How to open a trampoline center where to start. trampoline center

Designers and all those who know how to use graphic editors, are in-demand workers on the Internet.

Businessmen and moneymakers constantly need different promotional materials. For each banner, you can earn a couple of tens of dollars, and spend no more than an hour on its development.

How to make money creating banners? In order for such an activity to bring tangible profits, you first need to learn how to draw beautifully.

Without professional skills, it will not be possible to do quality work, and development depends on this. is different, the development of promotional materials also applies to it.

Earnings on banners

This is a guide for beginners, because in order to develop something really interesting, you need to perfectly know Photoshop and similar utilities.

Beautiful banners are expensive, and they are also ordered for certain sites or immediately in large packs.

Often for affiliate program a series of promotional materials is required, and for such a volume, the designer receives more more money(although it can make almost the same banners, changing only the size):

Usually, clients prefer to negotiate with freelancers individually, so prices are not always indicated.

Everyone has different requirements, and in order to interrupt orders, it is advisable to create a portfolio for yourself. It is not difficult to do this, on all freelance exchanges it is proposed to add examples of work. Some remote workers create portfolios in Vkontakte albums.

Websites for making money on creating banners

There are many specialists who are ready to draw banners, so you have to constantly look for sources of orders. In addition to the fact that they sometimes appear on social networks and forums, specialized resources have been created.

Choosing the most popular freelance exchanges, a stable influx of customers is ensured:

It is better to use several systems, then earnings on banners will be much more productive. It is important not only to provide yourself with orders, but also to increase popularity, this allows you to raise prices in the future.

A common way to make money on your Internet resources is to place banners - small pictures with a built-in hyperlink to the advertiser's project.


The effectiveness of the use of banners is due to the fact that images attract much more attention than a link. Therefore, the number of transitions to the advertised web resource increases.

About earnings on placing banners

Earnings on banners are suitable for any site

This method of monetization is suitable for different (by subject, format and attendance). As a rule, top portals work directly with advertisers, negotiating the cost, place and terms of placement, as well as transferring all necessary materials. It is easier for small sites to search for advertisers on automated services, like Rotaban.


The advantage of Rotaban is a way to fine-tune the performance of advertising platforms and advertisers' resources. The webmaster does not have to search for suitable candidates.
  • It is enough to mark the specific parameters of the sites and wait for offers.
  • The second advantage of the exchange is the automation of the process of installing banners and paying for them. You do not need to negotiate with advertisers yourself, the service will do it for you.
  • The next advantage is the detailed site statistics - the number of impressions, attendance, CTR.
  • The fourth advantage is the security of the transaction. The owner will not remove the banner before the agreed time. In turn, the webmaster can be sure that the placed banner leads to a site that does not contain viruses or prohibited content.

There are disadvantages.

  • We note two shortcomings of Rotaban. The first is a high commission (15 percent of the price of placing a banner). Let's just say it's a lot. Therefore, there is no reason for top portals to work with Rotaban.
  • The second disadvantage is a small referral rate (1%). You will receive only 1% of the earnings of people involved in the service. More I have already stopped


The service offers work with 6 banner options:
  • Rich Media;
  • 240×400;
  • nopline;
  • 300×250;
  • ScreenGlide;
  • Expand.

The service does not work with sites that have less than a thousand visitors per day. The content of the site must not violate the laws of the Russian Federation, contain adult content or profanity. The site owner must be registered as an individual entrepreneur.

Webmasters get half of what the advertiser pays. Shows are held on the basis of an auction. The selection of applicants for the impression takes place depending on the targeting settings and the analysis of visitor behavior.


Through the Nolix service, advertising is sold in the form of a text line. According to the assurances of the service, this is the most effective of the tools because it provides:
  • the largest number of loyal thematic visitors;
  • one of the minimum percentage of failures;
  • relatively low advertising costs.

How much can you earn on banners?

Let me give you an example from the stock market. As you can see from the screenshot, by selling banners on the site, you can earn about 6000 rubles.

Method evaluation -

Hello my blog readers.

How much money do you think can bring, using the Internet? My answer is, of course, you can, but how much and how, you will learn from this article!

In one of my previous articles, I told you how you can earn money by posting advertising banners on your blog or website. Of the three proposed options, I recommend a fully automated method of working with advertisers.

However, not everyone knows that even the creation of banners can generate income and not small. The niche is free, there is practically no competition, and the opportunities for earning are great.

On every blog or site, you can see advertising banners of various sizes, shapes and designs.

They attract the eye, I want to know: what is hidden under this dynamic picture. By the way, not all blog owners know how to make banners for the site on their own, because they think that it is very difficult and time consuming. It is easier for them to place an order with a freelancer and pay for his work.

So, before thinking how to make a website banner ad, you need to understand what it is all about. Let's deal with this.

Banner types

It is clear that you want to start doing everything right now and take on an interactive banner. I want to warn you now!

To create it, you need skills in Photoshop and GIF-animator. So you need to start with the simplest, gradually increasing your experience and quality.

Depending on the type, size and number of banners, earnings on them will also grow. It's one thing to make a simple static picture in 30-40 minutes, and quite another to make an animated colorful banner.

Of course, their cost varies greatly. Estimated price of a static banner - from 100 rubles, animated - from 1000 rubles and more.

Earnings on advertising banners

Now on the Internet there is enough free information about all this. Everything can be found, but the question is: what is the quality of the training material?

Will everything be clear to you? Searching for grains of wisdom in the vast ocean of the Internet is tantamount to searching for a needle. After all, you can try to infinity, learn and learn. As a result, the head will be a complete mess, since there is no system. And the desire to do something can come to naught.

You need to understand the most important thing - in order to start making money, for example, by creating advertising banners, you need to become a master in your chosen business and learn from the masters. In order to understand the basic techniques for creating banners, it is not necessary to spend several years of your life.

Video course « How to make a banner will help you quickly get used to this business, get trained and start earning. This course brings together all the experience and developments in creating colorful banners: animated or static.

Already during the study of the material and application in practice, I strongly recommend:

  • with which you will work constantly. Be sure to check its performance regarding the withdrawal of money to your bank card or, like a Yandex wallet, the possibility of ordering your own card.

  • Register on the selected exchange freelancers: kwork. If you feel that you can cope with the influx of customers, you can register on all exchanges.
  • Fulfill your first order and thereby find your customer. Get the first earned money and the most precious thing - experience and self-confidence.

Basically, these simple steps allow even a beginner to make money on banners. It is not difficult to learn this in a couple of days, but, let me remind you, you can earn very well.

The most important– do not stop at the achieved results. Only the desire to do better, to learn more, will lead to you not orders, but regular customers. And this is a completely different level.


Write your comments on this information, I will be glad to hear your feedback and opinions!

Sincerely, Alexander Gavrin.


Hi guys! With you Alexander Borisov! In this article I will tell you how you can make money on your website or blog on banners, as well as increase traffic to your resource with the help of their relatives. I hope to explain what banners are not necessary. =)

So! You have your own website! What's next? What do you need to do to earn? Everything is simple. To make money, you need to sell advertising spaces on your site, getting money for it and place advertisers' banners on them (other webmasters or any companies).

And in order to increase traffic to your site or blog accordingly, you need to pay other webmasters to place your banner on their resource, it will sparkle on their site, people will see it, click on it and get to your site! Everything is simple!

So! And where can you find these advertisers or webmasters, how much can you earn on banners and what actions do you need to take to start earning by placing banners on your site or increase traffic to your resource?

Read this information very carefully! Let's look at two options:

1. Earnings by placing banners on your site.
2. Increasing traffic to your site by placing your banner on another site.

How to make money placing banners on your blog:

Let's start with earnings on placement of banners! Just imagine what a person (you) needs to do to start making money on banners. You need to find an advertiser who agrees to pay you for placing his banner on your site, negotiate, agree on terms, methods of transferring money, etc., this is very inconvenient and it’s not a fact that some kind of hell will deceive you and won't pay you!

So here it is! Now everything has been simplified a lot and earnings on banners are almost automatic! To do this, special banner advertising exchanges have appeared on the Internet where absolutely every webmaster who has his own website or blog and wants to make money on it can simply register and the advertiser will find him and offer to earn money.

I will not explain now about the work of each exchange separately, I will tell only about one, very good, convenient and well-known, and I will also show what you need to do so that you can earn money by placing banners on your site! It's about the banner ad exchange - Rotaban. All other services work on the same principle!

Before registering, do you happen to want to ask me how much you can earn per month on banners? I answer - it all depends on the quality of your site, on its attendance, on its subject matter, TIC (thematic citation index), PR, etc.

In general, the cooler your site, the better! I know guys who make 80-100 banners per month! Cool, yeah? Of course, but to earn so much you need to develop your site very cool! This is what I strive for, but so far there are no banners and annoying ads on my blog =)

Do not be discouraged, even on a site with a traffic of 100-300 people per day, you can earn 2000-3000 rubles. per month! Let's get started! You have a website and you want to make money by placing advertisers' banners on it! What are you doing?

And now everything is in order. OK. Registered! I don't think there is anything difficult! Next, click on the top " Webmasters " " Control Panel " and Add a new site to the system! Please read the rules before doing so! The system does not accept all sites, there are requirements on the right when adding a new site!

Specify in the columns URL the address of your site, Site name, short description and write keywords. ATTENTION!!! Be specific, because advertisers will find you for these keywords.

If your site is about business, write business, if it’s about earnings, then write earnings, if construction, then construction, etc., you don’t need to write, for example: “How to make money on the Internet” or “growing tomatoes in winter”, that’s all should be short, by the way, there can be a maximum of 5 words separated by commas!

Feedburner feed address or Twitter account address can be omitted, if you want to! You also need to upload a photo of the site (screenshot), the image size must be strictly 280 × 210! After the site has been moderated and added to the system, you need to go back to the webmaster's control panel and click the link "Add a place " on your website.

Adding a place means determining the place on your site where the advertiser's banner will be placed, how much it will cost, etc.

Click and watch.

Target: If you want the advertiser's banner to be shown on all pages of your site or blog, then leave this field as it is!

Title: This is the name of the banner place on your site, for example: "sidebar banner", "header banner" or "bottom banner"

Place: choose a place

Zone size (in pixels): choose the size of the banner that will be placed on your site.

Price in rubles: specify the price. (if you don’t know what price to set, then set any for now, read my article further and I think decide on the price)

Number of banners: specify the number of banners (let's say in the sidebar you have a place for 4 banners, then you can put 4, if you want not to clog your site or blog, you can put 2).

Maximum number of banners: specify the number (Total number of displayed banners).

Automatically approve new banners- no comments, everything is clear!

Here is an example. I added a 125×125 banner and I want 300 rubles for it. per month! Now we need to put an advertising stub (picture) in the place of our site or blog that we specified in the settings. People who will visit your site will see something like this picture:

Some webmaster will visit your site, oops!!! “You can place ads here and increase traffic to my site,” he thinks and clicks on the picture. By clicking on it, he will get into the rotaban system and see how much it costs to place his 125x125 banner on your site! Also, if you added other advertising spaces, he will see them too! You can add different banners, both small and large!

If he decides to place a banner, he will pay the amount you specified for the month in the Rotaban system, and you will only need to confirm the placement of the banner on your site. You never know if he advertises a porn site, and you have a site about growing cucumbers =) of course you will refuse, although who knows. =) Visitors to your site will read about growing cucumbers and at the same time look at naked aunts and uncles =). Okay jokes aside!

In general, if you refuse an advertiser to place his banner on your site, then the money paid by him will be returned to him back! By the way, you can set up automatic placement of banners on your site, that is, you will not need to confirm anything, as soon as the advertiser pays for the placement of the banner, it will immediately appear in place of the advertising stub!

Speaking of her! We haven't set everything up yet!

1. Use a branding cap (you can see it in the picture).

2. Upload your own picture 125×125 to your server and specify a link to it in the line "Own picture" Ad block I advise you not to put a runner!

Now you need to copy the code placed in the first form and place it right after the opening tag your site. Usually the code is placed in the index.php or index.html file, if a blog, then header.php.

The second code you need to place in right place your site or blog where the advertiser's banner will sparkle in the future! In the meantime, there will be an advertising stub (picture).

Ready! Wait for orders! I think I explained everything clearly and in detail! There will be questions write in the comments!

How to promote a blog with banners?

Now let's move on to increasing traffic to our site or blog by placing your banner or banners on other sites! Now we pay, not us! It's just as easy to do! There are 2 options here.

1. You accidentally visit some cool site, you like it, it is well visited, you would like to see your banner on it, and then suddenly you see the very Rotaban advertising stub. Everything is clear, click on it, go to the Rotaban website and buy a banner placement for a month.

2. You yourself search in the Rotaban system in the "Buy" section for the sites you need on which you want to place banners .

I think the first option is not worth explaining, but with the second, let's go into more detail. So! We are looking for sites where we want to place our banner. We go to the section " Buy " and immediately see a list of sites where you can buy banners! By the way, if you have already added your site to the system, you can find it there and see how the banner sale works!

Now we need to choose the sites we need, the right topics, good TIC, PR, good traffic, etc. Immediately, first of all, put “Advanced Options” on the top right - " Pages in Yandex " . On the left in the column, you can select the sites you need according to various parameters.

In the line "search by name / domain / tags" you can search as the sites themselves that you already know or simply enter, for example, a keyword corresponding to the subject of your site. Let's say I enter words, earnings, business, work, website development, etc. I get a bunch of different sites on similar topics!

Now you can click on this site and see how much it costs to place banners on this site, price, size, as well as look at the site itself and see if it is worth placing your banner on it!

OK! Selected - click - " Add to cart " and now you need to add the banner itself of the sizes indicated.

Click " Add banner " , enter Alt text (the inscription that will be displayed when you hover over the banner with the mouse) and the URL of the transition - this can be either the main page of your site or any other, even internal!

Loading the banner itself on the right.

Ready! Click " Add " , after " Buy " — pay Webmoney and that's it! This is how traffic to your sites rises! This is only due to banners, I will write about other ways in other posts! Well, this is where I end the scribble, I hope you understand everything! Register, increase traffic to your sites and earn accordingly!

Sincerely, Alexander Borisov

Every year, the entertainment industry offers the latest technically sophisticated attractions for the consumer. They amaze with variety, modifications, additional functions and scale. The price of such equipment can reach millions of rubles. But, time passes, and the demand for entertainment gradually fades away. It is impossible to artificially maintain the client's interest in a particular installation or complex. This is due to the fact that the thirst for adrenaline is increasing, and modern man is looking for new opportunities to achieve it.

However, among the technical monsters, trampolines have occupied their niche. It would seem that an elementary design without complex elements, but is popular at all times and at almost any age. Soft installations have long gone beyond complex playrooms. Separate placement allows you to consider them as a full-fledged trampoline business plan.

The target audience

The trampoline business has no clear age limits. Visitors and regulars of the attraction are active children and adults. It can be representatives of street sports:

  • parkour;
  • freestyle;
  • jumping;
  • skateboard.

Some areas of fitness training involve jumping with elements of gymnastics. Serious athletes train the vestibular apparatus with trampolines. Such institutions are also chosen by heads of firms for team games, team building.

The flow of visitors will depend on the location. In percentage terms, if you organize a business in a shopping and entertainment center, it looks like this:

  • Preschool age - 15%. Children up to 7 years old.
  • Schoolchildren and teenagers - 65%. Age from 7 to 18 years.
  • Adults - 20%.

All orientation goes to middle group. In the future, the work schedule, placement, marketing development plan will depend on this.

Room selection

Open trampoline center easy, harder to find the right room. A minimum of 350 sq.m. is required. Choose a room with high ceilings, considering the type of equipment:

  • 6 meters - for standard jumps;
  • 8 meters - for professional athletes and acrobatic elements.
  • 5 meters is the standard for the children's area.

Don't forget load-bearing floors. The load on them is not less than 400 kg / sq.m.

According to psychologists and experts, a visually spacious area on a subconscious level guarantees the visitor own safety. Pay attention to this aspect. The occupied meters for installations make up 65% of the total space.

Depending on the format of the institution, choose a room. An entertainment and park complex implies a large separate building with several rooms or one wide one. The sports and training base has in its arsenal professional equipment Classes are held with a trainer by appointment.

Entrepreneurial people buy or rent abandoned industrial buildings, make repairs, equip the premises and work successfully. Such lofts are distinguished by high ceilings, huge window openings, good ventilation and air circulation.

Some formats require additional meters for preparatory activities: jogging, warming up, elementary simulators, wall bars. A locker room and a bathroom are necessary for sports arenas. If accommodation is planned for mall, visitors can use the restroom of the complex.

Technical equipment

From the business idea of ​​a trampoline center, we move on to equipment. It is important to choose a reliable supplier here. This market segment is not developed at a sufficient level, so 80% of representatives are amateurs with no experience and good suggestions. China produces over 90% of installations. Certificates of conformity to GOST, a technical passport issued by the manufacturer are required.

At this stage, decide on the direction on which the devices depend. In a standard institution for children and adults with accommodation in a shopping center, 5 trampolines of 50 square meters are required. meters. In total, the coverage will be 250 sq.m. Basic units:

  • lining mats;
  • trampoline net tension;
  • springs and fasteners;
  • inflatable trampoline with a slide;
  • pool filled with foam figures or plastic balls.

In addition to a professional environment, get:

  • changing shops;
  • tables and chairs for waiting;
  • reception desk;
  • place technical staff and instructor;
  • flooring.

Weight 1 sq. meters of quality trampoline material is 650 grams. The mass of the whole attraction reaches 700 kg. Inflatable complexes are made by sewing, the lines are welded with a special industrial press. The kit includes an electric pump for uninterrupted maintenance of pressure inside.

If there is no climate system in the future room, purchase a high-power industrial air conditioner. For a musical background, place acoustics around the perimeter. Without a modern fire alarm system, the work of any public center is impossible.

Equip the client area with video surveillance. Recordings from cameras will be useful in solving conflict situations and controversial issues that may arise in the course of work.


Trained employees are as important as the previous points. Before you open a trampoline center, select staff. Trampolines are a traumatic business and the employee is responsible for the life and health of visitors, so hiring young people and students who are looking for casual jobs can result in serious consequences. For a small establishment:

  1. Operator-instructor. Minimum 2 people.
  2. Administrator. His powers include settlements with clients, maintaining social networks and website, telephone consultation.
  3. Cleaning woman.
  4. Security guard.
  5. Accountant. This position may be available remotely.
  6. If the institution has a cafeteria - a bar employee.

For example, a bungee ride with rubber bands needs the help of an instructor. Choose strong, physically fit guys from professional sports. For them, such an offer is attractive - in their free time, athletes can conduct personal training.

Personnel need to systematically undergo targeted briefings. Preparatory courses or attendance at first aid seminars - predominantly.

Business registration

Before buying inflatable trampolines for business, register the business and collect the necessary permits.

As in any other case, there is a right to choose to open. In the first case, a minimum number of documents is required, and the state duty is 1000 rubles. The taxation system is also simplified. The state provides benefits for individual entrepreneurship. But such legal organization provides very modest opportunities for further development.

Choosing the Company, you can easily create a large-scale project with further branching of branches and even cooperation with foreign partners. For an LLC, you need authorized capital 10 000 rub. and a developed provision, where job descriptions, goals, types of activities, organizational relations, features of the implementation of activities, the procedure for liquidation.

When registering indicate the following codes OKVED:

  • 40.4 - Rental of inventory and equipment for recreation and leisure.
  • 33 - Activities of fairs and amusement parks.
  • 72 - Other activities for the organization and conduct of recreation.

Without the appropriate permits from the sanitary and epidemiological station, fire inspector, Rospotrebnadzor, it is impossible to start work. Each trampoline must be registered with Gostekhnadzor. The following package of documents is required:

  1. Lease agreement or title documents for land and premises.
  2. Assigned Qualified Personnel: Engineer, Technician, Maintenance Specialist.
  3. Conclusion laboratory research on fastenings and systems of trampoline equipment.
  4. Statement.

After submitting all the papers, expect the visit of the inspector for an engineering inspection. After that, the corresponding document is issued. You need to obtain an operating permit every year. It's easier to get it than registration.

The equipment does not require sanitary and epidemiological control. Enough hygienic conclusion.

Cost calculation and payback

Calculating expenses and income is an important part of a business plan. The biggest cost is equipment. A quality trampoline is not cheap. The price of one canvas with a complete set starts from 40,000 rubles. A quality unit with a service life of 5 years costs 100,000 rubles. On average, on technical equipment 500,000 rubles are needed.

Office equipment, reception desk, locker room and bathroom equipment- 300,000 rubles. Registration of documents, licenses and permits- 10,000 rubles. With income taxation, contributions to the state are 6% of profits.

Wage operator - 15,000 rubles, administrator - 15,000 rubles, accountant - 18,000 rubles, cleaners - 7,000 rubles.

Monthly rent and communal payments - 150,000 rubles. Repair, installation of video surveillance, air conditioners, music speakers, lighting- 300,000 rubles.

Total initial investment - 1.5 million rubles. These figures may increase or decrease depending on the region, the scale of the enterprise.

The cost of visiting the entertainment area varies, and the rates depend on the time, duration of the session and the type of attraction. Income directly depends on your business conditions and surrounding competitors.

According to experts, the net profit in high reaches 60,000 rubles. It is affected by seasonal fluctuations. For sports and specialized arenas, develop season tickets.

At first glance, a frivolous business has a high profitability. Payback occurs after a year. The right marketing advertising campaigns, promotions and events will turn air jumps into cash.

Use Rubitime's online booking CRM system: the service will help you analyze the performance of your business and interact productively with your customers.