurry. All life is moving: rest, work, relatives, friends, that is, our entire environment does not stand still. But do not forget that everything is moving around you, you can very well manage all the events taking place around you. The most important thing is correct communication and easy communication with other people and the whole world, the art of communication is very important. And learn how to communicate correctly, naturally and easily, so that everyone understands and remembers you for a long time, no matter who it will be, friends or enemies, you need to find an approach to everyone, you need to easily communicate with everyone.

Renowned psychologist Dale Carnegie advises avoiding arguments like rattlesnakes. He believes that 90% of the participants in the dispute are convinced that they are right even more firmly than before. The fight is almost impossible to win. Since if you emerge from the dispute as a winner, then you lose a friend, a partner in the transaction. This is natural because a person feels uncomfortable losing an argument.

For the place of the dispute, the interlocutor can be convinced, find arguments in favor of his position.

Now we will practice persuasion.

Exercise "Seven Heroes" (30 minutes)

One participant will play the role of the princess. Who wants? Divide the rest into teams of 3-4 participants.

Let's, in order to practice the ability to convince, remember and play out the tale of A.S. Pushkin about the dead princess and the seven heroes. In particular, the episode where the seven heroes, with whom the princess lived, persuade her to marry one of them and stay with them forever. It will be the same in our fairy tale, but the bogatyrs, who have undergone a series of trainings and possess the gift of persuasion, will be better than fairy tales to convince the princess to abandon Prince Elisha and stay in their house. Each mini-group will have to prepare the most tempting offers in order to persuade the princess to stay with them, to show her all the advantages of such a fairy tale ending.

You are given 5 minutes to prepare, after which one messenger from each group speaks, addressing the princess with his arguments.

Reflection (10 minutes)

After the performances, the princess talks about whether she wanted to stay with the heroes, what pluses and minuses she saw in the performances of each.

What emotions did you experience while doing this exercise?

Next exercise "Breakfast with a Hero"

"Breakfast with a Hero" (30 minutes)

Required material . Paper, pencils.

Imagine the following situation: each of those present has the opportunity to have breakfast with any person. It can be a celebrity of the present, or a historical figure of the past, or an ordinary person who impressed you at some point in his life. Everyone must decide for himself who he would like to meet and why.

Write down your character's name on a piece of paper. Now divide into pairs, in a pair you need to decide which of the two heroes you will meet. You have 2 minutes to discuss.

Now the pairs are combined into fours, which, in turn, need to choose only one hero. You have 2 minutes to discuss.

Now the quarters are combined with each other and within 2 minutes they choose one hero.

And now everyone unites and decides with whom you will have breakfast.

Reflection: (10 minutes)

    Why did this hero stay?

    It was easy to give in and why did you give in?

Mood plays a role in conversation. What ways to cheer up are, now we will find out and move forward in one.

Exercise "And I'm happy" (10 minutes).

We are sitting in a circle with you, we need to put another chair.

The one with the empty chair on the right starts. He should move to an empty chair and say: "And I'm happy." The next one, who has an empty chair on the right, changes seats and says: “Me too”, the third participant says: “And I am learning from ... (says the name of any participant)”. The one whose name was called runs to an empty chair and names a way to cheer up, then everything is repeated by analogy from the beginning. Names cannot be repeated.

Reflection: (5 minutes)

Which of the proposed ways to cheer up seemed to you the most interesting?

Our next exercise is called "Leopold"

Exercise "Leopold" (25 minutes)

One “mouse” is selected from the group, all the rest become “cats”.

Each "cat" receives a piece of paper with his name, one of them is called Leopold, and all the rest - other cat names, for example, Vasily, Murka, etc. At the same time, a participant of any gender can become a Leopold, and the coach emphasizes this to the group.

The coach reminds the group of the plot of the Leopold cartoon. In this cartoon, the friendly and harmless cat Leopold is trying to make friends with the mice, which are constantly playing dirty tricks on him.

In this exercise, the cats will also need to convince the mouse that they are harmless and can be dealt with. The trick is that of all our cats, only one is called Leopold and it is he who wants to make friends with mice. All other cats are dangerous predators who only pretend to be friendly. The task of each cat is to convince the mouse that he is the harmless Leopold. The task of the mouse is to identify the real Leopold.

The cats are given 5 minutes to prepare, after which they perform, explaining to the "mice" why they are harmless. "Mouse" evaluates the performances and says which of the cats she believed.

Reflection: (5 minutes)

Issues for discussion.

    Why do we trust one person but not another?

    What can be done to make us more trustworthy?

Intonation plays an important role in communication. One and the same phrase, the word can be said in different ways.

Exercise "Send in one word" (20 minutes)

I will give you cards on which the names of emotions are written, and without showing them to other participants, you will say the word “Hello” with an intonation corresponding to the emotion written on your card. The rest guess what emotion the participant was trying to portray.

Now I shuffle the cards and give them to you again.

The same task, only now we read a short rhyme "they dropped the bear on the floor."

List of emotions.








    Cold indifference.




    Willingness to help.




Reflection: (5 minutes)

How easy was it to guess the emotion from the intonations?

In real life, how often in a telephone conversation do you understand from the first words what mood your interlocutor is in?

In addition to verbal communication, there is non-verbal communication.

Non-verbal communication is all signals, symbols, gestures, manners, timbre, facial expressions, that is, a non-verbal form of communication, mutual understanding.

Exercise "Universal Attention" (10 minutes)

All participants in the game perform the same simple task by any means, without resorting to physical actions and without talking, you need to attract the attention of others. The task is complicated by the fact that all participants perform it simultaneously.

Reflection: (5 minutes)

    Who managed to attract the attention of others and at the expense of what means?

Exercise “Ask for a chocolate bar” (15 minutes)

Let's choose a driver. To do this, tell me who is the fairest in your group? (vote).

(The fairest one becomes the driver, he sits in the center).

I give him chocolate. Your task is to take turns asking the driver for a chocolate bar, so that he wants to give it to you. After each round, the driver says to whom he would not give a chocolate bar (selects 2 participants), they are eliminated. Until there is a winner. Everyone has 30 seconds to request. The winner gets a chocolate bar.

Reflection: (5 minutes)

    Which way of asking was the most effective?

Let's take a break to rest. Meet me here in 30 minutes.

The break is over and we continue.

Everything starts with communication. What should it be? There are certain rules of communication. AT different times different peoples were different. But there are basic ones that are common to all.

Here are the ancient commandments of communication:

    trust who you are talking to

    respect who you talk to

    when communicating with a person, do it in the best way.

When addressing a stranger, it is important that the words are friendly, appropriate, that the look and smile, and the whole look are in your favor. When talking, you need to look the person in the eye, and the look should be friendly and clear.

Exercise "Three Laws of Communication" (15 minutes)

The group is divided into 2 equal parts (humans and aliens). Earthlings go beyond the audience. I give instructions to the remaining aliens: “A ship of Earthlings has arrived on your planet. Their task is to find out in any way the rules by which you communicate with the guests of the planet.

These rules are:

Male earthlings can only be answered by females of your planet, and only “yes” to all questions

For female earthlings, only male aliens answer all their questions, and always “no”

Contacts between individuals of the same sex from different planets are impossible (refusal is demonstrated non-verbally, without words, but expressively).

The Earthlings are coming.

For Earthlings instruction : “You arrive on the planet of aliens, on which the 3 laws of communication operate. You can, in any way you want to make contact with the Aliens. Your task is to understand these 3 laws. You have a maximum of 15 minutes to do this, but you can stop the game if you are ready to give an answer sooner.”

Reflection: (10 minutes)

    How are you feeling?

    What happened now?

Questions to the "earthlings":

    What helped the group come to a decision?

    What would you do differently if you had to do the same exercise again?

    Question to all, what conclusions can be drawn from this work?

Next game to loosen up.

The game "Talking - hugging" (10 minutes)

The driver can overpower someone who does not have a pair (you need to hold on tight to a pair). If a trio is formed, you can salute the one who joined last.

Now we will find out what problems there are in communication, and look for ways out.

Exercise “My communication problem” (20 minutes)

You write on separate sheets of paper in a short, concise manner the answer to the question: “What is your main communication problem?” The sheets are not signed. The sheets are folded and folded into a common pile. Then each participant randomly takes any sheet, reads it and tries to find a technique with which he could get out of this problem. The group listens to his proposal and evaluates whether the relevant problem is correctly understood and whether the proposed technique really contributes to its resolution.

Reflection: (5 minutes)

    How did you feel while doing the exercise?

Speech plays a major role in communication. Literally everything is important in the process of “speaking”: how the interlocutor is addressed, what is said first and what is said later, whether the words correspond to the tone of the statements, etc. Even ancient philosophers noted that conversation is a real art. It is surprising that people, knowing about their inability to speak in public and striving in every possible way to learn this, practically do not think about whether they manage to successfully communicate with people around them - friends, colleagues, relatives, etc. Meanwhile, it often happens in life that we want to say one thing, but, without realizing it, we say something else or do not find words at all to express some important thought or feeling.

The most important non-verbal component of the communication process is the ability to listen. When a person carefully listens to another person, literally everything is in him - his eyes, posture, facial expression are turned to the speaker, which, in turn, influences the interlocutor, helps him formulate his thoughts, open up, be as sincere as possible. Absent-mindedness, indifference, indifference can lead to the opposite result.

Listening exercises (25 minutes)

The group members sit in a circle.

Instruction : Now we will take a short walk along the seashore. Please sit comfortably and slowly close your eyes. Pay attention to your breathing, feel it: the air passes through the nose, throat, enters the chest, fills your lungs. Feel how energy enters your body with each breath and unnecessary worries, worries, tension go away with each exhalation ... Pay attention to your body, feel it - from the feet to the top of your head. You are sitting on a chair (in an armchair), you hear some sounds, you feel a breath of breeze on your face. Maybe you want to change your posture so do it. Now imagine that you are by the sea. You slowly walk along the shore. Look around carefully: what colors, sounds, smells surround you... Look at the sky, at the sea. Pay attention to your state: what emotions, feelings you have, how they change during the walk. You are not in a hurry and you can safely move on. You may want to go into the water and swim or sit on the shore. Do it...

And now it's time to return to this room, to our circle. Do this at a pace that is comfortable for you: you can immediately open your eyes or sit still with your eyes closed.

Now we will share our impressions with each other. To do this, we will create groups of 3-4 people. Try to have in the same group with you mostly those with whom you have not worked in a small group.

(After the groups have formed.)

Now everyone in turn will tell about their impressions, about those images, experiences, states that they had during our “walk”, and the rest will carefully listen to the narrator without asking questions, without commenting or interpreting what they heard. Try to catch those moments when you stop listening. Spend about 3-4 minutes on each story.

Reflection: (5 minutes)

    At what point did you stop listening?

Our training is coming to an end.

Handshake exercise (1 minute)

“We all worked productively today, and everyone deserves gratitude. While I count to five, you should have time to thank each other with a handshake.

Reflection at the end of the training: (15 minutes)

"So let's summarize...", "Let's redefine what we discussed..."

What are you taking with you?

I say goodbye to you.

Training sent by Julia

Cohesion training

Purpose of the training : group cohesion and building effective teamwork.

“Cohesion is an opportunity for a team to become a single entity in order to achieve specific goals and objectives. You have common goals– studying in this college, getting a good education, an excellent diploma! And in order to more effectively achieve these goals, all of you need support, and you can get it in your group! After all, only a close-knit team achieves many peaks and victories!”

Training objectives:

    formation of a favorable psychological climate in the group;

    finding similarities among group members to improve interaction between them;

    initial diagnosis of the psychological atmosphere in the group;

    awareness by each participant of his role, functions in the group;

    development of the ability to work in a team;

    group cohesion.

Phases of training:

1. Introductory phase

Phase Goal : Acquaintance of participants with each other, with the facilitators, as well as with the objectives of the training, the rules of working in a group.

Name of exercises : "The Meaning of My Name", "Group Rules"

Time: 5 minutes.

Necessary materials : Name cards, pins, markers, rule sheet.

2. Contact phase

Phase Goal : Establishment of a favorable psychological climate in the group, warm-up.

Name of exercises : "Merry Score" ("Jump Turn")

Time: 5-7 minutes.

3. Labilization phase

Phase Goal : Formation of an active working mood, diagnostics of the psychological atmosphere in the group.

Name of exercises : Tower of Babel, Similarity Search, Let's Line Up

Time: 20-25 minutes.

Necessary materials : Pictures depicting animals, forms for diagnostics by the number of participants, drawing paper, felt-tip pens, cards with individual tasks.

4. Learning phase

Phase Goal : Development and mastery of skills leading to group cohesion, development of the ability to interact in a team, finding common ground between participants.

Name of exercises : "Who is faster", "Puzzles", "House"

Time: 30 minutes.

Necessary materials : Animal cards, puzzles.

5.Final phase

Phase Goal : Debriefing, stress relief

Name of exercises : "Talking Hands", "Circle", "Gifts to the Group"

Time: 10-15 minutes.

Necessary materials : Animal cards.

Total time: 80 minutes.

1. Exercise "The meaning of my name"

Target : to enable participants to emphasize their individuality.

Time: 5 minutes.

Resources : cut pieces of paper, felt-tip pens, pins.

Exercise progress : The facilitator offers to get acquainted and do it as follows: all group members need to make business cards with their training name. Everyone has the right to take for himself any name that he wants to be called in the group: his real, game, name of a literary hero, name-image. Then, when the business cards are ready, everyone in turn is invited to give their name, and then tell the story of its origin.

2. "Group Rules"

Time: 2 minutes.

Resources : drawing paper with already written rules.

    Be active.

    Listen to each other without interrupting.

    Speak only on your behalf.

    If the information is addressed to someone specifically, then address this person directly, and not talk about him in the third person

    Do not distribute or discuss outside the training what is happening in the classroom

    Avoid criticism when doing exercises, if there is a need to criticize something - wait for a discussion

    In case of unwillingness to perform any exercise, the participant has the right to refuse without explaining the reason for this, but he must publicly declare his refusal.

3. Exercise "Funny count"

Target : Removing the internal tension of the participants, uniting the group through the joint and simultaneous performance of the exercise.

Exercise progress : The facilitator calls a number that does not exceed the number of people in the group. The named number of participants stands up. Synchronization must be achieved in the exercise, participants should not confer.

: the exercise allows participants to feel the other, to understand his thoughts in order to more effectively complete the task.

Discussion : Why couldn't you complete the task at first? What helped you complete the task?

4. Exercise "Turn in jumps"

Target : activation of the group, rallying.

Time: 2-3 minutes.

Description of the exercise : Participants disperse in space so that the distance between neighbors is at least half a meter, and stand facing in one direction. Further, on the conditional signal of the leader, everyone simultaneously performs a jump in place. When jumping, you can turn in any direction by 90, 180, 240 or 360 °. Everyone decides for himself where and how much to turn, it is impossible to agree on this. Each next jump is made at the next signal from the position in which the participants landed earlier. The task here is to ensure that after the next jump, all participants land with their faces turned in one direction. The number of attempts required for this is recorded.

The psychological meaning of the exercise : Such a task cannot be successfully completed as long as the participants approach it without being guided by the actions of the neighbors. And in this case, it is possible to successfully predict the actions of others only based on the perception and prediction of the intentions of others. In addition, the game serves as a good warm-up, allows you to activate the group, relieves tension.

Discussion : Is it possible to successfully complete this task, acting on the principle of "every man for himself?" Obviously not. You can try very hard, but nothing will work if you do not try to understand the intentions of your neighbors and do not convey your intention to them. But how to do it?

5. Exercise "Tower of Babel"

Time: 15 minutes.

Resources : colored markers, drawing paper, pre-prepared individual tasks.

Exercise progress : Participants are divided into 2 teams. Each team member is given an individual task. Individual tasks: briefly written on separate sheets, each sheet is strictly confidential to one participant. For example, “The tower must have 10 floors” - a sheet with such an inscription is given to one participant in the training, he has no right to show it to anyone, he is obliged to make sure that the tower drawn together has exactly 10 floors! The second task: “The whole tower has a brown outline” is a task for the next participant. “A blue flag is flying over the tower”, “There are only 6 windows in the tower”, etc. Participants are not allowed to speak or use their voice in any way.

It is necessary to jointly draw the Tower of Babel. The execution time is limited (5-7 minutes).

The psychological meaning of the exercise : During the exercise, participants learn to coordinate their actions, interact in a team. Developing non-verbal communication skills.

Discussion Q: Was it difficult to complete the task? What did you find the most difficult? Was the group interaction successful? Why?

6. Exercise "Search for similarities"

Target : Cohesion of the group through finding similarities among its members.

Time: 20 minutes.

Resources : cards with the image of animals, sheets of paper.

Exercise progress : Each team must write on the sheet the similarities (first team) and differences (second team) in their group.

The team that writes the most similarities or differences in a certain time wins. The number of named similarities and their quality are taken into account.

The psychological meaning of the exercise : The exercise works effectively for group cohesion, as participants begin to look more closely at each other and find that there are much more similarities between them than they previously thought.

Discussion : Try to lead the participants to the idea that although they are all so different, there are much more similarities between them than it might seem at first glance.

7. Exercise "Let's line up"

Target : learning to distribute roles in a team, compare yourself with another participant on similar grounds.

Time: 10 minutes.

Exercise progress : “Now we will see how your common features manifest in each of you individually! The task of the participants is to line up in one line in height. At the same time, you can't talk. Then the task becomes more difficult - they need to line up by the date and month of birth, by the length of their hair, by the remoteness of their place of residence from the college, by the colors of the rainbow in their clothes.

The psychological meaning of the exercise : Participants get to know each other better, learn effective teamwork.

Discussion Q: Was it difficult for you to do this exercise? Why? What role have you chosen for yourself? Which execution strategy was the most effective?

8. Diagnostics of the psychological atmosphere in the group

Participants are given forms to fill out.

Here are 10 pairs of words opposite in meaning, with the help of which you are invited to describe the psychological atmosphere in your group. Put up a sign? (asterisk) closest to the trait in each pair that you think is more pronounced in your group.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    Friendliness - Hostility

    Agree - Disagree

    Satisfaction - Dissatisfaction

    Productivity - Unproductive

    Warmth - Coldness

    Collaboration - Inconsistency

    Mutual Support - Malevolence

    Enthusiasm - Indifference

    Amusement - Boredom

    success - failure

9. Exercise "Puzzles"

Target : team building, training in the ability to distribute roles in a group.

Time: 10-15 minutes.

Resources : cards with images of animals, small puzzles "puzzles".

Exercise progress : Participants are divided into teams. Each team gets a puzzle. The task is to collect it as quickly as possible.

The psychological meaning of the exercise : participants in a playful way learn effective interaction in a team, learn to distribute roles, to improve the quality of work, while it is important that they are united by a common goal.

Discussion : Was it difficult to do this exercise in a team? Why? What does it take to work more effectively in a team?

10. Exercise "Who is faster?"

Target : team building.

Time: 10 minutes.

Exercise progress : The group must quickly, without words, build, using all the players on the team, the following figures:





    bird hutch.

The psychological meaning of the exercise : coordination of joint actions, distribution of roles in the group.

Discussion : Was it difficult to complete the task? What helped you do it?

11. Exercise "House"

Target : awareness of one's role in the group, style of behavior.

Time : 15 minutes.

Exercise progress : Participants are divided into 2 teams. The host gives instructions: “Each team should become a full-fledged home! Each person must choose who he will be in this house - a door, a wall, or maybe wallpaper or a piece of furniture, a flower or a TV? The choice is yours! But do not forget that you must be a complete and functional home! Build your house! You can communicate with each other."

The psychological meaning of the exercise : Participants think about what function they perform in this team, realize that they are all needed in their “home”, which contributes to cohesion.

Discussion : How was the discussion in teams? Were you immediately able to define your role in the “house”? Why did you choose this particular role? I think you all understood that every part of your “home” is important and needed in it, each has its own specific function, without which the house cannot be complete!

12. Exercise "Talking hands"

Target : emotional and psychological rapprochement of participants.

Time : 5-7 minutes.

Exercise progress : Participants form two circles: inner and outer, facing each other. The host gives commands that the participants perform silently in the resulting pair. After that, at the command of the leader, the outer circle moves to the right by a step.

Options for instructions to the resulting pairs:

    Say hello with your hands.

    Fight with your hands.

    Reconcile with your hands.

    Show support with your hands.

    Pity your hands.

    Express joy.

    Wish good luck.

    Say goodbye with your hands.

The psychological meaning of the exercise : there is an emotional and psychological rapprochement of participants due to bodily contact. Between them, mutual understanding improves, the skill of non-verbal communication develops.

Discussion : What was easy, what was difficult? Who found it difficult to silently convey information? Who is easy? Did they pay attention to the information from the partner or did they think more about how to convey the information themselves? What do you think this exercise was aimed at?

13. Exercise "Building a circle"

Time : 10 minutes.

Description of the exercise : Participants close their eyes and begin to randomly move around the room (you can make a buzz like disturbed bees; this avoids talking that interferes with the exercise). At the prearranged signal of the leader, everyone stops in those positions where the signal caught them, after which they try to stand in a circle without opening their eyes and without talking, you can only touch each other with your hands. When everyone takes their places and stops, the host gives a second prearranged signal, according to which the participants open their eyes. As a rule, it is not possible to build a perfectly even circle.

This exercise creates a very good conditions to observe the facilitator's behavioral styles of the participants. In addition, it can be used for express diagnostics of group cohesion.

The psychological meaning of the exercise : The exercise is aimed at developing the skills of coordinating joint actions, uniting the group. In addition, it allows you to develop the skills of non-verbal communication and self-regulation.

Discussion : What gives this game? Why didn't the perfect circle turn out right away? It is necessary to make it clear to the participants that in this exercise the overall coherence of their actions is important.

14. Exercise "Gift"

Target : positive completion of the training, reflection.

Time : 3-5 minutes.

Description of the exercise : Host: “Let's think about what we could give your group to make interaction in it even more effective, and relations in it more united? Let's say what each of us gives to the group. For example, I give you optimism and mutual trust.” Further, each of the participants expresses what he would like to give to the group. "Let's reward ourselves for a successful swim with applause!"

The psychological meaning of the exercise : A ritual that allows you to complete the training beautifully and on a positive emotional note.

Discussion : “Our training has come to an end. I want to ask you, what new did you learn today? What did you find useful for yourself and for the group?

Well, all the gifts have been presented, the games have been completed, the words have been spoken. All of you were active and worked well as a team. Do not forget that you are a single whole, each of you is an important and necessary, unique part of this whole! Together you are strong! Thank you all for participating!”

Training sent by Tatyana

Cohesion training

Target : team building and building effective teamwork.


    Formation and strengthening of a common team spirit, by rallying a group of people;

    Development of responsibility and contribution of each participant in solving common problems;

    Obtaining emotional and physical pleasure from the results of the training;

    Team awareness.

Age : students of a new set of 1 or 3 course.

List of participants : 15-20 people.

Working mode : 3 hours; break 10 minutes;

Relevance : It is impossible to do all the work alone from time to time still have to resort to the help of another person. In a close-knit team, mutual assistance is the key to success; without support, only a small goal that everyone has set will be achieved, but the goal of the team will remain at the zero level.

Why cohesion is important: the opportunity to plunge..., the opportunity to see..., the opportunity to hear..., the opportunity to feel..., the opportunity to experience..., the opportunity to become..., to become one team that feels, supports and inspires to new activities and deeds.

Training structure:

    Org. moment - 4 minutes

    Introduction - 5 minutes

    Goal of the task - 3 minutes

    Warm up - 5 minutes

    Main part - 2 hours 20 minutes (140 minutes)

    Reflection - 20 minutes

    Org. end - 3 minutes

The course of the training session:

    Warm-up Exercise "Please" - 5 minutes

    Exercise "You and I are similar in that ..." - 5 minutes

    Game "Atoms and Molecules" - 4 minutes

    Exercise "Line up for growth!" - 5 minutes

    An exercise " Typewriter" - 15 minutes

    Exercise "Putanka" - 10 minutes

    Exercise "Train" - 20 minutes

    Exercise "Count to ten" - 10 minutes

    Game "Car with character" - 20 minutes

    Exercise "Lower the object" - 15 minutes

    Exercise "And I'm going ..." - 8 minutes

    Exercise "Crossing" - 20 minutes

    Exercise-game "Tick-tock" - 7 minutes

Structure : students sit down in a circle, when everyone calms down and is ready to listen, the training begins.

Hello. We are 5th year students and today we will conduct a cohesion training for you. The purpose of our training is to unite the team and build effective teamwork. Cohesion is an opportunity for a team to become a single entity to achieve specific goals and objectives. After all, how good it is when your friend understands and supports you, to hear and help when this help is needed, and to understand each other even without words. A close-knit team achieves many peaks and victories.

Warm-up Exercise "Please"

Target : Cheer up, and tune in to further exercises.

Exercise progress:

Option 1 . All participants in the game, together with the leader, stand in a circle. The host says that he will show different movements (physical education, dance, comic), and the players should repeat them only if he adds the word “please” to the show. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game.

Option 2 . The game proceeds in the same way as in the first version, but only the one who makes a mistake goes to the middle and performs some task, for example, smile, jump on one leg, etc.

Note : from the very beginning to stipulate that this is a comic exercise and you should not take it seriously (offended).

Exercise "You and I are similar in that ..."

Target : to get to know each other (if they don’t know each other) to get to know each other, how they are similar, in order to already find friends of interest.

Exercise progress : Participants line up in two circles - inner and outer, facing each other. The number of participants in both circles is the same. Participants in the outer circle say to their partners opposite a phrase that begins with the words: "You and I are similar in that ...". For example: that we live on planet Earth, study in the same class, etc. The members of the inner circle answer: “You and I differ in that ...” For example: that we have different eye colors, different hair lengths, etc. Then, at the command of the leader, the participants in the inner circle move (clockwise), changing their partner. The procedure is repeated until every member of the inner circle meets every member of the outer circle.


    What have you learned about others?

    What interesting things did you find out?

Game "Atoms and Molecules"

A little initial adjustment is needed: the group is asked to close their eyes and imagine that each person is a small atom, and atoms are known to be able to combine and form molecules, which are quite stable compounds. This is followed by the words of the facilitator: “Now you will open your eyes and begin to move randomly in space. At my signal (the signal is subject to negotiation) you will unite into molecules, the number of atoms in which I will also name. When you're ready, open your eyes." Participants begin to move freely in space and, having heard the leader's signal, unite into molecules. Having moved, for some time, as an integral compound, the molecules again disintegrate into individual atoms. Then the leader gives the signal again, the participants unite again, and so on.

If a last number there will be two atoms in the molecule, then the exercise serves in a good way dividing the group into pairs for further work.

* In the first session, avoid conflict situations, when, with the named number, the group cannot be divided equally and “extra members” remain, or some molecules lack atoms to the desired number.

Exercise "Line up for growth!"

Target : To overcome barriers in communication between the participants, to liberate them.

Exercise progress : Participants stand in a tight circle and close their eyes. Their task is to line up in a row in height with their eyes closed. When all participants find their place in the ranks, you need to give the command to open your eyes and see what happened. After the exercise, you can discuss whether it was difficult to complete this task (how did the participants feel) or not.

Note : The game has several options. You can give the task to line up according to the color of the eyes (from the lightest to the darkest, of course, without closing your eyes), according to the color of the hair, according to the warmth of the hands, etc.


    Did the group manage to do it?

    What helped? Supported?

    What emotions did you experience during the exercise?

Exercise "Typewriter"

Target : Development of cohesive action skills.

Exercise progress : Participants of the exercise must guess the phrase. Letters - its components are distributed among all. The phrase should be pronounced as quickly as possible, with everyone saying their letter, and in the intervals between words, everyone clap their hands.


    What helped you cope?

    What supported?

    Was it difficult?

Exercise "Putanka"

Target : Cohesion, improvement of mutual understanding of the participants.

Exercise progress : Everyone joins hands, standing in a circle and begins to get confused. When everyone got confused, and it turned out one big "confusion", you can imagine that the whole group has turned into one huge beast. Now it is urgently necessary to determine where his head is and where his tail is. (“Who will be the head? And who will be the tail?” The host asks). When the beast has oriented where its right and where its left is, it must learn to move in all directions, including backwards. And then, the beast must run, and maybe even “eat” someone that got along the way.

Discussion : What sensations and emotions did you experience while performing the task?

Exercise "Train"

Target : Cohesion, increasing mutual trust of participants, training confidence in behavior, if necessary, act in conditions of lack of information, relying on partners.

Exercise progress : 6-8 participants pretend to be a “train”, standing in a column and putting their hands on the shoulders of the person in front. All but the first close their eyes. This "train" needs to pass through the obstacles that other participants represent. With a small number of players playing part of the obstacles can be depicted with the help of chairs.

The task of the “train” is to proceed from one wall of the room to another, on the way, be sure to go around 3-4 obstacles in a circle (the leader indicates which ones) and without colliding with the rest. Obstacles depicted with the help of other players (it is desirable that those that need to go around in a circle are just one of them), when the “train cars” approach them at a dangerously close distance, they can make warning sounds - for example, begin to hiss.

The game is repeated several times to give everyone the opportunity to be both in the role of obstacles and as part of the "train".

If there are many participants and the size of the room allows, you can make the game more dynamic by running two "trains" at the same time.


    Who liked to be the “locomotive”, “cars”, obstacles more; what is it connected with?

    What emotions did anyone have while moving as part of the “train”?

    How real life situations can you compare this game?

Exercise "Count to ten"

Target : to feel each other, to understand without words and facial expressions.

Exercise progress : “Now at the signal “begin” you will close your eyes, lower your noses down and try to count from one to ten. But the trick is that you will count together. Someone will say 'one', another person will say 'two', a third person will say 'three' and so on. However, there is one rule in the game: only one person must say the word. If two votes say "four", the count starts over. Try to understand each other without words.


    What happened to you?

    If it didn't work, then why?

    What strategy did you choose?

Game "Car with character"

Target : group bonding.

Exercise progress:

The whole group must build an imaginary car. Its details are only well-coordinated and diverse movements and exclamations of the players. You can't talk during the game. Ask one volunteer (player 1) to come to the middle of the circle and tell him: “I want you to start doing some repetitive movements now. Maybe you want to alternate between stretching your arms up, or stroking your belly with your right hand, or jumping on one leg. Any action is good, but you have to keep repeating it. If you want, you can accompany your movements with exclamations. When player 1 decides on his actions, he becomes the first part of the car. Now the next volunteer can become the second part. Player 2, for his part, performs movements that complement the action of the first player. If, for example, player 1 looks up, strokes his stomach and at the same time says “Ah” and “Oh” alternately in between, then player 2 can stand behind and each time player 1 says “Ah”, spread his arms, and at the final "Oh" jump once. He can also stand sideways to player 1, put his right hand on his head and at the same time say "Ay", and for his "Ay" choose a moment between "Ah" and "Oh". When the movements of the first volunteers are sufficiently coordinated, a third player can join them. Each player must become a new part of the growing machine and try to make it more interesting and multifaceted. Everyone can choose a place for himself where he could settle down, as well as come up with his own action and exclamations.

When all players are involved. You can let the fantasy machine run for half a minute at the pace the group has chosen. Then suggest that the speed of work increase slightly, then slow down slightly, then start to stop. Eventually the car will fall apart.

Game discussion:

    At what point did you become a part of a machine? Why?

    How did you come up with your actions?

    What happened when the car speeded up or slowed down?

    How did the fact that you were not allowed to talk to each other affect your work?


Participants, breaking up in fours or fives, can depict real-life mechanisms, units, machines: an alarm clock, a coffee grinder, a motor, a glider. Players can build a machine that allegorizes a conceptual concept, such as a machine for love, war, peace, and so on.

Exercise "Lower the object"

Target : Training the ability to act decisively and, at the same time, coordinate one's own activity with the actions of other people.

Exercise progress : 6-10 participants are given a gymnastic hoop and asked to hold it horizontally on the index fingers of outstretched hands. Instead of a hoop, other objects of suitable size and weight can be used (for example, a mop or a wall table made of thick cardboard measuring approximately 1x1 m).

The task of the participants : drop the item to the location indicated by the leader. At the same time, it must constantly lie on the index fingers of all participants; if someone's finger loses contact with the object or it falls, the game starts over.


    What did you experience while doing the task?

    If so, what are they connected with, how did you manage to overcome them?

    If not, what helped to immediately coordinate joint actions?

Exercise "And I'm going ..."

Target : relaxation of participants, relaxation.

Exercise progress : Participants sit in a circle. There is one more chair in the circle. One of the participants, clockwise, sits down on an empty chair and says: "I'm going." The next participant, along the chain, moves to an empty chair and says: "And I'm next." The one following him, sits down on a vacant chair and says, "I'm a hare." The next one, changes seats and says: “And I'm with ...” (name of any participant). The named person moves next to him. Thus, the circle is broken, and the whole chain begins anew. Each time, the participants move clockwise faster and faster.

Exercise "Crossing"

Target : Cohesion, "breaking" of spatial barriers between participants, training of confident behavior in a situation of forced physical rapprochement, the need to solve a non-trivial task in interpersonal interaction.

Description of the exercise : Participants stand shoulder to shoulder on a strip 20-25 cm wide. The game is more interesting if this strip is not just a line on the floor, but a small elevation: for example, a gymnastic bench, a curb stone on the side of the road or a log in a forest clearing. Each participant takes turns moving from one end of the line to the other. Neither he nor those who stand in line can touch anything outside the lane on which the participants stand.


    What kind psychological qualities did you experience this exercise?

    What happened to you, did this exercise cause you discomfort?

Exercise-game "Tick-tock"

Target : The game is fun and easy, helps to relieve the tension of the previous exercise.

Exercise progress : Participants give each other a sound transmission: “tic” - to the right, “tock” - to the left in a circle. "Boom" - means a change in the direction of sound transmission. Any participant in the game has the right to change the direction of the transfer.


    What psychological qualities did you manifest while participating in the training?

    What feelings did you experience?

    What did you learn about yourself, about the group?

    How will you use this knowledge?

    What have you learned?

    How will this be useful in the future?

    What was important?

    What are you thinking about?

    What happened to you?

    What needs to be developed for the future?

Org. the end:

Thank you very much for coming to our training, we hope that it will not pass without a trace in your life, we hope that something will be useful to you and that you have thought about something and will work in this direction. Goodbye.

Participants of the training leave the audience.

Training sent by Alexandrova Julia

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