A bird made of plasticine. The scheme for sculpting a bird from plasticine - everything ingenious is simple! Photo step by step

Titmouses are small and nimble birds with a beautiful bright yellow breast color. These birds are quite common and are very fond of deciduous forests. But also the titmouse is a frequent guest of city squares and parks. Especially often they visit places mastered by man in winter period when they need feeding. Tits are absolutely picky in food, but most of all they love sunflower seeds, pumpkins and unsalted lard. Birds living in city parks are not shy, so they easily make contact with people and can be well seen, which the child will be delighted with. By the way, the titmouse is an excellent plot for modeling from plasticine. Our step-by-step photo lesson will help you master the technique of creating this bird.

You will need the following materials:

  • plasticine;
  • stack with a sharp end;
  • toothpick;
  • plastic knife.

How to make a titmouse from plasticine

Step 1. We fashion the body of a titmouse. We roll a whole block of black plasticine into a ball. Pull it out a little to form a drop shape.

Then we create a ball from a piece of mass and glue it to the rounded part of the body. The head is ready.

Step 2. From yellow plasticine, we need to prepare two thin cakes.

Gently glue them on the front of the body, leaving a black stripe along the breast. Press the edges of the cakes into the base.

Step 3. Glue a piece of dark green mass on the back, making a smooth transition from the head to the back.

Step 4. We fashion the tail. We pinch off a piece of black and gray plasticine and knead it to make beautiful stains. We form a ball out of it, and then roll it into a cone and flatten it.

In the upper part we make an incision and attach the tail to the body.

Step 5. From black and gray plasticine we create wings. We fix the finished elements on the sides of the base.

Step 6. With a stack or the tip of a knife, we begin to draw the texture of feathers on the wings, tail and back.

Step 7. Glue white cakes on the cheeks.

We make indentations under the eyes a little higher. Glue white and then black balls into the holes.

Step 8. We complement the muzzle with a black mini-beak. And on the eyes of the tits we glue tiny white highlights.

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Sparrows surround us everywhere - they live on city streets next to people and are always looking for crumbs and grains. Adults, at times, do not notice these playful chirping birds, but the children rejoice when they see them. We invite you to mold your sparrow from plasticine, thereby introducing children to exciting creativity. Although the birds look brown, it is necessary to use several additional shades, such as beige, white, black. In general, modeling a sparrow from plasticine differs little from creating any other bird.

Other bird lessons:

Step by step photo lesson:

Knead lighter brown or beige plasticine, roll into two balls.

Stick one ball on the second, make a smoother detail, hiding the transition between the torso and head.

Attach the brown flatbread to the head and to the front of the chest, making a smooth transition at the neck.

Add a small sharp beak, it is better to make it from gray plasticine, also stick two black stripes - the base for the eyes.

The tail should be shaped like a triangle. Pull the plasticine into a cake of the appropriate shape and size, cover the surface of the part with many notches from above using a stack.

Attach the tail at the back.

In the form of wide commas, which are a mirror image of each other, complete the wings. Stick on a few white stripes and also make cuts in a stack.

Attach the wings to the sides of the body, starting from the neck area and laying them on the back.

Make also gray paws with three fingers.

Turn the bird with its belly towards you and attach the paws to the light area.

Here is such a plasticine sparrow turned out, of course, he does not jump, does not chirp and does not peck bread crumbs, but it looks quite believable.

Irina Kazantseva
Modeling "Bird"

Synopsis for the section "The world of arts and artistic activity (modeling) ", on this topic « birdie» (OO "Artistic and aesthetic development") in middle group MBDOU №26

Target: introducing children to the reception sculpting birds in a constructive way.


Educational: teach children to sculpt birdie in a constructive way, conveying the oval shape of the body; learn to pull and pinch small parts: beak, tail, wings; use the stack.

Educational: to cultivate love for birds, the desire to take care of them.

Educational: develop fine motor skills of hands.

Material and equipment: plasticine, boards for modeling, napkins, sponges, stacks, toy birdies, recording of a musical work by M. Rauchverg « birdie» , multimedia.

preliminary work: looking at illustrations, slides depicting birds, observing in nature, guessing riddles, memorizing poems about birds.

The course of educational activities:

Children in a group play on their own. Suddenly a melody « birdie» (music by M. Rauchverg).

caregiver: Guys, what is it? Where does this music come from? Who do you think this tune is about?

Children: ABOUT birdie.

Gradually, an animated birdie who looks around for 20 seconds. Interested children approach the screen. If not all children paid attention to the screen and did not approach it, then the teacher He speaks:

caregiver: Guys, who is our guest? Look at the screen. Let's come closer and find out what he wants birdie?

The teacher with the children approach the screen on which birdie flapping its wings and asks:

birdie: Guys, I'm bored alone. There are many of you in the group, but I am alone. You have fun together, you are friendly guys. I also want to have friends. Help me find them.

caregiver: Guys, let's put it together birdie and geometric shapes.

Didactic game "Collect birdie from geometric shapes. The teacher monitors the correct laying out of geometric shapes during the game birds, if necessary, provides assistance and support with leading questions. Invites the children, if they wish, to conduct a self-analysis of the actions performed, to explain why he completed this task in this way.

caregiver: Guys, what can be done from another bird? Children's answers (from clay, plasticine, acorns, paper).

caregiver: Guys, do you have a desire to help our guest? Children's answers.

caregiver: And what is needed for this?

Children: Need plasticine, boards, stacks, sponges and napkins.

The teacher draws attention to the fact that everything you need is on the tables. The children take their places.

caregiver: Guys, tell me what rules for working with plasticine do you know?

Children: It is necessary to moisten hands with water, work with plasticine in the palms, use napkins.

The teacher draws the attention of children to the oval shape of the body, an elongated nose, beak, to the decoration birdies. Children examine birdie are considering it. The teacher draws the attention of children to body parts, their size and proportions.

caregiver: What is the shape of the head?

How many wings does birdies? What birds do you know? What is the difference between birds and cats and dogs? For what the bird needs a beak?

Guys, let's think, where do we start our work?

Children: You need to divide a piece of plasticine into two parts.

caregiver: What is the shape of the bird's body? (Oval)

Children in the air show tricks sculpting round objects(roll up a lump of plasticine between the palms in a circular motion). Connect the body and head birdies. Let's compare with your sample birds.

The screen shows the stages of the scheme sculpting birds.

caregiver: We made beautiful birds, but they are silent and do not chirp. What do they lack? (children's answers). Today I will teach you how to bird beak and tail. (show on sample). Let's try new tricks sculptures in the air. Children show tricks modeling: pulling and pinching and doing work with plasticine. Look guys how beautiful we got a bird. She really wants to fly. Let's play a game "Storm and Birds".


Game Goals: development of dexterity, coordination of movements. This game has a general strengthening effect on the body.

Players - they will "birds"- must come together "flock". At the opposite end of the room, place chairs - these are their nests on a tall tree.

At your signal « The birds are flying away players begin to run around the room, waving their arms.

As soon as you speak "Storm", the players must run to their "nests" and get into them as quickly as possible to take cover.

But the bad weather does not last long, and after your announcement "The storm is over" players must get out "nests" (get off chairs) and continue your "flight".

The game is repeated several times.

caregiver: Children, let's remember how to sculpt birdie? What did we do first? (children's answers). How did you sculpt the body, beak, tail? (Children show everything in the air).

appears on the screen birdie and sees a flock of various birds, blinded by children. The teacher refers to birdie:

caregiver: Look what girlfriends - the birds blinded you children.

The bird thanks the children: “Thank you very much, now I have new friends. I won't be bored.

caregiver: Guys, now you can sculpt such beautiful birds, teach your friends, parents.

Related publications:

With kids 2-3 years old, it is advisable to play games for the development of sensory-mathematical representations. Such games develop thinking in children.

ARTISTIC AND AESTHETIC DEVELOPMENT (MODELING) Topic: “A little bird flew to us, I will give grains to a little bird” Objectives: - to activate.

Description: the master class is designed for children of senior preschool and primary school age, teachers and parents. The craft is done.

Master class for children preschool age. « Dymkovo toy whistle bird ". Part 1. Sculpting.

Children cannot stay focused on one subject or activity for a long time, this is dictated by the peculiarities of their psyche. If we are talking about plasticine, then the complexity of the craft should be directly related to age characteristics child.

At the very beginning, one-year-olds can try to sculpt very simple shapes. For example, balls and sausages. When the child is 3 years old, he will show more interest in such creativity. At this age of a developing personality, it is already possible to show a master class in modeling any animal or bird. It is interesting to sculpt from plasticine if there is an adult nearby who shows, encourages and tells along the way interesting stories about the sculpted character.

Although the ostrich is an inconspicuous bird that does not fly, this feathered one arouses genuine curiosity. He has long legs, small wings, and he also hides his head in the sand at the slightest danger. Not all parents have the opportunity to show their offspring a real ostrich farm, but photos of this bird are available to everyone. It can be molded from ordinary plasticine.

Plasticine ostrich bird - master class:

1. Blind a large drop from black plasticine. Use a wire to stabilize the legs and neck.

2. Stick yellow plasticine on the neck, insert one end into the front of the body, and on the second place a small round head made of yellow plasticine.

3. At the junction of the torso and neck, make a border of white feathers. On the front, add a beak and two eyes.

4. To create wings, you can use multi-colored plasticine and cotton wool. Connect small cakes together, then process with a sticker. Blind a small tail.

5. Attach the wings and tail to the body.

6. Make a crest out of cotton. From brown plasticine and the remaining wire, blind the legs, insert them into the lower body.

Plasticine ostrich bird is ready!

More plasticine birds for children:

Modeling from plasticine is a mandatory activity in preschool institutions. Such creativity develops thinking and motor skills, allows you to give free rein to your imagination and helps to reveal your creative potential. Children of different heroes sculpt, even whole compositions. They often include birds. Sculpting birds is not an easy task, but you can always learn how to do it well.

The teacher always bases his classes on a set of rules, methods, manuals. That is why the abstract of the lesson on the topic "Sculpting birds" is always taken as a basis. It must indicate the purpose of the lesson, what children should learn, what materials will be used. After all, the task of the educator is not only to keep children busy, but to introduce them to new skills.

junior group

The abstract is divided into several important points. The algorithm for creating a bird from plasticine is described in stages, in detail and in an accessible way. Be sure to indicate the motives of the lesson and the main goal.

IN junior group children are just beginning to get to know many birds. That is why, before embarking on creativity, you should first show what this bird looks like, talk about its features and habitat. You can do this with the help of an image in a book or specially visit a park, a zoo, so that the child can clearly get to know her.

The summary for the educator on this topic will look like:

The purpose of the lesson: to instill in children a love for birds, to interest them in making such birds from plasticine. It is also important to develop existing skills and teach children new modeling techniques. Cultivate a sense of beauty, instill a correct perception of the world around.

Techniques that are used during training: practical, verbal, visual, artistic word to enhance perception.

Material for the creative process: a bird - a toy, as an example for modeling, plasticine, a board, napkins.

Preliminary work: bird watching, teacher's stories about birds, reproduction of thematic poems.

Lesson progress:

The teacher puts the children near the tables. He places boards in front of them, and lays out the material. Also, there should be a bird in front of the children - a model for an example. A toy can be used for this.


“Children, an unusual guest flew to us today - a sparrow. We can see him outside our window every day. The sparrow is a small bird, so it needs human care. For this, people build feeders and houses for them. Today we will sculpt this bird from plasticine. But in order for us to succeed, we must first stretch our arms.

The teacher shows how to do a little exercise. Further continues:

"Now let's sit down at the table. In front of you you see the materials that will be needed for work. You need to pick up plasticine and divide it into two parts. One will be larger and the other smaller. From a large piece you need to blind the oval body of the bird. To do this, roll the plasticine a little in the palms.

From a small part we will make a ball - this is the head of a bird. Now you need to make a beak on the head - an obligatory element of the bird. To do this, you need to pull the plasticine a little. To make the wings and tail, you need to "pinch" the material.

Now we take plasticine of a different color and make a plate out of it. We put our bird there. We take yellow plasticine and make grains by pinching it off. Put it on a plate next to the bird.

The teacher waits for the children to do everything. He can help and advise.

Then you can recite several thematic poems.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher holds an exhibition of works and repeats the learned material. To do this, children are asked questions: “What bird did we meet today?”, “How to fashion a beak?” etc.

middle group

In the middle group, children are well acquainted with the modeling technique. They can also name many birds by analyzing them. appearance. That is why the creative process is faster and more exciting.

The abstract should begin with the purpose of the lesson and a description of the materials at hand..

Purpose: “To consolidate the knowledge of children about birds, to teach how to create three-dimensional figures with small elements. Children should distinguish where the birds are larger and where they are smaller, different shapes of wings and torso. Hone familiar modeling techniques (rolling clay, pulling it, etc.) and teach new ones. To instill love and respect for birds.

Materials: plasticine, plank, drawings depicting birds.

Working process:

Educator: “Children, the cold has come. We can see many birds that fly in search of food. It is very important to help them and leave some seeds, grains or just bread crumbs in the feeders. What birds do you know? (children answer).

The teacher continues:

"Each bird has its own distinctive features: characteristic body, wings, tuft or beak. To make a realistic figurine, you need to carefully study it. Before you are pictures of birds. Study them carefully and proceed to sculpting.

After viewing the pictures, the main work process begins:

“Take plasticine and divide it in half. From one part you need to make a torso. It must be oval. To do this, we clamp a piece between the palms and roll it out.

We will divide the second piece into 2 more parts: from one we will make the head, and from the second - paws and a tail.

Now we take the head of the bird and make a beak, dragging the plasticine. We attach the head, paws and tail to the body.

We make eyes from plasticine of a different color, you can make a crest if the bird has it.

At the end of the lesson, the children look at each other's work and name the types of birds that their classmates blinded.

senior group

Children must distinguish between birds that fly away for the winter, and which, on the contrary, fly to these parts for the winter. The children are able to sculpt small details carefully.

Purpose of the lesson: learn to sculpt birds from plasticine, small elements for it, continue acquaintance with birds, study thematic poems and fairy tales.

Materials: plasticine of different colors, a board for work, a plastic knife.

Working process:

Educator: “Guys, today I propose to mold your favorite bird from plasticine. Everyone has their own, so you need to decide what kind of bird it will be on your own.

Take plasticine and divide it into 2 parts. From one you need to blind the body of a bird. It must be long. From the second - the head. On the head, using the splitting technique, make a beak. Sculpt wings and tail on the body.

Separately, you can also make a neck for a feathered one from a small amount of plasticine. Connect all elements together.

Now take a knife and cut out the eyes and mouth. You can also make feathers in this way.

The teacher at the end of the lesson can tell interesting stories about those birds that were fashioned by children.

preparatory group

Every year the skills of a young sculptor improve in kindergarten. IN preparatory group the child knows many different modeling techniques, uses auxiliary tools for work, design skills.

The purpose of modeling in the preparatory group: to teach a child to make complex compositions, role-playing stories with the participation of birds, to teach forecasting the stages of a lesson and analysis end result. It is important to sculpt voluminous objects and install them on some kind of basis.

Modeling in this group involves working without a template, that is, children first study the material, and then start working. There is no example before their eyes, all information must be kept in their heads.

It is important to convey the correct posture of the bird. She should not only sit on a branch, but peck grains, spread her wings, etc. The theme “Magic (fabulous) birds” can also be taken, revealing which, children must use their imagination.

The theme "Bird - a toy of folk crafts" can also be used. In this activity, children are introduced to different techniques murals and moldings (Dymkovo, Gzhel, etc.).

The teacher should introduce children to 3 types of modeling techniques:

  1. Constructive - sculpting a single figure from several elements. This means that at first all the components of the bird are molded separately, and then they are combined together.
  2. Plastic - modeling comes from one whole piece of plasticine. This happens by pulling all the elements from the torso.
  3. Combined - a combination of the above methods in one.

During the year, the teacher can include such "bird" topics in the program:

  • poultry;
  • birds from a fairy tale;
  • poultry yard;
  • are flying migratory birds South;
  • bullfinch;
  • crow, etc.

At the end of the lesson, the results should be summed up: what was new learned, what technique the children got acquainted with, what worked and what did not.

Scheme for sculpting a bird

The scheme for sculpting a bird directly depends on the type of bird that needs to be reproduced from plasticine. But there is a general algorithm of actions that can be adjusted in a particular case.

Complete the task step by step:

  1. First you need to choose the right color of plasticine. Improvised materials will come in handy here: drawings, videos and toys - birds. With their help, you can accurately determine the color of the bird, whether it has individual characteristics body structure.
  2. Then you need to sculpt the body. It should be proportional to all other parts of the craft.
  3. Work continues with the body: wings are molded separately or from the main piece of plasticine.
  4. Then you need to blind the head, it has a beak, eyes, crest.
  5. The legs and additional elements will complement the work - a twig, a perch, grains or a feeder.

You can get acquainted with the scheme of sculpting a bird in more detail with the help of drawings.:

sculpt a magpie

sculpt a crow

plasticine owl

Sculpting birds younger group, detail with photo

In order for the modeling of birds in the younger group to be successful, children must first be interested: tell stories, read poems or show a video.

At the age of 3-4 years, children still cannot do modeling without a sample. Therefore, a template must be shown. The teacher is obliged to show the children their workplace: pay attention to materials, safety measures.

The choice of object depends on the subject of the lesson, but you should choose a bright, remarkable bird. So children will be more interested in being creative. For example, you can fashion a parrot.

The progress of the work is detailed in the image.:

The teacher should help in case of difficulties, because the main thing is that the child likes the process and wants to improve.

The video will allow you to consider the process in more detail:

Sculpting a bird, the second junior group, step by step with a photo

Wider opportunities open up for children during the modeling of a bird in the second younger group. The guys are already familiar with the technology and have a desire to sculpt something new.

You can offer to fashion a chicken or a chicken. Such a poultry is closely familiar to most children, so it will not cause difficulties.

You need to complete the task in stages, as shown in the figure:

You can supplement the composition with grains that the chicken can peck at, or eggs in the nest.

If it was decided to sculpt a chicken, then you should watch a step-by-step video:

Sculpting birds in the middle group, in detail with a photo

Modeling birds in the middle group is distinguished by the presence small items, increasing the level of skills and abilities. In one lesson, children can fashion not only one bird, but several birds. You can also make a complete composition: make a feeder, nest, chicks.

What topic to take for work? You can take as a basis all the familiar birds from the game " Angry Birds". Heroes can be distributed among children. The result is a complete set of characters.

The detailed progress of the work is shown in the picture:

Another hero of the famous game is performed like this:

To make the composition complete, you can sculpt not only birds, but also their "friends": caterpillars, worms, insects.

Sculpting migratory birds middle group, step by step with photo

The lesson on modeling migratory birds in the middle group should begin with getting to know such birds. The teacher should tell which birds fly away for the winter to warm lands, and which ones, on the contrary, fly home for the winter.

To do this, you can use this poster:

Now you can choose the right bird. A striking example would be a swallow - a symbol of the change of seasons.

The sculpting process is shown step by step in the image:

The work involved 2 colors of plasticine: blue and white. In this case, a constructive technology was chosen - modeling from several elements.

After the creative process, children can be shown a cartoon featuring these birds. For example, "Thumbelina" is suitable.

Bird modeling lesson senior group

Efficiency and skill are characterized by a lesson in sculpting birds in senior group. For the same time as was allotted in the middle group, now the guys can make a whole family of birds.

Also, in the older group, you can already use new tools: a plastic knife for modeling and a needle for embossing. They will help create a voluminous, believable plasticine figure.

Here is such a cute bird family that can turn out as a result:

Thanks to a knife and a needle, the work goes faster, and the result is very realistic.

Such a composition can even be placed at the craft competition from the group.

Sculpting a bird in the preparatory group

All the skill that has accumulated during the visit kindergarten, can be shown in the bird modeling classes in the preparatory group. Now the children are able to independently come up with the theme of their work, realize their plans, using several techniques, and compose a complex complex composition.

Also, a plus is that children already know how to cope with the task faster, they know safety precautions.

What can be molded to children who will soon go to school? You can choose absolutely any topic, everything will be done. One of the most complex and painstaking is the topic "Dymkovo modeling technique". It involves the use carved elements, peculiar forms characteristic only of such a technique. In this case, it is important to correctly sculpt every detail so as not to disturb the overall theme.

The modeling algorithm is shown in the figure:

Modeling birds on the feeder, step by step with a photo

An important point of education is to instill in children responsibility and empathy for animals and birds. Modeling birds on the feeder will help to emphasize this.

The basic algorithm of actions remains unchanged:

  • you must first fashion a bird;
  • then start making a plasticine feeder;
  • mold food.

Modeling a bird begins with the fact that you need to divide the material into two parts and make a feathered body out of one.

Then you should separately sculpt the head, wings, paws.

Then - make eyes and a beak out of plasticine. Connect everything and form a bird.

Separately make a feeder from the same material. You can simply roll out a “pancake” from plasticine and make grains - food for birds.

Even real seeds can be used as feed. This will make the composition more realistic.

Sculpting is a useful activity that develops hand motor skills and brain activity no worse than logic tasks. Acquaintance of children with birds will be much more productive if you sculpt them. From childhood, a child should understand how important it is to help feathered friends and take care of them.